facefartstories · 4 days
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Everyone was trying to sleep. It was late and the plane had been delayed twice. But he couldn't sleep. In front of him was a solider in uniform with the juiciest ass. He was so horny. He watched the guys ass as he slept. Each time he moved it wobbled and shook. He need to jo, maybe he'd sneak off to the bathroom and rub one off, but the image of the ass alone wouldn't be enough to get off, maybe if he touched it first. He looked around - everyone appeared to be asleep, so he went for it. He got close - down on the ground. Reached out and made contact. His hand could barely grab one giant cheek.
Just then the guys face lifted and turned around as he yelled out "Guys we got another one". Suddenly, a group of guys surrounded him, grabbed him, and shoved his face in the soilders perky uniformed butt. "So you're a creep" - "You like touching sleeping guys butts" - "Since you like touching why don't you sniff" Pppppprrttt-pprtt. He was stink faced by a god awful fart. Bbbbrtttt-pprtt "Come on - you gotta sniff better than that. We don't wanna smell that stink". They laughed. "How many creeps have we caught with my ass so far?" the solider asked. "This sniffer is number seven" Bbbbbbrrttt-ppprpttt.
Photo submitted by mlgskittles
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facefartstories · 4 days
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Test Drive
A loud bassy rip exited the Austin’s ass into the seats of the car. Adding onto the already deadly aroma of the car. I walked into the dealership hoping to get a car only to find out that I was short a few hundred. I was devastated but Austin here made a deal with me. If I took him on a test drive and managed to make it through without cracking the windows, exiting the car or passing out he’ll give me a discount so I could get the car. I accepted immediately thinking it would be easy, how wrong I was? Immediately after setting foot into the car, I heard a low pitched sound akin to a deflecting balloon. I looked over at Austin to see a huge grin on his face as a burnt rubber eggy smell hit my senses. I coughed and gagged wondering how something so small could smell so bad. “Come on we got a whole drive to complete” Austin said eagerly with a sly grin. Every few seconds experience another rip from Austin of varying sizes, some small others big always deadly. At a stop light he said he dropped something I got the back seat moving half his body into the back seat his ass right next to my face. He then ripped on of his biggest fart
It was loud and devastating, slightly fogging up the windows of the car. Making my gag and my vision to go slightly blurry. “Ahhhh come on we’re almost there just a little more. “ Austin says turning on the heat to amplify his stink.
“Just a little more” I thought to myself attempting to drown out the sound of constant bombs being dropped. We finally turn into the dealership, still coughing happy that this torture was finally over. I put the car in park and moved to open the door until Austin grabbed my arm smiled at me and grunted. I was still reeling from his past blasts confused as no sound was heard until the most horrendous smell hit my nostrils. Smelling like raw sewage as I coughed until my vision went blank. I woke up it was night, still in the car with a note saying “you managed to make it though, no one has before so congrats. A deals a deal the cars yours. Hope you enjoy -Austin” I may have gotten my car but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get Austin’s stink removed from my car.
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facefartstories · 10 days
Spidey Farts 2
(Story once again illustrated by OneKinks on Twitter or OneMillionBullets on Deviantart)
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Peter had been indulging himself recently. It’s the morning after his third date with Hugo and they’d only met a little over a week ago.
Peter lifted a leg filling his blanket with a rancid dutch oven he made sure to get a good whiff of. The stink of the gas made him reminisce on his stinky meetings he'd been having with his classmate. The two of them making further sexual progress as well as Peter discovering his sadistic flatulent side as well as Hugo growing more dependent on the stink one fart at a time. Finally getting out of bed on the lazy sunday morning Peter decided he would have a productive day and remind New York that they still had a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman.
Peter chuckled as he let the gas out while brushing his hair. Maybe more of a stinky neighbourhood Spiderman.
As Peter slid into his hero suit he grabbed a couple pints of milk from his mini-fridge being his only choice for breakfast. As Peter hastily chugged eager to get on the streets he pondered how long ago he’d bought the milk, it tasted a little funky but not enough to discourage the broke college student. As his lips pulled away from the now empty bottle Peter’s chest immediately swelled, rebelling against Peter’s dietary choice.
The powerful oral blast involuntarily escaped Peter’s mouth. The hero checked his breath, gagging as the belch packed a punch. Peter rubbed his stomach encouraging the gas to brew and go to the other end. As Peter covered his identity with his mask he hoped the gas wouldn’t be too much trouble, but as he’d been starting to realise his farts were becoming one of his biggest assets.
After just a few minutes of web slinging himself above the streets Peter witnessed his first chance to help. From a rooftop Peter could see down a sidestreet, in it he saw a trio of men surrounding an old woman and quickly snatching her bag, soon after escaping pushing the old lady down and running deep into the labyrinth between the buildings. Luckily Peter knew the area well and was able to follow the men until they decided they were able to stop for a rest. As the trio began rummaging through the bag searching their haul Peter sneaks down lowering himself from above slowly getting lower and lower over the distracted thieves. As fate would have it this was when Peter’s insides decided to begin processing the dairy Peter had forced down. A fart was brewing right at the tip of Peter’s hole and he knew there was no keeping it in and certainly that there was no chance it would be silent. 
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The outburst echoed between the building immediately prompting the three to look up at the tightly clad hero dropping down and the miasma of stink following him. Unfortunately for him one of the thugs was slow to move away and Peter landed right on top of him wrapping his legs around the man’s shoulders.
“Woah there horsey!” The man was shouting and bucking trying to pry the hero off. The experience was made even worse with every time he moved, forcing a short fart out of Peter.
While grappling the thief Peter spotted both of his friends having split heading down either end of the alleyway but luckily they were just within range. Peter shot out a web from each hand and simultaneously pulled back the two escapees.
“Come to Papa!” He kept reeling them in until they were huddled together at that point he bound them together and shot three back to back web shots covering their mouths and corking their pleas for freedom.
“Ugh come on you three really, stealing an old lady’s purse is such a stereotype when are you gonna switch it up.” As Peter said this he knocked the trio down leaving them all facing up at him with fear in their eyes. “See I’m a bit of an innovator myself that’s why I’ve always got new tricks up my sleeve.” He turned around squatting over them and with an exaggerated moan:
“Well I guess I keep that one up my ass.” He wafted the rancid blast, getting a whiff of it himself. “Phew imagine being on the receiving end of that!” He slyly gflanced down at his grouped victims eyes watering and shouting against their mouth restraints, forced to inhale through their noses.
“Haha I bet one more Stinkerman special and you’ll be out cold?”
The stink intensified. “Nighty night.” The hero chuckled as he watched the toxic blast make the three pairs of eye’s roll back to match the now-limp bodies.
Exiting the biohazardous crime scene Spiderman managed to track down the old lady to return her purse showing a more benevolent and less sadistic side. As he was swinging away from the grateful woman the police tracker he’d built into the suit picked up a local signal.
