#we tend to forgot about that sids of him often
slasherscream · 5 years
A/N: howdy partners! heard we needed some gay round’ these slasher parts. 
     sidney prescott x fem!reader x tatum riley         ft. that’s it …. that’s the whole concept
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You've been best friends since childhood.
First day of kindergarten and for some reason another kid hones in on you as the perfect, defenseless target to pick on. The teacher hadn't noticed all day and you were just at the edge of patience for a little girl who was already missing being at home with her parents. 
Your bully kicks over the sandcastle you're making and you burst into tears. Tatum comes out of nowhere and shoves the kid into the dirt.
While little Tatum is throwing hands little Sidney is kneeling beside you, wiping at your tears with chubby fingers and cooing at you the way her Mother coos at her whenever she's upset.
Y'all are friends for life after that. The three amigos. The dynamic trio. Inseparable in every-way through any and all the trials of getting older and learning who you are. 
Growing up isn't very glamorous but it sure feels that way when you've got a girl group like yours behind you. Utter squad goals. 
Tatum was your first kiss because you were confessing to being too nervous to go to your first guy/girl party without having been kissed yet (in case you played spin the bottle).
Tatum, who'd already gotten her first kiss offered to give you, yours! Best friends gotta look out for each other, right? It was sweet and short at age thirteen and you both blushed afterwards. Not much changed after that although sometimes you stare at each other in ways you hadn't before.
Has Tatum's hair always been so shiny, you wonder to yourself as you brush it for much longer than needed at one of your many, weekly sleepovers. You like how she rests her head on your thigh whenever you do it (even though that messes up the other side you just got done brushing). 
Had your lips always looked so soft, Tatum thinks to herself as she helps you apply the sheer lip-gloss that your parents are finally letting you wear. 
One summer, the summer before you all start highschool, Sidney comes to you both freaking out. In highschool you go on dates, right? You go on dates, and you get boyfriends, and everyone knows what their doing?!
You're Sidney's first kiss. Tatum looks at you and jerks her head towards Sidney like, "well         go on! it's your turn!". You offer and Sidney stops freaking out to ponder that. She doesn't think on it long before she nods eagerly and thanks you for helping her. 
You feel like you should be the one thanking her when you lean in to kiss her and she kisses back. She's a natural. When you both pull away a dreamy sort of sigh escapes the two of you at the same time. "Jinx!" says Tatum, and the soft energy in the air doesn't fade, just moves to encompass her too. 
That summer you all go on "practice dates" together so you'll know what you're doing by the time you start dating for real. Tatum suggested them and you all went along with it instantly.
Tatum always seems like the most grown-up of the three of you. The most self-assured of how to be a woman. You tend to follow her lead on these type of things.
The practice dates are fun. More fun than you've ever had together. You all start holding hands more. Sitting on each other's lap more. Cuddling closer together when you watch movies. Complimenting each other more quietly. Sharing drinks more often and pretending you can't taste each other's chap-sticks on straws when your drink finally gets passed back to you at the table. You giggle more around each other and sometimes can't even look each other in the eyes without sweet laughter filling the air. 
But summer ends. You get to highschool and the practice dates stop. Now you can all go on real dates. What's the point of practice anymore        you should all be experts by now! You're all secretly sad about the ending of this tradition and don't want to think about why.
You all start to discover the joys of highschool, popularity, and boys. Some friendships fade with highschool. Yours gets stronger. Tatum develops an interest in athletics and you and Sidney show up to cheer her on no matter what sport she's playing this time around.
You try not to stare at her as she gets redressed in the locker room so you and Sidney can take her out to celebrate her big win. When you go to look away you catch Sidney doing the same. You stare at each other before smiling sheepishly, clearly you both feel guilty about something. You don't talk about it.
You start wanting to talk about it.
Sidney starts dating bad boy Billy Loomis. Tatum doesn't hate him at first       just strongly dislikes him. Until she realizes how much you hate him. Best friends hate people together! You don't tell Sidney you hate him because she tells you both she thinks she loves him. 
"Do you think she meant it?" You ask Tatum as you're laying side by side in bed together one night. Sidney doesn't often cancel plans with you to be with Billy. In fact she almost never does. But she did tonight and something in you feels like it's breaking. "Do you think she loves him?"
You start crying and you don't even understand why fully. Until you do. Tatum seems to realize why at the exact same moment. And it strikes a chord in her as well. She kisses your forehead and rocks the two of you. The hug feels lonely. It's missing a person. Tatum nearly cries herself, it’s a narrowly avoided thing. 
Billy starts treating Sidney badly. He was never the greatest boyfriend but before he wasn't bad. It's a sudden change and now you both shamelessly express your dislike of him. Even going so far as to ignore him when you're all unfortunately forced to be around each other because of Sidney. You'd both do anything for Sidney. Including tolerating Billy         but not if Billy starts being an asshole to her.
Meanwhile you and Tatum have started hanging out more. Those times when Sidney isn't around stop feeling so empty. You want her there with you. You want her there with you both so badly. But Tatum is starting to hold your hand more. You start to cuddle closer together when you watch movies. She starts twirling your hair around her fingertips and leaning into your space more. 
She kisses you in the middle of you saying something one day and neither of you pull away for a long time. You don't act shocked. You don't feel shocked. Part of you always knew. 
You drag her down for another kiss and she laughs against your lips. It's just the two of you. Just a regular sleepover. So she's not wearing her usual make-up. Already wiped it all off earlier. All she's wearing is her favorite chap-stick. The same chap-stick she used to wear during all those practice dates she took the three of you on. You hum at the taste.
The next day you hold hands coming to meet Sidney. Billy is with her and Billy's shadow       Stu, is with him. The two of you aren't waiting to see if this is how you really feel. If you’ll change your mind. You're not worrying about how this will effect your friendship. You know this is perfect.
Sidney sees there's something different in the way you're looking at one another instantly. She doesn't hesitate, just asks the question, "Are you two      ?" and she trails off, eyebrows raised.
"Yeah," Tatum answers confidently, dragging you closer and cinching your hips together. "Yeah we are. Who are you gonna give the shovel talk to, Sid?"
And like that you're all laughing and hugging. Sidney congratulating you joyfully. You can't see it on her face but something inside her feels ....unhappy. She doesn't know why. Billy wraps an arm around her once you all pull apart. You and Tatum scowl at him. 
You'd forgotten he was there. You also forgot Stu was there. You remember when he starts to say something gross and vaguely insulting but never gets to finish. Tatum swings her purse at the side of his head and she's got excellent aim. You laugh and lean in to kiss her cheek. You leave a lipstick mark behind and she doesn't wipe it off.
Sidney's Mom is murdered and everything goes topsy-turvy. Most teenagers get an easier introduction to death. To realizing they're not immortal and neither are the people they love. Sidney got a crash-course and so did the two of you by proxy.
Sidney doesn't leave her room for days after the funeral. You two have to go and get her. For the first time in your lives she doesn't run to you when something is wrong. This time you have to go after her. You don't mind. There are more difficult labors of love you could be performing besides chasing after somebody when they really need you.
She doesn't unlock the door when you ask her to so you and Tatum climb through her window. Neither of you are very graceful doing it. It's your first time. She would've laughed if she wasn't so heartbroken.
She cries in your arms and you hold her. You both hold her cause what else can you do? She falls asleep clinging to you both like you might disappear any moment. You and Tatum kiss each other because nothing puts love into perspective like death. Tatum tells you she loves you and you echo it back softly. Sidney lies still between you two, cradled in your arms. Safe there. You both stare at her. Then each other. You both know you love Sidney too. You kiss again and go to sleep. 
Months pass by and things are ....getting back to normal. As normal as can be. People stop looking at Sidney like she's a walking puzzle to figure out or magazine to read. Time dulling the interest. What time can't do you and Tatum do. You've shoved more than one gawking passerby out of Sidney's way. Tatum may or may not have assaulted a few cameramen. You may or may not have made out with her to reward her. This is your new normal.
Billy starts pressuring Sidney to have sex and she makes excuses for him. You and Tatum don't. In fact this is your breaking point. You're the one to explode. Billy Loomis sucks ass and isn't worth anything more than the gum I got stuck to the bottom of my heel last week. You don't know what's said after that or who said it but it starts a fight. The first one you guys have had in forever. But your all best friends and have always talked through what your feeling. No one is allowed to storm out.
"What is this really about?" Sidney demands, even though it is really about Billy. Billy the shitty boyfriend. Billy who you don't trust. Billy who she's in love with when she should be in love with    
Tatum makes you sit down. She makes Sidney sit down. Then she sits in-between the two of you and takes both your hands. She confesses for the two of you. Always the more grown-up of your trio. Always a few steps ahead. Even now it seems. She’s so calm and so sure of herself as she talks ---- it makes you love her even more, if possible. 
Sidney is confused and emotionally vulnerable and you tell her you don't want to pressure her. That you'd never want to pressure her. And that's why you're so worried about Billy. What the fuck is wrong with him? He knows what she's been through. What she's going through and he can still act like this? The guy has to be a psycho, Sid!
She laughs and you all hold each other. Just three best friends talking about a shitty boyfriend. No weight on your shoulders because now Sidney knows and that's enough. More than enough. 
She breaks up with Billy. Billy causes quite the scene over it. Tatum ends the scene by threatening to knock his teeth out his head. 
You guys make a new normal. The three inseparable amigos are back. Except you and Tatum are a couple now. And you're both a little (a lot) in love with Sidney. And sometimes Sidney wiggles her way in-between the two of you ---- not like you're making her feel like a third-wheel ... but like she just wants to be there. You and Tatum don't talk about it because you don't want to get your hopes up.
Sidney starts kissing you guys hello and goodbye instead of just hugging you like she used to. First on the cheeks and then the kisses get closer and closer to your lips as the days go by. It's a gradual thing and you both let her go at her own pace. 
When she does finally kiss you, you find she still uses the same chap-stick she did when she was younger. Just like Tatum. You laugh and bring it up to Tatum when you guys are gushing over Sidney alone that night. Guess not everything changes, Tatum smiles even as she crawls on top of you ready to get her own echo of Sidney's taste (she imagines kissing you both directly after you've kissed one another and melts on top of you like butter at the thought). 
You're not exactly a couple but sometimes you all kiss. You and Tatum treat her like you treat each other. The night she calls you her girlfriend's for the first time is the same night poor Casey Becker dies a violent, senseless death. 
You all had fallen asleep together, exchanging sleepy kisses late into the night. You arrive at school all holding hands and your peaceful little world comes crashing down. Police. News reporters. Cameras. Randy is the reason you find out what's going on. Runs up to the three of you like a mad man and tells you the whole thing. You all feel sick.
This couldn't be happening at a worst time with the first anniversary of Sidney's mother getting killed right around the corner. You hold each other's hands tighter and don't let go. Not when busy-body Gale Weathers sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. Not when Billy and Stu        who for some reason you all still hang out with (the joys of highschool cliques and getting used to them), say some things at lunch that are unsettling.
Sidney and you go to her house to pack up her things so she can stay with Tatum until her Dad gets back. Tatum is late to picking you two up but you both don't mind much. Just fall asleep on the couch together cuddling. 
You're the one who answers the phone at first and you hang up having no patience for Randy and his games. Sidney picks up the phone when it rings next and she talks on it for awhile before her face suddenly goes ashen. When you're both attacked by the killer you fight like hell to protect each other. You jump out the window to get away and you call the police from your cellphone as you go. As you're running up the road to escape who do you run into but Billy Loomis        the police, Dewey in particular arrive at that very moment and Billy is in handcuffs faster than he can blink.
You get another call while he's in jail and the three of you are now at Tatum's. She'd been tough as nails when she'd gone to pick you both up from the police station. When the phone rings and she sees Sidney's face go pale from fear she starts crying as she screams for her brother to "get his ass in here now!". The killer hangs up and you're all left terrified and wondering how you're going to keep each other safe. 
Stu is throwing a party and Tatum thinks there might be safety in numbers. She also thinks you and Sidney need to be normal teenagers for a bit. She can tell how shaken you both are from the attacks and bullshit. It's hard to say no to her when she goes all soft and worried at the edges. You go to the party. 
Everything is normal and Dewey is there to make sure everything is safe. Stu asks Tatum to go grab some more beers and she scoffs but goes to do it anyway, giving you and Sidney kisses on her way out the room. 
You sit with an arm around Sidney for a moment but something is wrong. Off. It's only been a few minutes but Tatum shouldn't be taking that long at all. You get up thinking she must need help and Sidney watches you go but is talking to Randy and actually relaxed for once. You don't know that someone else is watching you as you get up that's not Sidney.
You arrive in the garage just in time to see the killer cut Tatum's arm. You don't even think before you're launching yourself onto their back screaming bloody fucking murder. Arms around their neck you intend to choke the bastard.
You struggle and can hear them start wheezing. They run backwards and ram you into the refrigerator. You hit your head hard enough so that your vision spins but you don't loosen your grip. In fact you start punching them. 
They might be strong but you and Tatum are pissed off girlfriends and there is strength in numbers. She grabs a golf club and hits them in the knee with it so fucking hard you think you hear it break, they drop the knife and scream in pain. Tatum is about to grab the knife right before she's tackled by       Stu?!  
You're on top of the killer's back and confused as you watch Stu start to put his hands around Tatum's throat. You scream, panicked as it starts to click in your dizzy head. You don't know what to do.
You're barely managing to keep the killer underneath you from getting back up. Tatum's head is turned towards you and she's reaching out for you, mouth moving but no sound coming out. You know she's begging for help. You start to cry and try to fight the one killer underneath you to the ground harder. But it's no use. You're not strong enough. They have you pinned to the ground and have started slamming you into it. Over and over again. Your head feels like it's going to explode. You reach up trying to do anything at all to stop them. You were aiming for a punch but they jerk their head back and all you manage to do is grab their mask. It comes off as your hand comes back down.
Stu didn't close the door all the way. Randy and Sidney and a few of your other classmates run in. They heard the screaming      they heard the fucking screaming. You could start laughing with joy and relief. 
Sidney makes a an enraged scream that doesn't sound quite human. Her entrance had distracted you. You look back up at the killer hovering over you. Their mask is in your hand still. Face revealed for everyone to see. Billy Loomis. Before anyone can stop her she makes a running leap for him and knocks him off you. She's a vicious animal as she punches and kicks at him endlessly. You turn your head to see Randy and a guy you don't know the name of starting to drag Stu off of Tatum who is wheezing and coughing but still alive. You're groggy as you crawl your way over to her and hold her. She sobs a little when your arms wrap around her but she clings to you instantly.
