#steven universe move spoilers
rubberduckyrye · 22 days
There's something that chokes me up about Steven saying goodbye to his friends and family, in a "I never really got that kind of goodbye" kind of way.
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etunpeudevitriol · 1 year
Mid season 2 Owl House predictions cause I'm late to the party:
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King is the Titan's son. Or something like that. That's what my idea was before we saw curly-horns-king-looking guy.
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Emperor Belos is human. Specifically the human from the edwardian era who wrote the book that Luz is trying to get from that rat. "Did I tell you I went to the human realm?" Yeah right you're from there that ear ain't pointy it's cut off.
No idea what he wants from the human realm tho, since it's not to invade it.
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that was kinda underwhelming ngl. I really expected that either Dean would show up, or we’d meet the “Queen” (it feels so weird to not call her The Empress/The Condesce/Meenah). Neither of those things happened.... yknow I keep saying that if the writers were confident enough in their ability to convey themes that they didn’t spend 15 minutes of every episode looking directly into the camera to talk about generational trauma (...and then illustrate it just fine immediately after, might I add. they don’t need to explain it all. the themes come across just fine) we would have a LOT more time for actual plot and the story wouldn’t fucking crawl like this.
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falling-star-cygnus · 5 months
my thoughts on this masterpiece by Gooseworx
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they were the best part of this episode
No. 1: More Gummy Lizards
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this is the only scene that matters ever, thank you. [buddy fr said "pillow time -w-" and plopped down] -> i love that the trio is this comfortable with each other, Gumigoo doesn't even question it
No.2: Cartoon Physics at their FINEST
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man's head will not move from that spot 😭
No.3: Yes, there's even more
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this entire episode was beautiful, and these three were the stars of the show. The way it alternated between a silly little group of buddies trying to save Gumigoo's mom and existentialism? amazing -> it also, i think, plays into the way a cartoon will start off relatively lighthearted and then go entirely batshit in the second season {gravity falls, owl house, steven universe- yk?}
No.4: Ah... this again
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"but you've done this.. for what?" type energy that immediately changes into "for the love of GOD, get this out of me." -> do you think Jax ever stabbed her at one point to see what would happen
No.5: It was supposed to be ME
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Jax: I want to blow something up *something blows up* Jax: wait no-
No.6: Jax continues to be my favorite character
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literally just let him blow up the cosmos, he deserves it -> also, this episode really humanizes Jax a little bit. Not much, but he's not as unflappable as he portrays himself to be. Kaufmo's abstraction honestly affected him, despite his refusal to show it [were the theories right? were they close?]
No.7: you B*TCH
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yes i know that Pomni called him an asshole {and she was correct}
No.8: Not a thought behind those eyes
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the introduction of The Fudge raises so many questions about Candy Canyon tbh, especially paired with the gummy lizards need for a truckload of syrup -> Is the princess as altruistic as she appears? Does she genuinely care about all her subjects? Or are there are types that get snubbed? Is there discrimination between hard candies and gummy candies? Is there a gummy princess?
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Father Mine- 3
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ok so this is where canon goes out the window, ive made my own universe, this might be blasphemy against marvel comics but i dont know. Honestly i made this up as i kept going and i like how this chapter ended<3 tell me how you like it! if you want a spoiler go to the tags and see what i've tagged :) part 1
You must have passed out because you wake up in someone’s living room.
“Anyone home?” You dare to call out. The apartment is sort of open-plan and if you had the energy to turn around and move you would have been able to see the man in the white suit staring at you.
“Yep. Hello!” The man walks up to you and you flinch at his strong southern london accent and glaring white suit that makes him look like a psycho Colonel Sanders, “I hope you’re alright, Khonshu said you were from another dimension?”
You reluctantly reply, “That’s right? And by Khonshu do you mean the actual Egyptian God?”
He nods excitedly, “Yea! Right twit he is!”
You look at him worriedly, maybe he is psycho colonel sanders after all.
He looks at himself in the mirror and does a double take, “Oh bollocks! No wonder you look scared!” The suit disappears to reveal a man with wild curls in an oversize t-shirt and pajamas, “sorry, sometimes I forget I still have it on.” He smiles nervously, “Um I’m Steven. With a V.”
That causes you to smile a little, maybe he’s not so bad, “Hello Steven.” You wave from your position on the couch and tell him your name.
Behind him you see a bony pigeon looking skeleton appear and your eyes widen, “WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!” You point at it and scream.
Steven turns around, “That’s Khonshu, you can see him?”
“NO SHIT!” You web a wall and pull yourself up to stick to it, glaring at the offending creature.
“That’s mental.” He exclaims.
“What universe is this?” You ask him, eyes narrowed underneath your mask.
“Well, there’s no particular name for it.” Steven begins, but Khonshu intervenes, “How is it that you were able to traverse through the inter dimensional planes?”
“I knew someone who could.”
Suddenly Stevens demeanour changes and your spider sense tingles, you ready your webs against the potential threat.
The voice that comes out of Stevens mouth is not his. It’s the sound of the man who threw you here.
“Kid?” He says when you freeze and take your mask off, looking at him with wide eyes.
“You’re-You’re not Steven.” Your voice breaks at the familiar lilt.
He shakes his head, “My name is Marc.”
“Miguel! Stop it!” Jess finally snaps and the man looks up at her.
She takes a hold of his hair and uses it to maneuver his face to look at him, “You either go and get her back, or you fucking move on. Because in this state there is no way you will be able to do anything. Get your shit together. ”
He gulps, not used to seeing her angry side often and nods.
“She thinks I’m a monster.” He looks down at his toes and breathes shakily.
“Then prove to her that you’re not. You’re her father, regardless of what she says, she still loves you. You need to apologize to her.” She looks at him pointedly and he sighs.
"What do you want me to say, 'Hey honey, I know what I did was wrong, I was wrong to chase a teenager and I was too blinded by my fear of losing my daughter again that I chased you away. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' Thats not going to be good enough."
"It's a start."
"Jessica." he looks up
"I should have told you, something about her."
"She's not a normal variant, even if her universe was destroyed. That fact alone makes her a special case. There's a reason I sent her to Earth 19999. Her atoms and dna will not glitch there. And I don't know why."
"Why didn't you send her there before?"
"It was too dangerous."
"As opposed to Earth 1999999?" Jess raises an eyebrow.
"Very similar universes, but everything is flipped."
The woman tilts her head, "What do you mean?"
You sip on the hot tea Steven had made for you, glaring at the bony god sitting opposite you.
“I cannot send you back, child.” He says and you roll your eyes,
“As if I didn’t know that. The tea’s lovely, thank you.” You smile at Steven who beams at you. He’s much nicer than the American man living inside him. The one who was Miguel in this universe.
He nods, “I happen to know of someone who can help you.”
You tilt your head, “Go on.”
He went to explain how he was on call as an Avenger, who were considered the world’s mightiest heroes, and how he was acquainted with someone known as Dr Strange.