“-Kingpin has escaped the holding facility, his people are on their way to pick him up, requesting back up-” The signal cut off but luckily Peter could track the location but he would have to hurry to get there.
Swinging over the busy streets Peter knew he wouldn’t be able to make it in time if he kept going at this rate. Fortunately he had an easy way to boost.
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The blast rocketed out of Peter’s ass making his momentum almost double. With the built up speed he was even able to freely glide in between the much faster swings.
While Peter knew that the citizens underneath wouldn’t be able to recognise the sound of his flatulence over the hubbub of the city, he got excited at the thought of the streets below him becoming especially pungent following his wake. 
With a final odious swing Peter was on the building next to his destination. From the outside Peter could recognise Kingpin on the top floor of the glass-walled skyscraper. And focusing even more Peter could recognise the security which was being held hostage in the villains grasp. Knowing there was no time to lose Peter managed to skillfully swing inside one of the open windows on the floor below without being noticed. As he sneaked up the stairs he could hear the shouting between Kingpin and the other security and police trying to free the hostage. As Spiderman made his entrance he used one hand to pull a cheek away from his hole to let a flow of silent toxic farts continually make its way into the room.
Of course the spandex covered hero immediately caught attention.
“Spiderman!” Kingpin growled, pushing the gun harder into the head of the terrified man he was holding. 
“Don’t do anything stupid Spidey.” One of the officer’s condescendingly requested.
“Oh please no one trusts me around here.” Peter pulled his hands above his head still letting out the continuous SBD. “See nothing in my hands, I'm just here to enjoy the show.” The hero casually leant against the wall as he caught a whiff of his own gas. “P U i know it’s tense in here but i didn’t think you’d use the opportunity to let one rip KP?” The hero exaggeratedly pinched his nose using the other hand to waft the ever-growing eggy stench around the room.
Kingpin’s nostrils flared as he glared at Peter still not sure what he was doing, unfortunately for him this meant he got a premature whiff of Peter’s putrid gas. He hacked at the stink and the coughing weakened his grip on the hostage. Peter took this as an opportunity to quickly web the hostage out of his grasp and shoot another web to get the gun out of the villain’s grip. 
Now the situation was a lot safer Peter finally cocked his leg:
Groaning in relief he wafted the stink about to the shocked room who were all starting to become more nauseated by the poisonous stench.
“You know what I think that one might have been me guys, sorry not sorry.” The police or security didn’t know what to do but Kingpin obviously saw red and charged at the hero. Unfortunately he was disorientated by the horrific smell and haze filling the room and was easily vaulted by Spiderman who let the heavy man tackle into the wall. Peter bent over aiming his ass at the man behind him.
The fart was seemingly unending, making the atmosphere in the room unbearable. The stink was knocking out the professionals like flies, all still tense but falling to the floor some writhing and coughing, others failing at covering their noses with hands or clothes. And for Kingpin, he was caught in the epicentre and had slumped down the wall completely unconscious.
“See, I don't think it’s even that bad.” The hero took an exaggerated sniff, coughing even on his own stink. “Ah that’ll put hairs on your chest boys.” He quipped to the unconscious room.
Wanting to make sure Kingpin was out longer than those who would arrest him Peter mustered his strength to lift the heavy man’s head and lift it into his sweaty crack.
“Crime stinks doesn’t it KP.”
The criminal's head vibrated, taking the full brunt of Peter’s offensive blast. “Whew enjoy the fart coma!”
The sun was beginning to set on what Peter believed was one of his most productive days in a while. Chowing down the last slice of a well deserved cheesy pizza Peter thought he had earned a cheeky visit to Hugo.
Using his fart propelled swinging Spiderman managed to make it to Hugo's window in no time. Seeing the man studying at his desk his heart and stomach fluttered wondering how he could tease him.
Webbing a thrown out news paper from a trash can he descended slowly until he was hanging right outside his lover's window butt facing him. As he pretended to read he fake yawned and stretched his arms.
"Ugh thank god no one is here for this!" He chuckled.
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The repulsive blast rattled Hugo's window the vile smell clouding the glass.
"At least have to decency to come inside to do that." Hugo winked as he pushed the window open getting a few tentative sniffs of the flatulence. "Wow who would've though Stinkerman would bless my window with his farts?" He continued laughing with Peter as he guided him into the bedroom.
"I'll bless more than the window if you keep going like that." Peter winked pulling his mask off after closing the window behind him, stopping any fresh air going in or out.
"Well I'm sorry anyway I've still got work to do please stay of course, but I won't be free for a little bit."
"Anything I can help with?"
"I dunno have a look." Hugo pointed at the papers. 
As Peter scanned the sheets he picked up on the stale scent in the room. "You should really invest in an air freshener man, still stinks from when I was last here."
"I see it more as a lover's token." Hugo quipped back playing with a pen.
"Oh really I can give you a top up if you want," he slid the paper's away and slid over to sitting on Hugo's lap, "free of charge?" He raised an eyebrow. 
"Well since you did help me with the work so diligently…" Hugo sighed looking at the papers falling to the ground. "What kind of monster would I be to deny you?" Peter laughed giving his sarcastic lover a quick kiss.
He walked over to the other side of the room grabbing Hugo's chunky reading glasses and putting them on. Hugo watched curiously wondering what he was planning as he watched him pick up a paper.
"Hugo!" Peter feigned shock, "Have you been skipping your homework? You're probably seeing a boy." Hugo giggled at the act as Peter approached him. "It's probably that dastardly Spiderman, surely he can't stink as bad as me!?" He picked up the other student in a princess lift and carried him to the bed, throwing him down as Hugo half-heartedly protested.
"Well in that case I'll just have to show you all that Stinkerman has to offer!" Peter backed his tightly covered ass up to Hugo's blushing face until he was pushing his skull right against the headboard face engulfed by the hero's juicy cheeks.
"Note to future you Hugo, don't let me have dairy if you want your nose in tact by the end of the day."
The onslaught of farts vibrated Hugo's head against the wall making the room quake. But what was more intense was the sulfuric pheromones being forced into Hugo's body, scorching his sinuses.
"Phew glad I'm not the only one here to enjoy this!" Peter responded to the muffled moaning from deep inside his crack and Hugo's noticeable hard on matching Peter's own.
The obnoxious barrage of back to back butt blasts made Hugo's body writhe as Peter kept him in place. As Peter continued rocketing equally horrific farts out of his ass he could recognise the stench densely filling the room with a dark green miasma of fart fumes. What made Peter the proudest was he could even see a few places where he could see the walls of Hugo's cheap student apartment peeling in some places. He would be worried for the man he was marking underneath him if it weren't for the cum which was leaking through the jeans as he continued bucking. Wanting to lovingly add a final victim to his extensive list of fart knock outs of the day he lifted his ass a little, peeling it off the disorientated student beneath him.
