be4chybum · 6 days
absolutely devastating ending for pato, and i had to write something to comfort him, even if it’s just in my head.
The driver’s room was eerily quiet, a stark contrast to the energy of the room prior to the race. The rain delay meant you had 4 hours to kill this morning and Pato had decided the best way to kill that time was singing karaoke. It’s ironic now, you can hear the muffled tune of Party in the USA, the same song he was singing earlier, but it wasn’t fun anymore.
You hesitate at the door, not knowing how to approach him or what to say. He’s slumped on the couch with his head hung, and you know he’s been crying. You finally decide to just sit on the couch next to him, wrapping your arm around his waist, and wait for him to talk.
It was several minutes before he said anything, “I wanted to win so bad, I tried so hard.” his voice broke as he said it.
It absolutely broke your heart to see him like this, “Oh, amor,” he starts crying harder as you pull him into your chest. “you gave it everything you had, that’s all anyone could ever ask from you.”
“What if that’s not enough? I let down so many people today, and I just keep letting the team down.”
His words make you sick, “Baby, look at me,” he does, and you grab his face with both of your hands. “You drove this car to a better finish than it should’ve had, so don’t for a second think that you are not enough, you are everything, to the team and to me.”
You drop your hands from his face and he looks down at his lap before responding. “I want to win for you. Obviously for the team and the sponsors and all the fans, but mostly I just want to win for you.”
Part of you can’t believe what he’s saying, he’s the most competitive person you’ve ever met, and part of you wants to laugh and say he just wants the bragging rights, but looking at him you know he’s telling the truth. Looking at him you can tell he thinks you’re his whole world, and you’ve never been more sure about spending forever with him. “You already have. You are always a winner to me.”
“I love you so much, I’m going to bring it home for you next year, I promise.”
He’s finally cracked a smile, and the tears on his face have dried, “and I promise that when you do, I will get your name tattooed on my ass.”
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be4chybum · 23 days
Prompt 2 where luke is the antogonist 🙏🙏🙏
this prompt is so good😽
tolerate it | l.h
luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which you waiting for him was all for nothing.
PROMPT:"if you can't figure it out by now, then I don't have anything else to tell you."
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Unrequited love is what you would call it. You tried your hardest to make him realize. Maybe if I got a haircut, maybe if I changed the way I dressed, maybe if I tried this new trendy diet. Maybe, maybe, maybe. That's all this was—just maybe.
You had met Luke on the mulchy playground of the local neighborhood park. His hair was dirty blonde, he was missing a tooth, and you noticed his love for playing on swings.
Growing up, you were quite shy and found comfort in the warmth of the sandbox. One day, the cute dirty blonde kid sat next to you. He said hello, to which you meekly waved. He asked you questions, to which you only nodded or shook your head. He quite enjoyed talking to you that day, and after that, it became your little routine. He would swing on the swing for a couple of minutes and then race to the sandbox, spending your summer together.
After that summer, you and Luke grew into a tight-knit friendship. Whenever Luke was somewhere, there was no doubt that you were near.
It wasn't until the summer of 2015 that you realized you were in love with Luke Hughes.
He sat on the edge of the deck, fireworks exploding under the night sky. Your parents insisted on inviting the Hughes over for a good ol' Fourth of July barbecue, so there you were, sitting with an oversized T-shirt pulled over your swimsuit. You both watched the fireworks; you watched him watching the fireworks, taking a bite of his bomb pop. You loved the way his lips would turn red when he ate a popsicle. Occasionally, he would hand you the popsicle to take a bite, but not once would he glance at you, long at you like you did at him.
You longed for him.
Luke hugged you one last time, patting your back. When he pulled back, his face was tear-streaked.
You hugged Quinn and Jack, saving Ellen and Jim for last. Stepping back, you took a moment to admire the Hughes family one final time. You sighed, feeling your own tears welling up. To everyone else, it might have seemed like you were just emotional about saying goodbye to your second family. But in truth, you were crying because less than 24 hours ago, you and Luke had a real blowup fight — not just the typical teenage stuff, as Quinn put it. This time, it was full-blown screaming and crying.
