gothic-thoughts · 7 days
Keep Our Mouths Busy
Sanji Vinsmoke x Black Fem Reader Angst
DomesticAU, ModernAU, Drunk Sanji
CW: Sanji yelling and breaking a bottle, reader has oral fixation, banging on doors, anxiety/stress reliving tactics
TW: drunken anger
Word Count: 1196 (give or take)
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Any French translated via DeepL
Sanji came back late at night, slamming the front door closed, startling you out of your sleep. You roll over in your shared bed and go to walk downstairs. You step off the last step into the living room to see his tie and blazer discarded on the floor near the front door and upon hearing soft cursing followed by the sound of glass hitting the marble countertop, you slowly walk to the kitchen.
"Il ne m'Ă©coute jamais, putain(Never fucking listens to me).” He mutters, messily filling a shot glass with whiskey, “Jamais (Never does)." 
The slight sway of his body showed that this wasn’t his first drink of the night. He downs the glass in one gulp before slamming it down next to the bottle of whiskey before he picks it up, looking at the label and scoffing with a sarcastic smirk.
“Great... maintenant, je suis un putain d'ivrogne comme lui (now I’m a fucking drunk just like him)!”
He throws the bottle to the floor, making it shatter against the tile, shocking you out of your drowsiness with a loud yelp from where you stood in the doorway. Sanji turned to face you, leaning back against the counter.
“Have your lost your mind!?” You yelled, staying in the doorway to keep your bare feet from the sharp shards and alcohol littering the floor, “The hell is your problem?!”
“Qu'est ce que tu fais ici (What are you doing here?)”
“Why are you drunk, you were at work!”
He kept staring at you wordlessly, you don’t even think your words were getting through to him in this state. Sanji picked up the shot glass again, taking another sip as if it was still full before slamming it back on the counter. He clearly wasn’t in his right mind so you backed up a little, but he took a step forward, glass crunching under his dress shoes with his eyes still intensely locked on you. He clearly had no idea how scary he looked right now.
"Qu'est que tu veux(What do you want)?”
You back up again, stepping out of the kitchen, “In English, I can’t--”
"I said what do you want?" He snapped, slurring, “Why you down here so early?”
"First of all, Vin, it's 12 am," Your eyebrows raise, “Second who the fuck are you getting loud with?"
He stepped forward again, eyebrows furrowing. "Vin...? What are you talking about? My name is Sanji."
“Not when you're being a dick and breaking shit.”
He squints then struts towards you making you immediately keep your distance with tears burning your eyes, preparing to fall and your heart racing unsure of what he was going to do but he didn’t seem to care if he even noticed. He just followed you backwards, strides longer than yours as you hoped he wouldn’t have to hurt him.
“Tch, you think I’m being a dick?” 
“Yes, you are and I'm calling you your first name until you remember how to act right.”
He stops walking when he notices tears of frustration brimming your eyes, right before you jog upstairs, leaving nothing but the sound of your bedroom door slamming before locking it. He stumbles upstairs, gripping the banister tightly until he reaches the top floor then staggers and throws himself at the door, banging his fists against the door several times.
"Baby, open the door." His voice contrasts with his actions heavily, “C’mon, you can’t just lock yourself in there, open--”
“Stop banging on the fuckin' door before the neighbors call!”
"How was I being a dick, I barely said anything to you!”
"You actin' like you ain't break a whole bottle in my vicinity then walked up on me like we was bouta fight."
“I didn’t, I was just-- I just..."
"Ion even wanna hear what you think you did cuz why else would I be in here?"
"I'm... I’m not...” He stops banging, finally gaining some self awareness as he leans against the door, “I'm... merde, I'm scaring you--"
"No shit, so calm the fuck down."
"You know I’m not mad at you, cheri, right?”
"I'm not asking you what you're mad at, I'm telling you that you need to relax."
You could hear his quiet, shallow breaths almost like he was panting just to calm down. Part of you wanted to help and hold him but you thought it was best to keep your distance until you were sure he was calm. Your heart pounded in chest with each of his breaths until they became deeper and more focused. After a few seconds, he knocks softly with one knuckle like he always did, making you let out an audible sigh of relief.
"Mon chéri... I'm okay, now. You can come on, okay...? Please, I'm calm now."
“You sure?” You ask, despite already being at the door, ready to see a non-threatening expression.
"Yes baby, I promise..." He sighed. "Just come to me, please? I'm sorry."
“When I open the door, I’m finna slap you.”
"You can slap me all you want, chéri, I earned it. Just open the door for me...?"
You unlock and open the door, revealing your tear-streaked cheeks and bloodshot eyes to him as you anxiously chewed on the gold chain hanging loosely around your neck. His eyebrows rise with more worry but as soon as he opened his mouth, you slapped him across the face, turning his head and making his hair flip to the side. He slowly reached up to touch his face, feeling the spot that you had slapped while the necklace fell from your mouth when you opened your mouth.
“I....” You sniffle, “I thought you were going to hit me.”
"No, no! I would never hit you... I would never; why would you ever think that?"
“I-I don't know, you're drunk.” You fumble with the chain again, placing it back in your mouth, “And you smashed a fuckin’ bottle and you were yelling a-and banging on shit so I thought you were mad enough to--”
"To hit you, no. Never. I'm sorry, I was upset and I wasn’t thinking about my movements or tone."
He sighed, rubbing his hand over his face a few times. He stepped closer, slowly reaching to cup your face in his shaking hands, looking down at you with sad, apologetic eyes.
"But I would never hit you. Never... Never, baby.”
“I didn't know, you're usually flirty when you're drunk and I just assumed the worst when walked up on me like that.”
"Yeah, I know, but tonight I drank because I was angry, I didn't become it.”
You sniffle a little, trying to get over it but your heart is still racing and he could tell by the way you were still gnawing on your strings so he steps closer and gently pulls your necklace out before replacing it with his middle and ring fingers into your mouth and watching you nibble lightly.
“Don’t like when you chew on your chain, charmant(lovely). Don’t want you breaking it.”
He pulled you into his chest, hugging you while the thumb of his free hand effortlessly caressed up and down the back of your bonnet as he held your head. He kisses your forehead, breath still reeking of whiskey.
"I’d never hurt you." He said quietly against your head, “I’d never, please forgive me, baby.”
You nod against his chest, snuggling closer. After several silent seconds of lightly grazing your teeth just about his knuckles for comfort, you grab his wrist and pull his hand away.
“What even happened?” You ask
“The old man benched me again, this time for the whole shift and we had fight in front of the restaurant. Shouldn’t have taken it out on you though."
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gothic-thoughts · 12 days
A Kiss Before I Go
Satoru Gojo x Black Male Reader Fluff
Ex-friends2lovers, Deputy!Reader, Cowboy!Gojo
CW: he/him pronouns, reader gets shot, gojo a rich bounty hunter, a lil angsty
TW: blood mention, passing out, shooting/killing mention
Word Count: 1154 (give or take)
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"Ya really came all this way to find lil' ol' me...?"
I look up to see Gojo Satoru standing on the second-floor balcony with his revolver pointed back at mine. Despite the black bandana over his eyes, I could tell by that smirk that he looked down on me in amusement as I stumbled into his house.
"That's sweet~" He finished, "Ya really that desperate for my attention, (Y/n)?"
"You killed the mayor!"
"Aht, aht, don't gimme that. Ya know I don't just go on killin' folk; I was paid, he was a criminal. Simple as that."
"So how come other folks are dead?"
"Cuz they got in the way of my work and I happened to have 5 bullets left." 
"Well, I'm here finishin' up my work so you're under arrest."
"And what if I don't wanna?"
"Then..." I stumble a little, "Then I'd have to kill ya."
"Kill me? Really now, ain't that bordering on vigilante territory? Not gon' lie, I'm kinda hurt, thought we were thick as thieves."
"I don't give a rat's ass h-how close we were. Put ya hands up and walk down those steps real slow like and maybe I'll visit ya in jail."
He scoffs, loosening his grip on his gun.
"I had to kill him with no witnesses or I don't get paid."
"W-well I guess it's too bad ya got one. Now, reach for the sky and walk down the steps. I'm t-takin'...."
Gojo pauses and presses his pelvis to the wooden railing to lean over the balcony. He squints.
"You bleedin' already?" He chuckled, "I ain't even shoot you yet."
I look down just in time to see a couple droplets of blood fall from my hip and crash into the small puddle of previous drops made on his old wooden flooring.
"What the fuck, you okay?" He asked, straightening up, "That amount of blood ain't nothin' to sneeze at... y'sure y'alright?"
"Don't act like ya care." I pant.