"Get it while it's hot!" He seductively teased pulling both his cheeks apart and pushing out a silent burning thick fog of fart into Hugo's poor face.
As his lover slumped underneath him Peter got a whiff of his impressive work and rubbed himself. He wondered if Hugo will have recovered in time for his morning thunder.
(Thanks yall for waiting two weeks for a sequel hope it was worth the wait, OneKinks is doing a hero week on his twitter so keep an eye out for that, also new Windbreaker stories are gonna be out soon here!)
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facefartstories · 10 days
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You and this guy you were hooking up with had gotten pretty comfortable together. So comfortable that you were lying on your bed together practically naked studying. It was a nice chill atmosphere and you were happy you were able to just hang out. Before this you'd even been able to cook together, he'd insisted on making his 'famous chili' it was really good but he seemed to love it eating about three quarters of the massive pot he'd concocted.
You were trying to focus on the textbook but you'd stupidly laid in opposite directions and you couldn't resist staring at his ass. It was what had attracted you in the first place. You were so enamoured that you didn't even hear him grunt.
The fart exited his ass abruptly and engulfed your face in a cloud of potent gas.
"Hey man, good one! What did you eat?" You said as you coughed. You were both guys after all.
"Hah, you know what I ate, my famous chili, although some people think the after affects are what's really famous!" He smacked his ass and you couldn't help but watch it shake. "But if you think that's a good one wait until you taste this!"
The bassy blast rippled out of his cheeks and added to the already stinky end of the bed where you and your nose were.
"Man you're fucking raunchy, what happened to the gentleman I met?" You spluttered as you covered your face with you hand and used your book to try and waft away the smell.
He laughed, "Oh he's dead if I have that chili brewing in me!" He shook his ass in your direction. Even if it did stink his ass still looked good, so now you had a boner pushing up against the bed. "And didn't you know the key to a man's heart," he shuffled his ass closer to your nose.
"Is through his fart?" He chuckled seeing your hair fly back and your nostrils flare.
Attempting to go along with the gassy man's joke you took a little sniff. Which was obviously a mistake as your body immediately rejected the scent as you coughed and hacked while he just laughed.
"Fuck man don't know about heart, but I think I'll need a new nose!" You managed to exclaim between struggling breathes as he also took a satisfied whiff of his beastly brew.
"Ah I'm on good form tonight," he boasted as he slid his boxers down, "I'll let you eat me out if you manage to sniff another one?"
Lust took over nasal health as you dove between his tender cheeks. You might not survive the pure toxicity but if you died between this man's cheeks you'd die happy.
last post
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facefartstories · 20 days
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I was dead scrolling on insta when I got a notification. It was a new story from Dustin.I opened and watched as max recorded Dustin doing pull ups as it zoomed in on Dustin’s well defined and big butt. “Ahhh Dustin’s butt I’ve been admiring it every time I see him in the hallway but I’ve never gotten the chance to have a picture of it“ I thought to myself. I took a screenshot right when the his whole bakery was perfectly in frame then put my phone down as I went to go eat dinner. When I returned I found three messages in my dms from DUSTIN??. “Hey saw that you’ve taken quite a likening to my backside right here” Dustin says and turns around wearing white pajama pants and gripping his ass. His hands not even big enough to grab it all. “Since you like it so much I’ve decided to give you a better view for your gallery” he says as his cheeks cover the entire screen. I didn’t do anything I just stared and imagined Dustin tu doing that to me. Then I heard it.
Did … did he just….?? “Whoops that one slipped out” Dustin said with a laugh. “You’re going to have to get used to that when you’re down there. Let me show you a taste of what’s in store for you when I see you in school.” The first video ends. I swear alittle afraid to open the next one. I can’t help it and click on it. Immediately my room is filled with an ear piercing sound as Dustin recorded himself releasing a loud fart 15 second fart. “Ahhh that was a decent one. Can’t wait to see you squirm under me after a fuel up. See you on Monday.” I put my phone down sweating, too nervous to open the third message. Shakingat the thought of Monday and what Dustin is going to do to me.
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facefartstories · 21 days
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facefartstories · 23 days
Smell of a mugger
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I’m a very successful financial analyst in the big city. Even though I’m wealthy, I enjoy drinking in gay dive bars in less favorable areas. There's never too many patrons in these bars and I like to drink by myself.
After one and a half beers, I leave. My hybrid's parked a block away. Out of nowhere, I’m dragged into a dark alley and slammed against a brickwall.
I'm pinned against the wall by a man. He’s wearing black basketball shorts and a black wife-beater. His attire shows off his muscular body, intimidating me. His mouth and nose are masked by a black bandana he has wrapped around his face, and he’s wearing a dark blue baseball cap. He's glaring at me with his green eyes.
“Give me your wallet!” He snarls.
Although I’m scared, I notice something. He’s pinning me to the wall with both hands. He has no weapon and I don’t see the indent of one in his shorts.
“You have no weapon.”
He narrows his eyes, “Oh, I'm armed with your worst nightmare. Now don’t test me and give me your wallet.”
I glance down again, seeing no weapon. “No.” 
“Should’ve just given me your wallet.” He growls.
While keeping me pinned against the wall with one hand, my mugger spins around, showing me his back. I look down and my eyes widen. This guy’s sporting a dump-truck ass. He has two thicc cakes stuffed into a pair of shorts that are barely able to contain them. The seam of his shorts is wedged deep in between his bubbly globes; each is bigger than my head.
He backs his ass into me. With him being taller his meaty cheeks press against my stomach. I’m already confused but even more so when I hear him grunting.
A 6 second explosion erupts out of his ass and rumbles against me. 
“D-did you just fart on me?” I cry.
He looks back at me, over his shoulder. His mouth is covered but I can tell he’s smirking. 
“You tell me. Get a whiff of this bitch!” He pulls his ass a few inches away from me and starts wafting the smell up towards my face.
I gag as the stench of rotten eggs and garlic assaults my nose. It has my eyes watering. 
“Haha, how’s that smell bitch? You could’ve just given me your wallet and I would’ve left. But instead, you chose this...”
He thrust his huge, meaty ass back onto my stomach, and unleashes a barrage of beefy farts.
“Oh yeah, smell my stink. Still think I’m unarmed?”
He vents one trumpeting fart after another onto me. Each one strong enough to rattle me to the bone. The stench quickly spreads, clouding the entire alleyway with his eggy fumes.
I’m a coughing and retching mess. Breathing in nothing but his farts has me in a haze. 
My mugger releases my shirt and removes his ass. Feeling so weak, I slide down the wall until I’m sitting on the alley floor.
Hearing him chuckle, I notice him squatting down, aligning my face with his bulbous rump. I whimper.