Sidney is still hitting Billy and someone has to drag her off. Billy doesn't move when she's pulled away. Just curls in on himself in pain. 
Dewey bursts into the room at that very moment. Another one of the party-goers having run to get him. Gale Weathers is following close behind with her stupid fucking cameraman. The garage is a mess. Sidney Prescott is fighting to try and escape the arms around her so she can "fucking kill you! I swear I will!". She only stops fighting because she registers the sounds of her girlfriends crying. 
When she's released she power slides across the floor to you and cradles you both, kissing any bit of you two she can get her lips on. She's cooing at you the same way she did that first day she and Tatum rescued you from the bully who kicked over your sandcastle. It's soothingly familiar in the worst moment of your life. 
Sidney's father is found in the house, alive. Billy and Stu are a flurry of rage as they're dragged away in hand-cuffs. Tatum's already going to be hoarse for weeks but she still takes the time to scream "fuck you both to hell and back!" as they're thrown in the back of a police car. 
You all ride in one ambulance to the hospital together. Sidney uninjured but rescuing to leave the two of you. Fuck police questions she has to look after you two. 
You and Tatum get put in one hospital room. Dewey and Gale Weathers somehow saying the right thing to somebody about "traumatized teenage girls needing each other right now-". You all cry together after the doctors are gone. But you're all alive. A little beat up     but alive. Sidney holds both of your hands and you fall asleep quickly. A sweet mixture of hospital pain medication and knowing Sidney is there watching over you and Tatum, and thus, that you're going to be just fine. 
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semicolonthefifth · 5 years
CROSS ch.3 - Sleepwalk
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Many villages lined the Black Road, but much are alike in both design and reason for why they exist. Centuries of colonization, and Aurora is still untapped of what it could offer. Humanity has barely scratched a percentage of the planet, on account of both the world’s vicious sand storms and unforgiving climate. In addition, the natives practically own the mountains, and aren’t at all welcoming of humans digging too deep into their homes. Yet to this day people continue to stake their claims, coming to Aurora to find whatever section of rock or dirt that’ll hopefully grant them riches - ranging from lost Old Earth salvage, Deltan artifacts, or rich metals. When the dream dies, they settle down and try to make their fortune in another way: by settling a town.
When you travel the Road, you’ll find plenty of towns - some thriving, others dying, and many others to be completely abandoned. Often times these towns are a farm of sorts, others act as mines, and the rest offer some sort of service to travelers. You’ll have places built around a cookery, a goods store, churches, or - most commonly - a bar. When you’re living on a place like Aurora, you’ll always need a place to relax and have yourself a drink.
Jason had gotten a bad rep in a lot of the better spots along the Road. When you’ve got a habit of hunting your bounty into the one place everyone takes restage at, you tend to cause a fight or two. It doesn’t help that there’s sort of an unwritten law, that a bar is the most neutral spot you can find. So naturally, Jason had to drive for a long stretch of the road after dumping Sid’s body, all to find one bar to rest himself in. The one bar he could find a good change of getting a break was further south, in a town east off the Black Road and nearer towards Moresatta than Calberi:
A quiet little place called “Blondie”.
Population: about 48 people. Mostly men, with some women, children, and a few elderly.
It was a mining town that then turned into a wet stop for any traveling drunkard looking to stretch their legs before making the long trek for the city at the South end. From what Jason could remember off hearsay, it used to be quite the popular spot before a more easily reachable settlement was made, and the mines hit an impassable blockage that essentially killed the mining work there. It was named by its founder, for reasons that weren’t explained - save for the rare comment about an ‘inspiration’ of sorts. Besides the bar, a barber, and an alright tortilla shop, there wasn’t much else to get out of the place.
Jason met some regulars to the spot in his travelers, and they all described the bar’s selection of ales to be alright. There wasn’t anything better for miles on end - Jason couldn’t care less for quality at this point.
It took another 20 or so minutes before he would see the town coming over a hill, with a few lights twinkling to signal that any life was there. The wide swerve off the Road was rough, but after driving through some bumpy terrain he slowly came to what he assumed was the saloon. With the night still dark, and his moon dour, Jason didn’t pay much attention to the layout of the town - very few lights were set up in the town, and all Jason could care to pay mind to was where bar stood.
He slowly walked out the car and towards the large structure that acted as the town’s north-most landmark, and from a quick glance of the many lights and the muffled sound of music, he knew this was the bar. Jason made his way for the backdoor, and from the moment he steps in… he feels an all too familiar pain in his head.
Then he remembered.
Blondie was a town that greatly enjoyed the age of the Wild West from the Old Earth, from calling its bar a saloon to the style structure they built, along with all the stuff they hung on the walls of this very establishment. The place was at once a bar and a place of worship of the old. You saw posters that worshiped the heroes back in those days: legends like Wyatt Earp; Billy the Kid; and even good ol’ Harmonica. There were replica bull skulls, a set of guitars and tapestry. A table at a far off corner had a neatly made model of what those western towns looked like back in the day - all too similar to how Blondie is built, now that Jason thought about it. There were even the guns hanging around the place. Fake, of course -bought replicas from an artist, most likely.
Jason looked at it all. He observed the place, and wished even more he was elsewhere.
A music player was nestled by the hallway leading from the main bar floor to the back where Jason had entered. He have a look to see what was playing: an instrumental little thing called “Sleepwalk”. Santo & Johnny. Jason felt in a similar mood.
Then. “Jason?” He heard.
“Jason!” He heard again. “Jason, is that you?” Shouted a patron within the bar. Glancing from where he stood, Jason looked down the hall and saw a friend of his: a man by the name of Frankie Houser, seated next to a guy utterly new to this place.
Frankie was a tall, lean twig of a man at 6 feet in height. Atop his head was a set of red curls that looked like a broccoli had sprouted from his dome. His teeth angled forward whenever he spoke, and the apple in his neck stuck out for all to see. Though he made it all work with what Jason could best describe as the most honest and happiest of smiles. He wore a set of layered leggings that seemed to weigh him down, along with suspenders that hung over his gray-colored wife-beater. His boots were long and brown, almost turning red from the sand. Frankie kept a side-arm, a typical handgun, hanging off a holster to his side that kept him safe for his travels.
Beside him (on Frankie’s left) was another fellow, a curious one from appearance alone. A short, young-looking man that sat proper, unlike Frankie’s more laid back position. He was the cleanest thing in this entire bar, with a nice dark blue-colored suit that was one size too big on him - all over a light blue dress shirt with an obnoxiously green tie. He had dark brown skin, and short layer of black hair on his head, with none over his face. No dirt covered him, and no weapon was visible. Nothing except a backpack held tightly against his chest, only let go briefly so he may wave at Jason. A strange thing to see out here in some bar, Jason thought.
Making his way over, Jason took a seat beside Frankie’s right - all the while giving both men a handshake along the way. Frankie was firm and energetic, meanwhile the kid was weak-wristed but polite. Jason winced on the former more so the latter. With Jason seated, he looked to a bartender that had been waiting nearby - a grizzled, old looking man who gave a little nod to the new patron.
Jason placed his order: a glass of mildly sweet Deltan Ale, a straw, and a plate of ice.
Frankie turned to Jason, “Nice to see you, man. How’s like treatin’ ya?” He asked, with as much kindness and genuine interest. It was about the nicest thing thrown at Jason’s way today.
“Well”. Jason tsked, “Ain’t exactly going my way.”
“That about the truth for all of us, ain’t it?” Frankie responds. “Seems like nothing ever goes our way. Still, I’m sure you’ll find some good coming over yours. Just need to keep ya’ chin up.” He takes a pause to sip from his own drink - a glass of water, one for him and a similar for the friend beside him. It was then that he coughed a bit. All of a sudden a thought entered his mind and he swallows up his water before resuming his talk with Jason.
“Oh, almost forgot - rude of me. Jason, allow me to introduce to a new man here in the wastes. Kid’s name is Charlie. Charlie Wills. Landed onto Aurora, straight from Tyrell.”
Jason chuckled harshly, “Seriously? Tyrell? THE city, Tyrell?”
Charlie nodded before speaking gently. “That I am.”
With more a chuckling escaping from him, Jason then asked further of the young man, “What the heck are ya doing out here in the Black Road? Shouldn’t you be heading on over to Moresatta or something?”
With a slight hesitancy, Charlie’s response was interrupted by Frankie’s own explanation, “Actually, he’s taking the scenic route. We’ve been passing by every site we can find along the way. The kid’s loving all the villages we’ve come to visit so far - along with all the many delicacies they come to offer. Quarter of the trip’s spent trying out foods, I tell ya! Had in me now more than I have the past week!.” He lets out a long breathy laugh at that, bringing Charlie a clear look of embarrassment.
“Hilarious.” Jason comments, a tad positively at first but becomes more serious when he speaks to Charlie. “Hey, kid? Try not to waste too much time on the Black Road though. Drivers like Frankie here can’t be spending all night on the Road.”
“He’s alright, Jason!” Frankie exclaims, once more interrupting whatever reply Charlie was about to make. Frankie then continues, “He’s paying for my troubles, for starters. Plus, I’m having the time of my life. I get some moments to stretch my legs more than I would a straight drive anyhow.”
Charlie finally gets a word in, explaining that, “I’m doing my best not to take advantage of Mr. Hosier. Forgive me if I can’t help myself to stop so much, but you have a wonderful place here. Tyrell’s lovely, but Aurora certainly captures my interest far more by a great margin. Mr. Hosier here has been a great driver since he picked me up from Calberi, and all the sights I’ve seen have already made the expenses worth it. I must say, you have a beautiful world here, sir.”
“Yeah, well so is a lady with experience.” Jason remarked with a lazy grin. “Pretty to look at, but mess with her and she’s already got a knife aimed for your throat.”
Frankie stifles a chuckle, but Jason continues - again, seriously. “Listen, kid, do yourself a favor- go back home. Aside from the two cities, there ain’t nothing to see here on Aurora. It’s a wasteland, empty except for a bunch of folks killing each other all the damn time, and a lot of gangs playing dress up while proving to see who can shoot each other more.”
“Well I’m sorry to say, but t-that’s precisely why I came.” Charlie nervously shoots back, proceeding to open up his backpack and dig right in. “I’ve got - if you let me a moment - some things I wanted to see here that you don’t get in other worlds. All we ever hear about Aurora are the gangs, he natives, and the various wars. So much history bottled up in this one planet, it’s all so interesting yet nothing I’ve read at home really do it justice. Tyrell barely gets anything, and oftentimes what we do get is questionable in its legitimacy. I had to come here, to confirm it myself that it’s all true.”
He keeps on digging, prompting Jason and Frankie to side-eye each other with looks that equally find entertainment at Charlie’s naivety. They don’t say anything, however they’re somewhat intrigued by what the young man’s looking for. Eventually, Charlie produces a thick black binder. He opens it up, revealing a colorful collection of prints and photographs - to which the two natives of the planet take a gander.
Charlie flips past the first couple of pages to show off a small selection of printed replicas of old war-time posters - from the era of conflicts happening on Aurora. They depicted humans in UROE infantry gear, either lining up in inspirational formations or firing their rifles at sword-wielding giants. He turned a page, briefly pausing to let them examine each photo before continuing on to the next. The next set featured prints of a different tone: humans, holding their hands up in union with the giants, set against amber colored mountains. Additionally there were prints which shows 5 humans and one giant, all working at a construction site with words emphasizing “union” and “working to the future”. From how each print looked, it seemed that the original posters were painted before being copied for mass distribution - with a warm, inviting feeling that nostalgia-lovers would love to get their hands on.
Eventually Charlie did some commentary as he showed off the prints -  a bit of confidence making its way up the surface. “Check it out. War propaganda from around the Great Aurora War, nearly a millennium ago. Back then we didn’t know whether to trust the natives or to present them as enemies, so marketing sorta changed in those years. All of it made from a printing company in Aurora, who only got a brief clue of what Deltans looked like from news and word-of-mouth.”
He turned another page, commenting further, “Then see here: prints of the continued war with the Kronian Empire.” The young man, smiling at the two men looking down at his book, turns the page to showcase further pieces in his collection. He pointed to various prints, all of them depicting red-eyed figures, either in pale white face or under black gas-masks. There was one print in particular he directed to the most, where it featured a looming, red-eyed gas-mask wearing creature leering deviously over a group of human colonists. It displayed the text: “OUR HOMES ARE IN DANGER”
Page after page he turned, with Charlie showing off more of his historical collection. Jason was honestly interested at this point, especially when he noticed that none of it remotely mentioned the Old Earth. There were so many detailed, organized prints of Aurora history - even stuff he never heard about.
Charlie’s commentary drew Jason away from his initial cynicism - made all the better as Charlie came out of his shell and was eager to share history with a couple of locals. Though it also helped that, by the time he was listening, Jason’s plate of ice and drink had arrived. The kid kept on talking, being so open and smooth in his vocals, with all the nervousness having gone away.
He’d say this like, “This is a photo of several Deltan natives making the first trek down the Black Road; you may notice how some look uncomfortable with the surface at first.”
Or, “A print showcasing the opening of Moresatta. I managed to get this printed straight off the archives back home - it was so exciting.” He was quite captivating when was in the zone.
Frankie, out of them all, was the most absorbed into it. In between his listenings and close examinations, he’d make the passing comment of “been there” and “seen that”. Every now and then he’d even correct Charlie on something, like how the Deltans rarely fought each other in colonized lands - prompting Charlie to grab a napkin and write the info down with a pen kept in his pocket. Of course there was a disappointment in Charlie: it scratched off the goal of seeing two Deltans fighting, as he heard from the stories.
By the 30th page however, it got too personal for Jason. As they closed halfway upon the hour, Charlie began turning the pages towards more recent history - and Jason felt less enthused.
Every page was a painful memory for Jason, and especially the world.
The mass incarceration site built in off the Road to house countless numbers of UROE prisoners, only to lead into a jailbreak many years back. With it brought the near endless supply of raiders and bandits that roam the Black Road, causing so much trouble from that catastrophe.
The crackdown by the UROE, which began with arming various militia groups to fight back the raider scourge. All that did was lead to even more violence along the Road.
The deadly raid on the Black Road hospital up North, leading to dozens dead. Nobody had a chance there.
Everything that came in before or during his childhood, and yet still messing up his life to this day.