"(Y/n), did you ride all this way wit'--"
Everything became fuzzy and the next thing I knew, the back of my head stung with pain and I was now staring at his high ceiling. Rapid steps echoed around me and all I had to do was blink before seeing Satoru kneeling beside me and quickly lifting my shirt to see the hole where the blood was pooling out. He muttered curses to himself.
"Who did this to ya?" 
"L-leave me alone."
"Shut up and tell me who did this."
"The fuck they shoot ya for?!"
"I was the only one holdin' gun in the crowd... They thought I killed 'im."
His face contorted into shock as he took out a different black bandana from his pocket and pressed it into my wound.
"Why the hell do you have a second bandana?" My voice strains as the pain grows slightly more intense.
"Case I get mine ripped inna bar fight. Now hush, I'mma getcha back to town, 'kay?"
"Think I'd rather die, actually."
"What, ya still don't trust me~?"
"You the reason I'm shot, Satoru. And I was here to arrest you."
"Well since y'already blamin' me, I'll tell ya old friends ya made a valiant effort before I shot ya."
He starts to help me up, slinging my arm over his opposite shoulder as he helps me outside to horse and carriage. I stared at it but despite my pained, glazed-over eyes, I was in shock.
"You tellin' me... you a bounty hunter but got a carriage 'stead of just a horse?"
"I got horses too, I just cain't help it if I'm a lil' high-maintence." He laughs, "And lucky for you, my driver ain't here; so you get to have the pleasure of me takin' the reins." He winks.
"If I wanted to die, I woulda just stayed on ya living room floor."
"Oh shut up and c'mon."
Satoru helped me climb onto the carriage floor, and I didn't even bother pulling myself onto the seat since the pain was so bad. As soon he closes the door, I roll onto my back with tears stinging my eyes. My head rolled to the side as the horse's galloping fell deaf on my ears as I felt the bullethole gush more blood.
"Huh, what!?"
I looked at his panicked face before looking to the other side of my bed to see a tray of bloody cotton balls on a medical cart. Satoru walks towards the bed and I shift towards him and immediately stop and wince at the feeling of tight pulling at my side.
"Hey, hey." He soothed, resting his hand on my knee, "There's stitches in there, so relax."
"You in the hospital, 'member?"
I punch him across the face to which he jerks his head from it. He smiles smugly, as he rubs his jaw.
"I shoulda shot you on sight."
"Right, yeah-yeah, 'course, keep that energy for after you recover. We'll can continue this lil' meet up somewhere else."
Satoru cupped my face in his hand and pulled me into a deep kiss, almost like he missed me. I try to keep my eyes open in surprise only to slowly succumb to the passion. But as they start to close, his lips are torn from mine with a smug chuckle.
"Been waitin' on that for a while." He smirks, "And that's the only thing that's gonna keep me goin' 'til we meet again."
"If we meet again, I'mma kill you where you stand!"
"Like I'd let you do that..." He places another peck on my lips, "Besides, I just gave you some incentive not to."
"Wait, what--"
"Don'tchu die on me now, officer."
He tips his hat and jogs out of the room. He didn't kiss me like he missed me, he kissed like he was going to. 
I painfully stand up, swinging my legs over the side of the bed, and use the iron headboard to help me stand. I hold my side and limp after him into the brightly lit hospital corridor only to see nurses and patients calmly walking the corridor as if nothing happened.
"Sir, please." A nurse worried, "Your stitches need to heal."
"Where did he go? He ran out of my room!"
"Where did who go?"
"Gojo? Satoru Gojo?!"
"The... bounty hunter...?"
I roll my eyes, "Yeah-yeah, he was in my room and just ran out! You tellin' me you ain't seen 'im?"
"Sir, you ain't had any visitors since you were admitted."
"Riddle me this; who emitted me then?"
The nurse grabs and reads a chart, "Says here, your brother did."
"Wha-- and you believed 'im!?"
"Had no choice... Fella insisted he write it himself."
She showed me the sign-in sheet, pointing at the bottom, to see he wrote my name for the patient's column and then literally wrote "his brother" in the admittees column. I scoff and curse under my breath, half pissed off yet half impressed. That bastard brought me here, then snuck back hours later for a fuckin' kiss. But thinking about them again, almost makes me feel better about potentially losing my job.
"You seen what he looked like though, right...?"
"Tall fella, all black get-up...hat hid his face and hair though."
I groan. "'Course it did..."
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gothic-thoughts · 14 days
Holy shit??
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Seriously tho thank you so much for 200 followers đŸŽ‰đŸ˜˜đŸ„°
i didn't expected this so soon (much less with my inconsistent ass posting schedule like omfg)
i literally posted a 100 follower thank you in January im shook asf rn
thank you i luh yall so much
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gothic-thoughts · 17 days
Lack Of Thought
(been waiting to make this shit đŸ˜©đŸ˜©)
König x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Virgin!König, Experienced!Reader
CW: König's first time relaxing like this, giving Konig 🧠, both get overstimulated, size kink, creamđŸ„§, eating đŸ˜», the occasional German, indecisive Konig
Word Count: 1426 (give or take)
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(any German translated with deepL)
His eyes were locked on my fingers as they slowly tugged down his zipper and unbuttoned his pants. I tug down his boxers and gasp in surprise when the shaft springs out and hits his toned stomach— curved, twitching and already leaking. I give a mischievous smirk as his breath hitches.
“Sorry,” He swallows nervously, “I knew it was hard but--”
I cut him off with a soft lick to his tip, making him gasp.
“Don’t apologize, Kö.” I wrap my hand around it and give the tip multiple licks, “It’s perfect...so perfect.”
He huffs, eyes closing. “Liebling...”
“You’re perfect.”
“Ja... ja, alright just.... Oh fuck.”
I stroke it, dragging my hand from his base to tip at a steady pace as I collect every drop of precum that oozed out. The huge man moans, squirms, and throws his head back with a silent scream.  I wanted to hear just how strained his Austrian can get so I wrap my full lips around the tip to finally suck it, bobbing my head up and down, loving the feel of his veins sliding past my lips but not even daring to take the entire thing. He lets out a shaky, broken moan of my name as he reaches a trembling hand down to grip my braids into a ponytail with his large fist.
“Slowly, fuck.” He clears his throat, “Slowly, mien liebe (my love), take it slow...”
“Is that a warning for me or you~?”
“Just t-take it easy on me, ja?”
“A mountain of muscle but so sensitive...” I stroke slower, kissing the tip to tease, “Go figure.”
“H-heh, don’t laugh at me, Schatz.” He chuckles, hips jerking slightly as his shaft throbs in my hand, “You know I haven’t really done anything like this...”
“I know, but that means I’m not going easy on you if that means you’re holding back.”
“Shut up.”
At that I stroke only the head, twisting my fist to grind his leaking tip into my soft palm. He pants, his breath warming the mask over his face as his fingers lightly dig into the exposed scalp my braids created. The soothing sensation makes me moan around his cock as I begin moving my head up and halfway down the shaft but his hips jerk again pushing deeper into my mouth and hitting the back of my throat.
“S-sorry... It... It just... feels so good.” He groans, pulling himself out of my mouth, “I’m gonna lose my mind... shit...”
“You wanna try to go down on me next?”
A grin spreads across Konig’s lips as he nods, his cock twitching slightly at the thought. Before I knew it, I was on my back and his mask was off as he leaned his face between my spread legs. I laugh a little at his enthusiasm, reaching down to run my fingers through his hair just as he did mine.
“You even know what you doing, babes?”
“Kind of... I want to try what I learned.”
I raise my eyebrows. “You watched videos?”
“Only a couple, I got this.”
Her laugh was cut off by her gasp as my tongue began slowly and deliberately swirling around her little bud, using my fingers to spread the folds to make sure I was tasting the right area. I heard her mutter something up there but since it was followed by a moan, I didn’t even bother looking up, opting to watch my own tongue flick and caress her little pleasure center with precision. By the time I looked up at my beautiful Blume(flower), her face was pointed at the ceiling, having her head back in the disheveled pillows and her back arched.
I wanted her to look down at me just so I could see those eyes roll but her moans and tugs at my hair as I wriggle my tongue into her, were enough for now. Our moans fill the room as I taste every last inch of her cunt, even hooking my arms around those thick thighs, holding her tight to my face as I devour her.
“K-Kö, shit...” She whimpers, trying to push my head away, “I’m gonna cum, chill~”
“Mm mmm.” I hum on her clit, shaking my head, “Don’t...hold...back..”
“F-fuck... Fuck you~”
“C’mon... you can take it can’t you, SĂŒĂŸe(sweetness)?”
She whines and moans in response, heels digging into the mattress. I use my fingers to spread her folds and suck on her clit some more. It wasn’t long before her orgasm caught us both by surprise and we both grunted as her juices sprayed a little, coating my lips and chin.
