dragonmuses · 12 days
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dragonmuses · 12 days
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[ID: Boxed shaped clay sculpture of a Przewalski's horse. The horse's body is painted onto the box in the style of palaeolithic cave art, and the front half from the shoulders is realistic and three-dimensional, fully emerging at the end of the box. The horse is in a walking pose with the front left leg raised and the head tilted slightly sideways. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]
Yeah, happy with this. Will be remaking it at some point, hopefully with less issues. I'll have to give it a coat of gloss as this clay is not hardy and needs protection.
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dragonmuses · 12 days
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dragonmuses · 12 days
keep seeing undergrads on social media saying “oh if a prof has a strict no-AI academic integrity policy that’s a red flag for me because that means they don’t know how to design assignments” like sorry girl but that just sounds like you’ve got a case of sour grapes about not being allowed to cheat with the plagiarism machine that doesn’t know how to evaluate sources and kills the environment! I have a strict no-AI policy because if you use AI to write your essays for a writing course it’s literally plagiarism because you didn’t write it and you’re not learning any of the things the course teaches if you just plug a prompt into the plagiarism generator that kills the environment, hope this helps!
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dragonmuses · 12 days
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dragonmuses · 12 days
Megamind was 9 days old when his parents shipped him off the planet. His species is full of super geniuses, Megamind canonically remembers what was happening on that day.
We don’t know how old Minion is but regardless of that, what we do know is that Megamind’s parents trusted him to be a fully capable and responsible caretaker. So whatever he is and however old he is, we can assume he also has a good memory of their home planet and what happened.
Metroman, on the other hand… he has incredible physical powers, but definitely no impressive mind powers. Or else Hal would have become smart. There’s no reason to believe that Metroman’s intelligence or childhood mental development was any more impressive than the average human.
…what I’m saying is that there’s a nonzero chance that Metroman has absolutely NO idea where he is from. Parents probably didn’t have time to leave a note in his capsule. Dude probably thinks he’s just a super special human or some kind of lab experiment and that Megamind and Minion are the only two aliens in this situation. Doesn’t realize he was their galactic neighbor.
Just. Imagine them all hanging out as friends sometime after the events of the movie, and Metroman asks Megamind and Minion how they met each other. A totally innocent and normal question to ask.
But it snowballs into a much different conversation
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dragonmuses · 12 days
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My friend is into transformers
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dragonmuses · 12 days
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Hello Diamond city
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dragonmuses · 12 days
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“My dad teaching math in Southern California (late 70s/early 80s)”
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dragonmuses · 12 days
the current thing trad losers are losing their minds over is one singular dude on reddit that refurbished and hand painted a grandfather clock and they keep saying the guy “ruined its value” or “threw thousands out the window by vandalizing a precious heirloom” and let me just say as someone densely familiar with the world of antiques, there’s a 99% chance that this clock was a mass produced reproduction and there’s a 100% chance that clock is not as valuable as ppl think it is. when people hear the word ‘grandfather clock’ they’re always gonna assume you’re talking about something that was handmade in a woodshop by a jolly old man when rlly repros take up a waaay bigger slice of the market far more than any handcrafted items. and besides people will repaint or redecorate these ‘oh so sacred handcrafted items’ every day there’s a huge market for them. it’s the same reason why people like long furbies or dolls that have been customized to have like gore mouths or something. this is literally like watching a bunch of pretentious farts make a mountain out of a molehill. also the clock is kinda cool if I’m being honest
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dragonmuses · 12 days
i hate that "that that" is grammatically correct. why is english the joke language
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dragonmuses · 12 days
Charlie was not happy that my boyfriend took our other dog to work with him today. We had a chat about it... he was inconsolable.
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dragonmuses · 12 days
Everytime i see people draw or portray Nick Valentine to be this oh-so attractive and seductive synth I always can’t help but giggle a little bit because he always looks like he’s about to throw up but is trying to be very brave about it
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dragonmuses · 12 days
He’s got like three expressions throughout the whole game and it’s like this(with dramatic lighting)
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dragonmuses · 12 days
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dragonmuses · 12 days
i honestly cant believe the normal amount of wanting to be another gender is zero. like arent you sick of yours yet lol
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dragonmuses · 12 days
My one friend group can't stop saying, "See you in hell!" in a cheerful voice instead of, "Talk to you later!" and my other friend group can't stop calling things "penis" instead of "cool" or "good", so I just unironically uttered the phrase, "Sounds penis, see you in hell," as I got off the phone.
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