Luke hummed for what felt like the hundredth time. You looked at him, puzzled, as he flipped through an "All About UMICH" brochure.
"Are you okay?" you asked, rising from the bean bag in the corner and taking a seat beside him. He got up and began pacing. "I’m just stressed about playing for UMICH, and your nagging about Princeton isn’t helping," he said, glancing toward you.
Bingo. There it was. Luke had worn the fakest smile when you announced to the Hughes family that you'd received a full-ride scholarship to Princeton. He had pretended to be happy for you, but now it was clear: he was going to ask you to stay with him, to attend UMICH together. You'd already been accepted; it would take some paperwork, but it was manageable. For the past month, you'd been dropping hints to Luke that you were in love with him. Everyone but him seemed to understand, but now he was going to tell you how much he'd miss you and confess his love.
Just as your hopes soared, reality hit. He wasn’t asking you to stay. The fog lifted. That smile had been genuine. He didn’t care that you'd be 614 miles away; in the end, he felt burdened by you.
You swallowed hard. "I didn’t know I was a distraction," you said. He ran a hand through his hair, a gesture you'd learned meant frustration.
"Well, you have been. I’m happy for you, really, but God, don’t you ever get tired of talking about the same thing?" he asked, his voice rising.
"Okay," was all you managed before storming out of his room. The Hughes family sat in the kitchen, playing Uno, their eyes full of pity as they watched you. You glanced at them before rushing to grab your shoes and walk back home, barefoot.
Now you’re standing there bidding goodbye, not forever, but for a good few months. Jack would help you out back at your dorm, and you would visit the rest of the Hughes during breaks.
You let out a shaky sigh and wave one last time before heading to your car. You get into the back seat, turning to face them. You so badly wanted Luke to run after your car, like something out of Mona Lisa Smile, but he didn't. He was the first one to turn around and head back into the house, then Jack, Jim, and finally Quinn and Ellen stood there, watching the car disappear."
You and Luke Facetimed basically every day; the blowout was forgotten about as soon as you touched down. He called you, apologizing, and even though you didn't hear the words you so badly wanted to hear, you took him back because you always would.
He would tell you about how many girls' Instagrams he had gotten. You would look to the side, hoping he wouldn't see your face contort into green envy and sadness. He would ask you about your love life, and you would always reply with the same shrug. You hoped he would tell you he was just saying things to make you jealous and that he only wanted you. But of course, he didn't. Your heart would plummet when he would tell you about all the girls who would wear his jersey.
You grunt, lugging a box into Luke and Jack's apartment. Luke barely lifts a finger to help; Jack's off getting lunch, taking longer than usual. Luke's been forever coming back from the moving truck. You kick the door open, trying to decide where to put the box, when Luke bursts in, grinning from ear to ear. 'The hottest girl asked for my Instagram,' he beams, his cheeks flushed. You wish you could make him smile like that. That's it; this is your breaking point. You drop the box aggressively, storming out to the stairwell.
Luke follows, confused. 'Where are you going?' he asks, catching up. You turn to face him, your eyes watery and tired, making his face soften.
'I'm tired of dropping hints. I've done everything for you, and you don't even see me,' you choke out, looking up at him.
'I'm confused...' he mumbles, his gaze darting around. You want to scream, but you hold back. "If you can't see it by now, then I have nothing left to say," you whisper, walking away, leaving him bewildered.
Luke sighs and goes back inside. As he closes the door, he notices the locket in the box, a reminder of your memories together. Inside it is a picture of you two on the Fourth of July, smiling. He traces the engraved words, 'I love you,' and sighs, the weight of missed opportunities settling in.
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be4chybum · 23 days
Prompt 2 where luke is the antogonist 🙏🙏🙏
this prompt is so good😽
tolerate it | l.h
luke hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which you waiting for him was all for nothing.