More of her flavor and moans made my cock leak so much precum all over the bed, I was lucky I hadn’t cum from tasting her. I give (Y/n)’s clit one last swirl of my tongue before pulling away, positioning my hips between her legs, and rubbing the head against her soaking wet folds.
“You sure you ready, baby?” She shuddered, “I just came so I’m gonna be tighter than normal.”
I chuckle, eyes locked on hers “More than ready, I’ll be fine.”
“Just take your time.”
I take a deep breath slowly pushing inside, feeling her warmth stretch over me inch by thick inch until the tip presses against her cervix with only half an inch between us. The sensation was already too much causing me to grip the sheets near her hips tightly and drop my head forward, shakily watching myself disappear in and out of her. Her soft hands suddenly rest on my face and guide my head up to look at her face with glazed-over eyes.
“Just breathe, baby.” She pants, “You okay?”
“Mmph, y-yes... no... Unh, fuck...”
“N-no? It’s too much~?”
“Yes... j-just a little. It feels too good... b-but also.... so overwhelming...”
“If you wanna stop--”
“N-no, I got it, liebe.”
I groan, gripping the headboard with one hand and keeping the other anchored to the sheets as I try to get used to the feeling. Her hands suddenly grip my shoulders, long nails gently clawing at my clavicle but the feeling drives me inside, making me pick up the pace, hips slapping against hers as I let out strained, breathless moans with her.
“Ngh, Köni, sl-slow down~” She moans into my chest, “N-not goin’ nowhere, fuck.”
“Scheiße(shit)... I...” I slow my hips slightly, still keeping the same depth as I plunge into her, “It’s so perfect...”
Somehow, going slow was even harder than going fast and it wasn’t long before I was slamming my cock into her again, panting and grunting as she claws at my back. (Y/n)’s back arches off the bed, trying to withstand my reckless thrusts. I bite my lower lip, desperately trying to maintain control as she reaches her climax around me but it was too much.
“Fuck yes, I love it... z-zu viel(too much).” I bury my face in her neck, panting, “I'm gonna get addicted.”
(Y/n) shakily caresses my cheek, “Just breathe, babes...”
“It feels so fuckin’ perfect, Liebling. Mein Gott, I can’t...”
I let out a groan as I finally lost my last shred of control and plunged as deep as I could making her yelp out. (Y/n) wraps her legs around me and her juices spray around my sensitive shaft a little as I finally reach the brink, my entire body trembling from the sensation filling her up. My hips thrust in a staggered pattern, fingers gripping the sheets tightly as I cum so hard I shiver. (Y/n) guides my face from her neck to look at her as her thumbs caress my cheeks.
“It’s okay, j-just breathe.” She chuckles breathlessly, her legs trembling at my sides, “God, I told you to take your time...”
“I... Scheiße... S-sorry.”
“Shh, don't be sorry. Just calm down.”
I lean down and kiss and pant on her neck, hot puffs of air tickling her brown, sweat-slick skin while she kisses the top of my head and gently grazes my scalp with her nails; only then my body finally relaxes and lets me press my body to hers moaning softly while trying not to crush her.
“There ya go...” She caresses my shoulders, nuzzling her face into my hair, “You did good for your first time.”
“I feel like I finished early, Schatz.”
“Nope, right after me, babes; you were good.”
I look up at her, locking our eyes, “Can we try again?”
“I, wha- now?”
“If you’re up to it. I want more than just good, Liebling, I want great. I'll learn to control myself.”
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gothic-thoughts · 25 days
Lil homage to Supernatural lowkey (cuz i miss that show)
Ghost Riley x Black GN Reader Angst
Fallen Angel!ReaderAU, MeetUgly
CW: Ghost finds you, Reader wakes from a coma
TW: I, myself am not religious but that don't mean ion respect other people's beliefs and obviously this isn't meant to be offensive in terms of religion, killing mention, bad injury/wound description
Word Count: 1449 (give or take)
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The ground finally stopped shaking like nothing even happened, but this wasn't some minor tremor. This was the most unlikely place to have earthquakes and yet a 5.2 just rocked the entire base out of nowhere like it was nothing; strong enough to shake the building but weak enough that nothing was broken, just knocked over. We tracked the origin to find it was only 20 miles from here in a random forest, deducing that it was some kind of weapon meant for us but thankfully missed by only a couple miles. And I was determined to find out who had the balls to threaten us in our own home.
Once the chopper landed, I cautiously led my squad across the field towards a huge clearing of knocked-over trees and scorched grass with a giant, steaming crater in the middle. We approach it to find nothing: no metal, no casing, nothing. Just somebody lying naked in the center.
"Oh, what the f--” I trail off as lowering my gun, “Who the hell is this? And why are they naked?"
I groan in frustration before ordering most of the squad to investigate the area while ordering a couple others to get a blanket from the chopper. I carefully walked down into the crater with my gun trained on the person, waiting for them to make a move but the only movement was the staggering rise and fall of their chest. I nudge their calf with my foot only for it to move limply.
“And what the hell were you doing all the way out here...? Whatever, hello?! Hello, hey!”
No response. Not even an eye twitch to let me know they could at least hear me...or alive. I put my gun away and kneeled into the now dissipating steam to examine the many, many cuts and bruises marking the front of their body that seemed to be already healing. I reluctantly reach down to shake their shoulder but again not even a change in breath; they’re out cold.
I roll them onto the side to check but the sight of two, large matching wounds between the shoulder blades makes my eyes widen. The skin around it was pulled outward, looking either melted or like they were ripped off of something hot. 
Three days after we bring them to the medical bay, their eyes finally open, darting around the room and then to the cuffs keeping their right wrist chained to the gurney. The medics thought it was a bit much since they were so hurt but I couldn’t trust them just yet, if at all, given the fact that in 3 days, we still knew nothing about them: not their name, age, nationality; nothing, so I wanted to be extra cautious. Their eyes lock with mine and I give them nothing but a cold, skeptical stare as I walk into the room and stand at the end of the bed.
“Stop struggling; I don’t trust you enough as is.”
“So we understand each other then.” They snap, “Who are you and what have you done to me?”
“Done to you? I brought you to a medical bay and kept you even more alive than you looked in that crater so how ‘bout we start with your name and we’ll go from there.”
“I don’t have to tell you damned thing, I demand you release me. Now.”
“Yeah, that’s not how this works.” I cross my arms, eyes narrowing behind my mask, “I don’t care how pretty or rich you think you are, but--”
“Do I look ‘rich’ to you?”
“I don’t know what you look like, all I know is we found you at the epicenter of 5.2 earthquake only a few miles from our base, thinking you were some kind of missile. That was 3 days ago.”
“Three...? I... I caused an earthquake...? Was anyone hurt?”
“You must’ve hit your head harder than we thought if you think you could cause a damn earthquake, much less one that strong.”
“Wait, did you say ‘base’? Like a mortal military base...?”
Mortal? They're more entitled than I thought. "Yeah, sure a ‘mortal’ base. You’re being detained until we determine and learn who you are and what you are."
“What I am? So you do understand I am not from here...”
“I almost considered that since that's the only answer I can see after 3 whole days of trying to figure out why the hell you have no blood type, fingerprints or an even an SSN; so either you’re an infant, faked your death, or you’re a fucking spy. So as I said earlier, we’re gonna start from the fucking beginning.”
They sigh, no longer struggling with the cuffs, “Fine... I’ll comply.”
“And no lies; you may not have a blood type, but you have a heartbeat. If I feel like you're lyin', we do this the hard way, got it?"
They nod. I don't budge an inch, continuing to watch for even the slightest twitch.
"See, easy. Alright; then (Y/n), what makes you so special that we can't read your fingertips?"
“Since you're already so skeptical, I doubt you will believe me if I tell you...”
“Try me.”
They rolled their eyes with a scoff. “Yeah, because you mortals are known for your trustworthiness.”
“What I believe isn't the point here, just spit it out."
Another exasperated sigh. “I'm an angel...or I was...”
I blink a few times, processing their words. “I said no lying.”
“Thought you said what you believe wasn't the point.”
“It is when you lie.”
“Whatever, if you're so smart how do you explain my lack of human information, Mr. Easter Bunny? The earthquake? You didn’t find anything else besides me in the area, did you?”
I scoff with a chuckle. Angel or not, they're a smart ass. "You're right, I actually can't. But I know that angels aren't real... and if they were, they can't be hurt. How'd you go from this invincible being to half-dead in the middle of a forest?"
“I said I was an angel, didn't I? I'm a fallen angel now.”
"So how'd you lose your wings then?"
