anime-fan-05 1 month
Jujutsu Kaisen ~You play with their hair 2nd part~
First part is here.
Zen'in Maki
The first time you touched his hair, he flinched slightly, but he quickly melted into your arms
For him, your hands in his hair are calming
He would really like you to play with his hair, but he doesn't know how to ask you that: he gets very embarrassed, even if he doesn't show it, and the words get stuck in his throat
In fact, his general way of asking it is to rest his head on your thighs and look at you until you get his signal
Know you've to interpret when he does that, because he doesn't say anything ("What happen, love?" "..." "Love?" "..." "Do you want me to stroke your hair?" "...Yes...")
Zen'in Mai
He doesn't particularly like having his hair touched, so he often moves away if you try to do so, especially if you're in public (after all, he must maintain his tough air)
At home, however, it's slightly different: sometimes, when he's particularly tired, he says he tolerates he actually loves your caresses
Your touches are one of the only things which make him feel appreciated and loved
In fact, he'll never admit it, but he really wants to reciprocate the gesture you make because he really appreciates you still try to get closer to him, although he pushes you away
He often brags about you to his brother ("Do you have a girlfriend like mine, who plays with your hair?")
Gojou S.
It's one of the moments he loves most, because it allows him to let his mask of a confident person go and he can vent his insecurities in your arms
You often spend hours lying on your bed stroking his hair
He's a cheeky guy: he isn't ashamed to ask you to play with his hair, even during the most inopportune moments and if you're in public
In fact, one day, when you two were at a jujutsu higher-ups meeting which you weren't supposed to attend, but Gojo is Gojo... he literally lay on your lap and put your right hand on his hair
He brags to his students and colleagues every time about your "magic hands in his hair"
Getou S.
The first time you stroked his hair was to console him after Amanai's death; he was very surprised, but you helped him a lot with your touches
Over time, although he's changed, he's continued to appreciate it, and it's currently what keeps his feet on the ground
Feeling your hands pass through his long locks relaxes him a lot, so much he sometimes falls asleep, and it's a way he has to feel you close to him
Nevertheless, you're absolutely forbidden from touching his hair in public (he has an image to respect)
Actually, the only two people who are allowed to see him so relaxed are Mimiko e Nanako, the two girls he saved and your adopted daughters
If you didn't know, the saying "to stay with your feet on the ground" (essere/stare con i piedi per terra) is an Italian saying which means staying sane and not going crazy.
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anime-fan-05 1 month
Jujutsu Kaisen ~You play with their hair 1st part~
Manga/anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Warnings: slight spoilers of Getou's past
The request is here and second part is here.
Itadori Y.
He absolutely loves it
Whenever he can, he lies with his head on your lap and looks at you with sparkling eyes which beg you to stroke his hair
When you play with his hair, there's a high chance he'll fall asleep
Sometimes, he relaxes so much Sukuna can take over his body, but he won't do anything to hurt you if you keep playing with his hair, and he'll literally purr like a cat when you do that
He hates when Sukuna takes control over his body because that stops him from fully enjoying the feeling of your hands on his scalp
Fushiguro M.
The first time you touched his hair, he literally jumped away like a cat does when you turn on the vacuum cleaner near it
At first he hated when you stroked his hair because he didn't like that made him feel soft inside
However, over time he began to appreciate it
He's currently a real tsundere: he pretends to hate it, but he actually loves when you play with his hair
If you stop stroking his hair, he'll glare at you until you get the message and do that again ("Ne, 'Gumi, if you want me to continue, you just have to tell me!" "Shut up.")
Kugisaki N.
The first time you played with his hair, he started cooing at you and hugging you
When you're at home, he always rests his head on your thighs while you're playing with his hair
Nevertheless, when you're in public, he refuses to let you touch his hair
What he loves most about his day is the moment when he lies on top of you, who are lying down either on the sofa or in bed, while you cuddle him and stroke his hair
In fact, he currently demands you give him at least half an hour of hair stroking after a long day full of missions
Inumaki T.
Like Yuuji, he too loves it
He especially likes to receive your caresses early in the morning, when you two are still in bed, tangled in the sheets
He sometimes tries to reciprocate your actions by combing your hair and playing with it, and he'll be very happy if you allow him to do so
He often asks you to play with his hair, even if he's a little embarrassed to write you a message or on a piece of paper
In fact, every time he wants it, even if you're in public, he pulls the sleeve of your shirt or jacket to get your attention ("Tsuna, tsuna!" "What's up, Toge? Oh, do you want me to play with your hair?" "Shake.")
Okkotsu Y.
He didn't particularly like it, but not due to the sensations it caused him: only because he got extremely shy, red and stammering when you started running your hands through his hair
Indeed, the first time you touched his hair, he blushed heavily and started to stutter and tremble slightly
However, he really wanted to work up the courage to ask you to play with his hair, because he felt really good when you did that
So, one day, while you were at home together, he took your hand and, all red in his face, he asked you that
Currently, he's found a little courage, although he still blushes when he asks you to stroke his hair
If you didn't remember or know, 'shake' (salmon) is the word used by Toge to assert and 'tsuna' or 'tsuna, tsuna' (tuna) to attract attention.
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anime-fan-05 2 months
Jujutsu Kaisen ~Being called 'darling' by their crush 2nd part~
First part is here. Additionally, Getou's headcanons are set when he was still attending Tokyo Jujutsu High.
Zen'in Maki
He'll be the one least shocked by being called 'darling': he won't blush, he won't stutter, he won't freeze, he'll simply send the harasser away
As soon as the boy is gone, he'll turn towards you and check you over for possible injuries
After checking you out thoroughly, he'll start to wonder if the nickname you gave him is just to chase the harasser away or if you really mean it
He won't force you to answer him, but he'll stay by your side all day, making sure nothing happens to you, and he'll feel a pleasant warmth in his chest the entire time he'll be near you
Every now and then, he'll hear your voice repeat 'darling' in his mind, and a light dusting of red will paint his cheeks
Zen'in Mai
Like Nobara, a sly smile will appear on his face when he hears you call him that
However, as soon as he sees the harasser approaching, he'll put his arm around your waist and say: "Haven't you seen she's busy with me? Leave my girlfriend alone."
After the harasser leaves, he'll abruptly turn away from you to not show you his slight blush and leave
You won't see him all day, but at night you'll receive a message from him saying: "Oi, did you make it home in one piece or are you so weak you need me to accompany you?"