PROMPT:"if you can't figure it out by now, then I don't have anything else to tell you."
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Unrequited love is what you would call it. You tried your hardest to make him realize. Maybe if I got a haircut, maybe if I changed the way I dressed, maybe if I tried this new trendy diet. Maybe, maybe, maybe. That's all this was—just maybe.
You had met Luke on the mulchy playground of the local neighborhood park. His hair was dirty blonde, he was missing a tooth, and you noticed his love for playing on swings.
Growing up, you were quite shy and found comfort in the warmth of the sandbox. One day, the cute dirty blonde kid sat next to you. He said hello, to which you meekly waved. He asked you questions, to which you only nodded or shook your head. He quite enjoyed talking to you that day, and after that, it became your little routine. He would swing on the swing for a couple of minutes and then race to the sandbox, spending your summer together.
After that summer, you and Luke grew into a tight-knit friendship. Whenever Luke was somewhere, there was no doubt that you were near.
It wasn't until the summer of 2015 that you realized you were in love with Luke Hughes.
He sat on the edge of the deck, fireworks exploding under the night sky. Your parents insisted on inviting the Hughes over for a good ol' Fourth of July barbecue, so there you were, sitting with an oversized T-shirt pulled over your swimsuit. You both watched the fireworks; you watched him watching the fireworks, taking a bite of his bomb pop. You loved the way his lips would turn red when he ate a popsicle. Occasionally, he would hand you the popsicle to take a bite, but not once would he glance at you, long at you like you did at him.
You longed for him.
Luke hugged you one last time, patting your back. When he pulled back, his face was tear-streaked.
You hugged Quinn and Jack, saving Ellen and Jim for last. Stepping back, you took a moment to admire the Hughes family one final time. You sighed, feeling your own tears welling up. To everyone else, it might have seemed like you were just emotional about saying goodbye to your second family. But in truth, you were crying because less than 24 hours ago, you and Luke had a real blowup fight — not just the typical teenage stuff, as Quinn put it. This time, it was full-blown screaming and crying.
Luke hummed for what felt like the hundredth time. You looked at him, puzzled, as he flipped through an "All About UMICH" brochure.
"Are you okay?" you asked, rising from the bean bag in the corner and taking a seat beside him. He got up and began pacing. "I’m just stressed about playing for UMICH, and your nagging about Princeton isn’t helping," he said, glancing toward you.
Bingo. There it was. Luke had worn the fakest smile when you announced to the Hughes family that you'd received a full-ride scholarship to Princeton. He had pretended to be happy for you, but now it was clear: he was going to ask you to stay with him, to attend UMICH together. You'd already been accepted; it would take some paperwork, but it was manageable. For the past month, you'd been dropping hints to Luke that you were in love with him. Everyone but him seemed to understand, but now he was going to tell you how much he'd miss you and confess his love.
Just as your hopes soared, reality hit. He wasn’t asking you to stay. The fog lifted. That smile had been genuine. He didn’t care that you'd be 614 miles away; in the end, he felt burdened by you.
You swallowed hard. "I didn’t know I was a distraction," you said. He ran a hand through his hair, a gesture you'd learned meant frustration.
"Well, you have been. I’m happy for you, really, but God, don’t you ever get tired of talking about the same thing?" he asked, his voice rising.
"Okay," was all you managed before storming out of his room. The Hughes family sat in the kitchen, playing Uno, their eyes full of pity as they watched you. You glanced at them before rushing to grab your shoes and walk back home, barefoot.
Now you’re standing there bidding goodbye, not forever, but for a good few months. Jack would help you out back at your dorm, and you would visit the rest of the Hughes during breaks.
You let out a shaky sigh and wave one last time before heading to your car. You get into the back seat, turning to face them. You so badly wanted Luke to run after your car, like something out of Mona Lisa Smile, but he didn't. He was the first one to turn around and head back into the house, then Jack, Jim, and finally Quinn and Ellen stood there, watching the car disappear."
