#superrrr rare
youredreamingofroo · 4 months
I don't think anybody rlly cares but I'd like to share that one of my parakeets, bolt who has been incredibly hand averse since I got him, has finally started to become comfortable with me, comfy enough to feed from my hand without *bolting* (ba-dum tss) at the slightest hand movement 🥹🥹 I'm sooo proud of him, I was super worried he would never become comfortable with me, he still has a lot to work on, as he still is jumpy, moreso than Scones (his companion), but progress is progress and this is the best kind of progress rn !!!
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astuteology · 10 months
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● Scorpio venus- gets sexualized alot. Many people would fantasize about these people but will not let them know. MANYYYY have crushes on them.👀
● Capricorn + Scorpio placements- are either very naive and easily influenced/manipulated or the manipulator themselves. BUT the way their mind worksss.. ufff... they get shit done, they have solutions to e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. Can become a lawyer cuz mann you can't win against them. Everrrr.
● Capricorn/ aquarius or earth sign placements/degrees- you would rarely see them support astrology. They'll show interest if you're telling them everything good about their sign, as soon as you get to the negative part.... out the door🚶🏻‍♀️(although it's not always the case)
● In synastry if you have- venus square north node/ venus square saturn, venus square neptune, venus square uranus.... its not going to be a long lasting relationship. Cuz venus, the planet of love, is literally denied its main role. Degrees matter too, more than 5, can work. Less than 5, probably not.
● sagittarius placements- go from being fun and adventurous to being serious and mature. As the grow older, they start understanding life on a deeper level. Also, sagittarius placements are quite lucky (see where it is placed or where jupiter is placed.)
●Neptune/pluto/lilith/mars- on the ascendant, doesn't matter the aspect, GAIN ATTENTION WHEREVER THEY GO. People be turning their heads to look at you. You're random people's crush. And those who feel threatened by your presence, tries to spread false rumors about you or tell you that you're 'too bossy' 'too much' too this and that. They're just jealous cuz you got the IT factor in you and you not only gain everyone's attention but also their crushes 😌.
● Taurus placements- they have a very soothing voice. Their voice gain everyone's attention around them. Even if its noisy, as soon as a Taurus start saying something, everything gets quite. Its just the way they talk, they can have a deep or soft voice, but the way they speak is very beautiful.
● Libra placements- are superrrr nice. They're always there for you. They feel nice and happy when the people close to them are happy. Since libra is the sign of balance, they know when to be nice and when to be a bitch... so don't ever walk over them, You won't like it.
● I think aries and Capricorn placements- are the only placements that fear failure ALOT. Like ALOT. Even if they don't have a way, they'll make one. They have to do something, they can't just sit and relax, their soul won't let them.
● 12th house placements will know things beforehand due to overthinking. They would know if this friend of them is going to betray them. They start feeling uneasy somewhere in their body. With the 8th house placements, once they trust, they give their trust to you 100% and they usually gets backstabbed. Then they stop trusting people completely.
● Underdeveloped Scorpio placements- if your crush is a scorpio or has prominent scorpio placements, please stay away. They are usually involved with someone but keep it hidden. You won't know it until and unless they tell you, which they never. So its better to keep your heart safe than knowing at the end that they were involved with someone all this time.
● (in synastry) Underdeveloped scorpio venus and pisces venus- toxic, manipulative and narcissistic together. They talk shit about their close friends with each other. They turn against their friends. They develop, a kind of, superiority complex.
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆Dark side of underdeveloped placements:
▪︎ Capricorns- rude af. Very mean for no reason. They think they are the main character. No honey you're just a bitch.
▪︎ scorpios- fucking cheaters. One person is not enough for them. Very toxic. Will body/slut shame you behind your back. Oh and secrets??? What are those? Now everyone knows them.
▪︎ Aries- can yall stop playing victim card and become more mature and responsible please? What's with yall crying and throwing a tantrum to get your point proven right? Ridiculous. Also stop guilt tripping people.
▪︎ taurus- why do you feel good when someone has less than you?? Why do you judge people when you yourself are negative.
▪︎ Gemini- yall try so fucking hard to get attention. Yall really dont get a hint that your crush doesn't wanna talk to you huh? You irritate alot of people around you. Very pick me energy with this. And no youre not know it all.
▪︎ Cancer- these bitches ruin 'THE CANCER' reputation. They go around lying about everything. Share someone else's secrets'. Puts blame on the other person.
▪︎ leo- yall need to be humbled very bad. Everything depends on your mood and self esteem huh? Yall throw people's past on their face in front of everyone when yall get pissed. Istg you feel better and satisfied when someone is put down in front of you.
▪︎ aquarius- please shut up with the false conclusions. Yall never accept your fault. You fuck up someone's mind then tell everyone they're crazy for acting like that.
▪︎ pisces- no not everyone is in love with you. Get out of your head please. Stop messing with people's feelings' and mind. Stop being avoidant. Stop being a bitch.
▪︎ virgo- DONT force your thoughts on someone else. Dont criticize them for having their own thoughts. Anyone can have different thoughts. And stop trying to subconsciously control people. You make people walk on egg shells.
▪︎libra- stop being 2 faced. Youre not everything a person desires.
▪︎ sagittarius- you make people fall for you then use them and throw away. Say it with me bitch...... people 🔪 are🔪 not🔪 for🔪 fun🔪. Also even if you have everything, yall still act like you got nothing. You dont help people. You only care about yourself.
—–- ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ––—
Thank you 🩷
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alexa-fika · 6 months
Could I ask for robin and franky kinda adopting a little girl? Like she sits and cuddles Robin whenever Robin is reading. Just loves how silly Franky can be? Just imagine a little kid running up to then when their scared
Relaxation and entertainment( Robin x f!child!reader x Franky)
A/N okay anon im gonna confess, I ‘ve had this ready for a week… maybe more. I just was so ashamed cause I thought it was really bad so I just kind buried under other works but you deserve something even if it’s not the best.
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha as a placeholder which means reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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Robin sat in her usual spot, on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. Sitting at one of the tables and enjoyed one of the rare peaceful moments they were able to have as she read one of her books.
