agent-jones-archive · 4 years
Just thought I would reblog this as I’ve seen a lot of people following this blog recently and I’m not here anymore!! I have moved to a not side-blog but all the same content and new edits!!
I’ve Moved !!
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Hi! I decided I didn’t want this blog to be a side-blog anymore! So now I have one where I can follow back and like/reply to posts with the URL I want!!
You can find me here: @agent-jones
!! Hope to see you over there!
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I’ve Moved !!
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Hi! I decided I didn’t want this blog to be a side-blog anymore! So now I have one where I can follow back and like/reply to posts with the URL I want!!
You can find me here: @agent-jones
!! Hope to see you over there!
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I’ve Moved !!
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Hi! I decided I didn’t want this blog to be a side-blog anymore! So now I have one where I can follow back and like/reply to posts with the URL I want!!
You can find me here: @agent-jones
!! Hope to see you over there!
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I’ve Moved !!
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Hi! I decided I didn’t want this blog to be a side-blog anymore! So now I have one where I can follow back and like/reply to posts with the URL I want!!
You can find me here: @agent-jones
!! Hope to see you over there!
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I’ve Moved !!
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Hi! I decided I didn’t want this blog to be a side-blog anymore! So now I have one where I can follow back and like/reply to posts with the URL I want!!
You can find me here: @agent-jones
!! Hope to see you over there!
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I think I’m gonna start over. Would people actually re-follow me?
I made a mistake when making this a side-blog tbh. I want to reply to/like people’s posts with this url.
But, it’s too late; I don’t want to start over.
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
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Torchwood: Children of Earth Day Five
Andy Davidson regrets his job, then fights the British Army
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I made a mistake when making this a side-blog tbh. I want to reply to/like people’s posts with this url.
But, it’s too late; I don’t want to start over.
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I’m only slightly sorry that I sent like everyone on this mad hunt for the Ianto/Tosh conversation.
Thank you to everyone who helped; special shouts out to @satotoshiko and @aellesiym for finding it for me! Y’all are the true MVPs of this Torchwood Scavenger hunt
Have a top Tosh/Ianto moment for your pleasure bc the moment you found for me was Not Fun™️ [ thanks Tosh ] but this one is BEAUTIFUL.
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
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a chat between tosh and ianto post-captain jack harkness
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
Okay thanks to @bi-owen-harper who so graciously found and provided the link to the Torchwood website archive, I went and combed through the entire thing.
I swear I remember there was a conversation between Tosh and Ianto where she was gushing about how romantic and beautiful the kiss between Jack/Jack was in the forties and Ianto just went ‘fuck that’ basically and disappeared without responding [ @iianto-jones and I BOTH remember this being a thing ]
Someone please tell me where I found this and that this isn’t some weird Mandela Effect thing
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
dk why i feel like saying this but gwen cooper could hit me with a pot and i’d say thank you
she could give me one of her famous welsh punches and i’d be HONOURED
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
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Hmm I just kind of like this as an Aesthetic™️
But also as a reminder, please keep bashing posts off of the fandom tags. Especially out of character tags that don’t have anything to do with the person you’re bashing [ Gwen ]. It’s just common courtesy in fandoms and has been for a long time.
It’s like that old saying: if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Or just, keep it to yourself and your own blog.
You would probably not like it if you were scrolling in the tags of a show you love and saw someone bashing the hell out of Ianto Jones would you? Probably not. You’d probably get angry and fighty and tell them to stuff it. Everyone deserves the right to scroll through the tags meant for loving on something they’re a fan of and not seeing people saying shit things about characters they love.
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
I agree with mostly everything said up there but I think the obvious is always forgotten when it comes to Ianto and suits.
He didn’t wear the suit to seduce Jack. It was a side-effect that Ianto was able to use to his advantage. But, the night that he wore a suit and found Jack, you could tell that he had all but given up hope when it came to getting into Torchwood; you can see it in his face when Jack is berating him and threatening to run him over. At that point, Ianto really was “hey I found this pterodactyl and I thought Torchwood should know about it.” I think he may have been looking for jobs elsewhere, hence the suit.
Anyway the obvious that’s being forgotten is that everyone wore suits at Torchwood One. Yvonne was the reason Ianto started wearing suits [ Blind Summit ] and it was the dress code at Torchwood One.
If you listen to the TW1 audios, it’s a lot about Ianto coming into himself and really learning how to be the perfect Torchwood agent. He’s a badass and one of their top operatives.
He’s comfortable in a suit, it’s how he’s always dressed when working for Torchwood. They used Countrycide to put him out of his comfort zone and that included getting him out of the suit. All of it was to put him on edge and see what he would do [ which he proves to be perfectly capable at pushing through being uncomfortable and ill-prepared ].
Ianto didn’t start wearing suits for Jack and it wasn’t that he just decided to keep wearing them even after he wasn’t pretending to be the invisible butler. He always wore the suits because it’s what made him feel the most himself [ which he so desperately needed to latch onto because he had lost control of everything else ] and the most at home in Torchwood. Because from even before he remembers [ Blind Summit and even after he’s retconned to forget that mission, he still has this inherent liking for suits even though he wouldn’t remember his little makeover] he was put in it and told “now you’re Torchwood.”
Something I’ve been confused about… I’ve been thinking about this, and I feel like it’s a really simple thing that everyone else gets but I missed something- I can’t figure out the concise reason why Ianto wears suits to work instead of regular clothes. My understanding was that it helped him get “into character” to go work somewhere he was lying to everyone, and after Cyberwoman they helped him mask his pain from everyone else (I think I also read this on some wiki somewhere). In the audio “Broken,” Jack says something like “don’t think I don’t know why you wear suits, you don’t need to just to make coffee” or smth, and I was confused because I didn’t know what he meant. Was it to impress Jack before Cyberwoman (which is kind of funny to me that he’s just like “I’m not into men but I have a feeling I could ~entice~ him”) and then eventually he stuck with it once he and Jack were together?
I’m sure this is one of those things where there isn’t one straightforward interpretation and I definitely do try to find concrete answers when they’ve never really been provided, but I am curious to know what the collective community understanding of Ianto’s suits is.
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agent-jones-archive · 4 years
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Ianto Jones—-Pretty In Pink
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