You and Luke Facetimed basically every day; the blowout was forgotten about as soon as you touched down. He called you, apologizing, and even though you didn't hear the words you so badly wanted to hear, you took him back because you always would.
He would tell you about how many girls' Instagrams he had gotten. You would look to the side, hoping he wouldn't see your face contort into green envy and sadness. He would ask you about your love life, and you would always reply with the same shrug. You hoped he would tell you he was just saying things to make you jealous and that he only wanted you. But of course, he didn't. Your heart would plummet when he would tell you about all the girls who would wear his jersey.
You grunt, lugging a box into Luke and Jack's apartment. Luke barely lifts a finger to help; Jack's off getting lunch, taking longer than usual. Luke's been forever coming back from the moving truck. You kick the door open, trying to decide where to put the box, when Luke bursts in, grinning from ear to ear. 'The hottest girl asked for my Instagram,' he beams, his cheeks flushed. You wish you could make him smile like that. That's it; this is your breaking point. You drop the box aggressively, storming out to the stairwell.
Luke follows, confused. 'Where are you going?' he asks, catching up. You turn to face him, your eyes watery and tired, making his face soften.
'I'm tired of dropping hints. I've done everything for you, and you don't even see me,' you choke out, looking up at him.
'I'm confused...' he mumbles, his gaze darting around. You want to scream, but you hold back. "If you can't see it by now, then I have nothing left to say," you whisper, walking away, leaving him bewildered.
Luke sighs and goes back inside. As he closes the door, he notices the locket in the box, a reminder of your memories together. Inside it is a picture of you two on the Fourth of July, smiling. He traces the engraved words, 'I love you,' and sighs, the weight of missed opportunities settling in.
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be4chybum · 25 days
hiii, i’m just here to request luke hughes with prompt 6 (they don’t laugh as often but when they do your heart skips a beat). if you get around to it then thank you so much!!❤️
melting | l.h
luke hughes x fem!reader
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Luke was usually a stoic guy. At least, that was your impression when you met him a few months ago; he greeted you with a nod, very different from his brother, whom you had met two years ago as your neighbor.
While Jack was eager and warm around you, Luke seemed to not pay you any mind. While it wouldn't matter to anyone else, for you, it was hell. You developed a semi-small crush on him, and his ignoring you didn't make it any better.
Jack had invited you over for dinner one night, or he invited you to cook. He always claimed his food wasn’t as good as yours, so you happily obliged to go "dinner," hoping to see more of Luke.
When you arrived, Luke was lounging around in sweats and a Michigan hoodie. He opened the door, giving you a nod before stepping aside to let you in. You had a tote full of ingredients for spaghetti. Jack greeted you, helping you unpack your stuff, while Luke took a spot on the island in the kitchen. He lazily watched you unpack everything with Jack, his gaze never once leaving you.
Jack leaned on the counter to "help you," but it seemed more like he was just there to annoy you. You slapped away Jack's hand from the noodles you were buttering and seasoning. "Don’t touch that," you said, not looking up from the noodles. Suddenly, you heard Luke stifle a laugh, making your head snap up. His eyes met yours, and his smile widened, causing your face to feel hot and your heart to race.
The rest of the evening, you and Luke shared glances and smiles, and you felt like your face was burning the entire time. As you helped Luke with the dishes, Jack lounged on the couch, flipping through channels. When Luke took the last plate from you, he looked at you with a small smile forming on his lips. "You've got some soap on your nose," he said, rubbing your nose with the clean side of his hand. You swear you had just melted into a puddle.
Luke stood at your door, having just walked you from his apartment. You both stood facing each other, and he fiddled with the cuff of his hoodie. "So, did you like dinner?" you asked, feeling your face once again burning. He smirked, grabbing your face, taking you by surprise as he smashed his lips against yours. Pulling away, his own face was rosy. "You’re cute," he said. You giggled in response.