In her lap sat the youngest of the crew, a darling little girl who was taken in by the crew; she had grown particularly fond of two of the members; however, the one she was currently cuddling with and a certain Cola-loving Cyborg
“Here you go, Robin-chan,” Sanji said, dropping down a drink in front of the archeologist, his usual love-sick look adorning his features
“Thank you, Sanji,” Robin replied, smiling at the blond and putting her book down
“Anything for you, Robin-chan,” he exclaimed, heart filling his eyes until he glanced down at the child in her lap
“Here you go, Dokucha,” he said, placing a similar looking drink in front of her
She beams quickly, grabbing the drink
“Thank you, Sanji-nii!”
“You’re welcome,” Sanji replies, ruffling their hair and waving the pair goodbye as he entered the kitchen once again
“It’s yummy, Robin-nee!”
“I’m glad it’s to your liking,” she says, smiling, her face softening as she looks down at the young child
“I love you, Robin-nee!”
Robin laughs and ruffles her hair gently
“Love you too,” she replies hugging her softly
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“Im boreeed”
“Uh oh, sounds like a big job for the SUPERRR Franky!“ he said, turning with them with his usual grin
“So whatcha bored about?”
She giggles at that and shrugs
“Everyone’s busy.”
“Well, if no one is around to entertain you, then it looks like it's up to me! You want to hang out and have some fun?”
“Awesome! I've got a good idea... I know a new cola shop that has the good stuff; we could start there?”
“Wah, really?!”
“Yeah! It just opened, and they have all kinds of cola! They say they have one that's so good it makes your skin feel tingly; wanna try it?”
“SUPERRRR” he exclaimed, throwing the small girl onto his shoulders and making his way out of the ship
“Superrrr,” she parrots, strings of laughs escaping her as she tightened her hold on his neck exited for the bubbly drink.
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My first time trying this Format… what do you think? Nay or yay? I could also just write a transition between the two rather than dividing them, I just din’t have any idea how to join them so I wrote two different scenes, originally I had them separated by a divider/timelapse but I thought ‘Might as well try this’
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local-crying-boy · 12 days
ℙ𝕚𝕖𝕥𝕣𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕩𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕗𝕗 𝕊𝔽𝕎 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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[SFW alphabet template by: @benkeibear}
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He’s so affectionate when the two of you have been together for a long time.
Forehead kisses all the time, especially when you’re upset or overwhelmed
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
When the two of you first become friends, he’s basically always trying to be funny
He’s WAY to energetic too, when you first become friends his energy sometimes made your head spin
Though, when he starts to catch feelings, he starts to ‘playfully’ flirt.
Everyone caught onto Pietro’s poor attempt at subtly showing you that he liked you.
So… he wasn’t all that subtle.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It varies on his mood
When you two are sleeping in the same bed, he’d spoon you and rest his chin on your shoulder, then when he’d wake up he would kiss down your shoulder to your arm
Though he does like it when your laying on top of him with your head on his chest
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I can see him cooking occasionally, he learned a bit from Wanda but he doesn't do it all that much
He's great a cooking, though, even if he doesn't do it a lot
cleaning up, however, was not his strong suit
very stereotypical teenage boys' rooms, dirty, messy, old plates and glasses
he does clean it... rarely. It just gets messy quickly!
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The most likely way he would break up with you is if he, simply, fell out of love with you
He’s been in and out of relationship for a long time and, therefore, doesn’t really expect to be in a long term relationship
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment?
He’s never really thought of marriage, he’s mostly a flirt and is used to being a man whose on and off with relationships
It would honestly take a lot for him to actually tie himself down to you in a marriage aspect
He’s happy just dating
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's superrrr gentle physically, he'd never want to hurt you
However, he’s a little bit more blunt emotionally. He might not fully understand how your feeling and outright says it as it is
You have to tell him that the whole bluntness thing isn’t your thing if you don’t like it, then he’ll attempt at softening the blow a little more
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He likes having your head either on his chest or on his shoulder when the two of you hug
It would be really rare that the roles would be switched because he honestly just likes having you in his arms like that.
He’d lay his chin on top of your head when he could, though, especially if he’s taller because he’s a silent tease that you’re shorter
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He says ‘I love you’ after around four to six months after you two started dating
He would have said it sooner but he wanted to be sure that you were ready to say it back, he didn’t want you to say it back just because he did
However, he wanted to be the first to say it so he waited for the right time and said just before you were even planning on saying it back
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s a jealous boy
Even if he knows that you’re not going to run off to someone else, he still wants everyone to know that you are his and he is yours.
He’s by your side in a second if someone is flirting with you, hand snaked around you and on your waist. He’d kiss the side of your head, a silent statement to the person your talking to that you’re taken
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Long and slow kisses when he comes back from a mission and quick ones for when he’s going on a mission
Though he does hate quick kisses, so they’re very rare (which means he usually gets told off for not coming quicker)
Like previously mentioned, he kisses your shoulder when he wakes up before you and the two of you are cuddling
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s great with kids! Especially Barton’s kids
They all love him (especially Nathaniel for obvious reasons)
He and Wanda were basically unofficially adopted into the family and so, he and Wanda both visited them whenever they can and their welcomed with open arms.
When he was around Nathaniel as a baby, he was completely overcome with baby fever and became so attached to him
So many pictures of lil Nathaniel had Pietro either holding him or trying to entertain the boy with the varied toys he had.
He plays sports with Cooper and helps (tries to anyway) Lila with her archery, though the archery, everyone decided, was Clint’s expertise.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He’s a morning person, no matter what!
So if you’re not a morning person, he will walk around doing his morning routine, maybe even go on a run if you sleep in long enough
But he’s learnt when you wake up and is there in for when you wake up, a quick kiss and some small talk before you get on with your morning routine.
Bonus: several times he’s tried to get you to go on with his morning runs, and/or tired to get you to somewhat have a similar morning routine (it did not work)
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Most nights are calm, or filled with idle chatter because he can’t sleep
However, there are some nights, were he can wake up from a nightmare.
The nightmares vary from how good his day’s been and if he’s been able to avoid triggers
Sometimes it about the bombings in Sokovia, about when he got shot, sometimes it’s about missions going wrong
He’s usually able to calm down quickly, more so when you’re next to him
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
In the beginning, he really only talked about what happened to him.
