AAAAAAH this new chapter!!! Everything that just happened????
Fuck Derrick and Nina obviously, they can go to hell. Hope she doesn’t come crawling back once she realises (and prob don’t experiences) how much of an asshole he is.
BUT JAVI!!! Him including himself in her wonderful future, the building Lego together 🥺 THE I LOVE YOU???? The glorious smut and Steve!!!! And Javi being the happiest he’s ever been! 🥺😭 I think this might be my absolute favourite chapter so far. I just love that they’re so happy and in love and aslfjslskbsgs!!!
I just want them to stay that way forever and just be happy and cute and in love 🥺 I really hope they don’t let anything or anyone ruin things for them, I will get my 🔫🔪 and protect them!!
this was probably my favorite to write as well!!! there’s just something about Javi as a character, like i just can’t help but write him as a reluctant hopeless romantic 🥹
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Although im super excited and happy that you get a book deal ; im sad my constant go to comfort read won’t be there for me to read whenever i want; with the way it’s already written.
HOWEVER; I am looking forward to seeing what new changes, scenes etc will be added to it. When will this be released? Will there be a paperback? Digital? I don’t have Kindle so hopefully there’s plenty of options for purchase!
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it’s currently up on ao3 (guess_my_next_obsession) and you can download a copy of it there to have when i take it down, if that makes it any better!!
so i’m very much still figuring these logistics out on my own so everything is basically subject to change, but i’m shooting for a late August/early September release on KU and paperback available on Amazon :) but any specifics beyond that are still being worked out 💗
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like just let them fuck, steve! 🙄
Guilty as Sin? — Chapter Eight
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, minor angst (javi is not the cause), unprotected piv, the professor kink gets a moment to shine, also maybe an anti-breeding kink?? vasectomy kink?? idk, these two are rudely interrupted by a special guest
word count: 5.2k
series masterlist
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You greeted Javi with an air of indifference as you stopped at his desk on the way out of his Friday night lab, though your eyes told a completely different story when you caught a glimpse of the mark you’d left on him a few nights ago when he stayed over at your place. 
Javi seemed to already know what you were thinking as he watched your eyes widen with a mixture of alarm and satisfaction, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
“Yes?” he replied, forcing himself to sound as cold as he normally did when speaking to a student. “Can I help you with something?”
You shook your head, fighting back a smile. “Just saying goodnight.”
“Mm,” he hummed, ticking his jaw to the side as gave you a purposeful once over. You rolled your eyes in order to hide the fluster his gaze brought on before turning to leave the lecture hall. He called your last name, forcing you to freeze in place, watching as the last few undergrads filed out of the room. “Would you mind staying back to discuss today’s lab?”
You slowly spun towards him on your heel, your eyebrow raised in question. With the room now empty, you were free to speak normally with him. “Is this an actual meeting or your attempt at roleplay?”
“A little bit of both,” he replied, pushing off his desk to saunter across the room, his eyes never leaving yours once in the process. “Just wanted to thank you for helping out today.”
“Well, it is kind of my job to help,” you joked, stepping close enough to smell the cinnamon on his breath. “Is that all you wanted to say? Or is there something else you need from me?”
“There’s a world of things I need from you,” he husked, settling his hands on your hips before sliding them up to the small of your back. “A kiss will do for now, though.”
“Just one?”
Javier grinned, leaning down to brush his nose against yours. “For now.” 
“I thought we said no fooling around on campus,” you breathed, the words a reminder not only to him but also to yourself. 
“That was overly optimistic, I think,” he said, tipping your jaw up as he placed a soft, almost taunting kiss on your lips. “But maybe you’re right.”
“Uh-uh,” you replied, tugging him back into you as he playful tried to back away with his hands held up in surrender. 
You kissed him, deeper this time. Javier groaned, walking you backwards until your thighs hit the edge of a desk. You gasped as he hoisted you onto the surface, your thighs bracketed around his waist. 
“We really should stop,” he panted, kissing his way down your neck. “Anybody could walk in.” 
“Then take me somewhere private,” you said, tossing your head back as he pressed his hips into yours. 
“It’s late, aren’t you tired?” he asked, though his wandering hands did little to persuade you against letting him fuck you right here on this desk. 
“Not when it comes to you,” you replied, popping one of the buttons of his shirt open to trace over the fresh hickey you’d given him last night when he showed up to your place unannounced but more than welcome. 
“Fuck,” he squeezed your hips, dragging you closer. “Spend the weekend with me. We can hole up and eat like shit and fuck and build Legos.”
You smiled at the prospect, dragging your lips up to his jaw. “I’ll meet you in the parking garage.”
“Okay,” he nodded, giving you a lingering peck that turned into another one of his signature, mind melting, knock-you-on-your-ass kisses that had you panting when he finally pulled away. “I won’t be long, just have to pack my things up.”
“No rush,” you said, giving him a smitten look. Javier let out a soft groan, holding your face as he leaned in for one more. 
Always just one more. 
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You had some time to kill as you waited for Javi to pack his things and shut everything down in the lecture hall, so you wandered into the campus cafe beside the parking structure reserved for faculty, desperate to get out of this mid-October chill. 
The doorbell jingled as you stepped in, the scent of cinnamon and coffee grounds flooding your nostrils. Stepping into the small line leading up to the counter, you glanced around the room without purpose—a nervous tick you had. As your eyes locked onto a couple in a corner booth practically swallowing each other’s tongues, you quickly wished you hadn’t. 
There, sitting on the same side of a booth, hands and lips all over each other, was none other than Nina and Derrick. 
What the fuck?
You quickly averted your eyes, just in time to step up the the counter. 
“Hi, can I get a hot chai latte and a drip coffee?” you asked, keeping your voice relatively hushed out of fear that Nina or Derrick would recognize it. 
“How would you like the coffee?” the barista asked. 
“Black, please,” you replied, recalling Javi’s signature order that still perplexed you even after a month of being together. 
After giving her your name, you waited on the other side of the room by the shelves of tumblers and mugs, pretending to shop around while you hid out from your ex-roommates. 
Unfortunately, all that hard work went down the drain the moment she called your name at the pick up counter—the one right next to their booth. 
“Fuck me,” you muttered under your breath as you gathered the courage to go over and grab your drinks. 
You tried not to look their way, but god, the sight of them together really got under your skin. You gave a careful glance in their direction, locking eyes with Derrick as he whispered something in Nina’s ear, causing her to turn towards you. 
Taking a deep breath and plastering on a smile, you turned to them as they slid out of the booth. 
“Hey,” you offered, mostly to Nina. Derrick let out a scoff and breezed past you to head outside while Nina grabbed her purse. She didn’t acknowledge you in the slightest, but too curious to back out now, you persisted. “Nina, it’s…me. You know…your friend for the last four years.”
“Oh,” she said, her tone bored as she gave you a forced smile. “Hey.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the two of them as an actual couple. 