He looks back at me with a cruel glint in his eyes. “Don't give me that. You brought this on yourself.”
He thrusts his ass back, burying my face in his musky, blubbery moons. The back of my head is pressed against the wall so I’ve got no way to escape. His immense amount of ass fat is dominating and smothering my whole face.
“How about a transaction? I’ll take the contents of your wallet, and your mouth will take the contents of my colon.” As I feel him reach into my pocket for my wallet, he starts rocking his ample bum on my face, somehow working my mouth open.
I shudder as I feel his glutes flex and then relax.
A 40 second typhoon of his noxious ass gas blasts into my open mouth, ballooning my cheeks and poisoning my lungs. 
I’ve never tasted or smelled something so terrible in all my life. My gagging and crying are muffled by his pillowy mounds.
Once his monstrous fart ends, he starts wiping his crack around my face, working it into my pores. 
After a minute of this, he finally frees my face from his ass. I fall onto my side, coughing and gasping for fresh air.
I look up, seeing my wallet lying on the ground, in front of me, and the mugger exiting the alley. Just before leaving, he looks back at me. I can see cruel humor in his green eyes. “Hope you like the smell of my farts because you’re gonna be smelling like them for the next few days, no matter how much you wash. Enjoy, bitch!” He taunts before leaving.
It takes me 5 minutes to stand and retrieve my wallet. He stole the 350 dollars I had, but nothing else. My credit cards and ids are all here.
I make my way to my car and drive home. As I’m driving, I ponder.
The truth of the matter is that I have a farting fetish. True, that experience was frightening, but it also turned me on. That was the first time someone's ever farted on me. I hope he didn’t notice me getting hard.
A normal person would go to the police and never go near that bar again, but not me. No one’s ever farted on me, let alone a hot guy, and I’m desperate for it to happen again.
I used to go to the bar once a week, but now I’m going every other day, hoping to get mugged by him again. I make sure I’m carrying 500 dollars on me. 
In the bar, I just take a sip or two of beer before leaving. For the last two weeks my walk back to my car has been duds.
I get into my car, counting today as another failure. After I shut my door, I’m startled by my passenger side door being opened. The mugger, who’s wearing what he wore last time, gets in and shuts the door. Instead of sitting in his seat, he’s crouched on it with his back facing me.
Before I can react, the mugger’s meaty mounds are already traversing over the center console, heading straight for my face. 
“Hey again, my personal bank bitch. Me and my booty are gonna make another withdrawl.”
Similar to last time, my head is now trapped between his big ass and my car window. His fat cheeks roll over the sides of my face, making contact with the glass, completely entombing my face in his butt meat.
“Yeah, so I’m feeling gassy and trigger happy today, so you’ve got no choice but to whiff up these butt rockets.”
“Sucks to be you man. My booty is lethal tonight.”
“Haha, that’s it, keep on struggling. Soon you’ll realize there’s no escaping my fat ass.”
“When it comes to my fat ass, there's one thing to remember.”
My mugger forces a barrage of putrid, eggy smelling farts up my nose. The vile fumes are worse than I remembered, it’s so overwhelming that I can barely move, it feels as if I’m paralyzed. I’m retching and my eyes are watering. Even though I’m suffering, I’m still turned on.
My mugger halts his gassy assault, pulling his ass a few inches away from my face. He pats down my pants, searching for my wallet. When his hand grazes my crotch he pauses for a moment before continuing. 
He finally finds my wallet and retrieves it. 
My mugger whistles as he takes my cash. “Mighty fine donation you’ve brought me. In fact-” The mugger reaches back and pulls down the back of his shorts. I gasp as his fat, fleshy orbs pour out into the open, and wobble right in my face.
“Because of your generous contribution, my booty wants to thank you in person.” He reaches back and spreads his cheeks. He exposes his sweaty pucker, surrounded by a thatch of black hair.
“You’ve got a really nice ride, bud. Sorry that I’m gonna make the interior permanently stink of my swamp ass… NGH”
I watch his ass-lips open and press outwards.
2 minutes of swampy ass wind, thunders out of his ass and pointblank into my face. It’s so powerful that it blows back my hair and has the entire car shaking. And the paint-peeling stench is unbearable. 
As his fart comes to an end, I watch his pucker close back up just before passing out.
I groan as I wake up, still in my car. My wallet is lying in the passenger seat. I start up my car and see that I’ve been unconscious for five minutes. 
I believe what my mugger said about his fart never leaving my car is true. During the entire ride back home, the stench doesn’t wane in the slightest. 
I jerk-off several times before finally falling asleep. I count today as a success.
It’s tomorrow, and after work I head to the same bar. I take a stool in front of the bar. Besides me and the bartender, there’s two guys in a booth a few yards behind me. 
The bartender heads to the utility closet to get a mop when one of the two, behind me, spills their beer on the floor.
As I sip on my beer, someone takes a seat next to me. I pay them no mind, praying that the mugger robs me tonight. Fuck, I know that sounds crazy.
My thoughts are interrupted as the patrons behind me start coughing, violently. That’s when a familiar, sulfuric stink reaches my nose. 
I look at who just sat next to me. It's him! It’s my mugger, except his mask is gone. I'd know those green eyes anywhere. 
His lips stretch into an impish grin as he narrows his eyes. It’s barely audible, but beneath him I hear…
I glance down and my eyes widen. He’s sitting on the stool, leaning a bit forward with his bare ass hanging out the back. His fleshy cakes are as big as I remember.
Hearing thuds, I turn around. The two patrons are knocked out, their heads crashing on the table.
The bartender storms out of the utility closet in a panic. The collar of his shirt pulled over his nose and mouth. His eyes immediately lock onto the bare-ass mugger. 
He walks right up, behind the mugger, with a furrowed brow. “Dude pull up your shorts and get the hell out.” He orders.
Not looking away from me, the mugger’s hand shoots up, grabbing the bartender by the back of the neck. Before the bartender can resist, he pulls him down and shoves his face into his naked, raunchy backside. 
He rips a 5 second, honking fart in the bartender’s face. The bartender's body spasms before he falls to the ground, unconscious. I’m now hard and completely alone with this farting demon of a mugger.
Grinning, he reaches over the bar, getting himself a beer and opening it with a bottle-opener. Before sitting back down, he grabs my bottle of beer. I watch as the top of my bottle disappears between his bubbly cheeks. He exaggeratedly scrunches up his face and…
He vents a 6 second fart into my beer. With a cheeky grin he hands it to me. The neck of the bottle is warm to the touch, and the eggy stench radiates heavily off of it. 
I take a sip and nearly choke on the shitty, acidic taste.
He laughs as I drink it without hesitation. “Haha, for the longest time I couldn’t figure you out.” He starts.