You knew how he lost his parents and some of the things he and Wanda had gone through when they were on their own
It took him a little longer to actually open up about his troubles and what he was going through mentally.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
We see in the film that he isn’t all that patient
It’s probably because he’s been used to moving so fast now that everyone makes decisions to slow
He was like that before his powers too, but Wanda is certain that his speed has made it worse
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He notices things about you, but put him on the spot, he’s forgotten everything!
He can easily say anything about you in passing (and has, several times), but as soon as someone outright asks he can only come up with “I dunno, it’s something stupid, probably.”
He was talking to Wanda one time, they weren’t even talking about you, but something you liked came up into conversation. Without thinking, Pietro just spurred out information about why you liked it, and Wanda just had to stand there and fall victim to his mindless rambling
He has yet to live that down
And Wanda has told you about it
You both tease him now.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
He has so many memories of his relationship with you, so he has a hard time pinpointing his absolute favourite.
Though, he does think that his favourite-favourite was when he figured out he loved you.
You were doing something stupid and he followed suit because, well, what’s life without some stupidity.
You couldn’t stop laughing though, laughing to a point it was hard to tell if you were breathing.
In that moment, when you were doubled over giggling, a hand on your knee and one on your chest, his heart swell with emotions
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Veryyy protective
He doesn’t want to see you harmed and he doesn’t want to lose you
On missions, he’s always keeping an eye on you, making sure that your not in any danger that you can’t defend on your own (he knows you’re capable so he knows what you can take on)
Though, if you need help, he’s there in a second and making sure that you’re unharmed
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts in a lot of effort for dates and gifts, and especially in anniversaries
He forgets anniversaries sometimes (not that he tells you) but that’s because his mind works on a million miles per hour so he had to set reminders on his phone
You never know what a date will be, he ‘keeps you on your toes’ in a way.
You’ve been to candle lit dinners, picnics, arcades, movies, almost everything! You don’t ever know what date will be what activity
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He’s not crazily in touch with his emotions
He’s found himself putting Wanda first, he’s the older one (even if it is by 12 minutes), he’s the older brother.
When they were young, Pietro was the main one making sure the two of them were safe and okay, so he unintentionally got into the habit of keeping his thoughts and feelings to himself.
Even when he joined the Avengers, the habit didn’t cease, but he didn’t really understand why. He wasn’t in Sokovia alone with Wanda and he was someplace safe now.
He does try to fix it, but he’s so used keeping it to himself so it isn’t really working
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s a handsome guy, everyone knows it and he knows it, uses it to his advantage when flirting with everything that lives and breathes
He’s the pretty concerned with his looks.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’s not the type who will be super unlike himself when away from you
But God help whoever is unfortunate enough to be around him when he’s away from you
Barton was the first to realise how much he misses you on a mission.
It was a mission that was meant to last a few days, and Pietro would not fail to mention you every ten minutes.
“I miss my s/o.” - “I would be cuddling with them by now” - “they’d find this funny.” - “they would have a plan”
Barton felt like he was losing his sanity.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’s usually really warm!
Not his hands though, for some reason, so he always has them in his pockets.
But the rest of him is really warm
Cuddling with him is great because of it, but sometimes he’ll slip his hands under your shirt just to make you jump.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He probably wouldn’t like a lazy old partner
Don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t mind if you don’t work out as much as him or aren’t as energetic as him. His powers make him have so much more energy he needs to get rid of
He will try and get you to go out with him at least a few times, he’ll understand if you don’t want to work out as much as him or not at all, but he’ll want you to move about
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He either barely sleep or sleeps ALL the time
On a normal day (without missions or hard training) he doesn’t sleep all the much, everyone thinks it’s because of his powers. Just like how everyone can’t sleep when having a ‘lazy’ day, they don’t sleep for long.
Pietro, however, is RESTLESS.
You’re not sleeping if he’s not. He won’t stop talking at you, or complaining.
But if he is asleep, he’s not getting up at all
He won’t. You won’t be able to get him up.
He will sleep for the entire night (and day)
And if the two of you’re were cuddling? Yeah, no, you’re not getting up either. Find something to do
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shymeow · 1 year
Hiii, i love your fics smmm <3333 i hope you are feeling well and staying hydrated :))
Could you do a fic with cg!price x little!reader? Where the reader’s little age is around 5/6. Price and the reader have been seeing each other for some time but reader has rarely regressed in front of price b4 but he is superrrr supportive
Maybe where the reader is kinda scared of price but he’s like “it’s okay pretty girl, daddy’s would never hurt you” :( just super fluffy reassurance and love <3
OMGGG thank you soooooo much I really appreciate it !!! Btw I love Price soooooo much he's a sweetheart definitely my fav of all !!! I made reader apparent a more little than I expected I'm so sorry :'c
𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 . . .
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: John Price x fem ! lil ! reader
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (?): Mentions of the word "hurt" even though no one gets hurt it's just to be safe. If I missed any pls warn me !
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: A soft little baby that feels scared of regressing in front of her partner, that is her daddy.
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You felt so close, so close to regress, but you couldn't and you knew that.
What if Price opened the door? What was he going to think? He knew that you were an age regressor but you still feel scared of him seeing you in your so soft state.
But all the thoughts already made you regress, and now you were laying down in the floor of the big living room, your pacifier in mouth and your stuffie in your arms cuddling you so warmly.
That's when you heard the door unlocking, and you panicked your lungs out. He couldn't see you like that. You immediately got up, sitting in the floor with your paci still in mouth and stuffie so close to your chest that was almost squeezing your heart! Your eyes fixated on the door, eyes starting to get watery from how nervous you were.
The door opened fully, revealing Price holding a lot of bags from shopping. He noticed your figure in the floor as he closed the door behind him, locking it and putting the groceries in the floor.
"Hi doll, are you okay?" He approached you slowly scared that he might scare you in your state of mind right now. That's when you began to cry, hugging you stuffie. "Oh my pretty girl, don't cry. Daddy's here, daddy could never ever hurt you baby. You're safe." He got you in his arms, hugging you tightly while you rest you head in his shoulders.
"Don't ya worry my love. Daddy could never hurt you, ya're my little girl." You whined in his ear softly, just wanting to reassure him that you knew it without really saying a word. "Pretty little girl shouldn't worry, daddy's here to make ya safe."
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
What are the Strawhat Pirates reaction to Atlas?
All in all?