Then the photo that Jason hoped wouldn’t come… finally arrived.
Charlie turns the page, explaining at first, “Of course there were many people we saw fighting the raiders in the vids that aired in Tyrell. They were probably the most popular ones when you consider the views they got. It was a group of these cowboys, dressed up like in the Wild West - calling themselves the Crimson Crosses. See, I even got a photo of two such members right--”
He stopped right there, almost completely. Charlie took notice first of Frankie’s slight cringe, before then directing his sight at Jason.
Charlie had seen this photo about a dozen times, but a new detail emerged then. The photo showed two young men, both wearing a set of wild-west inspired outfits over their tall, powerful frames. The garments consisted of brown vests; long-sleeve collared shirts, dull dark pants, and a dark overcoat covering much of it. Atop their heads were similarly sized wide-brim hats, and around their necks a bandanna. As well, both men shared the exact same style of hair, and exact appearance of face. Between them was an overweight, gruff-looking bandit tied up with a lasso, with both men posing triumphantly beside him.
Below the photo, on a sticker Charlie used to caption his photos, it read, “The Cross Twins, Frederick and Jason, capture the Butcher of Red Peaks.”
Jason hesitantly grabs the photo - his mind felt like it was screaming ‘no’, but a part of him felt like he needed to see it. He brought it closer and looked down at the picture, and at that moment all the color and life in his face drained completely - and in its place, a flood of bad memories once walled up behind years of alcohol.
Meanwhile Charlie looked towards the stranger, studying his face in relation to the photograph. There he was: Jason Cross of the Crimson Crosses - older, stronger…
And now he’s downing an entire glass of ale.
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minijenn · 5 years
Keys to the Kingdom Chapter 6
AN: Whoops just ignore the fact that I forgot to post this chapter on here ahahahah might as welll just do a two for one special oooooppppssss ANYWAY here ya go. Chapter 6. Have at it kiddos, enjoy!
Previous: https://minijenn.tumblr.com/post/183619851434/keys-to-the-kingdom-chapter-5
Chapter 6: Wandering in the Dark
Faith, should I take the leap?
Darkness, raw and unfettered, stretched out as far as the eye could see, drenching seemingly every single inch of the realm in a mire of empty gloom. Each rock, spire, and landmass was permeated by it, just as much as the silent air and infertile soil were. It was a vast, lonely, hopeless place, devoid of any light or natural life or even the passage of time itself to bring any sort of change to its ever-stagnant shadows.
This was the Realm of Darkness. And it was here, to this distant place devoid of light, that Riku and Mickey had ventured into to begin their search for Master Aqua.
It was a risky endeavor, of that much they were both certain. After all, the Dark World itself seemed to react quite harshly to anything or anyone that came from the Realm of Light, as the pair had already discovered from the flock of Heartless that had beset them almost as soon as they arrived. Even so, they had made quick work of the creatures and ventured onward into the darkness, hoping to find at the very least some conclusive clues as to Aqua’s whereabouts, if not the lost Master herself.
Yet despite their shared resolve, their task was still rather daunting all the same, the ever-looming threat of Heartless on the prowl aside. The Realm of Darkness was a vast, largely unexplored territory, with multiple different layers and facets to it. Aqua could literally have been anywhere within it, perhaps even in the deepest layers of darkness itself. Fortunately for Riku and Mickey, they were both clad in new clothing given to them by Master Yen Sid, meant to guard them from the invasive darkness all around them. Aqua, on the other hand, had not been so lucky for her lengthy stint in the shadows, which meant that time was certainly of the essence when it came to pulling her out of them and back into the light where she belonged.
Which was why the pair kept up a steady pace as they traversed the realm’s barren paths, only illuminated by the bizarre blue cracks in the uneven spires all around them. Mickey led the way, more familiar with the Dark World thanks to his previous journey there alongside Aqua herself. However, the king did stop short upon hearing Riku’s footfalls slowly grow silent behind him.
“What’s wrong, Riku?” Mickey asked, curious as he turned to face his companion. “Are you tired? Ya know, they say that just being in the Realm of Darkness can wear you out if you’re not careful, so if you need a break, we can stop for a bit if ya want to.”
Riku glanced up, offering the king a small smile of gratitude for his concern as he shook his head. “No, it’s just… I’ve been here before. I should know this place. But all that seems like another life now… Its kind of hard to believe it wasn’t even that long ago.”
“Well, gee, think of all you’ve seen since then! All the feelings you’ve felt!” Mickey grinned, clearly proud of Riku’s progress. Progress that the king had largely gotten to witness first hand since their respective paths tended to intertwine so frequently. “Why, you’ve done years of growin’ in almost no time at all!”
“It really does feel like I have…” Riku agreed thoughtfully. “I remember the first time I was here. I was so scared. But now, my doubts and fears are gone. If anything, I feel exhilarated. And its not because there’s darkness in me—I know all too well what that rush is like. This is different. And its not just adrenaline either; I know Aqua needs us… but I’m ready. I’m in control now. Maybe its because you’re with me this time,” he theorized, smiling down at the king.
Mickey, however, shook his head knowingly. “Its not me. I think it’s because you’ve finally found that special strength inside you to protect what matters.”
“What?” Riku asked, struck by a sudden sense of familiarity he couldn’t quite place upon hearing this.
“Sometimes, you care for someone so much that other feelings disappear,” Mickey explained. “And then, there’s no room for fear or doubt.”
“…Is that it?” Riku asked, genuinely surprised that it was all so simple. Perhaps when he was younger and less experienced, he would have callously doubted that such strength and confidence could come merely from feelings of the heart. But after everything he’d experienced and seen, he had no problem believing that fact like it was the most sensical thing in all the worlds.
And that wasn’t the only reason either. As the newly-named Master glanced down at his hand, a memory stirred, one from a long time ago, when a Keyblade had been placed into his hand for the very first time. He had been much younger, much more innocent but filled with a deep curiosity about the worlds beyond the peaceful islands he had always known. And that curiosity was even more peaked that day, when a young man from the outside world itself appeared before him. The young man was strong and formidable, but his eyes were kind and his tone gentle as he respectfully addressed the younger Riku as though he was his equal.
“Is there some reason you’re interested in the outside world?” the young man had asked, genuinely intrigued.
Riku had nodded. “Yeah. I wanna be strong someday, like that kid who left. He went to the outside world; I bet he’s really strong now.” The young man’s brow had furrowed at this, but even so, Riku continued. “I know its out there somewhere. The strength that I need.”
“Strength for what?”
“To protect what matters,” Riku had smiled, especially as his gaze drifted off towards where Sora was eagerly waiting for him from afar. “You know, like my friends.”
The young man had offered him his own warm smile at this as he beckoned the boy closer to him. “Outside this tiny world is a much bigger one.” Within his grasp, a large, sturdy Keyblade had materialized, and, not knowing what it was at the time, Riku had stared at the grand weapon in wonder, especially as the young man held it out to him. “In your hand, take this key. So long as you have the makings, then through this simple act of taking, its wielder you shall one day be. And you will find me, friend—no ocean will contain you then. No more borders around, or below, or above, so long as you champion the ones you love.”
And just like that, a Keyblade had been bequeathed.
It was a memory Riku hadn’t thought of too often, but as of late, it had been coming back to him more and more frequently. Perhaps it had something to do with him recently receiving the title of Master or something else altogether, but he could feel it. The hopeful words of that young man, whoever he might have been, had rung true for him before and even now. So long as he fought to protect those he cared for, then there really were no limits to what he could do.
“Strength to protect what matters…” Riku repeated softly to himself before addressing Mickey once more. “It reminds me of a promise I made.”
“Really? To who?” the king asked, intrigued.
“Just someone I once met,” Riku said coolly, remembering the other part of the promise he had made to the young man: to keep that vow a secret. “Can’t tell.”
“Well, it sure sounds like a good memory,” Mickey grinned all the same.
“Yeah… it was…” Riku nodded, though his manner soon turned serious as he spared another glance at the darkness all around them. “While we’re reminiscing… Mickey, does any of this look familiar to you?”
“Sort of, but the Realm of Darkness has changed since I was here with Aqua,” the king informed.
“Yeah, its different from what I remember too…” Riku mused. “Kind of makes finding our way around here a bit of a challenge, huh?”
“Usually, I’d just follow my heart, and Aqua would show me the way,” Mickey said, knowing that very method had led him to her here before. “But… the closer I get, the hazier the connection feels…”
Riku frowned with apt concern upon hearing this. “You mean…?” he trailed off, hoping that their journey here wasn’t all for naught.
“M-maybe…” Mickey sighed, not liking to fear the worst. “But we can’t give up hope! We’ll just have to keep looking until we finally find her!”
“Right,” Riku agreed solidly, knowing that Aqua had given up so much to rescue him before. And that was a debt to her that he knew, simply couldn’t go unpaid.
And so the pair continued on their way, delving ever deeper through the cavernous darkness as they forged the path ahead. Thankfully, few Heartless beset them along the way and the ones that did were generally easily defeated. Yet even still, their search seemed rather directionless, even with Mickey attempting to lead the way, as neither of them were able to find even the slightest sign that Aqua was anywhere nearby. A fruitless trend that continued even as the pair happened upon an empty moonlit shore, the very edge of the Dark World itself, the Dark Margin.
“This beach…” Riku spoke up, instantly struck by the odd nostalgia of this shore as they walked across its shadowed sands. Though before he could elaborate on it, Mickey interrupted, his tone fretful and apprehensive.
“It’s gone…” the king said, stepping forward.
“Huh?” Riku asked, confused.
“I’m positive Aqua was here,” Mickey said and indeed it was true. He held felt a spark of light, however faint, that he could have sworn belonged to the lost Master. But upon following that spark to this very spot, not only was she nowhere to be found, but her spark seemed to disappear almost as soon as they arrived. “But now… her trail’s gone dim…”
“I’ve been here too,” Riku said, looking around. “With Sora. This is where we found our way back into the Realm of Light.” The new Master gasped as he reached a sudden realization that, based on all he knew of this shore, could have very well been true. Or at least, he hoped it was. “Hey, maybe Aqua did too!”
As hopeful of a theory as this was, Mickey was quick to shoot it down, knowing that the truth was much more grim. “Aqua… has fallen into an even darker abyss,” he said sadly as he turned to the gloomy ocean before them. “Somewhere I can’t see her. And I don’t think we’re equipped to dive any deeper than we already are.”
“So then…” Riku began, slumping his shoulders in defeat over their currently lost cause. “Are we going to have to-”
He never got a chance to finish as they were unexpectedly interrupted as a swap of Heartless—a much larger group than any they had encountered thus far—suddenly rose up from the sand before them. “Oh no!” Mickey exclaimed as both he and Riku summoned their Keyblades. “Riku… be careful,” the king advised as they both took up their battle stances. “Even the least threatening Heartless are stronger in this realm.”
“Got it,” Riku heeded the king’s warning as he held his Keyblade back, ready to strike. However, oddly enough the Heartless didn’t move to do the same, at least not at first. Instead, the shadows rushed past the pair of Keyblade wielders, frantically skittering so they could all join together near the shoreline. And once they did, they instantly converged, uniting in an explosion of darkness to create a writhing, massive wave of Heartless: a Demon Tide.
The towering horde of creatures let out a collective shriek, one that was more than enough to prompt both Mickey and Riku into action against it. The pair narrowly dodged the tide as it crashed down into the sand between them, a few Heartless falling away during the impact, though they quickly pieced themselves back into the mass. Riku and Mickey were quick to retaliate though, both of them countering back with a shared, well-timed slash against the base of the shadow tower. The force was enough to not only push the Demon Tide back, but also obliterate several of the Heartless that composed it, though it was clear it showed no signs of slowing down yet.
“Riku!” Mickey called over the din of the battle as they both leapt away from the tide. “We have to attack its core!”
Riku took the briefest of pauses, scrutinizing the swirling tower before spotting exactly what Mickey was talking about: a brightly glowing orange orb at the center of the tide, largely concealed by the thrall of Heartless covering it. “I’m on it!” he called, brazenly rushing in. To distract the shadows, Riku shook them up with a spell of darkened ice, freezing the tower’s base in place as he jumped high to strike the core. Mickey hurried after him, providing ample backup in the event that the ice broke, which it quickly did. The tide lashed out to knock Riku away from it, only to be stalled by the king’s Keyblade diving through it, taking out several of its Heartless in the process. With the other shadows as stunned as they were from such a devastating blow, Riku came in with one of his own, this time aimed for the newly-opened core. His strike hit true as the tip of his Keyblade rammed into the orb, destroying it on contact. And, with nothing else to hold them all together, the Demon Tide quickly fell apart.
Riku and Mickey allowed themselves the smallest moment of rest as the Heartless collapsed back onto the shore. Unfortunately, as scattered as they were, they weren’t defeated, as they made entirely clear as they rose up from the shadows once again. “It’s not over yet!” Mickey warned, already knocking a Heartless away. “Be careful!”
Before Riku could even think about responding, a sudden explosion of darkness rocked the entire beach. The culprit was an entirely new Demon Tide, one that burst forth from the natural shadows of the realm to attack the unwelcome pair. And, try as he might to stand against this new threat, Riku only had enough time to turn towards it before it slammed directly into him at full force.
He barely heard Mickey’s alarmed shout from afar before the darkness swallowed him whole.
He was drowning. Drowning in the deepest mire of darkness itself.
It was strange how much it felt like water, cold and wet and thick. But in many ways, it was so very different: heavy, crushing, suffocating. Within its inescapable hold, he couldn’t see, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t think. All he could do was wait, his lungs, his heart, his entire body shuddering with pain as the leeching darkness seeped into them, for the lonely demise he knew was sure to come.
That is, until a voice, so faint he could barely even catch it, broke through the darkness.
“Didn’t expect to see you again,” it spoke, practically unintelligible as soft and distant as it was. Still, it was a voice that he instantly recognized all the same, his eyes opening wide the very moment he heard it.
“W-what…?” he dared to ask, still choking on the darkness entrenching him. Even so, he ignored that for now, glancing around the void as the voice spoke again.
“Why did you even come here?” it asked, a hint of wry teasing in its muffled, nearly indiscernible tone.
“B-because somebody needs me…” he answered weakly, clenching his agonized chest tightly as he remembered his resolve. His journey wouldn’t end here, it couldn’t. Not when he still had so much he needed to do.
“…Do you want some help?” the voice questioned after a moment of apparent hesitation.
