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Marine life specialists noticed a spotted eagle ray mother was having trouble and helped her deliver two baby rays 
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A real 3-hit combo of tumblr posts rn
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A Curated List Of My Favorite Skeletons (and Skulls!)
We shall start, of course, with the obvious: Stringray!
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Followed neatly by pufferfish!
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gila monster skull (shh they are sleeping)
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moving on to flamingos bc they have so little to work with but they stretch it so far
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veiled chameleon skull (plus art by Elena Barbieri so you comprehend the importance of the sclerotic ring bone!) (bc some eyes have bones! some eyes have bones and that is so so valid)
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love us a good old-fashioned mole
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the tucan, always a fun classic
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in conclusion, a few dainty gibbon skeletons to calm you soul, bc why the heck not <3
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(yes the last one is a real vintage postcard sold in real Natural History Museum gift shops, before for some reason they reconsidered this marketing decision)
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There are alleged incidents from the earliest days of military aviation of enemy recon pilots taking potshots at each other with handguns because aircraft-mounted weapons hadn't been invented yet and they couldn't use rifles because they needed to use the other hand to fly the plane. I'm not aware that anyone ever actually got shot down in this way, but imagine if you did. Imagine tootling around in your shitty little wooden-frame biplane when another guy in a shitty little wooden-frame biplane comes flying up to you and shoots your plane with a revolver. Imagine surviving the resulting crash and having to explain that this is why you went down.
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next year james patterson is slapping his name on a book called "the secret lives of booksellers and librarians," which is real bold considering that every bookseller and librarian that i've met in my time as a bookseller and librarian absolutely loathes him. including me.
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trans guy who doesn’t realize he’s turning into a werewolf because he assumes it’s all just normal side effects of starting testosterone
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I don't know a great deal about pre-20th Century American history, so when I was wondering what William McKinley did to deserve getting shot, I hit his Wikipedia page as my first stop, and
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At this point I'm thinking two things:
Surely no actual human person would phrase it that way.
Yeah, that'll do it.
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i have to periodically remind everyone about quark’s swimsuit. for those of you who have either forgotten or never knew of its existence
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no minecraft stream this week the fermentation on just the levains is gonna take like five fuckin hours
Also gonna try to start tackling the dozen or so commissions that've rolled in since restarting the etsy shop too so see yall for minecraft next week
and I'll be updating yall on how the bread goes as it goes today
I'm not bougie enough to have a proofer for fermentation and shit so I've just heated the oven to between 75-85F (which on my oven is just when you turn on broil for 2-3 minutes then shut it off)
gonna be using this recipe in particular for exactly the same bread so i can taste the difference between them
this recipe makes two loaves, so each starter will have one loaf do its final cold fermentation in a banneton and one in a regular metal bowl:
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I'll be sticky-noting the outside of the cooking towels to keep track of which is which loaf when it comes to baking
since they need to ferment overnight, tomorrow morning will be when the first batch of loaves (probably the banneton set) will be going in the oven
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Humans have finally managed to land on Mars, only to find a locked safe buried in the Martian soil. The key is apparently on Earth, but no one knows where.
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reblog and tell me which star trek ship you are obsessed with and which one you hate more than anything
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"Growing Around Grief"
Lois Tonkin, 1996
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the world is in peril, and people are hurting
but even so, we can take comfort in knowing we have creature of wet slop. grins.
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thinking abt how fucked up steam engine boiler explosions can look. theyre just pipes under there
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gives me the idea of a ghost/monster engine that looks normal, albeit a bit battered, only to swing their smokebox door open and a myriad of pipes come bursting out like fucked up tentacles
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agrees to do petplay and she immediately euthanizes me
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You can get it here
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notice how everyone is horny today
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