cheekinpermission · 4 minutes
Grim is gonna make him throwing up EVERYONES problem
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he frew up
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cheekinpermission · 6 hours
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She's perfect 🥹
This is so cool and such a nice way to give back to the community. Thank you for including me!!
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40 hours of work- just around 200 peoples ocs in the twst community (as such there may be some small mistakes on my end and sometimes i couldnt find refs with all the colors so i did my best!! Honestly im sorry if i missed you too even if its impossible for me to get every single person HFNDJXDHV)
Nothing can quite describe how welcomed ive felt in this community. I find myself always wanting to give back to my moots, followers, or even just other members in the community in general.
SOOO ive been slowly chipping away at this for the past few months. Consider this a gift! And uh, have fun finding your ocs/yuus-
Group photo tags pt1
@thehollowwriter Finn
@rizdoodls Andy
@sakuramidnight15 Hei-ran
@cruel-acid Iza
@raguiras Allen
@oya-oya-okay Yuu and Shishio
@tedearaminta Riona
@zjmaeve Zeth
@akemiozawa Charlotte
@twsted-princess Chimlim
@akihikosanadasboyfriend Yuuma
@tinisprout Yurelle
@valse-a-mille-temps Yuuven
@yaoyaobae Fran
@cosmonavo Gwen
@simpingseafood Sasha
@nuitthegoddess Aurelian and Hana
@cenpede Vitya
@tixdixl Oisín
@tartppola Yuu
@the-trinket-witch Albert and the janitor
@kenchann Yuu
@egophiliac Yuu
@raven-at-the-writing-desk Miss Raven
@adaven17 Yuu
@cecilebutcher Vesper and Igor
@miyuki-fenn Désiré and Mel
@polywoo Misdemeanor
@myuminji Yuu
@zvezdacito Micah
@citrus-c0la Oliver
@datboredpencil Mao
@prinxurie Zuzhou and Jiushu
@robo-milky Cloche
@starry-night-rose Ellis
@bloodiegawz Yuu
@artfulhero-m Aster
@justm3di0cr3 Emory and Poppy
@ai-kan1 Juno
@the-fridge-orange Elinor
@breadcheese444 Lily
@fumikomiyasaki Carol and Yuzuha
@ceruleancattail Cinder and Ceru
@ashipiko Ashi
@elektrosyntetik Anya
@veilofthorns Kissy
@terrovaniadorm Rhys and Ulrica
@midostree-art Yuu
@lanshappycorner Roseline
@midnightmah07 Daisy
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cheekinpermission · 5 days
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This is why every hour is picking on Ace hour
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cheekinpermission · 6 days
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Halloween night was a bit of a blur for him after that :)
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cheekinpermission · 8 days
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They did Ace so dirty here. Couldn't even let him be talented at sleight of hand. No, he's only good at THE BASICS 😭
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cheekinpermission · 10 days
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Ehhh I'm sure its fine.
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cheekinpermission · 14 days
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I heard Ruggie likes donuts...
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cheekinpermission · 18 days
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I heard something about drawing mermaids?
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cheekinpermission · 19 days
I see you finished the cheek kiss with the Housewardens. Are the Vice next? And are you going to do the other characters after if so? Sorry if someone already asked you this, I'm too lazy to look :D
It's alright! Thanks for asking :)
I've already got the vice housewardens drafted out and ready to be colored so they're coming soon. I figured I'd make a few more posts before going back to the cheek kisses.
As for the others, I'm not sure yet. I feel like I might as well because I've already done so many lmao. I'm just worried about them getting too repetitive.
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cheekinpermission · 21 days
hello! I was just wondering, do you have any advice for getting so many gems in Twst? Also thank you for your wonderful art, I enjoy looking forward to see what you draw next :D
Buy them
Just kidding! I've only made one purchase for TWST. It was less than $10 and was way back in the beginning for some kind of deal or something.
My 16k gem stash is the product of two years of grinding and selective pulls. I really wish I could say I had some kind of hack but that's really it. I'll talk about how I approach spending resources in the game, though, if anyone finds that useful.
As per usual, I ramble so it'll be under the cut!
1. Pick a favorite character
HEAR ME OUT I KNOW ITS HARD BECAUSE ALL THE CHARACTERS ARE GREAT! But it helps a lot if you're limiting who you're willing to pull for instead of every pretty card that comes out.
Personally, Riddle is my favorite (+ Grim but he's not really a concern card wise) so I'm committed to getting all of his cards. I'd really hate if I couldn't get one of his cards that I really want because I spent my keys / gems on a card that I only kind of wanted. So that's something to think about if it helps keep things in perspective.
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All my Riddles!! (I definitely don't have a favorite Riddle shhh)
For example, I absolutely love Ortho's Fairy Gala card. I think it's one of the prettiest in the game! But I didn't pull for it because Ortho isn't a favorite character of mine.
It works the opposite, too. Kalim, Vil, and Ruggie are among my favorites but I've passed on a lot of their cards for one reason or another. I passed on Tsum Kalim because I didn't like the groovy, I passed on Silk Adorned Vil because I didn't like that it didn't have an attached vignette, and I passed on Camp Vargas Ruggie because I didn't like the event itself. While I really love these characters, I'm picky about which ones I'll pull so I don't miss out on a better one later.
