calistozom · 3 months
I miscliked and posted it in the side, so now I'm bringing my babies back in the main >w<
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A few random sketches of my poor warlock and patron-fiend, because there was a rush of inspiration)
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calistozom · 3 months
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Take a little weekend break for Hogwarts Legacy and, what can I say... Beautiful views, architecture, locations and uhh… the rapidly declining magical population of England… Mostly thanks to our “hero” (I mean how many thousands of mages and goblins this kid killed in just one year? Gosh!). I still have quite contradictory impressions of the main plot and some off-the-story "activities"... HOWEVER, if all this were originally presented as a simulator of a young villain (*cough* Voldemort *cough* ) who has to pretend to be a hero, then it would’ve been just be the most "bombardic” thing!  
Anyway, here are some pictures of my villainous little thing. Ah, what else could I say… any spell can become forbidden if you try hard enough, dear.
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calistozom · 4 months
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Moodboard for my beloved Withers >w<
By the way, when it came to the song, I made the final choice in favor of the "Classics of the post-apocalyptic soundtrack" (which is quite suitable for Jergal as "The Lord of the End of Everything") ... however, there is another option {I'll attach it down below}, not quite suitable for the board in its mood, but in its content ... mmm... the best thing for "The Final Scribe")))
P.S. - While I was playing Death and Taxes, I constantly caught myself thinking that probably what your life would have come if you become the Chosen one (or maybe just a Cleric) of Jergal.
And also - your grandpa is now Lo-Fi… I just couldn't stop myself >w<
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calistozom · 5 months
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When the heroes are not in the camp
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calistozom · 5 months
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In the last playthrough, I suddenly got really into this drider. It's a pity that he cannot be included in the party and didn't even play a particularly big role in the plot. Ooh, but how great was his potential. >_<
While I was drawing him, I thought that with this lantern (the only thing that can disperse the coming darkness) and the crazy preacher’s speeches, he would be a very cool secondary boss ...
With a big spider lair in the church, where adventurers were to be constantly stuck in the web forced to fight off not only spiders, but also the approaching darkness. With the same insane flock, half consisting of spiders capable of burrowing and unexpectedly attacking from a huge number of crevices/cracks/caves. And, of course, with great emphasis on the cult of the Absolute, and not Myrkul and the rest of the Trinity. It would be ironic if a new "divine essence" actually took root and began to form there, coming into direct confrontation with the Trinity...
... But okay, I got a little carried away.
I'm quietly "warming up" after the holidays and starting the year again by drawing a wallpaper, but this time for the phone. (last one was a Hastur for the computer) / Well, also, a couple of variations with spiders separate from each other.
P.S. - also add a process... cause I can \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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calistozom · 5 months
Are we gonna see any more creepypasta fanart again?🥺
Well, I've been out of this fandom for a long time... but, why not. Who would you like to see?
Oh! And if anyone else here wants to see it too, write in the replies to this post. Maybe a can do some sketchdumps >w<
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calistozom · 5 months
The new year barely began and I immediately got stuck in Baldur’s Gate and forgot about everything, again. And just when I thought that New Year's holidays should be productive, they’re already over.  Well, that's fine. Anyway, I have some spoiler drider legs for you! I'm so proud of them! QwQ
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calistozom · 5 months
🎄Well, it's the 31st and it's time to summarize the year. 🎄
As the passing year has shown, my "prayers to the ancient gods" (aka, finally taking care of my own health) were heard and this year drawing was already going better than in 2022, and in general, it seems to me, my skills have improved a little. Of course, all that remains is charging my "social battery", but this I’ll leave for the New Year… along with that, also - developing my AU’s and drawing a bunch of fanart. And maybe I'll even take a few requests. \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
Thanks for the support to everyone who looks at this blog from time to time. I am incredibly grateful to each of you and may you have more joys, good impressions and inspiration in the coming year. Don't forget to take care of yourself and your health, eat delicious food and read/watch/listen to as many interesting stories as possible!
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calistozom · 6 months
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Random fan-art of some pretty lazy boy. >u<
It's been a long time since I've played mobile games, and in recent days I had a lot of "time to waste" again… So I'm trying to combine something time-killing with something useful.
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calistozom · 6 months
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Some more bats, only this time - a young bunny-eared Hastur and "senseless and merciless" galvanian fashion (more precisely, blind imitation of the ideals of the past). It only took some ancient warriors losing parts of their ears in the heat of battle and now, several generations later, cropped ears have become a symbol of noble and almost heroic origin. A kind of beauty standard to indicate courage and presence of military blood in the family.