“Simply put, I sinned.”
“Can you elaborate on that?” 
“A demon killed my best friend and wrath got the better of me..” Their voice cracked a little, “So I found that monster and showed him the exact same mercy he showed her...”
I pause, hearing the amount of stifled anguish in their voice. I relax my shoulders and uncross my arms, softening my eyes just slightly enough to let them know I believe them...enough...for now.
"You regret it?"
“I am aware of what I signed up for when the thought entered my head... but she was my best friend.” (Y/n) sniffles, avoiding eye contact, “It was worth it, though I am a terrible person for it...”
“Well yes...” I walk around the bed and unlock the cuff from their wrist, “And no.”
They gasp, doing a double take. “No? I killed someone."
"We have something called nuance down here on Earth. What you do matters, but the intent matters more."
"So you don't think I'm a terrible person? Are you serious right now?"
“Not a terrible person, just a terrible angel. You’d make a great person.”
"Right, because mortals kill more often than not."
"Hey, not all of us are serial killers, (Y/n). Most have legitimate reasons for killing someone, your case just so happens to be very common."
"Oh..." (Y/n) sits up against the pillows, "That doesn't make it okay."
"I never said it made it okay; I said it doesn't make you terrible."
"I never got your name..."
"Call me Ghost."
"We'll work on real names when I trust you more."
"Okay then...Ghost. So what happens now? I stay in some special cell, treated like a freak while your army interrogates me?"
“I'm not putting you in a cell."
“You won't?”
"Unless you give me a reason to, no. You don’t seem dangerous, and besides, if we keep you in an actual cell... I think you'd just try and break out. You're just gonna have to live here for now."
“Thank you... I think..."
"Don't get too comfortable though, I'll still be keepin' my eye on you. But at least you get to not be cooped up in a cell. Until we figure out what to do with you that is."
“...And... just how comfortable are army barracks?”
I let out a soft chuckle. "They might not be the most luxurious, but I can give you a room to yourself. No one should bug you as long as you stay out of others' way."
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet; you might hate it here. Not many people like being surrounded by soldiers in every direction."
"Better than the middle of a crater."
(a/n): Last mythical one i swear (prolly, maybe, not really)
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gothic-thoughts · 1 month
The Smuttiest Masterlist
All Black GN or Fem Reader (duh)
All Smut Ya Freaks (most don't have any yet im getting to it 😭)
Sorted by Fandom In Alphabetical
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Attack On Titan
Call Of Duty
Lack of Thought-- König x Fem
Demon Slayer
Genshin Impact
next one
Shut Up and Listen-- Part 4! Jotaro Kujo x Fem
Trying Something New-- Part 1! Dio Brando x Fem
Under Her Influence-- Part 2! Joseph Joestar x Fem
OFC I Don't Mind-- Toji Fushiguro x Fem
Music To My Ears-- Gojo Satoru x GN
Is It A Crime?-- Nanami Kento x Fem
Professional Tease-- Gojo Satoru x GN
Not here either
One Piece
Not Behind, Just Apart (finale)-- Roronoa Zoro x Fem
Heartbeat-- Sanji Vinsmoke x Fem
(a/n): sorry so empty, im cooking but also procrastinating 😭
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gothic-thoughts · 2 months
The Wholesome Masterlist (will update monthly)
All Black Reader(dur), either Fem of Gender Neutral
All Fluff -- All Angst -- All Drabble (smut one coming soon)
Sorted by Fandom in Alphabetical Order
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Attack On Titan
Smart Choices-- Levi Ackerman Fem Angst
Safer With A Stranger-- Soap Mactavish Fem Angst
(Un)Trustworthy-- König Fem Angst
So Damn Into You-- König Fem Fluff
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy-- König Fem Fluff/Angst
Wrath-- Ghost Riley GN Angst
Demon Slayer
Lost and Found-- Kyojurou Rengoku Fem Angst/Fluff
His Favorite Rival-- Tengen Uzui GN Fluff
Genshin Impact
House Of Memories-- Diluc Ragnvindr Fem Angst
Whole Lotta Lost-- Kaeya Alberich Fem Fluff
Just Five Seconds Of Focus-- Joseph Joestar Fem Fluff
Second Chances-- Dio Brando Fem Fluff
High Baby Fever-- Dio Brando Fem Angst
Too Selfless-- Stardust Crusaders GN Angst
Aftermath-- Dio Brando Fem Angst
Be Still-- Narcisco Anastasia GN Fluff
Quarto De Hotel-- Dio Brando Fem Fluff
Ghosts-- Josuke Higashigata GN Fluff
Area Codes-- JJK x Reader GN Headcannons
Slow on the Internet-- Yuuji Itadori Fem Fluff
Who Is She?-- Geto Suguru GN Fluff
Come To Fruition-- Sukuna Ryomen GN Angst
Late-- Nanami Kento Fem Drabble
Date Night-- Nanami Kento Fem Fluff
Not Listening-- Toge Inumaki Fem Angst
Different I Love You-- Gojo Satoru Fem Fluff
Bombing-- Sukuna Ryomen Fem Angst
Oddly Intriguing-- Bucky Barnes GN Drabble
My Hero Academia (there's only like 2 and I don't really plan on writing more 😭)
New Kid-- Dabi Fem Fluff
Formal Introduction-- Shota Aizawa GN Fluff
One Piece
Reimburse-- Roronoa Zoro GN Drabble
No One Left Behind-- Roronoa Zoro Fem Angst
No One Left Behind? (Part 2)-- Roronoa Zoro Fem Fluff
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gothic-thoughts · 2 months
Just Five Seconds of Focus
(realized i only have one smut of this adorable man. Finna rectify that rn 😌😌)
Part 2! Joseph Joestar x Black Fem Reader Fluff
ModernAU, CollegeAU, Tutor!Reader, Strangers2lovers
CW: studying with Jojo, kisses as motivation, biology facts(nerdshit fr)
TW: Might b corny asf but I thought it was cute 😭
Word Count: 1064 (give or take)
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“Oh c’mon (Y/n)!”
Joseph Joestar, your classmate, was always a goofy, fun-loving guy. Unfortunately, that meant he hated any work that wasn’t fun, so studying with him for the upcoming biology test was torture. Eventually, you became fed up with his whining and bargaining, knowing you needed to make this study sesh into a game or something before you both failed.
“I said no. I am not failing cuz you wanna get a new high score.”
“Ugh... c’mon, I already know a lot of biology.” Joseph whined, “And we’ve been at this for hours.”
“No, you’ve been playing Mario Kart since we got back from class.”
“One more round won’t hurt!”
“It will cuz you obviously don't know how to stop.”
“I’ll stop myself after just one more round, I promise!” Joseph begged again, looking at you with puppy eyes.
“Hm, you still like me?”
Jojo went completely silent for a long moment as if he was trying to process your words.
“Now you’re shy? You was pretty shameless when you announced it last week.”
“Yeah, but this feels like a trick of some kind...”
“Just answer.”
"Maybe, what if I do?"
“Then how about for every question you get right I give you a kiss?”
Before you knew it, his Nintendo Switch was tossed up onto his bed and he was sitting right next to you, legs criss-crossed with the biggest smile on his face. 
"What are we waiting for?!”
“All I did was blink...”
“First question!”
“You bein’ serious?”
"Yep! If each good answer equals one kiss, I'm gonna be the best damn student in the entire school! We’ll ace this test for sure!"
You blink at his sudden enthusiasm before picking up your textbook, quickly flipping through to the questions and randomly picking one. 
“Ight, first one: what’s an animal cell?”
Joseph went silent, looking up to his right side before smiling. "That would be the one without the cell wall since it’s not a plant."
You look at the question again and shrug. “Works for me.”
Jojo smirked smugly, leaning over and presenting his cheek to you. Those pretty eyes shut as he waited, making you scoff and laugh in disbelief.
“I didn’t promise anything!”
“Come on, you know you want to~”
Rolling your eyes, you sigh before gently pecking his cheek, close enough to his lips to tease him a little, leaving a glossy kiss mark behind. He pouts a little, giving you a playful, knowing ‘look’.
"Aww, come on, a real kiss."
“Just a quick one~!”
You laugh at him and place a soft kiss on his plump lips, making him chuckle. 
"Next question~"
“Hm, where is the radius ulna located?”
"Easy," Jojo scoffed, "It’s your forearm. It’s the bone on the outer side of the forearm."
You lean over and give him another kiss on the lips, holding it for a little longer just to make the poor boy’s heart race. You quickly pull away and pick up the textbook again, flipping through it to find another question while he pouts about it.
“Okay... Why do blood cells need oxygen to survive?”
