baronessblixen · 19 minutes
Kleine Scheidegg, Jungfrau Region
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baronessblixen · 23 minutes
agent scully we have decided to assign you to the weird shit department to debunk some weird shit are you familiar with an agent by the name of spooky mcpooky nobody down here but the fbi's most unwnted were you sent to spy on me look at my projector slides that i definitely didn't spend all morning working on hhhhow's youur CHEMISTRY radio goes beep boop what if we made intense eye contact in the middle of exhuming a body steven spielberg sure hope this gray metallic implant doesn't come back to haunt me later BILLY MILES hmmm weird dirt and freckle tramp stamps...must be aliens WE LOST NINE MINUTES oregon mosquitos be built different would you like to hear about my childhood trauma what if we made intense eye contact while i rant about government conspiracies you gotta love this place everyday's like halloween BILLY MILES the vegetable??? please stop talking crazy at 5 am in the rain or im gonna fall in love with you hahaha summoned by some alien impulse it's definitely normal behavior to call your coworker of 1 week past 11 pm and tell her you can't sleep oops i think you accidentally became the center of my universe see you tomorrow
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baronessblixen · 25 minutes
The way Mulder's voice breaks when he asks "Why her?" in One Breath. Holding CSM at gunpoint, shouting, demanding answers, but that is the one question he needs the answer to. It's the question that's destroying him. "Why her?" He struggles with guilt all his life, blaming himself for all the things that happen to her. She chooses to fight this fight with him, but he can still never stop feeling guilty.
But that "Why her?" That is more than blaming himself for what happened to her. That's more than thinking it should have been him instead of her. He can't stand to see her hurt. It's not just about his role in all of it. It's about her. It's about her in a hospital bed fighting for her life, it's about all the things she deserves, all the happiness that should be hers. He will never forgive himself if she dies, but what's tormenting him is not the fear of that. He has a lot of practice not forgiving himself. He just can't stand to see her hurt.
All the love he feels for her is in that one question and in the way his voice breaks when he asks it. "Why her?" It's not a selfish love, it's more than not wanting to lose her. It's about her, entirely about her. That question holds their future in it. That question and the way his voice breaks when he asks it. They're never a means of making each other happy; they want to give each other the world.
It's love. The kind that goes beyond the fear of loss. There is, without a doubt, the fear of loss as well. It would break him beyond repair to lose her. He'd trade places with her in a heartbeat. He'd give his life for her without a second's hesitation. But it's not just because he can't lose her. It's because she deserves to be okay. She deserves to be happy. That is all he wants.
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baronessblixen · 25 minutes
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EVIL (2019-2024)
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baronessblixen · 26 minutes
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Memento Mori || s. 4 ep. 14
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baronessblixen · 27 minutes
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Memento Mori || s. 4 ep. 14
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baronessblixen · 27 minutes
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Memento Mori || s. 4 ep. 14
"I stole these from some guy with a broken leg down the hall. He won't be able to catch me"
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baronessblixen · 30 minutes
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baronessblixen · 31 minutes
oh I’m craving a döner. there’s no place i ate better döners than in berlin. (granted i never went to turkey, not yet anyway lol so maybe if i go I’ll change my mind)
Oh me, too, anon! Apparently the best Döner is no longer in Berlin which I refuse to accept cause that is the home of the Döner. I had one in Istanbul and let me tell you, it's barely the same kind of food! But if you do go to Turkey one day, try one anyway 😁
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
there is no greater heartbreak in the world than hearing mulder mutter his little "i'm sorry" after scully swerves their ftf kiss ????? like ??? my boy ???? my belOVED ??? this is not your fault it is the fault of a bEE
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
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i started watching a show some of you might have heard of
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
Regardless of what your opinion is on my struggle iv, whether you agree or disagree with literally anything that happened in it, genuinely the most important thing about it is that mulder and scully made it out. Of everything. they made it out of the other side of their story.
I remember sitting down to watch it for the first time and i was so convinced they were going to die, or one of them was going to die, or something horrific was going to happen to pull them apart at the very last moment. but no. it didn't. they made it out. Of the labyrinth. of the conspiracy of lies. the absolute sheer relief that despite everything, in the end, the darkness didn't find them ?? that they were able to walk away from the cloud of cigarette smoke that had been hanging over them for twenty-five years ?? that they were finally free to live as they had always wanted ?? do you see why i'm SOBBING-
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
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Döner prices in Germany in 2008
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
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Everywhere, everything
I wanna love you 'til we're food for the worms to eat.
—noah kahan // "everywhere, everything"
i'm like. so normal about that parallel can you tell???? who did that. who murdered me
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
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baronessblixen · 4 hours
My new favorite genre of picture is a very special thing that most animals (and humans!) do: face nuzzling as an act of greeting/comfort/intimacy. thank God that this is happening all over the world right now
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Isn’t it wonderful?!
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