“So you guys are, like, together?” you asked, nudging your chin toward Derrick as he waited outside. 
“Yeah,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “Is that a problem?”
“It’s just surprising, is all,” you said. “You know I didn’t lie about what happened, right? Like he really tried—“
“Well, he isn’t like that with me,” she snapped, raising a brow at you. “So maybe it was just you. Or maybe you created the whole thing in your head. Either way, it doesn’t affect me.”
You scoffed, a look of disbelief washing over your face. “We were friends before we ever met him. We went through everything together for four years, you and I, side by side. Doesn’t that affect you?”
“You made your choice, and honestly I’m glad,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “If you’d never abandoned us, D and I would’ve never connected that way. I had to pull him out of a very dark place after you left, and if you think I’m going to choose you—someone who’s always been half-out the door—over that good man? Well, I’m gonna have to disappoint you.”
“But he’s not a good man, Nina,” you argued, your disbelief turning into rage quicker than your face could keep up with. Tears still brimmed in your eyes, but that wardrum beat banging in your chest urged you to stand up for yourself. For what you knew was the truth. “He’s manipulative and narcissistic. He’ll probably marry you before the year ends, but once he puts that ring on your finger, you’ll be signing your freedom away. He doesn’t want a lawyer for a wife, he wants someone to have his kids and look after his pretty house and wear on his arm like a trophy. And you are the trophy, here, but not for the reasons he thinks.”
She let her face sour, but there was no mistaking the look of knowing in her eyes. She knew you were right, but unfortunately for her, it was easier just to ignore it. 
“Have a nice night alone,” she said, looking you up and down before turning to leave the cafe. 
You fought back tears, grabbing your drinks and heading out the door as soon as they left. Telling yourself it was the cold wind that forced a few tears to stream down your cheeks, you entered the parking garage and made it to Javier’s black BMW without running into anyone else. Javier was already seated in the driver’s seat, scrolling through his phone to find an album for the commute from campus to his apartment, when you opened the passenger door and climbed in. 
“Thank you, baby,” he said, accepting the coffee you handed over without looking his way. “Ready to go?”
“Mmhm,” you said, turning to look out of the passenger window so that you could subtly wipe your tears away. 
Javier pulled out the garage, his thumbs tapping on the steering wheel as you sat uncomfortably silent, causing him to glance over at you. 
“You okay?” he asked. You turned to him, fresh tears streaming down your cheek. “Hey, what happened? What’s wrong?” 
“It's stupid. I just...I ran into Nina and Derrick at the cafe,” you said, your voice throaty from your tears. “Guess they’re dating now. But that’s not…I’m not even upset about that. It’s just the way she treated me when I tried to say hello to her. She was so fucking cold and mean, like…just an entirely different person than the one I knew.”
He frowned, reaching one hand over to stroke his thumb over your cheek, catching a tear as it fell. 
“Also, just…” You shook your head, unable to locate the proper words to describe the feeling of losing someone that had been your best friend for so much of your adult life. “It just sucks, you know? Knowing that she picked him over me. She said believes him and told me to fuck off, basically.”
Javier let his hand rest on your thigh, taking careful glances between you and the road. “One day she’ll realize the mistake she made, cariño. She’ll be an unhappy housewife trying to reach out to you to make amends, but you’re going to be too busy with your career and me to give a single shit about her. You’re the winner in this situation, and she’ll realize that eventually.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him as he included himself in your future. A subtle, easy to miss declaration of his intent for this relationship, but one that did its job, pulling you back into the light again. You laid your hand on top of his, lacing your fingers together. “You’re gonna stick around that long, huh?”
He smiled, giving your fingers a squeeze. “If you decide to keep me around.” 
“Keep saying shit like that and I will,” you said, lifting his palm up to your lips. “Thank you for listening to my rant.”
“You never have to thank me for that,” he said. “That’s what I’m here for.”
“Oh, I thought it was just for the hot sex.” Javier let go of your hand to pinch your thigh. 
“Smart ass.”
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After a quickie that was followed by you and Javi splitting an entire pizza between yourselves, the two of you got to work building Javi’s Death Star. You remained interested for an hour or so, then chose to take a much needed shower while he kept on building. When you returned, he was still at it, tinkering away while you got to work on some assignments a few feet from him on the sofa. 
But the hours kept passing, your eyes growing tired just from watching him work. When the clock neared three in the morning, you decided it was time to pull out the big guns. You excused yourself to the bathroom, stripping out of the clothes you’d been in all day, and gave yourself a once over in the mirror, pleased at what you saw. 
You tiptoed out of his bedroom, coming to stand behind him as he sat on the sofa. 
“You’ve been at it for a while,” you crooned, draping your arms over his shoulders and chest before settling your chin on his shoulder. Javi lifted a hand to your arm, giving it a gentle rub as he leaned back into the couch. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “But I’m in a good groove.”
“You could be in something else,” you purred. “Close your eyes.” 
“Because I asked you to,” you said, letting him go in favor of rounding the corner of the sofa. Javi obeyed your demand, keeping his eyes closed as you stepped over one of his knees to stand between his legs. “Okay, you can open.”
Javi slowly opened his eyes, finding you completely bare in front of him, offered up like a midnight snack. 
“Fuck me,” he breathed, taking you in. “You’re right. I do need a break.”
You laughed, straddling his lap. “What you need is for me to fuck you good enough to put you to sleep. It’s three in the morning.” 
“I know,” he sighed, running his hands up your thighs. “I can just go to bed, if that’s—“
“Uh-uh,” you tutted your tongue at him. “I told you what I wanted—to fuck you so good I put you to sleep.”
Javi let out a soft groan, gliding his hands up to cup your breasts. “What heaven did you sneak out of?”
“It was hell, actually.” Javi laughed, placing a kiss on your sternum. 
“God, I love you,” he murmured against your skin, the confession slipping out before he could stop it. Your eyes went wide, not from fear but from amusement as Javi lifted his own pair of wide eyes to meet yours. “I didn’t…that wasn’t…I—“
“Javi,” you laughed, cupping his face in your hand. Your face softened as you took him in. “You love me?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, swallowing thickly. “I do.”
You grinned, kissing him through it. “That’s good because I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you.”
“Yeah?” he asked, a look of relief washing over his face. “It’s not too soon?”
“I’m surprised either of us waited this long,” you laughed. “We’ve known each other for three months. Just because we’ve only been together a month doesn’t mean anything. At least not to me.” 
“Not to me, either,” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you down with him as he shifted to lay on his back across the sofa. He slid his hand between your thighs, his jaw going slack as he smeared your arousal over your clit with a sinful groan. “All this for me, hermosa?”
You nodded, reaching to tug his flannel pajama bottoms down just enough to free his dick, laughing as it sprang free with a lewd slap against his stomach. You dragged a single finger down the underside of his cock, licking your lips as you watched it twitch with interest. “Such a pretty dick.”