"Oxygen is also needed to make hemoglobin, the protein that helps carry oxygen. They need oxygen to move through the body and release energy.”
“See? This ain’t even that bad.”
"Ahem, aren't you forgetting something?"
“I'm not giving you a kiss for that, that was an easy one!”
“Tch, you’re the one that said every question.”
Once you place a soft kiss on his lips, he sighs in relief and smiles again, sass completely gone.
“Ight, only a couple more; I don't wanna get lip gloss all over you.”
"Hey, you can get lip gloss all over me any time~" Joseph winks.
“Oh shush~” You whisper, “Now, how do you determine the age of an individual using their skull?”
"Hm, I see you're going for harder questions now. It's... it’s based on the degree of development of the top of the skull and the features of the bone itself. By studying the features and measurements, you can determine the estimated age of a person."
“Good.” Another kiss.
"Alright, hit me with another one!" He said between breathless giggles.
“One more.”
"Alright, but I want a long one this time."
You furrow your eyebrows. “A long one?”
"Mhm, a long, passionate one~"
Your eyebrows raise in realization. “I feel like my lips are gonna be dry at this rate.”
“I could keep them moist if you run out of lip gloss.”
“There’s that shamelessness from last week.”
"I’m just saying... as much as I love these little kisses, I wouldn't mind getting a more intense one soon."
“How intense are you thinking?”
“Whatever you’re comfortable with, Miss Teacher.”
“Hm... that means I'm gonna give you a good question. Why do eyes become red in camera flashes?”
Jojo thinks a second, tapping his chin before suddenly he snapped his fingers.
"It’s the...uh... it’s the red-eye effect.”
“Well, duh. I said why.” 
“Cuz... of... the...”
“Guess no kiss--”
“Wait, no! It’s cuz of the way that the light bounces inside the eye. Yeah, that’s it; the flash causes reflections inside the retina-- which is red.”
“You’re shameless.”
“And eager.” He smiles widely, “So reward now... please?”
You lean in slowly just to watch him squirm in anticipation before you finally press your plump lips to his. He sighs softly as holding your face in his hands, making sure you can’t pull away like all the other times. He’s been wanting to taste you, to take that glossy lip sheen off, and feel your tongue like he’s been wanting for weeks. 
He hums as he slides his tongue into your mouth, getting so carried away that he picks you up from your spot on the floor and sits you on his lap, keeping your hips close to his torso. His eagerness almost drives you to his point of aggressiveness and you fist the front of his crop top in a tight grip, pulling him impossibly closer. Joseph moaned loudly and placed one hand on the back of your neck while he wrapped the other around your waist. You suddenly became fully aware of the lack of air in your lungs and pulled back, panting lightly.
“Damn Jojo...”
“Oops.” He smiles.
“I might like you back at this rate.”
“You might? As if you don’t already~”
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gothic-thoughts · 2 months
Black Woman Smells
Coconut oil Cocoa Butter Natural juices and berries Cantu Curling cream Cherry Blossoms Incense Ocean mist Chocolate Caramel Warmth Love Dreams God Other ethereal things
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gothic-thoughts · 2 months
OFC I Don't Mind
Toji Fushiguro x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, Roommate!AU, Friends2lovers, Drabble
CW: sending nudes to the wrong person (nightmare fuel), Toji has a job (😭), Toji intimidating you, some smashing at the end
Not proofread
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Toji was still at work, typing on his computer when he was slightly startled by someone blowing up his phone, the ringtone repeating over and over in the quiet room. He rolls his eyes and stops typing, initially giving his fingers a break as he picks up his phone to see his lock screen now covered with messages from you, his roommates. They were all photos.
"The fuck
" Toji squints, typing in his password, "I swear to god if it's a bunch of memes
He opened the messages and his heart nearly stopped when he saw multiple mirror selfies of you in lingerie, then braless. His eyes were wide, unable to take his eyes off the screen, the only part of him moving was his thumb when his phone dimmed from lack of activity.
He snaps out of his trance for a second to read the new message only for his eyes to roam back to the cluster of pictures in his inbox. His eyes look over every intricate design in the blue lace in the first pictures then to the dark brown areolas and smooth-looking skin of your tits in the next ones. A smirk slowly creeps across his face.
You: Im sorry they were meant for my fwb You: Ik ur mad his name is right next to yours on my phone and I clicked too fast. I'm so sorry You: Istg I didn't mean it Toji: Bullshit. You: Im being deadass,im sorry You: Just delete them
He takes a few seconds to read before a smirk creeps across his face.
Toji: I'll be there in 20. You: What, wait don’t hurt me! You: I said I was sorry. I swear it was an accident Toji: I said I’ll be back in 20 minutes. You: Bro relax! You: Just delete them and I swear it’ll never happen again Toji: Apologize in person. I will be there in twenty minutes.
Exactly 20 minutes later you hear the front door unlock and open from your bedroom upstairs, causing you to freeze in fear. His heavy footsteps climb the stairs. His footsteps sounded like thunder as they got louder and louder with him approaching your room. Finally, you heard him stop and knock on your bedroom door. You hold your breath. He waits outside the room for a few seconds and then you hear him knock again. You can hear his evil chuckle echoing throughout the hall. You take a breath and step closer to the locked door. “....Yeah?” "Open the door." “I feel like you gonna swing on me when I do so--” "Just. Open. The door." “Not if you gonna hurt me.” There's an angry sigh and he knocks on the door again. "You have ten seconds before I kick this fucking door in." “Toji, I told you it was an accident! You're doing a lot right now!” There was a short pause, as it became eerily quiet outside the door.
"Nine." “Wha- stop!” "Eight." “Fushiguro, you don't think this is an overreaction!?” "Seven." “Nigga!” "Six." “Alright, alright, fine!” You say unlocking the door before running back to the opposite side of your room. “It's open
” You hear his footsteps on the other side of the door as he walks in. He rolled up his sleeves as he made his way across the room, tossing his jacket onto your bed before he finally reached you with an exhausted sigh.
He sighs and reaches to hold your chin but instead, his thumb traces down your jawline and he tilts your head up to look into his eyes. His expression was no longer angry as he looked you up and down. You let out a shaky breath, finally breathing at the feeling of his surprisingly light touch. A few seconds pass as he stares at you, his thumb continuing to trace around the edge of your lips before finally he speaks. "I enjoyed ‘em a lot. Only thing pissin' me off is the fact they weren't for me." “Oh
” "If you want to take away my anger, I have an idea of how you could do that." “You
 you serious?”
He picks you up and tosses you onto your bed, the swiftness knocking the wind out of you before he even mounts you. You look up at him with wide eyes and lick your lips as he grips your wrists, pinning them about your head.
"You ask too many fuckin' questions. Now, lemme see those tits again."
Half an hour later, you were both sweaty as ragged grunts filled your room. One hand had your fingers hooked into the messy bedsheets while the other held his shoulder as if he'd go somewhere. His hands were firmly planted into the mattress as he continued moving with jealously-driven fervor. Your phone suddenly rings, showing your fuck buddy's number on the screen.
Toji freezes at first, the movement stopping when hearing the phone. He stares down at you for a few seconds as he tries to process all of this as you hear your phone ring again and again. "Answer it." “What?” "Answer. It." You slowly pick up the phone. “H-ello?” Toji is still staring intently at you as he hears your friend on the phone. He lifts both of your legs to his shoulders and begins to move again, uncaring what your friend could hear. The friend laughs over the phone. “You with someone right now?” “Wh-what? N-no, I'm fine, just
 in the shower.” “Oh yeah?” The friend chuckles, “That shower must be packing then." “F-uck you.” Toji smirks when he hears your friend laughing in the background before you hang up the phone. “Sh-shut up, you're
 acting like you didn't decide to go as deep as possible, you bastard.” He laughs and lifts your body off the bed, holding you in his arms as he pushes you against the nearest wall. "That a complaint?" “No”
(a/n): sorry if it felt rushed i literally noticed its been a week since I last posted 😅😅😅
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gothic-thoughts · 2 months
Safer With A Stranger
(still writing mythical creatures 😋)
Soap Mactavish x Black GN Reader Angst
Fairy!Reader, MeetCute
CW: Soap finding, comforting and taking in a fairy, height difference(duh 😭), shy reader
TW: Suffocation/passing out, torture mention(it'snotbadipromise), ptsd symptoms
Word Count: 1442 (give or take)
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Every human they captured had their own cell just outside the office but since I’m only about 5 inches tall, my “cell” was nothing but a jar on one of the scientists' desks. One night, for some reason, all of them were panicking about something going on in the building, leading them to trash the office and kill every human. One scientist came back in with a wet paper towel and placed it on top of the lid with a sinister grin before running back out the room. 
