btsbling · 4 months
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💋 | “May I have this dance?”
💋 | Pairing: Jungkook x reader
💋 | Genre: Angst to fluff
Every time his gaze wanders towards her. Your heart clenches, eyes shift away in sadness and your whole body slumps.
he comes in waves. Your heart pounds hard against your chest whenever he smiles at you, a rarity to behold. But in the end, you’re always reminded of the fact that he retreats to her.
You’re reminded of the fact that his heart, goes to her.
Not you.
You weren’t aware of the reason, but you knew that his heart belonged to her.
Your senior, whose grades were astounding unlike yours. She has the perfect body, hair and voice, it wasn’t shocking that the person he fell for would be someone who is as attractive as he is
But funny how you realise where his eyes wander.
but don’t realise how his heart points to you.
You’re sure, 100% sure he hates you. You and Jungkook have known each other since day one of college. It has never been the same
It was never peaceful between the two of you, either the frosty ice-cold glares or the heated bickering.
There were a few times you’ve wanted to murder that one but at the same time there were instances where he made you heart beat a hundred times faster
there were a few things to note about Jeon Jungkook
1. He’s annoying
2. Head over heels for his senior
3. hella attractive
4. he’s annoying
5. should not make your heart race but somehow still manages to find a way to do so
You twirled the sparkling champagne in your grasp. You should’ve never come.
you couldn’t understand why. Why of all men you had to fall for him.
The man with gorgeous slick black hair, thick pink lips, adorable bunny smile and a voice that could bring anyone to their knees.
The only reasonable explanation you could count on; Life works in mysterious ways and the heart longs for the things it can’t get.
So here you are, sitting at the corner bar of the ballroom, your stilettos long forgotten, strewn on the floor below your barstool. Your hair was wavy and styled to perfection and your dress complimented your natural curves.
But, as always, he would only spare you a glance before rushing you along to the ball, his heart beating excitedly for another individual.
“Y/n hurry it up, we’re gonna be late” he says, checking his watch. He was anxious. You could feel it, literally. Anxious to see her
You sighed, quickly grabbing your things but paused as you felt him slide his coat over your shoulders.
“it’s going to be cold silly” that was all he said before he left the door first.
It was, stupid, and embarrassing but you couldn’t help but snuggle further into his coat, enjoying the scent of his cologne and it’s warmth.
But you realised, how these things only lasted for a few minutes, and these are the things he do, not for you but out of his goodwill.
When you arrived to the destination, you were immediately bombarded with compliments from the rest of his friends, them not being familiar to the sight of you in a formal dress.
You blushed as they greeted you with hugs and complimented you on your dress.
And you could’ve sworn the hold that jungkook had on your waist, tightened.
But as she walked in, his hand slipped away, immediately going to her and leaving you behind.
You actually know her, the senior that jungkook was definitely in love with. She was beautiful and kindhearted, even helping you with some unclear topics since she was a year above you. You greeted her with a smile and let the others welcome her.
and as he talked to her, you could see how happy he was and how you would never be able to make him as happy as she could.
It was easy to slip away, not bothering to tell anyone. You found the bar and grabbed a champagne flute before exploring the place.
It was a charity event that your university had collaborated with and most of the students were invited.
It was magnificent to say the least.
Sipping on your champagne, you leaned on the balcony as you stared at the starry sky. How you wish upon a star, that you could be the girl he was in love with, the girl who could make him smile brightly.
You smiled sadly at the sky, regretting coming to this event in the first place
“Hey” someone called out
you whipped behind to find Namjoon, holding a similar flute.
“Oppa” you smiled before standing straight and greeting him again.
“What are you doing alone out here y/n, the rest are inside chilling” he asked you
Namjoon has always been a insightful senior whom, in many instances, literally blessed you with the ability to pass your exams.
You shook your head, “nah, just...not really feeling it” you told him truthfully. You couldn’t bare, watching him gush over her.
“It’s because of kook isn’t it?” he glanced at you. “You know, he looks at her with admiration. He looks at another girl with eyes filled with love”
you snorted, shaking your head.
“Thanks oppa, but it’s hard to believe that’s true” you whispered
even if it was true, the possibility of him ever harbouring feelings for you would be a big fat zero.
“My dear, stubborn junior, he should know his limits, i mean i am dating said senior” now that made you choke slightly and your eyes to widen.
Namjoon pat you gently while chuckling.
“You’ll see, soon enough when he decides to actually man the fuck up” Namjoon said while shaking his head and snickering
you were confused by his response but decided to remain silent. you gave him a half-hearted smile in slight respect and then looked out into the scenery
However much you wanted to jump out of the balcony, scale the wall like a fucking parkour master and race home, the view in front of you was worth not accidentally breaking your bones.
The sun had set hours ago, giving way to a serene and beautiful night sky. The moon gleamed gorgeously and the stars filled the blank, dark canvas, and the stars sparkled like diamonds.
You stared at the sky above you, wishing the stars and moon would listen to your wish
i wished he looked at me the same way he looks at her
“There you are, i was- hyung” Jungkook entered, stopping when he saw the two of you. his eyes narrowed, and even thought you don’t notice, his hands clenched together into tight fists, teeth clenching together.
“that’s my cue, to my two stupidly idiotic juniors, i hope you find your way.” Namjoon announces as he stands up, adjusts his tie and head back to the main hall. “aka jungkook just tell her” he shouts as he starts running
immediately a blush paints the colours of Jungkook’s face, and he immediately shouts back, “Yah, hyung!” eyes filled with panic and slight annoyance.
At this point you were hella confused. The cool breeze caused the trees to sway and rustle and you immediately felt goosebumps forming on your arms. Cursing yourself for not bringing a coat or something of that sort, you desperately rub your arms up and down in hopes of minimal warmth.
You felt his suit drape across your shoulders, and Jungkook huffs while taking you into his arms and cuddling your face into his chest. immediately his warmth envelopes you and his scent makes you blush and push your face further into his chest.
