#they'll make fucking anything in collaborations
hahniana · 3 hours
tje epitaph socks stay on during sex
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lizardsfromspace · 9 months
I don't like saying people's experiences are fake since anything could happen, but the things that very online group of trans women hold us Universal Trans Femme experiences just baffle me. Anything that's not just a generic thing just makes go "what the fuck, I don't relate to that at all, I've never heard of this"
For example they're always talking about how trans men take over trans spaces and push trans women out. Well, I was in a regular trans meet-up for five years, we had fifteen-thirty members each time, and in all that time we had three trans men. Three. And I know I'm not alone bc I've heard a lot more discussion about irl trans spaces being dominated by trans women than the reverse. Not denying that it's happened somewhere, but as a mass phenomenon it doesn't pass the smell test (and that's before we get into how they assume this is sinister - it's a trans space, other trans people can't, definitionally, take it over. This is just "women's spaces are being invaded!" TERF logic but with trans in front of it, since gender essentialism is cool when trans people do it apparently). Plus it's very likely they literally just mean Tumblr, bc these people don't seem the going-outside type
And a lot of their own lingo is meaningless. They'll say that All Trans Women understand the experience of "transfeminized debt". I've never heard that term before so I look it up and...it's from a tweet, and all citations of it online are from that tweet, and it's not even clear that it has a consistent meaning. No, not all trans women experience that, since no trans women outside of a online cult of like thirty people even know what that is
I think they know a lot of it is bullshit, too, bc a lot of what they cite as proof is just irrelevant. Every single post has a reminder of MichFest. The music festival run by cis feminists that banned trans women and that ended years ago. Trans men being allowed in (by cis people who were invalidating their gender) proves...something...? So much of it is just things done by Not Trans Men that they twist to be about trans men since, well, they twist everything to be about their weird vendetta against trans men
(near as I can tell, they justify holding trans men up as collaborators with their own erasure by telling everyone trans men like being misgendered, if it will make trans women mad which. What do you even *say* to something like that)
Anyway I straight up loathe these people now. Cultists who teach young people to be paranoid about fellow trans people, and who've decided the only way to fight transphobia is to embrace TERF gender essentialism (but with "trans" in front) and defend internet-famous trans women from ever facing the slightest criticism, who self-appoint themselves The Voice of All Trans Women Everywhere
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talisidekick · 1 year
Canada had a Nazi collaborator invited to sit in on, and honoured in, our House of Commons by the Speaker of the House.
If you don't know how Canada's government works, our House of Commons is where all 338 Members of Parliament (MP's) gather to discuss proposed bills, argue specifics, and vote on passing those bills. It's where our political, economical, and social decisions get made into law. It's kind of the last place you want a Nazi collaborating piece of shit being invited into.
Reasonably, people are pissed, none more than the Jewish community. Yom Kippur is a high holiday of remembrance for the Jewish, and just days after it, having this happen is just ... I want to say un-fucking-forgiveable but that's not a statement that cuts deep enough. I'm not just upset, I'm beyond enraged. Giving these people, Nazi's, any fucking recognition, even on accident, is appalling.
It's for damn good reason that there is now a call for the Deschênes Commission's Report conducted around the 1980's to be declassified and made public. This report was the results on an inquiry on the War Criminals and Nazi collaborators allowed into Canada post WWII. The people, especially our Jewish residents, deserve to know what activities these people were up to.
I'm fully on board with this myself. Why? Well if you can't tell, it's a bit fucking personal. No, a lot fucking personal. Nazi's have shown up to anti-transgender rallies, we've seen Nazi's show up to the truckers rally that happened during COVID. They've openly waved their flag in public. Jewish people, if you happen to pay any attention at all to their online presence and communities, have expressed an increasing fear of how unsafe public life is becoming for them. There is a very real fear of a repeat of events, which is why we fucking cannot give anyone with previous history with the Nazi party the time of day.
The moment a tiny piece of legitimacy is given, and it was given this time with a standing applause, these Nazi bastards will push for more. They will try for more. It's how these bastards work. They'll appropriate anything to give themselves shreds of legitimacy. Canada needs to make a clear fucking point that we do not support them in any way.
Part II of the Deschêntes Commission's report needs to be made public. People deserve to know. The Jewish community deserves to know.
And if it isn't apparent: fuck Nazi's and everything they stand for. Fuck fascists too. Stay the fuck off my blog if you're either. You're not welcome here.
Jewish side of tumblr: if I fuck something up about you or your history, please correct me. Your faith is one of the few I respect in this world.
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fantasyinvader · 27 days
I'm sorry if I'm focusing a bit much on this, but Hubert's Japanese solo ending just casts a shadow over Flower that, surprise surprise, the English translation removed. That we have the Japanese version saying that he had a wicked/black heart, making it out that when historians looks back on Hubert they call him immoral or evil in how he supported Edelgard.
This would also mean that the reality of what Hubert does, the bribes, assassinations and whatnot... people found out about those things. That while Edelgard supposedly had a peaceful reign, in reality there was this guy going around and murdering the people who wanted to rebel against her. Her rule wasn't peaceful, and the people weren't free. People know about TWSITD and Edelgard's collaboration with them despite her attempts to keep their very existence a secret.
Think about what this means for each character paired with Hubert in their endings on top of that. Byleth loses divine power and marries an evil man. That Ferdinand didn't expose Hubert's actions and instead treated them as something to be competed against in helping Edelgard, he treated those actions like a game. Bernie and Shamir help Hubert in the shadows, while Dorothea uses the opera company to spy on the people for him. Having Petra move to Fodlan and marrying Hubert becomes a point of contest for historians, with some believing this shows how Brigid was still subserviant to the Empire with it's queen marrying who the emperor says (doesn't help that when she moves in her Ferdinand ending, it's said to be an act of friendship between the Empire and a country that hates the Empire). And then we get Edelgard herself loving Hubert while he's doing all this stuff for her.
If the general consensus is that Hubert was a wicked man, what does it say about his allies who turned a blind eye to his actions? Throw in the whammy of the reveal of TWSITD and how they helped Edelgard win the war only for Hubert and a few others to wipe them out. That Edelgard worked with a group that was cartoonishly evil, and she had her own cartoonishly evil supporter that everyone around her didn't give a flying fuck about what he was doing. They'd even support it or treat it like a game. This was the guy who was the reason people were unable to revolt against Edelgard, showing that people did not accept her rule peacefully.
Hubert calls into question Edelgard's morality as well as that of everyone around them, more than anything he shows how Edelgard's rule leans into hadou. But, of course, this gets scrubbed by Treehouse turning his wicked heart into imposing demeanor.
And yet, despite this Hubert is the one who makes sure TWSITD are taken care of if the Empire loses, while Edelgard keeps them a secret. Once again the translation tries to remedy this by turning Edelgard's “If you win you'll (the Nabateans) take back Fodlan so I won't allow it” line into “If you defeat me, THEY'll come back.” She's willing to let them go and try again, whereas Hubert makes sure they're punished for their actions. If anything, it shows that Hubert has higher morals than the lady he's serving... which makes sense because hadou implies that Edelgard isn't a benevolent ruler, and Confucian beliefs that come from say that her example will trickle down to the people. If Hubert is evil... it's because Edelgard is evil. If she wasn't, if she was a moral person, she'd stop Hubert. But she doesn't because it benefits her.
Hubert is a window into how far Edelgard has fallen from the girl Dimitri once knew.