“Only fitting for the prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen,” he replied, bringing his soaked fingers up to his lips to suck them clean. “And so fucking sweet, too.”
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” you moaned, leaning down to kiss the taste of yourself off his lips. Javier groaned as you lined him up at your entrance.
“Fuck, wait,” he said. “Condom.”
“Or we could…not,” you suggested bashfully, biting your lip as you watched him react. “I just mean that I’m clean. I got tested the week before school started and I haven’t been with anyone but you since. And I’m on birth control, so no worries on that front either.”
Javi nodded. “I’m clean too, and I got a vasectomy a few years back, so we’re completely good on that front.”
You lifted your brows in delighted surprise, causing him to laugh. “What, bebita?”
“I just…I’m so glad I get to fuck you raw now and never have to worry about an accidental pregnancy,” you said, laughing at your own response. “It’s hot.”
“Then go on and show me how hot it is, baby,” he urged, trailing his fingertips down your spine. “Sit on my dick, hermosa.”
You let out a soft breath at his command, looking down between your bodies as you lined him up with your entrance and slowly took him in. Javi’s lips parted as he watched himself disappear into your wetness, his brows knitted together. 
“Fuck, you feel so good like this,” he husked, bringing his thumb to swirl over your clit as you swallowed him down to his base. “So fucking wet.”
Your face scrunched a bit in pleasure as you lifted yourself up just to slide back down while Javi continued working your swollen bud with one hand, the other gripping your hip. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me come quick tonight, cariño.”
“Yeah?” you purred, rocking your hips a bit. Feeling extra bold tonight, you fought a smirk as you added, “Are you gonna come inside me, Professor?”
Javi’s jaw went slack again, a mixture of incredulity and arousal washing over his face. “Fuck, that shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does. Keep talking, cariño. I love the shit that comes out of your mouth when I’m fucking you.”
You moaned at his confession, speeding up your hips to bounce on him. 
“Fuck, it feels so good. I can feel you in my stomach every time I take you in like this—” You sank down on him and swirled your hips in a circle to grind him in deep. Javier growled, holding your hips in place as he thrusted up into your cunt, filling the living room with the lewdest of sounds. 
“Am I fucking you good, cariño?” he asked, a playful taunt. You cried out, one arm gripping the back of the couch while the other rested on his chest. “Is your professor fucking you how you want? Hm?”
“It’s so good, Javi,” you cried, your hips chasing his thrusts. 
“Uh-uh. Not Javi,” he tutted. “Who am I, baby?”
You opened your eyes to meet his, the sight alone almost enough to bring you to the edge. “You’re my professor.”  
“Mmhm,” he hummed, a smug smirk growing on his lips as he gave your ass a slap. “Good fucking girl.”
“Shit,” you whined, moving to rest your palms flat against his chest as you rolled your hips on top of him. His hands guided your hips, forcing you as close as possible. Your clit dragged deliciously against the coarse hair on his lower stomach, causing your thighs to shake with every rock forward. “Fuck, I’m close. I’m so fucking close.”
“That’s it,” he rasped, his voice warm with desire. “Good girl, baby. Ride your professor's dick just like that.”
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, your head dropping between your shoulders as you inched closer to heaven with every grind against his cock. “Javi—“
The sound of a fist knocking on Javi’s door caused you to jolt, your eyes widening as you sat frozen in place on top of him. 
“Who the fuck…” Javi groaned, a sound of pure frustration. “Whoever it is, fuck off!”
A muffled southern accent sounded in response. “It’s Steve, dumbass. Tell your guest I take precedence and let me in.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Javi’s eyes shut, a sigh slipping from his lips. “I have to let that fucking idiot in.”
“Why?” you asked, that tension in your belly still begging to be unraveled. 
“He’s my best friend, unfortunately. An out-of-state best friend who I hoped I wouldn’t have to see a million times a year, an yet...here he is,” he sighed, sitting up to kiss you. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“I was so close,” you groaned, laying your head on his shoulder. “Now I have to finish myself off alone.”
Javier pulled back to give you a look of pure offense. 
“Don’t give me that look,” you chuckled, smoothing the crease in his brow with your thumb. “It was your decision to let him come in.”
“Well, now I’m rethinking that stupid decision,” he said, but the moment had already passed—especially knowing that there was someone waiting on the other side of the front door for you to finish. 
“No, go let him in, I’ll just be waiting for you in bed,” you said, climbing off of him with a soft hiss. “And tell your friend he owes me for this. A no-expenses-spared steak dinner or something.”
“Will do, baby,” he said, planting a soft kiss in your lips as he stood up to join you, tucking his half-hard dick away. “I’ll be in there soon, don’t get started without me.”
“I’ll think about it,” you snarked, earning a gentle pat to your ass. 
As you let Javi’s bedroom door shut behind you, you grabbed Javi’s robe from his en-suite and tugged it on as you lingered by the door to eavesdrop on their conversation. 
“You fucking dick,” Javi said, earning a hearty laugh from Steve. “You couldn’t have called to tell me you were coming to town?”
“You know I can’t stand all that calling and texting bullshit,” he drawled. “Jesus, Javi. On the couch? That’s where I’m supposed t’be sleepin’ this weekend, you fucker.”
“If I knew you were coming, fucker, I would’ve cleaned up, but—“
“Is that the fuckin’ Death Star?” 
You let out a soft laugh at the sheer disbelief in Steve’s voice. 
“Javi Peña buildin’ Legos,” he whistled. “What’s the world comin’ to?”
“Are you gonna tell me why you’re here?” Javi asked. 
“Are you gonna introduce me to your friend?” Steve replied. Your eyes went wide as heavy footsteps on hardwood got closer and closer to the bedroom door. “Hello, Javi’s friend. I’m Javi’s other friend. Glad there’s finally two of us.”
You chuckled, hesitating for a moment before deciding to open the door up. Javi stood in the living room with his hand on one hip, unamused by Steve’s behavior. You turned your eyes to the man standing a few feet away from the door. He was blonde with blue eyes, and much like Javi, could somehow pull off the mustache look and make it look good. 
“Hey,” you chuckled, giving him your name. “I gotta say, Steve, I haven’t heard much about you. Is Javi hiding you away?”
“He just likes to play hard to get, is all,” Steve smirked. “What about you? You Javi’s girlfriend, or is he hidin’ you away too?”
You turned to Javi with an expectant, but amused look. He’d never officially given you the title, nor you him, but it certainly felt like you were his girlfriend. 
“Yes, she’s my girlfriend,” he sighed, not at you but at Steve. “Now can you stop bothering her and let her go to bed, dip shit?”
You laughed, turning back to Steve. “It was nice meeting you, Steve. Don’t keep him up long, he and I were in the middle of something.”
Steve laughed, looking towards his best friend. 
