fanfic011287 · 1 year
Another Love Story
Part 1 - The Punishment
"When should I come and pick you up from practice"?
"I should be done by 2:00"
"You should be, or you will be"...
"I-I will be!" 
"Alright, you better not be late!"
With that I jumped out of Nat's car being extremely careful not to shut the door too hard. Last time that happened I wasn't able to sit right for a week. I love my girlfriend don't get me wrong but sometimes she can be a bit over controlling, especially when it comes to her cars. Although I am in college I am not allowed to drive and must be driven everywhere by either one of my girlfriends. This rule was put in place after my girlfriends found out that I showed up late to one of my morning classes. They deemed I wasn't mature enough to have my own car because I apparently couldn't handle the responsibility of getting places on time. Though to be honest it's not that bad considering both of my girlfriends own super nice cars. I guess those are the perks when working for the Avengers, you can buy whatever your heart desires. Nat owns a matte black Chevy Corvette with an all black leather interior, along with an all black premium g-class SUV. Whereas Wanda owns a red Porsche 918 Spyder and black Tesla model Y, with red leather seats. 
Nat drives off as soon as she sees me enter the building. 
Practice was going great, running right on time, even a little early to be honest. Though that sadly all changed when one of my teammates decided to have a smart mouth, causing all of us to hit the line. Once my coach decided that we've had enough he blew his whistle dismissing us from the gym. 
"Hey Kate what time is it"?
"It's 2:45, why"?
"SHIT! My girlfriend is going to kill me", I screamed before I could even register the words coming out of my mouth. 
"Girlfriend"!? "You're dating someone"? "OMG y/n why didn't you tell me"? "What's her name"?
"Uhhhh.....ummmm.... she uhhh-"
"Oh come on y/n, why would you keep this a secret? Are you embarrassed of her or something"?
"NO! No, it's nothing like that. She's great, I just haven't told anyone because I didn't think it was that important". Truth be told I didn't tell them because not only would they rag on me for dating an Avenger, but I would never hear the end of it if they found out I was dating two. 
I quickly threw my clothes in my bag and started running out to the parking lot. 
"Hey y/n wait up, we wanna meet your girlfriend". "Is she picking you up"? "Can we say hi"?
"Yes she is and no not today. She's super busy so she's gonna be annoyed that I am late". 
Making my way out of the building, I instantly spot the matte black corvette, with tinted windows that are currently shielding the angry redhead who is waiting inside from the prying eyes of my teammates. Glancing behind me I notice my teammates Kate, Leia, Danny, Maya and Jessie all gawking at the car. I just know they are all anxiously waiting to see if they can sneak a peak of my mysterious girlfriend on the inside. However I was not about to let that happen. I quickly open the door just enough to let my body slide in before closing the door right behind me. 
"Where the hell were you"?!
"I... pra-practice ran late. I-I didn't know it was going too! I'm sorry"!
My hand instinctively reached for my face as the red, hot searing pain radiated through my cheek. 
"I specifically asked you if you were definitely going to be done at 2 and you said yes! If you didn't know then why lie, huh? What are you hiding"?
"No-nothing! My coach said 2 so that's what I told you". 
"Whatever! Oh and don't think this is over, you'll be receiving the rest of your punishment when we get home". 
As Natasha pulled out of the parking lot I stole a glance back at my teammates who were all smiling and giggling as the car whipped out of the lot. The drive home was short but filled with an eerie quietness. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
Wanda and Nat bought a mansion in Florida as soon as they found out that's where I was  planning on attending school. They said they wanted to be able to spend time with me, but honestly it was just to keep an eye on me and make sure I was behaving myself. 
That night I was forced to sleep in my own room as opposed to sleeping with my girlfriends in our shared bedroom. Natasha filled Wanda in on what happened as soon as we entered the door and they both deemed it fit for me to go straight to bed, without dinner or anything. Just like a child would get punished if they were to act out. 
The following morning I got up bright and early in order to sneak out and ride my bike to school. There was no way I was getting in the car with either one of them, especially Nat after I was so wrongly punished. 