Just enjoy it for a while
Jungkook slightly rocks the two of you together making you giggle. “dance with me” he says, eyes filled with something you called unfamiliarity. You but your lip and you feel your face get hotter with embarrassment, “i-i don’t know how to dance” you whisper, eyes not meeting his. Damnit you couldn’t even dance, she probably knows how to
Jungkook chuckles as he tilts your chin up, placing his hand on your cheeks. This was seriously the first time he had ever showed this much “affection” to you, it was as if the Jungkook who bickered with you, literally sticking his tongue out at you in an argument had been buried
“step on my shoes y/n” you widened your eyes at his words. and couldn’t help yourself when you muttered out, “i’m sorry what?”
Jungkook groans and tightened his hold on you, his arms resting on your waist. “Step on my shoes and i’m not repeating it”
“b-but i’m”
“y/n” he says softly. Something shines through his eyes, his stare makes your heart race faster in your chest. You step lightly on his shoes, as he smiled down at you and starts to move.
Jungkook guides you literally, as the two of you dance the the soft melody of the band playing in the main banquet, under the gleam of the moon.
You giggle, loving the moment and Jungkook flashes you a grin that takes your breath away.
You smile, though sadly, thinking about the fact that after this, the two of you would go back to being friends? sorta enemies? you’re not even sure
but you cherished the moment you spent with him, no matter how painful your heart cries at the fact that you’ll never be his.
“hmm?” you hum, resting your head on his chest, his neck resting on your head.
“i have something to tell you”
“yeah?” you mumble absentmindedly loving the warmth his body is emitting
“y/n look at me”
this was when you realise, what his eyes was trying to convey.
“you know how i said i would never like someone like you” his said without any hesitation
Your heart twists and already your eyes stung with tears you tried to hide as you looked down at your shoes
“yeah?” you whisper painfully
he once again tilt your head to look at his eyes. His beautiful fucking eyes.
“the reason is because i’ve already fallen in love with someone like you”
your eyes widen and you open your mouth to reply but he takes the opportunity to kiss you on the lips. Holy smokes
his hands gently pushes your neck closed towards him, deepening the kiss as your hands slid up his back, intertwining at his neck. Your heart was ready to leap out of home base and your swear your knees was going to fail you at any given moment.
He pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours. You relished in the moment, as he smiles brightly.
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btsbling · 3 years
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haven || jjk
☀️ pairing: jeon jungkook x fem!reader
☀️ type: headcanons
☀️ summary: he is your haven, when the world seems against you
☀️ warnings: mentions of stress and anxiety
exams are right around the corner, that’s right kiddos
the anxiety of not being able to perform well, the guilt of not starting your revision earlier and the pressure of making sure you don’t become an embarrassment to classmates, family and yourself
it’s the kind of pitched black monster everyone has, living in their brain
the monster that comes alive, with blaring speakers
“you’re not enough, why are you so stupid? you should’ve studied earlier. Your classmates are so much better than you. you’re useless, a burden to everyone”
you know, the type of letters and words that make you want to drive your head into the wall and bang it repeatedly, hoping it would shut the monster that lives within you
i guess this is where you’re at now
eyes staring blankly at the messy stack of books, papers, notes in front of you. Your arms defeated at your side
tilting your head, staring up at the ceiling, you hoped the tears forming in your eyes wouldn’t fall
Your heart was racing, your fingers were trembling, and no matter how much you tried to breathe, you couldn’t suck in a fresh gulp of air.
to being a student everyone. cheers.
i’ve always wondered, how we evolved from people who began research and studies because they were curious and interested in an unfamiliar phenomenon to people who have to wake up everyday, walk to school with heavy steps and prepare for a day of torture
everything sucked
why couldn’t we go back to the times where choosing a colour pencil was our top priority
the tears escaped your eyes, as you laid your head onto the table and began to let out all of your emotions
you wanted to get excellent grades, be the top of your class, but it seems no matter how much you work for it, you’re hardly ever near the top
“it’s the climb” they said, but how is it the climb when all you care about is the number circled in red on my exam paper
and the letter on my report card
studying sucks, life sucks, everything sucks
you could barely see, as your eyes were clouded with non-stop tears
Someone wrapped their arms around you, sitting down on the carpet and bringing you along into their lap
you breathe in the familiar scent of your boyfriend
Jungkook was an example of the student you always wished you could become
top grades, captain of his sport club, someone with great potential
how and why he fell for you, you couldn’t understand
“shhh..baby i got you” he whispered while rocking you in his arms like a literal baby. “let it out, let everything out y/n”
and with that your sobs became cries as you weeped and weeped
for your grades, for your anxiety, for yourself
when you were struggling to breath, he holds your hand and guides you to follow his breathing
and when your heart continued to pound heavily in your chest, “baby, can you name me the objects you see” to distract you
and he stayed with you all the way
when jungkook came by to check on you because you hadn’t replied him in almost ten hours
he got worried and his heart broke at the sight of you
he was aware of the amount of effort you put in to your studies and he was so damn proud of his babygirl
and he wanted you to know that
when your crying subsided, leaving behind subtle hiccups and sniffles
you lift your head from the crook of jungkook’s neck where you’ve been hiding the entire time
“i’m so sorry” you mumbled, tightening your grip around jungkook’s waist
“baby” he said with a hard voice, “you don’t ever need to apologise, i’m here for you, and i’ll always be by your side” he says, kissing your nose
he cradles your figure, and holds you tightly to him like he was afraid that you might slip away from his arms
“i know it’s hard sweetie” his eyes filled with sadness, “but you’re not alone. everyone is broken in a certain way” he reminds you
“but know that to me, to everyone who knows you, you’re enough. More than enough. You’re hardworking, goal-driven, kind and compassionate” he gives you a bright smile while tapping your nose
“not to mention amazingly talented and fucking gorgeous” making you giggle
“and that’s what matters the most. That some things in life might be hard, but you don’t ever surrender. We’re humans honey, it’s going to be hard along the way. But never give up on yourself, never give up on your dreams, and never forgot that i love you so goddamn much” he says, bringing you closer and kissing you on the lips
Jungkook softly rubs your cheek with one hand, and his eyes reinforcing whatever he just said. Eyes filled with utmost love and adoration that you couldn’t help but tear up again
Jungkook chuckles, now moving you to sit on his lap
“take a break, you deserve it babygirl” he tells you, arms snaking around your waist
he kisses your forehead, eyelids, cheeks, nose and finally your lips leaving you in a fit of giggles
“time to feed you, and you get to pick today’s movie” jungkook grins, heart swelling with happiness now that your mood is lifted
“i love you jungkook”
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btsbling · 3 years
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— Mint Chocolate Chip ; Myg
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🍪 Pairing: Suga x reader
🍪 Genre: Fluff, smut
🍪 Summary: Composing with him, may be your favourite past time ever
🍪 Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (stay safe!), Daddy!suga, cursing, sort of cum play?