As soon as he says, the name Strange, your mind considers the possibility that you might be in the universe of idiots, as Miguel calls it. Earth-1999999.
He’s spent whole hours explaining the entire storyline that honestly came out of a movie to you and while it was such, really Captain America you ditched your best friend to go be with someone who had already moved on? You were drawn to the universe.
It reminded you very much of your home universe that was destroyed.
When you’d nodded and said you’d be on your way he’d blocked you from leaving. Saying it was too dangerous and that you were being an irresponsible person.
You tried to reason with him but he was able to block your punches with efficiency, and he reached for your web slingers. The ones Miguel had given you.
That was currently why there was a purple bruise on Stevens’s cheek that you felt bad about. This sweet man didn’t deserve to suffer the consequences of a hard punch. So you had helped him around the kitchen and he made you tea as a way of saying thank you.
“If you can’t take me away, you can atleast lead me to Strange, considering your own Knight isn’t letting me leave.”
“For good reason.”
“But it doesn’t make sense, without the watch I would be glitching every three seconds because the universe would not accept my genes. Here I haven’t glitched a single time.”
The god tilts his head and seems to contemplate your words, mimicking the man who looks at you with his head tilted, “Most interesting.”
Whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as orange sparks began to appear out of thin air, forming a circle and then a portal out of which a man with a weird beard walks through. He nods at Steven and walks over to you, “So you’re the one huh?”
“No, your mom is.” You snarl, “Yes. Doctor Strange, I’ve heard of you.”
“Oh?” He raises an eyebrow, “Am I a common topic of conversation in the multiverse?”
“When we have to make fun of something yes.” You grin.
He rolls his eyes, “How did you arrive here?”
“Look I'd leave if I could, sir. But my device was taken away by the jerk who sent me here.”
His eyes narrow, “Sent you?”
Shit, you might have said the wrong thing.
"So you're not from here." The sorcerer supreme raises his eyebrow at you.
"No, sir." you're shocked at your politeness, but the man demands respect.
"And you cannot go back?"
"There is only one person now, who is capable of autonomous multiverse travel, America Chavez. And even her powers are not perfect. It is too risky to do this."
"What would you have me do then?" you ask.
"Wait here, there must be a reason you are not glitching. Maybe, you were meant to be sent here." Strange reasons.
His words make sense, honestly, maybe this universe would be your new home. Even back in Nueva York, you had to wear the watch at all times, or you'd be glitching.
But did Miguel know that? Because if he didn't know, then that would mean he'd sent you to your death.
You just nod at what Strange says, his words going in one year and out the other. You miss the way his eyes glint and flash. His shadow moving under him.
"She can stay with us at the tower." Steven puts his hand on your shoulder, looking directly at Strange, no smile on his face. After a few moments, the Doctor nods.
Your spider sense starts to tingle, and you glace at Steven, who only smiles at you. All teeth. Eyes that are blank. Devoid of emotion.
Now that you're here to stay, he looks like he's never been happier.
"You're going to enjoy yourself here, love." he pats your shoulder, "We'll all have a bit of fun."
You need to run.
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since i've talked a lot about how i dislike Catra, here are some of the other fictional characters that i dislike:
(warning: long post ahead, also spoilers for steven universe, the dragon prince, ocean waves, the legend of korra, and kipo and the age of wonderbeasts)
1. Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
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i think this one is pretty obvious. there were a bunch of characters in SU who were let off the hook after doing terrible things, but Lapis is the one i disliked the most.
she started off as an interesting character, her trauma after getting caught in a war and stuck in a mirror for ages was sympathetic and pretty well-written but like Catra, i think the writers coddled Lapis too much.
this is evident with her relationship with Peridot, where she starts off blaming Peridot for something that wasn't her fault and destroying her prized possession when she tries to make amends. but Lapis expresses concern for Peridot ONCE and now they're besties.
and after that, Lapis becomes toxic and demanding, causing Peridot to constantly walk on eggshells around Lapis so as not to hurt her feelings. and finally, Lapis just takes the barn, Peridot's HOME, off into space because she couldn't agree with Peridot's decision to stay and fight the Diamonds?? i'm not mad that Lapis didn't want to fight the Diamonds, i fully understand her trauma, but did she have to take the barn with her? what part of that was necessary??
i think all of this would have been fine if Lapis was held accountable for her actions, but she wasn't. she doesn't even do the bare minimum and Peridot immediately forgives her. sigh. at least they didn't make Lapidot canon.
2. King Harrow (The Dragon Prince)
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i don't hate this character as much as I hate some of the others on the list but i do think that he was kind of a shitty king. he literally decides to starve his own kingdom in order to help out another kingdom. and this is framed as the right thing to do?
it's a tough choice but Harrow's people were depending on him, and he decides that his own people should sacrifice their winter rations for another kingdom. scummy move, i do not like him. Viren may have been self-serving and manipulative, but he was right to try and stop Harrow from doing this.
3. Rikako Muto (Ocean Waves)
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god, i fucking hate this bitch. worst ghibli movie ever honestly. the thing is, like Catra and many of the other characters here, Rikako would have been an interesting character if the writers just made her an antagonist.
but no, she's supposed to be the love interest while being a selfish and manipulative brat. she is rude to everyone unless she wants a favor from them. she uses people to her advantage and screams at them when they try to resist. Rikako is the most interesting character in this movie, which sucks because she is also the most insufferable character.
the singular most hilarious scene in this movie has to be when Taku is fondly reminiscing about the interactions he had with Rikako, and since she was nothing but a little bitch throughout the entire movie, we get a super emotional flashback, accompanied by a soft score, of all the times she was manipulating and verbally abusing him. would have been funnier if it was not unironic. i do not know what the creators were thinking.
there was no chemistry between these two characters, their relationship was unhealthy as fuck, but they still get together by the end because.. amatonormativity. and because Taku had too much chemistry with his male best friend and they didn't want the viewers to think that he might be queer.
4. Bolin (The Legend of Korra)
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it's crazy how everyone and their mothers hate Mako for cheating on Korra and Asami, but absolutely adore Bolin who sexually harassed his coworker. Bolin forced a kiss on Ginger while she was tied down on set, after she had already rejected him multiple times and said that she was her doing her job.
i see so many people saying that Bolin was a green flag and a better choice than Mako, and i seriously wonder if we watched the same show. i don't condone cheating either obviously but how do you call out cheating but completely gloss over sexual harrasment? Bolin legit acts like a manchild who doesn't understand consent and because the show frames this as "comedy", the audience thinks it's cute and funny.
at least Mako faced the consequences of his actions. he got dumped by both Korra and Asami, some of the other characters called him out on his actions, and he actually turns into a much better person by the end of the series.
oh, don't forget that Bolin started working for the literal fascist in s4. and he acts all dumb about it and argues that Kuvira was like Korra which,, what the fuck? he literally sees Kuvira torturing people and it still takes him a long time to stop working for her. he was a bit like Entrapta in that case, the writers made him too oblivious and stupid in order to justify him aiding a fascist.
