bloomingnova · 3 days
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bloomingnova · 2 months
April 2023 Moon Phases, Hybrid / Triple Eclipse, and More
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April 2023 has a special treat for us – a rare solar eclipse called a Hybrid Eclipse is set to take place on April 20th. A Hybrid Eclipse is also known as a Triple Eclipse. Later this month will be a great time to spot the dwarf planet Huamea and the asteroid Iris.
A Hybrid Solar Eclipse is named such because a Total Solar Eclipse, an Annular Solar Eclipse, and a Partial Solar Eclipse occur at the same time. This is also where it gets the name “Triple Eclipse.” These types of solar eclipses occur while the Moon is farther away from the Earth, allowing the Antumbra shadow to form. This shadow starts where the Umbra shadow of the Moon ends.
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Learn More about the Hybrid Eclipse at WildHemlock.Com!
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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(photos courtesy of justaspookynavajo)
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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Recreational Witchcraft: Simple Salve Recipe
Beeswax salves are a great recipe to have in your repertoire because depending on the herbs included they can be used for many purposes. Healing balms can be made for cuts, scrapes, bites, and for topically treating pain like menstrual cramps or sore muscles. Moisturizing salves can be used on the lips, cuticles or to combat any dry winter skin.  As for magical applications, the list is a long one. Protection salves, flying ointments, and glamour salves are just some of the more common ways beeswax salves have been used as a simple method of transferring the power and magic of specific herbs to the body. The possibilities are quite endless. 
You will need:
A mason jar
1 cup of Olive oil
1 ounce of Beeswax 
Assorted herbs
Choose your herbs. Remember to choose your herbs with care. Herbs have specific medicinal and magical properties and some can cause allergic reactions. Use your better judgment.
Combine your chosen herbs and one cup of olive oil into a mason jar. Your herbs will steep in this mixture for one month so their properties can be better absorbed into the oil. 
After your herbs have steeped for a month, Melt down your beeswax into a liquid form, taking care not to burn it. You can do this on the stove but know that wax can be a hassle to clean from pots and pans (For this reason we have a specific pot for melting wax).
Combine your infused olive oil and melted beeswax. You may strain out the herbs from the mixture to get a cleaner look like the salve above but the step is optional. Stir the wax and oil to together well, and pour the liquid into a tin or other other container. Let the salve cool and harden. Your salve is ready to use!
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bloomingnova · 2 months
Hot take but you can’t learn about paganism without also learning about white supremacy and how it uses pagan religions to push hate group agendas all over the world today. If you don’t learn about the connections between the two and how it operates, your ignorance enables white supremacists to keep on doing it and using it to recruit others. People in our community who do nothing and stay silent are literally a part of the problem, there is no opting out whatsoever. Divorcing the two makes the issue repeat itself over and over and over again.
It’s not hard to include this in your research and stay aware. It’s the bare minimum.
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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A crow with a halo. One thousand gems of genius in poetry and art. 1889.
Internet Archive
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bloomingnova · 2 months
Signs and their months on an alignment chart
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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Home of Florence Welch
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bloomingnova · 2 months
(love you. hope your day is gentle.)
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bloomingnova · 2 months
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bloomingnova · 2 months
embrace the joys of not being included in everything
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bloomingnova · 3 months
🧘‍♀️🥘How to Use Mindfulness While Cooking 🧘‍♀️🍳
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Cooking isn't just about following a recipe—it's an opportunity to practice mindfulness and connect with the present moment. Here's how to infuse your culinary adventures with mindfulness:
Begin by setting a positive intention for your cooking experience, whether it's nourishing yourself, sharing love with others, or simply enjoying the process.
Take a few deep breaths to center yourself before you begin. Notice the sights, sounds, and smells of your kitchen, fully immersing yourself in the present moment.
As you prepare each ingredient, focus on the sensations: the texture of the food, the sound of the knife slicing through vegetables, the aroma of herbs and spices filling the air.
Engage all your senses as you cook, savoring the colors, flavors, and textures of each dish. Be fully present and attentive to the task at hand, letting go of distractions and worries.
Practice gratitude as you cook, appreciating the abundance of ingredients and the opportunity to create something delicious with your own hands.
When the meal is ready, take a moment to pause and express gratitude for the nourishment it provides. Enjoy each bite mindfully, savoring the flavors and textures.
Cooking mindfully not only enhances the flavor of your food but also nourishes your body, mind, and spirit. Bon appétit! 🌿🍽️
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bloomingnova · 3 months
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Tessa Nelissen on Instagram
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bloomingnova · 3 months
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A little excerpt from my new foraging zine that a lot of people seem to be resonating with. My favorite part of any foraging book is always getting to talk about why I find the practice so meaningful 🌸💕
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