Maybe you won't notice it, but from that moment he'll stay slightly closer to you, especially during missions, and maybe one day he'll be able to tell you he would always want to be called 'darling' by you
Gojou S.
He'll immediately understand something is wrong, especially due to your eyes which will be begging for his help, so at first he'll ignore how you called him
Once he realizes the nickname, he'll smile from ear to ear and the tips of these will turn pink, although he won't let you see that
Then, he'll start teasing you ("Since when have I been your boyfriend? I know I'm awesome and handsome, but you should have asked me first.")
He has no shame: he'll proclaim himself your boyfriend and tell you outright he always wants to be called that
In fact, if you don't call him 'darling', he'll pretend you didn't talk to him ("Who were you referring to? I'm darling, not Gojo or Satoru.")
Getou S.
He too will notice something is wrong, so he'll pull you towards him and push you towards his chest
From there you'll be able to perfectly hear the very accelerated beat of his heart and to feel his very slight tremor
After moving away from him, after he sends the harasser away, you'll also be able to see his face: it'll be really red, so much he'll have to cover his face with his hand
That will probably be the event that will push him to confess his love for you
In fact, the next day he'll come to you with a bouquet of roses in his hand and he'll ask you to call him 'darling' again, but as his girlfriend and no longer a friend
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anime-fan-05 2 months
Can you please do headcanons of Yuji, Megumi, Toge, Satoru, Suguru and Yuta and the male versions of Nobara, Maki and Mai (I saw you did them for "Code Geass", if you don't want to do them, don't worry) being called 'darling' from their crush (who they aren't together with yet)?
I was thinking maybe the reader could be in a store and she then gets hassled by someone, sees the character and calls him 'darling' to ward off the harasser, but if you've a better idea, you can use that.
Then I've another request: the same characters whose hair the reader plays with.
Please, take your time to make my requests and sorry if there are two.
Thank you very much!
Jujutsu Kaisen ~Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part~
Manga/anime: Jujutsu Kaisen
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
As always, I divided the first headcanon into two parts. Second part is here. The two parts of the second headcanon are here (1st) and here (2nd). Furthermore, I leave you the photos of Nobara, Maki and Mai in their male version (they're really handsome!). I'll keep your idea because it's really good!
(Y/N) is walking through the shops in her city's shopping center. First she was in the company of her friend, but the two separated because he wanted to go to a different store from the one where she wanted to shop.
However, as she walks, she notices a boy is following her, continuing to stare at her, so she decides to return to her friend.
Her walk, which has turned into a run, ends when she finally sees her friend. She approaches him, greeting him and motioning to the boy behind her, who was continuing to follow her, and she tells him: "Darling, here I am!".
Itadori Y.
At first he won't realize what you called him: he'll play your game and pretend to be your boyfriend
When he realizes the nickname, he'll have a huge smile on his face and slightly blushed cheeks
For a few minutes he'll continue to hear your voice calling him 'darling' in his head and he won't listen to anything
Once he calms down, he'll ask you the reason for the nickname ignoring the fact you called him that to probably make your farce true
Sukuna will probably tease him for a long time due to his reaction
Fushiguro M.
He'll freeze
He'll be so still you'll have to check if he'll be breathing, since he won't move a muscle for a few minutes
After he recovers, he'll roughly chase away the harasser (if he wouldn't have already left), but he won't dare look at your face
He won't show you his face during your entire walk back to your house (he'll have insisted on taking you home), because he'll be terribly red up to his ears
He'll probably remember that event for his whole life and, every time he thinks about it, he'll still be blushing
Kugisaki N.
Cheeky as he's, as soon as he sees you running towards him and hears you call him 'darling', a cheeky smirk will appear on his face
He'll play along with your charade, and he'll distance you two from the harasser
After you two get far enough away, he'll start talking, or rather making fun of you a little ("So I'm your boyfriend now?")
However, if he'll notice you're upset, he'll immediately become concerned and start asking if you're okay
He'll want to stay with you until you'll have to go home (know he'll force you to let him accompany you): he'll take you shopping and buy you everything you want or he'll invite you to an arcade to cheer up your spirits
Inumaki T.
At first he'll look at you questioningly, not understanding the reason for the nickname you used
Nevertheless, he'll immediately understand your situation and take you by the hand, either moving you away from the harasser or making him leave
Afterwards, he'll ask you if you're okay, not totally realizing the nickname
After making sure of your well-being, the nickname you used will hit him hard like a brick, and he'll blush heavily and cover the blush with his uniform's collar
As soon as he arrives at his house, he'll send you a message telling you he would like to be called 'darling', but as your boyfriend and not friend
Okkotsu Y.
Poor boy, you'll kill him if you call him that
The only thing that comes out of his lips will be a continuous stammer, and he'll blush and start shaking, not looking neither you nor the harasser in the eye; so, the boy won't likely believe your lie due to that and he'll try to pull you towards him by your wrist
That will be when he'll wake up from his trance: he'll gently grab you by your wrist and waist and pull you against his chest, telling the harasser to leave his girlfriend alone
Then, he'll return to his shy behavior and ask you if you're okay, worried about having hurt you
You'll never have to remind him of that event: he'll blush furiously, even if years will have passed since that day
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anime-fan-05 2 months
Kimetsu no Yaiba ~General dating headcanon~
Manga/anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Warnings: nothing
K. Muzan
You're very special if Muzan noticed you: probably, either you're a very powerful demon or, if you're a human, he thought you were a very interesting element. Either way, though, you managed to get his attention, and now he won't let you go
Muzan will probably always remember your first kiss: it was a very breezy night, and you two were returning to your house; the wind blew your hair in front of your eyes, he gently moved it and, before you two knew it, your lips were already together
If you're a human, your dates with Muzan are indoors: either, if he's with you at night, you two cuddle in your bed and sleep together, even if he isn't sleeping (he's often lying watching you), or sometimes you go out for a walk (he stays very close to you so that no demon dares to come near you); if it's day, you two spend your entire day together (for example, you stay close to him while he's working). If you're a demon, however, he spends all his time with you: during the day he makes you stay close to him while he works on his experiments; at night you two either take a walk or stand together in the moonlight and chat
Muzan's first love languages are two: quality time and gifts. Regarding the first, he's a very busy person, so he really likes having you either close to him or on his lap while he's working on his experiments; many times he says you distract him, but in reality he loves it. Instead, regarding the second, precisely since he doesn't have too much time to dedicate to you (in fact, he often goes out in the morning when it's still dark and comes back very late), he often gives you small gifts, especially jewels, he's found in the shops or stalls he's passed by; he often comes back to you with a gift in his hand, saying: "I saw this and it reminded me of you."
