#use water clocks? or a bell in the center of town that rings at certain times? if so - what are the times? how does this culture break up
darling-blurbs · 5 years
beast P.1
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(This is not related to the characters in New Beginnings Faster Ends. This is a self indulgence piece of girl who is very similar to me and Stanley being a dork. Also set in a time where Dina broke up with Brad, Sydney is dating Dina cause they are my lesbian babies and it’s set in 2019 since the IMDb says it happens in the 2000s and this is a fanfic don’t come for me. Also gets a bit steamy at the end because hormonal teenagers.)
Stanley had good memory. Well, he liked to think he did. He noticed Sydney kept glancing at the entrance of the Chemistry room then back at the clock then back at the door. Back and Forth and Back and Forth. He was getting dizzy at this point. 
Stanley was certain he didn’t forget anything. Dina usually would tell him if something was happening that Syd didn’t tell him. He would have known what made her anxious. He was sure of it. 
Now he was starting to stare at the door. Waiting for a big shadowy man to appear out of no where. But what happened instead was a girl that showed up at the door with a boy behind her. 
Stanley prided himself in knowing everyone. Whether they had talked or not. So who the hell just showed up in his Chemistry classroom.
“Ah. Mr. and Ms. Emerson. Late. Unlike you Ms. Emerson. Wouldn’t think you would take after your brother,” The teacher seemed to know them so what was Stanley missing.
“I’m sorry! I legit forgot we had school today! I’m serious! You wouldn’t believe the screaming that Erik gave me,” The boy had attractive blue eyes. He wore a football jacket with ‘Emerson’ stitched on the side of the sleeve. His hair was a messy blonde that would be attractive... if you were a cheerleader or a girl.
The small girl next to him rolled her eyes and sat down next to Sydney. The teacher looked at her expecting an apology. She rolled her eyes again before speaking the first sentence that Stanley had ever heard from her. “I’m sorry Mr. Flanagan. I’ll have you know that I did a chemical reaction last night testing the effects that oxygen has with the compound that is CH2O, which is a gas. That then helps make-” 
“You are off the hook Ms. Emerson-” 
“Oh. But I am not done sir. After I make the chemical reaction, which is combustion and also known as fire, I written an entire essay and then tried to make different colors of fire. I successfully created green and violet colors. My brother,” She pointed to her brother and got off her set to speak in the middle of the lab tables. “Helped me with making red fire. Now I have also made a presentation board as well as a 50 page essay with sources. Now! Before you call me and my brother the Emersons again let me correct you. Me and my brother’s last names are Death. If you are uncomfortable with saying Mistress Death then I also take my mother’s last name, bless her soul, and you may call me your Queen Blood.” She is in the teacher’s face by now. “And before you tell me to go to detention, remember I have seven older brothers and a very Italian father who has much power and influence on whether or not you have a job after this interaction.” She took a deep breathe before smiling innocently. “Now, I’m going back to my seat next to Syd and Mr. Death is going to his other class because you know for a fact he doesn’t have this class Mr. Flanagan.”
Stanley took this moment to actually look at the girl. She was shorter than Sydney by maybe a few inches. Her hair was half red and half purple with a flower crown on her head. She wore a black leather jacket and plaid red pants with a chain on it. Under her jacket was a shirt that was pastel that said ‘Crybaby + Blue Boy’. She had bracelets, three which were friendship bracelets than ten of them having names of people... Well he hoped they were but he couldn’t seemed to be able to read them.
After Chemistry was over, Stanley went to his next class, which Sydney was not in but the girl seemed to have also been in. Math. Stanley would not say he was amazing in the subject but apparently the girl was. She was finished with the notes first and even did the packet first. Stanley took this as a way to interact with her. He thanked whatever god there was that seemed to have placed them next to each other. He turned to her and she looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yes Stanley Barber?” 
“You know my name?” He was shocked. He also realized he never looked at her eyes. One was red, guessing eye contacts, and the other was purple. They were on opposite sides of the red and purple hair she had. 
“Of course I do you dork. We live near each other?” She tilted her head like he said the stupidest thing ever. “I have been friends with you since you were a kid? Does none of this ring a bell?”
Stanley blinked. Once. Then Twice. The girl seemed to facepalm before grabbing her phone. And iPhone 9 it looked like. She went to her photos and scrolled until she found what she looked for. She turned her phone around to show Stanley a photo of two kids. One looked like him when he was little and the other was a little girl with long blonde hair and a cheery smile on her face. The boy was kissing her cheek and the girl was smiling. She swiped to the next photo to show the same two kids, but they had different clothing on. They were on the grass making flower crowns. 
