foster-the-world · 3 days
Madison Square Garden
We saw Tyler Childers at Madison Square Garden last night. The first part of the concert was great. We are always so happy listening to music. Then Kermit the Frog came on. Which was fun but odd. For the last twenty minutes he seemed to be drunk. He was repeating things and not necessarily making complete sense. I could be wrong but that was what we both thought. The songs were still good but the bits in between were not working.
Then I came home and read that he got sober a few years ago. Now I'm worried about this guy and his family - even though I obviously don't know them. Maybe he wasn't drunk and we were just imagining it? I hope so. Addiction is a bitch.
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foster-the-world · 4 days
Sweet to me
Last night I was reading Anne of Green Gables to the girls. Marilla is teaching Anne the "now I lay me down to sleep" prayer. The girls started to recite it. As a half lapsed Catholic/half lapsed Jewish family we've never taught them any prayers. Turns out our sitter does a bedtime prayer every time she stays with them. She's also our daycare worker - so has become a part of the family. I was impressed they remembered it considering she probably watches them at bedtime once per month. I know some people wouldn't like religion coming from someone else but I just think of it as a sweet way someone else is looking out for my kid. I like them hearing about different things people believe. I say we should start saying what we are thankful for every night. They both started by being thankful for themselves. HA! HA! As they should be.
She's going to babysit tonight as we are going to see Tyler Childers at Madison Square Garden tonight. Tickets were my Birthday present.
The kids have off school June 6th/7th/19th. We also have the 19th off. Need to figure out childcare for the other two days. Luckily, we have several options. Most of them are expensive but whatever.
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foster-the-world · 5 days
Every year
Every year after school programs stop two weeks before school gets out. Every year it comes as a surprise to us. I think because its so illogical. The work we do which requires us to need childcare until after 5pm certainly does not stop two weeks before kids get out of school for the summer.
Trying to figure out FMLA stuff is pissing me off. I feel like I'm trying to use my kids extra needs to game the system. But by game the system I mean have enough time off work to get my child's medical needs met. I'd be happy if I got paid to do this but I don't even care if its not paid. I just want some flexibility to do it. For the record I do not have the kind of job where if I'm not there someone else has to do my job. If I'm not there the work waits for me.
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foster-the-world · 5 days
Bizarre Conversation
Working for the city is bringing back to foster care days where you can't get a straight answer for anything.
I'm trying to figure out if either my husband or I qualify for FMLA via baby boys diagnosis's. He has a ton of appointments, besides generally being sick (thanks, asthma) all of the time. I get a fairly generous 20 days a year and could easily use them up on his appointments. That does not account for my other two children, myself or any actual vacations.
I sent an email to HR, they forwarded me to an email titled intermittent FLMA. Assumingly, these people would be the experts. Apparently not. They tell me I need to work at least a year. Fair enough. I ask for my husband as he has worked for the same agency for 20+ years. She tells me he has to have worked 1250 hours over the last year. I ask if as a fulltime employee that would be at least 1250 hours. She "cannot answer that." Of course, I can do the math but you'd think that would be a fairly simple yes or no question. I ask if the time is paid. She says "what time?" Umm...the intermittent FMLA time that we are currently discussing and that is in theory the topic of your job. She tells me "We don't give days." What the hell does that mean. Apparently (according to her) FMLA is using your own vacation days. Why in the world would I need to fill out separate FMLA request in order to use my vacation days. Vacation days I am already entitled to?? She could not understand why I would be confused about this.
Then I ask about PFL something someone else mentioned to me. I manage to find out from her that I would be eligible after six paychecks. It's 67% of your pay. You need a doctor's note. She (of course) does not know what diagnosis's qualify. If someone else would not have mentioned this option to me she would not have brought it up. Anyway, it may end up being helpful in the long run. I don't mind waiting a year. I would even use unpaid time. I just don't want to use all of my vacation time sitting in doctor's/therapist offices.
I was admittedly fairly rude to the women. I was getting frustrated. Probably not helping my cause but I hate conversations where I feel like I'm talking to a wall.
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foster-the-world · 5 days
50 years!
We had a nice weekend celebrating my in-laws 50th anniversary. My husband found the perfect venue for a dinner party. Really, really good family style food and nice cocktails. It was at an Upstate hotel so the kids were able to run around the campground. Worked out perfectly. Then all 28 of us went to a YMCA family camp the family has been going to since my husband's generation was little. The kids were in heaven. I wasn't much looking forward to it. Or rather I was looking forward to it for my kids but it was too much togetherness for me. Plus, I always worry about baby boy is going to do. The first morning baby boy and I walked on the river. It was just about as perfect as a morning could be. We threw in about a million rocks and he was his funny self. Listening to him talk on and on is the best. There were def points where it was a little to much on time but overall it went well. Glad my kids have such amazing family to love and support them. My in-laws were very happy.