🍪 w/c: 1.29k
©️BtsBling (I do not own BTS only this fanfiction)
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You stepped into BigHit’s building, one hand carrying bags filled with packed food and the other scrolling through your phone. You greeted the security guard, smiling as you went into the elevator.
You bobbed your head to the music playing on your phone, playing through your earpods. It was one of the few pieces that you and Yoongi worked on together and the both of you decided to keep this piece as a song that would always remind you of each other.
It was such a norm, stepping out of the elevator and making a beeline for The Genius Lab. Late night dinners was something you signed up for once you and Yoongi began to date. You understood his reasons for having to stay, cooped up in that noise-cancelling studio. After spending so much time in his studio, it has also slowly became a haven to you.
You keyed in his code before entering with a big smile, noticing that your adorable boyfriend was dozing off on his chair. You left the packed food on the table next to you before encircling your arms around his neck and nuzzled your nose onto his nose.
Yoongi knew it was you, since you were usually the only one who would accompany him late into the night and well, the only one who would be happy to wake him up.
He smiled slowly as he took in your scent.
“Hi yoongs” you whispered, placing a soft kiss on his forehead looking into his tired eyes. You massaged his forehead as he groaned in satisfaction.
“Hi love, what’d you bring?” he said, eyes closed as you continued your work with your magical fingers. You hummed know response, “Some side dishes, meat and i brought rice today. I packed some soup too”
Yoongi turned around in his chair, before tugging you by the waist and sitting you on his lap. You giggled as you snuggled into his warm chest and relaxed to the sound of his heart beating. Yoongi captured your lips into a warm kiss, his hands rubbing under your shirt, up and down your sides.
He started to pepper kisses on your neck as you titled your head to give him more access. “Thanks baby, you’re the best” he whispered. Your lips stretched into a smile, “Anything for you yoongs. Let’s eat, come on”
But he pouted cutely and tightened his grip on you. “I’ve been waiting to hold you in my arms, just a little longer” He nibbled on the lobe of your ear as you emit a loud moan, it was your sensitive spot, and yoongi knew how to take advantage of that.
“Louder” he demanded softly before his hands sneaked under your shirt and caressed your breasts. You moaned out loud again for him. You were wearing nothing under a oversized hoodie you stole from him and grey sweatpants. “No bra today?” he asked before taking one of your hardened buds between his fingers and squeezing them. You writhed under his touch, letting out a small, “Please”
“Say my name babygirl” he whispered as he hands started to glide down your chest, and into your sweatpants. His fingers pushed away your panties to the side and softly grazed your wet pussy.
“P-please, a-ah i need you in m-me” you practically screamed as your pussy throbbed with excitement.
“So wet for me baby, tell me. What do you want me to do?” suga taunted, as he brushed your pussy lips yet again, feeling your wetness that have already started to drip.
“wanna cum Yoongi, want your cock in me” you breathed out, as your arched your hips towards his fingers. Yoongi placed a hand on your throat, squeezing it slightly before running his nose down your neck.
“That’s not my name baby” he cooed, loving the way your body was reacting to only his, gentle touches. But he couldn’t take it anymore, your wet pussy was drawing him in. Yoongi entered a finger into your slippery cavern, slowly pumping it in and out.
“Daddy” you moaned out, finally feeling something, even if it was his finger, in you.
“My beautiful girl, only wet for daddy. i love your pussy. Mine” he growled, sliding two other fingers into you, now fully thrusting into you with three fingers. You moaned and moaned his name non-stop feeling the knot tightening in your stomach. The pleasure was taking away your senses and you could only focus on the way Yoongi was thrusting his fingers into your tight wet lips.
“D-daddy cumming, nghh” you said, as you threw your head back into his shoulder. His hand massaged your boob as the other continued to pump his fingers in and out of you.
And suddenly, he stopped.
“Wanna cum with you baby, wanna cum in your pussy” he spoke lowly. Your chest was heaving up and down quickly, the feeling of being denied of orgasming made you disappointed but the sound of Yoongi taking his dick out of his pants made you perk up.
You could feel his length as he lazily stroked his already hard cock up and down making you whine. You were so desperate, desperate for his cock in you. “My desperate little baby” Yoongi whispered in your ear before dragging his tongue and licking to side of it.
“Ride me”
Immediately, you aligned him dick to your entrance and sat down on his thick veiny cock. You gasped at the feeling of being stretched out. “No matter how many times, i’ve fucked this little pussy, you’re still damn fucking tight” he groaned out, his hands rubbing your hips and guided you up and down his cock.
You moaned and screamed his name as he thrusted into you, adding to the force of his cock entering you. The sounds of skin slapping and your moans, echoed around the acoustic room.
Yoongi stood up, as you leaned forward on his table, breasts pressed against the cool metal, making you shiver.
He thrusted into you yet again, the sheer force making you moan out loud.
