chaos-frog · 15 hours
Hello!! Can I request a captive x captor prompt list? I don't know if that's something up your alley, but your prompt lists have a wide variety and have helped me get out of some sticky spots (that I wrote myself into lol). If not, that's totally fine too. I appreciate your work ❤
Sure thing! Imma do my best to make them non-toxic/non-Stockholm syndrome-y because that’s more comfy for me. But thank yooou! I’m so glad that my prompts have been able to help you at all! Sometimes I wonder, so that’s really nice to know!
A pirate crew captures a selkie and intends to sell it at a dark enchanted market of different creatures and rarities. However, the more one of the pirates spends time guarding their captive, the more they dread pawning them off to the highest bidder. But how can they commit mutiny against their crew and captain, the only family they know? Especially for a creature that most definitely hates them. 2. When a human steps into a faerie circle, the fae in question is ecstatic. Their fellow fae friend has a birthday coming up and a taste for unique items and eccentricities. Actual conscious animals are hard to come by, but a human transformed into an animal? Much easier. And how is Other Fae to know the difference?
3. After trying their food by chance, a royal forces a local cook into their employ as their personal chef. Though the royal spoils them with nice quarters, unlimited ingredients, and a ridiculously high wage, the chef cannot forgive them for taking away their freedom. Meanwhile, the royal, whose love language is food, falls deeper in love with each meal.
4. Pirates are to be hanged. That is the law. However, when a recently arrested pirate is up for execution, the city's lord visits them with a bargain: their life for their service as a guard. The lord's child has recently bought a ship and is insistent on sailing around the world, oblivious of their own inexperience and naivety. And everyone knows there's no one more sea-smart than a pirate. However, their child, having no idea of the deal, begins catching feelings for their gruff crew member who always seems to be there for them.
5. Dragons have taken humans captive since the days of knights and princesses. It is no different for the modern-day city dragons, though the reason has become foggier over the centuries. Is it for hoarding? For food? Love? All the dragon knows is their instincts screamed at them to take this person, so they did. Except now they're riddled with guilt. On the other hand, they picked on of the only humans who would be ok with this development. A dragon scientist/expert who is over the moon to study a member of the rare species up close.
6. Human pests are always breaking into the giant's home, stealing their supplies, wealth, and anything else they can get their tiny grubby hands on. They decide to put up traps, but when they actually succeed in catching one of the thieves, they're not sure what to do with them. They don't want to kill them, but they certainly can't let them go either.
7. A monster hunter is taken captive by one of the very monsters they once caught and sold. The monster escaped a couple years ago, but not without serious scars, both emotional and physical. They intend to make the monster hunter share their pain, but the hunter is so much more ragged and tired then they remember. It seems they’ve become broken and scarred all on their own.
8. Knowing that planet earth is about to be destroyed, a group of aliens breaks protocol and abducts a few hundred humans in order to preserve the race. However, the humans, whether uninformed or wracked with grief are none too happy about this development. The ship’s captain tries to keep them isolated to one area of the ship, believing it will be easier to them adjust to one factor at a time, but one of the humans is always escaping, and searching the captain out. The captain is still only semi-fluent in human, but their addresses usually involve a lot of shrieking and spitting.
9. Vampires are merciless, bloodthirsty monsters; the vampire Hunter knows this from much experience. So why are they having such a hard time finishing this one? Pretty hair and a sunshiny attitude are not reason enough!
10. The detective is the only thing standing in the way of the criminal’s success and freedom. They should take this chance, catching the detective helpless and off guard, to get rid of them permanently. But…the detective has also been the only constant in their life for years. They’ve dedicated so much time to impressing and thwarting them and the detective so much time to chasing them. Maybe they shouldn’t rush it and keep hold of them a little longer.
11. A royal is almost assassinated and the hitman is put in the dungeons. The royal insists on talking to their would-be-killer themselves and what starts as an interrogation transforms into a daily storytelling session, with the royal hounding the assassin for information about the outside world. As the assassin’s execution date looming, the trapped royal’s desire to leave grows. If anyone could take them away from this place, it would be assassin, but can that trust them not to finish the job they were hired for?
