aludraslytherin · 3 days
Palestine Masterlist 
Introduction to Palestine: 
Decolonize Palestine:
Palestine 101
Rainbow washing 
Frequently asked questions 
IMEU (Institute for Middle East Understanding):
Quick Facts - The Palestinian Nakba 
The Nakba and Palestinian Refugees 
The Gaza Strip
The Palestinian catastrophe (Al-Nakba)
Al-Nakba (documentary)
The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017 (book)
The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (book)
Nakba Day: What happened in Palestine in 1948? (Article)
The Nakba did not start or end in 1948 (Article)
Donations and charities: 
Electronic Intifada 
Adalah Justice Project 
IMEU Fundraiser 
Medical Aid for Palestinians 
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund 
Muslim Aid
Palestine Red Crescent
Gaza Mutual Aid Patreon
A New Critical Approach to the History of Palestine
The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge
Hidden Histories: Palestine and the Eastern Mediterranean
The Balfour Declaration: Empire, the Mandate and Resistance in Palestine
Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique
From Haven to Conquest: Readings in Zionism and the Palestine Problem until 1948
Captive Revolution - Palestinian Women’s Anti-Colonial Struggle within the Israeli Prison System
Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History
Except for Palestine: The Limits of Progressive Politics
Before Their Diaspora: A Photographic History of The Palestinians 1876-1948
The Battle for Justice in Palestine Paperback
Uncivil Rites: Palestine and the Limits of Academic Freedom
Palestine Rising: How I survived the 1948 Deir Yasin Massacre
The Transformation of Palestine: Essays on the Origin and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
A Land Without a People: Israel, Transfer, and the Palestinians 1949-1996
The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood
A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples
Where Now for Palestine?: The Demise of the Two-State Solution
Terrorist Assemblages - Homonationalism in Queer Times
Militarization and Violence against Women in Conflict Zones in the Middle East
The one-state solution: A breakthrough for peace in the Israeli-Palestinian deadlock
The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians
Fateful Triangle: The United States, Israel and the Palestinians
The False Prophets of Peace: Liberal Zionism and the Struggle for Palestine
Ten myths about Israel
Blaming the Victims: Spurious Scholarship and the Palestinian Question
Israel and its Palestinian Citizens - Ethnic Privileges in the Jewish State
Palestinians in Israel: Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy
Greater than the Sum of Our Parts: Feminism, Inter/Nationalism, and Palestine
Palestine Hijacked 
Palestinian Culture:
Mountain against the Sea: Essays on Palestinian Society and Culture
Palestinian Costume
Traditional Palestinian Costume: Origins and Evolution
Tatreez & Tea: Embroidery and Storytelling in the Palestinian Diaspora
Embroidering Identities: A Century of Palestinian Clothing (Oriental Institute Museum Publications)
The Palestinian Table (Authentic Palestinian Recipes)
Falastin: A Cookbook
Palestine on a Plate: Memories from My Mother’s Kitchen
Palestinian Social Customs and Traditions
Palestinian Culture before the Nakba
Tatreez & Tea (Website)
The Traditional Clothing of Palestine
The Palestinian thobe: A creative expression of national identity
Embroidering Identities:A Century of Palestinian Clothing
Palestine Traditional Costumes
Palestine Family 
Palestinian Costume
Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, v5: Volume 5: Central and Southwest Asia
Tent Work in Palestine: A Record of Discovery and Adventure
Documentaries, Films, and Video Essays:
Jenin, Jenin
Born in Gaza
Wedding in Galilee 
5 Broken Cameras
Indigeneity, Indigenous Liberation, and Settler Colonialism (not entirely about Palestine, but an important watch for indigenous struggles worldwide - including Palestine)
Edward Said - Reflections on Exile and Other Essays
Palestine Remix: 
Gaza Lives On
Gaza we are coming
Lost cities of Palestine 
Stories from the Intifada 
Last Shepherds of the Valley
Voices from Gaza
Muhammad Smiry
Najla Shawa
Nour Naim
Wael Al dahdouh
Motaz Azaiza
Ghassan Abu Sitta
Refaat Alareer (murdered by Israel - 12/7/2023. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un)
Plestia Alaqad
Bisan Owda
Ebrahem Ateef
Mohammed Zaanoun
Doaa Mohammad
Hind Khoudary
Palestinian Voices, Organizations, and News 
Boycott Divest and Sanction (BDS)
Defense for Children in Palestine
Palestine Legal 
Palestine Action
Palestine Action US
United Nations relief and works for Palestinian refugees in the Middle East (UNRWA)
National Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP)
Times of Gaza
Middle East Eye
Middle East Monitor
Mohammed El-Kurd
Muna El-Kurd 
Electronic Intifada 
Dr. Yara Hawari 
Mariam Barghouti
Omar Ghraieb
Steven Salaita
Noura Erakat
The Palestinian Museum N.G.
