artsyneurotic · 5 days
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artsyneurotic · 15 days
Tron Uprising aired 12 years ago today.
May 18, 2012
Happy 12th Anniversary. As I said back in the 6th anniversary, let's raise a glass to a show that deserved SO MUCH MORE.
To celebrate, here's one of my all-time-favorite edits I did for the show. Please take a moment to rewatch Uprising this weekend, even if it's just a single episode on Disney+
Keep it alive.
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artsyneurotic · 30 days
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artsyneurotic · 1 month
welp I just bummed myself out further:
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Even less of a chance of TRON IN A TRON MOVIE now, unless they recast the voice/actor.
... and will they not even mention/show Alan Bradley or the board of ENCOM then? Or perhaps they'll say he was ousted after Legacy offscreen or some crap...
I know everyone's excited that Jeff Bridges is in the next Tron in some capacity, but I will honestly not give a good goddamn about that if they don't resolve what the fuck happened to Tron in the Sea of Simulation.
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artsyneurotic · 1 month
I know everyone's excited that Jeff Bridges is in the next Tron in some capacity, but I will honestly not give a good goddamn about that if they don't resolve what the fuck happened to Tron in the Sea of Simulation.
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artsyneurotic · 1 month
I always had suspicions that when Beck goes to save Tron from being repurposed that maybe he didn't really fully save Tron from the repurposing. Rewatch that sequence and see how long it takes for Beck to break the machine and stop the progress. The first time we see a closeup of the helix of repurposing programming, it's practically at his forehead when Beck has barely reached the door to the room:
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Now, granted, they rewind that helix a bit when they cut to the wide shot of Tron when Beck breaks into the room proper:
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BUT there's an uncomfortably long amount of time there that it looks like part of that initial helix of repurposing programming has actually hit his forehead during the slow-mo sequence where Beck throws the dude into the machine:
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Tron's shoulder blocks a clear view of if it already went inside his forehead, but I had a theory that a bit of it managed to get in there.
Now, the heroes think they stopped it in time, because of course Tron seems fine, and they escape and everything seems to have worked out. But I always had the worried, ominous thought that enough of the repurposing made it in there to act as a ticking time bomb, enough of a strain of the programming to leave the door open to Tron being vulnerable to being very, very slowly repurposed from the inside out.
... because what could be more horrific and heart-shattering than Tron going all sleeper agent and flipping into Rinzler at the worst possible time narratively and betraying Beck? Maybe they'd even twist the knife and have the repurposing hit 100% right when Tron confides in Beck with something like, "I'm proud of you" or some line that will haunt Beck forever as Tron's last conscious thought with free will?
I know I was one of those people who was known for making some sad-end headcanon ideas/theories on tronblr a few years back, like this one here, but we do know we're gonna get a sad-end with Rinzler definitely appearing, and I could see this as one of those cruel we-foreshadowed-this-but-you-didn't-want-to-see-it kinds of moments.
We all know Tron becomes Rinzler eventually, but like? how does it actually happen? Legacy gave us the flashback with Clu stabbing him and the "rrrrr" sound immediately coming in afterwards. The Betrayal novel has the coup happen in the outlands and we can see a injured Tron riding off on a lightcycle. Uprising has Clu and Dyson working together, with Tron tortured by the latter and later rescued by Cyrus. So like?? it is a mystery 👻
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artsyneurotic · 1 month
I saw talk of a Tron Uprising pitch bible that was leaked, but the archive.org link was taken down... does anyone have an alternate link?
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artsyneurotic · 2 months
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All the nice subtle subsurface scattering they added to elezen ears in Dawntrail reeeeeally makes me wanna reach out and touchie them *grabby hands*
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artsyneurotic · 2 months
Eji Reacts to FFXIV: FFXVI Collab Event - This Boy Needs Therapy
New Video! I checked out the FFXVI Collab Event in FFXIV and it was pretty cool! After all, who can turn down Clive and a bunch of cute puppies?
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artsyneurotic · 3 months
i think of this ProZD video constantly its always so fucking funny
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artsyneurotic · 3 months
its official: tumblr is selling our data to Midjourney
we'd been hearing rumors about this for a bit but now its open and out there. some details from this article
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it goes without saying, but if @staff goes through with this its going to be an utter shitshow and im all but certain the website will not survive it.
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artsyneurotic · 4 months
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artsyneurotic · 5 months
Bad orange
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artsyneurotic · 5 months
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artsyneurotic · 5 months
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These are two guys who you know are just happy being intimate with each other.
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artsyneurotic · 5 months
During winter break, I had some extra time and looked into Live2D and how to make a 2D Vtuber-type Avatar and turned my Gaddes WoL art into a moving, talking avatar for my stream!
It's not perfect, but it was fun learning something new!
You can see it in action during my FFXIV streams on my twitch!
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artsyneurotic · 5 months
Peak productivity
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