For characters that I like quite a bit (top 5 ish), I'll use their free ten set you get on their birthday to try and pull for them. If I don't get them within those ten pulls, I accept it and move on.
I also want to say that this method has allowed to me to get pretty much every card that I've actually wanted. I can even pull for characters that aren't among my favorites (e.g. Idia who has THE BEST SSRS FOR SOME REASON??) and still have a big gem safety net.
I don't pull super often, I don't think, but I've gotten everything I've wanted so I think it's a fair trade-off.
Given my gem stash, you might be able to get away with collecting for a dorm but it'd have to be one of the tiny ones (Scarabia would be excellent because Jamil has almost no SSRs rip)
2. Plan ahead of time using JP TWST events
One of the biggest advantages of JP TWST releasing events way before Eng TWST is that we know what's coming ahead of time so we can plan accordingly. Obviously, this won't work if you're trying to save gems on the Japanese server.
You'll have to be okay with spoilers for the English server, too. At least enough to know if a character you like is in the event. I like to look at the card art and groovies, personally, as those will influence my decision if I'm on the fence.
I know which cards that I need to save for in the future:
Riddle’s Swimear SR
Ruggie’s Clubwear SSR
Rollo's SSR (pending available keys)
Riddle's Bloomquet SSR
Vil's Luxe Couture SSR
Vil and Malleus's Tsum SSR (pending groovies)
While we don't have a definitive schedule for a lot of these, a lot of them you can kind of guess.
For example, Riddle's Swimwear SR is part of Stitch's event which seems pretty summer-y to me. It'll likely come out in June or July of this year. Clubwear cards come relatively quickly so I'm anticipating Ruggie's Clubwear SSR fairly soon, too. Gotta make sure I'm saving right now for those bad boys.
Rollo and Riddle will probably come around the same time (Aug-Nov) so I've got a bit of time to build up my collection of keys again.
The others just got released in Japan so they'll take awhile before they reach us and I'm not too worried about them just yet.
I think of it like going to the grocery store with a shopping list. Stick to the list and you know you can't overspend!
3. Don't pull for dorm cards
"That's easy for you to say, Cheekin. Riddle is your favorite character and you can get his dorm card for free at the beginning of the game!!"
Why, yes. Yes, you can. Thanks, Riddle!
(Ngl I might've caved and done it for Riddle but ONLY Riddle because he's my fave :D)
Now that all of the dorm uniforms have been released, dorm showcases aren't really a thing but in the event that they do a re-run I would avoid spending keys / gems on them. Same goes for the standard show case. Neither are worth it, IMO.
Dorm uniform cards will always be in the SSR pool regardless of the event, so I think it's better to just take your chances and collect them slowly overtime. Of course, the odds of getting the one you want aren't super high but you'll amass quite a few dorm cards just by pulling for event cards anyways. You're bound to get one you like eventually.
For reference, I've gotten Dorm Idia, Ortho, Vil, Jamil THREE TIMES, Kalim, Azul, Ruggie, Jack, Trey TWICE and Deuce TWICE as a byproduct of pulling for event cards. I wasn't trying to get them but they're here now and I love them for it <3
And that's about it! Nothing too groundbreaking. The biggest thing is knowing when to stop. Sometimes when I'm on that gacha grind high and I want to pull just cause it's been awhile since I've gotten an SSR, I'll tell myself to do it later because 99% of the time I'll just forget and it'll never happen!
I have been burned by too many gacha games in the past that I refuse to let it happen to me again in TWST (cough Obey Me COUGH)
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Here are all my SSRs so you can judge for yourself how effective it is. (Or if its worth it)
I genuinely have no clue what the average number of SSR's a player who has been playing for over 2 years like me has, but I'm comfortable with what I've got. I've gotten all the cards I've wanted and most of the cards I was interested in so I think it's worth it.
tldr: be selective about your pulling, plan ahead, and resist the urge to pull constantly
Thank you for your kind words about my art!! (And if anyone got to the end of all this WORD VOMIT thanks for listening! Reading. Whatever.)
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cheekinpermission · 23 days
I thought the new grid map was a cute new mechanic. It wasn't too bad, pretty chill. Got through it quick.
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cheekinpermission · 24 days
Yuu got in a new shade of lipstick and is now on a mission. The targets? Housewardens.
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dragon man goes BURR
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cheekinpermission · 25 days
I see where Silver learned how to handle children
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Lilia's first instinct is to threaten a couple of teenagers and a cat that he came across
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cheekinpermission · 25 days
did you know???
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Same goes for Floyd, Jade, Trey, Kalim, Ortho, Sebek, Lilia( his club outfit) , Rollo and all the other guys when they showed their foreheads for attention 👀
@deeva-arud come give ur man attention 😔
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cheekinpermission · 25 days
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Alright Lilia pls be nice to me I've never pulled for you...
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cheekinpermission · 27 days
Due to semi-popular demand, I gave Yuu a second tube of lipstick to test out on another set of characters.
Watch out vice-housewardens (+ Ruggie and platonic Ortho). Yuu is coming.
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cheekinpermission · 29 days
look what I have here
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