“W-who… who are you?” he asked, flinching in pain once again. The voice was undoubtably familiar, but as lost in the crippling shadows as he currently was, he had a hard time remembering exactly who it was.
“Me?” the voice asked, just as he found he was unable to hold on any longer. His vision dimmed as the darkness flooded into him in full force, sending him drifting even further into the empty void as he heard the voice’s final word. “I’m-”
“R-Riku? Wake up!”
Slowly but surely, he did just that, his eyes blinking open only to find Mickey standing over him, his expression rife with immense concern. Riku let out a deep breath as his senses slowly returned to him, though even so, the king’s relieved, joyful grin was not lost on him. “You’re ok!” Mickey exclaimed, offering him a hand to help him up.
Riku didn’t take it however as he sat up on his own, his entire body still aching slightly, though other than that, he seemed to be uninjured. What did seem to be off however, was his hair as he absently ran a hand through it, noting that it was quite a good bit shorter than it had been mere moments ago. How did THAT happen? He wondered incredulously, though even so, he didn’t bother sparing too much more thought on the matter. After all, there were much more important things to worry about now. “Where did the Heartless go?” Riku asked Mickey, noticing that the beach was still and empty once again.
“I got more than half of ‘em,” the king reported. “And the rest vanished. But they spit you out first.”
“Thanks…” Riku groaned, pressing a hand against his still pounding head as he rose to stand. “I owe you.”
“I know ya feel invincible,” Mickey advised with a cautious frown. “But we’re not. Especially not here.”
Riku nodded, heeding the king’s advice. “Are you all right, Mickey?” he asked, placing his own concerns with his companion.
“Yeah, thanks to the new gear,” the king smiled as he tugged on his new jacket. “But… your Keyblade…”
“Oh…” Riku glanced down at the weapon in his hand, or rather, what was left of it. The Way to Dawn had been absolutely shattered, its once sharp and stately tip broken completely off by the swarming mob of Heartless. In its current form, the Keyblade was now effectively useless, and unfortunately, neither Riku nor Mickey had any means or knowledge on fixing it.
“The Heartless here are stronger than we expected,” Mickey piped up as Riku continued inspecting his broken Keyblade. “I guess we probably should have powered up our Keyblades before we came in here, huh?”
Riku said nothing, save for a somewhat forlorn sigh as he looked back down at the Way to Dawn again. That Keyblade had gotten him through many tight spots in the past and in many ways, it was the very weapon that had led him to becoming a Master in the first place. But even his own deep attachment to it hadn’t been enough to save it in the end, much to his bitter disappointment.
“I think we need to go back to Master Yen Sid’s tower so we can regroup,” Mickey continued sternly. And while Riku normally would have agreed on such a wise plan of action, he knew their work in this realm was far from finished.
“But… Aqua’s still down here, alone, facing enemies like that,” he said with apt concern for the missing Master.
“I-I know…” Mickey sighed fretfully. Of course, he wasn’t keen on the idea of letting Aqua languish in the darkness any further either. But if neither of them survived this realm and its treacherous traps to save her, then who would?
“What if she’s feeling as scared and alone… as I felt the first time I came here?” Riku asked as he gazed out upon the endless sea of shadow before him. “How long are we supposed to keep her waiting in this awful place?”
Sensing Riku’s guilt and melancholy over the matter, Mickey didn’t hesitate to step over to the shoreline to join him. A beat of pensive silence passed between the pair as they contemplated Aqua’s unknown, dark fate, but even so, the king still had hope that his longtime friend would be alright. And that hope was what he knew he had to share with Riku now. “I know you’re worried about her, and I am too,” Mickey began earnestly. “But Aqua… she’s like Sora.”
“What?!” Riku gasped, dumbfounded by the king’s implications. After all, he had always heard that Aqua was a wise, coolheaded Keyblade Master. But to think that she could be anywhere near as thoughtlessly reckless and wildly brazen as Sora often tended to be was more than enough to floor Riku completely.
“No, no, no! I meant she’s strong like Sora!” Mickey quickly clarified, understanding the new Master’s shock well.
At this, Riku let out a sigh of relief, glad to know that they wouldn’t essentially have two Soras running around once they brought Aqua back. One was enough to worry about as it was. “Ok, good,” Riku nodded, more allayed than before. “Then if her heart really is as strong as his, then she’ll be alright. Sora could fall into any darkness and swim his way out. So, if Aqua can do the same, then I guess we won’t have to worry.”
“That’s right,” Mickey readily agreed. “Besides, we won’t be too long. All we gotta do is get you a new Keyblade and look for clues about where to find her, and we should be more than ready to come back here and save her, once and for all!”
Riku nodded resolutely upon hearing this, more than ready to do just that. Still, for the time being, he decided that there was one final thing he needed to do before they returned to the Realm of Light. With a sift, single movement, he plunged what was left of the Way to Dawn into the sand, smiling sadly as he backed away from its new resting place. “Can’t use this Keyblade anymore,” he said, closing his eyes thoughtfully as he thought back to the distant voice that had beckoned to him within the empty void. The voice that had brought him back from the very brink of destruction. “Might as well leave it here… In case the other me needs it.”
Mickey looked to Riku with genuine confusion upon hearing this, though he didn’t get the chance to ask the new Master what he meant as he turned to leave. Briefly sparing a glance back at the broken Keyblade, the king hurried after him, both of them intent on making their return as soon as possible. And next time they came, they both silently vowed as they left the Dark Margin behind, they wouldn’t be leaving without Aqua by their side.
Fresh off their harrowing adventure in Olympus, Sora, Donald, and Goofy had unanimously decided that the best course of action for them to take would be to return to the Mysterious Tower to report their progress to Master Yen Sid. Or rather, their respective lack of progress, something that the sorcerer took in with the same sense of masked disappointment the trio themselves were feeling as they gathered before him.
“I see…” Yen Sid mused, stroking his long beard. “So you could not regain your strength…”
“Aw, no biggie,” Sora shrugged, putting on a casual front, even though that fact still did bother him at least a bit. “I still learned a lot.”
“Regardless, Sora,” the sorcerer said, his tone as serious as ever. “You will still need the power of waking.”
Despite bis best efforts to stay positive, Sora couldn’t help but let out a small, defeated sigh at this, knowing just as well as everyone else that the power of waking had eluded him during his failed Mark of Mastery exam and it still completely eluded him now. And though he had every intention of taking the helpful advice Hercules had offered him to heart, the Keybearer didn’t exactly know how it could possibly assist him in achieving a power as mysterious and special as that.
“It can’t be gone forever!” Goofy spoke up in an earnest attempt at encouraging Sora. “Maybe somethin’ll trigger it real soon!”
“Like what, exactly?” the Keybearer asked dubiously.
“I know!” Donald chimed in. “How about a good bonk on the head!?”
“Hey!” Sora retorted, hands on his hips.
“Perhaps it could be something as simple as that,” Yen Sid interjected surprisingly.
“Wait, you think so too?” the Keybearer asked as he turned to the sorcerer incredulously.
“Whenever you are in need,” Yen Sid began thoughtfully. “Magic happens. That is perhaps your greatest strength, Sora.”
“You make it sound like an accident…” Sora huffed, largely ignoring Donald and Goofy as they chuckled in slight amusement beside him.
“All the same,” Yen Sid spoke up, garnishing the trio’s full attention once more. “For now I am curious to know: were there any more significant developments the three of you might have come across during your brief journey?”
Sora was more than ready to answer this question, eager to detail their concerning encounters with Maleficent and Pete as well as Xigbar. However, before he could, Donald and Goofy cut in with perhaps the last story the Keybearer wanted getting out when it came to their most recent adventure.
“W-well, ya’see, we were fightin’ a whole bunch of Heartless,” Goofy began, catching a curious glance from Sora, who wondered exactly where the captain was going with this.
“And Sora had gotten himself hurt by not listening to us, as usual…” Donald continued, crossing his arms.
“A-and when we tried getting’ rid of ‘em,” Goofy said, his apprehension over the perilous tale quite clear. “S-Sora… well, he-”
“I-I got back up and cleared them all out, no problem!” Sora hastily exclaimed before either of his companions could say what really happened. His manner was tight and anxious as he offered the sorcerer a wide, rather forced smile, hoping that he wouldn’t catch on, even though Donald and Goofy already had.
“Wha-?!” Donald scoffed, looking to the Keybearer suspiciously. “That’s not what happ-”
“Y-yep, that’s absolutely what happened!” Sora reiterated, cutting the magician off by rushing to cover his beak before he could even get another word out. Despite Donald angrily flailing against him, the Keybearer still kept up his almost aggressively cheerful grin, silently wishing that both of his companions would let this shameful matter finally go. “It was pretty boring though, which means we really don’t have to talk about it anymore!”
“Would you get off of me?!” Donald fussed as he finally pushed Sora away, clearly frustrated. Goofy looked between the pair, clearly confused, though upon catching a rather pleading look from the Keybearer, he was quick to finally get the gist himself.
“Oh! T-that’s right!” the captain covered, much to Sora’s immense relief. “It really wasn’t anything special. And of course it didn’t have anything to do with any sorta darkness, if that’s what you’re thinkin’!”
Thinking that Goofy’s last comment might have been a bit too obvious, Sora let out a small, exasperated groan as he pinched the bridge of his nose, disgruntled. Miraculously enough, however, Yen Sid didn’t seem to want to pursue this tale any further as he merely took them by their word instead.
“Very well then,” the sorcerer nodded simply. “It is good to hear that some of your usual verve and vigor in the heat of battle has returned to you, Sora. That is an important milestone on the path to reclaiming your lost strength.”
“Y-yeah…” Sora said with a rather nervous sigh. “I guess it is…” In truth, he was rather guilty about the rather blatant lie he had just fronted, even more guilty about dragging Donald and Goofy into it along with him. But the last thing he needed now was for the sorcerer, or anyone else for that matter, knowing about his recent accidental slip into darkness. Especially when he was still trying to rise above such darkness in the first place.
Of course, the trio was set to truthfully discuss the foes they had seen in Olympus with the sorcerer, but before they could, the chamber’s door suddenly began to creak open, heralding a most unexpected arrival. Or rather, an unexpected return.
“We’re back, Master!!” Mickey called as he entered first, Riku trailing not too far behind. The pair had only just reentered the Realm of Light, but they figured they had no time to waste in seeking Yen Sid’s counsel on what they should do next.
“Whoa!” Sora gasped in amazement over the pair’s new outfits as he quickly turned to face them.
“Oh wow, you guys are all here!” the king greeted the trio blithely.
“We were here before,” Sora said. “But you guys didn’t wait for u—w-whoa!”
The Keybearer was succinctly cut off as well as abruptly shoved aside by both Donald and Goofy, who were both more than excited to see their king safe and sound. “Your majesty!” the magician cried happily as both him and the captain warmly embraced their longtime friend.
“Heya, fellas!” Mickey chuckled as he returned the hug. “What have you three been up to?”
At this, Sora attempted to intervene, regathering his bearings as he hurried over to the group. “We were visiti-”
Once again, he was shoved back by both of his companions, both of whom were eager to have this rare opportunity to visit with the king. “We went to Olympus to visit Hercules!” Donald exclaimed zealously.
“And to figure out how to get all of Sora’s lost powers back!” Goofy added just as brightly.
“But it was a big disappointment,” the magician whispered to the king, albeit not very discreetly.
“Oh, c’mon, do we have to tell everybody that?” Sora huffed, aggravated as he sat up from his fallen spot on the ground.
“Aw, well, that’s a real shame,” Mickey said with genuine sympathy. “But honestly…”
“We didn’t fare any better,” Riku picked up where the king left off.
“Oh! Did ya manage to figure out where Aqua is?” Goofy asked, curious.
“Even a hint?” Donald pressed as he noticed the pairs’ expressions falter.
In light of the disheartening discovery they had made in the Realm of Darkness concerning Aqua’s whereabouts, the most either Mickey or Riku could do was shake their heads sadly. This dejection was quick to spread to Donald and Goofy as they let out their own respective sighs as well. The pair had only ever briefly met Aqua years ago, but all the same, they still hoped for her safe return from the darkness just as much as the king and Riku themselves did.
“We know Master Aqua made it as far as the beach that Sora and I once visited,” Riku reported solemnly. “But that’s where her trail ends.”
“Meaning…?” Sora asked, joining in on the concern as he came to stand alongside Donald and Goofy.
“All traces of her vanish into the great abyss,” Mickey said, frowning. “Beneath the Realm of Darkness, where even we can’t go. At least not right now.”
“So… she’s gone?” Donald asked fretfully.
“No,” Riku said with a sense of firm resolve. “Sora was dragged into the abyss during his exam, and I went in after him. So… I think if we find someone who was really close to Aqua, and they make the dive, maybe they could reach her down there.”
As hopeful as this idea sounded to everyone else, Mickey simply shook his head sadly over it, knowing just how impossible it really was to carry out. “I’m not even sure whose left to ask,” the king said remorsefully. “Ventus is hidden, and Aqua’s the only one who knows where. Plus, nobody’s seen Terra in ages; Aqua was the last.”
“So Aqua—she’s bound to be the key to finding all three…” Riku mused, realizing just how much of a challenge that would be with Aqua herself as far out of their reach as she currently was.
“Yes,” Yen Sid spoke up, his tone rather grave. “Their teacher, Master Eraqus, would have been another possibility… had Xehanort not mercilessly struck him down….”
The sorcerer bowed his head at this out of respect for his fallen friend. Likewise, a morose, reverent silence filled the room as a whole, with just about everyone at a complete loss about what they could do to help Aqua, Terra, or Ventus alike. But then, just as the relative hopelessness of the situation began to sink in, a burst of unexpected warmth seemed to rush through Sora’s heart. It was faint, yet bright and sudden and perhaps even oddly familiar as it carried a sense of earnest longing mingled with dutiful purpose. And it was that purpose that drove him to readily speak without so much as even thinking about it, because if no one else could help Aqua, then he would.
“I’ll save her!” he volunteered boldly, brazenly. However, almost as soon as he did, he was quick to snap back into reality upon hearing the flabbergasted gasps of his companions.
“Wha-!? You can’t!” Donald scoffed disapprovingly.
“Yeah, Sora,” Goofy said much more patiently. “That’s gonna be super hard since you don’t have the power of waking.”