“So good, love this pussy” He said breathlessly as his fingers reached down to your clit and massaged the bunch of nerves down there, making you more sensitive and closer to orgasming.
“D-daddy, i-i’m cumming—please” you screamed, as you came closer and closer. Yoongi tightened his grip on you, thrusting faster and faster.
“Cum with my baby. Cum” with his words, you released. Your tight cunt milking his cock and his, painting your insides with thick white spurts.
You could hear him groan as he continued to fuck you gently through your high. Before Yoongi carried you back to the chair, his thick cock still in you.
He gently spread your thighs apart, making you place your legs on his table. Yoongi stared at your pretty wet cunt, slowly bringing his fingers to glide across your sensitive folds to feel his cum and yours mixing together.
He took his dick out slowly, watching the way his cum spilled out from your pussy. He plugged a finger to stop it from dripping onto the floor as he hugged you tighter.
Yoongi nuzzled your neck and kissed the side of your face, “I love you so much babygirl”
Your eyes softened, drooping tiredly but you whispered back to him. “Love you too daddy”
Yoongi continued to eat his meal with you asleep on his lap.
He surprised you with a sound track a few weeks later. When you first listened to it, you were at home, dressed again in his hoodie and nothing else.
Your eyes widened in shock as the sounds of skin slapping, your moans and Yoongi’s sexy groans filled your ears.
Music to me ears was the message that came along with it.
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btsbling · 3 years
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©️BtsBling — All rights reserved
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1. Mint Chocolate Chip
Composing with him, may be your favourite past time ever (Fluff, smut, daddy!suga)
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1. Unspoken Words
The first words that would be exchanged between you and your soulmate is tattooed on a body part. (Fluff, soulmate!au)
2. Chocolate Syrup
When he asks you to become his (smut, fluff, sugardaddy!au)
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1. Vanilla Mornings
mornings with him in your cozy, humble abode (Marriage!au, smut, Fluff)
2. May I have this dance?
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btsbling · 3 years
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— Vanilla Mornings — jjk
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☁️ pairing: Jungkook x Fem!reader
☁️ genre: Fluff, Marriage!au
☁️ summary: mornings with him in your cozy, humble abode
☁️ warnings: smut, vanilla sex sort of?, unprotected sex (stay safe!), eating out
☁️ w/c: 1.45k
©️Btsbling (Except for the fanfiction, i do not own BTS or any members)
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The bright early rays of sunshine washed into the room, painting it with a beautiful palette of amber gradients.
Steady heartbeats made your eyes slowly open, getting used to the early morning. Jungkook’s muscled arm lazily draped across your waist as he was still deep in dreamland. 
You smiled, the warm feeling of pure love and tranquility made you want to stay in this moment for the rest of my days.
In the warm arms of your lover.
Looking out the window, the sun greeted you as a new day dawned. 
It was...Magnificent. 
You snuggled closer to Jungkook, taking a whiff of his vanilla scent that he regularly uses. Everything was perfect.
Outside, the trees began to sway slightly as they welcomed the soft breeze. There were hardly anyone in sight. 
It felt like you were living in a world where there was only you and him. 
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You shifted to stare at him, a smile gracing your face as you silently watched him sleep. Till this day, you still couldn’t believe that this man, in all his glory, was yours.
You never thought that you could be this lucky, and truthfully you didn’t deserve him. But that wouldn’t stop you from loving this man with your whole heart, heck you would take a bullet for him.
You knew fully well that he would do the same for you. 
You lifted your arm, hands softly brushing his hair away from his fringe, the silver ring gleamed from your fingers. Memories of the previous night making you flush slightly but smile in happiness. 
You remembered Jungkook’s gentle yet desperate hands removing your wedding dress, moaning as he took off every piece of clothing while looking into your eyes.
He treated you like the queen you were, and his words made you feel another level of pride and confidence.
You remembered the way he held you tight, whispering sweet-nothings into your ear as he thrusted into you.
The way he appreciated you with his tongue, his hands and the way he made you feel like you were in a world of pure ecstacy. 
You held up his hand in yours, interwinding them together as his finger dawned the similar wedding band as yours. 
As of yesterday, you were officially his wife, his Mrs Jeon. 
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Jungkook awoke to you pressing light and feathery kisses on his neck. You were wearing his large shirt that made you look super delicious as you sat on top of him, attempting to wake him up. 
“Honey, wake up” You whispered cutely in his ear. Jungkook held you tight before shifting positions with you till you were lying under him, giggling as he whined in your neck. 
“don wanna baby, you’re so warm. So freaking nice” he mumbled. You let out a big chuckle and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile as your laughter passed as beautiful melodies in his ears.
Jungkook hugged you impossibly tighter as you let out a groan, “Kookie you’re crushing me--” He loosened his hold you, resting on his elbows, staring down at his love. 
Even in the early hours of the day, you were still as beautiful, maybe even more radiant than you looked, the first time he saw you. Memories flashed through his mind, going through the two years you had spent together and now he had the blessing to be able to spend the rest of his life with you by his side. 
Your hands touched his cheeks, bringing him back from his unconscious daze. 
“What are you thinking about?” you asked him softly, with a gentle smile. “How much i freaking love this absolute goddess right in front of me” he said, lowering his head to kiss your neck, where he new you were the most sensitive.
You moaned in response, arching your neck, giving him more access to your sensitive skin. “I’m so..freaking...lucky to have you baby” he said, pausing in between to kiss you at another spot.
“and now, i’m yours and you’re all mine” Jungkook said, raising his head to look at you once more. You teared a little, not used to someone openly complimenting you and worshiping you.
Although last night’s episode was another re run of Jungkook worshipping you non-stop, you had to admit you were slightly tipsy. But now, it was so clear to you.
The absolute adoration and immense amount of love for you that filled his eyes, it made your heart skip faster. Even after years of being with this man, he still made your pulse race and made butterflies pool in your stomach.
You pulled him down, to meet his soft lips. His hands ran down the sides of your body, without missing a single spot as he angled his face to deepen the kiss.