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hollow-dweller · 6 months
5-10 🤭
it's always you at the scene of the crime
5. worst discord server and why
the answer to this is actually not in spidey, it's this one klance server i was in back in ye old voltron days that was absolutely horrible to exist in as an Allura lover/Allurance shipper. when she died, and klance didn't become canon (because it was never going to), things got nasty and i will freely admit i am still bitter about it! nothing made me dislike klance faster or more thoroughly than klance fans.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
anyone with a Tony Stark ship, really, though obviously the one I see the most nonsense from is irondad. Tony fans are, 90% of the time, there for Tony, and really focus on him to the exclusion of any of the other characters, including the one that he is partnered/shipped with. as someone who writes for and interacts with irondad because i love both Tony and Peter, who wants to explore them and their extended universes, it fucking sucks to have to wade through post after post that grossly misrepresents or misinterprets Tony, and treats Peter as a prop more than a character.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
having said the above: Tony Stark you will always be famous! none of these people who pretend you're a soft uwu dad who's never done anything wrong could make me hate you, because that's NOT you!
i don't know there are any characters i "hate" per se, but certainly there are ones i will AVOID because the fandom is so terrible. in Spidey, though he's not a Spidey character, that's Harley Keener. i have zero feelings toward his canon character because he was a child and then an easter egg, and basically has no canon character. but i will avoid him at all costs in fic/tumblr tags, because his fans use him to completely supplant and erase actual Spider-Man characters, like Ned and MJ and Flash.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
MJ "i want to get a little light protesting in before lunch" Watson, MJ "so really this is all your fault" Watson, MJ "i don't want to tour a building made by slaves" Watson would NOT be falling over herself to talk about how "cool" Pepper Potts is.
fandom loves to drop MJ into interactions with Tony where she's snarky and rude and makes "eat the rich" jokes. but then they'll turn around and also make her look up to Pepper as a girl boss.
and it's because people's aren't representing her as anti-billionaire or anti-establishment as a genuine reflection on her character and how she might behave meeting Tony Stark or Pepper Potts. she's an audience avatar to spout a couple memes and jokes, then is unceremoniously shuffled off stage left so that Tony and Peter can cuddle on the couch or whatever. it's about making Tony look cool and chill for "putting up" with her, and to make Peter embarrassed so that Tony can reassure him.
9. worst part of canon
Far From Home, beloathed. its sins are innumerable but to sum them up in as concise of terms as possible: it represents so much wasted potential. we could have had post-blip meta! we could have had the FOS as more than a joke! we could have had actual development of the petermj relationship! and yes we could have had an actual examination of the impact of Tony Stark and his legacy on Peter and his life!
instead we got a kidz bop european road trip movie and only head fakes to anything deeper going on between any of the characters
10. worst part of fanon
here's the thing: the idea of a community of people coming together to collaboratively fill in the blanks of a piece of art is, conceptually, beautiful, and exactly what fandom should be about. doing collaborative, generative creative work is genuinely valuable, and an important part of community building in creative spaces.
but the relationship that people have to fanon, is, frankly, completely fucking whack. modern fandom doesn't use fanon to generate collaborative and creative elaborations, variations, and interpretations of canon: they use it to supplant canon. popular fanon goes beyond being just an idea that a lot of people like; it starts being treated as law. people start interpreting canon through the lens of fanon, and in doing so treat the canonical text not as a work of art that deserves consideration and interpretation, but as a static and authoritative source whose purpose is to be excavated for "proof" of fanon, and anything that exists outside of fanon or in opposition to it is to be dismissed, ignored, and denied.
there are plenty of people who will happily admit they don't pay attention to canon and prefer fanon, and while that isn't my preferred way to engage with art, i have way less of a problem with that. people who engage with the original work through a fanon lens first, in an attempt to "prove" fanon, aren't seeking alternative interpretations or elaborating on the art. they're not even picking and choosing the things they like and the things they don't. what they are doing is working backwards from a foregone conclusion to pretend like art has one fixed, immutable interpretation, and that interpretation is the only correct or acceptable one.
the only proof you need of this tendency is the way people lose their fucking minds when you question popular fanon, or, god forbid, point out how it is directly contradicted or disproven by canon. it's a shitty way to engage with fandom as a community, and it's a shitty way to engage with art, and i have no patience for it.
choose violence ask game
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nsomniacsdream · 1 year
There is only one reason you could consider the wealthy more successful by their efforts. And that's networking. Wealthy people all know eachother and collaborate on increasing their profits. I'm going to explicitly say that's not a good thing. It's collaboration to break workers and rob them of what they deserve. And the networking only works because when a non wealthy person tries to tap that network, they're ignored or denied access as a form of classism. This is why the Ivy Leagues are basically a networking exercise for the wealthy, and don't mean anything when you look at the actual academics. It's networking. Networking on that level isn't even a skill! It's literally just an expression of classism! You work together to keep the poors down and increase your own wealth! This is also the level that most insider trading happens, which happens every day, they just don't make a fuss about it. Like if I tell you to buy something and hold it for six months, how is anyone going to connect the dots there? Especially if I make sure there isn't a paper trail? I'm rambling at this point, but it just makes me so furious about how it is ALL *RIGGED* and there is no *fairness* at the level of "Wealthy people" They don't deserve any of what they have, its a fucking grift! and our government explicitly supports that system! Your tax dollars go to some one who absolutely doesn't need the money so that they'll "invest" it and drive GDP, maybe make some jobs. But it's not an investment when you're not playing with your money, and if you lose there's no consequences. You're not gambling anything! "They deserve it because they took the risk!" There was no GODDAMN RISK! They win either way! Either you get to keep all the profits from money that wasn't yours, or you lose the money that was never yours, and usually get a bail out.
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monochrom4dness · 1 year
[OOC Post]
Welcome to this little askblog birthed from my past hyperfixation on Ghost's songs and the silly little characters in them. Despite the main 3 characters who took over my life that this blog revolves around (which you could probably tell by looking at the URL alone), you can send an ask to most characters from their publicly available songs (excluding songs I will list under the cut) and they'll answer! Through my doodles.
As for the blog title, yeah, it implies that the songs are a huge multiverse (and now they shall INTERACT!!). Am I making any sense??
Btw don't attack me if a headcanon/name I happen to mention conflicts with yours. You're silly
I try to stick to canon personalities that I know of and lore as much as possible while also throwing in a little fanon. I'd also like to point out that characters who are terrible people will be toned down (except Frances) because I would very much like everyone to not hate each other. Also, you can talk to dead people. I like to have fun.
ONE MORE THING: Because Qualia Automata is a collaborative project by Team 6x111, and Ghost is only a part of that team, I won't be answering anything related to it. They're not the only one who created it, and it kind of pisses me off when people only credit Ghost.
(If you know who I am, no you do not 💛)
DNI under cut.
Obsessive/creepy weirdos (you know what I mean), people who sexualize Ghost's characters, pro/comshippers, Kennith x Chris shippers (It's not that I'm particularly against the ship, the people who started it are just a little weird and the ship makes me uncomfortable as well. Please do not send asks relating to it.), ableists, just basic DNI criteria honestly. Don't be an ass.
Light NSFW jokes are honestly probably okay, but don't go too far.
Deleted songs I will still answer for, first two mostly as jokes:
- Crazy Town/Fuck House
- Korozashisakae's Mysterious Package
This is really only because I've downloaded them and listened to them far too much, and the first two don't really have much (or any) lore to them. Also, IMAGE is part of Communications, and I shoved all related content into my brain for two months straight. Bri Rodez
(Sign Off Intrusion not listed because it was gonna be part of Case 2.)
