before pride month ends does anyone wanna admit they have a crush on me
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All these fucking immigrants are ruining this country, nobody can find a job or housing because these pieces of shit are coming here and taking the jobs and buying up all the rentals, these selfish outsiders don't care that they are destroying this country. And people won't talk about it because if you point it out, you're racist.
You are a racist. Fuck off.
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June has barely started and pick me queers are already out here working overtime to denounce Pride and demonize anyone who isn't a white, cis, male or able bodied queer person 🙄.
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 12 hours
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 12 hours
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 23 hours
One of the things that pisses me off most about this genocide and overall occupation is how many people say it's so complicated and there's so much nuance and there isn't one easy solution. This is one of the simplest things I have ever seen. Zionists invaded palestine in 1947-48. They have occupied it for 76 years while taking more and more land. They kidnap and torture and massacre Palestinians day in day out for those 76 years. They control every aspect of Palestinian life, including their water and medical care. And now they are committing another genocide against them. Where is the complication? What is hard to understand? "Well, Jewish people need a place where they won't be discriminated against" I absolutely agree. So make every country in the world safe for Jewish people. Fight against anti Semitism across the world. Don't commit a genocide and set up an ethnostate.
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 23 hours
I hate zionists. They are a disgrace to Judaism and everything it stands for
"Never again" until it's palestinian babies being shot in the head
"Never again" until it's innocent fathers searching for food
"Never again," until it's in the Middle East
Zionists have never picked up the Torah in their lives because they'd know they were wrong, if they read it they'd know the righteous "Israel" they speak of was not a murderous state, he was a man, a man that stood for peace and a man chosen by the Lord to guide His people
Look at Proverbs 1:3-4, I'll even translate it for you
Proverbs 1:3 To receive the discipline of wisdom, justice, and right, and equity;
Proverbs 1:4 To give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion;
Do those sound like "kill everyone who stands in your way of colonization" to you?
Zionism can not coexist with Judaism. The Jewish people do not have a "sacred land," We are everywhere. We have homes, lives, right where we are.
Our promised land is a safe home with those who love us. Palestinians should be entitled to the same promises and freedoms
Free Palestine, end the apartheid
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 23 hours
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 23 hours
“Disliking religion is culturally Christian because only Christian atheists do that oh uh you’re bringing up atheists that weren’t raised Christian well I’ll have you know that just means they’re still culturally Christian because that’s why they have religious doubts.”
That’s it that’s the whole argument
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 23 hours
I don't know if anyone else is having this issue, but it seems like no matter how much leftist content I like and interact with on TikTok and how much I block and click "not interested" on stuff I don't like, I keep getting right-wing and fascist adjacent content? Some days it seems to be more aggressively pushed and than other days my For You Page is relatively back to normal. Like fuck off with your neo nazi, Save Europe garbage.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
Director: Werner Herzog
(Caution, astoundingly rough movie. Even for Werner.)
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-Timothy Treadwell (1957-2003)
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I try not to go on a "I hate men" rampage but men sure as fuck do everything in their power to make you lose every scrap of empathy and compassion for them.
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When lib men show you some misogynistic content and then go on about how bad it is as if you yourself are not painfully aware of how misogynistic society is and are exhausted from the constant reminders and so-called 'allies' self flaggelating themselves.
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