defensivelee · 2 hours
peak hansijoost dynamic is when bentinck decides that maybe keppel does deserve william, after all. lot of ways to interpret that all on its own
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defensivelee · 6 hours
that's actually not very implausible I mean he's exactly the kind of fool to fall down the stairs running away from Bidloo, and Keppel is sweet enough to stick around ^v^ a blowjob heals broken bones (sounds like an isekai title LMAO)!!
if I may add, I've had strangely vivid dreams about William too, idk why I guess I must think about him a lot. the strangest one is one that actually is kind of reoccurring and long winded, always picking up where it left off, and it's of William as a boy leading me through a very weird very creepy and dark palace and calling it 'your Versailles,' as in, MY Versailles. last time I dreamt about it, he hid behind me when my father walked by to show me what I believe was his new mastiff, and he also had an asthma attack trying to chase me out of somewhere. he's very sweet. I wonder how much of it is lucid dreaming bc I have historically been pretty good at that when I was younger, and a lot of the things that happen in those dreams are embarrassingly self indulgent. like yes, if I had it my way William would cling to me like a burr
other unrelated dreams include one where I was playing fucking Call of Duty with William and. look. I like to think I'm fine. but HOLY SHIT I got so bad out of nowhere and William was so good?? he kept laughing at me. also embarrassing...
and just last night I had a dream where I was called to illustrate a new manga about William called "William of Orange took 72 to 100%!" and the first volume's cover had him trailing behind de Witt and looking at the viewer. I would be interested in reading that, and if it turned into an anime that would be even worse but I would still be interested
thinking about the very vivid dream I once had where I read a paper about how William III fell down a flight of stairs and broke several bones, with van Keppel subsequently "accompanying him through the night following his injury", the implication being that they had sex (despite the broken bones I guess??) And this was all part of some conspiracy circulated at the time to make people question William's capability as a ruler because he was too weak.
I literally remember reading this and I almost believed that it was real for a worryingly long period of time after I woke up.
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defensivelee · 19 hours
proof that anything anywhere can be a kink and therefore it's stupid to try to draw a line in the sand over what's allowed at pride: I fucking love calves and while I'm aspec they still hold a certain allure to me that no other part of the body does, y'know? I would call it... maybe not a kink, but definitely a really specific, really important fixation to me. I know it seems mundane and ordinary but like I cannot make it clear enough how NECESSARY for me they are, like if I'm not aspec IT IS BC OF CALVES
and like. I'll look at em anywhere. I love skinny jeans bc of the way they show your calves. I love fucking 17th century stockings bc of how good they make calves look. I agree to watch baseball games specifically bc I love how their silly little uniforms make the dude calves look.
my fixation is PURELY sexual. you're not gonna tell someone to stop wearing skinny jeans or tell the MLB to change their uniforms just bc people find those things sexy. I recently had this realization and it really drove home the point of how fucking pointless it is
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defensivelee · 21 hours
Six Lives Won't Make You Happy: An Interview with One Very Loyal Disciple
CW: implications of sexual assault and kidnapping.
Thank you all for your questions to Miss Anne Villiers! Please ignore the sultry look she is giving her mistress, respect lesbian sex. It is pride month, after all.
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everyone always asks where Anne is but nobody asks how Anne is. also, do you touch grass?
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2. many many questions (again)
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2. do you feel bad for what's going to happen to William?
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3. are you ever going to be able to look at Bentinck again?
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4. how is Mary going to take the news?
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5. do you think you deserve a reward?
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6. favorite color?
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7. why are you so hot?
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No, thank you for your time, Miss Villiers!
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defensivelee · 21 hours
i love you intimacy in reverse order. yes we've had sex before and i know all the details of your pleasure, but i don't know anything else. i don't know what it feels like to embrace you carelessly. i can barely hold your hand, the grip is so slight it makes me lose my breath. i want to kiss you but what pressure is the right one? how much is too intimate? yes we've had sex and i've done all these things before - but without the guise of mutual pleasure, can i be sure you won't turn me away? will you allow me the delicate feeling of your hand in mine when you know it is me asking to hold it? i know i've held you before with our clothes off, but can i hold you even tighter? may i listen to the steady sound of your heartbeat? is it alright to look for it in front of everyone? yes, yes of course we've had sex before. i know what you look like naked, ive touched you with the lights off. is it alright to want see you with them on? in the morning, with the sun flitting through the blinds?is it alright to want you when the sun is up? yes we've had sex before but have we ever been intimate? can we be? tell me that it's alright to hold you. no, not like that. just like this.