UPDATE: A sad day in history has passed, and it's dark! is gone. If you ever felt like it, then yes, you can still send asks to dirt eaters.
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good-jewish-omens · 1 year
07/10/2023 Hey please be fucking careful about sharing information about immigration and refugee issues while talking about fleeing the United States or within the country. I cannot tell you how much REAL ASS MISINFORMATION is going around.
Nonprofit groups are popping up everywhere and not all of them can help/are actually qualified to be helping people flee. I personally have had correspondence with a founder of one of those groups who is in their early 20s and has no record of experience in doing something like this - not even mutual aid. I'm not going to say the name of this one because I actually promised I wouldn't. Regardless of what work they're gonna do, I'm not going to get in the way of it. It'll be great if they can work it out.
In times of crisis, these kinds of groups pop up as a panic response. Panic responses make for weak organization. Sometimes they work out, a LOT LOT LOT of the time they don't and people get HURT. Also, OPS ARE REAL. If you have physically been in activist spaces, there's a good chance that you cannot confidently say you can tell an Op from real help.
I know Rainbow Railroad is also becoming a popular option in terms of trying to get support. I have some very loose ties to people involved with them and they have a track record of helping people flee Uganda and other death penalty countries. They have never said that they are able to help people in the United States move from one state to another. Frankly, I don't believe they have the personnel support or funding for that right now. Who knows what they'll be capable of in the future, but don't bank on them if you're looking for help moving from Mississippi to California. One of the BIGGEST pieces of misinformation that I heard JUST YESTERDAY was "Rainbow Railroad will help you move to Canada, I know because a friend of mine did it. It's that simple." NO IT IS NOT. It is NEVER that simple. They are working WITHIN the system, NOT outside of it.
Their relationship with the Canadian government is complicated. The Canadian government is taking a risk simply by accepting LGBTQ+ refugees and that support could weaken at any point. It's also extremely difficult to immigrate to Canada if you're disabled - they keep saying they're going to "fix the discrimination" and that they're "not actually discriminating against disabled people" but that's an absolute lie. And it's disability of any kind - chronic pain, mental health conditions, physical disability, anything you can think of. You have to literally prove that you won't be a burden to the Canadian healthcare system.
I've been working on a zine-esque document about fleeing trans genocide for a few months but the reality is I need collaborative partnership before I make it publically available. I refuse to put something out there that could endanger someone's life. In the meantime, here's a few tips on navigating this if you are planning on running:
Listen to people who have fleeing in their genetic memory and have cultural knowledge around what it means to flee. This means Jews, Rromani people, black Americans who are direct descendants of those held in slavery in the south and have kept that generational knowledge, refugees who have fled their countries to other parts of the world, people whose families were refugees, and people who stayed where they were while others fled.
If you listen and take into account the real trauma that you are about to go through by simply sympathizing with people who this has happened to before or currently, your transition to where you flee is going to be much, much smoother. Listening is a part of taking care of yourself.
Fleeing is going to mean different things for white trans Americans and trans Americans of color. If you're white, you MUST NOT assume that you are having the same experience just because you are trans.
Get extremely comfortable working outside of the system. The chances are you are going to have to steal, barter, trespass, and risk being arrested are going to increase over time.
Do not EVER feel bad for asking for money to get out. You are in survival mode. Fuck the people who criticize you for it.
Take care of yourself as much as you possibly can. Distress is distress, and even through massive change you still have the chance to take a deep breath.
Accept that some people are going to stay. Some of those people will be people that you love. You are not hurting them directly by leaving, and they are not hurting you directly by staying.
Wherever you go, you are going to have to keep fighting. Just because you're not where you were doesn't mean that you can't fight for the people who stayed. You'll find even more people to love in finding the people who advocate for you in the place that you make new roots. And those new people will want to know about where you came from and the people that you're fighting for.
Find the drag queens.
Don't give up.
Be careful where you step.
Follow love.
I'll probably update this post when I'm able to find collaborators for what I'm working on. I'd actually really like it if people circulated this because the dangerous is getting even more dangerous. Stay as safe as you possibly can.
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burning-sol · 2 years
this is my big post where i ramble abt exandroth. spoilers for all of apotheosis.
Exandroth /neg
Okay so I figure before we move onto ANYTHING else in this post, we're going to have to talk the fucking WORST thing about Exandroth. You know it, you hate it, it's Exandroth's relationship to Peter. Because this needs to talked about so we all know we're on the same page about Exandroth being an asshole.
I think there's a misconception about Exandroth that Exandroth wants to actively hurt everyone, that she doesn't care about anybody and will do whatever it takes to achieve its goal - or something along those lines. But I think it can be more accurately summarised as the following quote.
Episode 2: Charlie: He seems like he's absolutely being serious about killing these blights, and it's pretty apparent from the battle earlier...that he's like just kind of will do whatever to Peter to get there.
It's not that Exandroth doesn't care about others, it doesn't care about Peter. Exandroth makes fun of Thanatos and teases Rumi, but that sort of actual hurt and intended abuse is always directed at Peter. Outside of any sadistic delight Exandroth gets from killing combatants, Exandroth enjoys harassing Peter and bullying him and does not mind that Peter gets hurt in the slightest. Exandroth cares about Peter to the extent that Peter is a vehicle necessary to navigate her surroundings, and will keep Peter fit enough to function but doesn't take any measure to make sure Peter is comfortable.
To give Exandroth the tiniest of credit, possession in Exandroth's case cannot be completely absent of pain. Regardless of who Exandroth had chosen, Exandroth can't control if Peter gets intrusive 'visions' (briefly mentioned in episode 2, they're not confirmed to be caused by Exandroth but I think there's a good chance they are), or if Peter's time being possessed he can only see fire, or if the magic Exandroth casts causes pain to the host. Anyone who is a host for Exandroth is going to experience pain and discomfort presumably because a human (or what have you) body is just not fit to host a celestial being.
HOWEVER, Exandroth is a fucking shit head who has committed the following:
Exandroth did not inform Peter of what the possession would entail and moreso just forced itself on Peter, making this possession built on a very not consenual agreement.
Constantly and forcefully takes control of Peter without permission. In episode 6, Peter elects to give Exandroth some control and suggests setting up boundaries. Exandroth COMPLETELY ignores Peter and takes full control. Exandroth is not at all respectful of Peter's autonomy.
Exandroth refers to Peter as "just a wand" and generally just dehumanises Peter, viewing him as a tool to achieve her goal rather than someone who she should be collaborating with as an equal.
Using magic causes pain to Peter that Exandroth never addresses, apologises for or attempts to mitigate.
When Peter talks about the idea of trying to get Exandroth to use its magic to help people (episode 4), Exandroth starts to LIQUIFY Peter's leg. YIKES.
I believe it's episode 7 that the worm place is introduced; which becomes a place of torment Exandroth sends Peter, and is shown to very much traumatise Peter to point of being discomforted (you could presume even triggered) by the mention of worms. Peter brings up only seeing fire or blacking out previous to this, which I interpret as being a baseline, meanwhile the worm place is something Exandroth actively inflicts on Peter.
We don't know every little detail of Exandroth's time possessing Peter, but Charlie does say that Exandroth made Peter's life a living hell and ruined his life and I don't believe that's an exaggeration in the slightest. I may have missed things, I'm very sure that there's more I could talk about, but this last point summises everything pretty well.
