eardefenders · 1 day
First prompt of pride month!
(Shamelessly picked because today's my birthday lol.)
Prompt for Saturday, June 1st: Birthday
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Remember to tag your creations with #sh&copride or #sh&co pride!
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eardefenders · 1 day
Still thinking about Sherlock & Co and Joels comment on Johnlock, or to be more precise: fans reaction
After Joel made his explanation (which again: is valid) everyone quickly jumped to his defense, saying: "Well my headcanon is that John and Sherlock are actually cats". Which is like... I know it is supposed to be a joke and maybe i am over sensetive here, but please don't do that when queer people get upset at the lack of queer representation in the sherlock holmes universe. I know some people might see that differently, which again: valid, but it gave me a really bad feeling.
Like, I am not blaimg Joel or Sherlock & co at all. They decided how they want to tell their story, and thats valid. But him saying: "Every interpretation of the characters is valid." is the bare minimum. Yes, I am also happy for such a statement, after everything Mofftiss said and done. But still... its the bare minimum. And everyone quickly saying: "Okay, can we move on now?"
No, we can't... at least I can't. Because we will have this discussion again when the next adaptation drops (with a showrunner who might not be as nice and welcoming as Joel) and we will have this discussion again and again and again. And it is just so exhausting and frustrating
but i reached a point where i do not want to wait until a new adaptation drops and the next showrunner says: "What? Queer representation among the main cast? Well, we won't do it/haven't considered it/its up for interpretation"
As long as they keep on making Sherlock Holmes adaptations, straight up ignoring their queer audience, I will be annyoing and not move on.
And this is also why I am happy that Joel saw my comment about straight people still being the default today, replied to it and it still gets a lot of likes from otehr fans a few days later. Still think it is insane that - when you look at the replies - i was the only one who choose a critical tone...
Btw, this goes also for Sherlock and John being potrayed by people of color. We reached a point where John often get potrayed by a person of color: Irregulars, CBS Watson, Enola Holmes.
Sherlock Holmes himself? Still white.
Its so so frustrating. At this point the most recent Jane Austen adaptations are more diverse then Sherlock Holmes right now. Its insane!
Again: this is not about Johnlock but a much more bigger problem. Look at the witcher fe. We had to fight so so so hard for queer Jaskier. Like.... a straight audience can just lean back and wait, as a queer audience it feels like every coming out, every queer representation is still a major fight. And thats so frustrating.
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eardefenders · 2 days
to all the people who draw co Sherlock as a POC: i'm marrying you, you're right
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eardefenders · 2 days
Tomorrow Starts Pride Month!
Everyday for the next month this blog will post the daily prompt. You can reblog, reply, or simply tag your Sherlock & Co Pride piece and I'll reblog it here. :)
The tags I'm following to find pieces are #sh&copride and #sh&co pride so please use one of those if you want me to see it and reblog it. :D
If you have any questions asks and messages are open!
Happy creating! Excited to see what everyone makes!
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eardefenders · 2 days
help i'm only two episodes into sherlock & co and i can't stop laughing, what's with this watson. it's one thing to write little stories about your buddy solving cool crimes after you've known him for a bit, but it took this fellow literally 0.2 seconds to become so obsessed with the random guy he found covered in his own blood on a treadmill that he started following him around with a microphone and recording all his conversations and monologuing about how interesting he is all alone in his room. what's wrong with him i love him can i keep him in a jar.
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eardefenders · 8 days
@starfruitsomething said: "Also waiting for the videos to come out- but does this mean podlock will never become canon??"
Given what I've heard the answer is a clear 'no explicit pod!lock' However, someone did say they also said something like "You can have your headcanon though".
Repeating from above that they were kind with their tone per various sources. This is not a repeat of the BBC Sherlock dismissal and mocking.
To be clear, while I thought there was a higher probability of Johnlock with this adaption, I very much expected this of them. I am however annoyed that they explained it as not wanting to upset a portion of the audience rather then a clear narrative design of theirs. This feels like it was the 'wrong' answer here. Like a cop out and caving to negative naysayers. But I'll reserve more firm (or harsh) judgement until I hear the question and answer as it was given.
*Inhales deeply, and let's out a long fortifying breath* The Sherlock & Co meet-up has happened. There were questions asked. I wasn't there and I won't pass judgement until the video of the event has been released and I can hear the question and answer myself, but word on the street is the following exchange happened:
Fan: "Do the characters have set sexualities?"
Answer: (Paraphrased, note that it was said they were kind with their tone on the answer.) They can't decide something like that so no they do not have set sexualities. They would like to keep it open and they are aware of Johnlock and won't be going down that route. They understand their podcast had broad appeal and do not want to upset traditionalists.
Like I said I'm waiting to see if the highlights reel they'll be releasing contains this exchange and then listening to exact phrasing before I draw any specific conclusions. However, they did explicitly use the ship name Johnlock and multiple sources confirmed its a no go. Also I'm assuming the phrase traditionalists means like old school holmesians or people interested in the adventures, but not the character development. Given the existing content I don't think they mean they're caving to homphobes.