“Huh?” Sora blinked, shaking his head to clear it. The warmth that had so strangely filled his heart quickly died down, leaving only a brief sense of confusion over where it had come from in its place. “Sorry… I have no idea why that just popped out…”
“Well, it was pretty convincing,” Mickey said with a small smile.
“Yeah,” Riku smirked somewhat playfully to Sora himself. “Better not let us down.”
As the others all let out a small, much-needed laugh over this, none of them noticed Yen Sid perk up in his seat a bit behind them, almost as if he had noticed something none of the rest of them had. “Sora,” the sorcerer began, his authoritative tone catching the attention of the entire group. “You must focus on regaining your lost power of waking. Mickey and Riku, I recall that Master Aqua visited many worlds and connected with others who could be the link we need. Seek these places out in the hopes of finding a heart bonded strongly enough to hers’, with fortitude and strength enough to pull her out of the darkness she is now trapped within.”
“Good plan, sir,” Mickey nodded in solid agreement, hoping this course of action could finally lead them to the answers they were seeking. “Riku and I will retrace her steps and see if we can find any clues, but first…” The king stepped closer to the sorcerer’s desk. “We got hit pretty hard in the Realm of Darkness. My Keyblade was damaged, and Heartless broke Riku’s clean in half. So we’re gonna need to get replacements before we can continue.”
“In that case….” Yen Sid said. “Rendezvous with Kairi and Lea. As you are already aware, they are continuing their training under the tutelage of the wizard Merlin. Furthermore, I would like you to deliver these for me.” The sorcerer waved his hand over his desk, conjuring up two rather familiar-looking suitcases.
“Oh!” Mickey exclaimed, recognizing this type of luggage from before. “Are they…?”
“Yes, they are the same as the ones I gave you,” Yen Sid nodded, glancing briefly between both Riku and Mickey. “Special vestments to shield Lea and Kairi from the darkness.”
“What?” Sora spoke up from across the room as the pair took the suitcases, not even bothering to hide his obvious disappointment. “No fair! What about my outfit, Master?”
“Sora!” Donald quickly chastised harshly. “Don’t bug him like that! Its inconsiderate!”
“Settle down,” Yen Sid evenly cut in. “I have new clothes for you too, Sora. A gift from the good fairies.”
“Yes!” Sora cheered excitedly as a third and final suitcase appeared on the sorcerer’s desk, one that he didn’t hesitate to rush up to claim. “I knew you’d come through for me! Thanks!”
“These are no ordinary garments, Sora,” Yen Sid advised. “Like before, they have very special powers, so it took extra time to prepare them. In addition, there is also a gift from Chip and Dale inside.”
“Ok, cool!” Sora grinned as he shook the suitcase up, more than eager to see what it contained.
“Happy now?” Riku asked with a knowing smirk.
“Yep!” the Keybearer quipped, slinging the case over his shoulder.
“Also, Sora,” Yen Sid spoke up once more. “I am certain you recall our earlier conversation regarding the thirteen Keys to Kingdom Hearts. Well, after further deliberation, I have decided to permit you, Donald, and Goofy to go out amongst the worlds and seek them out after all, in the hopes of obtaining most, if not all of them before Xehanort and his followers do first.”
“Whoa, really?” Sora asked, Donald and Goofy echoing his amazement over being tasked with something so very monumental. “Ha! See, I told you guys we’d get to do something important soon!” he exclaimed, flashing a proud grin back at his baffled companions.
“Gosh, the thirteen Keys to the Kingdom…” Mickey mused, familiar with the old legend thanks to his master’s teachings. “Searching for them really is an awfully big responsibility, but I’m sure you fellas are up to the challenge!”
“As am I,” Yen Sid nodded his agreement. “This will be no easy task; even with the members of Organization XIII that you will no doubt have to contend with while searching for them, the Keys themselves are rumored to be notoriously hard to find. Inasmuch as they are connected to Kingdom Hearts itself, each one is tied to the very nature of the heart and the feelings it is known to express. Perhaps that knowledge will prove to be of assistance in your search.”
“Um, ok… feelings…” Sora repeated, rather confused. “Makes sense, I guess,” he said, even though it really didn’t.
“Worry not, Sora,” the sorcerer said with a smallest hint of a bemused grin. “So long as you follow your own heart to wherever it may lead, then I have no doubt the Keys will find their way to you. And who knows? Perhaps exploring worlds both old and new will not only help you regain your lost strength. It could even stir up the lost power of waking within you.”
“I hope so…” Sora muttered to himself wistfully upon hearing this, longing to claim that all-important power that still eluded him. Of course the only problem that remained was that he had no idea how.
“And with that, I believe you are all ready to proceed,” Yen Sid said conclusively to the entire group. They were all just about to embark on their respective missions too, until a small, but spritely voice cut in.
“Hey, wait! Don’t forget about me!”
“Jiminy!” Sora, Donald, and Goofy all exclaimed excitedly, watching as the cricket hurried across the sorcerer’s desk to greet them. It had been quite some time since they’d all seen him, not since their last journey together really, so suffice to say they were unanimously glad to reunite with their favorite tiny record-keeper once more.
“Every journey worth goin’ on needs a cricket to keep track of it,” Jiminy grinned as he tipped his hat to the trio. “And I can’t let ya start this one without ol’ Jiminy Cricket by your side!”
“The whole team’s back together again!” Goofy chimed in brightly.
“Yeah! On a whole new adventure!” Donald quipped, just as excited.
Oddly enough, Sora said nothing as he simply looked between his trio of loyal companions, a warm smile on his face at the thought of exploring the worlds with his friends by his side once again. Regardless of the danger the Organization might pose and the challenges they might face in finding the Keys, he was confident that they’d get through it all just fine so long as they stuck together. Just as they always had.
“Well, looks like its time to go!” Mickey exclaimed, setting an example for all the others as he snapped into ready attention for the sorcerer. Everyone else quickly followed suit, offering Yen Sid a respectful bow, though only Sora, Donald, and Goofy happened to catch the final statement he only barely managed to whisper under his breath. A statement that they had shared amongst themselves once before, but only now were hearing it from the sorcerer himself as he spoke it to the trio, with all the hope and assurance it carried along with it.
“…May your heart be your guiding key…”
As eager as they all were to set out on their respective journeys, the collective group began to spill out of the tower almost as soon as Yen Sid dismissed them. Still, that didn’t mean that they weren’t going to spare at least a brief moment or two for one fond, final farewell amongst themselves.
Donald and Goofy had already whisked the king aside to bombard him with plenty of hugs and well wishes, leaving Sora and Riku a chance to converse on their own terms. Something that they hadn’t done in quite some time now.
“I know you don’t really need it,” Sora began, offering his friend a wry, yet encouraging grin. “But good luck. I really hope you guys can find a way to help Aqua, but then again, I don’t think that’ll be too hard for you, “Mr. Master”.”
Riku couldn’t hold back a small chuckle at this, amused as ever by Sora’s lighthearted sense of humor. “Thanks. Still, I have a feeling that saving Aqua is gonna be easier said than done. First we’ll have to drop these clothes off with Kairi and Lea, and then-”
“Oh yeah!” Sora interupted excitedly. “When you see Kairi, tell her I said hi, ok?”
“You really thought I wouldn’t?” Riku asked with a sardonic grin.
“Hey, just making sure,” the Keybearer returned his smirk as he hung his hands behind his head. “It feels like it’s been forever since the three of us have all been together in the same place. Once all this is over, we really need to hang out, just you, me, and Kairi. Just like it always used to be.”
“Yeah…” Riku agreed, though his smile soon faltered as he glanced back over at his friend beside him. “Sora… I… a-are… are you feeling all right?”
“Of course, I am,” Sora looked over at him, confused. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Riku’s frown deepened as he closed his eyes. “I know I’m probably just worrying over nothing,” he began pensively. “But I can’t stop thinking about what happened during our exam. A-about… just how close Xehanort was to turning you into one of his vessels.”
“Y-yeah, but he didn’t!” Sora quickly said with somewhat unsteady smile. “So, crisis averted. Nothing to worry about anymore, right?”
“Wrong,” Riku crossed his arms and bowed his head, seemingly ashamed. “If Lea hadn’t jumped in when he did, I don’t think I would have been able to save you on my own. I wasn’t…” Strong enough to protect what matters most, was what he almost said, though something else came out instead. “I didn’t protect you like I should have. I’m sorry.”
For a moment, Sora said nothing, instead keeping his immensely concerned sights on his friend alone. He was honestly quite surprised that Riku seemed to take so much personal responsibility for something that, up until now, he had largely been blaming on himself. Which was why Sora knew he had to set the record straight right then and there, if not for his own solace, then for Riku’s. “B-but you did protect me!” he countered earnestly. “You were the one who dove into my heart to wake me up! Heck, if it wasn’t for you, I probably wouldn’t even be standing here right now! So don’t say sorry. Say you’re welcome instead!”
“You’re welcome?” Riku raised an eyebrow. “For what?”
“For the huge thank you I’m giving you right now for all of it!” Sora exclaimed, catching Riku off guard with a tight, unexpected hug.
Despite his prior despondency, the new Master was quick to catch his friend’s almost infectious cheerfulness as he let out a small laugh, returning the embrace, albeit less tightly. “How is that you always know what to say to make someone feel better?” Riku asked, still grinning.
“Eh, it’s a gift,” Sora shrugged blithely as they parted. The levity was short-lived however, as the Keybearer briefly thought back on Riku’s initial worry over him in the first place. Worry that, given what happened back in Olympus, might not have been as unfounded as Riku said it likely was. “Um… actually, Riku, I-I…” Sora trailed off, hesitating, though he had no real idea why. Leaving Yen Sid out of the loop made some form of sense; the last thing the Keybearer wanted or needed was any further admonishment over his faltering strength, which had no doubt been a factor in his recent bout of losing himself to darkness. But Riku… Sora knew he could trust Riku—he always had and he always would—even with something as alarming, even downright terrifying as this. So why then, did he still feel as though he couldn’t?
“Sora?” Riku spoke up, noticing his friend’s clear apprehension. “What’s wrong?”
“I-It’s nothing!” the Keybearer quickly blurted out against his better judgement. “N-nothing’s wrong. I just… wanted to give you one last goodbye!” he finished with a forced smile, nodding over to Donald and Goofy, who were already waiting for him near the Gummi Ship.
Of course, Riku didn’t instantly buy this, instead scrutinizing Sora with a rather critical glance. The Keybearer practically seized up at this, knowing that the new Master had a knack for reading him all too well. “Are you sure?” he asked, his expression softening after a beat. “Because if you ever feel like something is wrong, then I want to be the first to know.”
“O-oh believe me, you will be,” Sora assured, trying to mask his own guilt as he said it. For something had indeed gone wrong back in Olympus, when darkness had covered his heart, mind, and body like a shroud and left him with far more questions than answers, far more dread than hope. And as much as he wanted to, at the very least, confide in Riku about just how frightening that moment, that absolute loss of all control, had been, he instead kept that burden to himself, however unbearable it might have been.
“Good,” Riku nodded, resolute. “Looks like its time for both of us to head out.” He turned slightly with the intent of joining Mickey for their own departure. “Be careful out there, ok? I don’t doubt that Donald and Goofy will keep an eye on you, but you need to keep an eye on yourself too. Got it?”
“Y-yeah…” Sora said with a halfhearted smile, sending Riku a wave of farewell as he turned to walk off and regroup with his companions. “Got it…”
Of course, Riku noticed the uneasiness in Sora’s tone (it wasn’t like he had made too much of an effort to hide it), and though he was tempted to turn back around and find out exactly where it was coming from, he didn’t. He knew it wasn’t like Sora to keep secrets from anyone really, especially him. They had both usually been nothing if not honest with each other—or at least as honest as they could be, certain shameful moments in the past notwithstanding. Which was why Riku couldn’t understand exactly what Sora was holding back from him and why. It was something that bothered him, without a doubt, especially considering the recent alarming events of their exam. But for as much as he wanted to get to the bottom of it, he knew he couldn’t, at least not right now. There was still so much work to be done in rescuing Aqua from the Dark World, a task so important and monumental for the sake of uniting the seven lights and stopping Xehanort, that it required his wholehearted focus and attention.  Worrying about Sora, while always something of a natural constant in the back of Riku’s mind, would just have to wait.
Still, even Riku had no idea of just how much he’d end up having to worry about when it came to Sora later on down the line. And if he had… then perhaps he would have thought twice about leaving on just a single, simple, unsatisfying goodbye.
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mamabearlarusso · 6 years
Journal: As the old year ends, a new one begins... Part 2
The news hit me like a brick wall, I hadn't known her condition was that serious, but I had to keep it together for Daniel and play telephone tag trying to handle everything on this end. I called Johnny, because I knew Daniel would need someone there with him. He tends to shut down inside himself, when these things happen. I've seen it before, but this time I wouldn't be able to be there for him.
Then Robby called, he wanted to know what he could do to help Sam and Anthony...they were all over at his mom's place, having a movie night that night. I had to assure him that he was already helping, just by keeping the fun going. I wanted them all to have that nice, ordinary, run-of-the-mill kid time after everything they've all been through...before I broke more bad news.
Last, was Ali. I may have known Lucille longer, but she knew her first. She deserved to know. So, once all the voicemails were sent out, I think might have meandered to the den, because when Ali called back, I was as drunk as a skunk.
I only remember bits of the phone call, but what I do remember, doesn't exactly paint me in prettiest of pictures. Everything that happened the last few months, all that I had been holding back of my past, my relationship with my own mother and how that had skewed my relationship with Lucille...I broke. The den is and has always been my safe and warm blanket. Hidden inside this safe place is a little friend I call Jack. He and I don't talk often, but he's always there when I need him. Somehow, somewhen, Ali was at the door...and I realized the phone call wasn't a crazy dream.
She had her hands full, dealing with me, but she never left. After finally getting some food into me and then some sleep, we watched a movie. Due Date with RDJ & Zach Galifianakis. It was like a slumber party on a rollercoaster. Almost every happy moment was met with a bittersweet memory, or just a complete downer. I didn't realize how messed up I really was, after keeping everything so close for so long. But still, Ali didn't run for the hills.
Not until after the movie was over, did I realize how perfect a pick it actually was to watch then. Ethan was having trouble dealing with the death of a parent, Peter was having trouble letting loose and getting out of his own little bubble. Seems kinda like a downer, when I put it like that, but it's not. More one of those hilarious movies that slaps you in the face with real down to earth heart.
I SWEAR! I just flipped it on because I felt like crap and RDJ was in it. There was no thought put into it. At. All.
