featherl1ghtt · 2 days
Me: completely and blissfully unaware of a feminine feature
Dysphoria creature about to tell me it's the most girl girl girl woman girl pussy girl queen girl woman woman lady titty girl boob thing ever:
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featherl1ghtt · 2 days
how it feels to ⭐️ve and destroy yourself but not being able to talk to anyone close to you about it because they'll try to make you recover
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read my intro b4 interacting ⋆ block don't report
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featherl1ghtt · 2 days
3d discord server💕
I made an 3d server on discord!! We can motivate each other, share th!nsp0/motivation quotes, mealsp0 and just talk about wl and our goals in general. The server is for everyone no matter age, gender, size, WHATEVERRR
Lmk if your interested💕💕
(Please reblog ✨💕)
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featherl1ghtt · 3 days
Reblog if ur an active 3d blogger in may/June ✨
I need moots 😭💗
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featherl1ghtt · 3 days
this user has an 3D but supports and encourages recovery ❤️‍🩹 #reblog.
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featherl1ghtt · 3 days
I hate it when my cvts hurt the day after I made them. Like please stop I was just feeling silly
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featherl1ghtt · 3 days
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featherl1ghtt · 3 days
*one very very minor inconvenience occurs* oh, that sucks. i should probably go kill myself now
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featherl1ghtt · 4 days
I was actually thinking of kms but then after 4 or 5 hours I'm acting like I just did crack. Wtf man.
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featherl1ghtt · 4 days
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Me when someones sw is lower than my cw
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featherl1ghtt · 4 days
how to make my man think being chubby actually isn’t attractive and think that i need to be 90 lbs no glue no borax
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featherl1ghtt · 4 days
having a friend that is thinspo is so aggrivating and jealousy inducing I CANTT. But i lowkey love it at the same time.
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featherl1ghtt · 4 days
nothing brings me greater joy than logging on to see people interacting with my posts.
if you reblog things with comments/tags i would kill myself for you.
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featherl1ghtt · 4 days
Body ch3ck
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I'm still fucking fat, no mather what I do. Someone lock me in a room without food for a few weeks
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featherl1ghtt · 5 days
i wanted to ask for some advice and tips. i’ve had ana for years, but then it turned into horrible binging, which then turned into bulimia.. im trying to stop eating as much, but im not sure how to go about it. do you have any advice on how to wean into lower calorie intake? i hope this makes sense<3
okok as a high r3stricter heres what i do:
1. i do a dry f4st 8pm-12pm, water & medicines only if necessary.
dry f4sting is beneficial when 16+ hours and its easy since you can do it while u sleep! someone anon asked me to not promote this and i just wanted to say, this is JUST what i do and have been doing for years, if its not something youre comfy with or able to do thats perfectly fine lovies, same with everything i wrote here, this is just what i do. take care of urself🩷 and help resources are pinned 🩷
if you tend you get cravings at night, this might be hard at first. some things i do to stop cravings:
-think abt how i feel after i overe@t (guilty, embarassed, like a failure, f@t, weak) to remind myself how ill feel the next morning if i e@t rn
-when im having certain cravings i look up a mukbang of it and watch other people e@ting while i chug water until im full from water
-i have insomnia so i have an as needed medication for those nights when i need to sleep but cant, so ill take that and it knocks me out. if you dont have a sleep meds, melatonin supplements may help if ur body lacks the proper amount. (pro tip: dont take the 10mg & 20mg gummies of melatonin, thats way too much. ur body only needs 0.5mg MAX, which they sell in pill form or u could have ur doctor prescribe for u.)
2. i drink coffee as soon as my dry fast ends (around noon)
**i HATE black coffee but if thats how u roll then slay! but i add brown stevia & a dash of cream or almond milk so its <20 c4ls and its yummy & i need the caffeine to get me through the day.
** this honestly works as a l@xat1ve for me so if ur trying to step away from our girl mia, then maybe this step isnt for you 🩷
3. i save my c4lories for the end of the day, around dinner time!
this way i can have whatever i want and dont feel guilty or like its too much, i have posted some of my omads & u can find more anywhere on here 🩷
i have a list of things i do instead of eating throughout the day if ur worried u won’t be able to save c4ls for the end of the day, if u scroll for a min on my page u should be able to find it 🩷
4. choose filling foods over filler foods
for example, 6 oreos is about the same amount of c4lories as my chocolate chip pancakes r3cipe. cookies arent filling, youll just want more. theyre a filler. whereas 3 pancakes with chocolate chips & betties and syrup, is satisfying & craving.
if you like to get ur c4lories out of snacks thats completely up to you, but for me it leads to overe@ting and then im still hungry.
5. water & vitamins
i take a bunch of vitamins, i start the day with vitamin d, then a womens multi vitamin, then calcium. at the end of the day i take my vitamin c as a treat bc theyre gummies and theyre delicious 🩷 lmao
you can research vitamins and choose other ones to take like iron supplements & omega-3? i think its good for ur brain or heart or something idk, its up to you but without vitamins id feel like sh!t all day without f00d
water is obviously important and i used to overlook it but its literally what gets me through. i aim for 10 cups a day, it gives me the illusion of feeling full &
6. dont beat urself up
everyones b0dy works differently. what works for me may not work for someone else! its all whats best for you. this is just what i do, as someone who grew up barely e@ting & fearing f00d, i don’t struggle with b1nging but if thats something you struggle with, id actually suggest upping your intake. that way you can e@t a couple times throughout the day. i have a doc with all my omads/r3cipes & s@fe f00ds that u can make ur own recipes with, if u dm me and ur 18+, i will send u the link 🩷
hope this is what u were asking for 😭🩷 mwah
if you have any specific questions abt these dont b afraid to leave another ask💕
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featherl1ghtt · 6 days
Bawling my eyes out, crying for my mom and dad to help me, knowing I'll never be comfortable enough to tell them everything (im the problem)
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featherl1ghtt · 7 days
reblog 🔄 if ur an active 3dB|r acc in 2024 so i can follow you :) 🪩
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