“I like her.”
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Twenty minutes went by before Javi slipped into the bedroom, carefully clicking the door shut as you laid with your back facing him, pretending to be asleep. There was a quiet rustling before you heard him tiptoeing across the room to crawl into bed behind you. He let out a soft, adoring sigh as his hand ghosted up your bare arm, his lips trailing across your shoulder to your neck. 
“You asleep, hermosa?” he rasped, kissing the shell of your ear. You smirked, rolling over just enough to look at him. 
“How am I supposed to sleep like this?” You lowered his hand across your stomach, down beneath the comforter to slip between your thighs. You guided his fingers to stroke up and down your soaked seam before sinking them inside. 
“Fuck,” Javi’s lips parted, a strangled, quieted groan slipping free as he curled his fingers against that spot you loved so much, his palm grinding against your clit with every thrust. “You want me to make you come, baby?”
You bit your lip and nodded, reaching between your bodies to stroke him through his pajamas only to find he’d taken them off when he came into the room. You licked a broad stripe across your palm before taking him in your hand, stroking him while he pumped his fingers in and out of you with a lewd squelch. 
“How do you want it, cariño?” he asked, bucking his hips into your fist to meet every stroke. 
“From the back,” you said, letting him go in favor of rolling onto your stomach to arch your back for him. Javi growled, coming to sit on his knees behind you as you wiggled your hips at him. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, his hands gripping the globes of your ass in each palm. “I’m not gonna last long, baby. You look too fucking good like this.” 
You keened at his praise, pushing back towards him as he notched himself at your entrance. You both let out sighs of relief as he pressed inside, going slow as he let your greedy cunt suck him in deep. “Your pussy’s so fucking good, baby.” 
You let out a soft whine, burying your face in the pillows to muffle your moans as he snapped his hips into you, steady building up to a brutal pace that had you gripping the sheets. You turned your head, looking over your shoulder as Javi fucked you, finding him with bared teeth, his hair messy across his forehead, his stomach flexing with each sharp thrust into your cunt. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, tugging you back by your arms until your spine was bowed against his chest. He kept your arms pinned between your bodies with one hand, the other gently wrapping around your throat. “Fucking love this pussy…fucking love you.” 
You whined, the sound loud enough to make Javi slide his hand up to cover your mouth. He brought his lips to your ear and whispered. “Those sounds are just for me, aren’t they, bebita?” 
You nodded against him, reaching back to hold his head in place as he nipped at your jawline. Sliding a hand down your stomach, Javi rubbed perfect circles against your clit in time with each one of those ruinously deep thrusts against the velvet soft roof of your cunt. 
“I’m gonna come, cariño,” he whined, his hips losing a bit of their rhythm. “Come for me. Come on my cock and I’ll fill you up, baby.” 
You were thankful for his hand over your mouth as you cried out, a wave of pleasure washing over you, turning you into putty in his arms as he fucked you through it. “That’s it, baby. Fuck, you’re squeezing me so fucking tight. You’re gonna make me come.”
“Please,” you moaned as Javi dropped his hand from your mouth to hold both of your hips in place as he chased his release. “Come inside my pussy.”
He groaned as he pressed in as deep as he could go, the sound choked and strangled as he tried to keep quiet. You stroked your hand up and down the arm he’d moved to wrap around your middle as his cock throbbed inside of you. 
“Fuck me,” he panted, slipping out of you with a hiss before guiding you back against the mattress. He climbed out of bed to retrieve a washcloth, returning with it perfectly warmed by the sink. You watched him clean you up with a smitten look, his dimple making an appearance. 
“What’s got you so smiley?” you asked, rolling onto your side to watch as he cleaned himself off before tossing the cloth into the laundry bin. 
“Besides the mind-blowing orgasm I just had?” he replied, shooting you a smile from over his shoulder as he opened his dresser drawer, pulling out a pair of briefs. “Just happy.”
“Yeah?” you asked, twisting your smile to keep it from growing into a cheesy grin as you admired the sight of him in his briefs as he walked over to climb into bed beside you. 
“Yeah,” he affirmed, coaxing you to lay your head on his chest. “I haven’t been this happy in a long, long time, cariño.”
“Me too,” You placed a kiss over his racing heartbeat, smoothing your hand across his stomach. “It’s a little scary, no?”
“Very fucking scary,” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead. “But it’s not gonna stop me.” 
You smiled to yourself, drawing hearts on his skin. “Is everything okay with Steve?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Him and Connie, his wife, got into it over him continuing his contract with the DEA, I guess. So he’s staying with me until things cool off, which will hopefully be by tomorrow morning because I can’t have him being our third wheel.”
“Why not?” you laughed, lifting your head to look at him. 
“Because I want you all to myself like the selfish asshole I am,” Javi said, smiling. “Also Steve’s really amused by the fact that I have a girlfriend, which means he’s going to try and embarrass me as much as he can in front of you.”
“Well, he can certainly try but my mind is pretty made up,” you said, pinching his chin. “I love you, Javier, and no amount of embarrassing stories from Steve is going to change that.”
“He’s also a hillbilly, which comes with its own warnings,” he said, lifting your fingertips to his lips to place soft kisses on them one by one. 
“How about we see how it goes in the morning, and if either one of us gets tired of the questions or whatever, I can just go home and give you some time alone together,” you suggested. 
“Okay,” he murmured, his eyelids growing heavy with sleep. You leaned up, placing a soft kiss to his lips. 
“Goodnight, Javi,” you said, turning to get comfortable on your side. Javi spooned you, draping his arm over your middle and pulling you close. 
“Goodnight, cariño,” he murmured. “I love you.”
You smiled, hugging his arm tight to your chest. Those three words would never fail to make your heart clench.
“I love you too, Javi.” 
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oh fjdjsbq yea for an actual novel i guess it makes sense to actually make it more of a slow burn so they can develop more, i was just about to say i love how quickly they got together in elementary i wanted them to fuck ASAP lol. I love the way you write smut omg joel is so 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 need that romantic horny ass man so bad lol
yeah!! but i never have it in me to wait too long to get my characters together bc like…just fuck??? 😂
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wait a minute WHAT!!?!!?!?! holy SHIT!!!!!!!! the elementary drabble just popped up on my feed idk why i’ve never seen your account before but i fucking loved elementary!!!!!! I’ve literally reread it more than once that shit is so good. I just scrolled through your account and saw you’re making it into a novel? Will there be a lot of changes made to the story? Also that drabble was so cute iris and miles are adorable 😭😭. I loved that chapter where reader was pregnant and she got jealous of joel’s coworker hahaha he obviously only has eyes for reader tho ❤️❤️❤️❤️
oh my god hi !!! thank you so much i’m gonna frame this and put it on my wall 😘
i think the base of the story will stay the same but there are quite a few changes/additions to the story so far. but the general vibe is there, the plot is the same just more of a slowburn friends to lovers, so i’m hoping it’s just as good as the original!! 🤍
also i loved writing them in an argument 😭 like i love that they’re very chill and happy most of the time, but there’s something about getting them to fight that was so fun to see since they rarely ever do 😂
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this is so sweet of you to say, oh my god 🥹🫶🏼
I am so obsessed with your professor Javi, I love him so much 😩😭😭😭
he’s just so…
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I am literally obsessed with GAS. I’m a slow af reader and I’ve read the entire series within an hour. I love it so much. Please remember to take care of yourself any time you need it. You do hard work. Have a good day and keep posting!!