Muzan is a classic guy, so he uses classic nicknames, like "dear" or "my dear". When he's particularly affectionate that's almost never he also calls you "love", "my love" or "darling". Only once he used a different name: one day, you almost risked losing your life, so he ran to you and held you. He then said: "Tsuma (wife), don't you dare do it again."
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anime-fan-05 2 months
May I please request headcanons for Nobu, Shin, and Yasu going on a cruise with their wife for their anniversary and the boat ends up capsizing due to a hurricane?
Nana ~Boat's capsizing during your cruise~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
T. Nobuo (Nobu)
At first he won't even notice the boat is capsizing: he'll just think it's moving due to the hurricane
As soon as he notices this, he'll immediately rush towards you and act as a cushion: all the time the boat is moving, he'll be holding you and preventing you from crashing into objects or people
He'll try to take you to the highest part of the boat, the one which won't be in the water yet, so you can try either to escape on the lifeboats or to look for other ways to save yourself, for example by standing on a wooden beam
Eventually, you'll manage to get into a lifeboat, which will take you safely to the mainland
"In the end, our anniversary didn't go so well, did it?"
O. Shin'ichi (Shin)
When the boat starts to capsize, you two will be sleeping
Unfortunately, he's a very deep sleeper, and you'll be the one to wake him up, so at first he'll still be groggy from sleep and you'll still be the one to save both of you
However, when he realizes you're risking your life for both of you, all his sleep will seem to vanish and his protective instincts will kick in
In fact, he'll immediately pick you up and run towards the nearest lifeboat; nevertheless, this one will already be full, so he'll move on to the one after that and the one after that, but they all won't even have a place for you
Finally, completely desperate, he'll take a wooden beam and make you two stand there until help arrives; they'll arrive and you two will be safe
T. Yasushi (Yasu)
As soon as he hears the boat rocking and people start screaming, he'll immediately come to you and start acting as if he expected it might happen
Actually, when he booked the cruise, he had already researched what to do in every possible situation, even if the boat capsized
Like Nobu, he'll also act like a cushion, protecting you from all possible impacts
"My first priority was, is and always will be you", he told you several times, and he'll act accordingly: he'll immediately start looking for a lifeboat and put only you, as there'll only be one place available, on it; your protests will be of no avail, because he'll be adamant
Eventually, after you desperately search for him after arriving on the mainland, you'll meet up with him again
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anime-fan-05 2 months
Attack on Titan ~Characters with a reader with outworldly powers~
Manga/anime: Attack on Titan
Warnings: spoilers of all the manga
Requested by: @happybunny999
Like you, Eren too has enormous, very powerful powers, so he understands you in a way. He always finds himself in tune with you and loves to talk and exchange opinions with you about your powers. You two have established such a close friendship (in fact, you're the only one who can convince him to do or not do something) he'll ask Armin to protect you before dying.
For Armin you're very similar to Eren, especially due to your powers. In fact, he cares about you as much as he cares about him. He's also interested in you and in your powers because he thinks they could save everyone and you could convince Marley to talk to Eldia and not to fight against it. He'll want to protect you after Eren entrusts you to him.
Even for Mikasa, you and Eren are similar, and she appreciates you very much for always saving and keeping him safe. She wants to fight against you to improve and to be able to save Eren too and, when she needs help to convince him not to do stupid things, she comes to you for help. After Eren's death, she'll want to be with you, since she considers you like a sister.
Jean loves training with you, especially because you teach him tricks to beat an opponent in an easy to understand way. Probably, he's one of the few who doesn't try to protect you: he regularly fights against you, he knows how strong you are and you can protect yourself very well on your own and would defeat all those who should attack you.
Sasha and Connie always ask you for help with their pranks! It all started when you collided with them while they were running away: you made them invisible with your powers, and from there you became their "partner in crime". After Sasha's death, Connie will be closer to you ("I've already lost her, I won't lose you too.").
At first Ymir wasn't interested in you, but then she started to appreciate you more and more because you saved and helped Historia several times. She regularly comes to you for advice on combat and how to best use her titan powers. Furthermore, shortly before dying, she'll entrust Historia to you.
Historia wasn't interested in you at first either, but she started to gain confidence quicker than Ymir when you two were put together in hand-to-hand combat. She's grateful to you for all the times you saved and helped her and, after becoming queen, she'll ask you to become her bodyguard.
Like Jean, Annie too loves to train with you, although she does it not so much to improve to be able to defeat as many giants as possible, but to be able to defeat you and then take you to Marley. However, it'll be after seeing how you fight fiercely to get Eren back with you again she'll deeply admire you.
Reiner and Bertholdt think you know they're actually spies, in fact one day they even tried to capture you, but they didn't succeed; nevertheless, they're actually very surprised you never reported them. Therefore, they still try to capture you, even if all their plans fail. Ironically, the more desperate their attempts to bring you to Marley, the more you'll form a sort of friendship!
Levi has always been very protective of you. At first he was this only because Erwin told him so, then he started to become very fond of you and protect you because he wanted it. During Survey Corp's expeditions, he orders you to stay close to him and not move away from him (once you did, and he was terribly anxious you might die).
Hange and Erwin are very intrigued and interested in your powers. You're always at the center of their plans, especially in Erwin's, since he considers you a very important resource: in fact, he wanted to protect you, so he entrusted you to Levi's protection. Instead, unlike Erwin, who prefers to protect you from afar, Hange prefers to be close to you, especially talking to you about your powers.
Ymir Fritz was very surprised the first time you two met, especially due to your powers. She often asks you for help in controlling her powers, and she's always very happy to spend time with you. In fact, after she dies, she'll be really happy you'll be able to meet her in the Paths and, before disappearing after Eren's death, she'll thank you for always being with her.
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anime-fan-05 2 months
hey love your account 鉂わ笍
can you do a headcanon of tanjiro, giyuu, kyojuro, sanemi and muichiro's reacting to reader calling them by their name?
Kimetsu no Yaiba ~You call them by their first name~
Manga/anime: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
K. Tanjiro
At first he won't even realize how you called him: he's used to his friends calling him by his first name
After about two minutes, however, he'll understand what you said
He'll blush deeply and smile sweetly, and he'll asks you: "How did you call me? N-not I mind, you can keep calling me that all you want!"