I was now all alone, sitting at the bottom of the jar as I wondered what all the loud bangs and shouting were about. It suddenly becomes hard to breathe; each breath feeling more and more forced as my mutilated wings droop. I lay on my back with strained breaths when I noticed the reason the air was so thin; the last scientist had covered the air holes. I could only stare up at it since I was so weak, not able to care about the volume of heavy footsteps increasing. 
"What...” A rough Scottish voice spoke, “What... the fuck....” 
I roll over onto my side and weakly look in the direction of the voice to see a very confused man dressed in all black.
"What the fuck... you gotta be some kind of..." He quickly grabs some kind of device on his shoulder, "Command, this is Soap, over. I think I found the enemy's... project?"
In a staticky voice, another person answers. "Copy that. Is it a super soldier?"
"Uh, no... I-it’s a... a..."
"Can you describe it?"
"It has wings and... I don't really know, it looks like a fairy. It's gotta be a tiny robot of some kind."
I listen to the man and the box talk for a couple more seconds breathing shakily as I roll back onto my torn wings, desperate for air. I let out one last shallow exhale, my hand becoming limp against the cold glass as everything started to go black.
"Shit, nevermind, it's not a robot!” He quickly takes off the paper towel, “Repeat, it's not a robot, I think it's actually a fuckin' fairy, over!"
Despite the airholes being exposed, my eyes were already shut by the time the Scottish man held up the jar to his eye level. The last thing I heard was more of his little black box crackling with static as I feel air finally rushing into the glass container.
7 hours later, I woke up alone in another office except this one was well-lit. I sit up, looking around and seeing I was in the middle of a folded towel on top of a desk again but at least I was free from the jar. My relief was very short-lived when I looked back at my wings sadly, seeing they still had holes poked through them. 
I look through the window on the door seeing a huge medical bay full of giant, some walking and others on beds. The office door opens slowly opens as a blonde woman with her hands in the pockets of that lab coat walks in, eyes landing on me looking. I inhale sharply.
"Oh, hey little one,” She smiled, “You're finally up."
I crawl back, keeping my eyes trained on her hands and eyes, watching for any sudden movements but her eyes just widen with surprise. The woman takes slow steps forward but stops when I start to flap my wings in vain, hoping to fly away.
"Hey, hey, I'm not here to hurt you." She says, holding her empty hands up in surrender, “I’m a nurse.”
I squint at her skeptically, panting as I stare anxiously at the dreaded lab coat on her body. She pauses for a moment, eyes slowly glancing over to my body as a wave of realization washes over her. She squats by the door, now closer to my level, and looks me dead in my terrified eyes.
“I bet you want to talk to the soldier who saved you.”
My eyebrows furrow as I stop crawling, “S-saved...?”
"Yes, the Sergeant brought you here from that horrible lab. He rescued you and brought you here to get you better.”
“The... Sergeant?”
“Yeah, he's somewhere else in the base right now, but I could call for him if that'll make you feel better."
I think for a couple of seconds, curious about whether or not it was the man that I first saw in the lab and whether this nurse was tricking me. Realizing I didn’t really have any other options, I pull my legs to my chest and nod slowly to which she gives me another small smile and leaves to find “the Sergeant”. I hesitantly crawl back to the folded towel and sit on it, hoping the nurse is telling the truth.
After a few minutes of thinking to myself, I perk up a little when hearing the familiar Scottish voice of the man from outside. The nurse walked back through the door followed by him— the giant, bearded man in all black that found me— and apparently saved me. I gasped looking over the giant and committing everything from his mohawk to his boots to memory, not realizing I let him get so close to the desk. With a low groan, he crouched until his blue eyes were right in front of me to which my heart fluttered. 
"Hey." The Scottish soldier smiled, placing his hands on his knees, "You remember me?”
“Yeah... you let me faint...”
"I... I'm sorry ‘bout that. I had no idea you were even... real, I just thought you were a..." He trailed off, “Nevermind. I brought ya here to get better... you okay?"
I nod slowly, “Yeah.”
"Good. How ’bout your wings? Doctors said they're the only part of you that was completely damaged like that. You know why?"
“So..." I begin to tear up, remembering my fate, "So I wouldn't fly away.”
"Oh...makes sense. Do ya...” He slowly reached out one finger to carefully feel the rips in my wings, “Ya think you could ever fly again?"
The Sergeant takes a slow breath, "I'm so sorry, little one. Don’tcha got anybody else? A fairy family, colony, somethin'?”
“Yeah, but...”
"Great, so maybe when we get ya home, your people will know what to do."
I choke up sobs, “I can’t.”
His eyes suddenly widen, looking over at the nurse who only responds with a shrug.
“Uh, why’s that?”
“My entire kingdom's even built in a way that you need wings to get around. Besides, if I don’t fly, they’ll think I’m a pixie pretending to be a fairy.”
"Oh... okay then..."
"We're enemies."
"Oh... right... got it."
I’ve never cried in front of a human before but I couldn’t help it with the weight of knowing I was not only homeless but flightless. I cover my face and turn away from him as I begin sobbing quietly, hearing him hum pensively over my sniffles and gasps. I gasped in shock at the sound of the office door closing and moved my hands to see the nurse was no longer in the room, just me and the Scottish man. He slowly reaches over with his finger and rubs up and down my back while shushing me, soothingly.
"Hey, hey. It's alright, you can stay here in the base, with me.”
My eyebrows furrow, “Here?”
"If you're not allowed to be with pixies or even fairies, you can stay with me.” He uses his finger to gently wipe tears from my cheeks, “We can figure the rest out later, but it's better than ya being stuck out there on your own, yeah?"
“Yeah, I guess so..”
"Look, you may not completely trust me yet, but I’m the one that saved ya and I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure you stay safe."
“O-okay...” I wipe my tears with my arm, “Alright~”
"Now we're gettin' somewhere." He stands up and rests his hand on the desk in front of me, "C'mon, the doc said you're malnourished so let's go get some food in ya, yeah?"
I nod happily as I sit in his palm, my legs hanging off the edge. He moves his thumb securely behind my back, raising me close to his body as he starts to walk, leaving the office. I just look up at him the whole time, unable to stop myself.
"Oh, name’s Soap, by the way."
(a/n): ik i've been making a lot of angst lately (im going through sumn and writing's the only way to cope unfortunately)
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gothic-thoughts · 3 months
Area Codes
JJK Men x Black GN Reader Headcannons
Fake Texts, Sugar DaddyAU, HumanAU(for Sukuna), RichAU
CW: Reactions to you asking for some extra money after they already sent some, smut implied
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Nanami Kento (đŸ€€)
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Gojo Satoru
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Suguru Geto
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Ryomen Sukuna
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Toji Fushiguro
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(a/n): my first headcannons 😁😁 (since im bad at them, any time i decide to make them they'll be in fake text format)
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gothic-thoughts · 3 months
Second Chances
(yes i played clarinet in HS. no we not gon talk about it đŸ˜­đŸ§đŸŸâ€â™€ïž)
Part 1! Dio Brando x Black Fem Reader Fluff
College Football!Dio, Band Geek!Reader(me fr), ModernAU, Drabble(esque)
CW: reader is fed up😭
Word Count: 981
TW: bullying mention, not proofread
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After the university won the game, the football team was swarmed by people to congratulate them. Especially Dio, the star wide receiver, who was surrounded by cheerleaders fawning over him and the win. (Y/n) wades through the commotion with her marching band hat under her arm and her clarinet case in her free hand as she pushes past the crowd. The Center walks over to Dio and playfully snatches his helmet away while the Running Back rests his arm on his shoulder.
"Whatchu looking at, Dee?" Center asked.
"That your girl?" the Running Back teased.
"Not yet," Dio replied with a smug grin. “That's (Y/n), we got like two classes together. She's in the marching band."
Center laughed thinking he was kidding, "Pretty nerdy, guessing you want her to help you study?"
The Running Back laughs along, "Yeah, you need more nerds to help you with your homework?"
"Nah, I tried bullying her cuz she's in marching band." Dio chuckles fondly at the memory of their first encounter, "But she shut me the hell down. She may be a short-ass band nerd but, goddamn, she's got one hell of a fuckin spine."
He sees her finally exit the sea of people who once filled the audience and adjust her marching band jacket before turning down a relatively empty corridor. Dio playfully chases after her and he catches up to her and grabs her shoulder lightly from behind.
"Hey, Short Stack."
“You again? What do you want now?”
"You." Dio winks.
She shrugs him off her shoulder and turns around, continuing down the hall only for him to casually follow her with his signature smirk.
"You know, I can't tell if you hate me or like me."
“I don't know enough about you but let's go with I dislike you.”