“After mugging you, I watched as you kept returning to my hunting grounds, like you wanted me to target you again. I was worried you were a cop or something. But then why did you let me mug you the first time? So I did it again and figured it out.” He says before glancing down at my crotch.
I blush seeing the slight imprint of my hard-on through my slacks.
He gets up, shooting me a cheeky grin as he turns around. He backs up, sinking the side of my arm into his pillowy booty.
He rips a rumbly, 7 second fart on me. I’m immediately surrounded in his fart cloud that stinks of digested meat and cabbage. 
He sighs in relief as he rubs his ass against my arm, before setting back down.
“Well, well, well, looks like I found myself a fart-sniffer.” He taunts with a lopsided grin.
Finally finding my voice, I ask, “W-what’s your name?”
He scoffs, “Yeah, I’ve revealed my face, I’m sure as hell not telling you my name, yet. But you can call me Gasser. Bet you know why.” Gasser leans to the side, aiming his butt crack my way.
I get another lungful of his eggy butt air. 
“Ah, and since I took a look in your wallet, I know your name’s Will.” He adds as he wafts his gas towards my face. “So, how much do you have for me in your wallet this time, Will?”
“800” I respond, making him grin.
“Alright Will, you’ve got a decision to make. You can give me the 800 dollars and I’ll rip a huge fart I’m brewing right in your face. It’ll probably knock you out.
Or option two: we can get into your car and head to an atm, so you can withdraw and pay me 2000 dollars. With that, you can take me to your place and I’ll make sure your entire home stinks of my swamp ass for weeks. And then I’ll sit on your face with my big cakes and fart for an hour. Be warned: even if you start hating it, beneath me, I won’t care; I’m not stopping until the hour is up.
So, what’s it gonna be?” He lays it out for me.
“Option 2” I choose immediately. 
A cocky smirk forms on his lips. “Good choice. Let’s go, I have so much gas I wanna unload on you.”
Gasser turns away from me and slowly rises off of his stool. As he slowly gets up, with his bare ass facing me-
He rips a long and growly fart, spraying me with his vile, intestinal fumes. 
Like a loyal pet, I follow him out of the bar and to my car. He still has his bubble butt hanging out. His plump moons wobble and clap against each other as he walks ahead of me. He’s also crop-dusting me with trumpeting poots as he leads the way.
When we reach my car, I slide into the driver seat and he into the passenger. He doesn’t pull up his shorts when he gets in. His bare cheeks are on my leather seat.
As I start my car, he breathes in deeply. “Ah, I see my butt stink is still going strong in here.”
“I was supposed to give a friend a ride earlier but he declined because of the smell. He thinks a baby skunk died around the engine.” I confess, making Gasser laugh.
“Haha, well I take that as an insult. No way a baby skunk can produce stink like this… UGH.”
Gasser curls his hands into fists and clenches his jaw.
Gasser rips a thunderous 15 second fart onto the leather seat. This monster-of-a-fart has the entire car vibrating. Gasser’s face is red but he looks pleased. With a mischievous grin he leans away from me, letting his fumes escape from beneath him, and starts fanning it towards my face. 
I start retching as the stench of raw sewage and garlic hits me in the face like a ton of bricks. It does nothing to deflate my hard-on, in fact it makes me throb. 
“Ah, that was just a taste, if you really want me to gas you out then you better start driving.” Gasser says.
The nearest atm is a block away. I get his money and pay him and then we’re off to my place.
As we drive I speak up. “You know you’re known as an infamous myth to the wealthy. You’re like a bogeyman who robs the rich with his farts. They call you the Butt Bombing Bandit.”
Gasser gives a full-body laugh at this. “Haha, holy shit, I didn’t know that. That’s awesome and an awesome name.”
I shoot him a small smile. “Most think you’re just a myth. I think the rich you robbed are too embarrassed to admit what happened or go to the police.”
Gasser snorts, “That’s exactly what I hoped. Rich people have too much pride. Well all except you, but luckily I can keep you quiet with my butt grenades.” Gasser leans away and rips a squeaky poot, proving his point.
It takes us 45 minutes to get to my place. I live in a big, secluded villa, just outside the city. Gasser is slack-jawed as I lead him inside.
“Still think you can stink out my place?” I tease him as we stand in the middle of my huge sitting-room.
Gasser narrows his eyes and shoots me a cocky smirk that sends a shiver down my spine. “Please, pay me enough later and I’ll give you a show by stinking out every floor of a high-rise tower within 30 minutes. This place and your face, stands no chance against this.” When he says ‘this’ he gives his fat bum, which is still out in the open, a slap making his mounds jiggle.
Gasser walks to the center of the room. As if doing yoga, he assumes the downward dog position. His bare, poison-spewing booty is pointed at the high ceiling.
I hear him start straining.
“That felt good”
“Damn I’m gassy tonight, hahaha”
I’m in awe and turned on watching Gasser pump out one thunderous fart after another into my home. The air in my huge sitting-room is heavy with his thick butt stink. It has my eyes watering and my nose slightly running. 
Gasser looks over at me and grins, fiendishly. He turns his bare ass to me, still in downward-dog, and starts backing up, towards me. My eyes widen as I start backing up.
He taunts me and farts as he slowly pursues me.
“Haha, are you starting to realize that you fucked up, fart-sniffer?”
“That you should be running from the fart storm roaring outta my ass”
“Or begging this farting god not to make your house uninhabitable”
“Well too bad because I’m no benevolent god. I won’t give you mercy, only more of this… NGH”
My retreating stops when my back hits the wall. Gasser backs his ass into me, covering my crotch and lower stomach with his bare, fleshy orbs.
He rocks his ass against me and chuckles. “Hehe, oh yeah, your nose isn’t gonna thank you for not escaping when you had the chance… NGH”
For the next 20 minutes he keeps blasting me and flooding my home with his endless supply of noxious butt bombs. I’m coughing and gagging, and I’ve never been so hard in my life.
Without a doubt, I’m certain Gasser’s swampy ass vapors have spread throughout my entire property. I’m not sure if it's a trick of the eyes, but there's a slightly green tint in the air.  
Gasser straightens up. His face is red, he's breathing hard, but he’s grinning like the Cheshire cat. 
He takes a deep breath, looking satisfied. “I’m sure my swampy ass funk has dominated every inch of your home, but you also paid for an hour of extreme face farting. And me and my booty always get the job done.”
Gasser grabs me by the shoulders and steers me towards the couch. He shoves me down, onto my ass, in front of the couch. He then tilts my head back so I’m looking up at the ceiling with the back of my head resting on the seat of the couch.
Gasser turns around and backs up, lording his titanic rump above my face. Without a second of hesitation, he drops his fat bubbly ass down, taking a seat right on my face. I grunt from the impact.
My face is quickly swallowed up in between Gasser’s beefy slabs. My nose is pressed against his hole with his doughy cheeks clamped around my face, completely entombing me.