Jungkook sat up, his sweatpants low on his hips, and his abs full on displayed. You ran your hands, feeling the hard muscle of his chiseled body, making him groan, taking your hand in his and kissing the top of it.
“My princess”
In slight desperation, he pulled off his oversized shirt of you, blindly throwing it to the ground. He slowly maneuvered his way downwards, sucking and lightly nipping at your erect nipples that glistened with his saliva. He sucked on your right nipple, making you moan out his name, “j-jungkook” while he massaged the other.
“It’s alright baby, wanna hear your voice” he said as he let go of your nipple with a pop. His fingers lightly trailed the lips of your pussy, as you curved your back, desperately trying to meet his fingers.
“P-please” Jungkook smirked at you, before holding your thighs in place and moving down, leaving trails of hickeys down the inner side of your thigh, before he licked your pussy.
“aa-ahh” you moaned out loudly. “More, jungkook p-please” you pleaded, your hands wrapping tightly around his hair, as his face was stuffed between your legs.
“so fking wet for me baby? Such a naughty girl” he taunted before licking your pussy again. He carried on with this action, going faster at times and slower at others.
Nearing your orgasm, he quickly sped up. “J-jungkook yes yes! please i’m cumming” you practically screamed out. But jungkook lifted his head, smirking at you.
His face glistened with your juice, but your chest heaved up and down. Jungkook denied your orgasm, leaving you unsettled and wanting more, you swore you were almost going to cry without having the feeling of release.
Jungkook wiped off your juices with his fingers and sucking on them in front of you, his eyes never leaving yours. “I wanna cum with you, my love” he cooed, kissing you on the lips before taking his erect cock that leaked of precum from his sweatpants.
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Lining it up to your entrance, he teased you, sliding his dick up and down through your folds and only entering his head before quickly pulling it out.
This made you whine and beg, “p-please jungkook, i need your c-cock. Please” and he couldn’t take it anymore. Entering you in one swift thrust, making you moan out in satisfaction of being stretched out.
Jungkook let you relax, before he slowly thrusted into you. He was slow and gentle this morning, knowing you were still sensitive from last night. He whispered his love for you as he thrusted into your tight pussy.
“i love you so much darling” he groaned out as he thrusted particularly deeper.
You left hickeys on his neck as he snuggled into your neck at times, leaving his cock to warm in your pussy.
As he started to gain more momentum, his thrusts became harder and more erratic. Skin slaps filled the room and the bed stand knocked on the wall slightly, moans and groans filled the walls.
“i’m cumming, cum with me baby, cum with me” Jungkook said breathlessly. You came with his words, clenching down and making him cum as well. Thick spurts of his cum filled your walls as he collapsed onto you but making sure you weren’t completely crushed.
As he took out his cock, white cream leaked out from your hole, and dripped down your legs, making him grin at the sight.
Jungkook prepared a warm towel for you and helped you clean up before throwing his hoodie on you and carrying you on his lap.
He snuggled into the side of your neck, loving the smell of your body wash. his big hands covered yours and he glanced down at the wedding bands, smiling. He loved the way it looked on you.
“Good morning, Mrs jeon” he whispered to you, capturing your lips once more, as the sun rose to greet the both of you.
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btsbling · 3 years
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— Chocolate Syrup — Kth
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🍒 pairing: Taehyung x reader
🍒 genre: sugardaddy!au, fluff, relationship!au
🍒 warning: smut, daddy!kink, breeding, unprotected sex (stay safe), foodplay
🍒 summary: When he asks you to become his
🍒 w/c: 2.54k 
©️ Btsbling (i do not own any BTS members except for the fanfiction)
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The sound of the elevator rang through the hallways as Taehyung stepped out. Loosening his tie, while the other held onto his suit jacket and phone. He sighed and stretched his neck as he walked through the corridor to his luxury penthouse.
It was another tiring day, the office was buzzing, non-stop calling and meetings. Yet another day of fun filled signings of new business ideas.
Taehyung combed through his hair, he could finally take a breather when the clock striked twelve. He was finally done for the day and longed to rush back to his penthouse for, someone special.
He’d never thought he would ever admit it. But he had found a place for you in his heart. It was never supposed to be something long-term. Only for its short-term benefits that would provide him with immense feelings of satisfaction.
Taehyung had met you, fatefully, under the dim lights that slightly lit the bar. He had a meeting with one of his associates there. He didn’t understand why or how, but the way your eyes glimmered as you conversed with the customer in front of you, your actions while making drinks, captivated him. Everything about you, attracted him like bees to honey.
The pull he felt towards you was indescribable and he felt his eyes resting onto you whenever he got distracted which was, frequently. You weren’t dressed as scandalous as the performers on stage, but neither were you conservative. He couldn’t see anything behind the bar, but your shirt was a tight fit and provided him with enough cleavage, making his dick grow tighter in his pants.
But after the meeting, he had realised you were long gone, another bartender replacing you. He immediately felt a wave of disappointment wash over him. He went back home, asking his assistant to get more information about you.
It was then the beautiful chapter of you and him bloomed. When he had asked you to be his sugarbaby, after a few weeks of sitting at the bar and getting to know you better, you were genuinely surprised.
You were never opposed to the idea of being someone’s sugarbaby, but from someone like Kim Taehyung? That was something you’d never expect.
Kim Taehyung. Multi-millionaire living in the state of Korea. He was young, Greek god looks and a voice that could literally send you chills down your neck. In a good way of course. The way he stood, the way he stared at you made you feel the butterflies fluttering around your belly. It came as a surprise to you, he was kind, approachable and caring. Over the weeks of getting to know him from serving him at your bar, he would always remember to ask about your day, if you had eaten, and made sure you had a safe trip home.
When he approached you with the idea of being his sugarbaby, it took a few days to make a decision. Being his meant a possibility of having your identity talked about in the media like the next hot tea. But it wasn’t a bad idea. You were desperately trying to survive of two part-time jobs and having to pay for your apartment rentals and the medical fees of your sick grandmother.