The day went great! However I was begging to feel extremely anxious when neither Nat or Wanda texted me asking where I was, or how I left, anything along those lines. After practice I walked out expecting to see my bike waiting for me, but what I saw instead was much worse. The black premium g-class SUV was sitting right in the center of the parking lot and leaning against it was none other than the Black Widow herself. I gulped loudly knowing I was so screwed. I instantly looked around to see if anyone had seen Natasha. To my dismay two of my teammates stood dead in their tracks a few feet behind me staring dumbfounded at the lady before them. 
My teammates Sadie and Kate have been dating for two years, however the past year I have been getting the feeling that they are coming on to me. Things like little touches and sweet praises always came from them, making my cheeks burn up. Now I would never in a million years cheat on my girlfriends, but that still didn't stop me from getting flustered every time the two paid extra "attention" to me.
Anyways, as I approached the car Nat instantly lunged, grabbing my wrists. 
"You have some nerve leaving this morning without even informing us, especially while you were on punishment", she gritted through her teeth just loud enough for me to hear her and no one else.
"Get in the car NOW"!
"I-I am not getting in the car till you apologize for how wrongly you treated me yesterday".
"And what makes you think I'm going to do that"?
"Then fine, I am not getting in the car". I swear if looks could kill I'd be 10 feet under by now.
"Well good luck getting home little girl! Wanda already came by and took your bike, so you can have fun walking" and with that Nat got in her car and drove away. I stood there stunned, truly in disbelief that she would actually leave me. Her little girl!
"Hey y/n, do you need a ride home"? I looked over to see Sadie standing by her car looking at me with so much concern. 
"Ummm... yes please"
The drive to the house was short and sweet! Nothing compared to the one I shared with Nat the previous  day. 
"Damnnnnn! This is your place"?
I couldn't find the words to answer her, fear radiating through my body as I noticed the missing car in the driveway. This meant Nat wasn't actually planning on leaving me at my school and now she will be even more pissed  that I didn't wait for her to just come back. 
"Oh umm, yeah! Yes, this is where I live. Thanks so much for the ride", I quickly spit out before taking off from the car to the house. Nat would be home soon and she wasn't going to be happy. 
Just as my hand reached the nob and Sadie and Kate pulled out of the driveway, Nat pulled her car up into her spot. Making sure to glare at my teammates as she did. 
"shit", I mumbled before turning and darting into the house. 
"Y/n, honey you're home", Wanda said, perking up on the couch, but then proceeded to look behind me in search of the other red head. "Y/n, where's Nat"?
"She um... she's coming. She told me to just go ahead". 
As I began to make my way up the stairs, taking them two at a time I heard the dreadful sound of the front door being thrown open. 
"Who? Y/n"?
"Yes y/n! She refused to get in the car and instead rode home with that couple on her team that has a crush on her".
"I'm sorry, SHE DID WHAT"?!
Even from upstairs I could see the anger and disbelief on Wanda's face. I knew I was going to be in for it. I quickly pulled off the false board in my closet squeezing myself back into my hiding space. Just as I repositioned the board I heard my bedroom door being thrown open. 
"Y/n where the hell are you"?
I gulped backing up away from the board
(1 hour later)
"Where could she have possibly gone"
"I'm not sure", both women continued to look around until it hit Wanda. "The false board"!
With that Nat raced up the stairs, throwing open my closet doors. My heart was pounding rapidly as I heard the board being pried off. 
"Ahah! There you are you little brat", before I could plead for forgiveness I felt her hand lace with my hair yanking me out of the closet and down the whole flight of stairs before throwing me onto the living room floor. 
"You have some nerve you know it"? Natasha yelled while tying my hands behind my back with her belt.
"Natasha no! I didn't know you were coming back and-and I couldn't walk. Please I'm sorry"!
"Awe honey, it's a little too late to be sorry now isn't it"?
She yanked me up by my arms laying me across her lap and pulling down my pants and panties. Wanda sat across from us in the armchair watching the whole scene play out wearing a mischievous grin. 
"Now you are going to count and thank me for each one. Do you understand"?
"good, your count is 20"
"On-one, thank you"
"I'm sorry what was that"?
"I-I meant, thank you daddy".
"Better! Now start over"
*20 spanks later*
"You did so good my love"
"Thank... you.. da-daddy",  I got out in between sobs. 
The rest of the night was spent cuddling and watching movies. I was curled up into Wanda's side with my head resting on her chest and legs resting on Nat's lap. I've never felt more safe than when I am cuddled up with my favorite red heads. 