I can really see Nami and Zoro being Wildly Uncertain About This Child. For one, he's a tiny Buggy Seraphim. For another, he's.... gosh he's kinda dripping with trauma somehow?? Not sure how to react to all of that, really.
Zoror eventually settles on semi-distant acceptance. His not-dad adopted this one so it's kind of like having a step brother? Adopted brother? Small sibling. He doesn't know. Kid's pretty funny though, he's about this.
Nami meanwhile oscillates between Indifference and Wanting To Be The Cool Cousin. She isn't sure how to react or treat the kid ((interacting with children is.... wonky for her)). But once she and Atlas both warm up to each other, That's Her Best Friend. Matching sunglasses, both sipping fancy coffee/juice, Heavily Judging the fashion sense of those around them. ((Nami also knows SOME sign bc after Belle-mére's death, she had a stint of being semi verbal and Hachi taught her some)).
Usopp is SO EXCITED and also high key terrified. Kids, to him, kinda.... circumvent the Horrors. 11/10 Babysitter, cries when Atlas dubs him big brother Usopp, can and will put this child in his bag and go on "'"adventures"'". He's honestly less intimidated by Atlas than he is Birdie and Angel, but very quickly warms up to all three. Is one of the boys' most favorite Strawhats.
Sanji takes one look at this kid and goes "Oh. What the fuck happened here???" Atlas has some trauma red flags, and given that he is currently being raised by Buggy, Mihawk and Crocodile, he kind of immediately gets suspicious and defensive with them. Soon warms up and realizes that they are not in fact hurting the kid (any of them, since all three are a little Not Good in varying visibility), that the redflags are genetic memory imposed and that the three Guild leaders are actively trying to help. Regardless, while he is semi awkward with the kids, he makes it his mission to spoil them with fun snacks, treats, etc.
Chopper is sliiightly over protective but to comical results. Has a boo-boo kit that rarely gets used, and even when it does, it's mostly for playtime. Speaking of, PLAYMATE PLAYMATE PLAYMATE. Chopper really loves them all, and while he does worry a lot, he adores all three of the boys. Atlas specifically piques his interest as a doctor and a friend. AuDHD to AuDHD communication
Robin Is A Wine Aunt And She Is Thriving. She's relatively hands off but still vigilant to make sure everyone is safe. Atlas specifically tugs her heart strings, and when he lit up when she greeted him fluidly in sign, she damn near melted. He's so cute. She enjoys babysitting him especially ((Birdie and Angel too but in different ways)) because Atlas, much like his mama and much like auntie Robin, has a THIRST for knowledge. He loves reading and telling her all about his newest interests. She thinks he's cute as a button.
Franky thinks the seraphim are fascinating from a clinical stand point and outright abhorrent from an ethical perspective. He's just glad they have a family now, especially one that loves them so much. He also enjoys anyone who thinks something is SUPERRRR. Excitable kids? Excitable kids who are basically family themselves? Can't get more super than that. ((Absolutely the type of uncle-figure who loads them up on sugar, soda, etc and sends them home.))
Brook was nervous at that first meeting ngl. He's a skeleton. He's funny, yeah!! But kids.... are hit or miss - usually the latter. Except these little guys think he's SO COOL and their little starry eyes are adorable and charming and his heart is fit to burst - if he had one that is yohohoho~ ((Bonus points, Atlas loves skeleton puns and they can go for HOURS if not stopped or evened out by a third party)). And the littlest Seraphim is also... very cuddly when he's tired. It worried Brook at first, when he was there around nap time and Atlas wandered to him. Bone isn't exactly the best for cuddles, after all. But At just shook his head with a smile and replied warm inside, all I need, Brook-uncle gives good hugs. Sleep please? And who is Brook to turn down a sleepy child with such a sweet smile? Also the kid likes music, so extra bonus points!!!
Jimbei wasn't exactly hard certain on anything going into this, but Atlas is charming and cute and called him uncle and listen he's a simple man with a big heart and cute kids have a free pass to nuzzle right on in there against his will. He's one of few Buggy, Mihawk and Crocodile would trust fully with the kids longer than a few hours at a time. He probably teaches the kids martial arts and then releases them to cause safe chaos.
And best for last -> Luffy Is Vibrating. The kids are like. Step-sibling/cousins, and he LOVES them!!! So much!!!! Atlas is cuddly and Luffy is cuddly!! Atlas likes pranks and LUFFY LIKES PRANKS!!!!! They're two peas in a pod, and somehow when the two get together, Luffy actually has the braincell, much to everyone else's terror. He's protective and warm and playful and kinda.... almost mature. It's adorable. Atlas had some reservations - new people is hard enough but the hat... - and when Luffy seemed to pick up on that, he let it hang behind his shoulders. And when Atlas inevitably looks at it, so lost and mixed, Luffy would probably offer it over with a soft smile. And Atlas would cry. And Luffy would hold him as best he can with rubbery warm arms and a heart bursting with care. ((And when Buggy catches sight sometime later of the boys all playing and he sees his littlest boy laughing freely with a painfully familiar hat tipping over his eyes, swamping his kitty cat beanie, as a dark haired young man chases after him with a grin? Well... his tears are private, and so is the hurt and healing within))
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
There's an idea I'm thinking about:
The first is about how the LOV would attack a secret government facility and during the rampage, Dabi finds out about the locked up people that have rare quirks or something. And of course, he's letting them all out because the league could use powerful quirks, and then he stumbles upon you.
A child.
You're hooked upto various machines and looking like life itself is being drained our of you. Your face is expressionless, yet Dabi could feel you calling out to him for help.
Whatever the reason may be, Dabi frees you. He puts you on the ground and looks you dead in the eyes. "You're free now, kid. Run." But you just stare at him before your knees buckle.
Dabi curses under his breath before hauling you up in his arms and starts walking out of tge facility, pushing your face into his chest whenever he killed the guards and white coats.
He has the league's physician check you, who tells him that you're quite malnourished and he's found some injuries on your body, but perhaps it's the scars in your mind that are way deeper.
Dabi inquires what he meant, and the doctor just replies that the facility was knows for torturing the captives and treating them like labrats. For all he knows, you've been subjected to that torture since you were born.
Dabi nods and decides he'll just give you away to a foster home or something, but when he actually took you to a foster place, you gave him that stare again- the one that was screaming at him to not leave you.