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eardefenders · 8 days
*Inhales deeply, and let's out a long fortifying breath* The Sherlock & Co meet-up has happened. There were questions asked. I wasn't there and I won't pass judgement until the video of the event has been released and I can hear the question and answer myself, but word on the street is the following exchange happened:
Fan: "Do the characters have set sexualities?"
Answer: (Paraphrased, note that it was said they were kind with their tone on the answer.) They can't decide something like that so no they do not have set sexualities. They would like to keep it open and they are aware of Johnlock and won't be going down that route. They understand their podcast had broad appeal and do not want to upset traditionalists.
Like I said I'm waiting to see if the highlights reel they'll be releasing contains this exchange and then listening to exact phrasing before I draw any specific conclusions. However, they did explicitly use the ship name Johnlock and multiple sources confirmed its a no go. Also I'm assuming the phrase traditionalists means like old school holmesians or people interested in the adventures, but not the character development. Given the existing content I don't think they mean they're caving to homphobes.
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eardefenders · 9 days
Hmm and he thinks it's all him that's why his self esteem is so low. He thinks it cause he's not good enough/interesting enough/smart enough/whatever. He just has convinced himself that he isn't enough.
And now he's with Sherlock and Mariana and somehow someway its starting to become apparent to him that maybe. He is. He is enough. He can contribute and he does have a purpose and maybe all this time it wasn't him but the people he was surrounding himself with.
And now extrapolate one step further.
When Sherlock fakes his death and John doesn't know it was fake, he's going to crash so hard. Because. Again. He wasn't enough. To save him and then when he learns it was fake, to know.
link to my last meta here, it has some context for this
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So first of all. What if I ate glass
Do you think this means he didn't have very many close friends growing up? Just a bunch of acquaintances? And so he invited a bunch of people, but they all had prior commitments, and they didn't care enough about him to leave them to go to his party?
Do you think that's why he fucked up a lot of his close relationships as he got older? Because he never got close enough to anyone when he was younger, and he never learned how to be especially close with people?
Do you think he saw those people who had best friends, who would get matching necklaces, bracelets, whatever, and he would be so jealous? Because what was he not doing that these other people were, that got them such close friends?
Do you think as he went into the army he brought with him this sense of loneliness? Do you think he hooked up with a lot of people to try and get rid of that? And his army mates would praise him for it, even though it just made him feel emptier every time?
And then he got that aforementioned quarantine girlfriend, and he tried so hard with her, smothered her with affection. Yet for some reason he was still empty. He couldn't fully put himself into their relationship.
And eventually, on his birthday, she broke up with him.
Do you think he thought that, moving into 221B, would be another short phase in his life? That Sherlock would eventually move out, and he would go through life with this crushing sense of loneliness and disconnectino from the world?
Do you think he knew that he'd find his whole life in that little flat?
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eardefenders · 9 days
I found your blog while doomscrolling Sherlock & Co and I love your artwork! The composition and the way you play with colors is really amazing! I also like your Sherlock and John designs, esp how you do John’s figure and his facial hair!
wh thank you!! that's so nice of you!! composition and colours are the things I take the most pride in when I work :D it means a lot to me that you'd point them out!
Thank you for your words on my designs as well, especially with john because i sometimes feel a bit insecure about having come up with something so different from everyone else. always nice when someone likes him.
good luck with your doomscrolling! hope the doom ends soon
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eardefenders · 11 days
I am obsessed with the bit of the new episode where John says that they're best friends. Like, as a neurodivergent person, I imagine that clarification meant so much to Sherlock. Having someone outright say that I am their best friend would bring me so much joy, and I like to think he had the same reaction
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eardefenders · 12 days
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John: "Sherlock? are those dinosaurs on my cake?"
Sherlock: "Yes, of course."
John: "Why?"
Sherlock: "Because dinosaurs are wonderful."
John: "I mean- I guess I can't argue. Thanks mate, I love it." (You can hear the smile in his voice)
Mariana: (From down the hall) Happy Birthday! I picked it up!
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eardefenders · 12 days
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johns explaining to sherlock cinderella lore or whatever
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eardefenders · 12 days
Are you still doing transcripts of the mailbags? I haven't seen any since episode 3 came out
I am! I have 4 almost done and 5 and 6 started. I had some life things happen that have prevented me from being able to put the time in on them, but it is my intent to continue them.
I didn't give them up! I promise!
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eardefenders · 12 days
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Every Tuesday I am so happy to have these silly guys in my ears
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eardefenders · 13 days
It's based off of a roleplay that I did a little while ago where Sherlock put a tutu on Archie for his birthday so John threatened Sherlock with a matching one for his own birthday
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eardefenders · 13 days
A hunk
A dish
A stud
A certified beefcake
-Sherlock Holmes, 2024
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eardefenders · 14 days
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The boys when they’re caught.
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