If you call him by his last name after that day, he'll pout and think you didn't call him because of what he said to you that day
"Can you still call me Tanjiro? I-I didn't want you to stop calling me by my name when I told you that time!"
T. Giyuu
Like Tanjiro, he won't immediately understand you called him by name, so he'll pretend nothing happened and continue doing what he was doing
Nevertheless, after a few minutes he'll realize it
A light dusting of pink will cover his usually pale cheeks and a small smile will make its way onto his face
All day he'll think about you and how his name came from your lips
If you call him by his last name after that day, he'll fear he's done something wrong ("Did I do something wrong? Why did you call me Tomioka and not Giyuu?")
R. Kyojuro
The smile perpetually present on his face will widen even more and an adorable blush will paint his cheeks
If you two are fighting a demon, I feel sorry for him, because Kyojuro will kill him with a huge flame due to what you told him
"Since you call me Kyojuro, can I call you (Y/N)?"
He'll remember that for a very long time, and, every time he thinks about it, he'll blush slightly and his smile will widen
If you call him by his last name after that day, his smile will diminish slightly and he'll think you're angry
S. Sanemi
He'll freez, paralyzed: Sanemi.exe has stopped working; press a button to restart
After he recovers, he'll turn his head away so you won't see how much he'll be blushing
"Are you blushing, SA-NE-MI?" "No! Shut up!"
A huge sense of pride and possession will grow in him and, from that moment on, he'll be more protective of you than he's ever been
If you call him by his last name after that day, he'll ignore you ("Shinazugawa?" "Who are you talking to? I'm Sanemi, not Shinazugawa.")
T. Muichiro
He'll continue to do what he was doing all day, not realizing how you called him
The next day, when you call him by his name again, he'll understand it
Immediately after realizing this, he'll also freeze for a few seconds and his cheeks will turn slightly pink
He'll be distracted more than usual all day thinking about you
If you call him by his last name after that day, he won't notice at first, but then he'll stare at you intently until you start calling him by his name again
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anime-fan-05 2 months
im in love with your account 馃槶馃馃徎 can i ask nana's boys when they are in love/have a crush but you're not dating yet? :3
Nana ~With their crush~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
T. Nobuo (Nobu)
He's definitely the one who shows his crush on you the most
Indeed, every time he's in your company, he blushes a lot and tries to make you notice him, although he often ends up making a fool of himself
Plus, he always goes out of his way to make you smile, even if it means getting hurt or humiliated
For example, one day you were sad due to a harsh insult on your social profile; he started making jokes, but, after seeing you weren't feeling better, he softened his tone and sweetly listed everything he loved about you
In short, it's truly clear he's totally in love with you; the point is he doesn't realize it and, when he confesses to you, he'll be amazed you already knew his feelings!
O. Shin'ichi (Shin)
It's more likely others will notice before you he has a crush on you
In fact, he doesn't openly demonstrate he has feelings for you: he apparently doesn't talk to you and treat you differently from everyone else, he doesn't give you more time than he gives to his band members, he doesn't give you gifts except for your birthday...
In short, his feelings are almost unrecognizable to you
However, to outside eyes it's more than obvious what he feels
Indeed, his eyes soften as he looks at you, he's always ready to catch you if you should fall and he makes very small gestures for you which pass off as friendship gestures, such as serving you the dish first during lunch or dinner or, when he cooks (at BLAST's retreats or at dinners or lunches with friends), avoiding everything you don't like
T. Yasushi (Yasu)
Like Shin, it's very likely you don't notice his crush on you
He also doesn't behave differently towards you than towards others, but his signals, although still imperceptible, are less notables than those of Shin
For example, if you need help, even if this happens in the middle of the night, he'll rush to you, masking his apprehension thanks to his responsible nature
Another gesture, which he's capable of disguising, is taking care of you when you're sick
One day, in fact, he stayed with you all day, since you had a fever, and he refused to leave your house until you were better ("Yasu, what about your work?" "Don't worry about that, just think about getting well.")
H. Ren
Do you know the typical story of the popular boy who, in love with a girl, courts her by making fun of her so much she thinks he hates her, but in the end he proves to be the sweetest person in the world with her?
Well, that's how Ren is
He's truly a mystery to you: he's a mix between a tease and a very sweet boy
For example, one day he had teased you quite cruelly, almost making you burst into tears; the next day, having noticed how you avoided him like the plague, he came to you and consoled you sweetly
In the end, he's just a shy and insecure guy trying in his own way to get you to notice him
I. Takumi
You'll never know what he feels: he behaves with you totally as he does with everyone he knows
No one was, is and will be able to notice his feelings in any way, least of all you
However, there's only one event, since he's had a crush on you, where he demonstrated those: one evening, while you were at a dinner with Trapnest, a boy had tried to flirt with you; Takumi had gotten so jealous he almost fought with him, if it hadn't been for you, who hugged him tightly, begging him to stop
By the way, when you remind him of that event, he ignores you and walks away (so you can't see his red face for showing you his feelings)
It'll truly be a wonderful surprise for you when he confesses to you!
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anime-fan-05 2 months
Hey taking advantage of the fact that there are people asking for headcanons of nana, could you make headcanons dating Ren?
Nana ~General dating headcanon~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
H. Ren
Ren is a very insecure boy, even if he covers this insecurity with a veil of bravado and by acting tough. In fact, when you two are alone, he's much more shy around you than he's in front of other people: he sometimes just needs to be reassured and consoled and advised by you
What does Ren like to do most with you? Nothing. Or rather, everything. He enjoys doing every activity with you, from cooking dinner to doing laundry with you. In fact, whenever he's available, you two can do all sorts of activities together
Ren loves when you come to see Trapnest's concerts, and he always gets you tickets in the best seats and access to their dressing room: there's nothing he likes more than seeing you come to him after the concert is over. Furthermore, he would also like you to listen to his band's rehearsals, but Takumi the other members are against it because he gets distracted watching you, so he doesn't play well. Plus, know he wants to take you on tour with him every time, and, if his managers are against it, he'll insist until they allow it
I think Ren's first love language is quality time: since he's always very busy with Trapnest, he thinks the best way to show you affection is to spend as much time with you as possible. In fact, whenever he has free time, he stays with you, doing all sorts of activities together with you, like cooking, teaching you to play the bass, reading or watching a movie
Ren doesn't call you by any particular and imaginative nickname. In fact, he usually calls you by your name, but he sometimes uses classic nicknames for you, such as "love", "darling" or "dear". However, he only does this in some specific cases: for example, when he's jealous, he uses "darling"; when he comes home upset from a busy day, he calls you "love" (sometimes also "my love"). Instead, when he's in a particularly sweet mood, he calls you "beauty"
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anime-fan-05 2 months
Hey 馃
Before making the request, I wanted to tell you I really like how and what you write 鉂わ笍
I saw the scenario of the first kiss you did for Naruto characters, could you also do it for Lelouch, Suzaku, male Kallen and male Cornelia (I'm obsessed with them in the male version; if you don't mess with characters' genderbends, you can not do them), please?