Exandroth is a DICK and DEFINITELY Peter's antagonist. Peter absolutely needed Exandroth out of his fucking life because Exandroth was a constant tormentor. And I'm going to bring up the idea of Exandroth being redeemed later, but let it be known that in no way do I think that entails Peter forgiving Exandroth or making any effort to help Exandroth better itself. Peter doesn't have to be associated with this thing. Peter shouldn't be expected to associate with this thing. Peter shows Exandroth more kindness than what Exandroth deserves and Peter is absolutely amazing.
I love Peter and I wish to crush Exandroth cause what the actual fuck is wrong with this guy, she's such a prick.
I also think it is absolutely messed up that after all of Exandroth's bullshit, when shit hits the fans and Peter dies, Exandroth blames Peter and calls him a "feeble insect". But that's enough on that.
The narrative Rumi tells
Rumi is not a reliable narrator and they act with a subconscious (or conscious) need to maintain their identity. Nobody missed this, we understand this, but let's take this and apply this to Rumi's relationship with Exandroth. Because Exandroth never appeared in Rumi's visions. Rumi only ever saw Peter. How does this affect Rumi's perception of Exandroth?
My interpretation is Rumi probably subconsciously saw Exandroth as a threat far before any confirmation of Exandroth's character. Exandroth is an uncomfortable outlier; and Rumi could either accept that outlier - accepting their visions weren't entirely correct - OR they could force it to fit in a role that doesn't threaten their identity.
Firstly, through the rejection of Exandroth entirely. It's notable to me that Rumi entirely ignores Peter's comments about Exandroth even as he shows obvious signs of possession (dramatic change in body language, the voice, eclipsed eyes, the horrors, etc). Rumi makes comments praising Peter, "Peter, that was fantastic," You're monstrous Peter!" and it's an entire hour into the episode when Rumi first acknowledges Exandroth; not by his name, but as "the angel inside of you [Peter]". And if this seems like a strange comment, just know that in comparison it took Thanatos DRAMATICALLY less time to latch onto Exandroth's name and use it without issue. For me, it goes past being a bit to feeling like it's something Rumi is skirting around.
In the next episode, Rumi does ask to talk to Exandroth and introduces themselves but soon after delves into a line of questioning surrounding Peter and if Exandroth can transfer her power. This isn't to say that these are unreasonable questions, but I would pose that these questions prioritise Peter more than actually getting to know Exandroth. And Rumi also asked whether Peter was the master of Exandroth or Exandroth was the master of Peter (IN that order) which just seems like a kinda fucked up thing to ask imo.
Obviously, there is a certain point where Exandroth's actions speak for themselves, and Rumi would be right for judging Exandroth harshly, but many of these early interactions can be interpretted as being skewed in Peter's favour.
When it comes to how Rumi treats Exandroth, I percieve things progressing as follows: Exandroth is treated as an entity that doesn't exist; Exandroth does exist but it just an accessory to Peter; Exandroth is an UNWELCOME accessory to Peter; Exandroth is a thing for Peter to conquer as a way for Peter to become a strong individual.
The emphasis being that in each case Exandroth is NOT an individual. Because if Exandroth was an individual that exists then that means Rumi's visions don't line up properly. It was never meant to be FOUR god slayers, it was MEANT to be Rumi, Thanatos and Peter. So even before the outright sabotage of Rumi's visions, Rumi was set up to view Exandroth poorly. Although we agree with Rumi that Exandroth is no good, Rumi did not necessarily follow the same line of thought as we did. This wasn't JUST Rumi looking out for Peter, it was Rumi protecting their identity.
I think this also clears up in my mind why Rumi would have a sort of double standard when it comes to Thanatos. Thanatos IS more redeemable than Exandroth, for fucking sure, but this ONE line I obsess over because of the sheer dissonance of it.
"Thanatos, unlike Exandroth, I've observed has some semblance of a liking towards the living. Starting with that Lizard, and perhaps your family in the past."
It really throws a wrench in this whole 'Thanatos is redeemable but Exandroth isn't' thing when you use an example like that. Because, if you don't know, Exandroth LOVES Lizard and has an OUTPOURING of affection towards it. Exandroth BLESSED Lizard, CONNECTED a part of itself Lizard... What is the difference between Thanatos' affection for Lizard and Exandroth's? I turn this over in my mind repeatedly.
More On Dehumanising Exandroth
Okay but let's REALLY think about how Exandroth is treated. Obviously there's all of Rumi's case I lay out earlier but even generally speaking NOBODY really treats Exandroth with the same level of individuality as they would each other. A lot of talk around Exandroth was about his use as an asset to the team; about it being attached to Peter and what that meant for Peter; or about Exandroth's role in the attack on the celestial realm. Times where the god slayers are being introduced, Exandroth has gotten left out more than once.
When Exandroth was out and about in episode 10, she commented that he actually felt like staying out for a while and seemed to have been enjoying socialising with everyone: only to then be told to go away because Tristan(?) found Exandroth annoying. And the others didn't disagree.
This is something that became more apparent as I watched back over the clips and realised there was just SO much talk ABOUT Exandroth but not a lot of talk TO Exandroth. And when there WAS talk to Exandroth, you can be sure that it didn't really amount to much on a personal level. And this is not even bringing in the outright hostility towards him.
Exandroth is very tolerant of this and at worst just gets a bit defiant, saying that he's not going to leave of his own accord. He doesn't act hostile towards the others at all... He did say he could turn Thanatos into spiders if they were in a fight. Recited "boil" repeatedly in response to Rumi trying to use a command spell. He joked about killing Rumi when she was carrying them in the air. But an actual direct and hostile threat? That it initiated? Never. If anything, Grizzly and Condi in a Just Rolled expressed that they wanted to kill Exandroth and take its power. Fun.
Let's talk about episode 13
We open up. Exandroth is shifting in form and is "not fully intact" before settling on being Rumi, confusing Peter in the process. Exandroth speaks in a way that's unusual for him and even describes himself as wanting a "perfect" vessel to become god (Exandroth has not shown any fixation on being "perfect" before now). Exandroth attempts to possess the sword before being interrupted. They fight. Exandroth uses her sword for attacks, it continues to come off as very not Exandroth.
Peter cracks open Exandroth's form to reveal the form of Peter. Exandroth's mannerisms and fighting becomes dramatically more Exandroth-like, though he does sound nasally like Peter would. Exandroth comments that he's going to take everything Peter loves. He also has a bag of rocks but Exandroth has painted them all to be Rumi. As Exandroth takes more hits the form wobbles and stretches like someone were manipulating vertexes in Blender.
Exandroth mutters 'he didn't want to do this' before his body EXPLODES into light as his angelic form peels out from the body. And then she fights epically with Peter. And it loses. The end. Kill your gays trope real, Exandroth confessed love for Rumi and got sent to superhell. Very sad. END OF SUMMARY.
What I'm SO intruiged by in this fight is the forms that Exandroth takes, particularly that Exandroth takes the form of Peter of all people. The worm. The imperfect vessel. I mean obviously it makes for a really epic Peter vs Evil Peter scenario. It's also like "WOAH if Exandroth is taking the form of Peter, that's a testament to how strong Peter actually was this whole time". But aside from that, maybe it's reflective of how Exandroth has grown attached to this version of itself.