love you love you love you!!! this is so kind 🥹
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drop the skincare routine bc you are flawless ✨✨✨
firstly, i love you you beautiful anonymous baddie 😘
secondly, my skin is so sensitive and dry !! i have severe eczema and psoriasis so i literally can’t wear makeup except once every month-ish, i can’t wash my face bc i live in arizona and all we have is hard water here, and can only use la roche posay’s lipikar cream or else my skin flares up so bad
so definitely not the skincare routine i’d recommend 😂
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uhmmmm what in the hell??? You are sooo beautiful!!! You’re literally glowing, wow!!!!!
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I am so obsessed with your professor Javi, I love him so much 😩😭😭😭
he’s just so…
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STAY SAFE!! [ID: the Gilbert Baker pride flag with the words “Happy pride to all those who are unable to celebrate openly and safely. You are loved and seen!” in all-caps black text over it. /end ID]
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Guilty as Sin? — Chapter Eight
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, professor/student dynamic, minor angst (javi is not the cause), unprotected piv, the professor kink gets a moment to shine, also maybe an anti-breeding kink?? vasectomy kink?? idk, these two are rudely interrupted by a special guest
word count: 5.2k
series masterlist
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You greeted Javi with an air of indifference as you stopped at his desk on the way out of his Friday night lab, though your eyes told a completely different story when you caught a glimpse of the mark you’d left on him a few nights ago when he stayed over at your place. 
Javi seemed to already know what you were thinking as he watched your eyes widen with a mixture of alarm and satisfaction, a smirk tugging at his lips. 
“Yes?” he replied, forcing himself to sound as cold as he normally did when speaking to a student. “Can I help you with something?”
You shook your head, fighting back a smile. “Just saying goodnight.”
“Mm,” he hummed, ticking his jaw to the side as gave you a purposeful once over. You rolled your eyes in order to hide the fluster his gaze brought on before turning to leave the lecture hall. He called your last name, forcing you to freeze in place, watching as the last few undergrads filed out of the room. “Would you mind staying back to discuss today’s lab?”
You slowly spun towards him on your heel, your eyebrow raised in question. With the room now empty, you were free to speak normally with him. “Is this an actual meeting or your attempt at roleplay?”
“A little bit of both,” he replied, pushing off his desk to saunter across the room, his eyes never leaving yours once in the process. “Just wanted to thank you for helping out today.”
“Well, it is kind of my job to help,” you joked, stepping close enough to smell the cinnamon on his breath. “Is that all you wanted to say? Or is there something else you need from me?”
“There’s a world of things I need from you,” he husked, settling his hands on your hips before sliding them up to the small of your back. “A kiss will do for now, though.”
“Just one?”
Javier grinned, leaning down to brush his nose against yours. “For now.” 
“I thought we said no fooling around on campus,” you breathed, the words a reminder not only to him but also to yourself. 
“That was overly optimistic, I think,” he said, tipping your jaw up as he placed a soft, almost taunting kiss on your lips. “But maybe you’re right.”
“Uh-uh,” you replied, tugging him back into you as he playful tried to back away with his hands held up in surrender. 
You kissed him, deeper this time. Javier groaned, walking you backwards until your thighs hit the edge of a desk. You gasped as he hoisted you onto the surface, your thighs bracketed around his waist. 
“We really should stop,” he panted, kissing his way down your neck. “Anybody could walk in.” 
“Then take me somewhere private,” you said, tossing your head back as he pressed his hips into yours. 
“It’s late, aren’t you tired?” he asked, though his wandering hands did little to persuade you against letting him fuck you right here on this desk. 
“Not when it comes to you,” you replied, popping one of the buttons of his shirt open to trace over the fresh hickey you’d given him last night when he showed up to your place unannounced but more than welcome. 
“Fuck,” he squeezed your hips, dragging you closer. “Spend the weekend with me. We can hole up and eat like shit and fuck and build Legos.”
You smiled at the prospect, dragging your lips up to his jaw. “I’ll meet you in the parking garage.”
“Okay,” he nodded, giving you a lingering peck that turned into another one of his signature, mind melting, knock-you-on-your-ass kisses that had you panting when he finally pulled away. “I won’t be long, just have to pack my things up.”
“No rush,” you said, giving him a smitten look. Javier let out a soft groan, holding your face as he leaned in for one more. 
Always just one more. 
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You had some time to kill as you waited for Javi to pack his things and shut everything down in the lecture hall, so you wandered into the campus cafe beside the parking structure reserved for faculty, desperate to get out of this mid-October chill. 
The doorbell jingled as you stepped in, the scent of cinnamon and coffee grounds flooding your nostrils. Stepping into the small line leading up to the counter, you glanced around the room without purpose—a nervous tick you had. As your eyes locked onto a couple in a corner booth practically swallowing each other’s tongues, you quickly wished you hadn’t. 
There, sitting on the same side of a booth, hands and lips all over each other, was none other than Nina and Derrick. 
What the fuck?
You quickly averted your eyes, just in time to step up the the counter. 
“Hi, can I get a hot chai latte and a drip coffee?” you asked, keeping your voice relatively hushed out of fear that Nina or Derrick would recognize it. 
“How would you like the coffee?” the barista asked. 
“Black, please,” you replied, recalling Javi’s signature order that still perplexed you even after a month of being together. 
After giving her your name, you waited on the other side of the room by the shelves of tumblers and mugs, pretending to shop around while you hid out from your ex-roommates. 
Unfortunately, all that hard work went down the drain the moment she called your name at the pick up counter—the one right next to their booth. 
“Fuck me,” you muttered under your breath as you gathered the courage to go over and grab your drinks. 
You tried not to look their way, but god, the sight of them together really got under your skin. You gave a careful glance in their direction, locking eyes with Derrick as he whispered something in Nina’s ear, causing her to turn towards you. 
Taking a deep breath and plastering on a smile, you turned to them as they slid out of the booth. 
“Hey,” you offered, mostly to Nina. Derrick let out a scoff and breezed past you to head outside while Nina grabbed her purse. She didn’t acknowledge you in the slightest, but too curious to back out now, you persisted. “Nina, it’s…me. You know…your friend for the last four years.”
“Oh,” she said, her tone bored as she gave you a forced smile. “Hey.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the two of them as an actual couple. 