Thank you very much 馃槝
Code Geass ~First kiss~
Manga/anime: Code Geass
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Kal: male Kallen
Cornelius: male Cornelia
Thank you very much for the compliment! Yes, I can make stories with male versions of female characters, but I'd rather not do the opposite.
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"Z-Zero?" A meek voice rings out in the temporary headquarters of the Black Knights.
Lelouch blinks from behind his mask and looks away from some documents to look at the voice that had called him. (Y/N) was there, playing with her hair and with her pink-tinged cheeks, avoiding eye contact with her leader. The boy lets out a small sigh behind his mask, annoyed at being disturbed.
"What happens?" (Y/N) flinches at his words and shifts uncomfortably, the pink turning red on her cheeks.
"W-well, Tamaki told me you wanted to talk to me about the plan..." Lelouch's purple eyes narrow: he had never told Tamaki to call her. Damn Tamaki, he did it to embarrass him, the boy thinks.
The leader is both frustrated by the interruption of his work and annoyed by Tamaki's prank, but he suppresses the urge to get angry to avoid scaring the already intimidated girl in front of him. Actually, not because he doesn't want to scare the girl, but because he doesn't want to scare (Y/N): ever since Lelouch met (Y/N) at school a few months before obtaining the Geass, he's always felt a very strong attraction towards her; then, that attraction turned into love.
Furthermore, when she showed up in front of Zero, saying she wanted to join the Black Knights, his first instinct was to forbid her from participating in the missions due to the fear she would get hurt. However, the boy was then dissuaded from carrying out that behavior by C.C. to avoid anyone noticing his preference for the girl.
So, Lelouch quickly thinks about how to extricate himself from the complicated situation he's in: "(Y/N), I-"
He can't even finish the sentence he was about to say, because a loud sound screeches in their ears, echoing in the room occupied by Zero and (Y/N). The girl is stunned and closes her eyes, preparing for the worst, when they feel the ground shake and pieces of the ceiling begin to collapse. When she doesn't feel any pain, she opens her eyes.
"Z-Zero? A-are you okay? A-are you hurt?" One of Lelouch's arms is against the wall next to (Y/N); the other arm holds her close, caging her body with his and acting as a shield.
"I'm fine." The boy pulls away from the girl, loosening his grip.
After standing a little distance from her, Zero calmly presses a button on the side of his mask with one hand, shocking and astounding (Y/N) when she hears the whirring of gears, causing the back of the mask to retract.
"Z-Zero, what are you-"
"Answer me, (Y/N) -he interrupts her- are a few months enough to fall in love?"
"I-I think anything is possible in love. Why did you ask me this?"
(Y/N) swallows, watching the boy adjust his mask so his mouth is visible.
"Because I'm madly in love with you." The girl doesn't even have time to realize what he said, before Lelouch grabs her face and brings it close to his, and presses his lips to hers.
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"Suzaku, I'm scared" (Y/N) whispers.
While she and her brother Schneizel were in a meeting, an attack by the Black Knights was reported, so Suzaku, (Y/N)'s Knight, grabbed her hand and started running to carry her to safety.
After they moved away from the attacked area, the princess felt the pressure collapse on her; she burst into tears, both because of the fear for her life and because of the concern everyone had managed to escape to safety.
The girl feels strong arms around her and then herself being carried against a warm body. Her eyes open: she sees her Knight embracing her.
"I'll protect you, princess." Suzaku says softly in (Y/N)'s ear, holding her tighter to him.
"S-Suzaku..." The princess murmurs in surprise, looking at him shyly and sweetly, heat flooding her cheeks.
Suddenly, loud battle noises ring out and the sounds of explosions, which cause the ground to shake, almost causing the princess to fall, are heard. Suzaku's eyes widen a little, and he immediately turns, almost as if to go back.
"Where are you going?" She cries.
"I must go back to fight with 'Lancelot'. Please, princess, stay here, so you'll be far enough from the combat zone."
"But Suzaku, you have to follow me -she whispers- I'm scared."
"Princess -the boy approaches the girl, with his eyes full of pain- I have to fight again to protect you." (Y/N) knows Suzaku must respect his duties as a Knight.
"But... You can't protect me if you're there." The girl says, trying to convince the boy to stay with her, since she doesn't want him to go because she fears he might die.
"I have to go -Suzaku replies with regret- those from the R&D Division have already called me before: they need 'Lancelot'."
"Wait!" (Y/N) screams as her Knight turns and takes a few steps towards the headquarters Zero attacked, running to hug him from behind and starting to sob.
"Please, please, don't go! I already lost Euphy, don't leave me too!" The princess can't breathe because of the tears and sobs, and she's crying so much she can hardly stand up straight: she's in the middle of hysterics.
So, Suzaku immediately hugs (Y/N), first hesitantly, fearing her panic attack might get worse, then more tightly, after seeing she showed no sign of resistance and, indeed, she seemed to calm down the closer he was to her.
"I'll never leave: I'll always stay next to you and protect you."
Minutes pass, and (Y/N) slowly calms down, cradled in her Knight's arms and soothed by his sweet, relaxing words.
"Hold out your hand." Suzaku says, placing a watch on his princess' outstretched hand, and he continues: "This watch is very important to me: it's the last gift my father gave me. Keep it safe for me -he gently closes her hand- and, when we meet again, you can return it to me. I swear I'll come back to you."
After saying that, the boy starts to turn around, but the girl calls his name, so he turns back again to look at her.
"I love you, Suzaku! Please, come back." After saying those words, which shocked him, (Y/N) looks at her Knight softly, and she gently presses her lips to his.
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Britannian Military Prison in Japan, evening.
After another day of torture, (Y/N) is in her cell, hurt, sore and crying in pain.