5. Kipo (Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts)
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okay, so Kipo is a little different from the other characters mentioned here because she's not problematic by any means. quite the opposite actually, her main personality trait seems to be that she's kind to everyone.
and that's fine, it's on par for most kids show protagonists, but Kipo is such a deeply unflawed character that she just becomes so boring. she has no character growth throughout the series, except for developing her fighting skills as her wildcat form. and even that comes easy to her, she masters it in one episode. her "flaws" are very surface level, like being clumsy or kinda awkward.
she is unbothered by almost everything, which is the most baffling in that episode where she discovers that she was the result of a science experiment done by her parents. you would expect some sort of mixed emotions there - confusion, hesitation, resentment even? nope. she's just excited and happy that her parents put her life at risk by experimenting on her.
and the show insists on reminding us every five seconds that "hey! Kipo is a GOOD person, she's the KINDEST human being ever and the ONLY person who doesn't love her is the EVIL VILLAIN". shit like this just turns me off so much. just SHOW me how nice Kipo is, instead of making every character gush about her niceness. SHOW, don't tell, for god's sake. besides, even if a person is kind and wholesome, it's unrealistic for EVERYONE to like them.
and the funny thing is that this show has other interesting characters! Wolf, for example, was a really complex and flawed character who is still fundamentally a good person. Hugo was a sympathetic villain who got a pretty decent redemption arc. so it's not like the writers didn't know how to write interesting characters, they just wanted to make their protagonist a Mary Sue.
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penny-anna · 10 months
DW spoilers hey ho!!
ok so i was initially down w the bi-generation, i thought having the 2 doctors get to meet face to face and hug it out was a really nice idea n a fun twist on it (would probably have been better to do it w Whittaker as she's the actual outgoing doctor but i digress)
however i figured it was gonna be resolved w them like. steven universe-style fusing back together and then it would be like ah yes Gatwa is the doctor now and we're moving forward. so i was just sitting there like haha how are they gonna get rid of tennant. where is tennant gonna go. where's he gonna go whens he gonna leave - wym he's still here
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 3 months
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Every Little Thing *He* Does is Magic, Chapter 1
Pairing: Platonic Steven Grant x Reader (for now)
Rating: T
Word count: ~1,250
Story Summary: The events of Every Little Thing She Does is Magic, retold from Reader's perspective after the fact to her best friend.
Tags/Warnings: Companion fic, canon Divergent since Steven still works for the British Museum post-canon, No Jake Lockley, developing friendship, spoilers for ELTSDiM
A/N: Reader wanted to publicly lust over Steven. I don't make the rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Once I get this caught up to the present timeline in ELTSDiM, I will be posting the chapters concurrently (or as concurrent as possible, anyway).
Y/F/N Y/L/N sighed as she unlocked the door to her apartment and walked inside.
She shut the door and hung her bag on the hook before setting her keys in the bowl on the side table in the hall. Thank goodness this place came furnished.
She had just walked into the kitchen when her phone rang with a FaceTime request.
Y/N grinned and swiped to answer. “Hey, Ames.”
“Tell me everything,” Amy, Y/N’s best friend since college, said in reply. “How was your first day as director of the British Museum?”
Y/N let out a light laugh. “It was interesting, to say the least. I just walked in the door, so give me a second to pour myself a glass of wine and I'll tell you all about it.”
She opened a cabinet and grabbed a wine glass before setting it on the counter. “I still can't believe I actually got the job.”
“I can,” Amy replied. “You single-handedly turned the university’s museum from a struggling, run-down relic into one of the most prestigious in the country in less than 5 years. You deserved this, girl.”
Y/N took a bottle of wine out of her refrigerator and poured herself a glass. “Thanks, Ames. That means a lot.”
She put the bottle back in the refrigerator then picked up her glass and moved to the sofa. “Okay, so… first thing I did when I got there was meet my assistant, Helen, who's this kinda older lady but seems pretty cool. Then I met the board of trustees, then I took a little break and was able to wander around the museum a bit.”
“You went straight to the Egyptian exhibit, didn't you?” Amy asked.
Y/N grinned. “How’d you guess?”
“Well let's see, you took every single Egyptology class you could in college, you were Dr. Reynolds’s only choice for T.A., and your doctoral thesis was on the excavation of King Tut’s tomb and whether or not it had been done ethically.”
Y/N laughed. “Okay, fair. Anyway, while I was in there, this guy came up to me and started talking --”
Amy gasped. “Wait, you met a guy? Why didn't you lead with that? Tell me more!”
Y/N shook her head with a grin. Amy, who had gone on to become a best-selling writer after college, was a hopeless romantic and had seemingly made it her life’s mission to ensure that Y/N was just as happy as she and her husband Blake were. “Okay, so there I was, looking at the statue of Mekhit, when this really attractive British guy comes up and tells me that the sign on it is wrong.”
“Was it?”
“Yeah, it actually was. The placard said it was Menhit, who is a completely different goddess. Anyway, so the guy starts explaining the difference between the two, but not in like, a mansplainy way or anything, and he was so adorably cute and excited about it that I just stood there and listened to him talk.”
“Did you get his number?”
Y/N shook her head. 
“What? Why not?”
Y/N took a sip of her wine before answering. “So we're vibing, right? Then I make a joke about accidentally praying to the wrong god because of a spelling error when suddenly the guy says, ‘oh yeah, I've been trying to get my bosses to fix this one for months now. Took them ages to fix the banner depicting the Ennead’.”
Amy's face fell. “Oh, you're shitting me.”
Y/N shook her head. “Nope. I shit you not.”
“He works there?”
“Yep. His name is Steven and he works in the gift shop.”
“Hold up, he's not even a tour guide?”
“Nope, he’s just really knowledgeable about Egyptian history. Trust me, I was just as shocked when I figured that out.”
“So then what happened?”
“Then he asked me if he could show me his favorite exhibit and took me to see Hathor.”
Amy groaned. “Ugh, that would have been so romantic had he not been an employee.”
“I know.” Y/N shook her head. “Anyway, he was telling me about how cool Hathor is when we were interrupted by this woman who I figured must've been another employee, because as soon as Steven tried to make a break for it she started in on him about ‘not bothering the museum visitors’ and how he ‘wasn’t a bloody tour guide’ and how his job is to ‘sell rubbish to whiny brats and their caretakers’, then said that the new museum director was ‘some poncy American’ when Steven asked her who it was -- all while still within earshot of me, mind you.”
Amy made a face. “Ugh, she sounds like a real piece of work. Who the hell even does that?”
Y/N took another sip of wine. “I know, right?”
“Oh, honey, I'm sorry.”
Y/N shrugged. “It's just as well. Steven had no idea who I was at the time either, and honestly, now that I think about it I'm not even sure he even had been flirting with me.”
“Still, though, that sucks.”
“It actually turned out okay, because when I got back to my office I had Helen pull Steven’s employee information file and girl, he was SO overqualified to be working in a museum gift shop.” Y/N grinned. “You remember how I told you that the tours were boring and that the first thing I wanted to do was to try to update them but the position for the head of programming and tours was vacant?”