“So you guys are, like, together?” you asked, nudging your chin toward Derrick as he waited outside. 
“Yeah,” she said, shrugging her shoulders. “Is that a problem?”
“It’s just surprising, is all,” you said. “You know I didn’t lie about what happened, right? Like he really tried—“
“Well, he isn’t like that with me,” she snapped, raising a brow at you. “So maybe it was just you. Or maybe you created the whole thing in your head. Either way, it doesn’t affect me.”
You scoffed, a look of disbelief washing over your face. “We were friends before we ever met him. We went through everything together for four years, you and I, side by side. Doesn’t that affect you?”
“You made your choice, and honestly I’m glad,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “If you’d never abandoned us, D and I would’ve never connected that way. I had to pull him out of a very dark place after you left, and if you think I’m going to choose you—someone who’s always been half-out the door—over that good man? Well, I’m gonna have to disappoint you.”
“But he’s not a good man, Nina,” you argued, your disbelief turning into rage quicker than your face could keep up with. Tears still brimmed in your eyes, but that wardrum beat banging in your chest urged you to stand up for yourself. For what you knew was the truth. “He’s manipulative and narcissistic. He’ll probably marry you before the year ends, but once he puts that ring on your finger, you’ll be signing your freedom away. He doesn’t want a lawyer for a wife, he wants someone to have his kids and look after his pretty house and wear on his arm like a trophy. And you are the trophy, here, but not for the reasons he thinks.”
She let her face sour, but there was no mistaking the look of knowing in her eyes. She knew you were right, but unfortunately for her, it was easier just to ignore it. 
“Have a nice night alone,” she said, looking you up and down before turning to leave the cafe. 
You fought back tears, grabbing your drinks and heading out the door as soon as they left. Telling yourself it was the cold wind that forced a few tears to stream down your cheeks, you entered the parking garage and made it to Javier’s black BMW without running into anyone else. Javier was already seated in the driver’s seat, scrolling through his phone to find an album for the commute from campus to his apartment, when you opened the passenger door and climbed in. 
“Thank you, baby,” he said, accepting the coffee you handed over without looking his way. “Ready to go?”
“Mmhm,” you said, turning to look out of the passenger window so that you could subtly wipe your tears away. 
Javier pulled out the garage, his thumbs tapping on the steering wheel as you sat uncomfortably silent, causing him to glance over at you. 
“You okay?” he asked. You turned to him, fresh tears streaming down your cheek. “Hey, what happened? What’s wrong?” 
“It's stupid. I just...I ran into Nina and Derrick at the cafe,” you said, your voice throaty from your tears. “Guess they’re dating now. But that’s not…I’m not even upset about that. It’s just the way she treated me when I tried to say hello to her. She was so fucking cold and mean, like…just an entirely different person than the one I knew.”
He frowned, reaching one hand over to stroke his thumb over your cheek, catching a tear as it fell. 
“Also, just…” You shook your head, unable to locate the proper words to describe the feeling of losing someone that had been your best friend for so much of your adult life. “It just sucks, you know? Knowing that she picked him over me. She said believes him and told me to fuck off, basically.”
Javier let his hand rest on your thigh, taking careful glances between you and the road. “One day she’ll realize the mistake she made, cariño. She’ll be an unhappy housewife trying to reach out to you to make amends, but you’re going to be too busy with your career and me to give a single shit about her. You’re the winner in this situation, and she’ll realize that eventually.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him as he included himself in your future. A subtle, easy to miss declaration of his intent for this relationship, but one that did its job, pulling you back into the light again. You laid your hand on top of his, lacing your fingers together. “You’re gonna stick around that long, huh?”
He smiled, giving your fingers a squeeze. “If you decide to keep me around.” 
“Keep saying shit like that and I will,” you said, lifting his palm up to your lips. “Thank you for listening to my rant.”
“You never have to thank me for that,” he said. “That’s what I’m here for.”
“Oh, I thought it was just for the hot sex.” Javier let go of your hand to pinch your thigh. 
“Smart ass.”
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After a quickie that was followed by you and Javi splitting an entire pizza between yourselves, the two of you got to work building Javi’s Death Star. You remained interested for an hour or so, then chose to take a much needed shower while he kept on building. When you returned, he was still at it, tinkering away while you got to work on some assignments a few feet from him on the sofa. 
But the hours kept passing, your eyes growing tired just from watching him work. When the clock neared three in the morning, you decided it was time to pull out the big guns. You excused yourself to the bathroom, stripping out of the clothes you’d been in all day, and gave yourself a once over in the mirror, pleased at what you saw. 
You tiptoed out of his bedroom, coming to stand behind him as he sat on the sofa. 
“You’ve been at it for a while,” you crooned, draping your arms over his shoulders and chest before settling your chin on his shoulder. Javi lifted a hand to your arm, giving it a gentle rub as he leaned back into the couch. 
“Yeah,” he sighed, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “But I’m in a good groove.”
“You could be in something else,” you purred. “Close your eyes.” 
“Because I asked you to,” you said, letting him go in favor of rounding the corner of the sofa. Javi obeyed your demand, keeping his eyes closed as you stepped over one of his knees to stand between his legs. “Okay, you can open.”
Javi slowly opened his eyes, finding you completely bare in front of him, offered up like a midnight snack. 
“Fuck me,” he breathed, taking you in. “You’re right. I do need a break.”
You laughed, straddling his lap. “What you need is for me to fuck you good enough to put you to sleep. It’s three in the morning.” 
“I know,” he sighed, running his hands up your thighs. “I can just go to bed, if that’s—“
“Uh-uh,” you tutted your tongue at him. “I told you what I wanted—to fuck you so good I put you to sleep.”
Javi let out a soft groan, gliding his hands up to cup your breasts. “What heaven did you sneak out of?”
“It was hell, actually.” Javi laughed, placing a kiss on your sternum. 
“God, I love you,” he murmured against your skin, the confession slipping out before he could stop it. Your eyes went wide, not from fear but from amusement as Javi lifted his own pair of wide eyes to meet yours. “I didn’t…that wasn’t…I—“
“Javi,” you laughed, cupping his face in your hand. Your face softened as you took him in. “You love me?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, swallowing thickly. “I do.”
You grinned, kissing him through it. “That’s good because I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you.”
“Yeah?” he asked, a look of relief washing over his face. “It’s not too soon?”
“I’m surprised either of us waited this long,” you laughed. “We’ve known each other for three months. Just because we’ve only been together a month doesn’t mean anything. At least not to me.” 
“Not to me, either,” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you down with him as he shifted to lay on his back across the sofa. He slid his hand between your thighs, his jaw going slack as he smeared your arousal over your clit with a sinful groan. “All this for me, hermosa?”