And in that moment, as he pulled away, you realized that despite his stoic demeanor, Luke had a charm that made your heart skip a beat every time.
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be4chybum · 26 days
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i write for;
logan sargeant
oscar piastri
sebastian vettel
quinn hughes
jamie drysdale
luke hughes
nico hischer
“does he make you laugh?” “He doesn’t make me cry.”
“if you can’t figure it out by now, then i don’t have anything else to tell you.”
“I’m done waiting for you.”
“ I guess it wasn’t the right time right?”
“I gave up on you a long time ago.”
They don’t laugh often but when they do your heart skips a beat
"i know this is horrible timing but i think i like you."
"can you say that again later when i wake up and i'm able to remember what you just said."
"you're waiting until now to tell me this?!"
"it just came out! i panicked!"
"that's very cute but unfortunately, we're stuck in a little bit of a situation and that's going to have to wait."
“I just love you so much.”
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be4chybum · 28 days
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welcome to my masterlist, here you will find all of my works!
formula one
logan sargeant
max verstappen
oscar piastri
sebastian vettel
jamie drydale
luke hughes
quinn hughes
nico hischer
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be4chybum · 28 days
calm. | n.h
nico hischer x fem!reader
SUMMARY: nico comes home from another shitty game and finds solace in you.
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THE whole season felt like a fever dream, more like a fever nightmare. You had faith in the team but it felt like the universe was out for the devils this year.
You shut the TV off not interested in what commentators would say about the defeat, you know Nico was beyond fuming anyone with a brain could tell the whole team was quite upset.
An hour later, you hear the door slam shut, causing you to jump from your spot on the sofa. He kicks off his shoes, his tie loose, and the top of his dress shirt unbuttoned. If he weren’t upset, you would’ve thought he was trying to get laid. His face is tired, his cheeks rosy, no doubt from the anger he’s feeling. You can feel it; it’s practically impossible not to.
You quickly get up, making your way towards him. He tries to slip out of his jacket but struggles to do so. He attempts to aggressively rip it off, but you put a hand on his bicep, and your eyes meet. "Let me," your eyes speak. He relaxes, and you slip off his jacket, realizing that the cuffs were folded in, making it hard to just shrug off. You place his jacket on the coat rack.
Your calm demeanor soothes him enough to just stand here. He sighs, wrapping his arms around you. You cradle his head as he nuzzles his nose into your neck. In that embrace, time seems to stand still. The weight of the defeat fades away, replaced by the warmth of each other’s presence.
You can feel his heartbeat against your chest, a steady rhythm that anchors you both in this moment of solace amidst the emotions.
“I’m so fucking tired,” his accent thick, he’s yet to let go of you, so you stand there, letting him hug you. “I know you’re tired, and it’s okay to feel like that,” you say, wetting your lips. “You tried your best, Nico,” you say finally, pulling away from the embrace he desperately needed.
He stares at you before grabbing your face, kissing you roughly, backing you against the wall. You kiss back, his hands on your back pulling you closer to him, if possible. You rest your hands on his cheeks. Pulling away, he sighs, tucking your hair behind your ear. “I love you so much,” he says, smiling softly. “I love you too, baby,” you say, taking hold of his hand.
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be4chybum · 2 months
Biology Sucks
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Reader has really bad periods and is embarrassed about it. Oscar just wants to help.
Warnings: Really bad periods and everything that comes with them
Notes: To the requester, I feel you on the bad period thing. I hope this brings you the comfort you need to get through your next one!
Side Note: My inbox is open if you wanna come chat with me :)
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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It hurts. A familiar hurt, unfortunately, and she's not sure whether that's better or worse yet. Of all the things that could've happened on her date, it had to be this.
She excuses herself from the table. Oscar gives her a concerned look, but she waves it off. "Just need to freshen up." Oscar nods, but he doesn't look convinced.
Eight months, and he already knows how to read her like a book.