Amy nodded. “Yeah.”
“Well, guess who's now the new Visitor Engagement Specialist?”
Amy shook her head with a light laugh. “Look at you, making lemonade out of lemons.”
“And not only that, but it turns out that the woman that had been rude to Steven was the gift shop manager, so after I talked to Steven again this afternoon and offered him the Visitor Engagement Specialist position I called her to my office for a little ‘chat’. Oh, Ames, you should've seen the look of sheer panic when she sauntered into my office, saw me standing there, and realized that she had both berated a subordinate and shit-talked me basically to my face.”
Amy nodded in approval. “Slay, queen, slay.”
Y/N shook her head. “Because it was my first day and I didn't want to have to fire someone right off the bat I reminded her of the museum’s policy on bullying and harassment and gave her a warning instead.”
“That's very diplomatic of you.”
“Anyway, I'm meeting with Steven on Friday to discuss his ideas for revamping the tours, and since we're getting some new artifacts in on Thursday I asked him to also sit in on my meeting with the curatorial staff while we discuss placement.”
Amy wiggled her eyebrows. “Hey, at least you'll have some eye candy.”
Y/N laughed and shook her head. “Not even gonna think about that since there's no point.”
“Ah well, at least you tried.” Amy glanced down at the corner of her screen. “I gotta run -- I have a Zoom meeting with my editor in 5 minutes.”
Y/N nodded. “Okay, I'll talk to you again soon. Give Blake my love.”
“Will do. Bye!”
Y/N tapped at her phone to end the call and smiled. Despite getting off on the wrong foot with Donna, all in all her first day as director of the British Museum had turned out pretty well. I think I'm going to like it there.
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zelda-cooper · 9 months
My version of Loonatics Unleashed
This is just my interpretation of this universe of "Loonatics Unleashed", don't take it as a summary of the series or as absolute truth to interpret your version. NO! It's just MY view and you have every right to disagree. Furthermore, there will be low-level words (even though I censor some) and there may be sensitive topics for certain people. Besides, this refers to the universe of Loonatics Unleashed, so for those who don't care, you can skip this blog, but for those who are a fan or if this interests you, you can continue reading.
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So... I was researching hashtags for animated series that I like in general, whether it's the ones I've already mentioned like Steven Universe and The Owl House, or series that a lot of people don't know about, which is the case with the series "Loonatics Unleashed", which (giving a really bad summary-) is one of several Looney Tunes reinventions, but here it's about them in a superhero version. Yeah... The 2000s had that- Jokes aside, I really think it's a good series and I like it, even though the series has its flaws and I recognize that. And, interestingly, @drakepad-luv-2000 made a blog talking about her version of Loonatics Unleashed, with her Headcanons and ideas. So I'm making this blog copying his idea - Just kidding... I asked if I could do it with the same theme and she gave me permission. I'm not that dishonest. So, having given that introduction... Let's move on to my version of Loonatics Unleashed! AH- And if you want to share your opinion, leave it in the comments, but if you want to make a blog with the same theme, give credit to me and @drakepad-luv-2000, ok? Excellent! ^^
I'm going to end up dividing this blog into topics, the first will just be to reformulate the backstory and the second part will talk more about the characters themselves. I won't be able to talk about all the topics, in fact, these three are JUST to start talking about Loonatics Unleashed, there are also the conflicts and evolutions of the characters, their relationships, the villains themselves and even my OCs from this universe (you They thought I wouldn't put my character in, right? Obviously I would...-w-). So, if you feel like it, I can do a part two. But let's get down to business.
Series Plot (Reinvented)
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Speaking of the series' plot, Drakepad, when talking about Headcanons, said that she wanted to change the plot a little to the year 2017 because it was more relatable for us, because the series, even though it takes place in the future, for some reason had the technologies of the years 2000 which are currently old... And, honestly, I agree with her point... But I still wanted to get this more futuristic theme for the series, as that's what gives the series a certain charm. So I'm going to mix some ideas... The series will take place in a year that is not exactly specified, but it will be both close to the years 2017 to 2024 (which is the current year that the blog is being published) and also having elements of Cyberpunk with Advanced Technology from science fiction films, also taking some things from hero stories.
The meteor part... It will be discarded because, honestly... How the HELL did the meteor only affect Acmetropolis, but not the whole world?! If it's something like the dinosaur meteor, there would be people with powers ALL OVER THE WORLD. Ok, I think I'm demanding too much logic for a children's series, but still... They could have elaborated more. Back... So, if the meteor was discarded... What caused the characters' powers? And here I get the idea of a classic Anime... Akira!
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If you don't know the plot of the exquisite film, it's basically a Japan (or just Tokyo, I don't remember-) in the Cyberpunk future caused after a nuclear explosion (or not, that's a story spoiler-) that made the city become a technological place, however, underneath all the neon and wealth, the poor part of the city ends up suffering a lot from marginality and crime, mainly affecting the young people of this generation who do not respect their elders and do not know the history, they were just born in a country already destroyed. And, in the middle of the story, children with paranormal powers are revealed... I know the story is crazy, but the film is good... It's just a bit violent in many ways-
Returning to the story of Loonatics... I adapted the story of the series a little with some content that she herself showed, like the fact that there are aliens and such... And taking some conspiracies from real life, because it might help... (or not, you know- ). It's also good to get a little of Zadavia's story and her brother's story itself, it's still similar to the original. The main difference is the context of everything... In the beginning, the brothers actually worked together to achieve union with certain planets with the High Council, however they both took care of different things. Zadavia was the more diplomatic person, while Optimatus was the one who took care of the military troops and this made them have different views, but to a certain extent they got along well. However, the day came that the High Council found out about the Milky Way and, consequently, about the planet Earth, so Optimatus and some soldiers went to the planet to try to keep a close eye on the place. But, well... Being human is a complicated being, and if he is already bad with his own species, who will say with Aliens? It didn't happen otherwise, Optimatus and his soldiers were captured and taken to Area 51, where they were tortured and many died in experiments, which is why Optimatus' burns and scars appeared here. He managed to escape, however... He was completely changed and, when he returned, he wanted to annihilate planet Earth and the entire human race for the savagery he went through.
Even hearing the experiences he went through, the High Council denied the proposal for mass annihilation, largely due to Zadavia, who believed that not all humans were bad. Then follows the same idea of Optimatus having kidnapped (in this case, REALLY KILLED) the rest of the council and only being left with Zadavia, who took refuge on Earth because she was one of the few races physically similar to his own, while Optimatus, also trying annihilating the human race, caused an explosion in one of the cities, which was where he was captured, which killed many people, others were left with irreversible damage to their DNA and there were also places still affected by radiation. There were survivors who, in the future, would end up developing mutations in the future that would give them powers, who are our protagonists and also some villains in the series.