“Your mom made the best blueberry pancakes and my mom would always take photos of us. You must have a very small memory if you seriously don’t remember me, mio amante,” She huffed and then the bell rung. She grabbed her satchel and ran away. 
He totally offended her. He didn’t even know if she drove or walked. He guessed he was going to wait for Dina and Sydney at the front so he could drive them home and maybe ask about her on the way. 
That was until a sleek 2012 black Dodge Charger limo rolled up in front of the school entrance. A man who seemed very important and had absolutely no reason to be in this school appeared out of the car. His hair was black as night and he wore a black suit with black undershirt and tie. His sunglasses were placed on his nose and he waited. For something.
Of course this attracted the entire student body. Who was this attractive young man? Too young to be a dad. Maybe a boyfriend? Caretaker? The first person to approach this man was of course Bradley Lewis. 
“Who the actually fu-”
“Bradley Lewis. Down Boy.” Brad turned to start yelling but was quickly shut up by the glare that he got. 
It was the same girl as from his Chem and Math class he could feel it. But her hair and clothing, even her eyes were different. She wore a black crop top, her leather jacket, a black choker, ripped black jeans, and black boots. She looked way too attractive for someone who goes to the same lame school that Stanley went to. Her eyes were purple with a hint of blue. It seemed more royal blue. Her hair was purple and her lips were something that Stanley seemed to be staring at more. She had a popsicle in her hand that she seemed to have been sucking on before speaking to Brad. 
She went up to Bradley Lewis and smiled before giving him a peck on the cheek. “Good boy. Now before you yell at my older brother, realize that his full name is Hades Lucifer Death.” She gave an innocent smile to Brad before turning to her brother and give him a kiss on the cheek and then sucked on her orange popsicle, fully aware of the drip of orange at the side of her lip that she licked away. 
“Now, I’m sure none of you know who I am. So let me tell you. I have come back to this town after I heard that my childhood friend needed me. I am Esther Lussuria Death. I also go by Bunny and Rabbit. I am good at Math and even better at changing my hair styles,” She gave a smirk and then walked straight up to Stanley Barber. She held onto his hand and placed her other free hand on top of his. She looked at him in the eye and said with a smile like she knew something he didn’t. “Once you remember our promises to each other, Come to me. I would love to continue where we left off mio gattino.” She kissed his hand and gave a deep bow before turning around and swayed her hips back to her limo and slide into the back. Her brother, or Hades, moved in behind her. 
“Wait what?” Instead of bringing Dina and Sydney to their houses, they instead went to the water tower where he told them the entire story. “She did not. Wait she would totally do. Oh my gosh why do I leave her alone with you I don’t even know anymore-”
“Can someone just explain to me what’s going on,” Stanley said with frustration. His hand still tingled with butterflies. He would totally vow to never wash his hand because of how hot the entire thing was. 
“I guess we can just bring you to her tomorrow since we have the day off. She just lives a while away. Her house isn’t even that far from Brad and Ricky’s.” Dina replied this time. 
“Wait. Dina, you know her?”
“Of course I do. Bradley and Ricky and the entire Football team would not shut up about her. She was a rumor. The girl that was untouchable. She left school after 4th grade but vowed she would come back for-” Sydney slapped her hand over Dina’s mouth.
“Okay D. Don’t ruin it or Esther will find you or something. She has that kind of effect on people.” 
Stanley went home- no he didn’t. Instead he went driving for a bit. He drove until he got to the rich people’s district. He liked looked at people’s houses. Guessing their lives. He drove until he got to the end of the road. There was a house and in front of it was a cliff. The cliff that Stan would dangly his feet on and looked at the lights that covered the land. 
As he was lost in his thoughts of the girl that seemed to now be in his daydreams, he didn’t notice someone sat next to him until they placed a kiss on his cheek. He whipped his head around to be met with beautiful blue eyes that seemed way too close but he couldn’t pull away. He memorized her eyes. They seemed like an ocean. The rim was deep blue and got more and more light blue until it got into the center. There were flakes of gold and green and even some grey that made it seem like glass. Her skin was very pale but to a point where it was beautiful. Her hair framed her head perfectly and made her so much more attractive then ever before. Her lips were a glossy pink and so very kissable that made Stan already want to close the distance. But he quickly looked up at the girl’s eyes. 
