augustofwhump · 7 days
The August of Whump 2024 ao3 collection is here!
It will be open for submissions on August 1 :)
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augustofwhump · 9 days
Will there be an AO3 collection?
Yes! I’d been debating on making one because I didn’t know how to make a collection and was afraid it would be hard, but it was actually very easy when I started HAHA
So yes, I’ll be sharing it when I finish up making the icon, description, rules, etc!
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augustofwhump · 20 days
I have some questions about the event! I checked through your rules to make sure, but I didn't see answers to the following:
are we allowed to combine prompts? as in can I combine Day 1 with Day 2, or even Day 1 with Day 5 and 6, for example.
will you be creating badges for completionists?
I’d say yeah, you can! You can do pretty much whatever you want, it’s not like I’m gonna be all GRRR THIS GUY COMBINED DAY 3 AND 5!! >:(
I’d suggest not combining prompts from non-adjacent days though? I mean I can’t force you not to, but in my opinion it’s much easier for days 1 & 2 to be combined and posted at the right time than it is for days 4, 15 & 28. But that’s just me, maybe you’ve got a really cool idea for those separate days!
Yes, I think I will probably be creating badges or a category for participants and completionists, but right now I’m knee-deep in finals and regents season so it’s not a priority to me at the moment (literally answering this on the day of an AP English exam HAHA). I do want to make some sick looking badges and stuff though so it’s on my to-do list!
Uhh and the criteria for those categories is just to simply either participate (you could literally do one day and leave and that can count) or to complete at least one prompt for/from every day and post it during the month of August
I’ll probably allow some late time after August too for people who are still posting … probably a week or so just to let everyone get their stuff all finished up
Anyway I hope that sufficiently answered your questions, anon!
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augustofwhump · 25 days
Tumblr PSA:
Idk how long this is going to be an issue. Maybe forever. But when you're tagging people in Tumblr posts, you need to start tagging them in groups of five. After each group, press enter and tag the next group in a new block. If you do not do that, all of the tags after the first five will not work.
I learned this the hard way.
Your tags need to be organized like this.
@/tag1 @/tag2 @/tag3 @/tag4 @/tag5
@/tag6 @/tag7 @/tag8 @/tag9 @/tag10
@/tag11 @/tag12 @/tag13 @/tag14 @/tag15
And so on.
Hopefully this doesn't last forever, but it's definitely the way you have to do it for now.
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augustofwhump · 27 days
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augustofwhump · 29 days
would doing like . the idea of a prompt happening for a prompt fill work? like someone being nervous about being the lone survivor, for example?
Yes! Anything centering around the prompts is valid and a work about being nervous about being the lone survivor is totally fine.
I think as long as you go in with the intention of using/playing around with the prompts, you’re okay! I’m honestly all for people using or interpreting these prompts as they see fit. Literally, metaphorically, etc. Have fun with it!
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augustofwhump · 1 month
I’m so excited to see what everyone makes but I have to wait until August UGHHH
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augustofwhump · 1 month
I began as a whump and angst writer a couple years ago and I'm in the process of returning to my roots... it just so happens that my birthday is in August... looks like I will be cracking my glowstick for a present, and you can't get better than that. 😌 also, your graphics are pretty. 🤩
Aww thank you! I chose blood oranges as the theme for this blog because August always reminds me of the color orange and citrusy stuff. And on the whump side of things, well, you know… blood orange, haha
Anyway it’s cool that you’re going back to where it all began! And I hope you have a good birthday when it comes around :)
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augustofwhump · 1 month
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I feel like im tumblr famous getting all these notifications
Thanks guys it makes me so happy knowing there are people out there going YEAHHH AUGUST WHUMP EVENT! And liking reblogging and following
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augustofwhump · 1 month
It’s official the 31st day is “fuck it we ball” day have fun with that one guys
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augustofwhump · 1 month
Uhh um special feature for this year free day uhh yeah
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augustofwhump · 1 month
I’ve never done this before
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augustofwhump · 1 month
A new whump event/challenge set in August, run by @painonthebrain!
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Write-up of prompts & rules under the cut!
Day 1: food / risk / overexertion
Day 2: iv / shock / cry for help
Day 3: poison / shady business / freezing
Day 4: filth / screams / open wounds
Day 5: stranded / power tools / ache
Day 6: confusion / spark / veins
Day 7: time loop / rot / promise
Day 8: rejected apology / trap / attack
Day 9: role reversal / caged / body modification
Day 10: secret / exhaustion / publicity
Day 11: freedom / scars / insecurity
Day 12: deal / monstrous / anger
Day 13: witness / resigned obedience / bootlicking
Day 14: dehumanization / darkness / alone
Day 15: salt in wounds / phobia / revenge
Day 16: hunt / disaster / dread
Day 17: experimental serum / cramps / stress position
Day 18: came back wrong / unavoidable / muzzle
Day 19: salvation / midnight / mistake
Day 20: contaminated / escape / test
Day 21: set up to fail / bitter / creep
Day 22: stitches / robbery / insects
Day 23: feral / possession / fate
Day 24: humiliation / gilded cage / jewelry
Day 25: barbed wire / insults / tear stains
Day 26: sensory deprivation / heartbeat / tape
Day 27: proof / memory / machine
Day 28: bloody nose / medic / abandoned
Day 29: control / touchstarved / broken glass
Day 30: blindfolded / obsession / gift
EDIT: I forgot day 31 so that’s “fuck it we ball” day. Make whatever you want. LMAO
Broken trust
Human shield
Locked outside
The only survivor
Prompts should ideally be responded to in the form of whump
Creators can make any type of media they want (Yes, this includes any kind of media, no matter how niche. As long as it’s creative, it’s allowed)
You can do as few or as many prompts as you like
You can complete these prompts in tandem with any other event or other prompts (such as in combination with Bad Things Happen Bingo, @randowhump’s Birthday Whump Event, AU-gust, etc.)
DO NOT use ai. I can’t be entirely sure what is or isn’t, but I trust you to at least put some type of effort in your creations. These events are no fun otherwise!
Tag & trigger warn your content accordingly
NSFW is allowed, however because I’m currently a minor, I will not look at or reblog it (Again, tag and label it!)
Tag your works as #augustofwhump and #augustofwhump2024. In addition to that, you can also tag this account — @augustofwhump. (Do not @ me in NSFW works.) I’ll try to reblog whatever I can!
EDIT: The August of Whump 2024 ao3 collection is here! It will be open for submissions on August 1.
I’m really excited (and nervous) to do this and I know it’s a bit early to post these prompts but whatever — it just means more time for people to work on prompts if they choose to do this event, right?
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