Unfortunately, the Britannian Military had discovered the girl was one of the Black Knights' girlfriend, so it had captured her and has continued to torture her to have information about them. However, it was wrong: (Y/N) didn't even know her boyfriend Kal was one of the Black Knights.
While the girl was reflecting on her boyfriend, a very loud noise is heard and the ground begins to shake, and her cell's door is thrown open. That scares her a lot, so she tries to hide herself in the most remote corner of her cell. Nevertheless, it isn't a soldier who enters, but a tall man, dressed in black and with a mask on his face: he's one of the Black Knights.
"(Y/N)!" The girl recognizes the man by his voice.
"Ohgi? It's you?"
(Y/N) already knows Ohgi: he had come to Kal's house several times while they were together; her boyfriend said he was a friend of his brother and, after his death, he continued to come to visit him. The girl never would have thought that kind man was one of the Black Knights.
"Yes, it's me. (Y/N), are you ok? Kal was so anxious about you... Come, he's waiting for you outside." Ohgi holds out his hand towards her, but (Y/N) pulls away.
"I don't want!"
"I don't want to see Kal: he lied to me the whole time! I don't want to go back to him! Please come back. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."
The man looks at the girl for a few seconds, torn between whether to leave or try to convince her to follow him. However, before Ohgi can make a decision, sounds of footsteps are heard, and then a head pops out of the door: Kal.
"(Y/N)!" Kal rushes to embrace (Y/N), wrapping his arms around her waist and burying his face in the crook of her neck. Nevertheless, she doesn't feel good in his embrace like all the other times: his lie has hurt her too deeply. In fact, she violently and quickly breaks away from the embrace.
"Stay away from me!" The poor girl screams, quickly pulling away and falling to the ground from the force she broke away with.
"Darling?" The boy tries to move closer to his girlfriend, but she pulls away again, trembling and almost crying from the pressure and worry.
"What happens? Are you ok? What have they done?"
"The soldiers hurt me, but you hurt me more: why did you lie to me? You were taking advantage of me, weren't you? I'm a Britannian, were you pretending to love me just to get information about the Britannians?"
"No!" Kal exclaims.
"I swear to you: I've never taken advantage of you. When I fell in love with you, I wasn't one of the Black Knights yet; after I became one, I didn't want to tell you anything because I didn't want to worry you or put you in danger." He continues more calmly, gently helping the girl to get up.
"You don't necessarily have to continue to be my girlfriend, but at least let me continue to protect you, please. I don't want anything to happen to you again." After saying that, Kal hugs (Y/N) again, taking care not to hurt her, and he brings his face closer to hers, until they touch their foreheads.
"Will you let me protect you?" After she gives her nod, the Black Knight captures his girlfriend's lips with his in a tender kiss, while continuing to hold her tightly, as if protecting her from all harm.
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"I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
"Sorry." (Y/N) repeats, as she finishes treating Cornelius' many wounds.
"I already told you not to be." The prince replies.
They both remain silent for a few minutes. (Y/N) is embarrassed to be so close to the person she loves, Cornelius is trying to repress the groans of pain caused by his wounds.
"Are you angry?" The woman breaks the silence, worried her superior was angry with her. In fact, (Y/N) was a new Knightmare Frames pilot, but, during her first mission, an attack against the Japan Liberation Front, a disaster happened: the group led by Prince Cornelius, in which she had been placed, was the victim of a surprise assault, and (Y/N) would have died if it weren't for her commander, who threw himself into the path of a spear to save her, but injuring himself.
"Not with you." The prince answers.
"Why not with me?"
"Why should I be angry with you?"
"I was careless. I almost got myself killed. Because of me you got hurt!" The soldier screams with a broken voice, surprising Cornelius with her outburst.
The man, recovered from the shock of the woman's outburst, smiles almost sweetly, and he gently caresses her head.
"Don't worry. I don't care you cause me trouble or I hurt myself to save your life."
(Y/N) wonders if what Cornelius told her was some kind of confession, while blushing profusely. Nevertheless, despite wanting to ask him the meaning of those words, she can't say anything other than an apology.
"Stop apologizing or I'll get angry."
"Excu-" (Y/N) stops before finishing the sentence.
"I can't help saying that!" Due to her phrase, the prince bursts out laughing, making the soldier blush again.
"I've done it!" The woman exclaimes happily and, after seeing the man's confused look, she continues, but with a bit of shyness: "Since you're always so serious and, forgive me if I say it, even a little sad, I set myself the goal of making you laugh at least once."
After a few seconds of silence, Cornelius murmurs: "You're wonderful, (Y/N), you know?"
"Really? Are you serious?"
Without even realizing it, the soldier steps closer to her superior, taking his right hand in hers.
"I really mean it." The prince whispers, tucking a strand of her hair, which had escaped from her bun, behind her ears with the hand that wasn't held by hers.
"I think this is why I fell in love with you." Without giving (Y/N) time to realize his words, Cornelius bows his head and presses his lips softly and delicately to hers.