“Hola mi amor~” She whispered into his ear and gave it a peck. Stanley shivered and gasped. He felt speechless. He could already feel like he wanted to just fuck her right there and then or maybe even have her dominate him or-
Stan fell out of his bed... wait it wasn’t his bed. It was his car. He just fell asleep in his car outside of- 
Cliffhanger yeet
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Secret Santa!
@naniwhatshappening I’m your Secret Santa this year! I’m so happy to be given the chance to write you a special winter story, I hope you enjoy and have Merry Christmas, you beautiful person! :)
“How many more stops do we need to make, Liz? Don’t you think we have enough stuff? I mean it’s just going to be a party and we’re the only three going to be partaking in it.”
Elias called out to Liz, who was skipping ahead of them while humming a few tunes. Liz, Yukiya and himself had been out in the town for the past couple of hours doing some shopping. Winter break had been announced and with new changes at the Academy; such as the weather magic being lifted, which allowed the season to flow naturally. Because of this, they were given a week off to enjoy the seasonal vibes.
Not to mention the three of them didn’t really have plans for the erratic winter break, well correction, Liz and Yukiya didn’t really have plans for how to spend it. Elias, on the other hand, knew that after a couple of days he would have to meet up with his two brothers and depart for their estate for the remainder of it. Until then, Liz had suggested they throw a party just for them since everyone else would be packing up and heading elsewhere.
That’s what led up to where they were now, outside in the cold, walking around town and stopping at any shops that Liz thought would carry the necessities needed for the party. But now she stood in front of the entrance to a small antique/gift shop.
“I’m going to go in here real quick and to answer your question Elias, I promise we won’t have much to go, maybe one, possibly two more stops, then we can go back to the Academy, will that be okay?”
Liz spoke with her usual sweet and chirpy voice and she wore such a sweet smile on her face, it was impossible for him to deny her these last couple of stops. So instead he gave a soft huff before muttering *fine* under his breath. Liz then walked into the store, leaving Elias and Yukiya to stand out and talk amongst one another.
A couple of minutes had passed and Liz had finally returned back to them and she carried a good sized bag in her hand.
“What’s in the bag?” Yukiya asked curiously while raising an eyebrow.
“Huh? Oh, i-it’s nothing, just some decorations that I thought we could use! Now come on! We still have one last stop to make!”
Giving a giggle she began to push the two deputy prefects forward before taking the lead once more to a small little area of shops near the edge of town. Stopping in front of a small shop Liz turned and gave the two guys a smile.
“Here we are, our final destination.”
“A diner?”
“What are we doing here?”
“Nope.” Liz shook her head. “This is my treat for you guys. You guys have helped a whole lot and I think that deserves a treat. Plus it’ll be the prefect time to grab something to eat, warm up and rest our feet from all the walking we’ve done today!”
Without another word, Liz opened the door, a bell giving a little chime before she walked in. She gave a soft sigh when she felt the warm air in the diner hit her, not only was the air warm and cozy here, the decor was too! As she looked around, she took in all the warm colored and old-fashioned, yet modernized decor. She turned around when she heard another chime ring out and saw that Elias and Yukiya had now stepped through.
“Oh my!”
A voice called out and a waitress around the same age as them came running towards them.
“Let me show you to empty seating, I’ll get it cleaned up right away.”
“Oh, thank you!”
As they followed her down an aisle, they couldn’t help but notice how packed the place was, at first glance Liz hadn’t even noticed it, but now….
“As you can see, it’s a bit busy here at the moment. Many people come here around this time and oh-!” The young girl quickly began picking up some strewn coffee creamer packets, a couple of plates, and glasses. She then wiped the table off and sighed. “These patrons can be so messy sometimes. I’m so sorry.”
“N-no, it’s quite alright, please don’t apologize!” Liz flashed a smile and the waitress bowed her head gently.
“Please take a seat, I’ll be with you shortly with some menus.”
At her command, the three of them sat down. They were by the window and from the outside, they could see all the hustle and bustle going around in the town. They even noticed some more snow falling softly and it seemed to be sticking this time.
“The snow looks so pretty! It’s making the town a winter wonderland!” Liz beamed.
“It’s been a while since the last time I saw snow.” Yukiya was the next to speak up.
“So sorry for the wait!”
Putting down the menus in front of them, the waitress took out a small notebook and pen from the pocket of her apron and looked at them with a smile.