That day, Ali and I spent the better part shopping and then ended up making a whole dinner spread, for all the kids when they got back from their marathon. It was nice and drama free. A few days later was New Years Eve and all the kids had their party plans.
I had a nice quiet night, trying to catch up on work and get a head start on meals for the week...and by quiet, I mean blasting my music and having a few beers. Maybe not the best new year's plans, but no crisis--drunken or otherwise--and I was getting things done. I was happy...until Samantha came home and said that Robby's grandfather was in the hospital again.
I wanted to be there for him, since Johnny was still in Jersey, but then I started thinking about how Sam had mentioned Shannon being nice at the movie night...and that slammed be back to our last meeting at the hospital cafe, Robby didn't need a replay of that...oh and hello, I still hadn't told Sam and Anthony about Lucille. Hey there, guilt...I almost forgot the feeling that was settling back in the center of my chest.
I sent Robby a text, letting him know he could call me if he needed anything. Knowing that he probably wouldn't, just piled on the worry and the guilt. Then, seeing as it was already too late and Anthony was still at his sleepover, I resigned to waiting 'til tomorrow. Of course, I kept waiting to hear from Daniel again, it would be so much better to have him here for the kids.
'Tomorrow' turned into 'just one more day' and it became a mantra I told myself every morning. After three days, Sam and I were both worried about Robby, he wasn't answering any of our calls and there was no Sid Weinberg admitted at Encino Medical. We'd go by Johnny's place but there was no sign of either of the Lawrence boys. I even went by Shannon's on my lunch break, but there was no answer. I left a note with my number slipped under the door.
By the weekend we were just trying to wait for him throw up a flag, it was all we could do at that point and it didn't help that Anthony was asking if Robby's leg was all better yet. Nights were spent in front of the t.v. or after the kids went to bed, I was stuck on the computer going through social media...hoping to see any sign of him. Another week has gone by and nothing.
School will be starting again in the morning...the kids are in bed and I'm going back the computer. Damn it!
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p-artsypants · 7 years
My Kingdom For a Heart- (5) Dance of the Daring
FF.net | AO3
Three guest rooms were made up, one for each teen. Sora reclined in his bed, sleep a million miles away. To him, everything that had happened today was just a drop in the trauma bucket.
He wasn’t expecting to stay the night. So, he didn’t bring his pajamas. He almost feared sleeping without them. Yen Sid had promised they’d help with his nightmares, and they had. Now when the heartless appeared in his dreams, he wasn’t afraid.
Rather, now he had other things to worry about. The nightmares of fighting had covered up other dreams he should have been having instead. Conversations with people he hadn’t met, feelings of things that never happened…he knew some of them were Roxas’ memories. But some of the others…he wasn’t sure. Either way, sleep was not enjoyable to him anymore.
Especially when he was alone.
Quietly, Sora stole from his bed and crept to the door. He didn’t bother to look at his clock, he knew it was some ungodly hour in the morning. He crept into the hall.
The castle was silent and still.
He glanced over to Riku’s room, knowing that his friend was probably in a hard sleep. Riku wasn’t the type to rest during the day. And with all the running in the woods he did, doubtless he was exhausted.
Instead, Sora snuck across the hall into Kairi’s room. She laid in the middle of the queen-sized mattress, dressed in a silk nightgown. The servants had taken good care of her, he supposed.
“Hey Kai? Are you asleep?”
Her eyes opened slightly and glanced his way.
“Sorry if I woke you up, I couldn’t sleep.” He crawled onto the mattress and laid down next to her. “It’s weird, I…I kind of get anxious when I’m not with you. Like…we’ve been separated on and off for two years now…and now that you’re with me…I’m terrified to leave you alone. Especially like this.”
He laid on his back, looking up at the bed canopy. “It’s stupid. You’re a princess and you’ve gotten to sleep in two castles now. And I’m not counting the dungeon in The Castle That Never Was either. And now…we’re going to go to all these different worlds, and I’ve decided to bring you along, because I hope that you’ll get to experience it…but without your heart, you’ll never…”
He went silent and turned back over to face her. “Do you remember when we were kids, and the very last time we played Princess and the Dragon?” He smirked. “You were the Princess and Riku and I fought over who got to be the dragon, but he ended up winning. So I became the knight. He placed you ‘under a spell’ of eternal slumber and said that it could only be lifted if I beat the dragon.”
He reached over and fingered her bangs. “And so I fought Riku again, and this time I took it really personal. Then he told me I could only wake up the princess with a kiss. And you actually pretended to still be under that spell. So I kissed you, and it was awkward for everyone.”
His voice was barely a whisper as he leaned in a little closer to her. “So in a way, you’re the sleeping Princess again, and I’m your knight.”
Kairi sighed audibly. A pleasant sound.
“But…the dragon is a little tougher now…and a kiss isn’t going to wake you up.” He glanced down to her lips and felt his stomach clench. “At least…I doubt it could be that simple. But I also don’t want to try that yet…since…well…”
He fell silent, not really knowing what else to say.
“I feel bad, Kai. We were separated for two years…not even able to speak to each other, and now we’re together and you can’t speak…” he frowned. “All of my friends are important to me. No matter how they change. Like Riku, he’s…a lot different now. It’s sad, really. But you and I…”
He met her glassy eyes and stared a little deeper into them. “Things will never be the same between us again, will they?”
Her eyes fell shut softly.
“I guess not.” He looked away to the window. The moon was bright, it’s light piercing the thin curtains. Sometimes, if he stared long enough, the moon took on a heart shape, and terrified him. But for now, it remained a circle.
“Things won’t ever be the same. Not for anyone.” Then he smiled, and looked back down to Kairi. “But you know, I’m okay with that. It keeps things interesting.”
With a tender kiss to her cheek, Sora settled down beside her and found dreamless sleep.
He had never been to a ball before. A dance, yes, when he was back at the islands. But never an elaborate, glamorous ball. Sora did his best to tame his hair, and polish up in the former daunting west wing. He wore a borrowed suit from the castle, and if he was honest with himself, felt a little silly. It was almost the opposite of what he had been wearing, since the pants were tight and the shirt was long and loose. High socks adorned his now monstrous calves.
“Ugh, my toes are so cramped in these shoes.” He muttered to Riku.
“That’s because you’ve never worn anything smaller than size 50.” He snarked back.  
"Big talk from someone who has the same shoe size as Goofy."
"Hey, I only wore those to make you feel better about your ugly hobbit toes!" Riku protested.
"Boys boys!" Cogsworth pleaded. It seemed like the 'honored guest' title had worn down quickly. "Of course we are very excited to have you two and your lady friend as guests, but I urge you greatly to be on your best behavior.”
“Why? It’s just a ball with the servants. Everyone already knows how goofy we are.”
“I’m afraid it’s more then just a quaint get together. One part of the curse was that the castle became unfathomably dismissible by it former occupants. Tonight you shall be presented to them along with the Master."
"Adam's family is coming back and it will be the first time he's seen them since before the curse."
"Oh..." the boys spoke together.
"The queen passed away in childbirth. His father, struck with grief, travelled all around the world to forget her. All his life, he’s been trying to forget his son. And because of the curse, he nearly did. On birthdays the castle would receive a simple page boy who would open the front door and throw a letter inside, stating that the Lords of the castle hoped he was well and would be able to visit next year. The castle’s status was checked up on by his Uncle, Lord Gilbert…who was grossly negligent in that regard. We have received word that these two men, along with a hand full of other nobles, will be present tonight for the Master��s 21st birthday. So please, I beg you, be courteous."
Sora smiled, “No worries, Cogsworth! I've been around loads of royals. We can handle it."
Riku smirked, “Yeah, remember that one time the Emperor of China called me rude?"
"I mean...you didn't even introduce yourself."
"Introductions!" The majordomo exclaimed. "I forgot to write your introductions!"
"Can't we just introduce ourselves? That's a lot more friendly."
"Friendly? We want the proper etiquette! Most of these people won't even want to be friendly!" He dug through his pockets and found some notecards. "Here, write down your full names and titles and give them to the doorman before entering the Entrance Hall. Make sure you write one for the Mistress Kairi as well.”
"Oh you know, The Duchess of Cambridge, The Duke of Wellington, Regent Prince Adam de Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint-Exupéry?" He giggled. "That last one was a test, that’s the Master's title."
"No wonder he went by 'Beast’,” muttered Riku.
"But we don't have titles like that!"
"Well, then make something up! You're both proud world savers and warriors! Travelers extraordinaire! We are trying to impress! How you are perceived will reflect upon Master Adam!“
“Impress, huh?” Sora smirked a horrible little smirk. “Okay. I can do this."
“Why oh why do I have the feeling I'm going to regret this?"
Sora put his hands on the man’s shoulders and steered him toward the door. “You just go on ahead and worry about the rest of the house. You have our word that we’ll be on our best behavior and we’ll write some very nice and impressive titles.”  
“Oh all right…” Cogsworth relented. “There is a lot of stuff to tend to…just make sure you get those titles approved by someone in the house!”
“Of course!”
And with that, he was out the door.
“Here,” Riku handed him his notecard. “You can write mine, Eager McBeaver.”
Sora’s fiendish grin curled slightly. “Excellent.”
A moment later, Prince Adam paused timidly in the doorway. “Can I come in?”
“Sure,” Riku welcomed, leaning against the wall. “You all ready?”
“As much as I can be,” He admitted. “I’m not sure what I’m going to say to my father. I…don’t even really know him.”
Riku sighed, speaking to the floor. “I…think I kind of know what you mean. I haven’t been home in nearly two years. Before I left, I wasn’t really on good terms with my parents. We fought often, and I got in a lot of trouble. But I just kept pushing them away. There was nothing I would rather do than cast them off completely so I could be free to explore the outside world…but when I got out here, I realized how dark and lonely it can get. I miss them so much now and regret ever fighting with them.” He pushed off from the wall and clasped the man’s shoulder. “I think the best thing you can do is just tell him you love him and you want to get to know him.”
Adam nodded once, sagely. “I think I’ll do just that.” Then he turned and looked at Sora who was furiously writing something down on a notecard. He’d scratch a line, cross it out, tap the pencil to his chin and then write something else.
“What are you doing?”
“Writing our titles,” He answered simply. “Can you approve this?”
Adam took the notecard and gave it a withering glance. “I don’t know…I’m still practicing my reading. It’s not stellar.”
“Even better!”
The Prince read all the words he could. “It’s pretty long. But from what I can tell, it’s good.”
“What did you put for me?” Riku reached for the cards, but Sora snatched them away.
“You’ll just have to find out when you get introduced.”
A throat cleared at the door. “Your Majesty, your guests have arrived.”
In the Entrance Hall, Sora, Riku, Adam stood at the top of the stairs, just out of site from the crowd below. Riku peered around the corner to report. “I see the servants, and there’s a lot of other people here too.”
“Probably their families,” noted Adam.
“It looks like they’re starting the introductions.”
Sure enough, the doorman spoke loud and clear. “Introducing The Duchess of Cambridge, Marina de Coup Pans de Lyon.”
There was a short applause before the next guest was introduced.
“Alright, so apparently, once all the visitors are introduced, then they will introduce you three and then me. I think they will announce Kairi first.”
“Where is she?” Asked Sora, eager to see his friend all gussied up.
“She’s in the parlor, Mrs. Potts will wheel her out when she’s introduced.”
The guests kept pouring in.
“When do we start walking? When they say our name?”
“As soon as they start saying your title, go ahead and start walking down.”
Riku added from his vantage point, “wow, that’s a bit more than a handful.”
“How many?”
“A few…”
“How many is a few?”
“A couple…”
“Give me a ballpark figure.”
He sighed, “like thirty.”
“I knew this was going to happen,” Adam lamented, head in his hands. “I really don’t want to go out there.”
“Hey, it’s okay. We’re here, if you need anything, we’ll back you up.”
“Are you sure?”
Riku grinned, “I am wonderfully capable of throwing punch on someone and making it look like an accident.”
“So you did do that on purpose!” Sora whisper shouted.
“Tidus had it coming!”  
Lumiere’s voice cut through the conversation. “And now, ladies and gentlemen, it is my privilege to introduce our guests of honor. The household extends our welcome to these three young warriors visiting from a far off world. Without their help, the castle would not have returned to the glory it once held.”
“Debatable,” Riku muttered.
“The Princess of light, Kairi Shimomura, daughter of Ansem the Wise, the Sage King of Radiant Garden.”
There was a humble applause as Kairi was presented on the floor.
“What does she look like?” Sora urged, trying to see over Riku’s head.
“You’ll see her in a minute! Calm down!”
“Get ready!” Adam scolded.
“The Former Prince of Darkness, Riku Nomura, Pupil to King Mickey Mouse of Disney castle, wielder of the Keyblade.”
Riku made his descent down the stairs as people applauded. Despite the opening, the name was pretty good.
“And of course,” Lumiere cleared his throat, like he wanted this to be perfect. “The Champion of the Gods, Hero of Olympus, Lieutenant of the Chinese Army, First Mate of Captain Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl," Sora strolled down the stairs, a glow with pride.
Riku stood at the bottom, rolling his eyes and huffing.
"Advisor to Aladdin; Sultan of Agrabah, Consort of King Simba of Pride Rock, Escort of Princesses, Slayer of Dragons and Monsters, Pupil to Master Yen Sid, Knight of His Majesty King Mickey Mouse of Disney Castle, Captain of the Starship Highwind, Master of the Seven Elements and Master Keyblade wielder, Sora Hikari of Destiny Islands.”
The servants went ecstatic. Cheers like none other rocked the castle as Sora cockily strolled down the stairs. The new guests just stared in shock, and a bit in awe.
"How's that for a title?" He snickered.
"Cogsworth is going to kill you."
"And now, if you please, a round of applause for your honorable and humble host, Regent Prince Adam de Antoine Marie Jean-Baptiste Roger, comte de Saint-Exupéry..." applause started as Adam nervously descended the stairs. He waited on the ballroom landing.
"And his beautiful lady," Lumiere smiled as he looked up to the East wing. "Belle."
No title, no family name, just her first name, because that was enough for Adam, so it was enough for everyone else. The servants cheered and sang as the master and mistress of the castle met on the landing, smiling brightly at each other, seemingly lost in their own world.
“Thank you everyone, for attending this wonderful celebration,” Lumiere beamed. “Please, be our guest!”
Hired hands, not previously attending the castle opened the doors to the ballroom. Maestro struck up the band and the party commenced.