Back to work today.
I volunteered to host glow parties for all the kids at school who don't get an official graduation ceremony school. I found a reasonably priced silent disco headphone company - that I think the kids will get a kick out of. Looking up glow party stuff is keeping me entertained. I wanted to make glowing drinks but it involved crushing up vitamin B12. Only one tablet per gallon - so totally healthy but I read it may turn your pee green. I didn't want to freak out 200 sets of parents so I think we will skip that. Our Principal is always down for a party. One of the Vice Principals is a bit of a curmudgeon and does not seem thrilled with the idea. When I mentioned food she was like "food, FOOD? no one told me there would be food. Do you understand there will be food all over the ground?" Um lady a party implies food.
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foster-the-world · 8 days
I don’t remember where this story was from but it was about how the writers older brother died when he was young and years later had a son who, had never met the brother had the same mannerisms as him. Ok I think I remember the key words were “my son drinks from the water fountain like my brother” or something
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foster-the-world · 10 days
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F for future career day. Dino trainer, icee lady and a doctor. Is it any wonder everyone who meets my guy absolutely adores him? They are all so perfect.
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foster-the-world · 11 days
It was F for future career day at school. Baby boy went as a dino trainer, bee as a doctor and Rebel as an icee lady. All very cute.
The school had family ballroom dancing lessons tonight. It was fun/funny. The Jr high kids were as awkward as you would think. Every adult and child wanted to know why baby boy wasn't there. I kept him home so one of us could go to a zoom about Special education schools. Made me kind of sad we are taking him out of this community that loves him so much. Its for the best and may only be for one year - depending on his future needs. Someone told me his special ed school is now full for next year. We only toured and got a spot two weeks ago.
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foster-the-world · 11 days
One to many
13 kids in my son's class and all crafts are sold in packets of 12. Can I tell the teacher to have the least behaved kid sit out this activity? Kidding. Kidding. Also, that would be my kid :)
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foster-the-world · 11 days
Good AMC deal
If you use code AMC25 you can get two movie tickets, drinks and popcorn for 2 for $20.
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foster-the-world · 12 days
Explosion projects
Yesterday Bee said she needs to quickly come up with some "explosion projects." I had questions. Turns out her teacher told her the science project is due in three days. Not happening.
Last year we enjoyed the Science Fair but I'm not putting together two projects with three days notice. If the school wanted science projects they should have told us in advance.
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foster-the-world · 13 days
Life stuff
Took the kids to Coney Island this weekend. It was so much fun. Weather was good. Way over priced but that's life, I guess.
Read "the Wives" this weekend. A memoir about a liberal women whose husband joins the special forces. Wild. I cannot imagine. I'm surprised she was able to share so much information. Her husband is still in the military. I was pretty enthralled. Now I want her husband to write a book.
The PTA election was odd. Normally we are lucky to get one person for each position. As of a few weeks ago no one had agreed to be the President. A few people were asking the current person to do it again. As of a few days before she was saying no. Plus, she hasn't been too responsive to issues recently. Its a big job so I could understand being over it. I was already Secretary for two years so was opting out this year. Anyway, at the meeting the President listed some nominations she had received. Including for herself and the current Treasurer for President. She was the one who nominated the current Treasurer for the President role. Then she says she was nominated for the Treasurer along with one other new women. As there was someone else willing to be the President I thought for sure she would turn down the nomination. Or turn them both down. I quickly turned down my nomination. Nope she accepts both the President and the Treasurer nomination. It was very unorganized. The poll on zoom was not working so she tells people to send her their votes. I point out we should send them to the Principal so it can remain anonymous. She claims she is "supposed" to see the results. Who wants to message her to vote for someone else. We agree the Principal can see the results. She wins the election. So then we are like great that means the other person will win the Treasurer election. She then claims no we must hold both elections and then she will select what job they want to do. She says this all as if it is some written policy - rather then something she is making up as she goes along. Why would you insist on holding both elections? The other President nominee is her friend and the person she nominated. Why would you want her to go through not winning if you aren't going to accept the role. Anyway, she doesn't win the Treasurer role. I'm not sure if it makes sense written out but it was all odd. The person who won Treasurer writes me directly to say the "chaos of the election givers her pause." I'm not sure chaos is the right word but I can understand her hesitation. I like both the current Treasurer and the current (and future) President. They are both at the school constantly and do a ton of unpaid labor. However, everything is done last minute. Any attempts I made to make it more organized didn't go over well. I was not about to spend the year arguing with anyone so I just went with it. It all worked out. Also, I don't want to be President so I am in no position to judge how anyone else does it. Just confusing to claim you don't want the role for weeks, ignoring emails/work about the current position, and then accept two nominations. Anyway I'm glad to be out of it. I love the school. I love the community. I will still do a ton of work but I'm happy to do it in an unofficial capacity. No reason to sit through meetings.