“Now I know that you’ll need some time to look over the menu for the food items, but for the drink items, we have tea, coffee, water, special non-alcoholic fruity slushes, milkshakes and because it’s that time of the year again we have a special drink just for the occasion! Our special recipe for hot chocolate which comes with peppermint extract to really give it a little kick! It’s part of our seasonal special that’s going on right now.”
The three of them listened intently to every spoken word and were deep in thought.
“May I ask what the seasonal special is?”
“Sure miss! See, our seasonal special is winter based and here we’ve created a very special sweet treat that can be paired with your hot chocolate, we call it ‘Snow Cream Surprise’. It’s a snowball made of shaved ice that tastes like our famous snow cream flavor, however, within the middle is a mystery flavor. Every snowball has a different mystery flavor, so there’s always a variety among customers, plus with something so cold, it’s always a treat to pair it with something warm!”
“I’d like the seasonal special please!”
Liz smiled as she spoke and the waitress began to scribble down the order on the notebook.
“And what would you boys like?”
“I’ll have the same thing.”
“Me too.”
“Alright! I’ll have these orders out to you all soon!”
The waitress spoke before gathering up the menus and walking out of sight, leaving the three of them to talk about.
“I can’t wait to see what mystery flavor I’ll get! Oh, maybe it’ll be fudge! Or strawberry! Oh, oh! Maybe it’ll be some kind of berry mixture.”
“Wow, you sure seem to get excited over the smallest things.” Elias shook his head softly.
“But it’s just like you.” Yukiya added with a smile.
Within a few minutes, the group’s orders came in, the smell of rich chocolate and peppermint wafted through the air and Liz could feel her mouth watering just from the sweet smell. The hot chocolate seemed to have a thick texture, on top there was whipped cream and peppermint sprinkles and also a drizzle of chocolate syrup. Right next to it, a small bowl was placed and inside rested a good-sized spere of shaved ice, which was perfectly shaped to match a perfect smooth snowball.
Wasting no time, Liz took a sip of the hot chocolate, but soon found herself pulling back while muffling a shout of surprise.
“Is it not good?” Yukiya asked curiously, wich Liz responded with a shake of her head.
“Too hot? Did you burn your tongue by any chance?” Elias was the next to ask, and in response to his question, she gave a quick nod after swallowing the liquid down completely.
“I guess I’ll stick with the mystery snowball for now while I let that cool down.”
“That’d be a wise choice.”
“Hmm...I wonder what kind of flavor will be inside?”
Liz looked at the snowball intentlybefore taking it in her hands and taking a small bite. The moment she did, an explosion of sweet vanilla cream erupted in her mouth, causing her to hum in delight.
“Oh wow! You guys have to try this! It’s so creamy and delicious!”
After she spoke , Liz brought the snowball back up to her lips and took another bite. At that time, both Yukiya and Elias began to munch on their frozen treats as well. Each taking a small sip of their hot chocolate every so often.
Looking down at her snowball, Liz noticed that she had reached the center and a light pink liquid was flowing down the sides. When she looked over at Elias and Yukiya, she saw that Elias had a dark brown liquid and Yukiya had blue.
“So this must be the mystery liquid!”
“It appears so. What did you get, Liz?”
“I got strawberry, and you?”
“Chocolate fudge. Yukiya, what you?”
“I got blueberry.”
“Wow, the waitress sure wasn’t lying when she said each flavor was different!”
As the trio finished up their sweet treat, they begin to focus on their drinks and soon they dived into a deep conversation and although they had no sense of time inside the diner; outside a couple of hours had passed and nightfall was descending on the town.
“Wow, it’s night already?!”
“I guess with the seasons comes the effects. The days are shorter and the nights are longer.”
“So it’s not that late?”
“No, it’s…” Taking out a pocketwatch, Elias looked down before continuing. “Only 5:30.”
“Oh, that’s such a relief.” Liz gave a soft sigh before smiling.
“Why is that a relief?”
“Well, the housemother for the girl’s dorm decided to take a few days off due to the random break we’re getting. She wanted to use the time to visit extended family and enjoy the season as it is.”
“Then how is that a relief, regarding the time?” Yukiya gave a curious look as he spoke.
“Well, I’m getting to that! See, because she’s going to be gone, a special magic has been placed on the dorms. It’s supposed to take care of the duties that the dormother would usually have to do. So any students that remain at the Academy during the break will be in safe hands. But it also comes with some downsides, such as certain areas like the kitchen being on lockdown right at seven o’ clock.”