"Stop that. I can't take care of you-" but you continued piercing him with your stare.
"Fuck." He whispers. "Shit- Fine. Come. Lets go home." And that's how Dabi became a dad.
The best dad, and he's like extra protective and extra crazy because of your horrible childhood. I mean, he's taking you to psychiatrists and all, but deep down, he knows you'll never be completely normal. And he's fine with that, because Dabi isn't normal either. You're just 2 imperfections of the universe, but perfectly imperfect for each other.
I just- I just KNOW that Dabi has the hugest soft spot for you, and I know for a fact that hes amazing with his non verbal child.
Hes superrrr patient too. He takes baby steps with you, pushes you but not beyond your limits.
And he's always down for cuddling you. I mean he isn't fond of physical touch, but when you come to him and pull gently at his sleeve, Dabi will drop whatever he's doing to hug you. He could be dead asleep on the couch, but the moment he hears your feet patter, he's up. What do you need? Hugs? Chocolates? Hugs and chocolates? Done, done and done.
Oooh imagine if someone actually tries to mess with reader. Could be a bully, could be a thief who broke in to the house when Dabi wasn't home.
Bro, imagine the pure rage Dabi will be in as he walks in and sees a stranger threatening you, blood dripping down your nose as you look wide eyed at the thief, scared to shit.
Dabi is knocking the thief out of the way before coming upto you, his poor child that's trembling like a leaf.
"Shhh, I got you. I got you. Alright, go to your room and close the door. I'll be there soon."
And then Dabi proceeds to burn the thief to ashes.
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I've also been thinking about how a yandere would react to a reader with epilepsy? Idk which yandere to choose though.
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I need little peeta headcanons omg
I literally love for little Peeta 😭 (sorry it’s not very long)
- He’s around 3 when he regresses
- As far as caregivers go it’s primarily Finnick, Annie and Effie
- not to say Haymitch doesn’t help out, little Peeta just thinks he smells a bit funny
- he’s completely obsessed with his big sisters
- like anything Katniss and Johanna are doing he needs to be doing too
- even if this is trying to climb a tree he definitely doesn’t have the coordination for
- he is also quite happy to play tea parties and is often found being forced to wear tiaras and hair bows
- not a big fan of baking, while it’s cathartic for big Peeta, little Peeta is scared of the kitchen and generally avoids it
- Annie teaches him to swim and he spends heaps of time just splashing around at the edge of the water while the others hang out on the beach
- he’s also definitely a big mamas boy- it’s very rare to find him not attached to Effie or Annie’s hip
- superrrr cuddly and affections all the time
- the sweetest little giggle in the world
- his favourite game to play is hide and seek even though his sisters always win
- regresses more often after the hijacking
- likes to follow buttercup around (and has been scratched multiple times because of this)
- his favourite toy is this little stuffed fish Finnick got for him
- but he also has this like worn out green security blanket which he drags around everywhere
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miaushii · 11 months
Love your art
Im new here, do you have any posts talking about those ocs you posted? Would love to hear about them
oh my god now that someone asked there isn’t a single person on this planet that’s gonna be able to make me shut up about my imaginary lesbians,,,
first off, introducing them!!! (also thank you sm<3)
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(disclaimer, their lore is pretty fluid based on my mood or if i have a certain idea for a drawing for them)
Their names are Esther and Aisha!! They grew up together in a small town probably somewhere around Washington! Think gravity falls, very foresty and nature-y, but still a cozy small town where everyone knows everyone. Said town may or may not have suspicious cult activity. They met each other in like kindergarten and have been bffs since!! They’re both typically 16 in most of my drawings, but sometimes I draw them in their early 20’s. If it’s important to the context of a drawing i’ll put their ages in the tags!! They spend all their free time together and are superrrr inseparable :3
Before I get to the actual plot of their story i’ll introduce them individually ^_^
This is Esther!!
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(i shouldve chosen a different facial expression for her introduction bc it doesn’t really represent her personality but i liked this drawing)
She’s somewhat popular, came from a family with some generational wealth (they aren’t rich rich but theyre still rich for their town) and her family is kindaaa involved in the weird cult but she doesn’t really know. She lives with her parents and older sister!! Her favorite class is math and english, but she hates history. She’s well liked by her peers and the others in the town because she’s nice and very pretty! They do think she’s a little off-putting though. She’s good at drawing, she loves doing landscapes!! She loves girly things and will give anyone a makeover any chance she gets. I’ll explain the rest once i get to explaining the real plot ^_^
This is Aisha!!
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She’s honestly my favorite between the two I love her so much… She’s mixed south asian and white, her mom being Indian and her dad white. People see her as a pretty cool and aloof person, which is pretty accurate!! She loves music and her favorite bands are bôa, the cranberries, and the sundays!! possibly me projecting She plays the guitar!! Poorly, but still!!! She does well in science and not so much in math, but that’s okay though cause Esther always helps her. Aisha’s mother died in mysterious circumstances when she was young, a little bit before she met Esther, so she just lives with her dad and two little sisters.
Finally, the actual plot!!
here’s how it goes down:
One day when hanging out, Aisha tells Esther more about her mother’s death (something Aisha rarely talked about) and Esther recognizes some things relating to her family. She doesn’t tell Aisha this, though, and decides to start investigating it herself. She finds more about her parent’s cult activities, and once they know she knows, the cult invites her to join. She declines and, knowing the horrible things they’ve done, tries to run to Aisha’s house. she’s running through the forest to Aisha’s house when they catch her. Her own mother is the one to catch her, and with her father’s convincing, her mom kills her.
They buried her, and buried the carcass of a white doe on top to mislead anyone who dug it up.
The day after, a white doe rose from the dirt, healed wounds in the same places that took out Esther. Over the next month, the deer would hang out around Aisha’s house. Aisha had been super worried because Esther had gone missing and they were best friends. She was in her back yard when an injured white doe came up to her, and it was weirdly familiar??? she went to pet it and it turned into her bff Esther (woah) Esther’s memories are super foggy but she tells Bea what she remembers (she doesn’t really remember that her own parents were in the cult) and she can also morph from a deer to a human and back.
Aisha has to keep Esther hidden from the town because of the cult and that Esther was literally killed, and together they figure out the cult stuff while trying not to be killed!! And while this is going on, they figure out their feelings for each other!! (theyve been in love for years and never realized it)
I do eventually want to write a comic with these characters but i’m awful at writing, and that’s a biiiiig commitment im not sure im ready for!!
