granddaughterogg · 10 days
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I'm jumping headfirst into those BADONKAS.
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You walk in and see this. Your reaction?~ ____ Check the full in reply~
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granddaughterogg · 14 days
Jesus F. Christ, this.
So much this.
Sometimes I feel that "but what about thin people who get thin shamed?" has become the new "what about men?"
I'll tell you what about them. If the discourse is about challenges that just existing in a FAT body poses, then you don't get to redirect it onto yourself.
Also, don't trauma dump on strangers on the internet. That is just vile.
it sucks so bad that if you're a fat person you really Cannot post or say anything about body image or body politics or fat liberation without at least a couple of thin people deciding to make you their therapist for the moment. like the tendency of skinny people to just dump a couple vent paragraphs in my inbox about their eating disorder, no trigger warning (how could i have ED issues after all? i'm fat!), multiple restatements that looking like me is their worst fear, a few jabs about how nice it must be to "not care about my body image as much," all without any active malicious intent -- and this has happened well over a dozen times to me and is something i see happen to other fat people constantly! if you're thin and you're having issues with your body or relationship to food i'm genuinely very sorry, and I hope you can heal from that and find sources of worth beyond your thinness, but you neeeeed to stop treating fat people as obligate caretakers just bc you can't extend us enough compassion or courtesy to understand that we might experience those same issues (let alone find them compounded and medically formalized by systemic fatphobia)
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granddaughterogg · 16 days
i think that the world of fanfiction has shown me my true Type. :3
i like when men are weird. And a little pathetic. And bisexual.
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granddaughterogg · 18 days
It would be nice to just love and be loved, innit.
(Thousands of fics: keep being written because their authors felt as small and sad about it as I do)
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granddaughterogg · 19 days
Overcoming family trauma doesn't have to end up with starting a family of one's own.
No, sometimes you can be BOTH traumatized by the parental abuse and UNWILLING to bring up a child...not because of said abuse, although it sure made you cynical towards the whole concept of parenthood, but - wait for it - simply because you don't find the prospect of childrearing (and all the sacrifices which come with it) fulfilling in the slightest.
You can be both weary with your family trauma and not at all fond of kids. Being a survivor of childhood abuse isn't the only reason for willingful childlessness, and breeding isn't some golden standard for being reunited with Society.
Some people have healed and now they just want to live for themselves. The might've had to wait until their 20s or 30s in order to be able to do so.
And for them, that's a happy ending.
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granddaughterogg · 21 days
Captain John Price is divorced: a headcanon
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He absolutely is - and considers his fallen marriage the worst failure of his life.
He can be reckless; a lot of people died because of that fatal flaw of his. Does he feel bad about it? Maybe, sometimes. Occasionally.
But he cannot even look at his wedding band without without bile creeping up his throat.
He loved her with that desperate blind abandon that can be expected from someone like Captain John Price. There are no mundane, everyday feelings in this man; everything is blown way out of proportion. Huge.
Too huge to fit within a frame of reality.
Their marriage fell apart because of something small and trivial. The issue could be resolved, but it had snowballed over time because he was just never THERE long enough to sort it out, to sit down and have a candid talk. He was so good at all the grand gestures and absolute shite at everything else.
Finally the wife got tired of begging John to Listen to her. Loneliness turned into ice which filled her veins, and she cheated on her illustrious husband with some milquetoast bloke from the neighbourhood who's been patiently waiting for his chance.
She didn't fall out of love with John (how does one get over someone like John Price? Come on). She wanted to punish him, or maybe just to make him pay attention to her for once.
And John's heart fucking broke.
Deep down he knows it's his fault as well, and that's exactly why he cannot forgive her. Because he won't forgive himself.
He cannot truly hate her, and at the same time he cannot bear to utter her name.
*The photo is of Price's actor Barry Sloane and it comes from a totally different piece of media, but the expression Fits.*
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granddaughterogg · 22 days
Sometimes they're not even mid, they're pretty good, too :P
it’s so crazy how many mid movies r made every year that u wouldve never learned abt if ur mutual didnt want to fuck an actor that plays in them
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granddaughterogg · 24 days
You know what headcanon I personally find Scorching Hot?
Simon Riley is calling you names during sex. Snarling those insults through gritted teeth with that lovely thick-as-grits Mancunian accent of his. It was fun at first, until it got old. And then you tell him to "easy there on the derogatory language, buddy".
And he DOES.
Doesn't argue, doesn't pull a face, doesn't gaslight you into thinking that you're "too sensitive". None of this fuckwaddery that other men had accustomed you to. He just cuts it off immediately, no questions asked. He thought you liked it. You said otherwise. End of story.
You never get called a slag or a whore or anything like this by him; ever again.
Ever. Again.
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granddaughterogg · 27 days
coworkers c.d.
Gaz: (to the camera) How do I feel about Kortac lending us their humongous Austrian? Pretty darn good, I gotta say. Bloke's solid. He settled in rather quick. (König and Soap pass by, arguing in the background) Soap: Lookie here, Kraftwerk, all I'm sayin' is - König: (flatly) Geh scheissn. Gaz: (unmoved) ...yeah, pretty fuckin' quick.
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granddaughterogg · 27 days
You, during dinner in the mess: So, how are you guys and König getting along? Soap: (attacking his potato puree) Pure dead brilliant. So far he's called me an ass violin - Ghost: ...he's also called you a queef, Johnny. Soap: (chewing) So that's what that meant! You: Have you ever considered that if you'd stop calling him Rammstein, he might get a bit more cordial? Soap: Aye, bonnie lass, but where the fun in that? * Oaschgeign (Ass violin) is a lovely Austrian insult. The more you know.
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granddaughterogg · 29 days
Reading AND writing.
Ignoring the soul-sucking abyss of Late Capitalism is a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.
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granddaughterogg · 1 month
Who's getting married? :D
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cleaned up
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granddaughterogg · 1 month
Reader-chan falling face first into Ghost's Manfur, colorised
(Don't get me started on this man's pubes, I bet one could fight the Vietcong in there)
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granddaughterogg · 1 month
I'm 40 and I didn't even have internet at home until I was in my twenties (that's early aughts, kids) so the intricacies of online fandom culture were lost on me for the longest time.
Eventually I've learned about fanfiction and thought it to be something *very much not for me*. I was firmly of the "just write your own stories, people!" stance.
I wrote a long Snape/Hermione fanfic while working a mindnumbing ticket booth job at 23 (nothing ever happened there and just staring at a wall for hours is not good for your mental health) but nothing else.
Due to the profound sense of Cringe over the subject matter I have never shown this fanfic to anyone. :D
I guess I've only started writing for good after falling face first into the tiny, but absolutely lovely Darksiders fandom. That was back in 2018, methinks.
i guess fanfiction wasn’t a phase….
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granddaughterogg · 1 month
Sometimes static images have Momentum.
This is not an easy feat to achieve.
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If you see him
It's already too late
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granddaughterogg · 1 month
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Isabel Allende, The House of the Spirits (translated by Magda Bogin)
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granddaughterogg · 1 month
Ghost: Why is being KIND AND GOOD to people that you care for so damn complicated. Bein' a cunt is an absolute no brainer. But when you like 'em and Care for 'em? It's like tryin' to ice skate while jugglin' live hedgehogs, I swear to FAWKING GOD - Recruits: *quiver in their boots because the Lutenit is being ever weirder than usual today*
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