flipppyflopp · 5 days
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“We know what you are…a villain.” 👑
Back in my angst era 💅✨ Couldn’t get this idea out of my head and I’ve been working on it ever since! I wanted to capture Vil’s anxiety over being caught trying to end Neige. It still gets me how he overblotted not because of Neige, but because he felt so guilty that he attempted to do something so ugly. He always preached about hard work, and how you can get anything if you try hard enough, but here he tried to take a shortcut to his own goal. He couldn’t stand for anyone to see him after committing such an ugly act. He proved that he was what he hated most: a villain.
I could go on and on about Vil’s Overblot but I’ll save that for my future Vil Overblot pieces. For now, I’m off to try and not draw something angst related 😎
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flipppyflopp · 9 days
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With you I stand on equal ground 🦁🐍 (3/3)
Jamil and Leona, what a duo in Book 6! I wasn’t sure what to expect for their tower descent, but I was pleasantly surprised with what happed. Leona helped give Jamil a push in the right direction, towards being his own person separate from Kalim and the expectations of others. He really encouraged Jamil to be selfish and fight for himself, that he shouldn’t be satisfied just letting others surpass him. I thought they had some really nice moments in Book 6, so I tried to encapsulate that with this piece!
And with that, another series done! It always feels so good to finish an art series because you get to see all the pieces come together, not to mention the growth over the period of drawing the pieces. I really want to work on finished my Overblot Inner Child series next, but we shall see 👀
Riddle and Azul Piece
Vil, Epel, and Rook Piece
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flipppyflopp · 12 days
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With you I feel found 👑🏹🍎 (2/3)
Pomefiore, my beloveds! Their section was my favorite of all the towers in Book 6 because it was just such nice bonding and teasing and it was so cute 😭 Not to mention the huge lore drop that Rook transferred into Pomefiore from Savanaclaw! It made so much sense for his character and I wanted to see his Savanaclaw look so bad. I also loved when Vil got interrupted telling the story of how he and Rook met, it was so silly.
I will never be over all the tower stories from Book 6, they were all so well done. Anyways, we’ve got one more part to this series, so look forward to it soon! 🦁🐍
Links to other posts in this series:
Riddle & Azul Piece
Leona & Jamil Piece
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flipppyflopp · 14 days
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With you I’ll let my guard down 🌹🐙 (1/3)
One of my favorite things about Book 6 was how our group got separated into three teams to go through each of the towers! I loved how each group learned to work together as well as became closer by talking to each other and defending one another. It was nice to see them grow more comfortable each other, which was nicely encapsulated with the moments they fell asleep in the break rooms.
It was so cute seeing Azul and Riddle letting their guards down around each other. It’s been a while since I’ve drawn Azul and Riddle, but I’m really happy with how they turned out! I tried to play with the darker lighting and I think it turned out well. I hope you look forward to the next piece which will feature some of my favs 👑🏹🍎
Vil, Epel, and Rook Piece
Leona & Jamil Piece
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flipppyflopp · 18 days
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Happy birthday to the sweetest knight ever, Silver! ⚔️🎉
Wanted to do something quick and cute for Silver’s birthday and after I saw his platinum groovy, the inspiration just hit me. I wanted to do my own take with Lilia coming to celebrate Silver’s day with a special cake that he made himself. Of course the taste leaves much to be desired, but the thought is what truly counts.
Also be sure to keep your eyes peeled for a Sleeping Beauty easter egg 👀
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flipppyflopp · 19 days
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A Moment’s Respite 🧁✨
I can’t believe how long it’s been since I’ve drawn my twst ocs! I have so much written and doodled for them, but I just get sidetracked often lol Here we have Finn sneaking off to go hang out with Zel before the VDC rehearsals start. Vil is about to catch him slacking off and drag him back to the NRC Tribe, so he better enjoy his break while he can. I have a short comic written up, but it needs some more polishing before I post it, so look forward to it soon!
Slowly I’m revealing more of my Zel oc, one day you’ll see his full design. If you have any questions for my ocs, feel free to leave them in my inbox! I’m off to work on a Vil piece and maybe another Silver one…we shall see 👀
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flipppyflopp · 21 days
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Deep down there’s a light that never goes out ⚔️✨
Quick doodle of Silver falling deeper into the dreams of himself and others. At first I was going to just keep it as a reference to the game over screen in Kingdom Hearts, but then I started wondering what it would look like with the dreamscape background from Book 7, so I decided to do two versions of the background. Backgrounds are the bane of my existence, but I think I did a good job recreating the one from the game!
