flightyquinn · 3 hours
bapping you with my soft wittle paws until naught but ash and dust remains
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flightyquinn · 5 hours
One thing I really love about TTRPGs is the way the roleplaying aspect changes a character. You can have two characters that conceptually start out the same, but create completely different characters from the concept each time.
For example, two characters I've played - Locke Baldwin and Watcher Hawthorn - both started out with the concept of "criminal boy from the slums who becomes apprenticed to a talented mage and turns out to be a prodigy, but never fully loses his old habits," and yet from there they evolved in completely different directions.
Locke was young, still had his mother, and had been a freelance con artist before getting caught by his mentor and forced to choose between making the lie true, and getting turned in to the authorities for it. He was also a fabulously and flamboyantly gay pretty boy, descended from an ancient magical lineage, and very irresponsible.
Watcher was an orphan whose name came from Cockney rhyming slang (Watch and Chain rhymes with Brain), used to be a burglar for the Guild, and decided on his own to go straight when he realized he had a knack for understanding magical writing (that he stole) and might have a chance of landing an apprenticeship. He was a middle-aged journeyman who was too career focused for dating, regularly sent money to the orphanage where his sister had become a nun, and wound up as the de-facto "team dad" for his much younger party members.
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flightyquinn · 6 hours
You know what? I'd been thinking that chimeric Falin in the show was more horrific than fanart had led me to believe, but no. This is much worse.
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Biblically accurate Falin
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flightyquinn · 7 hours
the internet is kind of magical. there is absolutely nothing you can say that won't start an argument somewhere. you can have the most mild take in the world, and someone's going to chime in to say how wrong it is, and/or that you need to chill out.
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flightyquinn · 12 hours
Figured out the tech. I can now have Big Trouser AFK farm gold for me while I do whatever else with my time.
over 5 hours into a run of vampire survivors, and i'm starting to think none of these reapers are going to die.
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flightyquinn · 21 hours
This made me smile very hard.
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flightyquinn · 21 hours
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This is one of my favourite Calvin and Hobbes strips because it's both a great example of the comic's recurring "Calvin and Hobbes engage in extremely erudite dialogue while something ridiculous and painful happens to or around them" bit, and a great example of newspaper editors going "hey, we want you to structure your comics so that we can freely rearrange the panels to maximise ad space" and Bill Watterson responding "fuck you".
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flightyquinn · 21 hours
me whenever i walk past the bookstore
the devil just told me to take out a 700 dollar loan to buy FICTION books. I won't do it. I won't. I might. noooooooooooo
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flightyquinn · 23 hours
Some say they are merely a myth...
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The Boston Weekly Globe, Massachusetts, May 29, 1889
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flightyquinn · 23 hours
Peacocks be like...
Happy Pride!
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flightyquinn · 23 hours
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flightyquinn · 23 hours
Puritanism may be one of the worst things that ever happened to the world. Or at least one of the things with the longest lasting negative impact.
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i said wat i said
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flightyquinn · 23 hours
I like to take pride marketing with a healthy pinch of salt, but the fact the Budweiser - a name I would once have said to be synonymous with conservative Americans - put this much effort into theirs?
Gotta say, it's genuinely not something I would have expected, and it's genuinely heartening.
So while most rainbow capitalism is sticking rainbows on things and pretending to be an ally, Budweiser’s UK branch is giving credit to trans activists, and explaining pride flag colors.
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flightyquinn · 23 hours
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flightyquinn · 23 hours
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flightyquinn · 1 day
Oh, that's really cool actually!
Though even this one from Reddit would be good enough for me...
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As much as I like Dragonite, I don’t like it as Dratini’s final evo- SO… I took a crack at designing my own final evo for that line that is more thematically suiting!
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flightyquinn · 1 day
So cool~
Watch this video for no reason.
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