Dio moves closer, "I don't know, I feel like you do. Besides, if you don't even know me then you shouldn't make judgments about me, short stuff."
“Oh really? Our first encounter, you made me late trying to bully me.”
"Oh right. But I think we should let bygones be bygones. Besides, people change. And people can start over."
“Not when that first encounter happened 4 fuckin’ days ago. Mind you, I was late for practice for the halftime show at the game you just won.”
"Listen Short Stack; are ya gonna let something so minor keep you from doin' that? Like c’mon, that was Monday."
(Y/n) stops mid-step and looks up at him with a narrowed irritated glare.
“No, you listen, Number 33.” She poked his chest, “Not like you asked, but the band director is strict as fuck. If any of us is more than 5 minutes late, we usually have to stay an extra 10 after class to make up for it. But since the game was this week, your fuckin’ song and dance made me have to stay an extra 25 minutes and walk in the fuckin’ rain. That was my Monday."
(Y/n) turns away and storms off down the hall, turning the next corner. Dio's composure breaks for a moment before he sighs and puts his hands in his pockets. Despite the mask of playfulness on his face, he does feel bad for making her go through that.
He also feels slight shame since he’s not used to losing these kinds of encounters with girls. They were usually falling all over him, hesitant to argue, much less yell at him. Dio sighs and follows her around the corner, now getting into a more serious demeanor.
"I have a compromise for you," Dio says calmly. "Hear me out real quick."
She sucks her teeth, “Bruh!”
“I mean it, as a way to apologize.”
“Just apologize.”
“Not good at that, so I want to do something for you to prove it.”
“A deal?” 
“Just hear me out
She sighs deeply, “What is it?”
"Let me take you on a date to make up for those 25 minutes."
(Y/n) genuinely chuckles, “You want to take me on a 25-minute date, Dio?”
“Tch, no, I’ll take you on a date and I have 25 minutes to make you feel better about what I did Monday. If I don't, you can leave and I won't bother you again."
“I mean of course I’ll find you around school for more of this lovely attention you’re giving me right now, but I won’t bother you.”
Another deep sigh. “Can’t believe I’m doin’ this. Fine, but I pick the place and time.”
"Sounds fine to me, where and when?"
“How about another compromise; I'll give you my Insta and text you all the info if you go change out your uniform.”
"A compromise within a compromise. I like it." Dio said with a sly grin. “And what's wrong with the uniform, it's a chick magnet."
“Yeah, not with the smell.” She laughs, “ Like I know we’re both sweaty, but you smell like ass and grass so...”
"Hey, that's just cuz of the game. After I clean myself I smell like a bouquet of flowers."
“You gonna have to prove that cuz that’s not what I’m inhaling right now.”
Dio laughs as he takes out his phone, “Alright, alright; message received. I’ll go now.”
(Y/n) puts her clarinet case down and takes his phone to follow herself on Instagram before handing it back. Dio notices the smile on her face and his eyes follow her movements, even as she starts to walk away. He thinks for a moment; she had every chance to shoot him down and yet she agrees to let him take her to a date. 
Was she interested, or was this her just way of being spiteful? Either way, he was willing to find out. Dio stares at the screen of his phone, reading her Instagram handle over and over again. After reading it a second time, his smirk returns.
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gothic-thoughts · 3 months
I take a short writersblock driven hiatus and uh
Wtf happened to the yellow text color 😒😒??
Im tryna edit Dio after finally getting out of my writers block
And the yellow just quit???
Mind you, I despise hate orange with a passion so I'm not using that shit for my baby đŸ˜€đŸ˜€.
Might use green tbh cuz ion know
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gothic-thoughts · 3 months
(I've been obsessed with mythical creatures lately so imma write a few fics to get it out)
König x Black Fem Reader Angst
Mermaid!Reader, MeetUgly
CW: Racism to humans, standoffish/mean reader
TW: blood mention, kidnapping mention, human experiment, PTSD (elements ig)
Word Count: 1032 (give or take)
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After his team returned to the base, the Colonel was informed that something strange had caught something strange in the enemy territory. He was intrigued but wasn’t fazed, assuming it was just another weapon or something. He followed the seemingly eager soldiers to the airplane hangar and once there, his eyes widened in shock at the sight of her; a dark blue-tailed mermaid on the floor.
“Heilige scheiße(holy shit)......”
She looks around at the humans around with panic, baring cat-like fangs as she hisses, causing all soldiers to jump at the sound. Most raise their guns at the mermaid, unsure and fearing what they’re facing. Colonel König, however, slowly approaches the creature. She narrows her eyes angrily, immediately recoiling from the masked man and causing him to stop in his tracks.
He reaches his hand out to her to show the creature he is not a threat but her eyes remain slit and full of distrust as she hisses at the large man before her. König remains still, his face is calm and there is no fear in his eyes as the soldiers continue to aim, unsure as to whether or not the creature is going to hurt their commanding officer. He slowly brings his hand closer to her to which she slaps his hand away.
“Do not touch me, landwalker.” She snaps, “This is your first and only warning.”
König is surprised as well but he does not show it, waving his hands to make the soldiers lower their weapons. He steps back and clears his throat.
“You can speak?”
“Do not be flattered, I have nothing nice to say to you. My silence is more than your kind deserves.”
“My kind?”
The mermaid squints, “Yes, your kind. The stories are true, you humans are nothing but barbaric and cruel.”
“Barbaric and cruel? Is this... your opinion of all humans?”
“When I meet an exception, I shall alert you. And unless you intend to kill me, landwalker, back away. I rather die than be tested on by two groups of humans in one lifetime.”
A murmur of chatter erupts among the soldiers. Colonel König holds up his hand to shut them up before turning his attention back to the creature.
“We have no intentions to harm or test you, mermaid.”
“I am not dense, human. I know what you want.”
“What is it that you think we want, mermaid?”
“The same thing the last group of humans did before you quote unquote ‘rescued’ me; my scales, my hair, my tears, and my blood.”
“You were tortured?”
She winces in pain as she pulls her tail to her scale-covered chest to show the small exposed patch of flesh where shiny blue scales used to be.
“For your kind's cruel, violent experiments, yes I was.” She scowled, “My scales are the equivalent of fingernails, besides the fact that they grow and shed from my tail, like hair. And these landwalkers manhandling me here only made it worse.”
He steps a little closer, kneeling, “May I?” He asked, reaching out for her tail.
“What game is this?
“May I... examine? Your tail that is, I swear I’ll be gentle.”
While eyeing him intensely, she slowly extends her tail with a pained groan allowing the Kortac Colonel to cautiously grab it, holding it up in both large hands. He begins to examine the exposed bloody patch of skin in front of him, grimacing under his mask at the 10 small spots where the scales were plucked from.
“When did this happen?”
“A few days ago but they haven't had the time to grow back yet. Especially since they were ripped off.”
Colonel König nods his head, “Let me take you to our infirmary. Our medics will bandage it and you can rest it while it heals properly."
“You... how can I trust this isn't some land-walker trick?”
“We are not all like the other humans you have encountered before. Some of us have morals and values, so please...”
“...who are you, giant?”
He chuckles at her observation. “My name is König.” He kneels to her and holds out a gloved hand, wanting to solidify her trust, “Will you trust me? At least enough to carry you to our medical bay?"
“You intrigue me, König.” She rests her hand in his, “I will... I am trusting you.”
König smiles behind his sniper hood and lifts her in his arms, holding her against him. As he stood up, she quickly wrapped her arms behind his neck with a gasp as she was lifted from the ground.
“I've got you.”
He starts heading for the exit of the hangar with the mermaid in his arms. As they head for the medical bay, the mermaid sees that the halls in the base are filled with humans; some of them are working, some of them are relaxing, and some of the are just doing their own thing. What the mermaid doesn’t realize, is that all those eyes are on her. 
She hugs herself closer to his body, afraid and on guard as he walks past the people dressed like him. Colonel König senses her fear and immediately holds her even closer to him, wanting to make her feel protected against anything.
"They're not going to touch you."
"You're sure...?”
"It's a promise, mermaid, I’m not letting anyone close to you.”
“It's... I’m (Y/n)...”
He can’t help but chuckle again. "(Y/n), ja? That’s a beautiful name.”
“And I also wanted to apologize for insulting you.”
He chuckles, "It's okay, alright. If anything, I understand. We, uh, humans, aren’t the friendliest bunch most times."
“Oh, I'm painfully aware. But I'm apologizing to you.”
"Me? Me specifically?"
“Yes, just you... You’re the only human I’ve met to not view me for profit.”
He clears his throat as his cheeks warm up, "I can assure you that I do not see you for just profit. Of course, I can’t speak for everyone else but I see you as something more."