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as an treat here are their original designs from before they were recurring characters in my art :3
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luveline · 7 months
do u wear only tampons?? I was thinking of trying them out but I get superrrr paranoid just thinking about it and my mom had this situation that makes me terrified so i just stick with pads haha
I don’t!! I don’t get a period so I don’t use them but on the rare occasion I do I’ve used pads !! I don’t know a lot about it but I totally get the fear, toxic shock is so scary!
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loveydoveylex · 2 years
Hey, hey, HEY, PAL!
It's me, Wander (duh..) I wanted to say I hope you're doing fine on this lovvvellly day!! Been thinkin about you since the moment I woke up! I hope you're doing great because I KNOW I SURE AM!!
OH OH! Today me and Sylvia had a lil adventure... it was great I saw these Superrrr rare flowers and was like "THEY WOULD LOVE THIS". They were bright blue, super fluper shiny. It pollen looked ljke lil planets.
and so I carried them around for awhile, but then we got into some shenanigans... ya know the drill.
Now those flowers are gone and off in flower heaven-
I wanted to give em to you. Sylvia said I told you the story it'd be the same, ya know? Hope i did the flowers justice. I also hope you're havin a DARLIN day.
Lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Wander 🪕☀️
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xxloeviexx · 10 months
Oh my God
Okayyyy~ So last night around 3am I was superrrr bored, sleep deprived, and not in my right mind so I went onto my sister's discord server and kinda just scrolled around the channels. Then, I, um.. I saw a discord server invite from somebody (idk who) and it was for a mod server. I didn't read anything else about it, I just saw "mod" in the title and joined. So in order to get verified and gain access to that server, I had to verify or whatever? I was using discord app for PC so I pressed the verify link and it opened Firefox (which I rarely use) and it said to log into my discord. I wasn't signed in on there so obviously I put in my email + pass and guess the fuck what? I logged in and it didn't verify so my low attention span ass just gave up and went to sleep.
I woke up at around 9:20 in the morning and I checked discord and I had HUNDREDS of dms. I was so confused like "it's not my birthday or something wtf😭" and I checked AND SOME BITCH HACKED ME AND SENT DISCORD SERVER INVITES OUT TO EVERY SINGLE CHANNEL IN EVERY SINGLE SERVER I'M IN. AS WELL AS ALL OF MY DMS AND GROUP CHATS. Like oh my God I was freaking out when I realized what happened. I had been muted, put in time out, and banned in multiple servers. I'm in like 30+ servers btw. I spent over an hour deleting every single invite that I could find, there was so goddamn many. The hacker sent them starting at 7:45 to 8:10 in the morning, like an hour before I even woke up!! Like shit bro I have people hating on me right now because they didn't know I had gotten hacked😭😭😭
Long story short
Don't join the discord server "JobCord (Collab Managers & Moderators)" Don't accept ANY invites to that server 👍
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im so glad there's literally no one i recognize from previous works on the wilds. if this was studded with an all star cast or even one big name i would have been turned off honestly, im really sick of movies and shows relying on name power to get people to watch a show than it genineuly being a good show that gets new stars into the light. a reason i barely watch current movies is because im physically sick of seeing the same actors in everything, i think it makes a piece of media worse no matter what.
also, usually, a lot of new actors are better than the golden hollywood ones, just because they act their asses off in everything and give it a hundred percent and it's exciting to watch unknown actors act and nail it! so props to the wilds for casting lesser known women to star.
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von-eldritch · 3 years
//Actually, while I still remember Diva exists...
Hellsa’s had Diva for a VERY long time so Charlie definitely knows about her and all I can imagine is them running into each other while Hellsa’s walking Diva and Charlie just being all like ‘great, it’s the girl who hates me and her fucking jaguar that she’s probably trained to maul me’ meanwhile Diva hasn’t got the memo that they hate Charlie now and is just ecstatic that she’s there
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jungwnies · 3 years
boyfriend | nct dream | h.c.
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NCT Dream members as your boyfriend ♡
tw: none
genre: fluff (angst & smutty only if you squint!)
w/c: 1,004
story style: headcanon
a/n: like, reblog, & comment!
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Mark Lee
• he's the best boyfriend
• he remembers all the little things about you, your favorite drink, your favorite food, everything
• sometimes he'll visit you with your favorite meal, or bring you small gifts
• he isn't the most touchy person, but at the same time he is.
• he loves being in your arms and he loves your touch, he feels most comfortable and most safe with you
• he would work through any argument with you and do whatever to make sure you never leave him bc that GENUINELY scares him
• you're his other half 100% and he knew not even one month in the relationship
• he definitely dropped the "love" bomb early, but it was something you BOTH felt mutually because you guys are just head over heels for each other.
Huang Renjun
• he's also a really good boyfriend
• he would do anything for you, he'll miss events for you, he'll skip anything just for you
• and sometimes he feels super bad if he has to really go to an event because he hates leaving you
• he's super clingy, he loves kissing you, telling you how much he loves you
• hes constantly reminding you, "you know how much i love you right?"
• but he really does love you, he's over the rainbow for you, OVER THE DAMN MOON.
• he puts you before everyone and everything
• everyone is always like, "why are you with her so much?"
• they know damn well it's because he loves you so MUCH
• you guys NEVER argue, but whenever you do, he says sorry and you say it whenever you guys are at fault
• communication and understanding is at 100% with this boy
Lee Jeno
• he loves you, that's for sure
• he's 1000% a simp for you, like he loves you the mostest!