In the future, the city managed to rebuild itself, becoming the Acmetropolis that we see today, which on the one hand, became a city full of technology and neon, but on the other, in the poorest and dirtiest regions, it became a place full of crime and both adults and young people traumatized by the "atomic" explosion. The media, at the time, said that it was an explosion caused by an enemy country, but in fact, it was one of Optimatus' attempts to take revenge on humans. While Zadavia? She tried to start life again on Earth, however her alien appearance made her hide her real appearance with a hologram device, making her pass as a mere normal human, both to really start over and to hide from her brother. But, of course... One time or another... He would come back... And until then, she would have to prepare herself too.
And that's kind of the plot of this version, at least, the story of the reason for the technologies and the powers of the protagonists and villains. I don't know if it's too crazy or if it's a bit "cliché", but either way... I feel like I managed to create a good initial plot, in a way, but now, having already mentioned them... Let's talk about the characters.
Main Characters (Reinvented)
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I'm going to say right away in this topic that, basically, I'm going to take some ideas from Drakepad, but just as inspiration. Like the fact that Ace and Lexi are brothers here (because considering they are descendants of Bugs Bunny and Lola Bunny, it's really weird for them to ship...), but I want to make it clear that I'm not going to change the gender of the characters. There are also things like the characters being adults in this version and having already gained their powers before the explosion, but certain events were triggers for them to awaken them. I only change gender or sexuality when it really suits and makes sense, but I honestly like to maintain a certain Canon of the series, and in this case it will be the gender of the protagonists (sexuality is another story...7w7). And another thing... Among the protagonists, there will be NO ships, but there may be some implicit insinuations of a certain relationship between the characters, however very subtle. So let's start with Ace and Lexi...
• Ace and Lexi Bunny
The two are twin brothers who were born in Acmetropolis and, when they were little, they were one of several people who survived the explosion event with their parents by pure luck, however, their mother ended up passing away after medical complications caused by the event, which made Lexi become the "woman" of the family, having to take care of the house, while Ace started working with his father and younger brothers to earn a living. Ace and Lexi, prematurely, ended up having to mature very early to be able to help their family members, with the boy being more affected, even more so with his father also being distant from him, making Ace learn to fight to defend his brothers and having to leave many of the dreams and goals aside sometimes, but I always had a fascination for these heroes from old films. Lexi, in turn, learned several household chores, but still managed to discover her passion for music and dance, dreaming of being a songwriter or singer, to try to bring hope to everyone. As adults, while Lexi managed to enter a more musical career, as a music teacher, Ace also tried to follow his dream of being an actor, but he was unable to pursue the career, as they always judged him as someone incapable, making him give up on that altogether. and starting to work as a handyman. Their powers awakened together, on a day at work, Lexi was going to pick up her brother from one of his jobs, when she was approached by some bad-intentioned boys, with Ace trying to defend her, but both being incapacitated. However, when they were going to harm both of them, that was a trigger for their powers to awaken, which scared the guys and made them run away, calling them monsters and freaks. An event that would mark them forever... And that, in the future, would make them approached by Zadavia and make them meet the rest of the team.
• Danger Duck
The duck is one of several orphans left over from the Acmetropolis explosion, having been trapped in the rubble of their home for many days, scared. When he was found, he was sent to an orphanage along with several other children, where he met his best friend and "brother" Pinkster, who was the only person he could really call a friend, as they were both excluded by the other children. for being "animals" among thousands of human children. Until the day came when the last couple arrived at the orphanage, where Duck used the two-sided coin to be adopted by the couple, a fact that he would regret for the rest of his life... After being adopted, his new parents They gave him all the love they could, but Duck still didn't feel like he belonged to that family, after all they were human and he was a duck. This made him very insecure, but he always tried to hide it in some way. As an adult, he left home and tried to find a job so he could support himself and be able to do well in some way, whether it was being rich or having some form of power, but he was always put down and ridiculed. The trigger that made him awaken his powers was in another one of the many horrible jobs he had, in which he was stressed to such a level that he wanted to disappear from there, which made him teleport to another place, which scared everyone and they made they run away. And, just like the Bunny brothers, he found Zadavia and joined the team.
• Slam Tasmanian
There is not much information about his family, but it is known that he was born in Australia into a huge family. In Slam's case, he just went to Acmetropolis to have a better life, but he was affected by the post-explosion radiation that still resided in certain places. He worked as an underground fighter to earn money, which is where his powers awakened and he used them to his advantage. And when they asked about it, the organizers said "Ah, it's a special effect". He was discovered and found by Loonatics and Zadavia, who offered him to join the team.
• Tech E. Coyote
Again, he is another person affected by the explosion, but in Tech's case, the problems would have started a little earlier. He had been diagnosed with autism since he was little, which made him have some problems communicating with people and had restricted interests, which made him suffer a lot of bullying. However, it was with his parents that he developed a passion for technology, building several things with them. When he went to college, he met Mallory, who became her friend (and possible crush...?), but when he found out about her plan, he soon stopped her and reported it to the teachers, leaving him alone again. His powers were slowly awakening, starting with his molecular regeneration, where some injuries and burns were suddenly healed, until he was able to manipulate metal, which was very useful later in his work. He was found by Zadavia and the others who, as he deduced, also gained their powers from the explosion, joining the team as well.
• Rev Runner
Finally, we come to my favorite. Rev has always been a hyperactive child who didn't pay attention to things, mainly because he has ADHD, however his father didn't want to believe that, just saying that "He's just an overly agitated Roadrunner" or "He's just throwing a tantrum" . Rev then continued with this mental condition, without knowing he had it, always pressured by his family to continue their business, especially after the explosion, where they were trying to get back on their feet. Soon Rev gained a younger sister, "Riley", however the little one didn't like acting like a girl and wore much more of Rev's old clothes, with the older brother always calling her by the pronouns "He/His". Soon, "Riley" came out as a trans man and became "Rip", but his father never accepted this and always said that "his daughter" was contradicting him, making the situation at home even worse. When Rev turned 18, he immediately wanted to take his brother with him, but again was stopped by his parents, unfortunately having to go alone. This small event made him, little by little, unlock the powers that, like Tech, were gradually unlocked, and which he used in his work as a delivery man. He was soon found by Loonatics and Zadavia, also joining the team.
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And that's it, folks! There are still A LOT of things I still want to cover in my version of Loonatics, but the blog is already getting huge... So I'll leave it for a probable part two. Thank you for reading this blog! BYEEEEE!!!
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genericpuff · 1 year
I seriously need an updated LO s3 timeline now so I can decipher this monstrosity
Are H/P seriously going to raise a baby (which is 100% Zeus' kid)? A few weeks after Persephone said she wanted to take things slowly? When Hades admitted a couple days ago that he hadn't been a good father to Thanatos?
What the hell is the plan????
Honestly, I feel like the folks over at PomegraNet just gave up LMAO
But buckle up because I'm about to make you even more upset - this didn't happen a few 'weeks' after Persephone said she wanted to take things slow, it happened a WEEK, singular, not plural. Yes, read that again: A WEEK.