In conclusion, your decision was something you would never regret.
In the beginning, it was definitely abit awkward, considering the fact that you were a naturally conservative person who wasn’t used to someone buying branded items for you or spending that much money either.
But Taehyung made sure you were comfortable with it and you grew used to seeing branded goods being sent up to your new luxury apartment, as well as a new car. It was never-ending, Taehyung spoiled you like you were his princess.
The two of you had grown extremely close, considering you guys spent much more time in his penthouse. Every night or even day if he ever had a break, was a new sex adventure in a different corner of the house. Sofa? Kitchen table? Windows? Every single place.
He was a literal greek god. Chiseled abs, toned muscular arms that held you firmly as he thrusted into you. His moans were like sounds made by an angel and the way he fucked you, made you even more happy that you accepted his offer.
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Taehyung would be lying if he said that he hadn’t gotten used to your presence. Immense happiness would fill his chest with a warm feeling whenever he awoke to the sight of your beautiful face, figure curled and snuggled into his chest. He would take the time to enjoy the sunrise if he had woken up early, hand brushing softly through your hair and leaving light feathery kisses on your face and neck.
It was the best feeling in the entire world, watching as the sky turned into a canvas that was painted with a variety of warm colours. It was a sight to behold. But it was nothing compared to you.
Memories of the night before, where the two of you just cuddled in the bed, his cock stuffed into your warm pussy, sharing stories about your day before falling into deep sleep soon after. Cock warming would have to be one of his favorite cuddle positions.
His heartbeat slowed to a comfortable pace. He felt at peace with you in his arms, as he looked out into the windows.
Taehyung couldn’t live without you.
It was a scary thought, given the fact that he never would’ve imagined falling in love with you over the year you guys spent together as Sugardaddy and sugarbaby.
But he got over it, you were worth it. Even with your hair in a mess, and a small drool dripping from your face, you were still the most gorgeous woman he had ever met. Not only that, you had the kindest of heart, always checking up on him, buying him good health products with your own money and even preparing  home cooked meals for him.
Taehyung glanced down at you, a big smile gracing his face. He was staring at his sweetheart. The only person he could love with all his heart for the rest of his life.
Taehyung could only hope that you felt the same way as he did, even if you didn’t, he would’ve chased after you until you told him to stop.
He loved you more than anything.
and he couldn’t lose you.
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He placed his shoes neatly, knowing how much you hated when he threw them without any care in the world.
“Babe?” he called out for you from the kitchen as he made a beeline for the cold, refreshing water in the fridge. As he turned around, he saw you cuddled up with a blanket on the sofa, a book loosely hanging from your hand while you slept in Taehyung’s hoodie.
Taehyung’s heart swelled, knowing that you had stayed up to wait for him. he sat on the sofa beside you, brushing your hair and leaving kisses on your face before you woke up.
“Tae? wha-what’s the time?” you asked groggily, which Taehyung found to be extremely adorable.
“Come on Honey, let’s get your sweet ass into bed. It’s one am” You had no energy to respond, only managing a small nod before you were lifted into Taehyung’s hard chest. His familiar smell making you snuggled closer into the crook of his neck.
Taehyung gently placed you on the bed, covering you with the comforter before taking a quick shower and joining you in bed.
He lifted the duvets before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You eyes were closing by the second. Taehyung gave you a kiss, gentle and sweet, taking his time to savor his favorite moment of the day.
“I love you so much” he mustered up when your eyes closed fully. Taehyung stared at you before kissing your forehead and taking a whiff of your shampoo that he absolutely adored. “i hope you’ll say yes baby” he mumbled, before joining you in dreamland almost immediately
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You awoke to the sunlight peeking through the windows and the heavenly smell of pancakes. Stretching out a yawn and sitting up, you smiled, thinking of how perfect everything was. Although you knew it wasn’t going to be like this forever, at that moment, it seemed like happiness would be eternity.
With that you cuddled back into the blankets only to be dragged by taehyung as he chuckles at you.
“Babe wake up, i made pancakes” he whispered to you, carrying you and placing you on his lap like a baby. Taehyung placed a kiss on your lips before smiling cutely at you.
You shook your head and pouted cutely, knowing full well he would give in and feed you in bed. Taehyung groaned before pushing you playfully, heading towards the door while you laughed.
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You quickly washed up and as you were coming out of the fancy bathroom, your jaws dropped at the scene in front of you, your eyes welling with tears.
Presents from different expensive brands, shoes, bags, flowers and balloons. A pack of your favorite candy, Hershey kisses on the bed and he held a plate of pancakes while waiting for you in bed.
“Tae...what’s all this?” your voice almost broke as you quickly strolled to his side. He set the pancakes on the bedside table and quickly pulled you to sit on his lap. His face had a slight red hue as he nuzzled into your neck nervously. “i er” Taehyung mumbled before take a deep breathe, turning your face towards him.
“Y/n L/n, you genuinely complete my life” he chuckled, booping you on the nose. “Baby, you’re the one i want to see whenever i wake up in the morning, the one i want to greet whenever i reach home. I want to do things just to make you happy and see your beautiful smile.” As he said that, you smiled widely.
“I know this wasn’t supposed to develop into a deep relationship but i can’t help it. You’ve made me fall, so deep in love with you sweetheart” He whispered, holding your chin and placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
“Be my girlfriend, move in with me. We can write a new chapter. I just want everyone to know that you’re mine, as much as i’m yours, officially” The tears you were holding in, finally slid down your cheeks as you nodded frantically and turning to hug him as tight as you could.
Taehyung wiped away your tears, smiling as he was trapped from beneath you. Unconsciously, you grinded softly on his manhood, feeling his rod perk even though he had already taken a cold bathe to calm himself down.