You nodded, reaching to tug his flannel pajama bottoms down just enough to free his dick, laughing as it sprang free with a lewd slap against his stomach. You dragged a single finger down the underside of his cock, licking your lips as you watched it twitch with interest. “Such a pretty dick.”
“Only fitting for the prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen,” he replied, bringing his soaked fingers up to his lips to suck them clean. “And so fucking sweet, too.”
“Fuck, you’re so hot,” you moaned, leaning down to kiss the taste of yourself off his lips. Javier groaned as you lined him up at your entrance.
“Fuck, wait,” he said. “Condom.”
“Or we could…not,” you suggested bashfully, biting your lip as you watched him react. “I just mean that I’m clean. I got tested the week before school started and I haven’t been with anyone but you since. And I’m on birth control, so no worries on that front either.”
Javi nodded. “I’m clean too, and I got a vasectomy a few years back, so we’re completely good on that front.”
You lifted your brows in delighted surprise, causing him to laugh. “What, bebita?”
“I just…I’m so glad I get to fuck you raw now and never have to worry about an accidental pregnancy,” you said, laughing at your own response. “It’s hot.”
“Then go on and show me how hot it is, baby,” he urged, trailing his fingertips down your spine. “Sit on my dick, hermosa.”
You let out a soft breath at his command, looking down between your bodies as you lined him up with your entrance and slowly took him in. Javi’s lips parted as he watched himself disappear into your wetness, his brows knitted together. 
“Fuck, you feel so good like this,” he husked, bringing his thumb to swirl over your clit as you swallowed him down to his base. “So fucking wet.”
Your face scrunched a bit in pleasure as you lifted yourself up just to slide back down while Javi continued working your swollen bud with one hand, the other gripping your hip. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me come quick tonight, cariño.”
“Yeah?” you purred, rocking your hips a bit. Feeling extra bold tonight, you fought a smirk as you added, “Are you gonna come inside me, Professor?”
Javi’s jaw went slack again, a mixture of incredulity and arousal washing over his face. “Fuck, that shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does. Keep talking, cariño. I love the shit that comes out of your mouth when I’m fucking you.”
You moaned at his confession, speeding up your hips to bounce on him. 
“Fuck, it feels so good. I can feel you in my stomach every time I take you in like this—” You sank down on him and swirled your hips in a circle to grind him in deep. Javier growled, holding your hips in place as he thrusted up into your cunt, filling the living room with the lewdest of sounds. 
“Am I fucking you good, cariño?” he asked, a playful taunt. You cried out, one arm gripping the back of the couch while the other rested on his chest. “Is your professor fucking you how you want? Hm?”
“It’s so good, Javi,” you cried, your hips chasing his thrusts. 
“Uh-uh. Not Javi,” he tutted. “Who am I, baby?”
You opened your eyes to meet his, the sight alone almost enough to bring you to the edge. “You’re my professor.”  
“Mmhm,” he hummed, a smug smirk growing on his lips as he gave your ass a slap. “Good fucking girl.”
“Shit,” you whined, moving to rest your palms flat against his chest as you rolled your hips on top of him. His hands guided your hips, forcing you as close as possible. Your clit dragged deliciously against the coarse hair on his lower stomach, causing your thighs to shake with every rock forward. “Fuck, I’m close. I’m so fucking close.”
“That’s it,” he rasped, his voice warm with desire. “Good girl, baby. Ride your professor's dick just like that.”
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, your head dropping between your shoulders as you inched closer to heaven with every grind against his cock. “Javi—“
The sound of a fist knocking on Javi’s door caused you to jolt, your eyes widening as you sat frozen in place on top of him. 
“Who the fuck…” Javi groaned, a sound of pure frustration. “Whoever it is, fuck off!”
A muffled southern accent sounded in response. “It’s Steve, dumbass. Tell your guest I take precedence and let me in.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.” Javi’s eyes shut, a sigh slipping from his lips. “I have to let that fucking idiot in.”
“Why?” you asked, that tension in your belly still begging to be unraveled. 
“He’s my best friend, unfortunately. An out-of-state best friend who I hoped I wouldn’t have to see a million times a year, an yet...here he is,” he sighed, sitting up to kiss you. “I’m sorry, baby.”
“I was so close,” you groaned, laying your head on his shoulder. “Now I have to finish myself off alone.”
Javier pulled back to give you a look of pure offense. 
“Don’t give me that look,” you chuckled, smoothing the crease in his brow with your thumb. “It was your decision to let him come in.”
“Well, now I’m rethinking that stupid decision,” he said, but the moment had already passed—especially knowing that there was someone waiting on the other side of the front door for you to finish. 
“No, go let him in, I’ll just be waiting for you in bed,” you said, climbing off of him with a soft hiss. “And tell your friend he owes me for this. A no-expenses-spared steak dinner or something.”
“Will do, baby,” he said, planting a soft kiss in your lips as he stood up to join you, tucking his half-hard dick away. “I’ll be in there soon, don’t get started without me.”
“I’ll think about it,” you snarked, earning a gentle pat to your ass. 
As you let Javi’s bedroom door shut behind you, you grabbed Javi’s robe from his en-suite and tugged it on as you lingered by the door to eavesdrop on their conversation. 
“You fucking dick,” Javi said, earning a hearty laugh from Steve. “You couldn’t have called to tell me you were coming to town?”
“You know I can’t stand all that calling and texting bullshit,” he drawled. “Jesus, Javi. On the couch? That’s where I’m supposed t’be sleepin’ this weekend, you fucker.”
“If I knew you were coming, fucker, I would’ve cleaned up, but—“
“Is that the fuckin’ Death Star?” 
You let out a soft laugh at the sheer disbelief in Steve’s voice. 
“Javi Peña buildin’ Legos,” he whistled. “What’s the world comin’ to?”
“Are you gonna tell me why you’re here?” Javi asked. 
“Are you gonna introduce me to your friend?” Steve replied. Your eyes went wide as heavy footsteps on hardwood got closer and closer to the bedroom door. “Hello, Javi’s friend. I’m Javi’s other friend. Glad there’s finally two of us.”
You chuckled, hesitating for a moment before deciding to open the door up. Javi stood in the living room with his hand on one hip, unamused by Steve’s behavior. You turned your eyes to the man standing a few feet away from the door. He was blonde with blue eyes, and much like Javi, could somehow pull off the mustache look and make it look good. 
“Hey,” you chuckled, giving him your name. “I gotta say, Steve, I haven’t heard much about you. Is Javi hiding you away?”
“He just likes to play hard to get, is all,” Steve smirked. “What about you? You Javi’s girlfriend, or is he hidin’ you away too?”
You turned to Javi with an expectant, but amused look. He’d never officially given you the title, nor you him, but it certainly felt like you were his girlfriend. 
“Yes, she’s my girlfriend,” he sighed, not at you but at Steve. “Now can you stop bothering her and let her go to bed, dip shit?”