“Why would they need to lock down the kitchen of all places?”
“Well, Elias, there was actually an incident which in turn made rule changes happen.”
“Really? Like what?”
“Two girls were found trying to make a temptation potion.”
“Are you serious?!”
“How stupid can one get?”
“So that’s why you’re happy that it’s still a bit early.”
“Not only that, I also wanted to make a meal for the little party we’re going to have.”
“Oh right. But we just ate.”
“Yeah, but that’s not really a filling meal, right? Plus that’s been the only thing we’ve eaten basically all day.”
“Yeah, plus I couldn’t pass up the offer of a homecooked meal from you.”
Gently scratching at her cheek, Liz gave a smile. “It’s not going to be anything fancy, just some sandwiches and maybe some baked goods. Oh, a punch sounds good too! Hey what kind of flavors do you guys like?”
The two men gave a laugh and followed the now walking Liz up the town and were making their way in the direction of the Academy. The temperature had seemed to drop drastically more when they were inside the diner and because of that, there were icy spots on the town road, making their journey a bit of a slow one.
When they had finally made it to their destination, Liz heaved a sigh.
“We’ve finally made it!”
“Yes, it’s a little after six.”
“Wait, a-are you serious?! I need to hurry up and get the stuff ready! Elias, Yukiya, I’ll meet you at the designated spot for the party!”
Without another word, Liz sprinted off towards the girl’s dorm, the bags in her hand were swaying wildly, but she didn’t pay attention, not even when she heard Elias and Yukiya call out to her. The moment she got through the doors, she made her way to the kitchen and set her bags down at the entryway, before removing her coat and scarf and putting on the nearby apron.
She had decided that she would make some sandwiches, a berry sherbet punch and some cupcakes. She knew that she wouldn’t need magic to cook, but with a flick of her wand, the bowls, measuring cups and ingredients all appeared right before her. She decided she would start with the cupcakes because they were going to be the most time consuming.
“Alright...let’s get started!”
Raising her fist in the air, Liz gave off a bright smile before continuing to use her magic to help speed up the baking process. Meanwhile she began to work on the sandwiches, humming a soft tune as she did so.
Minutes passed and as she looked up at the clock, she saw that she had maybe five more minutes to spare, before the magic would be in effect. She hurriedly began icing the remaining cupcakes before putting some sprinkles and cherries on top. She then brought out two small silvery spherical object; a peram and put the cupcakes in one and the sandwiches in the other.
After removing her apron, she tossed it back where it was originally put and quickly put her coat and scarf back on, stuffing the two perams in her pocket. That only left one final thing; the punch! But her bags were also here with her too and with time quickly dwindling down, Liz found herself in quite the pickle.
“Seems like you need some help.” A familiar voice called out to her.
“I’ll handle the punch, you focus on getting your stuff, okay?”
Handing the punch over to ukiya, Liz quickly retrieved her bag and opened the door, holding it for Yukiya as he made his way out of the room with a big punch bowl in his hands. The moment Yukiya walked out of the kitchen, a screen of light blocked the entrance, forbidding access to anyone who wished to enter.
They then took off towards their next and final destination for the day; the Greenhouse. But when they got there, they realized something, the door was sealed shut.
“Wait, what?! But it’s barely past seven!”
“Yes, but the door magically seals itself off when it gets dark.”
“Why didn’t you mention that sooner!”
“I thought you knew that. You’ve been stuck here before right?”
“N-now is not the time to point out my blunders!” Liz’s shoulders slumped and she groaned. “Now what are we going to do?!”
“Just as Yukiya said, relax.” Elias’s voice rang out as he walked over to the two of them. “I actually have something for such an occasion.”
After speaking, Elias dropped a cube on the ground; the moment it made contact with the hard surface below, a light erupted from within and in the blink of an eye, a barrier surrounded them. The barrier’s light was like that of a sunset, soft warm hues of orange, yellow and even little tinges of pink were visible. The inside was warm, it almost felt like they were being enveloped by flames.
“Elias, this is amazing!”
“I can’t take all of the credit. The idea and layout was my idea, however the building process was all because of Randy.”
“Then I’ll have to thank Randy the next time I see him! But right now, we have a party to throw, right?”
“You never miss a beat….”
“But that’s a side to you that’s good.”
The two deputy prefects grinned softly, and Yukiya set down the punch bowl gently down on the ground, while the three of them sat around it. Liz then brought out the perams she had and out came a plate of sandwiches, cupcakes and some glass cups for the punch. Once everything was laid out in front of them, they began to dive right in and engage in conversation.