“Looks like the Butt-Bombing Bandit strikes again. But instead of money, my booty’s robbing you of an hour of fresh air, this time. See you on the other side… GGH”
“MMM, yeah, that’s it… HGH”
“Smell my nasty ass fumes… FGH”
“Taste my rank butt grenades… HGGH”
“Worship my deadly farts!... NGH”
“Fucking surrender to my fat, godly ass. Because… GGH”
Gasser unleashes a barrage of insanely monstrous farts pointblank in my trapped face. I'm overwhelmed by the acidic taste and smell of sulfur and rotten fish. 
I only last 15 minutes into Gasser’s farting assault before I pass out. But I have no doubt that It lasted a whole hour.
I wake up sometime later in my bed. I don’t know what time it is but it’s still dark outside. And Gasser’s asleep in bed with me. He’s on his stomach, lying starfished in the middle of the bed. I’m using his mountainous, bare rump as a pillow with my legs hanging off the end of the bed. 
Still tired, I rest my face back down on his pillowy bum with my nose nestled between his cheeks. It’s surprisingly easy to fall back asleep even though Gasser farts every 30 seconds in his sleep. 
I’m awoken in the morning by a trumpeting, sleeping fart to the face from Gasser. 
I decide to get up and make breakfast before dropping Gasser off… somewhere.
20 minutes later, in the kitchen, I’m nearly finished cooking when Gasser tiredly shambles into the room. Instead of sitting down at the kitchen table, he walks up to me near the fridge. When he reaches me he wheels around and pushes his ample backside into my lower back.
 Gasser rips a rumbling, 6 second fart on me that startles me. He reaches back, grabbing my hips with his hands so I can't get away.
After yawning, Gasser says, “Stay right there, I’m gonna mark you with my potent, morning, butt thunder.”
As I finish making breakfast, Gasser follows, keeping his ass pressed against me, and farting.
Once I’m done we take our seats and eat. I ask him where he’d like me to drop him off and he tells me near the bar is good. 
Once we’re finished, Gasser stands up and walks up to me still sitting in my chair. He grabs the back of my neck and tilts my head backwards. He pulls down the back of his shorts, freeing his jiggling, meaty moons. He turns around and sits his fleshy cakes on my upturned face. 
Gasser starts aggressively wiping his ass around my face until his hole finds my slightly-open mouth. 
“I hope you saved room, fart-sniffer because here comes my signature, morning eggs. FGH… They’re a real gas… NGH”
A 25 second hurricane of Gasser’s ass wind roars into my open mouth and echoes down my gullet. Once Gasser frees me, I drop my head between my knees, dry heaving on his sulfuric, eggy devastation.
Gasser snickers, “Hehe, I know you loved it and want more. And you’ll get it as long as you pay me.”
Once I gain my bearings, I get dressed and drop him off near the bar. This becomes the norm for us. Almost everyday, he pops up when I leave the bar and comes home with me. There, he farts and farts on me, like the farting god he is. And on some nights, he spends the night. It costs me 2 grand a week; that's basically nothing to me.
I’m starting to catch feelings for him which is a bad thing because I know it's all about the money for him. It's okay; I ignore this feeling.
It’s been 7 months and I’ve paid this gassy, young jock an insane amount of money. And I don’t regret a single cent of it. It’s money well spent.
My friend, who won’t ride in my car anymore, is a college professor of finance. Once a semester, he asks me to come into class so I can talk with his students.
When I step in front of the class and introduce myself, I’m shocked to see Gasser in the front row. With a roll call I find out Gasser’s real name is Gary Waters. I school my features but he’s looking at me, wide-eyed. 
My talk with the class goes swimmingly. Thankfully Gasser, or I mean Gary, does nothing to garner my attention.
Once class is ended, Gary runs out of the room like a bat outta hell. After saying goodbye to my friend, I head to my car. I parked in a secluded lot quite a distance away. It's the only free lot around. 
I’m a block away when I’m pulled into an alley and pinned against the wall by Gary. It’s almost nostalgic. Luckily no one’s around. Today he’s wearing a black cap, a black wife-beater, and gray sweats. 
Gasser looks pissed but I can see fear in his eyes. “Does Mr. Martin know about me mugging the rich? Is he gonna get me kicked out of school? Is he gonna involve the police?” He shoots out a rapid fire of questions.
“Relax Gasser, he knows nothing. I haven’t now or ever will rat you out. I promise.” I call him Gasser instead of his real name, so he can feel like he’s in control.
Gasser relaxes, letting me go. He gives me a shaky smile. “That’s good to know. I was worried I’d have to fart my professor to death, silencing him and showing you what happens to the people you blab my secret to. Afterwards, of course, your face would be headed straight for my big ole booty for several stinky hours.” Gasser teases to lighten the mood. But with my first-hand experience, I’m pretty sure Gasser could fart someone to death. That’s both frightening and hot. 
“Well I’m done with classes for the day, mind giving me a ride to my apartment? Midterms are next week and I need to study.” Gasser shoots me a cheeky grin. “And don’t worry about gas. It’s on me, or should I say, on you.” With a twist of his hips, he presses his bubbly ass against my waist and farts.
Gasser laughs, noticing that he made me rock hard. “Haha, let’s go. Fart-boxing you in your fancy car always highlights my day.” He teases and winks at me.
After a gassy, 20 minute drive I pull up to his apartment complex, and I’m horrified. The place is dilapidated; it should be condemned. A guy’s puking on the front steps, and an elderly woman is sticking her ass out of a window and twerking.
“What the hell? With all the money you… acquire, why are you living here?” I question.
“I use most of the money for tuition, and send the rest to my mom and 3 younger brothers. This is the cheapest place around.” He says, deciding to be honest with me. 
I shake my head as I drive off, confusing Gasser. 
For the first time, I take control. “You're gonna study at my place. And you're moving this week. Either you can move into a better place, and I’ll pay for it. Or you can move in with me, taking one of my guest bedrooms. Rent-free of course.”
I’m nervous about how he’ll react, but with a side-glance I see him smiling. 
Gasser chooses to move into my guest bedroom. Things change a lot over the next couple of months. I no longer go to that bar since Gasser's here. I no longer need to lure him out so he’ll fart on me. Now, everyday, he’s farting on me endlessly. 
Every morning, before I leave for work and he for school, Gasser farts on me several times. He really gasses me after I make breakfast. He says that it’s his booty thanking me for the food. And I’ve become quite used to being woken up by him sitting his dump-truck ass on my face and ripping a monster fart.
Gasser takes care of dinner since he returns home long before me. He either cooks or orders out. After the first week of doing this, he informs me that he farted on every meal he served me, knowing I'd love that. Since then, he farts on my food right in front of me, every night. Both of us get enjoyment out of it.