When you lay the events out end to end in their reasonable order, with all the fluff and flashbacks removed and using dialogue as indicators, Hades and Persephone literally talked a WEEK ago about being boyfriend and girlfriend and what that would entail.
I've gone on this rant before, but I'm so ready to go on it again knowing what we know now in the FP episodes.
Day 1: Hades and Persephone reunite with the Olympians, Zeus removes Persephone's sentencing, Hades and Persephone discuss their relationship going forward, they finish the day going to bed together where Persephone wonders if she's 'forgotten something' (i.e. Demeter).
Day 2: Hades awakens from a nightmare about Kronos, Persephone and Hades do their Steven Universe fusion dance to 'fix' the Underworld, they check out what Persephone created for Elysium and play in the river, they're interrupted by Demeter who has arrived to take her daughter back to the Mortal Realm, Persephone claims to have missed her despite forgetting she existed just the night before, Persephone tells her to eat the ziti or fuck off.
Day 3: Buckle up, because this one day takes the cake for having the longest and most pointless fetch quest in webcomic history. Hades gives Persephone 'breakfast in bed' (literally a single donut), Persephone insists she wants to go into work with him but he makes her stay home to relax, Hades meets up with Hecate to figure out what happened to cause the entire Underworld to become possessed by Kronos, Hecate talks him down from speaking to Kronos and gives him a rundown of what she believed happened, they deduce they should find Hypnos, but they don't know where to find him, so they decide to go find Thanatos, but Thanatos doesn't want to speak to Hades due to their strained relationship, so they have a buddy buddy talk which eventually gets Thanatos to give in and tell Hades where to find Hypnos. Turns out Hypnos has been living in the defunct remains of the Underworld Corp's HR department, where he tells Hades how Kronos was able to hijack his powers and reveals that Kronos has a 'child deity' being held captive down there with him. Despite Hecate saying they weren't going to go down to Tartarus that day, Hecate and Hades proceed to go down to Tartarus, but are unable to enter due to Kronos holding the place hostage (he'll only open the doors in exchange for his "golden traitor" who we can only assume is Hera). During all this, Persephone goes on an excursion to Olympus where she runs into Daphne and Eros and reconnects with them. She goes to the bank and finds out she has a shitload of money from her account gaining interest, which gives her the funds necessary to purchase her own apartment where Hades meets her for supper that night. Persephone somehow still ends up back at Hades' place (presumably to move the rest of her things from his house to her apartment) where they attempt to have sex only to be interrupted by a drunk Ares. Hades consoles him and then returns to Persephone, the two of them watch a movie from post-WW1 Germany in his personal theater, they try to be intimate again but it's revealed later on they didn't actually have sex. Ares tries to text Aphrodite but has been blocked.
Day 4: Persephone and Hades go to work, on the way they discuss a note Ares left for Persephone encouraging her to meet him to discuss her being a fertility goddess. Hades and Persephone discuss the child deity and Kronos briefly, realizing they need to bring it up with Hera. Speak of the devil, Hera is there when they arrive at work. They catch Hera up on what's going on, she wants to go speak to Kronos herself but Hades stops her for her safety. They change the subject to the coronation, Hera asks why Persephone and Hades aren't engaged yet, she encourages Persephone to invite her mother to the coronation and eventual wedding. After Hera leaves, it's revealed she's still being tormented by Kronos. Hephaestus and Psyche meet to discuss the pendrive Psyche stole off Apollo and what it contains, revealing a photo of Kassandra. After work, Persephone goes home to her own apartment and Hades works on coming up with an engagement ring for Persephone. Hades is interrupted by Persephone summoning him to her home. Persephone gets upset at herself for being jealous over Hades calling Hera 'Bunny'. Persephone decides to go meet with Ares that same day, Hades comes along disguised as a moth. Ares takes Persephone to a fresco, where she discovers an old monument of Metis which allows her to connect directly to Metis to speak with her about her fertility goddess status. It's nighttime when she awakens and Hades reminds her that she still needs to meet with her mother who she apparently already planned to meet with that day. Persephone goes to meet with Demeter who has a huge purity club intervention planned for her to pressure her into staying in the Mortal Realm. Hades proposes right then and there and Persephone leaves with him down into the Underworld.
Day 5: The next day, Persephone attempts to book venues for their wedding, but can't seem to get in touch with anyone anywhere. Zeus claims that these businesses are refusing to serve them on the basis of xenia, as they disrespected Demeter in her realm by doing an impromptu proposal. They meet up with Hera to discuss these issues, to which Hades suggests the restriction doesn't happen until tomorrow morning so they can get married that same night (despite the fact that businesses were already refusing to serve them lmao). They get married that night, and then have their honeymoon where they have sex for the first time ("deconstruction of purity culture" who?)
Day 6: Hades and Persephone both go to work the next day despite being on their honeymoon, it's revealed Morpheus has been hired by Hades to help him "file" people's dreams. Hermes gets into a fight with Apollo which ends with Hermes punching him. Persephone, meanwhile, has taken her new "judges" under her wing with the intent to have them help Hades do even less work than he already does. Hermes at this point has joined her and they talk about the Apollo situation. With Thetis' encouragement, Leuce applies to be Hades' PA and tries to seduce him under the impression that they still "had something" after Zeus tried to negotiate a marriage between them back near the end of S2. Hades rejects her, during which he reveals that he got married "yesterday" which helps us know that none of what I just said happened a few weeks after the wedding (despite Persephone implying as such with her own dialogue), it was literally the day before. Persephone is used as a test subject for dream diving with Morpheus. It's after this that Hades starts getting vibes from Persephone's texts that she doesn't want to talk to him.
Day 7: After literally a day, Hades gets nervous at Persephone icing him out ("I showed you my dick pls respond" energy) until after some pressuring, Persephone finally reveals she has a baby Dionysus in her possession.
Seven. Days. A week. A literal week ago in the story's timeline, Hades and Persephone decided they wanted to take it slow and try dating before rushing into marriage - and now they're married, restructuring the entire Underworld Corp, and already have a kid.
Rachel seriously saw Stephenie Meyer writing Bella Swan with a rushed superhuman pregnancy and went "hold my beer". I can't tell if I should be disappointed or flat out impressed that one person managed to pad out this much of a week with so much bullshit.
And some people might go "but puff, it's obvious we're not meant to read it as if it's sequential!" so what about the dialogue that tells exactly when these events are happening? or the actions that clearly lead from one event to the next in a very interlinked way that REQUIRES these things to be happening one after another?
My own OC's have literally been trapped in a non-Euclidian castle nightmare for well over an in-universe week now but MONTHS in real life and I've still managed to make that clear, with proper labelling of days that are passing and dialogue that lays it out clearly how long they've been in the castle. Sure, it can still be a strain on readers where it can make them feel like things in the comic are happening relative to real life, but there are methods to make your timeline clear that Rachel isn't employing. Even a fucking Spongebob "one week later" card would be better than the way she's outlining events right now.
