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these pieces have a companion fic!! go read it its AMAZING
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“we need to talk about—” “we need to address—”
no we don’t!! is this a fandom board meeting what’s even going on
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ᴹᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳ ᴴᵘⁿᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵀʳᶦᵒ
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I decided to gif Jonathan's daddy issues
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Top Banana
@steddiemicrofic | prompt: 'top' | words: 510 | rating: G | cw: none | AO3 other tags: Robin POV, Scoops ere, pre-relationship (like, this is a "boys will be boys" moment that Robin happens to observe)
Near the beginning of summer, soon after being hired, Robin had resigned herself to her fate. All she had to do was be civil. Clock in, do her job, and clock out. Steve Harrington had successfully ignored her existence until now (for which she was grateful — she just wished others had been similarly inclined to ignore him), so she could, nay should, return the favor. If only he wouldn’t show up for his shift ever day acting like a dork whose only acquaintances appeared to be literal children.
He just made himself impossible to ignore. So she retaliated with sarcasm and witty repartee. Instead of driving him off, he seemed to enjoy the sparring (even if she couldn’t yet tell if he really didn’t understand some of her vocabulary or if he was messing with her in a very subtle way). The “You Rule, You Suck” board was one of her last ditch efforts to finally get under his skin, but his only response was to suddenly start showing up to work wearing what she was convinced was tinted lip gloss and possibly mascara.
For someone who spent so much time on his looks, she couldn’t understand how he was such a messy eater. He complained about how the hat messed with his hair but had no problem stuffing half a banana in his mouth and chewing it with his cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk, leaving the peel out on the staff table and mumbling the corporate greeting to customers before he could swallow properly. Before Scoops, she had thought eating the bagel and sprinkling crumbs everywhere in class was bad. This was worse.
Now there were two of them.
Robin had just come back from her lunch break to find chipmunk Steve squaring off against an equally chipmunk faced patron, a pile of bananas sitting between them. The haughty middle schooler who tended to come in mostly for free samples stood to the side raptly staring at her wristwatch.
The child had the gall to hiss out a “zip it” while miming a pinch with her watch-free hand.
It was disgusting and equally glorious. Robin watched in horrified glee as they simultaneously stuffed more banana in their faces before swallowing what was already in their mouths. It reminded her of pictures she’d seen of rehabilitated wild animals being fed fruit. They would bite off more than they could chew and the excess would ooze out past their lips. She wished she had a camera so she could immortalize this moment because she knew that no one would believe that it happened. Steve “the Hair” Harrington and Eddie “the Freak” Munson engaged in a banana eating contest? No way.
“Times up, so count your peels. I want to order, and you two dinguses have already wasted enough of my time.” Robin still thought the kid was bossy, but she had a point about these guys being dinguses.
“I’m top banana in the west!” Steve, the winner, crowed.
Eddie’s “Yes, you are” sounded oddly self-satisfied to Robin’s ears.
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I have a problem with commenting. I really like doing it! I love seeing people being happy because of them (it uh. Might also make me feel power that just a few words from me can make someone's day, it feels really nice and I'd love to do it as often as I can) and I almost always make them looong
The problem is, the moment I feel like the author in some way depends on me writing comments (they write back that they can't wait for me seeing the newest chapter or (and it makes me feel So Much Worse) I see that I'm the only person commenting) I feel stuck. I can't make myself comment so I stop reading the work so I don't read without commenting because I just can't, I get anxious and frustrated and awful (plus I miss out on reading those great, great stories)
I also really don't like skipping commenting on a chapter
This is why I don't often comment on on-going or on individual chapters of multuchaptered finished fics (i did a "writing individual comments in my notepad and then update them all" a few times tho) because I feel bad if I miss a chapter or the comment is too short when previously I'd comment a couple paragraphs (generally I don't like making short comments but if it's a one-shot I don't feel that bad)
Do you have any ideas what to do? I really like making authors happy and I feel like a bad person when I drop them but sometimes commenting feels like a chore and I read fanfics to feel better not worse...
I've answered asks before with "I could have written this" but this is a case where I literally did.
Somehow you've turned a pleasure into a duty and now you're stuck. How can you get back to the fun of commenting without winding up back in the guilt-prison you built out of your own rules?
I haven't figured it out yet, really, but what I've got so far is: don't be so hard on yourself. Give yourself a little grace.❤️
Don't open up a fic with the expectation that you'll write a comment on it. Just read the story with no specific plan to write a comment at the end. Enjoy the chapter or the whole fic. Let your mind be taken away to the world the author has created for you.
Afterwards, if you want to thank them for writing, do that. If you want to tell them you loved it, do that. If you want to point out a particular scene or line or feeling that really hit you, do that. But also the kudos button is there for when you don't have words. Emojis are there for when all you can say is a string of hearts. And sometimes you don't have the energy or the brainpower (or the freedom from anxiety) to leave anything at all, and that's okay too.
Reading fic isn't your job and commenting isn't your homework. You don't need to get an A+ in understanding themes and quoting lines back to the author. And in those cases where you feel like the responsibility has become too much? That's your sign that it's time to take a step away and do something else for a while until you're ready to come back again. And when you do come back? Start reading without commenting first and then see how things go.
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robbie bobbie
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no upside down au where Steve worms his way into Robins life with almost embarressing ease, full of silly dad jokes and terrible dating advice. when he finds out she bikes a long way to get to work, he offers her a ride. it becomes routine... but that quickly turns into them spending their evenings after work together too.
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the harringtons
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Eddie who's from some mob family who ends up kidnapping the son of one of the rich families in Hawkins.
Steve Harrington.
Because his parents have royally fucked up with them and thus their son is taken for ransom.
Steve Harrington is both everything and nothing Eddie expects.
He throws a tennis ball at the wall to keep himself occupied.
He doesn't say much but he does look at Eddie as if to say really? This is your plan?
Which annoys Eddie who thus annoys him back.
Like the professional he is.
He doesn't beg to be let free or even look upset about it. If anything Steve's rather impassive to most things.
Doesn't touch the food Wayne gives him until Eddie genuinely asks him to plz eat it.
Even than he pokes at it while he eats.
And yet hes the single most bitchiest individual Eddie's ever met.
But clams up like he remembers he's not a friend but a prisoner.
It takes all Eddie has not to urge him to keep talking.
"There not going to pay you." Says Steve one day out of nowhere.
He says it so nonchalantly like it in enough itself isn't devastating.
Eddie checks the calendar, he knows if he'd been missing this long Wayne would have threatened and gone though with multiple murders.
He had.
He would do anything for Eddie.
So why... Why wouldn't Steve's parents come back for him?
"How... Would I get them to show up?"
Steve laughs, it's the first laugh he's had since he got here and Eddie wants to hug him.
"When you figure it out, let me know."
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my steddie rendition of „La Belle Dame sans Merci” :]
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I love no boundaries Stobin. No boundaries to the point that it's extremely startling to other people because they just don't think of each other as other people ya know? If Steve knows something, then Robin knows it too and if Robin knows something, then Steve knows it too.
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fanfic writers on tumblr
their writing: the dawn breaks and you are anew. the person you once were vanished. the rising sun offers a fire to burn her to ashes.
me: hey there- i just wanted to you to know your work is amazing. i love reading your writing. please continue! it is so eloquent. your wording and command of the english language are just incredible. you show such a deep emotional intelligence.
them: lol ya i do a write sometimes thnx bb [gif of the rock]
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you can pry stomarol out of my cold dead hands that is my ot3 those are my bitchy mean girls (gn) in love with each other
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she was once a little girl who had a mr rabbit. and then she got dragged into a war
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