forumjutsu · 13 days
Melinda: I said you could invite one friend to the reception. One!
Damian *looking at Ewen and Emile*: They don't come separately, mom.
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forumjutsu · 15 days
Naruto: I accdientally drop a shuriken on Kakashi's foot and the only thing he said was "i am so sick of being alive"
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forumjutsu · 15 days
Sakura: When I told you to bring me something from the beach I meant a rock or something like that
Sasuke, dragging a great white shark into the house: How was I supposed to know that?
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forumjutsu · 15 days
Sakura: You know, I thought this crush for you would go away a long time ago.
Sasuke: I know.
Sakura: I tried to get rid of it.
Sasuke: Okay.
Sakura: No, you don't understand, I really tried.
Sasuke: Okay...
Sakura: I really, really tried. Hard. For a long time.
Sasuke: OKAY, I GET IT!
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forumjutsu · 19 days
Sasuke: You're not allowed to cry in my presence. It's too dangerous because I'll just give you anything you want
Sakura: I want you to stop hating yourself
Sasuke: You're so unfair
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forumjutsu · 22 days
Tumblr media
naruto part 1 basically
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forumjutsu · 3 months
Sakura: Sensei? Are you OK?
Kakashi *lying face down on the grass*: Oh, yeah, yeah. I've just momentarily lost my willing to live.
Kakashi: It'll go away in a minute
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forumjutsu · 3 months
Naruto: Okay, you lost all your family to the person you loved the most when you were seven and therefore you have to spend the rest or your life dealing with mental disorders and coping with something no one can imagine, but it doesn't give you the right to...
Naruto: To be honest, it does give you the right to do whatever you want
Sasuke: Of course it does, see you
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forumjutsu · 3 months
Kakashi: Normally, I don´t want to get involved in this matters
Kakashi: Or any matters of any nature
Kakashi: But I found a very cute dog so I believe in life again
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forumjutsu · 3 months
Naruto: Hey, Sensei; am I interrupting something important?
Kakashi: Impossible, I work for the goverment
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forumjutsu · 3 months
Sasuke: I´m not a sore loser, I just like to win.
Sakura: And what happens you don´t?
Sasuke: I start insulting people.
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forumjutsu · 3 months
Itachi: Of course I'm not gaslithing you, Sasuke! How could you think that?
Itachi: I'm straight up lying.
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forumjutsu · 3 months
Naruto: Sasuke, come on, it' s so obvious you like Sakura. I have never seen you, in my entire life, look at anyone else like you look at her.
Naruto: Except maybe, on a few occasions, me.
Sasuke: I've never looked at you the same way I look at Sakura.
Naruto: There's been a few times.
Sasuke: There's never been a time.
Naruto: You looked at Kakashi maybe once or twice like that. Me, several times. Sai, never.
Sasuke: What are you talking about?!
Naruto: Okay, okay. We'll just get back at this when you're ready.
Naruto: Sasuke, it's so obvious you like Sakura. I've only see you, in my entire life, look at three people like you look at her.
Sasuke: I'm gonna kill you.
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forumjutsu · 4 months
Naruto: *accidentally eats something too spicy so his eyes start to water* Sakura: Naruto, look at me. It's okay. I would die for you. I love you so much. You're the best person I know. Naruto: I'm not crying? Sakura, hugging Naruto's head: Shush baby, it's okay. Kakashi is here and he loves you with his whole heart. Sakura, whispering: Kakashi, find out who made him cry. Destroy them. Kakashi, sharingan glowing: On it.
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forumjutsu · 5 months
Hinata: I know what this is about... Naruto-kun, I told you we had to pay the check sometimes...
Sai: It's fine, he can't pay.
Sakura: Why?
Sasuke: Nothing.
Naruto: Sai, don't you say another word!
Ino: What is going on here? Sai?
Sai: Sasuke and I lost a bet to Naruto, and now we have to pay.
Ino: Oh, well then...
Sakura: Wait. What was the bet about?
Sasuke: Nothing important.
Sakura: Sai?!
Sai: We wanted to find out whose wife would eat more crickets.
Sakura, Hinata and Ino: WHAT?!
Naruto: Sai, you're an idiot!
Sai: They would have figured it out.
Sasuke: How would they have figured it out?!
Sasuke: You're missing the silver lining here, Sakura. I lost the bet.
Sakura: So... I didn't eat crickets?
Sai: You and Ino ate three each.
Sakura and Ino: Ohh!
Sai: Hinata had six.
Hinata: Six?! You could've won with four!
Naruto: Baby, baby, I couldn't take that chance.
Sakura: I'M GONNA KILL YOU ALL! *breaks the table*
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forumjutsu · 5 months
Kakashi: I told Guy about how I approved your strategy of telling Sakura and Naruto you're leaving by sending them a note when you're already away, and he said that we were "sociopaths."
Sasuke: So you're gonna stop being his friend?
Kakashi: No, I think he may have a point. You might need to do more than send a note.
Sasuke: But what else is it to do?
Kakashi: I did some research on amicable farewells and, apparently, it's less painful if you acknowledge the other's feelings.
Sasuke: ...Ew.
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forumjutsu · 5 months
Sakura: I feel like we need time alone so we can figure out what this is.
Sasuke: Yes, you're right. I want to be with you, without anybody else.
Sakura: Just you and...
Naruto *appearing out of nowhere*: Where have you been?! I'm having a major life crisis, and you guys are, what? Just jumping around, french-kissing each other like a couple of hormones? What is that, Sakura? Is that a hickey...?Disgusting!
Sai: Hey, you guys. Um, I've been doing a lot of thinking. Now, I know everyone's going through a lot, but I think it is time for me to start a puzzle.
Naruro: What is going on with you two? Are you, like, a couple now? How is this gonna work? Have you thought any of this through?!
Sai: If you're a couple, are you having intercourse? I would like to know how that works.
Naruto: I really need to fix something important! Please help me, okay? Stop snogging for one minute and help me.
Sasuke and Sakura:
Sasuke: Okay. Give us a moment, we'll be right inside.
Naruto: All right! Thanks, man.
Sakura: We'll be right in.
Naruto: The gang's back!
Sai: We love you guys.
Sakura: Yeah! *closes the door*
Sasuke and Sakura:
Sasuke and Sakura: Run!
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