I've applied for about $90K in grants that we haven't heard back from. If we get any of those I'll help the current Treasurer as grants can be a pain in the ass. I'll still run Teacher Appreciation week. I'm planning end of year Glow parties for the classes that don't get a graduation. If those are fun this year - I'll do it again next year. I'll volunteer at all of the events. I'll just skip meetings and drama.
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foster-the-world · 17 days
Crazy hair day
Rebel's been talking about her crazy hair day plan since last year's crazy hair day. Tomorrow's the day. Her big plan is to NOT BRUSH HER HAIR! She hates getting her hair brushed everyday. She's dying to skip it and go in with bed head. She's so excited that I'm excited for her. Although less excited about her subway commute to her afterschool class. People will be judging my parenting, I'm sure.
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foster-the-world · 17 days
Chicken movie
Its been nonstop raining so I told baby boy's after school sitter he could take him to the Natural History Museum. We have a free entrance card through our school.
The teacher wrote back to ask if he could take him to the movie instead. The sitter said he's been begging to see a movie.
Yes! He has been begging to see a "chicken" movie. Something that he totally dreamed up. As far as I'm aware there is no chicken movie in the theaters now.
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foster-the-world · 17 days
What would you do?
Earlier this week I was on the bus with the girls. I overheard the women behind me say "He says he's a Nigerian Prince. Do you think its real or is it BS?" With more eavesdropping I hear her say "well if that's true why would he come to the US?"
Would you tell her its a well known scam?
Since then I've felt bad that I didn't warn her. I was embarrassed to admit I was (unintentional) eavesdropping. Plus, worried I was misreading the situation. Maybe she was talking about some colleague claiming they were a Prince and not someone who is emailing a scam to get money. Plus, why would she believe or want the opinion of some stranger?
By now are there really people who don't know the Nigerian Prince scam is not real?
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foster-the-world · 18 days
In good news I think our building mgmt company is going to add double doors to our closets. We have four good sized closets in our apt. Which by NYC standards is pretty lucky. Unfortunately, you can't properly use half of the closet because they only have single doors - so its hard to reach the ends. I'm always shocked when the building agrees to things like this. I asked two days ago. They had a contractor there this morning. Let's hope it continues to go smoothly.
Jogathon at school today. Its generally a really fun event. Its raining so we had to do it in the gym. Not ideal. Apparently Rebel was second in her class for numbers of laps. Which is surprising because she's neither athletics and is the shortest kid in the class. The tallest kid in the grade was in first place.
It was too loud for baby boy. He can handle loud but he can't handle a new experience and loud. My husband was volunteering. I hung out with baby boy on the side lines. When people congratulated him afterwards he very emphatically said "I did not run AT ALL." When they said good job for cheering on your friends he also told them "I did not do that either." He was not lying - he did not cheer on his friends, even a little bit. When they were handing out awards the Emcee literally said "Quincy showed up" HA! HA! Every conservatives nightmare. Cracked me up. He was having a great time with his friends afterward. He's def a part of a group - which is nice to witness.
I know he's not going to be into the graduation ceremony. I'm tempted to skip but don't think we can. I'm not inviting my in-laws because I don't think he will get on the stage. Maybe he'll surprise us but I doubt it. I enjoyed the event with the girls but also don't care much. Even my own college, master's degree and nursing school graduations didn't mean much to me. I'm not going to turn down a party but the actual ceremony wasn't meaningful for me. If he's not into we can take him out.
We accepted the spot at the special Ed school. He starts June 30th. I had a call with a parent today to talk about what needs to happen for a good Kindergarten spot. Insane but I was (unknowingly) behind last year which screwed him over when it came to getting services. That is not happening this time. He very well may not need extra services but if he does I'll have all of my ducks in order. Apparently he needs a private neuropsychic appointment if we want a spot in the best special education classroom. The waitlist is 6-9 months so I need to get him on one now. Blah. Blah. Never ending.
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foster-the-world · 19 days
Vanderpump Rules Reunion
Don't mind if I do.
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