"When should I come and pick you up from practice"?
"I should be done by 2:00"
"You should be, or you will be"...
"I-I will be!" 
"Alright, you better not be late!"
With that I jumped out of Nat's car being extremely careful not to shut the door too hard. Last time that happened I wasn't able to sit right for a week. I love my girlfriend don't get me wrong but sometimes she can be a bit over controlling, especially when it comes to her cars. Although I am in college I am not allowed to drive and must be driven everywhere by either one of my girlfriends. This rule was put in place after my girlfriends found out that I showed up late to one of my morning classes. They deemed I wasn't mature enough to have my own car because I apparently couldn't handle the responsibility of getting places on time. Though to be honest it's not that bad considering both of my girlfriends own super nice cars. I guess those are the perks when working for the Avengers, you can buy whatever your heart desires. Nat owns a matte black Chevy Corvette with an all black leather interior, along with an all black premium g-class SUV. Whereas Wanda owns a red Porsche 918 Spyder and black Tesla model Y, with red leather seats. 
Nat drives off as soon as she sees me enter the building. 
Practice was going great, running right on time, even a little early to be honest. Though that sadly all changed when one of my teammates decided to have a smart mouth, causing all of us to hit the line. Once my coach decided that we've had enough he blew his whistle dismissing us from the gym. 
"Hey Kate what time is it"?
"It's 2:45, why"?
"SHIT! My girlfriend is going to kill me", I screamed before I could even register the words coming out of my mouth. 
"Girlfriend"!? "You're dating someone"? "OMG y/n why didn't you tell me"? "What's her name"?
"Uhhhh.....ummmm.... she uhhh-"
"Oh come on y/n, why would you keep this a secret? Are you embarrassed of her or something"?
"NO! No, it's nothing like that. She's great, I just haven't told anyone because I didn't think it was that important". Truth be told I didn't tell them because not only would they rag on me for dating an Avenger, but I would never hear the end of it if they found out I was dating two. 
I quickly threw my clothes in my bag and started running out to the parking lot. 
"Hey y/n wait up, we wanna meet your girlfriend". "Is she picking you up"? "Can we say hi"?
"Yes she is and no not today. She's super busy so she's gonna be annoyed that I am late". 
Making my way out of the building, I instantly spot the matte black corvette, with tinted windows that are currently shielding the angry redhead who is waiting inside from the prying eyes of my teammates. Glancing behind me I notice my teammates Kate, Leia, Danny, Maya and Jessie all gawking at the car. I just know they are all anxiously waiting to see if they can sneak a peak of my mysterious girlfriend on the inside. However I was not about to let that happen. I quickly open the door just enough to let my body slide in before closing the door right behind me. 
"Where the hell were you"?!
"I... pra-practice ran late. I-I didn't know it was going too! I'm sorry"!
My hand instinctively reached for my face as the red, hot searing pain radiated through my cheek. 
"I specifically asked you if you were definitely going to be done at 2 and you said yes! If you didn't know then why lie, huh? What are you hiding"?
"No-nothing! My coach said 2 so that's what I told you". 
"Whatever! Oh and don't think this is over, you'll be receiving the rest of your punishment when we get home". 
As Natasha pulled out of the parking lot I stole a glance back at my teammates who were all smiling and giggling as the car whipped out of the lot. The drive home was short but filled with an eerie quietness. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
Wanda and Nat bought a mansion in Florida as soon as they found out that's where I was  planning on attending school. They said they wanted to be able to spend time with me, but honestly it was just to keep an eye on me and make sure I was behaving myself. 
That night I was forced to sleep in my own room as opposed to sleeping with my girlfriends in our shared bedroom. Natasha filled Wanda in on what happened as soon as we entered the door and they both deemed it fit for me to go straight to bed, without dinner or anything. Just like a child would get punished if they were to act out. 
The following morning I got up bright and early in order to sneak out and ride my bike to school. There was no way I was getting in the car with either one of them, especially Nat after I was so wrongly punished. 