She ends up leaving her date early because she already knows how this ends. It'll look like she's gone to war and got stabbed lower than necessary. It also currently feels that way, and she's ready to throw up her guts if that's what it takes to make it stop.
Oscar texts her. Then he calls her. Eventually deciding she probably has fallen asleep if she wasn't feeling well and decides to do something for her in the morning.
The same event had happened last month, and she'd avoided him for the entire week. The brief topic of periods came up because he asked if that was it, and she'd told him they were considerably bad.
The benefit of having sisters is that he at least knows the basics here. He throws on some shoes in the early hours of the morning and heads out the door to the convenience store.
Oscar makes a guess from the information he's gleaned on what kinds of snacks she would like. He also throws a text to his mum to double-check because lord knows if he messes this up, she'll come for his head.
It's just past ten when he arrives at her flat and unlocks the door with the spare key. He questions if this could be considered breaking and entering since he technically didn't know the spare key would be hidden inside the bottom of a fake plant. Things to worry about later, he supposes.
He finds her sprawled out of the bed, a bottle of painkillers open on the side table. He drops his own bags on the grounds softly so he doesn't wake her.
Especially not when she's shivering in her sleep and he can see the sticky red coating the sheets. He determines to let her sleep until he has everything ready to clean her up. There is no point in letting her sit in it while awake for no reason.
He remembers specifically making trips to the store with his mum for bed sheets when his sisters had similar problems. He just wishes she felt comfortable telling him about it. Heaven help is was some bastard making her feel like this is gross and not some natural part of life.
He admits openly to punching one person in his lifetime. The boy who was picking on his sister for bleeding through her shorts while he was home for Christmas one year. He made the boys nose bleed and called him gross for it. Oscar tries not to think about what he would do now that he's bulked up.
He starts the bath, finds her extra clothes, including his own hoodie, and attempts to locate her spare sheets. He feels bad going through all her cupboards, but he doesn't want to wake her up to ask.
When everything is all set up, he sets himself down gently beside and caresses the side of her face until she wakes.
Initially, there is a look of terror on her face until she realizes it's just Oscar and not an intruder. "How'd you get in?"
"Your spare key wasn't hard to find."
She takes a breath to settle her heart. That's when she feels what's underneath her... and beside her... all around her, really. "I-" the tears are pathetic.
"It's okay, really! My sister's had some bad ones as did my mum. Can I touch you?"
The pit in her stomach ends up settling in confusion. She tilts her head. "You're not, like, disgusted?"
"It's biology, isn't it? Natural? I see no reason to be disgusted." It the certainty of which he says it that make the tears start.
Oscar coos at her, waiting until she's calmed down to set about getting her cleaned up. "I ran you a bath already. I figured you'd want it warm and bubbly."
She cries again. Not because she's upset - far from it - but nobody has ever done this for her. "I'm not sure what I did to deserve this."
"To be fair, I don't think you ask to bleed every month."
While she's in the bath, Oscar strips the bed down and recreates it how he thinks it should go. The key word here is thinks. His eye for aesthetics isn't the best, but he makes it work regardless.
Soon, she's out of the bath and in his hoodie. "Feeling any better?"
"A bit... thank you."
"Don't thank me yet, I'm not the best in the kitchen, so this might actually kill you instead."
She hesitate when he sits down on the couch and pats the spot beside him. "Aren't you worried I might bleed on you?"
"As far as I'm concerned, you could bleed on all my clothes and I'd happily purchase new ones if it means you'll come cuddle with me."
She relents and curls up in Oscar's lap. He turns on a movie and they both end up falling asleep to it.
Easy to say it's the best she's ever slept on her period. And when she wakes up to Oscar purchasing a new pair of sweats, he smiles at her. "I figure if it will help you stress less, I will get some extra clothes just in case." No hints of judgment or annoyance. Just Oscar trying to help.
Yeah, maybe periods don't have to be so miserable while he's around.
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