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anime-fan-05 2 months
cuddle with nana鈥檚 boys? i really loved the nobu hcs btw
Nana ~Cuddling~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
T. Nobuo (Nobu)
This guy absolutely loves to cuddle with you; after all, physical touch is his first love language
Whenever he can, he either sits on the couch or lies on the bed hugging you
His favorite position, when you two are in bed, is spooning, because he's always been insecure about his height, since he isn't very tall, so holding you in this position makes him feel like he can protect you despite his height
Instead, when you two are sitting on the couch, leg over is the position he most likes to be in
Cuddles for him are a way both to be close to you, to console you and be consoled, and to demonstrate his love for you
O. Shin'ichi (Shin)
He isn't used to give and receive physical affection, as he's always grown up without love
Nevertheless, although he was initially reluctant to do these two actions and to cuddle you, he later began to adore being wrapped in your arms
In fact, his favorite cuddle position is little spoon
However, there's another cuddle position where he holds you he likes: the bear nuzzle
He likes this position so much because it allows him not to show you his red face when he holds you; in fact, whenever he can, he hugs you like this, tucking his head into the crook of your neck
T. Yasushi (Yasu)
Due to the little free time he's available, he believes cuddling is one of the best ways to spend time with you
In fact, whenever he doesn't have to go either to work or to BLAST's rehearsals early in the morning, he remains in your bed with you, holding you tight to him; however, these beautiful idyllic moments don't happen often
The cuddle position he loves most while you two cuddle in bed is the entagled embrace, because he likes standing in front of you and hearing you talk about your day
Another position he loves is you sitting sideways on his lap, with your head on his shoulder, while he works on his laptop at his desk
In short, he likes to give you the impression of protecting you by holding you, but in such a way as to look at your face
H. Ren
He isn't a very affectionate person, so he prefers not to show you too much affection, but, if you ask him to hug or cuddle you, he'll do so without hesitation
He's always been used to being in a relationship with a girl who isn't particularly affectionate, so he prefers to be in cuddling positions which don't put you two too close
In fact, he really enjoys being in the half spoon position
He loves it because this way he can watch you sleep and you don't notice the blush he has while he looks at your cute face (even if you think you're ugly while sleeping, for him you still look beautiful)
When you're sitting, he often wraps his arm around your shoulders in the affirmation huddle position, and he'll blush a lot if you rest your head on his shoulder and snuggle up against him
I. Takumi
Absolutely not
He's against any form of affection, especially in public, and he doesn't want to cuddle you and be cuddled by you without his permission because he's like a cat
However, there's only one position he tolerates to be in, that's the head cradle
He likes this position only because this way he can see your face and it allows him not to show you too much affection
He'll never say it, but he really, really enjoys lying on your thighs after coming back from Trapnest's concerts or rehearsals, while you play with his hair (until you pull a few strands and he literally jumps away like a cat)
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anime-fan-05 3 months
thank u sm!! 馃馃徎 can you do nobu dating hcs?
Nana ~General dating headcanon~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
T. Nobuo (Nobu)
Nobu is a hopeless romantic. He's dedicated many songs to you, and he's done, is doing and will do everything to make you happy and to protect you: for example, one day he wanted to spend his entire salary to buy you a jewel you had been eyeing for a few minutes (in the end, you managed to dissuade him from doing so)
Your typical appointments are of two types: the first is at your home, the second at the park. When you two are at home, your date consists of either cooking lunch or dinner and watching a movie together, or Nobu teaching you to play the guitar (it's the activity he likes to do most with you). Instead, when you go out together, you two always take a walk from your house to the park, and then you sit on your usual bench under a cherry tree and chat (usually about his band since he always wants to tell you about it)
The activities you two do most together, as I've already written, are cooking, watching films, playing music and going for walks. However, Nobu loves, loves when you come into the rehearsal room to listen to BLAST play. Every time you come there, he always works twice as hard for you, even if he has to endure teasing from Nana the other band members when you congratulate him and he blushes violently
I think Nobu's first love language is physical touch: he loves being close to you, hugging you and holding you close to him, holding your hand when you go out together, kissing you... He wants to make you feel loved and appreciated with his affection, and he would be delighted if you reciprocated it. However, if you were very shy or had traumas which prevent you from showing or receiving affection freely, he would try to reduce it and to not make you feel uncomfortable
Nobu uses a lot of cute nicknames based on different situations: are you in public? "(Y/N)-chan", "darling" and "dear" are how he calls you. Are you two alone? He indulges himself with every nickname he can think of: "sunflower", "flower", "princess", "cherry"... Are you sad and do you need to be consoled? He uses the sweetest nicknames he can think of, like "my love" or "sweetheart"
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anime-fan-05 3 months
I JUST DISCOVERED YOUR ACCOUNT AND I LOVE IT i couldn't find anyone who wrote for nana 馃槶馃槶 can you make jealousy headcanons for nana's boys? (sorry if something is written wrong, english is not my native language 馃槥)
Nana ~Jealousy~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Thank you very much! And I hope I didn't make the characters OOC!
T. Nobuo (Nobu)
He isn't a guy who gets jealous easily: he trusts you blindly
However, he still feels very insecure and, when he sees the interactions you've with another guy, he starts asking a series of discouraging questions in his head ('Would (Y/N) be better off with him? Is she happy with me?')
While you're talking to a boy, he tries to stay close to you and to butt in on your conversations and, when you two are alone, he asks you if you're happy with him
After you answer him, he tends to get a little clingy and hugs you tightly for a few minutes
"Were you jealous?" "Yes..."
O. Shin'ichi (Shin)
He quickly becomes very jealous: he's never had anyone to take care of him, so he tends to become very attached to those he cares about
As soon as he sees a boy approaching you, he immediately stands next to you and puts his arm around your waist
If he notices a guy starting to flirt with you, he approaches you two and kiss you passionately
"What's wrong with you, Shin?" "He was too close to you!"
In the end, he's just scared of losing you, so he tries to act on his fear by staying close to you and not letting anyone make you uncomfortable with their attentions
T. Yasushi (Yasu)
I think he's the calmest of all the characters: he trusts you and knows you would never betray him
However, he still feels a little annoyed when he sees you chatting happily with a boy, so he always goes near you
The days after he feels that mild jealousy, he tries to stay closer to you, working from home and sleeping all night with you (yes, I think he works partly at nights because of the band), and he confesses to you many times his love for you and how much he cares for you
"I love you so much, you know that?" "Yes, you told me that about ten times today."
Nevertheless, he never tries to distance you from guys, because he thinks it isn't right towards you: he thinks, just as you don't stop him from talking to women, he shouldn't do that either
H. Ren
Like Nobu, he also rarely gets jealous, but he feels very insecure when he sees you with another guy
However, unlike him, he puts aside his insecurity and, acting tough, he approaches you and hugs you from behind, glaring at the boy you were chatting with
"What are you talking about, darling?"
As soon as you two are alone, though, he starts holding you tighter, but without hurting you, and allows his insecurities to return: "(Y/N), you're happy with me, right?"
He needs a good dose of reassurance from you to make all his insecurities stop
I. Takumi
He's certainly the most jealous and possessive of all the characters: in fact, it's very likely you two often argue due to his excessive jealousy and possessiveness
When he notices you're with a boy, he immediately runs goes to you and hugs you tightly to make him go away
If the guy doesn't get the hint, he kisses you very passionately
"What did you do, Takumi?!" "You're mine, and that was too close to you!"
He remains angry for days after becoming jealous and, out of spite, he may even date other women, just to "return the favor"
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anime-fan-05 3 months
Hey can you do some headcanons with timeskip kenma? where he gets a girlfriend? My request isn't really clear 馃槙 sorry for that!
Haikyuu!! ~Getting a girlfriend~
Manga/anime: Haikyuu!!