The day went great! However I was begging to feel extremely anxious when neither Nat or Wanda texted me asking where I was, or how I left, anything along those lines. After practice I walked out expecting to see my bike waiting for me, but what I saw instead was much worse. The black premium g-class SUV was sitting right in the center of the parking lot and leaning against it was none other than the Black Widow herself. I gulped loudly knowing I was so screwed. I instantly looked around to see if anyone had seen Natasha. To my dismay two of my teammates stood dead in their tracks a few feet behind me staring dumbfounded at the lady before them. 
My teammates Sadie and Kate have been dating for two years, however the past year I have been getting the feeling that they are coming on to me. Things like little touches and sweet praises always came from them, making my cheeks burn up. Now I would never in a million years cheat on my girlfriends, but that still didn't stop me from getting flustered every time the two paid extra "attention" to me.
Anyways, as I approached the car Nat instantly lunged, grabbing my wrists. 
"You have some nerve leaving this morning without even informing us, especially while you were on punishment", she gritted through her teeth just loud enough for me to hear her and no one else.
"Get in the car NOW"!
"I-I am not getting in the car till you apologize for how wrongly you treated me yesterday".
"And what makes you think I'm going to do that"?
"Then fine, I am not getting in the car". I swear if looks could kill I'd be 10 feet under by now.
"Well good luck getting home little girl! Wanda already came by and took your bike, so you can have fun walking" and with that Nat got in her car and drove away. I stood there stunned, truly in disbelief that she would actually leave me. Her little girl!
"Hey y/n, do you need a ride home"? I looked over to see Sadie standing by her car looking at me with so much concern. 
"Ummm... yes please"
The drive to the house was short and sweet! Nothing compared to the one I shared with Nat the previous  day. 
"Damnnnnn! This is your place"?
I couldn't find the words to answer her, fear radiating through my body as I noticed the missing car in the driveway. This meant Nat wasn't actually planning on leaving me at my school and now she will be even more pissed  that I didn't wait for her to just come back. 
"Oh umm, yeah! Yes, this is where I live. Thanks so much for the ride", I quickly spit out before taking off from the car to the house. Nat would be home soon and she wasn't going to be happy. 
Just as my hand reached the nob and Sadie and Kate pulled out of the driveway, Nat pulled her car up into her spot. Making sure to glare at my teammates as she did. 
"shit", I mumbled before turning and darting into the house. 
"Y/n, honey you're home", Wanda said, perking up on the couch, but then proceeded to look behind me in search of the other red head. "Y/n, where's Nat"?
"She um... she's coming. She told me to just go ahead". 
As I began to make my way up the stairs, taking them two at a time I heard the dreadful sound of the front door being thrown open. 
"Who? Y/n"?
"Yes y/n! She refused to get in the car and instead rode home with that couple on her team that has a crush on her".
"I'm sorry, SHE DID WHAT"?!
Even from upstairs I could see the anger and disbelief on Wanda's face. I knew I was going to be in for it. I quickly pulled off the false board in my closet squeezing myself back into my hiding space. Just as I repositioned the board I heard my bedroom door being thrown open. 
"Y/n where the hell are you"?
I gulped backing up away from the board
(1 hour later)
"Where could she have possibly gone"
"I'm not sure", both women continued to look around until it hit Wanda. "The false board"!
With that Nat raced up the stairs, throwing open my closet doors. My heart was pounding rapidly as I heard the board being pried off. 
"Ahah! There you are you little brat", before I could plead for forgiveness I felt her hand lace with my hair yanking me out of the closet and down the whole flight of stairs before throwing me onto the living room floor. 
"You have some nerve you know it"? Natasha yelled while tying my hands behind my back with her belt.
"Natasha no! I didn't know you were coming back and-and I couldn't walk. Please I'm sorry"!
"Awe honey, it's a little too late to be sorry now isn't it"?
She yanked me up by my arms laying me across her lap and pulling down my pants and panties. Wanda sat across from us in the armchair watching the whole scene play out wearing a mischievous grin. 
"Now you are going to count and thank me for each one. Do you understand"?
"good, your count is 20"
"On-one, thank you"
"I'm sorry what was that"?
"I-I meant, thank you daddy".
"Better! Now start over"
*20 spanks later*
"You did so good my love"
"Thank... you.. da-daddy",  I got out in between sobs. 
The rest of the night was spent cuddling and watching movies. I was curled up into Wanda's side with my head resting on her chest and legs resting on Nat's lap. I've never felt more safe than when I am cuddled up with my favorite red heads. 
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