Now that he had a moment, Sora crouched a bit and took in Kairi’s absolute beauty. She wore a deep blue dress with silver trimmings and bows and ruffles. Her hair was curled and pinned daintily. Sora blushed as he smiled tenderly at her. “Wow Kai! You look like a Princess!”
“Should she not?” A woman’s voice cut through the moment.
Both Sora and Riku turned to greet a sour looking woman in clothes of grandeur and splendor, pinks and reds of all different shades and hues. All layered together in one big flowery mess. “I thought I’d make my acquaintance to such an esteemed Princess of such an exotic title…but if she isn’t actually a princess…”
Sora rubbed the back of his head. “Gee uh, ma’am. I only meant that she actually looked like a princess. Where we are from, we don’t wear clothing this rich and fine. And girls don’t wear dresses this poofy.”
The noblewoman narrowed her eyes slightly. “I see. I am Madam Vivian Antoinette, Duchess of Corsica. Prince Adam is my nephew.” She held her hand out delicately.
Sora took it and shook it with warmth. “Nice to meet you! I’m Sora! This is Riku and this is Kairi.”
She smirked, withdrawing her hand. “That’s how you introduce yourselves? How…civilian.”
Riku mentally tagged in to this boxing fight of wits. “Our culture is much different then you’re used to, and we apologize. We experience so many different types of cultures in our travels, we find it best to keep it simple.”
“I see,” The woman stated, placated.
Sora took note of the guests making their way into the ballroom. “Well, we should join them. Ready Kai?” He stooped and scooped her up. Automatically, her hands draped around his shoulders.
Aunt Vivian sneered at the sight. “Is it also…proper to hold a lady like that in public where you’re from? Are you married?”
“They might as well be,” Riku quipped.
Sora blushed. “Ah, no we—we aren’t. But uh, as you can see by her chair. Kairi is unable to walk on her own.”
“Is she also unable to speak of her own accord? It seems odd that a servant would be answering for her.”  
Sora’s eyes widened, not sure how to respond to such a rude response in a way that wouldn’t embarrass Cogsworth or Adam. He simply looked to Riku. Sometimes he had better tact.
This moment was not one of those moments.
“Look lady, Sora and I are decorated warriors and master swordsmen, and we deserve way more respect than you’re giving us now. I would have thought you’d be a little bit more polite in front of Princess Kairi, Duchess. And no, she can’t speak either. Very rude of you to point that out.”
The woman laughed a haughty little laugh and unfurled her fan. “I merely wanted to see what types of people you were, since you seem to be well acquainted with my dear sweet nephew.”
Riku folded up Kairi’s chair while Sora started up the stairs. “I hate to be the barer of bad news, but you make a poor first impression.”  
Meanwhile, Adam and Belle were approached by two older men. He knew them, but he wasn’t prepared for how much older they appeared.  
“Father, Uncle,” Adam greeted calmly and genuinely.
His father, King Reginald, smiled and shook his head with a look of disbelief. “You look so much like your mother.”
Adam looked away shyly, unsure of how to respond. He still wasn’t used to looking like a human in the first place.
“So, please tell us about this lovely lady.” His uncle changed the subject.
“Oh! This is Belle, she’s my uh…we are…”
“Adam has been courting me.” She curtsied politely.
The duke and king shared a knowing glance. “She’s very lovely,” Reginald praised. “How were you acquainted? As far as I know, you were never the social type, Adam.”
“Uh…well, she was my guest.”
“Adam was very kind to let me stay here while my father was away. You see, my father is a world famous inventor and he is well travelled to show his inventions to scholars.”
The king nodded with enthusiasm, “sounds like a very smart man!”
“And Belle is very educated as well,” Adam added. “She’s read over half the books in the library since she started staying here.”
“Charming, beautiful, and smart! My boy you’ve seem to found the perfect woman!”
Adam beamed.
“But if she is so well learned,” his uncle interjected, “why did she not take care of the house hold or go with him? I’m just curious.”
Adam swallowed. He was never very good at lying. Especially when he could just drop, ‘because I said so!’ and people would listen to him.
“Well, your excellency, I was being relentlessly pursued by a hunter who wanted my hand in marriage. And sought out your lovely castle as a sanctuary for a just a little time.”
“A hunter?”
“Yes, a man that was unafraid to kill any animal just for praise. He kept them all as trophies. He didn’t know how to read and he spent all his free time drinking beer.”
Adam scowled, hating the man even more.
The duke laughed, “sounds like an utter buffoon! You did well to seek out help.”
“So when’s the wedding?” The King asked.
At that, both Adam and Belle blushed heavily. “Well, the courting is only a recent development…” Adam cleared his throat. “That is, I do love Belle, and I would love to marry her, but I need a little time to get used to the idea.”
“Belle! There you are!” A man hustled into the group. “I saw you go into the ballroom and then I got lost in the crowd—this castle is so big, I still can’t—Oh dear, am I interrupting something? I’m terribly sorry.” Maurice looked up at the gentlemen gathered.
The king barked out a laugh and held out his hand. “It’s quite alright, monsieur…?”
He shook it warmly. “Maurice, just Maurice. I’m Belle’s father. And you are?”
The man laughed. “King Reginald VII, at your service.”
“K-K-K-King!?” Maurice fell down to his face on the floor. “Your Highness! I’m so so sorry, I should have…I’ve never seen you in person, and I wasn’t expecting…”
“Sir, please rise. Since it seems like we’re going to be in laws in the future, there’s no need to be so formal.”
“In laws!? You’re Adam’s—“
“He’s my son, yes,” The king smiled.
Maurice stood on shaky legs, staring between the group. “Oh what have you gotten me into, my dear?”
“Oh darling!” A shrill voice beckoned. The duke turned to greet his wife, Aunt Vivian.
“There you are Viv, where did you waltz off to?”
“I went to speak to the honored guests, the two young men and the princess. Aren’t you going to introduce me?”
“Oh yes, of course you remember Adam, and this is his Beau, Belle. And her father, Maurice.”
“Ah, yes.” The woman smirked, “The girl without a title or even a surname.” She snapped her fan.
“Vivian,” her husband scolded.
Aunt Vivian gave her a cold stare. “So how did you end up here? I’m sure it’s a…riveting story.”
“Oh it is!” Maurice responded. “You see, it was a dark and stormy night—!”
Belle put a loving hand on her father’s shoulder. “Now dad, I’m sure Adam wants to get caught up with his family. We can tell them the story later, alright?” And she steered him toward the snack table.
“But Belle, don’t you think that’s important for them to know?”
“They don’t know about the curse,” She explained. “Cogsworth told me that his family just felt compelled to stay away. I do think they need to know about the curse but…not right now. Not tonight.”
Maurice nodded. “I understand, and I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to apologize for Papa.” She kissed the top of his head.
“If you don’t mind,” he began, his eyes searching the room, “I’m going to see if Mrs. Potts would like a dance.”
Belle giggled as he headed out into the fray. She proceeded into the room as guests and servants alike greeted her. Then, off in a corner, she saw the boy from Hollow Bastion sitting in a wheelchair, looking at a strange rectangular device.
She approached him quietly. “Now, I could have sworn you were the friend that could walk.”
Riku startled up from his seat. “Oh no, that’s not me…um, I’m just taking pictures.” He held out his phone so that she could see the images of the dancers taking the floor. One such image was of Sora waltzing with Kairi in his arms. Belle looked to the floor and saw him. He looked much more elegant in the photo. But he was happy, as Kairi had her arms draped around his shoulders and rested her head against his chest.
“Are you jealous?” Belle asked, a little bluntly.
Riku huffed. “You know, if you had asked me a year ago, I would have said yes without a doubt. But now I’m just sad.”
Belle turned her sympathetic gaze to Sora. “He seems to care a lot about her.”
“He loves her. He cares about everyone he meets, but he loves her. Did you know he took out his own heart for her? And because of her, he regained himself from a heartless.”
“I remember.” She smiled softly. “I remember waking up to Donald screaming for him. I remember mass panic as everyone left the great hall. But where were you?”  
Riku looked down in shame. “That was after I lost my body to the darkness. Ansem had taken control of my body and there was nothing I could do to stop it.”
Belle looked back at him. “Now everything makes sense.”
“How so?”
She smiled at him. “Several times in his travels, Sora visited our castle. He was looking for you each time. I could only wonder why. But now I know that the you I met back then wasn’t actually you.”
“In a way, it still was.” He sighed. “Before this whole thing started, when the three of us still lived on the island, I confessed to Kairi that I had a crush on her. She was really nice about it, but she told me that her heart belonged to someone else. I asked if it was Sora and she said it was. From that day on, I did everything I could to prove that I was better than him. I even teased him in front of her. In the end, when it mattered, I took a short cut to try to save her, and ended up bringing ruin to myself.” He crossed his arms, “when I kidnapped you, I had a major attitude problem. Since then, I’ve been severely humbled…and I’m sorry for what I did. It must have been traumatic.”
“Scary, yes.” She affirmed. “But I wasn’t harmed, and adventure never hurt anyone.”
He grinned. “In fact, I think it helps.”
Belle raised her hand out to him, “I would like to have a word with Sora, do you think you could help me out there?”
He bowed, “of course, m’lady.”
Riku and Belle danced out to the couple lost in their own little world. She tapped gently on his shoulder. “Excuse me sir, may I have this dance?”
Sora looked between her and Riku and nodded. Kairi raised her arms out so Riku could take her.
“Just so you know, I have two left feet.”
“That’s alright.” Belle grinned.
They awkwardly danced in the crowd of servants. “You’re so stiff,” She chuckled.
“I’m just not used to dancing!”
“Well, at least you aren’t looking at your feet. It took Adam a long time to figure that out.”
“To be fair, we aren’t really dancing…just swaying in a circle.”
“I don’t mind.”
“So…what’s the Beast—er, Adam up to?”
“He’s talking to his family in the grand hall. I don’t think his Aunt likes me.”
“Oh you mean—,” He pitched his voice high and made it overly proper. “Aunt Vivian?”
“You met her?”
“I was roasted by her. Riku and Kairi too! Some people are just awful.”
“I’ve dealt with worse,” Belle assured. “But, I’ve been meaning to ask you, I just haven’t been able to since you got here…what is wrong with Kairi? If I recall, she didn’t have any problems before.”
Sora looked away in sadness. “Well, you remember Xaldin, right?”
Her nose flared. “Did that awful man do this?”
“Not quite. He was a part of a group of Nobodies called Organization XIII. Their leader ripped Kairi’s heart out and shattered it. Riku and I are trying to find a way to restore it, since Kingdom Hearts is unstable without it.”
“Oh goodness! Is there anything we can do to help?”
“Actually…” He moved his hand to his pocket. As he did, there was a loud knocking at the door.
A hush fell over all the servants as they stopped dancing. Even the band stopped playing music. The guests looked around confused as nearly everyone looked to the door.
The knocks repeated.
Lumiere hurried from the ballroom and down the steps to get the door, but Adam was already heading towards it. As Belle and Sora reached the bottom of the steps, they heard Aunt Vivian scoff. “Answering the door himself? That’s a servant’s job!”
Adam adjusted his coat and opened the door with a welcoming air.
Lumiere paled next to Belle. “It’s her.”
An ugly old woman stood at the door, her knotted hands clutched a rotting cane. Her blind eye staring right into Adam’s soul. Though she never said so, he believed that she would return one day to test him.
Persistent rain pelted down on the stairs behind the woman. He couldn’t recall if it had been doing so when the guests arrived not long ago.
“Good evening, madam,” he greeted, a nod of his head.
“Please,” she begged. “Spare an poor old woman from the cold? I have but a rose to offer in return.”
“That’s very kind of you, please come in.” With a sweep of his arm, he gestured inside. “We are in the middle of a celebration, please enjoy the music.”
“That’s alright, what I’d really love is a warm bed for the night.”
Cogworth hurried up to Adam in a hushed panic. “All the rooms are full, and I know that our…distinguished guests would be…put out if your offered their room away.”
“Then the parlor,” Adam decided. “We’ll have a nice fire in the parlor and you can sit in my chair.”
Everything finally clicked in Sora’s mind and he joined the conversation. “Bea—er Adam, me, Riku, and Kairi have to get going tonight, so if you want to offer one of our rooms, that’s fine.”
“Ah! Thank you! There we go, a nice warm room for you ma’am!” He called back to the assembled crowd. “Is Mrs. Potts here?”
The housekeeper hurried down the steps to the Master. “Yes sir, I’m here sir.”
“I’m so sorry to ask this of you on your day off, but could you personally attend to our guest?”
“Of course, Master.” She curtsied.
“I’ve had just about enough of this!” Aunt Vivian exclaimed. “Treating this woman—this peasant with so much curtesy! It’s…well, it’s disgraceful.”
Adam cleared his throat. “Aunt Vivian, you don’t understand.”
“Oh I understand plenty! While we were gone, you resorted to rubbing shoulders with dirty commoners! You bring shame upon this family!”
The beggar woman looked at Adam, and smiled slightly. “Are you going to let her boss you around in your own castle?”
“You! You do not speak unless spoken too!” Vivian snapped. “Adam! This is a complete and utter embarrassment. If you will not do something about this, then I will.”
“Vivian, this is my castle now, and whoever needs refuge will get it. You must understand—“
But the woman was so lost in anger that she would not listen to him. “Guards! Anyone! Get this woman out of here!”
The old beggar woman narrowed her eyes. “Do not be deceived by my appearance. Things are not always as they seem.”
The resounding slap sent the crowd into silence. A maid sobbed.
“Get out.” Vivian snarled.
Instantly, the room was overtaken by a bright light. The old woman rose into the air and showed her true, beautiful form. Vivian fell to her knees in fear.
“Anger and hate will get you nowhere.” She proclaimed, raising her hands. “This is what happens when you let it fester!”
Prince Adam seized up instantly, pink magic surrounding him.
“Oh no!” Belle cried. “Please don’t!” She looked to Sora. “Please do something!”
Adam’s body was engulfed in light, as beams burst forth from his fingertips.
Sora drew his keyblade, but stood still, unsure of the right course of action.
“Steady your hand Keyblade wielder, I am not your enemy,” The enchantress claimed.
A horrendous roar shook the castle and the once handsome Prince was reduced to a Beast once more. He turned, snarling at his family.