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defensivelee · 1 day
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King James II: Hide and Seek Extraordinaire
Born in 1633, the second surviving son of King Charles I and Henrietta Maria of France, the future King James II lived his formative years during one of the most tumultuous periods in England’s history. Whilst relations between his father and parliament descending into the English Civil War, and parliament began to gain extreme power, James, and his younger siblings were confined in St. James’s Palace. They saw their imprisoned father three times a week, at meetings in which the king informed James that, should the parliamentarians begin to treat the royals any more harshly, he should escape, preferably to his sister Mary in Holland. The king then made his own futile attempt to flee but was again captured. Irate upon hearing the news of this James almost killed a servant with a longbow, but it strengthened within him the desire for liberation - a feat he accomplished by being exceptionally good at hide and seek!
As John Miller, in his biography of James, writes:
“[James] re-established contact with his father through a [royalist], Colonel Bampfield, who also took charge of the arrangements for his escape [and] By the 21st [of April 1648] all was ready.
For a fortnight the children had play hide and seek each evening, James hiding so skilfully that it often took half an hour to find him. That night James went straight to his sister’s bedroom … and set off down the back stairs. In his haste, he caught his foot on a door, making what seemed an enormous noise. He scuttled back to his bedroom and pretended to read until he was sure no one had heard him.
The second time he descended without a hitch, passing through the inner garden and out into St. James’s Park … He met Bampfield, with whom he travelled [to a] house near London Bridge. There James donned women’s clothes and they embarked on a barge with a few trusted servants.
The bargemaster began to suspect James was not all he seemed when he hitched up his stockings in a very unladylike manner and allowed Bampfield to tie his garter. They had to take the master into their confidence and persuaded him to dim his lights and slip past the dockhouse at Gravesend. Soon after, they boarded a dutch vessel which brought them to Flushing. The[y] spent the night in Middelsburg, where James scandalised the hostess by refusing to let the maids undress him and insisting on sharing a room with his “brother”.
[Eventually] James was reunited with [his sister]. It had been a daring escapade in which James had shown considerable resourcefulness and courage for a boy of fourteen.”
[Image: Charles I and James II]
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defensivelee · 1 day
a lot of people agree "don't automatically trust a man who says all his exes are crazy" but there is another red flag I was reminded of today:
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SOOOOO many abusive men (and women!) falsely accuse their partner of cheating and I wish more people knew this. I remember watching a video on a man who killed his gf and all the comments were saying she cheated--not that it excuses the murder--but it turns out he fucking lied about that anyway. start thinking critically instead of not believing victims because you projected your own relationship issues on what could be a complete lie. oh, and people who make false accusations of cheating are also often the one cheating, lmao
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defensivelee · 1 day
what the hell happens in three body problem
ahehehe history rpf three body problem au..
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I swear this all makes sense in some way. William is swordholder(in charge of the mutually assured destruction system on Earth that keeps the Trisolaris aliens from invading) because I thought it was convenient that it sounds like stadtholder & Mary is a spaceship captain because she followed in her father's footsteps and in the space military is actually a branch of the navy. I've got more insane ramblings to dish out but i'll save them for later.
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defensivelee · 1 day
ahehehe history rpf three body problem au..
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I swear this all makes sense in some way. William is swordholder(in charge of the mutually assured destruction system on Earth that keeps the Trisolaris aliens from invading) because I thought it was convenient that it sounds like stadtholder & Mary is a spaceship captain because she followed in her father's footsteps and in the space military is actually a branch of the navy. I've got more insane ramblings to dish out but i'll save them for later.
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defensivelee · 2 days
i love his oshi no ko ass eye
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Santa has a big forehead under there
speedran on my school whiteboard
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defensivelee · 2 days
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Happy Pride Month! (Or early Pride, for my mutuals across the sea).
Flags featured:
Transgender and Progress Pride
Kelperth: Versandrogynuous, Demiromantic Omnisexual
Christofer: Aroace, bellusromantic
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defensivelee · 2 days
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Santa has a big forehead under there
speedran on my school whiteboard
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defensivelee · 2 days
Since I can't draw rn, have this:
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Happy reign day to Fritz!
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defensivelee · 2 days
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defensivelee · 2 days
The fictionalization of historical figures is so funny to me.
Just a reminder these were real people once and now tumblr is either drawing them as tumblr sexy men or making them make out
Sometimes I’ll be looking at really good fan art of like idk Fredrick the Great or William III as a skinny twink cute boy and I’m like “oh that’s cool” then after two seconds I’m like “wait a minute…”
It makes me wonder if 200 years time now people will be shipping like idk Queen Elizabeth and Obama unironically and drawing cutesy fan art of stuff of todays political leaders/leaders (or powerful) people of the world.
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defensivelee · 3 days
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I know that I haven't been uploading art of my elements that much, but I promise I haven't stopped thinking about them. Have two cosplaying heliums while I procrastinate
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defensivelee · 3 days
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trust me i totally know what im doing
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