You laughed, turning back to Steve. “It was nice meeting you, Steve. Don’t keep him up long, he and I were in the middle of something.”
Steve laughed, looking towards his best friend. 
“I like her.”
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Twenty minutes went by before Javi slipped into the bedroom, carefully clicking the door shut as you laid with your back facing him, pretending to be asleep. There was a quiet rustling before you heard him tiptoeing across the room to crawl into bed behind you. He let out a soft, adoring sigh as his hand ghosted up your bare arm, his lips trailing across your shoulder to your neck. 
“You asleep, hermosa?” he rasped, kissing the shell of your ear. You smirked, rolling over just enough to look at him. 
“How am I supposed to sleep like this?” You lowered his hand across your stomach, down beneath the comforter to slip between your thighs. You guided his fingers to stroke up and down your soaked seam before sinking them inside. 
“Fuck,” Javi’s lips parted, a strangled, quieted groan slipping free as he curled his fingers against that spot you loved so much, his palm grinding against your clit with every thrust. “You want me to make you come, baby?”
You bit your lip and nodded, reaching between your bodies to stroke him through his pajamas only to find he’d taken them off when he came into the room. You licked a broad stripe across your palm before taking him in your hand, stroking him while he pumped his fingers in and out of you with a lewd squelch. 
“How do you want it, cariño?” he asked, bucking his hips into your fist to meet every stroke. 
“From the back,” you said, letting him go in favor of rolling onto your stomach to arch your back for him. Javi growled, coming to sit on his knees behind you as you wiggled your hips at him. 
“Fuck,” he whispered, his hands gripping the globes of your ass in each palm. “I’m not gonna last long, baby. You look too fucking good like this.” 
You keened at his praise, pushing back towards him as he notched himself at your entrance. You both let out sighs of relief as he pressed inside, going slow as he let your greedy cunt suck him in deep. “Your pussy’s so fucking good, baby.” 
You let out a soft whine, burying your face in the pillows to muffle your moans as he snapped his hips into you, steady building up to a brutal pace that had you gripping the sheets. You turned your head, looking over your shoulder as Javi fucked you, finding him with bared teeth, his hair messy across his forehead, his stomach flexing with each sharp thrust into your cunt. 
“Fuck,” he hissed, tugging you back by your arms until your spine was bowed against his chest. He kept your arms pinned between your bodies with one hand, the other gently wrapping around your throat. “Fucking love this pussy…fucking love you.” 
You whined, the sound loud enough to make Javi slide his hand up to cover your mouth. He brought his lips to your ear and whispered. “Those sounds are just for me, aren’t they, bebita?” 
You nodded against him, reaching back to hold his head in place as he nipped at your jawline. Sliding a hand down your stomach, Javi rubbed perfect circles against your clit in time with each one of those ruinously deep thrusts against the velvet soft roof of your cunt. 
“I’m gonna come, cariño,” he whined, his hips losing a bit of their rhythm. “Come for me. Come on my cock and I’ll fill you up, baby.” 
You were thankful for his hand over your mouth as you cried out, a wave of pleasure washing over you, turning you into putty in his arms as he fucked you through it. “That’s it, baby. Fuck, you’re squeezing me so fucking tight. You’re gonna make me come.”
“Please,” you moaned as Javi dropped his hand from your mouth to hold both of your hips in place as he chased his release. “Come inside my pussy.”
He groaned as he pressed in as deep as he could go, the sound choked and strangled as he tried to keep quiet. You stroked your hand up and down the arm he’d moved to wrap around your middle as his cock throbbed inside of you. 
“Fuck me,” he panted, slipping out of you with a hiss before guiding you back against the mattress. He climbed out of bed to retrieve a washcloth, returning with it perfectly warmed by the sink. You watched him clean you up with a smitten look, his dimple making an appearance. 
“What’s got you so smiley?” you asked, rolling onto your side to watch as he cleaned himself off before tossing the cloth into the laundry bin. 
“Besides the mind-blowing orgasm I just had?” he replied, shooting you a smile from over his shoulder as he opened his dresser drawer, pulling out a pair of briefs. “Just happy.”
“Yeah?” you asked, twisting your smile to keep it from growing into a cheesy grin as you admired the sight of him in his briefs as he walked over to climb into bed beside you. 
“Yeah,” he affirmed, coaxing you to lay your head on his chest. “I haven’t been this happy in a long, long time, cariño.”
“Me too,” You placed a kiss over his racing heartbeat, smoothing your hand across his stomach. “It’s a little scary, no?”
“Very fucking scary,” he said, placing a kiss on your forehead. “But it’s not gonna stop me.” 
You smiled to yourself, drawing hearts on his skin. “Is everything okay with Steve?”
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Him and Connie, his wife, got into it over him continuing his contract with the DEA, I guess. So he’s staying with me until things cool off, which will hopefully be by tomorrow morning because I can’t have him being our third wheel.”
“Why not?” you laughed, lifting your head to look at him. 
“Because I want you all to myself like the selfish asshole I am,” Javi said, smiling. “Also Steve’s really amused by the fact that I have a girlfriend, which means he’s going to try and embarrass me as much as he can in front of you.”
“Well, he can certainly try but my mind is pretty made up,” you said, pinching his chin. “I love you, Javier, and no amount of embarrassing stories from Steve is going to change that.”
“He’s also a hillbilly, which comes with its own warnings,” he said, lifting your fingertips to his lips to place soft kisses on them one by one. 
“How about we see how it goes in the morning, and if either one of us gets tired of the questions or whatever, I can just go home and give you some time alone together,” you suggested. 
“Okay,” he murmured, his eyelids growing heavy with sleep. You leaned up, placing a soft kiss to his lips. 
“Goodnight, Javi,” you said, turning to get comfortable on your side. Javi spooned you, draping his arm over your middle and pulling you close. 
“Goodnight, cariño,” he murmured. “I love you.”
You smiled, hugging his arm tight to your chest. Those three words would never fail to make your heart clench.
“I love you too, Javi.” 
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happy pride from your resident fem-presenting non-binary demi/pansexual bestie 🫶🏼🏳️‍🌈
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Are you gonna take down the drabbles too? for elementary
yeah, i’ll be taking it all down. but it’s currently up on ao3 if you’d like to download it there!
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Elementary is gonna be taken down?? Is there anywhere else we can read it?💗
yes, it’s being reworked into a novel :) so i’m going to be taking it down in a few days, but there’s a chance i’ll repost it at some point in the future!!
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Hello hello I just want you to know that guilty as sin? Is my new Roman Empire, I’ve never been super into Javi fics like I am this one, I mean like I am religiously attached to every chapter you post and I’m thinking about them all the time 🥲 love what you’re doing and keep doing it😘😘
okay starting the morning out crying thanks to this sweet message 🥹 ily anon!!!!
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javier peña in every episode of narcos
2x02 cambalache
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