Thankfully, Hastur had this procedure performed quite early, so he hardly remembers what his former ears and hearing were like... although, it's obviously better than now.
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calistozom · 7 months
An add to the prev post, mostly because I want to practice some horrific forms of protective bat-grandpa (or great grand uncle).
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+ Few more forms of ma lil smoky boy as bonus QwQ
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calistozom · 7 months
Is Destard protective of Pibery? I don’t know the full story between Pibery and his uncle but he definitely seems scared of the older man. At the very least I would think that Destard wouldn’t take kindly to someone messing with what is now essentially HIS property.
Yes and no. From the very beginning of their acquaintance, Pibery was in a state of permanent horror and shuddered at any Destard’s word and/or action. Pib's uncle’s pretense also confused Dest a lot and only made him more convinced that it was quite normal for the boy to be scared of anything and everything... and that he should "mind his own business".
Also, Pibery himself would hardly complain about anything. For him, Destard - with his yellow eyes, cold gaze and supernatural powers - is just another Master. Another family member and the same monster as his uncle and all the rest of his "relatives". Now, in order to protect himself, at least for a short time, Pib needs to "prove what an obedient "good boy" he is"… again. And how he was taught well that "good boys" should never whine or complain. 
However, later (my lil bat is just not a quick thinker), when Destard understands what's going on, he will try to protect Pibery from his "closest relatives" and try to teach him to fight back. Although it isn’t in Destard’s rules to get into "other people's family squabbles", but Pib (in fact) is his Great Grand Nephew, and so therefore – it’s HIS "family squabbles".
P.S. – I also wanted to attach a sketch from the moment of their first meeting, but I got a little too carried away. There will be a version through the Pibery’s eyes...
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+ the same moment, through the Destard’s eyes.
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calistozom · 7 months
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I'm back with my cambion and with a lil bit of completely useless information about him. And also a bit of my pain from the prev weekend. I usually spend it on all sorts of small sketches and other joys, but this time I decided to spend it on suffering and another attempt at animation (down bellow)…
So, Nazir is a devilish clerk whose distorted parody of a heart entirely belongs to the world of financial frauds, pyramids and other small scams aimed not so much at murder or robbery, but at spreading discord in society everyday life. His a very "fell in love with his work"-kinda guy, who picks up the same "fallen" servants (well, or those who can be persuaded to fall).
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calistozom · 7 months
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Whoosh! I break the silence and struggle with the rolling autumn melancholy with a drawing of the "patron-fiend" (or maybe not) of my troublesome horned warlock. >w<
...Although who am I kidding. I just wanted to draw, but I couldn't think of anything but cambions.
I’ll call this one Ea-Nasir. Maybe it's not his real name, but he uses it more often than others... for no particular reason (¬‿¬)
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calistozom · 9 months
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SPOILER WARNING for one of the endings. And also, I may be exaggerating a little.
In my first run, I tried to reach the best possible ending. Even though I chose the Emperor (because he, at the very least, didn't try to kill me the first time I met him), in my personal canon, after the great final, my OС would try to resurrect the gith Prince. NOT just because I felt sorry for Orpheus, but also because I felt guilty for actually destroying Lae’zel's life… twice... my "lil angry war-frog" didn't deserve it! >︿<
And I ALSO understand that most of those dramatic deaths are used purely for the sake of the plot and this is a REALLY GOOD plot in many ways ... HOWEVER, I still resent how quickly our rebel giths buried their Prince. Like WTF, Voss?! What the actual F….???
I may not know everything about resurrection mechanics in DnD, but I do know that THERE ARE a lot of ways to bring someone back from the dead. Like all my resurrection scrolls, or "Divine Intervention" (from clerics), or resurrection spells (from almost all mages/sorceress/warlocks/clerics/paladins/etc.), or the "Wish" spell (which Gale's "friend" Elminster is clearly capable of), or the "Reincarnation" spell (which druids are capable of), or you can ask Withers/Jergal to create a miracle for the last time (although he most likely would have refused and I don’t judge him). Just ask for help, you stupid kith’rak! * screams of rage *
P.S. – while I was drawing, my sister showed me THIS and I felt like it fits, so I’m leaving a link to you. Thank gods, that I’m not the only one who asks these questions.
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calistozom · 9 months
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"These Three been messing with netherese magic and are now grounded. Please keep an eye on them, so Baldur’s Gate citizens (and all of Faerun) can finally enjoy some peace and quiet… at least for a while."
P.S. - a lil add for the prev post no one ask for >w<
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calistozom · 9 months
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«Looking after children is easy»
Post-credits scene in a nutshell >w<
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