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If the PomegraNet team gave up, I wouldn't blame them in the slightest. Laying out the events in their proper order is a nightmare. And frankly, I have a tinfoil hat theory (so take with mountains of salt) that they were practically asked to stop what they were doing because their timeline also just makes the comic look like what it really is - a mess of word vomit that Rachel never bothered to clean up and turn into an actual story with reasonable pacing.
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chompedspikes · 1 year
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One of the comics I made and posted a wip about a while ago! I do sincerely apologize for how long it took for this one to come out; I was planning to release it around the same time as the other one, but the second one is taking a lot longer to complete than I had predicted. Due to this, I have decided to reveal this one earlier as I'm not sure when the second one will actually be finished. I wanna make it as nice as possible, so I have been taking longer with it. In the end, it might not be up to my standards, but hopefully I will still post it,,
Moving on, I hope you all enjoy this short comic about the ineffable husbands! Season two really broke everyone in the fandom with its unexpected twist of Crowley and Aziraphale's breakup. I have not recovered from it and possibly will never be, so I decided to create this, lol. If you watched Cartoon Network during 2014-2020, you might be able to recognize the heartbreaking reference of Pearl's one-sided love for Rose in this comic!
I'm honestly not into Steven Universe anymore like I was back when it first came out, but I still hold the memories of it dear to my heart as it inspired a lot of my older work from years ago. I vividly remember the episode of when Steven shows Pearl and the gems, all the things he's discovered by himself about his mother, which shakes Pearl to her core. This reveal leads to the most famous line in the show, which I have used in this comic as I felt it now connected to Crowley's unfortunate situation.
I hope you all enjoy this short post!
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bracketsoffear · 6 months
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The Raw Shark Texts (Steven Hall) "Eric Sanderson wakes up with no memory of who he is or any past experiences. He is told by a psychologist that he has a dissociative condition known as fugue but a trail of written clues purporting to be from his pre-amnesiac self describe a more fantastic and sinister explanation for his lack of memories. According to these, he has activated a conceptual shark called a Ludovician which "feeds on human memories and the intrinsic sense of self" and is relentlessly pursuing him and will eventually erase his personality completely.
Also at one point there's about 30 pages of an ASCII shark moving towards the reader. Could easily be interpreted as the Ludovician actually approaching the reader in a Leitner-ized version. (Spoilers under the cut)"
The Helmet of Horror (Victor Pelevin) "Eight people find themselves in eight different rooms with a labyrinth behind them and a computer in front of them. They try to communicate via the computer that allows them to chat with one another, but has nicknames set for them(IsoldA, UGLI 666, Ariane…) and blocks their personal information. They(and us) can't know if they are lying. When two of them try to see each other by visiting a spot in the labyrinths that should be the same they each then recount a completely different experience and accuse each other of lying. Another character claims they all must be figments of his imagination, he must be very drunk. And they're all afraid of the minotaur. It is a book where no one, even the reader knows what's real, everyone is afraid of what might appear if they turn a corner and no one knows what's going on."
[SPOILERS] "When the Ludovician attacks Eric, he decides to go in search of a doctor named Trey Fidorous, identified by the letters from his previous self, in the hope he may be able to help to explain what happened to him and how to defeat the shark. Eric travels through Britain in search of clues and is contacted by a mysterious figure called Mr. Nobody, who is part of a megalomaniac network intelligence called Mycroft Ward. Mr. Nobody attempts to subdue and control Eric but Eric manages to escape with the help of an associate of Fidorous named Scout. Scout takes Eric to meet Fidorous, travelling through un-space (an underground network of empty warehouses and unused cellars). They begin a romantic relationship during the journey but Eric feels betrayed when he discovers that Scout has brought him to Fidorous to use him as bait for the shark in the hope of destroying Ward.
With their help Fidorous builds a conceptual shark-hunting boat and they sail out on a conceptual ocean. After a battle with the shark they throw a laptop hooked up to the Mycroft Ward database into its mouth, destroying both Ward and the shark. Eric and Scout remain in the conceptual universe while Eric's dead body is discovered back in the real world."
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ayumi-darling · 2 months
🌷--Lingering Feelings--🌷
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⚠️Spoiler Alert for Upcoming game⚠️ fluff and confusion shizz--read at ur own risk
sypnosis: Ayumi in Yuki's perspective. He is dumbfounded about her and some other things.
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Sparks flew as Yuki wired the last of the wires of his latest invention, the early morning sunlight streamed through the small windows of his small inventing room--a humble abode he considers a place of relaxation for his mind, a place where he can't be disturbed by anyone or anything. "Yuiii!˜ With the exception of one.. Those luscious black strands bounce from her shoulders witn no effort at every step she took on the spiral staircase, a tray of muffins and a cup of coffee with a strong aroma that indicates it's his favorite brew.
Despite the sweet smell of freshly baked muffins and strong aroma of black coffee, a distinct scent of cozy vanilla stood out to his senses, a scent that felt like he knew for centuries. A familiar figure, short and dressed in soft pastels entered his vision, a warm smile that made him flutter inside--that he wished to never feel--Gosh, why was she perfect? Let alone, perfect for him?? "I made you some muffins and your favorite coffee" The walking angel sat beside him, placing the tray of treats--treats she took the time to make herself, just for him-- the small action was accompanied with her eyes just sparkling with what he could've sworn was concern and just affection towards him, why does she care so much? Why does he care? "You weren't in your bedroom when I went to wake you up for breakfast, so I figured you were here" The lady's voice was gentle and sweet, it itched a part of his brain he never knew existed. He took the coffee and a muffin, silently munching on the delectable treat she prepared. Yuki could only give her a faint smile, weary from his long night. When he's locked on creating something, he would forget about time and boy.. This woman knew him like the back of her pretty hands... "I forgot to tell you I was staying up late" Yuki said in between munches of his muffin and a sip of coffee, he watched as the girl stood up and tidied up a little, smiling at his little inventions. "I know" Ayumi replies in sing-song, a gentle laugh escaping her rosy lips. A melody in his ears "I told Cal you couldn't attend this afternoon aanndd I chose your sleepwear for you and changed your sheets for you" A gleeful helper she was. Facing him with hands on her hips as the sun casted a heaven-like glow on her. Her warm gaze doesn't change but her actions speak volumes of worry towards him. "Promise me you will rest at least until later this afternoon, you look like you could faint at any moment!" Ayumi exclaims, concerned etched on her adorable features that Yuki can't help but chuckle, his baritone voice like a vibration in the atmosphere around them "Alrigh' alright.." He stood up with a stretch, stealing glances at the short little gremlin who watched his every move with determination and no-bounding concern. Even with short stolen glances was she just so perfect to look at, what captivated him even more is the way she made him feel--confused yet alluring-- Who knew that someone as respected and powerful as him Would obey the words of a woman who can barely match his strength? A woman who made him feel more than a pawn. A woman who kept him straight and grounded. A woman who made him feel things he never though he could feel. A woman who made someone as smart as him rip his hair off in confusion. A woman who made him feel loved..