When I return home after a long and stressful workday, Gasser takes me to my bedroom and lies me on my back, on the bed. He then climbs on top of me and drops his huge backside onto my face. He’ll sit on top of my face for hours, farting non-stop. He butt bombs all my worries and stress away.
Although Gasser complains I stay firm and pay him an allowance of 10,000 dollars a month. He’s on top of his tuition and making sure his family thrives. I know he’ll be mad but when he graduates, I plan on paying off the rest of his student debt.
With how much I’m paying him, the Butt Bombing Bandit is no more; Gasser has no need to mug the rich. I’m happy about this mostly because I don’t want him getting caught. But another part of me selfishly wants him to fart on only me.
It's difficult but I’m ensuring that we’re nothing more than roommates while he lives here. I make sure neither of us cross boundaries. I don’t want him to feel like he has to sleep with me. 
Gasser is relentlessly testing my self-restraint. I try to stay strong but I’m only human.
It’s been six months. I come home to find the house completely dark and quiet.
“Gasser?” I call as I turn on the lights in the sitting-room.
Suddenly, powerful arms wrap around me from behind. I'm dragged over to the side of the room and shoved into the corner. My assailant is Gasser. He’s keeping me in the corner, not letting me move.
Like a sexy blast from the past, Gasser’s wearing a backwards black cap, a black bandana covering the lower part of his face, and a dingy, unwashed, used-to-be-white jockstrap. I’m slack-jawed and completely hard by what he’s wearing. 
With narrowed eyes, Gasser growls, “I’m done with these games, Will! We obviously like each other but you won’t give us a chance.”
“Gasser, you’re living with me. I don’t want to take advantage of you.” I explain.
Gasser scoffs, “You take advantage of me? Please. We both know who’s in charge.”
Gasser’s demeanor changes. I see a mischievous glint, twinkle in his eyes. “Mmm, maybe I should let the Butt Bombing Bandit come out and play. Looks like he's gonna have to steal what I want. And what I want is you!"
Gasser grabs me by the shoulders and shoves me to my knees. He then spins around, making me gasp. His filthy jockstrap is showcasing his fleshy, protruding orbs. His watermelon-sized globes are huge and smooth with a slight sheen of sweat. 
My ogling is ended as Gasser reaches back and spreads his cheeks, revealing his winking pucker. With the back of my head trapped against the wall, my face has nowhere to escape as Gasser thrusts his gaping crack backwards. 
In an instant, my face is swallowed up by Gasser’s toxic trench. His fat, doughy globes rush over the sides of my head and meet the wall, completely entombing my face in his ass. I can feel Gasser’s hole kissing the tip of my nose.
Gasser’s deep voice rumbles all around me.
“Look what you did, Will? You didn’t give me what I wanted so you brought the Butt Bombing Bandit out of retirement… GGH”
“You know I won’t stop farting until I get what I want. Surrender to my demands and lethal fumes… HGH”
“Give in and be mine. You know the Butt Bombing Bandit never leaves empty handed… FGH”
After ripping another scorcher up my nose, Gasser steps forward, pulling me out of his bubbly ass. But keeping his meaty slabs inches from my face, letting me reply.
“Gasser, I can’t-”
“Lips on hole, bitch” Gasser interrupts, backing up and consuming my face back into his cavern of a crack. 
He starts rolling his hips, working his pucker around my face until it’s resting against my mouth.
“I should’ve realized you were being noble. That just ticks me off. And you know angering me makes my farts smell worse. So you did this to yourself. Now, suffer… NGH”
Once again, Gasser pulls me out of his ass, letting me gasp for semi-fresh air, but keeping his butt crack against my nose. 
“Now do you agree to be mine or is this mugging going to continue.” Gasser threatens with a poot on my nose.
Gasser's fumes have me crying and my hard-on leaking. I'm tired of resisting. “Okay Gasser, you win. Fuck, I want you so bad. But if you ever feel like you can’t say 'no' or something, just tell me, okay?” I surrender.
Next thing I know, Gasser’s fireman-carrying me as he charges upstairs. My vision is dominated by his upside-down, bare, fleshy moons as they bounce and clap against each other as he runs.
“About damn time! I’ve been dying to claim this ass for months!” Gasser growls as he slaps my ass, making me yelp. As he races us to his bedroom, he poots in my face several times.
Gasser demonstrates his high-level stamina by fucking me five times that night.
After getting together, things change again, for the better. Gasser loves kissing me in public. And in private, he's constantly making me kiss his fart-spewing butthole, and I love it.
I've learned that Gasser’s very horny. He surprises me often by tossing me onto the nearest flat surface, and railing me senseless. And that doesn't include sex in our bed every night.
Also, Gasser’s constantly shoving me onto my knees. It's a 50/50 chance whether I'm getting a mouthful of his meat or an eggy fart, but I love both.
We’ve been together for a year and I’ve never had a better relationship.
We just saw a late night movie and are walking back to my car. 
We’re stopped by a guy who steps out of the shadowy alley, brandishing a pocket-knife. “Alright cock-suckers! Give me your cash and you’ll get to live.”
Faster than I can comprehend, Gasser knocks the knife out of our would-be-mugger’s grasp, with one hand, and takes him by the wrist. And with the other he grabs him by the neck, choking him. 
No one's around. 
The mugger looks scared, shitless. “Fuck! Are you a cop or something?”
Gasser shrugs with a cheeky grin. “Maybe. Maybe not. Hell, maybe I’m even the Butt Bombing Bandit.”
The guy’s eyes widen. “He’s a myth.”
Gasser’s grin broadens into a wolfish one. “Then lucky you. You get to smell an urban legend, up close and personal.”
Gasser lets go of his neck before tossing a leg over their joint hands. Gasser tugs on his arm, making the mugger fall to his knees and face-plant against his ass. The guy’s entire face sinks into Gasser’s pillowy ass fat, smothering him.
Gasser shoots me a roguish grin. “Never fear babe, me and my nasty booty will always keep you safe.”
Gasser extends his index finger as he starts grunting and straining. His brow furrows and his face turns red with exertion. 
“NGH… This guy's screwed, babe. Pull my finger… UGH”
I’m completely hard and about to pop. Unable to deny his request, I pull his finger, making Gasser erupt.
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facefartstories · 23 days
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Dom Quotes Season 2
Jakes Juicy Fart Filter
"Yeah boy, lay down just like that! Now think of how much you love my ass while I strip these sweaty socks and shorts down. OK...now Daddy's ready to sit down. Fuck that ass sweat is dripping already! Nose pointed up...arms locked to your sides...and inhale! Shit...I need to fart." Jake laughed as his first fart escaped. Your nose was slowly going deeper into his sweaty hole, sliding in with ease as you inhaled deeply and allowed his juicy fart to fill your lungs.