• he does a lot for you, and he brings you everything
• he spoils you a lot with material things, and touch
• he loves holding you and he loves how good you smell
• he loves being near you, and your not only his s/o but you're his best friend
• although sometimes you do argue, and it does get a little heated 🥲
• but at the end of the day you guys are like TWO PEAS IN A MOTHER FUCKING POD
• he puts EVERYTHING into you especially in bed
• bc lord is he good in bed
• you guys are inseparable and he loves you too much to give you up despite anything the world throws at you guys
• you ALWAYS work it out
Lee Haechan
• being in a relationship with haechan is probably the best adventure ever
• he loves doing spontaneous things with you, he loves being risky, and he just loves experiencing things he never has with you
• he is DOWN BAD for you
• him and you are ALWAYS doing things together, like all the damn time
• sometimes he gets busy but your relationship is well planned and you guys still have tons of time for each other
• you guys aren't the most affectionate couple but you guys are the most fun and spontaneous couple
• it's like rollercoaster of fun, and there's rarely ever any arguments
• if there are any arguments they're just super petty
• this relationship is stronger and funner than ever
Na Jaemin
• he is the definition of boyfriend material
• he spoils you with kisses, hugs, things, literally everything i swear to god
• your relationship is superrrr healthy, and he's also very spontaneous
• he loves having you in his arms, and hes super touchy
• sometimes he just carries you around, or randomly kisses you
• being with jaemin is like a mystery because everyday brings on something new with him
• especially in bed, he loves to try things... different... things...
• he loves laying in bed with you and being near you
• touch is his love language and he ALWAYS got his hands on you
• he is the ideal boyfriend, the definition of boyfriend, he does anything and everything for you
• let's be real, the moment he said "i love you,"
• he was this close 🤏 to getting down on one knee and proposing.
Zhong Chenle
• he is a lover
• but a material lover if yk what i mean
• he loves buying you stuff, he loves spending all his money on you
• his whole PAYCHECK goes to you
• you honestly are his everything and he doesn't mind AT ALL
• he's also not one of those affectionate people but his love is shown in many, many, many other ways.
• he is constantly cracking jokes with you guys and he's always finding something fun for you guys to do if it ever got boring
• and you guys literally NEVER fight, like at all
• this is a super, super, SUPER healthy relationship and
• it lasts longer then anything ever
Park Jisung
• the youngest in dream, also the sweetest in a relationship
• hes very reassuring and he's loves you so much
• he was never very good at this because he was always an idol for a lot of his life
• but being with you gave him a box of emotions he didn't knew existed simply because he felt like he was trapped
• but when he met you he was overjoyed and he was so happy to be in a relationship with you
• you guys work everything out and you are always kissing him
• you guys love reminding each other how much you care and love each other
• what a healthy relationship you guys have 🥲
• but this is a relationship that will last forever, and you guys are super loyal to each other.
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softrozene · 3 years
Reacting to Reader’s Braces Headcanons
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I took a break from my event to create this extremely self-indulgent and rushed headcanons since I finally got my braces off! I have a very strong dislike for my retainer now but it will grow on me :’) Anyway this is comfort for me since my mouth is in pain lol.
One Piece Characters Reacting to Reader getting braces vs. getting them off!
One Piece Characters x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary)
*I just did the Straw Hats, Law, Marco, Ace, and Thatch for this! (I did not add Jinbei as a straw hat since I am still not all the way caught up)
Warnings: This is long, Fluff- The characters reacting can be considered platonic/romantic- I will have any romantic (kissing) headcanons in bold. Except Chopper. He is strictly platonic because he is baby.
This is their normal One Piece world since I was a bit curious how they would react since I imagine that if there are dentists/orthodontists in their world it would be rare or only in like huge cities like Water 7.
FLAKSDSA Honestly just imagine Reader leaves the crew once in a while to go get their adjustments done or something lmfao. We ignore logic for this one. Only care about the reactions XD
Words: 2,343
Monkey D. Luffy:
When he firsts sees the metal in your mouth he is curious!
He will be in utter awe or laugh if he thinks they look funny (which of course makes Reader’s confidence plummet lol unless you laugh with him)
May call you a robot
He wants to know why they are shaped around your teeth- It is not like the gold or silver teeth that other pirates have that accompany missing teeth
This is weird for him since your teeth seem to be trying to look straight?
When you explain the reasoning of braces to him he is even more puzzled but excited for you!
He is not sure you really need them since he likes your smile regardless but he is happy if you are happy!
As for when you get them off- He is in awe that the braces did their job! And now you get to wear this weird plastic thing in your mouth
How the heck did you even get it in there?
He has no clue what a dentist/orthodontist is so he will just call them mouth doctor and think Chopper is the one helping you lol
Kissing with them on is also a weird experience for him! (I really hate to say it but he will love if you do not clean them very well. It makes him surprised but happy if he tastes food on them alfdjaslkf I HATE THIS lol)
He likes the way the metal feels when he explores your mouth but hopefully he is not a harsh kisser- You fear something will break if he really wanted to flakdfa
When you get your braces off he is in even more shock! That is so cool! Your smile is straight now! But now you got this weird plastic thing in your mouth... He does not mind he is just forgets you wear it since it is clear!
Luffy honestly does not care what you look like smile wise from before or after. He has no preference. He only cares that you are happy with your smile!
Roronoa Zoro:
“What the hell is in your mouth?”
THIS MAN BATHES ONCE A WEEK SO I WOULD ASSUME THAT IS THE SAME WITH HIS DENTAL HYGIENE?! I really hope not. I hope he cares for his mouth and will pretend he does now falksdfja
Anyway, he sees the metal and he is confused but once you explain it, he really does not care anymore
“Oh, cool, I guess.”
If you are partners though- He will be intrigued how kissing you would be. He takes the chance and decides it is an experience for sure tasting the metal in your mouth. (May remind of blood so he pretty cool with it alfdjalk)
Speaking of blood- If something ends up poking him or cutting him... He will enjoy it to the max tbh however if it is you that is hurt he will cease all kissing and only go for pecks until later
When you get them off I think he would miss tasting the metal
When you get your braces off he does not notice at first... It takes a few smiles before he goes... “Wait a minute...”
Then it hits him!
He will smile and be happy if he notices that being braceless brings you confidence with your new smile!
Nami is huge on hygiene so I think she would love to know more about dental hygiene and the concept of braces
She is understanding with your diet restrictions and will scold anyone who gives you weird looks or tries to get you to eat something you should not
She is your go-to for this since she also wants to see the end result as perfect
She is tad worried in the kissing department- Not wanting to mess your braces up since she knows how much effort goes into them but she also worried about her safety and if a wire or lose bracket will poke her or worse you. So she sticks to gentle kisses until they are off
She actually goes with you to your orthodontist to see how they take them off and to be there for you
She is happy with and for you upon seeing the end result!
and now her kisses can be harder >///<
As a tinkerer he will notice and also be intrigued. He has never seen braces (like Luffy and Zoro) and has never heard of them
He asks so many questions
Luffy, Zoro, and him are the ones who forget your diet restrictions which causes much irritation on your side. You will constantly glare at them for offering foods or drinks you can’t have
Usopp will eventually start remembering and be considerate on your behalf
When he kisses you he is soft and gentle- Not wanting to hurt you or himself. If he tastes blood he will pass out in fear just because he will blame himself and think he hurt you. He is too sweet :’)
As soon as your braces are off he will ask SO MANY QUESTIONS about the retainer like how was it made and such? Does it feel weird?