Warnings: slight spoiler of Kenma's future
(Y/N): your name
K. Kenma
Your first meeting took place in the video game store: you were his big fan, so you immediately recognized him when you were next to him, looking at the PlayStations ("Excuse me, are you Kodzuken?" "Yes." "I'm your big fan!"). He was really impressed with you, especially because, after introducing yourself, you only gave him congratulations and encouragements, and you didn't bother him again
You met the second time in an arcade a few days after the first meeting. You two played video games for a long time and he finally got up the courage to ask you to exchange phone numbers, so you two started hanging out together. The longer you were together, the more he appreciated you and unconsciously fell in love with you especially after you had made him a delicious apple pie. However, he couldn't understand his feelings, so he asked Kuroo what these meant, and he realized he was in love with you ("When I'm with (Y/N), I feel happy and I want to be forever with her. Why?" "You're in love, Kenma." "Oh.")
The day he confessed he loved you was probably one of the happiest days of his life: exactly a year had passed since your first meeting, and you two were at his house playing video games. You had beaten him although he had made you win on purpose to see your smile and you were cheering and jumping around the couch you were sitting on. He was thinking about how cute you were, and he couldn't stop himself from whispering: "I love you."
Instead, it was you who kissed him the first time: a girl was flirting with him and ignoring you, although you had already told her you were his girlfriend. For this reason, in a fit of jealousy caused by the view of the girl's attempt to hug and kiss Kenma, you grabbed him by his shirt's collar to pull him down to your height and pressed your lips to his
Currently, after about five years of dating, you two live together. He continues to be a YouTuber and a gamer; you occasionally make videos with him in which you play together. You don't know he'll propose to you in a few days...
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anime-fan-05 3 months
May I please request headcanons for BLAST reacting to their female S/O who鈥檚 a legendary singer performing with another singer, dancing with them and showing great chemistry?
Nana ~With a legendary singer reader who's very connected with her singing partner~
Manga/anime: Nana
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Before starting the headcanon, I just wanted to say thanks to an anonymous person who complimented my Hunter x Hunter post. Thank you very much!
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T. Nobuo (Nobu)
He's so proud of you!
He absolutely wants to do duets with you, and he would like you to sing the music he wrote for you (yes, he wrote you about ten songs, but he's ashamed to give them to you)
However, he feels really sad when he sees the connection you've with your partner, but not because of you: he's sad because he feels like you two are missing that special connection
Because this reason he decides to talk to you about it ("(Y/N), are you happy with me? Do you feel as connected to me as you do to him?")
Eventually, after you console him, you two will do a duet together and your audience will go totally crazy; all his doubts will be dispelled
O. Shin'ichi (Shin)
He's still a kid: he's still very possessive and he gets jealous easily
Naturally, he's very proud of you, but he gets really jealous seeing your connection with your partner
In fact, at the end of your concert, he'll run into your dressing room ignoring your bodyguards, who'll be trying to stop him from invading your privacy by entering that, and kiss you passionately in front of your partner
"What are you doing, Shin?" "She's mine!"
In the end, he's just so insecure, and he wants your reassurance ("You love me too, don't you? We have that connection too, don't we?")
T. Yasushi (Yasu)
He's the calmest of the band when a situation like this arises
Although he feels a jealous (he really wants to run to the stage where you're performing with your partner and to push you away from him), he quickly puts aside his thoughts about that and, after you finish your performance, he'll compliment you
"You were really good, my dear. I'm proud of you."
However, he'll attempt to establish an even deeper connection than you two already have
His dream will become to do a duet with you and to have the same connection you and your singing partner have
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anime-fan-05 3 months
Hunter x Hunter ~Nicknames~
Manga/anime: Hunter x Hunter
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Gon F.
Cherry: he started calling you that after you two made a cake with cherries one day; he had given you a sweet kiss, so you had blushed a lot. "You're as red as a cherry!" He had screamed
Cutie: he started calling you that unconsciously during a date, where he said you were beautiful ("You're too cute, cutie!")
Sugar: calling you that gives him a sense of tenderness and, by giving you this nickname, he wants to convey all his love to you
Sweetie pie: it was the first nickname he gave you when you started dating. He generally uses it very often because he believes it represents you perfectly
(Y/N)-chan: before you two got engaged, he called you that, and he sometimes still does it. When he calls you like that, he remembers your first date, during which he actually called you "(Y/N)-chan"
Killua Z.
Babe: he calls you that because you arouse almost the same emotions he feels when he's with Alluka. In fact, he wants to take care of you, love and protect you, and he sees you as something truly precious. However, he rarely uses this nickname because he's ashamed
Baka: this is Killua's iconic nickname, also given to you by him. Nevertheless, when he calls you that, his voice takes on a soft tone, different from his usual joking voice, and his eyes soften
Honey: he usually uses this when you cuddle, when he softens in your arms and wants nothing more than to stay there for all his life
My light: he thinks you're his light, the reason he doesn't fall into darkness. For him you two are complementary opposites: he's the darkness, you're the light that illuminates it. Nevertheless, he only used this nickname once: you risked dying and he, running towards you almost crying, called you that, begging you not to let him too die that way
Pookie: he often uses this nickname. For him it's a perfect term of endearment for you
Kurapika K.
Darling: very classic nickname, just like him. He uses it very often when you're in public because he's ashamed of calling you by the sweet nicknames he uses in private
Love: this too is used in public by him, although to a lesser extent than the previous one
My heart: he thinks it's thanks to you that his heart beats, thanks to you he can live and distract himself from his revenge, so he wants to communicate it to you with this nickname
My life: similar to the previous nickname, he believes you're what makes him feel alive, who makes him live
Sunshine: like Killua, he thinks you're the light that illuminates the darkness of his heart. This is the nickname he uses the most and it's also the name he wrote on your contact
Leorio P.
Doll: he thinks you're beautiful and perfect like a doll and this is one of the nicknames which suits you best
Hottie: he's Leorio, what can we do? There must be at least one slightly perverted nickname in his vocabulary
Princess: he thinks it's the perfect nickname for you and it represents exactly who you're and how he should treat you. When you aren't home, he calls you that. Furthermore, this is the name he wrote on your contact
Shorty: Leorio is tall, very tall, and he wants to underline this by calling you that. He uses this nickname when he's in a particularly playful mood
Sweetheart: nickname used the most, it also shows his true sweet character. He loves calling you that, especially in front of your and his friends because it shows he isn't just a pervert in this way
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