The king took a step toward him, holding out his hand. “Adam…”
The enchantress lowered herself to their level and placed a hand on the Beast’s arm. “This is the product of your cruel, sad, sickening and hateful hearts. I once thought he was a spoiled, selfish, and wicked child. I now realize that he was merely a victim himself, of gross negligence and poor role models. These last ten years, he will never get back, and it’s all your fault.” She addressed the King, the Duke, and the Duchess.
The King was the first to act, in a way that no one would have ever expected. He ran to Adam and threw his arms around his son and wept. “Adam! My sweet little Adam! How cruel and foolish I’ve been!”
“Father?” The beast hated the gruff noise that was his voice.
The king looked up to him. “By god, you still have her eyes.” He clenched his eyes shut, pained. “Every time I looked at you, it hurt so bad. You took my wife away, but are the only thing I have left of her. And I chose to push you away and ruin your life. I know I can never make it up to you, but I will do everything I can to make up for it. I’m so sorry, could you ever forgive me?”
The beast hugged him back. “All I wanted was for you to love me.”
“Oh Adam, I did. I loved you so much…but I didn’t know how to show it. Anything would have been better than what I did. We’ll start a new, is that alright?”
“Yes…that sounds perfect.”
The duke approached him guiltily. “I don’t think I was much better. Your father asked me to watch over you, and I did a poor job. I have no excuse.”
The Beast clapped his shoulder, causing him to stumble. “You tried. And that’s okay. It didn’t help that I was awful to you.”
“I’ve long forgiven you for anything you did, my boy.” The duke assured.
The enchantress looked at the assembled and smiled. “Forgiveness is the mightiest sword. And with it, your hearts can be purified.” Then she turned her eyes upon the duchess. “But some hearts are so consumed by darkness, that they cannot be redeemed.” She raised her hand and a pink light surrounded Vivian, who still sat frozen on the ground. “You who have mocked and scorned others, who has pointed fingers and carelessly flung insults. You will have silence for the rest of your days. Nevermore will you sing your praises or defend your actions, and no one will stand up in your place. For you have damned yourself to a life of scorn and hatred as you have delivered it. There will be no redemption for you, for you have not learned this lesson yet.” And with that Vivian’s voice turned to dust.
“Vivian!” The Duke cried, running to her.
The Duchess finally snapped out of her trance and hurled every insult and swear she could think of. But it all remained unheard. Then, she hugged herself and cried.
Finally, the Beast spoke. “What must I do to turn back into a human?”
The enchantress graced him with a smile. “Through Belle’s love, and your love for her, your curse has been lifted forever. This form is for you to use as needed. I sense great danger in the future, and thought it might be of use to you.”
The Beast closed his eyes, and went still. Slowly, his form melted back into a human, as if there was never any change. Belle threw her arms around him in relief.
“You passed my test, young prince. And now my presence is no longer needed.”
“Wait!” Sora called.
She met his plea.
“Please, Kairi lost her heart.” He gestured over to the girl, still in Riku’s arms. “I hoped that you would know a way to regain it?”
The enchantress floated closer, examining him. “There is no magic in this world or any other that can regain a princess’s lost heart.”
Sora felt his stomach sink into his shoes.
“However, the item in your pocket holds the key.”
He pulled out the heart shard. “This?”
“Yes, follow your heart and it will lead to hers.” And with that, she finally disappeared.    
Once the staff realized that they weren’t going to be cursed again, the celebration continued.
Adam and Belle joined Sora, Riku, and Kairi.
“So that’s what you’re looking for?” Belle glanced at the crystal.
“Yeah, it’s a heart shard of a past Princess of Light.”
“Well, there’s going to be a lot of changes happening in the castle in the coming month. We will keep an eye out for one,” Adam assured.
Sora nodded, “I appreciate it. Stay safe you guys, I didn’t really like the warning the enchantress gave.”
“I’m not too sure about that either,” Belle confessed.
“Only a fool would try to harm anyone in my castle.”
“Your Beast is showing.” Riku smirked.
Sora clapped his hands, “Well, we have to get going. It is a long flight back to Hollow Bastion. But first, I’m going to get more of those little wienies for the road!”
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orangecuties · 6 years
SidGeno 12ish Days of Christmas - Day 2
I Saw Daddy Kissing - ao3 link
(I know i forgot to post this yesterday but I did write it and it was on ao3 so technically I didn’t miss a day lol) 
Sidney was in pure shock at what his daughter had just told him, he had to have misheard her. It was early and she had just woken up, maybe she was just telling him about one of her dreams. “Could you say that one more time for me sweetheart?”
“I said, I saw daddy kissing someone else!” his daughter loudly whispered, obviously upset about the matter but not wanting to wake the whole house with the news. Sidney was usually the first one up in the house while Geno continued to sleep in and would only wake up once he smelt breakfast being made, likewise Katya tended to wake up and either go play or sit with Sidney while her younger brother Kolya would continue to sleep and usually make his way down the stairs trailing behind Geno.
“Sweetie are you sure that’s what you saw? Maybe you were dreaming?” She had to have seen wrong, Geno would never cheat on him, and even he did he wouldn’t be stupid enough to bring him into the house, right?
“Yes, I’m sure!” Sidney could tell she was getting frustrated but he wasn’t exactly faring any better, “I saw it the other night, I heard the door open and so I went and looked and daddy was downstairs! With…with another man…and-and they kissed! And then he laughed and then daddy was shushing him and I ran to my room!” Katya was panting a little, clearly angry about the whole situation and confused, and honestly, Sidney was no better. He didn’t want to believe it but Katya wasn’t one to make up lies, especially about something as serious as this, and she did have a tendency to get up at night and go get a glass of water so maybe she really did see something? Maybe?
Sidney knew he had to calm her down though before he even began thinking about this, he would corner Geno later and ask him. How he would exactly bring up the topic of “hey I think you might be cheating on me, our seven-year-old daughter is my source,” was another story. Especially since the kids were on winter break and they didn’t have a lot of time just the two of them right now, and he really didn’t want to start a possible screaming match in the house right before Christmas.
“Katya come here” Sidney said as he pulled her into his arms, trying to reassure her that her dad wasn’t actually cheating on the other, “shh it’s okay, I’m sure you were just dreaming, daddy loves me and he loves you and Kolya too okay, don’t worry.”
Katya gave a small nod but didn’t seem fully convinced. She hopped out of Sidney’s arms and went to go sit at the counter while Sidney finished making breakfast. A pensive look was stuck on her face and if Sidney wasn’t silently freaking out, he would laugh at how serious her little seven-year old face was.
As Sidney was nearly done making breakfast, Geno and Kolya began to walk down the stairs, or rather Geno walked, Kolya was carried. Sidney thought it was a testament to just how lazy someone could be that even though Kolya was six years old, he still made Geno carry him down the stairs in the morning. Geno would complain that he was getting too heavy and was too old to be carried, but would eventually give in every morning. Sidney teased Geno about it though saying that he had no room to judge because he had definitely seen a picture of an at least seven-year-old Geno being carried by his mom.
“Morning princess, morning Sid” Geno yawned as he walked to the living room where he continued to drop Kolya onto the couch, making him bounce on the cushions. “breakfast almost ready?”
“You know you could actually get up earlier for once and make breakfast for me instead” Sidney teased, knowing that trying to get Geno up early was like trying to move a mountain.
“Yes, but then who carry Kolya downstairs? He too heavy for your weak arms to carry, might drop him.” Geno said, sticking his tongue out at Sid, making Kolya giggle.
“He could always walk down himself you know” Sidney replied as he began plating everyone’s food.
“I can’t, my legs are still sleeping, I’d have to crawl down the stairs, papa,” Kolya piped in, looking desperately at Geno trying to signal for help to get out of this conversation.
“See Sid, very dangerous, don’t want him to crawl down stairs, don’t want you to drop, should stick to routine yes? Know you love routines,” Geno said to Sidney with a wink.
Sidney rolled his eyes and tried to hide his smile but knew he was doing a lousy job. He loved moments like these where they could all sit together and be a family, now that both he and Geno were retired and the kids were on break, it was the perfect time. Or it was, until Sidney looked over to Katya and noticed she still had a brooding look on her face and hadn’t even looked at Geno. Sidney needed to deal with whatever she saw fast, he didn’t want Katya thinking bad thoughts about her dad. He frowned at the thought of the situation and the even the slightest possibility of it being true, what would he do if Katya was right?
“Breakfast is ready” Sidney said, turning his face away from everyone else and schooling his expression, he could keep it together through the morning and then talk to Geno later while the kids were playing.
As the four of them sat down to eat, it was quieter than usual. Katya and Kolya had been talking about Christmas more often than not lately and their excitement over Santa Claus and what cookies they should put out for him and what kind of milk and if they should leave snacks for his elf or reindeer and if they should build gingerbread houses to put the cookies by or get a fancy plate, but today Katya was quiet, which made her brother quiet also.
Geno turned to Sid and gave him a questioning look; Sidney tried to give him what he hoped was a convincing shrug to pretend that he didn’t know either, but Geno only gave him a more confused look and turned back to look at the kids.
“So, you two excited about Christmas? Figure out what cookies you going to leave for Santa? Leave snacks for reindeer?”
Kolya looked up at Geno and was about to answer when Katya slammed her hands down onto the table, she shot Sidney a quick look, which Sidney instantly knew wasn’t good, and began yelling. “Daddy I saw you! I saw you the other night! I saw you down stairs! You kissed someone else! It wasn’t Papa I know it wasn’t!” Katya was practically on top of the table as she was on her knees on the chair and leaning forward with her hands slammed down in front of her.
Kolya was looking between all three of them, a look of shock and fear on his face.
Well there goes Sidney’s hopes of not causing a scene in the house. He looked over to Geno who looked equally as shocked and worried, which was not a good sign to Sidney. He wasn’t really sure what to say in this situation but luckily Geno piped in. “Katya, I not kiss anyone else, I only ever kiss papa, why you think I kiss someone else?”
“I saw you! Two days ago, you were kissing…you were kissing Santa Claus!” Katya yelled, almost to tears now, while Sidney was nothing but confused. Santa Claus? How was Geno kissing Santa Claus? That had to be a dream, right? But Geno was looking at Sidney now with a wide-eyed expression clearly trying to signal for help but Sidney was at a loss for words, was it not a dream then? Sidney had no idea what was happening.
Geno sighed and put his face in his hand. “Me and papa be right back, Katya, Kolya, I promise I not kiss anyone but papa okay,” Geno said as reassuringly as he could as he also yanked Sidney out of his seat and back into the kitchen.
“Sidney, you not remember?” Geno said, looking slightly amused but mostly annoyed over this whole situation.
“Remember what? You kissing someone dressed as Santa apparently?” Sidney didn’t actually believe any of that though, he sounded crazy but Geno wasn’t readily denying it either so he wasn’t really sure what to believe.
“Sidney, you Santa Claus!” Geno said, throwing his hands into the air and leaning his forehead against the fridge, “remember, when you come back from Mario’s.”
Sidney had gone over to Mario’s the other day in the evening to talk about post-retirement options that included working for the Penguins organization, and also to borrow a Santa Claus costume. Mario had told him that his retirement break had only been a little over a year and he didn’t need to rush to get back into the hockey world, but telling Sidney that was like telling a fish not to rush into water. The two hashed out some options and afterwards began reminiscing about playing with the team, about raising their kids, about growing old; Sidney wouldn’t trade his family or his life with Geno even for another Stanley Cup season, but that didn’t mean he didn’t miss playing. What started as a quick pop into the Lemieux house to discuss job options and pick up a costume, turned into Sidney still not being able to hold his liquor and getting drunk at Mario’s house like a kid again and needing him to drop him off at home, in the Santa costume. Drunk Sidney thought he needed to make sure it fit and even drunker Sidney thought it would be hilarious to sneak up on Geno at home in the costume.
Except Mario had already called Geno and told him he was bringing him a drunk “Sidney Claus” and so was already waiting for him downstairs. When Sidney got inside, Geno teased him that it was like looking into the future but that he’d still find him cute, even if he grew a big white beard. And Sidney just had to kiss Geno for saying that, right? So, he laughed about the beard getting caught between them while Geno was trying to shush him and that must’ve been what Katya saw—shit.
“Shit. I’m Santa, you were cheating on me, with me. What do we do Geno! What do we tell them!” Sidney was freaking out now, which was worse, letting the kids think their dad maybe kissed Santa just once, or telling them Santa doesn’t exist and it was just their dad?
“We can’t tell them Santa not exist, they still so little, still believe” Geno said, and Sidney felt the same way, he didn’t want to crush their dreams about Santa, especially since pretty soon they’d stop believing and Sidney wanted just a few more years of them getting excited about him.
“Well we can’t exactly let them think you were just going around kissing him either,” Sidney said, earning him an unimpressed glare from Geno, “why would he even be here earlier, how do we even explain that?” Sidney felt like this morning was just getting more and more complicated.
At that comment though Geno looked at Sidney with a wide smile on his face, “I got it!” He grabbed Sidney by the arm and went back to the dining table where Katya and Kolya were whispering to each other and then both of them pointed their little angry faces at Geno. Geno thought it was adorable and sort of nice to see how protective of their papa they were, but not when it was directed right at him.
“Katya, you right, I was kissing someone, but I was kissing Papa, he was in Santa outfit,” Geno said. Sidney gave him a shocked and heartbroken look, how could he just tell them, what about their letters to Santa, the cookies, the reindeer, all dashed away.
Katya and Kolya were sporting similar looks as Sidney. Katya questioned Geno first, “does that mean that Santa…” she couldn’t finish her sentence though as her lower lip began to wobble a little.
Sidney didn’t know what to do and his heart was breaking more and more by the second but then Geno took a deep breath and “Yes, it mean Santa is real, and papa was trying to steal his cookies. That why I was downstairs to stop him.”
The two children gasped, “What! Papa! You can’t steal Santa’s cookies! He’ll put you on the naughty list!” Kolya said, which the thought of made the two begin laughing and the tension melted away from their faces.
It felt like a weight had been lifted off Sidney, but he couldn’t believe Geno pinned this all on him, he looked over to see Geno holding back a smirk while Sidney leveled him with an unamused look, but he too couldn’t hide his smile that well.
“I guess it was a good thing daddy was down there to stop me, huh?” Sidney said, smiling down at his children who were still laughing and his heart felt so filled with love for them and their little family, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
“I don’t know, I think you might still be on naughty list, not get any presents” Geno said, pulling Sidney over to him and giving him a quick kiss.
“It’s alright, I already have everything I need right here.”
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