In terms of phases, you could theorise that there's a progression of what Exandroth wanted to be (Rumi) -> what identity Exandroth had grown attached to (using Peter's body as a vessel) -> and what Exandroth actually is (the Archangel of Justice and Retribution). A desperation to cling onto a sense of humanity, to cling onto these new memories and experiences and emotions. "I didn't want to use this." Why not, Exandroth? Hasn't all this time Exandroth been playing up their prowess, their superiority, their celestial power over the duration of the series? Aside from it being a cool last phase, last resort of power... Maybe Exandroth has grown a distaste towards their celestial self.
It WAS an entire year Exandroth spent attached Peter. So it's not so far fetched to assume that Exandroth started to identify itself with Peter's body.
Exandroth was in LOVE
There is not much to this point. It just. It means something to me that Exandroth was able to pick up on a human emotion. And sure, it didn't know what the fuck to do with that emotion and expressed it in an unhealthy way... But it was SOMETHING. And how much more could have Exandroth picked up on? Could Exandroth have become more than just retribution, rage and sadistic delight?
Exandroth was an ally of humanity, Exandroth walked alongside people, and Exandroth was becoming more human itself. Going to LOSE my marbles.
Loveable Idiot
Okay but if I may be sooo silly about this thing he is SOOO stupid and I love it. She had fuckinnnggg no awareness about him it KILLED me.
I love when he just fucking gets distracted by a squirrel and INCINERATES it. This thing doesn't have an attention span like.
Also I just find it very cute that Exandroth it jsut a sleepy lil' thing. Described as napping on several occassions. Going absolute sleepy mode. Now that I think about it you could probably interpret some of Exandroth's incomprehensible speeching as a result of the sleepiness.
Some other notes
In episode 2 when Rumi is going off about how Peter is a part of the trio, Exandroth tries to come out but doesn't manage to get a hold of the reigns. I can only imagine that Exandroth wanted to tell Rumi that he was meant to be Rumi's comrade, not Peter, but didn't get the chance to. And a reminder that Zuen had picked Exandroth as a chosen so yeah I linger on this first interaction a bit.
A clip I'm OBSESSED with is this one. I just think that Rumi and Exandroth could work SO well together in a horrible way because. Rumi doesn't want to directly kill anyone... But Exandroth does!! And if THIS sort of interaction happened more often? Ooooo I love it. I love it SO much. Something something Exandroth will take blood on its hands that Rumi doesn't want. Something like that.
Exandroth's first encounter vs Exandroth second encounter with Rymir is a VERY stark comparison. Exandroth's first encounter with Rymir he just couldn't contain his sheer rage at Rymir (who imprisoned him after Exandroth's treason, which is deserved but ofc Exandroth would be upset over it). Exandroth FORCED himself out and went for the throat. But Exandroth's second encounter he didn't try to crawl his way out, he only came out when allowed. Not only that but he... Sat there. Just. Made some your mom jokes and left as quickly as she came. Maybe it was pacified by Rumi? Maybe Exandroth just was holding themselves back? Up to your interpretation.
Exandroth barely had a prescence in episode 12- even during the fight which is very uncharacteristic of Exandroth. The one time Exandroth used magic was to help Peter dispell the Moon Beast of all things. Just think about that. (SOL ALSO BROUGHT UP IN ANOTHER POST ABOUT EXANDROTH WANTING TO BE FREE AND ALSO FREEING THE MOON BEAST) (SIDENOTE: ALSO SOMETHING ABOUT HOW EXANDROTH SORT OF IMPRISONS PETER)
I posted this clip where both Exandroth and Rumi use their commands spells to say "obey" which. Yeah. You know. That's something!
Exandroth's expulsion from the celestial realm
For me I initially had the theory when I first started Apotheosis that the reason he was cast out of heaven in the first place was because he liked his job too much. He was the Angel of Retribution, but took it to a point where he was giving punishments that even the Gods thought were a little much. He's shown to be extremely sadistic, so it made sense to me. -Shiloh205
Answering the easiest part first: Exandroth wasn't cast out of the celestial realm by the gods.
Exandroth, as part of a plan agreed on with Zuen, went down to Earth(?) 15 years ago and had a hand in the creation of an army of Thanatos that would storm the celestial realm. At some point, Exandroth returned to the celestial realm and was imprisoned for its treachery by the gods for the next who knows how long. It was during the attack on the celestial realm that Zuen unchained Exandroth and set her free, Zuen destroying the celestial realm (the sky disappearing as a result) and leading into the events of episode 1. Zuen let Exandroth free as a part of their deal and because Zuen had selected Exandroth as one of his "chosen". (Zuen wanted there to be a fight of ideals between Exandroth, Rumi and Thanatos but this didn't pan out most likely because of Peter's presence - who was NOT chosen by Zuen but instead chosen by Exandroth)
Why did Exandroth do this though? Here are quotes that I think are relevant.
Episode 2: Thanatos: What does Exandroth seek? ... Exandroth: ...to kill the blights that plague this land, using the body of this boy and my immense magical power. I shall cover the world in Exandroth's light and show it the true meaning of retribution.
Episode 3: Exandroth: I have big beef with the gods. Their hubris will be their undoing. You see, they've made a deal with me that I can stand against them and test their might. But they look down on upon me. And I will earn my freedom from them, with my power. Rumi: Oh, so the gods enslave you, Exandroth? Exandroth: Ouh, they suck. Ough. Thanatos: You seek to destroy them? Exandroth: For sure.
Episode 5: Peter: I don't know, maybe- maybe I can be shaken out of it. But it's.. I don't think it'll be easy. Especially not if it's something like killing a blight, that he's really trying to do... And I- And I feel that anger.
Episode 10: Thanatos: You were the first to assault the gods? Exandroth: Oh they have been laying waste to everything for a long, long time before I took my job as Archangel of Retribution to its word and commenced a great reckoning.
Episode 10: Rumi: But I recall you saying that once all the gods are dead, you will be in control? Exandroth: I mean, yeah, 'cause the gods won't be there anymore, so we will all be in control of our own destinies. Rumi: Is that the goal Exandroth, I thought the goal was to um.. Exandroth: It's to kill the gods first of all... It's to retribution.. It's sort of my thi- whole- the entire thing is retribution so..
Episode 10: Charlie: Condi, unless I'm wrong, retribution is his whole thing. Like, he's pissed at basically the gods for fucking with him for so long.
Episode 10: Rumi: Exandroth, once all the gods are dead, you're going to leave humanity alone and go away? Exandroth: I mean unless it like... Unless it would want something I guess? But like I'm not- You know, I'm an angel? I- I'll retribute if someone's like a fucking ass. I'll fuckin- I'll blast 'em! ... Rumi: So you're saying once we finish killing all the gods, you'll free Peter and leave humans who are not evil alone? Exandroth: I mean, yeah, we can talk about it. ... Exandroth: That's pretty much it. Really just retribution. Fuck 'em up real bad.
From these quotes I think it can be gathered that Exandroth had three motivations behind betraying the gods. The first being that Exandroth was constrained in some way (maybe not letting him do what he wanted or maybe an physical constraint, we don't know the details) and wanted freedom from them. The second being that it seems that Exandroth has something to prove, that he wants to be a force that rivals the gods by challenging them. The gods definitely have a streak of acting condescending, even specifically towards Exandroth, so I'd say this also checks out. The third being that Exandroth is an Angel of Retribution and Justice who judged the gods as deserving of retribution, and carried out whatever it would take to enact this retribution. In general, we know that there was definitely SOMETHING that the gods did to Exandroth other than chaining him up, because he is described as being VERY upset at them - filled with an anger that Peter can feel too. So maybe there was that personal need for retribution outside of the Gods' neglect of the people in general.