He is just so intrigued by it and of course- It makes you smile even more.
Tbh I feel like he would have had them as a kid or wanted them if his dad cared enough aldfjakl
Also notices them immediately
He will actually cater to your diet needs/restrictions because he knows how much they mean to you if you are going through such a time consuming thing to get your teeth fixed
Besides that he is just a friend you can go to if you are in mouth pain- He will make something soft for you every time you go for an adjustment or tea to help sooth your mouth
If you are kissing on the other hand- If homeboy does not pass out first he will be so gentle. He is terrified of hurting you or making you uncomfortable with your braces on (and lowkey is the same way even if you get them off- You will have to be the one to make the first move)
When you get them off- It is a food celebration! Whatever you missed eating or that you could not eat he will make it all for you!
He does notice if you are smile more and if you are more confident with your new smile! : )
Tony Tony Chopper:
He will constantly worry about any mouth pains and since he is a doctor is intrigued how someone labeled as a doctor for teeth does their jobs
He will asks questions constantly and write about your journey with this
10/10 cutie and best buddy for this
Make sure he is stocked on simple pain meds for you
Nico Robin:
She notices them but does not say anything or ask questions unless you want to talk about
She is sweet and looks out for you
Makes sure Sanji helps with your diet restrictions
Besides that she does not notice much or ask much
She is just happy that you are doing this for yourself
Her kisses concerning this are always gentle. She refuses to risk anything with you until after your braces are gone. Only then will she let herself become more heated with kisses.
After your braces she will always compliment your smile (and tell you it was beautiful before too but notes how confident you are)
Cyborg Franky:
He likes them.
That is all.
Okay but seriously. As a man who completely turned himself into a machine in the front he has mad respect for you for putting metal in your mouth. Like that concept is wild to him since the mouth is so sensitive (yet he also can blow flames out his mouth due to working on it aldfjal)
He will refuse to kiss you since he knows how is strength and hard kisses can damage your brackets/wires so he refuses anything until after they are safely off.
Besides that after your braces are off and you have your retainer on (He honestly didn’t notice the retainer lol) He will go “You have a SUPERRRR smile!”
Brook honestly does notice them at first but he does not say anything until you do
Besides that he is not that interested in them
For kissing though he also refuses to do so since he is straight up a skeleton. He does not want to risk his bone breaking ANYTHING. Though he will peck your cheek. Even after you get them off he is hesitant since he is a skeleton- That does not mean he will not try. If you ask he will get flustered and be gentle for you
When you get your braces off- Brook may tease you and say your teeth are almost as straight as his! And remind you constantly that he is a skeleton adlfjakl
Trafalgar Law:
Is just a king- I should stop all headcanons here alfdkaldks
He knows what braces are and is not that interested in the work only because he prefers his medicinal studies that are more morbid than the mouth
However, he is very observational still and notes how you care for them and what your diet is
For kissing- He acts like he does not care but he is gentle and careful when things gets heated. He is actually a big softie so he will do everything to avoid ruining your braces that would involve a setback.
After you get your braces off he also notices how much more confident you are. How much brighter your smile is because of that
Besides that- He does not make a big deal out of it
Marco the Phoenix:
He and the Whitebeard pirates have been nearly everywhere and met all kinds of people so he is not that surprised when he notices that you have braces
He has seen them before so not a big deal
Much like Law, Marco will not make a big deal out of it
However, if you both are close to each other he may tease you whenever you develop a lisp or when are embarrassed after an adjustment.
Either way he means it with a good heart
God- Kisses with Marco when you have braces are so, so, so, gentle. He is the king of kisses no matter what. He is careful but he sure as hell will not let the metal win when you both get heated. So he knows how to maneuver around your mouth with his tongue >///<
When you get your braces off- It is a celebration with the whole crew. Marco helps plan it and of course takes photos of your smile afterwards since you have every right to be proud of your smile
He will always comment on how your smile is brighter
Portgas D. Ace:
Also with Marco (and Thatch) he is rather used to seeing different kinds of people with different situations so he is not surprised to see metal in your mouth
However when you get close to him he does ask questions and get intrigued
He only teases you when you have some trouble speaking a few words but besides that- He is also respectful and does not think much of the braces
Though since he is one that eats all the time he tries to be considerate for you since he knows that it can be frustrating with your diet restrictions
If you are in a relationship with him he actually is not confident in kissing you with your braces. It is because he cares so much about you and because of his self-loathing- He would HATE if he messed up your braces so he is cautious and tries not to push anything until after you get your braces off
When your braces comes off homeboy is going to dine-and-dash with you EVERYWHERE
Like the other two- Thatch is used to this kind of thing so he is not surprised
Since he is the culinary chef for the Whitebeard Pirates you bet your butt he will have better foods for you to suit your needs
He is also teasing like the others and may take it a far sometimes but he will remind you that you are good with or without braces!
He constantly makes sure you are doing fine though since he is aware of how the other whitebeard pirates may not be as considerate as he is
Kisses with Thatch are gentle but I think if it gets too heated he may forget that he is supposed to be gentle. He definitely ends up tearing up his tongue on the metal if this is the case and he feels bad if you feel bad- If not he will laugh it off and continue if you want
After you get your braces off- He will check with what you want to celebrate! What kind foods you have to eat first and you get the honor of taking the first bite!
Would forget you you wear a retainer so they would not be helpful as a reminder: Luffy, Zoro, Franky, Brook, Ace
Remembers then forgets after a while: Usopp and Thatch
Makes you wear your retainer as instructed and will give you a death glare (out of love of course) if you are not doing so: Nami, Robin, Sanji, Chopper, and Marco
Will make sure you wear your retainer even though he says he does not care, and will murder your soul if you do not do so (out of love but he will lie about it): Law
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