February 6, 2021 #1
Dear Universe,
I’m sorry I haven’t been writing much lately. There’s been a lot going on. Moving to a new house and getting other things settled are taking up quite a bit of time lately.
Christmas was fairly tame and we had snow for exactly the 24th and 25th before it all melted. Now over a month later, we have proper snow that’s sticking longer and I’m enjoying it.
In other news, my 30th birthday is around the corner and I feel more stuck than ever. I haven’t accomplished much, if anything in my life. It bugs me more and more whenever the date comes up. Maybe this year I can do something about it.
I need to go for now, more packing and moving needs to be done.
Until then,
Anxious and Distracted
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December 23, 2020 #1
Dear Universe
Christmas is almost here. Where did this month go? Shouldn’t really complain though, this also means the year is almost over. I have a feeling that 2021 will be treated with caution as we’re not out of the woods just yet.
Things have been busy here. Between getting ready for the holiday and working on things in the background otherwise. Yesterday, I was able to check off part of a list regarding setting up an online store for my work. Today, I hope to work on that more and possibly have it up and running by the end of the day. That’s also going along side wrapping presents and everything else. Perhaps I can end this year with a few last minute accomplishments. At least, a few minor last minute accomplishments.
Aside from that, we got a larger storage unit to move the rest of my belongings into. Hope to be working on that soon. There’s really only 1 piece that I may need to find a moving company for, unless I don’t want to bother moving these other two on my own. This gives me a chance to go through everything and potentially sell stuff as well. I didn’t have much of a chance when I got the first unit. May start moving bigger things after Christmas.
I suppose this is it for now. It’s going on 3 in the morning and my mind is starting to shut down.
I hope everyone reading this has an amazing holiday
Until next time,
Hopeful for the Future
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December 13, 2020 #1
Dear Universe,
Today is off to a rough start. My air mattress was flat and therefore I was on the floor. I woke up stiff and in pain. This is sadly nothing new and won’t be nothing new until I move and can get a proper bed...whenever that will be at least. I’ve been short with my dog which I hate. It’s not his fault. I’ll make it up to him today.
That being said, I think today would be a good day to get lost in music and just exist. It’s not the best option considering there’s stuff to be done, but at this moment it’s about all I can do. Wait, it’s Sunday...that’s not going to be fully possible. I need to go to my Uncles for work today. Thankfully, it’s not much. Maybe that’ll pull me out of whatever slump I’m currently in.
Tonight the Geminids peak as well. As usual, the skies are cloudy with no hope of clearing before midnight, or even after midnight at that. Tomorrow night looks promising. With it being right after peak night I should be able to see quite a few. I had an idea for a photo so hopefully I’ll be able to go and take it tomorrow night. I’m still hoping the weather clears tonight for obvious reasons.
I think I’ll wander off now to get ready to go. Until next time.
~Existing in Exhaustion
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December 9, 2020 #1
Dear Universe,
It’s been a few days since I last wrote. It’s been somewhat busy around here. That and I lacked the energy to do much worth writing about. Days filled with either cleaning, running errands, or absolutely nothing.
It’s just after midnight so I guess today hasn’t really started. Yesterday was a day of nothing, but the day before I accomplished at least a little. Standing near my desk, in the corner of the room, is a black Christmas tree. Yes, a black one. I’ve wanted a black one for a while and this year I got it. I’m half tempted to find skulls to hang on it. Make it a horror/scary themed tree. As it is, I already have a skull hiding in it. It’s something that makes me smile. A smile very much needed after the events of the last few months.
My cat seems to like it. Last night I found her laying under it, asleep on the tree skirt. Earlier, she was just laying there watching me silently. She hasn’t climbed it, I don’t think she will either.
I think I’ll leave it at that for now. My dog is requesting his dinner. I’m late on feeding them tonight.
See you later,
Woman who Loves Her Animals
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December 2, 2020 #1
Dear Universe,
Today, I started this page. I don’t know why and I don’t know what I expect to come of this. Maybe I wanted a way to get my thoughts out without keeping it to myself. I’ve thought a lot about starting this over the last couple of days so I decided to go ahead and do it. I also decided to open it to others to send their letters. So...here it is.
I had more to say originally, but I’ve lost my train of thought. It may end up as another letter later on.
Until next time,
Lost on Tumblr
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