His moans motivated you as you sat upright, grinding harder onto his clothed manhood. His large hands radiating heat as he rubbed your hips from the sides before grabbing the ends of his t-shirt that you were wearing and pulled it over your shoulders and head.
“So beautiful, my angel”
His actions left you completely bare except for your panties that barely covered your pussy lips. Taehyung captured your lips in a hurry, but it expressed the passion and heat he was feeling.
His experienced hands maneuvered its way to your nipples, massaging them and he broke away from your kiss to suck on one of them. You unconsciously pushed him closer to your breasts, the immense pleasure overtaking you.
“T-tae please”
“Tell Daddy what you want hmm” he hummed, his lips leaving your breasts and instead sucking onto your neck like you were his next snack.
You were breathless, your pulse racing, you damn well feel the wetness pooling in your panties beneath you.
“w-want your dick please” you almost screamed out as his fingers pulled your panties aside and inserted three fingers in one go.
“So wet for me already baby? Bet i could slide my cock right inside of you easily. But first” Taehyung whispered. “Daddy’s going to enjoy himself”
he reached towards the bedside table, grabbing the choco syrup bottle that he left, and squirting it all over your chest and thighs.
Taehyung continued to finger you as he licked the syrup off your body. Your spine arched to meet his tongue.
“Moan out my name baby” Taehyung demanded, his thumb rubbing on your core, edging on your orgasm.
His fingers and tongue wonders for you and soon your toes were curling and your eyes were rolled back, screaming as you came on Taehyung’s fingers.
Taehyung groaned as he slid his fingers out of you and licked your juice, humming as he did so. “Sweeter than syrup” he smirked.
You were breathless, chest heaving up and down. Taehyung took out his dick from the sweatpants he were wearing. You licked your lips as the delicious sight of his erect cock made you even wet than before.
Taehyung slid down your soaked panties slowly, before pressing his face towards your wet cunt and taking a swift lick.
“you’re so damn delicious babygirl” licking his lips as he aligned his cock with the entrance of your pussy, prepping your already wet pussy with his precum
“P-please tae, put it in me” Taehyung smirked
“What’s my name babygirl” Taehyung demanded
“T-taehyung” you whimpered out, feeling his head sliding in and out quickly.
“No baby, what’s my name” He asked again
“D-daddy please” screaming as he entered with one big thrust
Taehyung’s hands held your hips as thrusted harder and harder. You moaned with each thrust as you felt his big cock stretching you out. “You look so sexy, beneath me, taking my cock like the good girl you are” Taehyung breathed out.
He watched your breasts bounce as he thrusted harder into you, watching your face contort into full pleasure as he hit your g-spot.
“Right there d-daddy, right there” you screamed, ready to release.
Taehyung groaned as he changed his angle, sliding into you deeper and harder. “I’m coming babygirl, cum with daddy”
“Give me your milk daddy please, use me, cum in me. I’m on the pill, please i need your cum” You cried out, Taehyung moaned at your dirty talk, loving how it sounded coming out of you.
After a few more thrusts, you came first, milking his cock and after helping ride out your high, Taehyung came afterwards, filling you with his hot cum, thick spurts releasing in you. Your chest heaved up and down, as Taehyung collapsed tiredly onto you, his face nestled in your soft breasts.
He pulled the blanket over the two of you, resting on his forearms to stare lovingly at you. Taehyung smiled softly, loving the after-sex glow and the soft sunlight that made you look more like an angel. You smiled tiredly at him, brushing away his bangs and gently rubbing his cheeks. Your smile widening as you felt him nuzzle into your soft touch.
“i love you so much Kim Taehyung, and i’ll be so happy to be your girlfriend” you whispered Taehyung grinned before standing up and carrying you princess style to the bathroom. 
“I love you as much as i loved the breakfast session i just had” he grinned mischievously 
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btsbling · 3 years
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Unspoken Words
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🥀 pairing: Kim Taehyung x Fem!Reader
🥀 genre: High school!au, soulmate!au, fluff
🥀 summary: The first words that would be exchanged between you and your soulmate is tattooed on a body part
🥀word count: 1.77k
©️ Btsbling (i do not own BTS members or Taehyung)
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You stared at the clouds above you, feet dragging heavily as you blew out a breath. You held a half eaten sand which in one hand and scrolled through your phone with the other.
Music boomed softly through your ear buds as you made your way to school. Autumn was approaching as you walked down the path filled with palettes of orange leaves.
Very soon, winter break would be arriving. Your last year in high school was dawning on you. In a couple of days there would be an early graduation party. You could see the faint outline of your school building as you walked closer and closer. You unconsciously rubbed the tattoo on the inside of your wrist
“hey, title of my sex tape”
You chuckled as you recalled the day you had gotten your tattoo for the first time. It was your 15th birthday as you felt a tingle or two on your wrist. You were worried and out of it, not knowing what was happening to your body and unfamiliar ink started to appear on your body. Especially when it wasn’t the most innocent of comment.
You had gotten stares from your tattoo that was mostly visible. You rubbed the soft skin and brushed over the words. You hated the tattoo that was carved on you in the beginning, hating how sexual it was related to. However, slowly you begun falling in love with it.
You searched on the web, and after finding out about “soulmates”, you couldn’t wait to find yours as the tattoo was the key to your destined partner.
As you approached the gates of high school, you drowned out the sounds of chatters and gossiping with your music. You had spent the last three years, hiding in the shadows. Sure you didn’t have many enemies or anything “dramatic” happen to you. You were used to the silence you often engulf yourself with.
You sat in your seat, watching as people engaged in their own physical activities. The teacher infront of you was boring and you desperately wanted to skip class and return to your comfortable bed. You sighed as you felt the wind blow softly across your face when suddenly abrupt cheers erupted from the field below.
Your chin was nestled comfortably on your palm as you watched as he dribbled the basketball, before getting into position and scoring successfully. His teammates surrounded him in a big team hug, each head dyed with a unique hair dye.