Palestine Museum US
Artists for Palestine UK 
Eye on Palestine 
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aludraslytherin · 3 days
Guys, I wanna help the people in Palestine, but my gofundme want me to creat one so I can't even go on the page, and I want to like, share a link to help families to evacuate, can someone help me TvT or send me a link that I can put on my bio, and every thing?
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aludraslytherin · 5 days
If you support, condone, accept, defend Isreal in any shape or form, you are brainwashed, lacking several braincells, dead to me, inhuman, and disgusting.
If you support, condone, accept, defend Isreal in any shape or form, block me, unfollow me, don't interact with me, I don't want to hear it, you are just wrong, you are in the wrong side of history, and NO it is not because I am "aNtiSeMiTiC", I am just a human with basic empathy and the right sense of justice.
I am antizionist, not antisemitic.
How heartless do you have to be to think that bombing, killing, murdering, raping, burning, starving people, chilrdren, babies, women, men, is okay? How can you accept the excuse of "it wasn't on purpose"???
You all got soooo worked up about a fake news of Israli babies being decapetated, but when a Palestinian father is running away from a bombing with his HEADLESS BABY???? You don't think for one second????
And how DARE YOU blocking humanitarian aid?
I sincerly hope you will be haunted by this your entire life.
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aludraslytherin · 6 days
To all the fanfic reader out there that feel scared or embarrassed to leave a comment or two on a fic, this is your sign that one comment can make our MONTH! We thrive on comments, we love them, no matter what type of comment it is, please do not hesitate to comment if you want to!!!
Comment is such a high praise for us writers !!!!!
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aludraslytherin · 10 days
I just realized that I made it. I'm 18. I didn't let my dark and intrusive thoughts take over my mind. I am actually still alive. I am alive. Three weeks until my last exams before I can finally leave high school. I'm actually 18. I didn't commit su1c!de... I made it... It's... Woah. I never thought I'd be able to make it, I've never been able to think myself growing up past 16... And now I'm 18? Like, actually 18?? I am so proud of myself
Oh, and I'm crying too
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aludraslytherin · 12 days
I love how we all collectively aggreed that Aizawa's cats have the most random names ever. Like, Ashtray, Bastard, Wrath, or Sock. This is hilarious and genius.
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aludraslytherin · 12 days
I never knew I could be on the verge of a Panic attack from being understimulated but here am I in my therapist waiting room almost crying haha fml
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aludraslytherin · 12 days
To be honest, if I wasn't in class right now, I would have cried at least 6 time while reading chapter 415 to 423, like, wow, I git so much chills, it's a real struggle not to cry
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aludraslytherin · 12 days
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I got the chills. This image right here? SO powerful. So so powerful
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aludraslytherin · 12 days
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Can we talk about how cute that lil baby is? Like, she is so smol and so determind?? A Cutie Pie. We must protect da baby at all cost !!
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aludraslytherin · 16 days
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aludraslytherin · 16 days
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aludraslytherin · 18 days
I don't know if anyone just realized, or if I'm just stupid, but in Heathers The Musical, in the first song, the students are all "why this, why that, give me some help here, something to live for" and at THAT moment, the Heathers arrives in the cafeteria. And later, after the Bathroom Scene, the students are once again in some sort of collective panic attacks/existencial crisis, and then "who's that with Heathers??" and bam all panic, gone, vanished, thanks to the Heathers.
This means that the Heathers are literally the core of the school, that yhey are the most important people, becaus eby being so popular, they are used as coping mechanism for everyone, including the teachers ("who's that with Heathers??" is a line of Miss Flemming), because if they are focusing on those queen bees, life is forgetteble, and easier to manage, just like in our socities, with phones and social media, we are using celebrities to feel better, if our life is shit, we just go on our phone, and see that this cute famous couple just had a baby, and you are happy and emotional with them.
Wow, I didn't expect to write this but eh.
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aludraslytherin · 18 days
◾Most dystopian story of 2024 so far:
A US prisoner doing slave labour for 13 cents an hour donates his $17.74 paycheck to help Gaza while the government that uses him as slave labour sends billions to Israel.
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aludraslytherin · 18 days
Don't forget about the Palestinians.
Don't forget about them now.
Don't forget about them tomorrow.
Don't forget about them in a week from now.
Don't forget about them in a month.
Don't forget them next year.
Don't forget them in 5 years.
When the history books start to update, don't let them put lies in there.
When documentaries come out, boycott the ones who call this a victory for Israel.
When books release talking about soldier's personal experiences with Palestine, remember the victims. Remember the truth.
Don't forget about what we've seen.
Don't forget about what we've heard.
Don't let them tell lies about Palestine.
Don't forget about the Palestinians when the world tries to make this go away.
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aludraslytherin · 18 days
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aludraslytherin · 18 days
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All eyes on Palestine!
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