*Check out @Jakipz on Twitter/X*
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facefartstories · 1 month
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Well, you did say you love baseball player butts, right? Well, now you get to be one, bro! The last thing your loser face saw was my big butt lowering onto you before I vored you up it and turned you into my jiggling ass-meat. This is you now. Tightly packed into my tight pants, only speaking in farts. You look great on me, buttboy. Thanks for the meal and the mass.
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facefartstories · 1 month
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facefartstories · 1 month
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My cousin pulls down his pants a little way. I kneel. Suddenly, I hesitate. I’m not sure I want to do this anymore. But before I have a chance to stop, I feel his hand on the back of my head, guiding me. He pushes my face into his ass until my nose is pressed firmly between his cheeks. My heart beats rapidly. I smell the faint aroma of sweat. Then… a huge blast of air rocks my face. The smell of a thick, pungent fart fills my nostrils. I regret everything immediately, I struggle to get away. But my cousin’s strong hand holds me steadily on his ass. I try to breathe slowly. It smells like a mixture of garbage, chocolate, and taco bell. Another fart comes, this time long and slow. I can feel the pressure across my cheeks. I continue to inhale my cousin’s gas. My ears tear up a little but I don’t move. As the dirty, rotten stink fills my lungs with every breath my brain begins to process what’s happening I realize that i’m on my knees with my face in my own cousin’s butt crack. I’m inhaling the awful smell of his farts. I’m kneeling on the, ground, letting my cousin cut farts onto my face. I’m inhaling and smelling and breathing in a man’s gas.
My arms go limp. I feel so small and helpless. I feel disgusting and worthless. The lingering scent still fills my nose and I start to think that maybe I deserve to be punished in this way. I deserve to smell the awful stench of this man’s gas.
Another fart. This time massive. The huge blast nearly forces my nose from between his buttcheeks but I stay put. The smell is ten times worse. I almost feel like my cousin took a shit up my nose, the gas is so thick and palpable. I gag but continue to breathe. I wonder how it feels for my cousin, to have me down on the ground with my face implanted in his butt breathing in his farts. Empowering, I’d imagine. God this stinks.
Finally, he lets me go. I fall backwards onto the ground. Grinning, he looks down at me. “How was it? I had some bad ones today man hope you didn’t suffocate.” I feel my dick grow hard.
“Awful.” He gets a laugh out of that one.
“No shit. What did you think they’d smell like, roses?” I smile as well. Suddenly I feel closer to my cousin. It was hard to explain but I felt a bond with him.
“You’re the fart master.” I said as he helps me up.
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facefartstories · 1 month
Francis and I sat down playing video games, like every weekend. Francis had been my best friend and my crush for a while now. He was just so gorgeous and perfect. Also, his farts were amazing. They were loud and reeked, and I would always jerk off thinking about them.
“Haha, beat you again!” He says. “Dang it…” “Don’t worry, you’ll catch-“ PRRRRRRTTTTBRRBRBRBRBTTTPTRPFFFTTPTTTTTPRRRFFFFFFBRBRBRFFFTTTT. All of a sudden he lets out a loud, smelly fart. It stinks up the room immediately. I try hard to conceal my hard on. “Sorry man, my mom made chili tonight, and I ate the entire pot. I’m gonna be farting up a storm tonight!” I pretend to act disgusted. But the thought of Francis blasting his gas all night got me so excited. “Hey, here’s an idea,” Francis says. “Lets raise the stakes. I’ll let you choose whatever game you want, but if I win, I get to stink face you! Bare assed. I need to just let all this gas out man” I’m throbbing in my pants. The thought of Francis sitting on me and passing his gas is pure bliss. “And if you win, I’ll just go home so you won’t have to smell my gas tonight. Deal?” “Deal!”
I was annihilated. I lost on purpose.
“Oooooo time to get gassy,” Francis jokes. He lays me on the couch and reveals his smooth, stinky ass to me. He sits right on my face, getting my nose next to his stinky hole. “Get ready!” He says. PRRRRRRTTTTTTRBRBRBRBRRBRBTPTRRFFTRTTTTRTTRRBRBRBRBRTPTTTTFFFTTTTTRRBRBRBRBTPRTTTTTPTTTTFFPTTTPFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTBRBRBRPRDFRPRPBRBTBRBRBRBRBRPFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTDBDBDDBBRBRBRBRRBPFFFFFTTTTTT. He lets out the smelliest, warmest, loudest, and the most rank fart ever for 5 minutes. I’m leaking in my pants. I moan, but it’s muffled by his ass. “Man, that felt amazing to let out!” He says. But then he notices my throbbing cock.
“Hey, do you like my farts?” He gets off my face and sits down on the couch. “Y-y-yes…” I whimper. “Hey, don’t worry…” he stands up and I see why. He had a raging 10 inch hard on in his pants. “I like you too.” He pulls me into a kiss, and that’s where it all began.
Everyday, after school, I meet him at my place. He spends at least a hour, sitting on my face and ripping loud, noxious farts. We fuck a lot too. I’ve tried to top him, but his farts are just too powerful sometimes, and it makes me cum instantly when I feel it on my cock. When he pounds me, he makes sure to let out his rank farts. Francis is the best.
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facefartstories · 1 month
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facefartstories · 1 month
Two roommates
Alhaitham farts a lot, specially when he is home, and he didn't even care about the sound or the smell, or if Kaveh is around or not. He just do it and that's it.
Kaveh is always annoyed about it, but not truly. He always complains when Alhaitham farts near him, gets angry and all, but he is not doing it because he thinks it's bad or something, but his subconscious says that he needs to complain about it, because it is what everybody does when someone farts.
And as long as they have been sharing a house, the farts were always there, but the complaints were becoming weaker, at the point of some situations like - Alhaitham is laying down on the couch, ass towards Kaveh, that is sitting right beside his butt, and Alhaitham just let his farts go out loud & proud & really smelly; or maybe Alhaitham is washing the dishes, Kaveh is sitting at the kitchen's table, eating or not, while Alhaitham is releasing fart after fart, almost at Kaveh's face; and Kaveh's reactions are almost always a head shake or angry murmurs, after Alhaitham had said something like "you know, if you don't like it that much, you can just leave..." but Kaveh never leaves.
Alhaitham already knows what's going on, while Kaveh didn't realize yet (I mean, didn't confess to himself) that he is actually liking it, but are trying to understand why. Alhaitham is having fun watching Kaveh's development, not wanting to press him about it - he actually thinks that this is kinda cute - waiting for the the day that Kaveh will realize that he is a fart fetishist, and maybe accept it. And besides Alhaitham's cocky attitude, he will support and help Kaveh to understand what's going on with him, even though he isn't an eproctophiliac, but he farts a lot, so why not?
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facefartstories · 1 month
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facefartstories · 1 month
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facefartstories · 1 month
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