I also challenged myself with the lighting, keeping it very pink to go with the bright pink glow of the ring. I really like how Silver’s hair turned out! Now I’m off to work on a new Vil piece as well as a piece for one of my twst ocs, so look forward to those! 🎉
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flipppyflopp · 24 days
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A side of you which lies unseen 🦇
General Lilia’s design is so amazing and I love how it clashes with his usual school design! I wanted to capture that gruffness of General Lilia and the moment when Silver knocks off his mask, realizing that it is indeed his father. I had a lot of fun choosing colors for this piece and enjoyed drawing the expressions of Lilia and Silver.
I can’t believe I went all out for this General Lilia piece then he refused to come home 🤡 I did 100 pulls and then called it quits because I want some cards in future events. I’ll have to be satisfied with just seeing his png in the story mode for now. Hopefully y’all had better pulls than I did!
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flipppyflopp · 28 days
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Couldn’t help but hop on this trend real quick with Rook crying his heart out over his favorite idol, Neige LeBlanche. 🤧 Nobody tell Vil that Rook snuck out of Pomefiore to attend a Neige concert, I fear for what he’d do.
I considered drawing a version with Sebcroc and Malleus, but I didn’t want to spend too much time on this doodle. It’s been awhile since I’ve drawn a meme, but it was a lot of fun 😂
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flipppyflopp · 29 days
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Thinking of you wherever you are. 📸
A silly little idea I’ve had for a while where Epel and Rook are going shopping and they come across a poster of Vil representing some brand. Of course Epel wants to poke fun at Vil and Rook can’t help but go along because his passion is beautiful. I had a lot of fun designing casual fits for Rook and Epel, even though I only showed a snippet of them in this piece 😅 For the poster I got some inspo from Vil’s new Luxe Couture card, but I put my own spin on it and gave him a fluffy boa.
I couldn’t help but add a quick sketch of Vil’s reaction, and I’d like to think he would be endeared but also slightly bitter. He definitely saved it and made it his wallpaper on his phone, but don’t tell Rook or Epel 🤫 This past week was super busy so I wasn’t able to work on much besides this piece and my previous reel. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to work on more this week, but we shall see!
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flipppyflopp · 1 month
OKAY OKAY I LOVE YOUR NEVERLAND AU SO MUCH OH MY GOSH?? I ACROLLED THROUGH ALL THE POSTS (I didn't wanna spam like but gosh they all were so good)
I remember seeing something about Ortho being tagged so I'm curious... How does Ortho play into all this?
I’m glad you like the AU so much! It’s tied as my fav au alongside Sebcroc because I just love the depth to this au. I love getting questions about my Neverland AU because I have so many thoughts and ideas that I’m eager to reveal!
But at last someone is finally brave enough to ask about Ortho…I’ll put a warning in case some people want to wait for Ignihyde’s official introduction piece for my au.
⚠️Spoilers for Ignihyde’s Role in Neverland AU⚠️
So Idia and Ortho serve as the Keepers of Neverland, which I like to think of as a mix of a Peter Pan and Overseer kinda role. Their job is to maintain the order of Neverland and relationships between the different groups occupying Neverland, like the fairies, mermaids, wanderers, etc. Usually this takes the form of a monthly meeting between the leaders of the various groups at the heart of Neverland, a hollow volcano where Ortho and Idia reside. (There’s a convenient river that leads to the volcano that allows the mermaids to attend the meetings)
Ortho was always more adventurous and curious than his brother and he often talked with the prince of mermaids, Vil, and the fairies of Pixie Hollow, including the prince of the nocturnal fae, Malleus. He enjoyed dragging his brother around with him, especially to hear tales about the mysterious mainland. Ortho asks his brother if they could visit the mainland and Idia isn’t so sure since the last Keeper told him some foreboding words before passing on about how Neverland would become his prison. He puts this unease aside and decides to put his brother’s happiness first, which leads to them attempting to fly away from Neverland towards the mainland.
As they fly high in the sky with Neverland growing smaller behind them, they are both suddenly struck with great pain. Before their eyes their bodies begin to disintegrate into stardust. Idia can only watch in horror as Ortho uses the last of his strength to push him back towards Neverland. Idia tries to grab his brother, but he can only burn into his memory the sight of Ortho disappearing right in front of him.
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Ortho becomes the second star to the right, the beacon of light that leads to Neverland. Idia then withdraws and neglects his duties allowing conflicts and tensions between the various groups. He builds a new Ortho out of lost things, but it’s not the same…it will never be the same. Neverland took his brother and he will not forget that.