12. After kidnapping Sidekick multiple times as leverage, it is Villain’s turn to be a hostage. In all their captures, Sidekick discovered a familial connection between Villain and Supervillain, and with Supervillain on the verge of mass destruction, Sidekick is going to exploit it. Surrender or Villain will be killed. Except Sidekick has no experience with hostages and is relying on all of Villain’s advice on how to keep them secure. At first it’s manipulation, but after a while…Villain doesn’t really want to leave anymore.
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chaos-frog · 4 days
MY MESSAGES TAB IS GOne and IDK WHats going on?!
I haven't done anything so I'm so confused
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If you've sent me anything I haven't gotten it.
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chaos-frog · 4 days
Careful showing your borrower friends certain shows. I now have to have a steady supply of glow sticks on hand.
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chaos-frog · 5 days
So sleepy and it's all @weirdly-specific-but-ok fault
I am falling asleep in class rn
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chaos-frog · 5 days
oh so it’s okay for you to kiss your friends?? but when i, judas iscariot,
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chaos-frog · 7 days
Regarding my trip and life (aka good omens) in general... I have good news and I have bad news...
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chaos-frog · 7 days
Hehehe, as the high priestess you should know whenever I see anything whale I immediately think whalegina
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what if whales in minecraft!
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chaos-frog · 9 days
@weirdly-specific-but-ok I MISS YOUUUUU
In your absence, may I take over on Terrorizing the server? I am very good at it.
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chaos-frog · 10 days
Hi! I have a cartoony commission idea, but are you over 18 (It’s not explicit, but it’s from a family friendly scene in an R rated fic), and are you familiar with the Sandman characters at all and how much will you charge? The idea has five characters in it, four in superhero costumes. Thanks!
I am nearly 18 and as long as it's not nsfw I'd be comfortable reading the scene and drawing it. The pricing is entirely depending on whether it would be a sketch, lineart, colored, or rendered. Plus If its full or partial body. If you dm me with more details I can give a more accurate price :3
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chaos-frog · 10 days
I desperately need to pay for one of my medications that my insurance doesn't cover. So I am opening commissions! I can do cartoons, or hyper realism.
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Here are what my two different styles look like! I can also mimick styles really well, as well as drawing character references
Generally, the realistic will be far more than the cartoony! But I am happy to do either
If you can't afford to buy a commission, please reblog and share. The med is one I will really struggle without, so I hope to raise enough to fill it soon
Thank you all!
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chaos-frog · 11 days
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people who let me wake up to this get a special place in heaven. firefly_fox how does it feel to hold my life in ur hands....
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chaos-frog · 15 days
Writing is one of the most profound forms of magic. It basically IS magic, honestly. The closest thing to magic we, as humans, can do. And as writers, we craft whole other worlds. Cities in the clouds, kingdoms under the sea, worlds where quite literally anything can happen. Each word in a sentence in a paragraph on a page in a book... it's all a carefully placed spell. And in writing we breathe life into characters. Characters we put bits of ourselves into, characters that walk, talk, and fell as vividly as any of us. We conjure epic journeys and intimate moments, painting with emotions and ideas, all created to resonate deeply with our readers.
We explore themes that touch on the very essence of what it is to be human. We talk about love, loss, hope, despair, offering readers a mirror to their own experiences and a window to perspectives they might never encounter otherwise. That is something AI writing can't quite capture. AI can emulate words that are already written, but it cannot draw from its own experience, from its own humanity. That's why the writing always feels off, how it never quite captured the human experience.
And it's because writing should be solely for humans. The beauty of writing lies in its accessibility and potential. Any person could pick up a pen and start writing, tapping into their human experiences and projecting them onto the page. But writing is more than just putting words on a page. It's that human act of creation, that way that we share our innermost thoughts and dreams, our means to connect with others across time and space. Through writing we don't just tell stories- we create entire universes for ourselves, for other people. It's something personal, something so innately human.
Write. Don't let AI steal that passion from you. CREATE.
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chaos-frog · 16 days
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chaos-frog · 17 days
Finally done with AP testing!
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chaos-frog · 28 days
I am being addicted to a plant game currently
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chaos-frog · 1 month
"i can't stop thinking about those tragic little gay men"
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chaos-frog · 1 month
I love when
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