I know someone might comment that becoming god was also a motivation for Exandroth. To me, I don't find this nearly as clear as everything else listed. Exandroth definitely wanted to be god post being stabbed by Thanatos; but, as I said before, I think this is more symptomatic of Exandroth attempting to embody Rumi and misconstruing what Rumi's goal was. Outside of this Exandroth doesn't say whether or not his goal from the start was to become a god. If anything, he more strongly insists that he just wants to be a force of retribution in the world - which is backed up by insight checks made by both Bizly and Grizzly at different points. Which falls under the previously listed motivation.
This isn't to say that Exandroth didn't want to become god, just that there isn't evidence to say it was his initial motivation or even a primary motivation. It may have been a side effect of his other motivations, similar to Rumi's situation, but it was not Exandroth's driving force. Maybe Exandroth would have even been open to negotiating his position if, "I mean, yeah, we can talk about it," can be taken optimistically.
That is what I have gathered on Exandroth's situation in the celestial realm - concerning what events happened and what his motivations are.
So is Exandroth a static character?
If it were up to my judgement, my answer would be no.
Context behind this question: Charlie in the Just Rolleds had expressed that he didn't want to play Exandroth because he was a "static character". This was as late as Just Rolled episode 12, and I think you can easily gather from my points above why I'd be arguing that this is wrong. As much as I think the Rolleds can give better insight into Apotheosis, they AREN'T Apotheosis. I don't agree with the Council when it comes to Exandroth and I think there's enough textual evidence to back me up. I'm sure to Charlie this made sense to him as the player, but actually watching through Apotheosis as a viewer is a very different experience.
One thing that I think COULD possibly refute this is similar to what Bizly tried to argue with Thanatos' character. That being, was there an actual internal change or did Exandroth just learn to approach things with more "finesse"? Did Exandroth change or were there just other factors at play?
At the very least, regardless of where you stand, I hope that we would all agree by the end of this essay that Exandroth is at the least a dynamic character.
I would really like to hear your thoughts on Exandroth being a static character. Like do you think that’s true? Is the only growth it has based in fanon or is there more to it than it’s given credit for?
Also I wanna hear about Exandroth’s relationships with the godslayers. This is kind of branching off the first point but I want to hear what you think about it being in love with Rumi and impersonating them and it’s relationship with Peter and the sort of strange maternal thing happening with thanatos badically I wanna hear everything but those especially I think idk I need to rewatch apotheosis and die all over again
(HEY YOU ASKED FOR STUFF HERE YOU GO) @2o5 @mochitoaster @frostycola
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wutlaikalikes · 1 year
a blog of an unfortunately frustrating night…
for your sanity just scroll past, also tldr.
After the Unrailed gang unveiled their official name of Unplan from a karaoke collab on Rikka's channel, I got up to get ready for bed but as always I did check twitter for a bit before bathing. The first I read is the graduation notice of Vesper and Magni. I was hoping all this time that it's just an extended suspension. When Vesper was first suspended he didn't come back right away so I was just waiting.
I was fucking annoyed cause I’m still elated from Unplan's new original song. Sure they waited for the collab to be over but their song is going to be released an hour after the collab! I can't imagine what Unplan is feeling at the moment, their hard work that they have planned for months only to be overshadowed by this devastating news. Seriously, holostars management/hololive pr team, impeccable timing as always. I still haven't forgotten what the management/pr team did during Uyu's 3D stream.
please stream, comment and support their song
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【MV】superior stars / unplan 【アルランディス×影山シエン×律可×花咲みやび】
I couldn't help but be mad. I was thinking when they come back I won’t be that person that would demand why they were suspended, I would just welcome them back! But as soon as i saw the announcement, I can’t help but want to know what the f*** happened!!
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Then I suddenly remembered the cover, the 21 Stars song cover. And as soon as I posted that, another announcement that they'll delay the release.
I know they'll remove them from the song. I get it, legal rights stuff. but it doesn't hurt to ask.
I was just annoyed at this point because I know regardless of what I say or post on the internet, I can't do anything!! I actually wrote a letter that I was gonna turn into art and post tomorrow but I guess I'll just show the draft here…
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I was sitting in two waiting rooms last night, Axel's announcement video and Unplan's song release.
I was calming myself before I said anything stupid. I just started to scroll and scroll on twitter. Somehow knowing that there are others like me, who are frustrated about this situation, calms me. I wasn't crying. I think the reason i wasnt is because I know where to follow them. Yes, I’m talking about the past life of Vesper and active account of Magni. Honestly, I’m kinda following prof’s account and saw a post that he won’t be streaming and has some things to finish. I already felt bad about it but I was just hoping for the best.
What made me sad were three posts. Posts from their senpai; Astel, Rio and Oga. Sure Astel and Rio managed to collab with Vesper and Magni but Oga didn't have his chance. I know Oga and Vesper collaborated during Aruran's telephone game but that is Aruran’s stream. The difference is that Rio and Magni, Vesper and Astel with Altare, were able to bond somehow through a game for an hour. I can imagine a drawing collab with Oga, Gamma, Iofi and Magni, with Iofi as a translator.
Astel said he wasn't feeling well but still he sang for Vesper and Magni to thank them for being part of Holostars. And as always stated his desire for Kira to come back, I want Kira back too.
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【Sing】TY / アステル
I just want to express more of my frustrations over this timing.
I kinda can already tell something was wrong when Holostars Rust season 2 was suddenly announced last week. Temma was very vague about it when he was planning season 2, so I was quite surprised about last week's announcement. Sure, management paid for season 2's trophy and got us hyped by releasing a highlight video, but all this feels like bribery, even a distraction from what is about to happen.
Tempus announced that they won’t be streaming which is understandable. I wouldn’t want them to be on stream with emotional Vesties, Magmites, Tempuras and Starlights. But I also don’t like this start for Holostars Rust season 2. But the JP boys are still going to stream so I hope you can support them. Let's help them make this event another success!
At this point, I’m just annoyed. I wanted to know what happened and if there was anything that I could have done to prevent this graduation. I know most Vesties and Magmites feel that they weren’t able to show enough love and support to have them stay. But honestly, regardless of how vague that announcement is, I can’t blame anyone for thinking that something happened behind the scenes. Vesper and Magni are excited to be part of Holostars. Vesper even went off script during his debut to say how happy he is to be part of Holostars.
My wish is that Vesper and Magni’s archive will stay intact. Regardless though, I will make time to save Vesper’s cover of Shinigami and Magni’s original song Copium. As much as I want to save Magni and Rio’s Human Fall Flat stream and Vesper’s Project Zomboid streams, I don’t have a lot of time and memory space. I also wish that they keep their Minecraft builds, unlike what they did to Kaoru’s build which they removed from the JP server. I can just hope at this point.
I can’t stress this enough, support your oshi as best you can. You don’t really need to spend money simply sharing their streams and posts, making drawings and memes, commenting on their videos and interacting on chat helps. The algorithm is a crazy thing, your interactions leave impressions on their posts that actually help boost them up.
For those who are in the Holostars community because of Vesper and Magni, we won’t hold it against you if you decide to leave. It’s your time to spend and not ours to control but you are welcome to stay and you are always welcome to come back.