“More? More than profit?”
König nods. "More."
"I think... that might be a secret I'll hold for myself for now.” He winks, “Until we get to know each other better.”
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gothic-thoughts · 4 months
Slow on the Internet
(idek how i found this pic of him but im SO glad this shit exists😭)
(AGED UP) Yuji Itadori x Black Fem Reader Fluff
Streamer!Yuuji, Shy!Reader, RoommateAU, Friends2Lovers
CW: oblivious Yuuji 😭😭, yuuji talking to his twitch chat, reader speaks some Japanese đŸ€đŸŸ Yuuji speaks some English, not proofread
Word Count: 1701
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any Japanese is written in Romaji and confirmed by DeepL
It was 10 pm, Itadori was sitting in his gaming headphones on his stylish armchair, playing a popular game while Spotify was quietly playing a mellow song in the background.
"Guys, the stream's gonna be a little quiet, I don't want to wake my roommate."
Itadori tried not to make too much noise, talking quietly to his audience.
- Which one?
- Is it (Y/n)??
- Megumi or the American girl you brought on a while ago?
- The girl??
 "Yes, I’m talking about (Y/n). Megumi's out for the night. Uh, for those new to stream, a couple streams ago..." Yuuji laughs into his hand, "Like 3 streams ago, I forced my roommate, (Y/n), to make a... commentary vid with me."
- You should force her back fr 👀👀
- Bring her back, yall were cute
- You guys chemistry was adorable, u sure she's just a roomie??👀👀
He laughed at the comments, a little embarrassed at the idea of having chemistry with his roommate, but it was sweet of them to think that. He shook his head and laughed, trying to brush it off as a friendly relationship.
"Shut up, it’s a normal amount of chemistry! I like to think we have a cool dynamic.”
- denial isn’t healthy, Itadori
- but does she want to STAY ur friend??
It was flattering how invested they were in a relationship between him and (Y/n). He wasn't sure what his chat was implying, surely they were teasing him. There was a little part of him that liked and even agreed with his chat's implications. He was glad they were taking so much interest in his friendship with (Y/n). It was sweet.
"I- what are you guys saying?" He laughed nervously, his cheeks red.
"You really think my roommate likes me? Really?"
- The only she could make it more obvious was if she kissed you like r u srs 😭😭
- Does she take or borrow ur stuff a bunch?
"Oh yeah, all the time." He laughed, nodding. "Like she'll use my body soap and won’t give it back unless I ask. Sometimes she'll even just take my clothes and leave them somewhere in her heya (room); sore wa wakaranai (I don't get that)."
- Bro cuz she likes u
- She got it bad too. Both of u do
His heart was beginning to race a little as his chat spoke and said all these things. He laughed nervously, but he didn't deny any of their comments. He wondered if all these things actually were happening because she did have feelings for him.
"No, no I didn't... did I?"
- How do u curve a goddess BY ACCIDENT?
- Rejecting someone by accident is crazy
- She is fine asf lowkey
He shivered a little as his chat continued, making him begin to feel a little bad for keeping his feelings to himself and even stupid when realizing that he wasn’t reading her feelings correctly.
"I don't know, I mean.... it never crossed my mind that she really liked me. Maybe... but she just did small things."
He rubbed the back of his neck, not sure what to say. "I didn’t think she’d like me, I thought she was just doing it cuz she’s still fairly new to Japan. Aside from the fact that she’s out of my league."
- is it because she's older than you?
- I dont even think ur age gap is even that big smh
- how old is she anyway? U look about the same age
- Ik ur 21 but how old is (Y/n)?
"How old? She's 23, but still..."
He rubbed the back of his neck, his face red. He just didn't know what to say so he just laughed nervously. They kept describing her and it made him feel bad, thinking that he had been doing this to her, hopefully she still liked him so he could try again.
- Ur both young adults so age is just a number fr
- Yuuji, don't piss me off đŸ™„đŸ˜€
Itadori couldn't help but laugh the more he read, unable to deny the comments that his chat was making. It felt like his chat had read his mind.  
"Okay okay, wakattyo (i get it)! She likes me, I might like her, age isn't an issue. What am I supposed to do though?"
- Talk to her wat 😭😭
- Ask her out duh.
He laughed and read the comments. His chat was making it so simple.
"Come on guys, it can't be that simple. I live with her! What if she doesn't feel the same and things end up being awkward?"
Itadori jumps out of his chair, his heart beating out of his chest when he hears the only other person in the house knock on his bedroom door. Shit. Of course. He then realized he had his stream on the whole time so she definitely heard everything. He got up and walked over to his door. He cracked open the door, peeking through with his cheeks still red.
“Hey, Yuu.”
"Hey... did you hear nandemo (anything)?"
"Hear what?" (Y/n) furrowed her eyebrows, "You on the phone?”
He paused and smiled, "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I was just making sure I wasn’t being too, um, loud. I thought you were asleep.”
“I was, but I woke up wanting something sweet. I'm running to the konbini, nani ka hoshi mono wa?"
“Yeah, sure.” He paused, thinking of something, "Can you get me some ichigo pocky?"
“Honto ni? I was gonna get the same thing.”
He laughed, her answer surprised him. "Really?"
“Yea. Alright, I'll be right back."
He smiles, waiting for her to come back. He had so many thoughts, so much to process about the stuff his chat said and his own feelings for her. He waited for her to come back with the strawberry pocky.
- Well???
- Did she seem to like u??
- What she say?
“There's really no reason for me not to like her, ya know? I'm starting to think I like her back, really like her, she’s so sweet." He rubbed his neck, feeling guilty, "You guys were right, I've been rejecting her by accident. When she gets back, I want to tell her."
The comments made him smile even brighter. The chat called her his girlfriend, but he didn't want to get too ahead of himself. He could only hope she'd respond positively.
"Shut up guys, I'm not her boyfriend.... well, yet hopefully."
20 minutes later, she walks into his room with snacks and a few drinks in a bag. He didn't expect her to come back so fast but it made him grateful. He was smiling wide as he took off his headphones and paused his game again, realizing how cute she was when she was just being herself. (Y/n) pauses in his doorway with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.
“Are--” She lowered her voice, “Are you streaming?”
"Uh, heh yeah. Uh, my chat they made me see something. It has to do with you."
“Oh god...” She chuckles and waves shyly at the camera, walking over, “They don't want me on another stream, do they?”
His chat was blowing up with comments, excited at the appearance of his roommate again. "Shut up guys, I swear. It wasn't planned. Anyway, you don't have to come near the camera.”
“I don’t, good; I was freaking out already.” She laughs.
“Do you mind if I keep streaming while we talk?"
“Uh... sure, why?” She hands him a soda and the boxes of pocky then backs out of the camera, “You making me nervous~”
"Yeah, sorry. They've really grown to like you, so they're excited to see you again."
“I was only in one stream!”
"I know, I know, but they really liked you. So every time you show up again, they get really excited because they love seeing more of you."
“I didn’t know I had fans; is that what you wanted to tell me?”
He sighed, "No, it's not. There's something else."
"Alright.” He takes a deep breath and stands, hoping he doesn’t make a fool of himself, “So chat made me realize that I’m a biggest idiot in the world. I... I like you, (Y/n).”
“You're...” (Y/n) chuckles uncomfortably, “You’re joking? Kore wa jyooku desu ka?”
"No, no. I mean it. They helped me realize that you liked me so I wanted to tell you that.”
“But I thought you didn't like me.”
"Yeah, well, I thought I didn't, I realized it after they pointed out how we treat each other. And they were right.”
“So you were rejecting me... by accident?!”
“I just thought you'd stick around me cuz you’re still a little new to Japan!"
“Yuuji, I've lived here for like 5 months now!”
“Yeah, but I thought, like... I don’t know!”
“God, you be so clueless sometimes.” She sighs deeply, “Since I know now, finish your stream and we can eat the snacks and maybe, uh, eiga o miru?"
Itadori froze. “Movie? You... want to watch a movie with me?"
“Seems like the only thing to do this late at night," She chuckles, "Everything but the convenience store is closed this late."
"Hell yeah, I’d love to!”
(Y/n) laughs, “Mkay, lemme know when you’re done.”
(Y/n) leaves his room with the bag of her sweets and closes the door. Yuuji sits back down in his chair with a wide smile on his face as he starts playing his game again. He was so focused on finishing it for his stream and going to watch the movie that he wasn’t reading the chat’s confused and riled comments. He finally looked over at them and laughed, pausing the game:
(a/n): unfortunately not sponsored by strawberry pocky cuz đŸ€€đŸ€€
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gothic-thoughts · 4 months
ik you’re not black.
I'm not👀??
*fades from existence*
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