But his silvery grey hair caught your attention as he threw his head backwards to laugh at a comment from his teammate. You felt your pulse quickening. You had never actually spoken to the cute alien boy before.
But you remembered the day you first met him. It was during first year. The thundering sounds of the rain pattering on the ground mocked you as you raised your palm to the sky. You had stayed back to study own your own but had completely forgotten to pack an umbrella with you in the morning.
You chewed on your lip, mentally listing out possible ways of avoiding the rain. Which seems to be quite big of a challenge. I could take the road behind the school? It’s kind of dangerous but i wouldn’t get drenched at all—
You nodded to yourself, feeling as if it was the best possible route, but as you stepped out of the school, you felt someone behind you and you looked behind to find Taehyung smiling at you with a gummy square smile, he opened up his alien designed umbrella, gesturing for you to take it.
You were hesitant, but he didn’t seem to back out of his offer. Once you took it from his hand, bowing to him slightly, he only flashed you another cute grin before running out into the rain. You tried calling out for him, but he was soon out of your sight.
Soon, you began learning his name. Since he joined the popular group of boys in your school it wasn’t very hard to do so. You constantly spit him walking down the hallway, beside your class as he spoke animatedly with his 6 other friends.
You didn’t know when you started falling for the popular “kid”. Maybe it was his square boxed smile that caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach, or the way he was always willing to help anyone in need. You constantly caught him patting the neighbourhood cat, and helping an old lady cross the street while helping her with her groceries.
His hair made you want to touch them and nustle into them and his vibe was so warm, you’ve always wanted to give him a hug.
But of course, you were a “nobody”. A shadow. There were tons and tons of girls that were willing to follow Taehyung to the ends of the earth. They were way better than you and you didn’t deserve a man like Taehyung.
So you could only look away from him. Keeping to yourself.
Not noticing the way he stared at you.
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You rubbed you’re arms up and down, nervously standing in the corner of the room and staring at the sea of people infront of you.
The music boomed loudly as people gathered and danced together. It was the night of the graduation party, you weren’t really the type who would attend parties but seeing as this was your last year. Here you were, dressed in a fitting red silk dress that showed your curves perfectly.
You fidgeted with your dress, everyone was dressed in suits or formal dresses. You started zoning out at your corner.
Your hand lazily holding up a plastic cup of juice, as you leaned against the wall behind you. You had let down your wavy long hair today. You tucked a piece of stray hair behind your ear and focused on the crowd in front of you.
You could recognise that bed of hair from anywhere.
He slapped the back of Jungkook as he snickered adorably. Taehyung was dressed in a suit, his hair styled slightly, making him give off a charismatic vibe Your heart raced as you eyed him up and down and when he looked in your direction for a second, you could only look away to avoid eye contact with him.
But when you turned back, you found almost a ring of girls surrounding Taehyung. Pressing their breasts together in hopes of catching his eye.
Your heart ached at the sight even thought you knew he wasn’t even yours. You shook your head, your eyes looking away and spotting the stairs that led up to the school roof.
You sighed and walked slowly to the roof, your heels clicking onto the floor.
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Taehyung gazed at your form, the group of girls pressing up against him, attempting to get a smile out of him was getting on his nervous.
As he spotted you leaving for the roof, he quickly excused himself with a forced smile and quickly disappearing from the sights of his fangirls.
he had always noticed you.
Probably after he had lent you his alien themed umbrella
He didn’t expect you to look for him, holding a bag of homemade desserts and his properly folded umbrella. You awkwardly rushed out a “Thank you for yesterday” but he heard it loud and clear. He covered his mouth with the back of his hand, he didn’t understand why he found you absolutely adorable.
He knew you were quiet, a shadow. But for some reason, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. It’s been the same for the past few years. Sure he had dated others to get his mind off of you, but it always went back to you.
Taehyung read the tattoo on his finger,
“i came alone”
as he met up with his friends. Most of them have already found their own soulmates and he was excited to meet his.
But the moment you entered, everything else and anybody else disappeared. Your silky hair was down in beautiful waves, and the red silk dress you wore made you look more angelic than ever. Taehyung quickly looked away, a slight blush adorning his cheek. he could only hope that the dark dim lights of the hall would hide the obvious blush.
he tried to keep up with his friend’s conversations but the moment he could sneak a small peak of you left his heart racing.
Taehyung climbed up the staircase leading up to the roof, slightly panting as the nerves got to him.
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You heard the door open and close behind you. Quickly whipping behind to check who it was, you were surprised with the sight infront of you.
it was him
you nervously fidgeted,
did he come up here with someone else?
but he montioned if he could sit next to you. You quickly opened your mouth to gesture to him.
“I came alone” you said
he smiled reassuringly and sat next to you, he placed his finger on his lips, pretending to “brainstorm”
“hey, title of my sex tape” he said with a large smile, proud of his dirty joke.
Until the both of you realised what had happened
the two of you glanced at each other with wide eyes, you quickly covered your mouth, in shock of what had just happened.
Taehyung pulled away from his daze, his hand reaching out for your cheek.
“May i?” he asked softly.
You nodded your head, not trusting your voice at the very moment.
With soft movements he slid his hand to rest it on your cheek, smiling as he felt you nuzzle into him almost naturally. He shifted closer to you, your legs resting upon his thighs as he gazed at you with eyes filled with nothing but adoration.
“You’re everything i could every want Y/n, i’m so glad i finally found you” he whispered before resting his forehead against yours.
your eyes widened as you realised that he actually knew your name. Your eyes filled with happy tears, happy to have found the person that you knew, you were going to love with all your heart.
“same here tae”
Taehyung’s eyes dropped to your lips and you gave him a nod of approval, he leaned in and captured your lips with his.
You felt a spark in your heart, feeling a connection to him immediately.
As he broke away, he took your hand in his. There was an obvious size difference, but he linked them together as you laid your head against his shoulder.
Words that were once unspoken, are now the reason you are able to smile wholeheartedly.
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