They talked about their life at the Academy so far, about all the events that had led up to where they were now. From Liz being a provisional student, to the day where Elias and Yukiya became her deputy prefects. They all shared a few laughs as they recalled their past. But something in the atmosphere suddenly changed when something caught their eyes.
“Hey, is it snowing again?” Liz asked while intently staring at the top of the barrier they were in.
“I didn’t think it was supposed to snow all day.”
“Something doesn’t seem right about this snow anyways. It’s only happening in one area and it only lasts for a few seconds before disappearing.”
“Hmm...o-oh! Did you guys see that!?”
Pointing upwards, Liz’s eyes widened. Up above small little creatures flapped their icy blue wings, little snowflakes fell down with each flap and left the group speechless.
“Do you guys know what these are?”
“I’ve never seen them before…”
“I thought it was just a myth!”
“Azure Crystallia. It means ‘Blue Crystal’ and It’s one of the most rare types of butterflies that only appear during winter. They’re so rare, that the only recorded data of one, was a picture, but that was hundreds of years ago, no one even believed it was the real deal. It’s been said that if a person gazes at one with their own eyes, happiness and good health will be bestowed upon them.”
The three of them watched as the butterflies flew above their barrier, no one said a word for a while, all they could do was stare at such a breathtaking view. But the silence was cut off when Elias suddenly cleared his throat.
“You know, it’s getting late, we should probably head back to the dorms soon, but before then, I thought...we could give you your gift.”
Looking over at Elias, Liz raised her eyebrow at him curiously, before gasping at a little box he had in his hands. He opened it up and revealed a necklace; the figure was a Winged Rabbit which was rose gold and held a small pearl in the middle of it, acting as the fur on a real Winged Rabbit.
“I...I don’t understand…”
“We know how much you love being out and about with the winged rabbits.”
“And we know how hard you’ve been working as a prefect. Sometimes your roommate, Amelia tells us that you don’t even sleep or find the time to eat because you’re too focused on your work,”
“So Elias and I decided we’d combine some of our money together and buy you a little gift, as a reward for working so hard.”
“G-guys…”  Taking the necklace carefully, she held it up and watched as it shimmered ever so slightly. “I guess I better give you your gifts too now, huh?”
“Wait, what do you mean? Wasn’t the diner your gift?”
“Well, sort of, hut I actually got some things prior to that. That’s one of the main reasons why I was running around so many stores.”
As she spoke, Liz reached into the bag she had carried with her and brought out a box of chocolates and a pastel pink bow collar with a bell.
“For Elias, I have chocolates. I know you kept talking about a special chocolate that always seems to sell out before you even have a chance to get them. Well, I actually bought the last one for today!”
“For Yukiya, I know you talked about wanting to get a new collar for Snow, but one that would allow you to hear her in case she ever got lost. I found this in one of the shops and I thought maybe you could use it for Snow!”
“Thank you..”
As she handed out the gifts, Liz then reached back into her bag for one more thing.
“What’s that?”
“A magical tool I picked up from the antique shop in town. It’s a camera that develops the picture, immediately after it’s taken!”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“I was hoping to get a picture of us all, to commemorate today!”
She began to fiddle around with the magical tool, making sure everything was in the right place and set up the way it needed to be. Giving another look over it, she made sure that it was done correctly before clicking on a button on the side.
“Alright! We have thirty seconds to get into position before it takes the picture!”
After speaking, she hurriedly got into position with the others and struck a pose, after a few seconds, there was a flash and a couple of photos dropped to the ground from the top of the magical tool. Running over, she collected them and held one up to her face to see how it turned out.
“Oh hey, the barrier isn’t in the picture?”
“It seems the barrier dissipated before the photo was taken. But hey, look!” Elias leaned over her shoulder and pointed. “The butterflies are in the picture.”
Taking a closer look, Liz found that Elias was right, in the picture all three of them had smiles on their faces and in the background the butterflies filled the scene. Their beautiful icy presence gave a breathtaking view.
“That’s beautiful. Can I have one of the copies? I see it made a couple.” Yukiya’s voice spoke up as he leaned over her other shoulder.
“Me too.”
“Heh, okay!”
That was what concluded their day. After a long day’s walk, followed up by a small dinner party and spectacular view. They left the area that night with smiles as bright as a sun and in their hands, they carried a captured moment of a memory they wouldn’t soon forget.
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