What will Idia do? Who knows…well I do, but you all will have to wait till I reveal his master plan later down the road. For now, take this silly Ortho doodle to lift the mood after the depressing backstory reveal:
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flipppyflopp · 1 month
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“You won’t betray me, right?” 🥀
More Sebcroc lore! Oh…it’s sad and foreshadowing…whoops. Here we have a flashback of one late night conversation between a young Malleus and Sebek. I got inspired thinking about how usually at sleepovers the conversation takes a deep turn after midnight, which is what happened here. Malleus reveals some of his insecurities in how others perceive him, but Sebek is quick to push all those fears away with his loyalty.
So yeah, the senate council doesn’t approve of how close Malleus and Sebcroc have become because they find that the next king of Briar Valley’s best friend being a literal animal is weird, but Lilia adores them, so who cares what the council thinks 🤪 More Sebcroc content will be coming soon, but I’m also working on some twst OC stuff, so look forward to that!
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flipppyflopp · 1 month
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“I can always count on you to be by my side, right?” ⏳
A sweet moment between Malleus and Sebek…nothing could go wrong, right? 🤡 I wanted something fluffy after my last post and I came up with a flashback for my Sebcroc au of a young Malleus and Sebek. Sebek would stay in Malleus’s room in the palace and sleep in his bed due to his nightmares. Lilia finds in really cute when he sees them cuddled up together in the morning.
This was a fun and simple piece to work on and I really enjoyed it. I tried playing with the color pallet, using some not so bright colors, and I think it turned out well for this piece. Expect a part two of this piece coming very soon…it will totally be super sweet and not angsty at all :)
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flipppyflopp · 2 months
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“How dare you lay hands on my son!” 🦇⚔️
An angst filled return to my Neverland AU! This is not only the moment Silver lost his wings, but also when Lilia loses his long hair in my au. There were nocturnal fae jealous of the new diurnal fairy, Silver, that was taken in by the Wing Snatcher, Lilia Vanrouge, and they kidnapped him one day. On that fateful day, they cut off Silver’s beautiful wings, causing him to never fly again. Luckily, Sebek notices Silver’s absence and tells Lilia, who immediately searches for his son, but by the time he finds him…it’s too late. Lilia takes revenge on the fae and while dodging one of their strikes, Lilia loses his long locks.
Before Lilia can go too far, Malleus arrives and orders Lilia to stand down because even though it would be fair to rip those fae apart for what they did, it’s not right. One day I’ll draw the full comic of this moment, but for now take this little glimpse…it would even be fun to try and write this all up…but where’s the time for that 🤪 Leave any questions for the au in my inbox and I’ll answer as soon as possible! ✨
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flipppyflopp · 2 months
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A night to remember and a sight to never forget 🌌
Here’s another birthday comic for the birthday boy, Vil! This time I wanted to focus on Jack and Vil, specifically the moment Vil mentions in one of his birthday cards about how Jack took him to see the aurora as kids. I just think that’s so sweet of him to literally take Vil out to see the stars, like imagine a cuter set of friends 😭
I had a lot of fun designing their winter fits as well as designing a look for Jack’s mom! I tried to make her look similar to Jack because I like to think that he takes after his mom more than his dad. Anyways, I forgot how long making comics can be, so sorry this took so long, but I’m really happy with how it turned out! Who will feature in next year’s Vil birthday comic? I’m thinking his dad, or perhaps Leona…we shall see! ✨
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flipppyflopp · 2 months
Thought I’d share this again since it’s Vil’s birthday! I’m currently working on Vil’s birthday comic for this year, but it won’t be done till Wednesday or Thursday.
This year the comic will feature Jack and Vil whereas last time I focused on Rook and Vil. ✨
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To you, the fairest one of all ✨
This comic takes place right after the VDC! I like to think that Vil and Rook had a conversation like this after the excitement of the day settles down and they get their stuff from Ramshackle before heading back to Pomefiore. I think that after Vil’s Overblot and Rook’s betrayal that they had a heart to heart similar to this in order to reaffirm where they stand in their relationship, which is by each other’s side as what’s the Fairest Queen without her loyal huntsman?
Once again, happy birthday to Vil! I hope you all enjoyed this comic as much as I did! 💕
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flipppyflopp · 2 months
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No tag line like my usual posts because this new Vil card has consumed my brain and all its thoughts 🤪 We love seeing Vil get his own event in his birthday month with the most gorgeous card I’ve ever seen in twst 🤧 Like the twst artists outdid themselves with this one, I hope their pillows are cold forever and always. It hurts knowing I can’t pull this card for like a year, but I shall wait and continue to hoard my gems as Malleus taught me to do.
I also added to this post a new Sebcroc outfit! The Deuce bunny event is coming up so I figured I’d go ahead and draw a new icon for myself. Sebcroc’s outfit is one that would match with Silver’s, I just really love all the bows…they are such a cute detail. Speaking of outfits I love, what other outfits do you all want to see Sebcroc in? Maybe I’ll draw some of them in the future…
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