I wish nothing but success for Vesper and Magni. I’ll miss them for sure.
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BPP, have you hated a song at first listen before but then tried to listen to it again and you ended up liking it?
Cuz that’s what happened to me with PTD. I remember listening to it when it dropped with a kind of grimace? on my face and refusing to listen to it again right after. My brain didn’t like how it sounded at all. But when the members performed it live, I really loved it, especially when they first did it at PTD concerts. I really grew to appreciate how happy it makes you feel. And the concert variation has so many interesting elements to it compared to the recorded version too. It sounds so fresh and peppy. I think I just didn’t like the autotune? and how it made them sound so flat to me. Now I’m going through it with Dreamer too but I don’t think it’s cuz of autotune since I think Jungkook sounds okay in it. I didn’t like it at first listen but I’ll give it a chance with the live performance once twitter ARMYs clips it.
Ask 2: i have a lovehate relationship with your blog. i thought you were full of yourself and a bit annoying when you didn't reply to my ask on jk performing at the world cup.. i felt like you told me to shut up and be quiet by not replying me even when i explained everything the whole controversy you just said everybody should do what they want like you didn't care about jk. sorry for saying that i now see your point.
Hi Anon(s),
Anon 1, your experience with PTD is almost exactly like mine. I also found PTD too sweet, too sugary in an artificial way, the first time I heard it. But I really liked the song played live in concert. You sent this ask to me a long while ago Anon, so I wonder if Dreamers did in fact grow on you.
Personally, Dreamers just isn't a song that can grow on me. The potential of that happening is already maxed out and I'm still indifferent. My mom is a huge fan of the song though, and obsessed with one particular tiktok edit of JK singing the song lol. Apparently, he's her bias now.
This is a bit of a personal tidbit, but my mom usually does not care for k-pop or anything related to BTS. But for the last few weeks she's expressed strong pride in her heritage and always mentioned BTS in the same sentence. To see Jungkook singing the opening song at the World Cup, to seeing Korea's team advance into the tournament... I'm not sure if my followers are keeping up with news out of Korea but a lot of fucked up shit is happening right now. Korea's participation and profile at the World Cup unexpectedly turned out to be one of the few bright spots lately. I personally did not have a strong opinion one way or the other about Jungkook performing at the World Cup, and I still don't. Like I guessed, many of the people up in arms about him performing there still watched the world cup and hyped it in one way or other, or they did nothing actually towards the cause they appeared so passionate about. And while that's not necessarily wrong, it's lame. My opinion on the underlying issues is that many of those issues are rampant in Korea, and we can all compartmentalize for this, but somehow never for brown cultures, generally speaking. And again that's not wrong per se, but it's inconsistent. And lame.
As the boys mature and get into other ventures, it's very possible they'll do things and/or collaborate with people we disagree with for whatever reason. And each time the fandom will react the way it has always done: each individual will do what they want. Just as they did during this World Cup. So Anon 2, I just thought to cut the bullshit and get to the crux of it for all the panicky asks I was getting about JK performing at the World Cup. I felt that outside a handful of people who truly care, most of the anxiety around JK performing was performative, and that eventually people will do what they actually want to, which is get on with whatever is happening which at the time will be watching the World Cup. And that's what happened.
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chiclet-go-boom · 1 year
why do i need to fill out a four page questionnaire about my original character that i am roleplaying? what the fuck does "does your character paint their fingernails and if yes, what color" have to do with anything.
Every question you answer is an answer you don't get to find out. Keep it simple, stupid. I've had massive, on-going success where my character concepts were:
hippie chick who uses her tarot deck to play Go Fish with
orphan with chip on shoulder a mile wide and concerning lack of control over her temper
statue come to life because Pygmalion is a great myth
one of Baba Yaga's captured princes (i was Evening, although he'll tell you his name is Evan because its none of your business)
I mean, short. sweet. enough to inform a mindset and a base to start from. everything else comes from emergent gameplay with others, so after a couple of months-to-years you have a fully fleshed out character where every single detail (what they like to wear, what they want to eat, how they react in a crisis, do they cry at the sight of blood, what they'll punch you over) has come from living through those things and has a story that it came from and BETTER YET, there is somebody on the other side of that story that ALSO remembers how that situation went down and why my character avoids pink leopard print like the plague now.
getting it all nailed ahead of time is boring. there, i said it. so trammeled, so narrow a view. let it happen to you, let somebody else's character define something about yours. make it so collaborative that you can't help but have fun with it.
jello is great because it wiggles - do not cast your character in concrete at the start because then its a chore to make sure you don't trip over the four page questionnaire in your first five minutes of play.
.... i should talk more often, i make SO much sense :P
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jakethesequel · 2 years
(Bracing myself for combat) i think AI art is art it's fine morally whatever but I think like 90% of it is gonna be bad art. Not because of the fucked up fingers or whatever they'll get better at that, just because most of it is done with the goal of consuming rather than creating. You can make art with a photocopier, you can make zines, you can do whatever. Even the simple act of duplication, changing nothing or little, is a kind of art, it says "i care about this work." But you give up so much intentionality with AI art I wonder why bother.
Especially apparent is when people talk about it replacing comissions. It shows how some people don't see artists as anything but content creators. "Why would anyone pay for a comission when they can have an AI make a drawing in the same style?" You value the artist that little? I *want* to collaborate with artists because their ideas matter to me, the choices they make when they draw, what they can add to what I write.
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terrifickid · 7 months
Well I'm not hearing or seeing things anymore.
But it looks like my mind is slowly breaking down.
I learned that if I don't drink water for like 4 days I'll just fall asleep and won't wake up.
So I think I'll just go up into the mountains.
I don't think I'll decide to go, that's probably a bad idea. But I can.
And I can just get in my tent, or make some kind of shelter or find a cave or just lay under a tree. And then, I'll know if I just stay there and rest eventually I won't wake up. I think I can do that.
7 days isn't a long time for me to stay still.
It feels like the sadness of breaking up with someone else.
Anyway, I've decided just to chill out - rather than flail around. Looks like I'll be spared all the weird shit.
I don't know exactly how this plays out now. I don't think anyone does. But I feel lucky to be in this condition - it's the only way I think anyone could get through something like this.
Well because I came from just watching star trek. Let's say I bunkerized. First that doesn't really work - it's like being an ostrich to life. So, then what? Like I said before, why would I want to trade dollars for Bitcoin? It's like thinking things will change if you stop having sex - it doesn't fix a thing.
Bitcoin is going to well beyond 14m. But what are people going to do with it? It's like, oh cars aren't going to drive anymore they'll fly with electricity. That's cool but where are you going to go to? Just experience the journey? Use a flying car as a prophylaxis if you want I don't think it'll change anything. I know it won't.
The problem is us and AI won't save us. People will find a way.
Well statistically optimists mostly fail. Makes sense.
In the K-T event, if you took heart your species still went extinct. And the voles grew up after a million years and instituted slavery.
I don't think it's doom universe. But I don't have an issue with leaving the earth or having a problem with the terms of these relationships.
We must go to mount doom. Only there where we were made can we be unmade.
But totally Blockchain are awesome and I think Bitcoin is super cool. We should totally collaborate using cryptographically verifiable contract terms wherein the terms themselves are self-executing in an explicit language. This creates a mare liberum network of explicit consent for society which is productive and fair and also saves on adjudication fees.
It should reduce crime as well since, security will be high and really to acquire resources you'll need to hold social good tokens with an encryption key.