He was down bad for her, nothing captivates him more than that short little gremlin and it was so confusing. Why her? Why him? She shouldn't even be here in the first place. ---🌸----🌸-----🌸----🌸-----🌸---🌸----🌸-----🌸---🌸---🌸--🌸 He stares at the ceiling, he didn't bother to wipe the oil from his face before he laid down, staining his sheets with a black smudge on his cheek. His hair disheveled as he tossed a nd turned in his bed. Her smile Her laugh Her eyes Her face Her scent It all felt to damn familiar, sending a wave of comfort and tranquility in him. Like he knew it for years. Yet, at the same time It was like unconsciously does he act aloof, his guard up--despite it faltering from time to time--and a sense of unease. Does he hate her? Of course not but, it feels like it and at the same time he doesn't. Thinking so much about these unconscious feelings made him groan his face onto his pillow. Did prolong exposure to more non-witch acts made him fumble a nerve in his brain? He is confused, but one thing was for sure; Ayumi cares for him, she really does Whether he feels happy or uneasy around her, he's still grateful for everything she displays around him. For his case, he doesn't know what else he feels aside frome grateful, he knows he feels something else and when he does find out about it, he denies it--It was that damn confusing--With all this buzzing on his head, like an eternities worth of troubles...he always stumps himself with this one question; How will he be able to Love like you?
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�� TAGLIST! 🎀 @colum-nina
Author's note: This is something that came out of nowhere--phewww--I got exams coming up and I had to ge it out, also this was like on the spot and wasn't drafted from my notes lmao.
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romancomicsnews · 8 months
5 Non-MCU Characters I'd love to see in Deadpool & Wolverine
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Superbowl Sunday saw the return of everyones favorite Merc with a Mouth Deadpool in the trailer for his upcoming new movie Deadpool & Wolverine.
And as usual, Marvel hooked me.
Some fans have seen it as a return to form for the MCU, others as business as usual for Ryan Reynolds, and some just couldn't get over the little bit of Wolverine we got.
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Myself, I was mainly focused on one thing. Aaron Stanford.
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For those not in the know, this clip from the trailer shows Aaron Stanford returning as minor villain and asshole Pyro from the original X-Men Films. He was a sidekick to Magneto, and has a rivalry with Iceman in those movies.
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The return of Pyro from the X-Men films confirms what most fans expected: we will see old heroes and villains from the Fox era, not just Wolverine.
And while a few have been already revealed through casting news or set photos, there are plenty more in store for us, I'm sure.
This got my head gears turning, so I decided I'd look back on the old Fox films to see who I want to return, even for the briefest moment or cameo.
None of these have been confirmed officially, so you are spoiler free from here on out. But I must warn, once I put this ideas in your head, you may be mad if they don't show up.
5. Animated Deadpool Voiced by Donald Glover
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*sigh* The project I wish existed.
In 2017, Donald Glover was in development and given the green light on an animated Deadpool show. The show was to premiere on FX in 2018. However, for unknown reasons it was cancelled, and never debuted, leaving fans and Donald Glover displeased.
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After the success of films like Spider-Verse, and Glovers involvement with Marvel, having him come in for a scene where he fights with or against Ryan Reynolds Deadpool could be a fun nod to the fans and maybe give the project the boost it needs to somehow come back.
But alas, I'm still hoping Spider-Verse will bring back Spectacular Spider-Man, so what do I know?
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4. X-23
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If there is a character ripe for a spin-off from the old X-Men universe, it was definitely X-23.
It's surprising to me she hasn't been revealed as a main member of the cast. She's a character I think few people talk about anymore, but was a crucial part of the film. I'd say Logan is up there and one of the best superhero movies.
Dafne Keen and Hugh Jackman made Logan such an impactful moving film. I'd love to see where the character has gone since Logan, and see how them reuniting effects the film.
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Not to mention if she fought Deadpool, it would be one hell of a good (and kind of funny ) fight.
3. Apocalypse
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Do I like this character? Absolutely not.
Do I want him here just for the Moon Knight jokes? Yes.
I actually think theres a good Apocalypse in Oscar Isaac somewhere. Having Deadpool and Wolverine at one point face the X-Men's Thanos sounds pretty cool, and Isaac is a great comedic and dramatic performer who deserves another shot.
I wouldn't mind a CGI version that looks more comic accurate, like Beast in the Marvels.
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But again. I really just want Deadpool to say "So are you Steven or Marc?"
2. The Human Torch
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Similarly, I want the Captain America jokes.
But if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that Human Torch was by far the best part of those Fantastic Four movies.
There's just so many things you can do with it!
We can have him in the frosted tips, in a new Fantastic Four uniform. Maybe even have him fight Pyro, stop a fire guy with a fire guy. Or have him come out from behind a train like Captain America in Infinity War, but it's Johnny.
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Having Evans play across Reynolds even for a bit would make so many fans happy and get more cheers then No Way Home.
Besides Evans has done a cameo in a Shawn Levy film starring Ryan Reynolds once. He can do it again.
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1. Legion
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The rumored main villain of this film tends to have a very particular vendetta with Charles Xavier. So why not use his son to acquire power?
Legion is the acclaimed show from Noah Hawley starring Dan Stevens as David Haller, a mutant with schizophrenia and basically unlimited power.
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Dan Stevens is incredible in this show, and I think bringing in such a powerful X-Men character would make for some fun interactions and extreme stakes. Not to mention the insane visuals, all while delving deep into the psyche of both are protagonists.
While I doubt all of these characters show up, if one or two do, I'd be extremely happy. We'll just have to wait and see.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Who do you want to see in Deadpool and Wolverine?
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the-doctor-3000 · 1 year
Do you take requests? Are there any rules?
Hello! Yes, I do take requests.
I'll write;
Genres - Fluff, Angst, Crossover, Time Travel AU, Songfic, Isekai, Hurt/comfort, Character x Reader, HCs, One-shots, maybe a Mini Series, possibly Character x Oc, Character x Reader x Character, Love Triangles, Slow Burn
Fandoms I currently write for -
The Legend of Vox Machina
Once Upon A Time
The Witcher (game, series & books)
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Steven Universe
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil
Shadowhunters (series, movie & books - I just finished the 2nd book so please no spoilers)
Black Butler (manga)
My Hero Academia
Spy × Family
Jujutsu Kaisen
Folk of the air
Pirates of the Caribbean
Thundercats (2011 bcs I haven't seen the 80s version yet)
Moriarty The Patriot
Bungou Stray Dogs
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Sherlock BBC
Doctor Who
Demon Slayer
TMNT (2003 and 2012 versions)
Gravity Falls
Stranger Things
Jurassic Park
Independence Day
Tim Burton movies
The Arcana
Inside Job
Blood of Zeus
Mia & Me
Maya and the Three
Beauty and the Beast
Transformers (Bay)
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse + Across the Spider-Verse
Good Omens
Howl's Moving Castle
Van Helsing 2004
Tales of Arcadia
I won't write; NSFW/Lemon/Smut (It'll only be implied), Incest, Character x Character, Pedophilia
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