Don’t have to mention it unless they ask you directly. Just saying.
going into jury duty like there is no crime on this earth that would justify sending a human being to an american prison 🌝
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Sunday Hours
I have been a witch for a very long time, more than half my life now. I don’t consciously attend to xian holidays but they are pervasive in American culture. This morning I wanted to make a quick trip to Aldi’s for a few things for the week. I had a recollection that their Sunday opening hours might be a bit later and went to their website to confirm that. I was puzzled to see that the local store was listed as closed today and reopening Monday. I spent some little time trying to confirm that they had abruptly decided to be closed on Sundays. It took almost an hour for me to see a news article that reminded me it was easter for those who practice the western version of xianity. While I am pleased that any retail establishment gives their employees a day off for a holiday, I still have to question why they chose the Sunday rather than the Saturday which was even more significant for their Jewish employees. For anyone who doesn’t think xianity is a privileged status in America, all you have to do is look at the holidays that are routinely observed. Out of nine major holidays that involve closures of offices and some business, a third are for religious or religious themed holidays related to xianity. None are for any other religion. If you practice any other faith, you have to use your personal time to have the day off, if you are fortunate enough to have that provided or simply choose between being paid or honoring your own faith.
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Shackleton, by his actions, has the second greatest feat of navigation by a European in the distance traveled in a small boat. The first? William Bligh. Four thousand miles in an open boat.
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The Endurance was trapped in Antarctic ice for about a year and finally sank in November 1915:
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Famously, Ernest Shackleton used a jury-rigged lifeboat to sail over 700 miles to a whaling station, seek help, return and rescue his entire crew, which imo is a greater feat than reaching the South Pole. The ocean currents circling Antartica are some of the stormiest and coldest in the world. How the heck do you cross that in a small open boat without sinking, starving, or freezing to death?
Anyway, I'm impressed that the Endurance looks to be in pretty good shape considering how much it got crushed by pack ice. And it was just discovered yesterday (March 9)!
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I just want you to know that my brain cannot now unsee this.
get vaccinated so we never have to see CNN talk about an omega variant
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Solidarity YASSSS!
the reason bisexual and nonbinary people get so much hate is because we challenge the idea that people can be separated into little boxes to stop them from mixing with and “corrupting” the others. doesn’t matter which bathroom i use, if they’re marked with a binary gender then i’m gonna be in there with people who aren’t my gender. doesn’t matter who i date (or don’t), there’s always the potential that i could date someone with a gender different from previous partners. we are living breathing proof that any attempt to contain human gender & sexuality is doomed to failure and i think that’s very sexy of us
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Every year… Every damn year…
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00Q + crossover/reincarnation au (insp.)
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As a writer, I am thrilled when someone finds my latest work and then is motivated to go back through my prior stuff and kudos or comment. I literally sit and squee over each and every comment.
Why do people stop commenting on fics if they’re more than a week or two old? Please comment on old fics. Tell me you like my one shot from 2014. Tell me you like my old multi-chap I finished in 2016 that I spent a year writing. I will be fucking thrilled.
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Reblog if you're black tumblr.
You don’t have to be black, it just means you support us, you stand by us and your for us.
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Why do I keep hearing, “Danger, WIll Robinson”?
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CITRUS TAGS!!! Ohmygoddess!
NSFW will be tagged as #lemon sorta NSFW is #Lime Weird fet shit/ extreme NSFW is #orange reblog to spread awareness that we’re back on the citrus scale
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Finished my werewolf romance.
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OK, my boyfriend’s tongue game literally made a lesbian reconsider her life. It was at a swingers’ party and if I am very drunk, I will sometimes tell the complete story. Anyway, if you’re a straight man and you admit to being such an ineffectual creature, you deserve the knowledge that you are a selfish hunk of protoplasm and will attract women who are there only for your money and/or position.And all women need to get themselves someone who will make them come like the evening express.Seriously, for ANYONE, if your partner is this disinterested in your pleasure, you need to find someone new. Or not. Ice cream, take out, and a decent vibrator work just fine.
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Somewhere in my notes in the last few days I saw someone add some tags that I’ve been thinking about ever since. I wish I could find them again (or that I’d just saved their post at the time) because I think they made a lot of sense.
They were talking about how fanfic is becoming more and more mainstream while still remaining largely transgressive. It’s such an interesting dichotomy to think about!
On the one hand, you have sites like AO3 and realities like widespread high speed internet access being more and more accessible to larger and larger groups of people. This makes it incredibly easy for anyone at all to find and read fanfic.
On the other hand, you have the roots of fanfic. It was born out of marginalized groups such as women, people of colour, and members of the queer community deciding to take the stories that had been aimed at a largely male, white, heterosexual audience and inverting them into something they could enjoy and relate to. To this day, fanfic is a place where people write the kinds of stories that don’t get made into movies and TV shows. The kinds of stories that don’t get published or end up on the New York Times bestseller list.
Fanfic used to be written and shared in secret. People used to hide it. People still do hide the fact that they read or write it. But it’s becoming something that more and more people are becoming more and more aware of.
So now there’s a spotlight starting to shine on fanfic. People who aren’t looking for transgressive works are finding them where they always were. People who think the status quo is fine are getting upset when they enter a place where the status quo is constantly being upended.
The tags on that post that I can’t find made the point that popular media is curated and sanitized and stripped of most of its controversy in order to appeal to the widest possible audience. But that also makes that audience expect all media to be curated and sanitized in the same way. When they encounter the messy, controversial, ugly, radical, difficult things that people write in fanfic, they’re unprepared.
Fanfic isn’t big media. Fanfic authors aren’t being edited and filtered and polished - and nor are their works. The clash between the expectations of people new to fanfic and accustomed to popular media and the realities of what fanfic is and what it’s being written for - that’s part of this struggle that fandom is going through right now. It’s been going on since the beginning of course, but it’s getting louder every year.
I’m still thinking my way through this, but it really does make a lot of sense to me. If those were your tags, please let me know so I can credit you with the ideas at the core of this post.
And if you have any ideas for how we as fans can better introduce the newbies to the culture and expectations in fandom, I’d love to hear it. The better we can guide people into our space, the better they’ll fit in when they join it.
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“i’m sad and idk how to feel better”
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“i don’t know what to draw”
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“i always mess up”
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I simply walk past the bell ringers. Although I will happily give a few dollars to that dude with the electric guitar who plays amazing jams all year round.
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Your annual reminder to not donate to Salvation Army!
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