I don't know. Wealth seems to collect at the top. We alter species by breeding these weird dogs and treat them like gimps and lethally inject them when it's convenient - or just abandon them. Or in the case of cows or chickens. What'r they gonna do? Shirk off their chains and form a syndicalist support group? You can't undo that level of profound mutilation. Genie (feral child) never recovered. Her neurons formed weird from being chained to a toilet for 16 years.
Eh, se la vie you know?
But what nothing must do is whatever the fuck you're demanding.
One theme I think is clear. It's a world of constant opportunity.
Uh, well again I have survived another catastrophe. I feel like, yet again it's back to plan A. I think it makes sense to board up the place to a degree and get a door lock - but also not keep anything valuable. And it also makes sense to start caching rations. But it also makes sense to prepare to travel and DCA and prepare to die. I'd also watch out for deflation. What if everybody ran out of money? People might start selling shit cheap and working for a lot less. Stocks could crash.
But also, we should get an AI and automation productivity revolution so things could be more available.
There are countries and corps with a lot of Bitcoin and those are a lot of smart people who are still way cool. They can easily work together to rebuild agriculture, medicine, communication and transportation sectors.
But I'd expect a fair bit of refugee traffic thru Marfa and we're going to get violent crime.
Also, I just don't know what the Marfa economy looks like. It's possible tourism will remain constant considering Marfa is an apex location. On the other hand, in a massive economic depression?
I saw Scottsdale turn into a ghost town in 2008.
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yeswearemagazine · 1 year
Ch-ch-ch-ch Changes
I'm just seeing that Tumblr has changed the way we can write...this means that the Choice of the Day, to which almost no one participates in spite of my huge daily efforts, will now have a font and presentation which has nothing to see with the mags's font and presentation. Fat, ugly. This was not enough to put the big white spaces around the visual posts, which makes the mag now only function from your remote archives or with sent files, and all the other (blind or stupid) curating sites have on their main page these huge white stripes around their selections, and they never did anything against this - this speak volumes about the way they consider their selected artists. At the same time, dear fascist Zuckie also implements Fb changes. All this has a "philosophy" which is called "progress" or "change for change". It also seems to be included in the anti-Musk war and "who has the biggest" competition. Another change of the kind was implemented in November 2 018 on Tumblr, because the staff was incompetent to ban porn bots, hard porn and paedophiles from the platform. It touched art nude and the mag was deeply impacted, hundreds of lovely and/or remarkable nude or semi-nudes selections forced to disappear and be blocked as "inappropriate". The trademark of YWAMag changed then. The main nude models showcasing on Tumblr, Nicole Vaunt, Roarie Yum, Freya Gallows, Keira Grant and others, disappeared from the platform after years of excellent presence on their Tumblrs and in the mag. I have proudly and efficiently been part of the "bush liberation" which was more than needed. Them, and the photographers as Corwin Prescott, husband of Nicole, Mikey McMichaels and many others. The irony is that all have been part of the US "progressive left" of which one of the main ideological pillars is that Islam is a pure wonder and that only "white supremacists" (TM - LOOOOL) criticize it "because they're full of hate" - and of shit - of course ! I have then easily written and published five texts against Jeff d'Onofrio replacing David Karp, Jeffie the Progrie and his new absolutely bigot and servile Muslim friendly policy. The unspoken subtitles of that operation were obvious for anyone with a non-low IQ, though, everyone on Tumblr was exciting themselves against "white bigotry"' and Trump (!! as if he was in command of D'onofrio, a "progressive" !) - as fucking usual. This was so funny - if it hadn't been totally pathetic and idiotic. In the forenamed artists and especially models I know who knows the truth but can't speak it. In the recent years, D'Onofrio, who is, and it's an interesting point, not Jewish, unlike Karp who is not a bigot on the eroticism field, and the erotic art one in particular, understood the loss he had created by his "inclusivity", which was written in his statements about the operation, but that almost no one had seen except me - because I'm "islamophobic" (I'm not - or maybe yes - but not as "progressive" and their reduced mind think of).
Now the new changes for change and to make live Tumblr longer, as expressed by the staff which is losing power and money and is trying to get back on their feet, make many people and in particular artists, said by Tumblr to be "their main asset" (funny when we know the boycott implemented on the mag, me and my wife and collaborator, just for being who she is, when she never speaks politically or about violence and terrorism), leave or say they'll leave. And Tumblr will probably understand it in years, except if many of us "harass" them. Basile Pesso - YWAMag director since 2 014
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queen-boudicca · 2 years
Next up in the nuwho rewatch, world war III! (Also i know i said I'd post them at the same time but i had to go to work and was busy)
Bechdel test pass: yes
Made me cry: no
World war three 
Yay resistant to electricity nine
Yay theme song
Yay Mickey!!
Why does electrocuting one of them electrocute them all, again? Do they ever explain that
Doc literally why didn't you tell the soldiers about the pm being an alien in disguise first?
God the elevator opening on the slitheen and nine cheekily smiling is peak comedy
Oh blon fel-fotch passamer-day slitheen my beloved (lol hope i got the name right that'd be embarrassing)
Lol Harriet looks so offended when they call her old
Harriet really about to sacrifice herself for a girl she just met we stan
"Harriet Jones, i like you" bitch me too the fuck
"The slitheen race? Slitheen is not our species" god some showrunners could never
God the dialogue between Harriet and nine and the slitheen is just god tier
"Who's not human?" "He's not human" "he's not human?"
"Harriet, have a drink; I think you're gonna need it" "you pass to the left first"
"They'll never get in" "and how do we get out?" "Ah."
Love the reporter "though why he's been summoned, I've no idea" "that's the chairman of the North Sea boating club" "quite what connects all these people we've no idea"
Mickey and Jackie! 
"If anyone's gonna cry it's gonna be me" i love you Mickey
"You saved my life. God that's embarrassing" i love you Jackie
Rip the secretary guy
"Hasn't it got defence codes and things; couldn't we just launch a nuclear bomb at them?" "...You're a very violent young woman"
"We need a resolution from the UN" "not like that's ever stopped us before" God rtd is not being subtle with the politics we stan (not that anything about this episode is subtle)
I love love love them all working together
*Opens the door* *sees cop* *closes door* 
"That narrows it down to one planet! Raxacoricofalipatorious!" "Oh great, we can write them a letter"
*Throws the vinegar on it* *it just fucking explodes all over them* 
"We've scanned and found these weapons of mass destruction in the sky" oh okay can literally any other world government confirm that? Or any astronomy organization? Or literally anybody
Love how the real enemy of the episode is capitalism they didn't have to go this hard but they did
American reporter my beloved
Ugh the emotions the collaboration
"This is my life, Jackie. It's not fun; it's not smart; it's just standing up and making a decision because nobody else will." That hits hard also give Eccleston an Oscar already
"Except it's not your decision, doctor. It's mine" queen
Love the buffalo password
Love the little missile map!
"Sir there's a missile—" *opens door, everyone is giant green aliens* "...sorry"
Harriet Jones, future prime minister, my beloved
Jackie being willing to open up and have a sit down dinner w the doctor meanwhile nine's being such a bitch (we get it but c'mon)
Nine inviting Mickey along <3
"I'll see you in ten seconds' time, yeah?" Lol rose you can NOT promise that or did you forget he got you back a year late
Really pretty ending imo
Plus gotta love the music
Oh fuck the next episode preview actually slaps so hard damn
Anyway see you next time for dalek!
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