#scratch that it has been two weeks
juhotonin · 2 years
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Hwiyoung ⊹ Scream (Suit Dance)
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solardrake · 11 months
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Delivering mail to the furthest corners of the server ✉✈
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tomorrow is my first day back to work and I'm a lil nervous
I haven't been able to get anything written for here bc I've been trying to get a couple other things written (updating my Bill Cipher redemption fic and starting a Gyutaro x reader x Daki because I make poor life choices)
but I'm on light duty for a month, basically just sitting at the register checking people out, unable to do any stocking or anything bc I'm not allowed to lift anything over 15 pounds so I can't lift totes, bend much, or reach much, so I'm allowed to bring something to do in between customers... maybe I'll get some writing done? I feel as if I'll be slacking off bc that's how my brain works
but you know what, I kill myself for that store normally, I don't work full time simply because I can't afford medical insurance if I did, but even working only part time I give my all while I'm there, I'm not someone who slacks off. so if I'm healthfully and approvedly permitted to slack off and take it easy for a month, I guess I'll take it (... plus, I mean, I'll still be working, just light duty, it's not like I'll show up and get paid to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, I'm still gonna be ringing out customers)
get those last requests in! after I get home from work tomorrow, I'll be closing the askbox and won't open it back up till this batch is finished and I swear I mean that this time 😂
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i'm pretty sure i've cut all content consumption out of my routine now
i don't mean that in the sense of i no longer consume content, i mean i've managed to remove it from routine behaviour
yes i will scroll instagram but it's not the first thing i do on waking until i get through all the posts since yesterday. it's just something i choose to do when i feel like it
yes i will watch youtube but i no longer go through all videos since yesterday from all the channels i'm subscribed to and watch them all or add it to watch later if i can't squeeze it into the day. this was my most recent success so i'm avoiding my subscriptions tab so i don't fall into the hole and am instead looking up individual channel videos to watch for no more than an hour. when i'm convinced my brain will behave i believe i will be able to scroll subscriptions casually and only when i want to.
this used to cause me such trouble because i genuinely saw these things as part of my routine so i'd be over here like man my routine of consuming content is all messed up because i went out for the day with someone i will need to double it tomorrow to fix it so i'm back on track. or i'd be like kinda wanted to do this today but a youtuber i follow uploaded a 2 hour video so I won't be able to fit it in :/
anyway that was trash. now i think i just have routines around food (3 meals a day) and work/study. Everything else is clean and free. I can do whatever I feel like when i have free time. i feel a little lost now but at least i'm no longer spending hours on content consumption when it's not actually making me happy
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killemwithkawaii · 5 months
Why didn't anybody tell me that, upon the stroke of midnight on my 30th birthday, I would suddenly be struck with the irresistible compulsion to completely refurnish my bedroom???
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sabraeal · 8 months
1000 Followers Update!
Due to some super fun chronic health shenanigans, the posting for the 1000 Followers Celebration is being postponed a month! Posting will start on 2/2 with to all the ghost still standing in this room, and continue as previously planned from there. Thank you guys for bearing with me-- I struggled with the idea of even postponing for a week, but it became very clear on Monday that I would not be able to catch up with the schedule unless I took an extended break to recover. Can't wait to show you guys what I've got up my sleeve!
#1000 followers#i don't talk much about my illness struggles on here because without a word count limit#i would absolutely write myself into a terrible spiral talking about some of the very recent setbacks#but I do weekly goals up on twitter and I often talk about what's going on there#so it's only fair that i explain a bit in some tag chatter where i have to stay on task#to start: i'm fine and I'm going to be quick to recover now that i've gotten my meds#but due to all sorts of insurance bullshittery that has occurred since september/october#my last three infusions have been over a week late. two of them have been nearly two weeks or over#and coupled with a particularly nasty stomach bug + christmas stress#i ended up with extremely bad exhaustion and brain fog#and on monday finally flared#thankfully i was able to move my infusion up a day so I only had to wait until wednesday#and me and my husband had planned that I would be out of commission for the 10 days my meds were overdue#so I just had to triage my commitments and lay low until they could get me what i needed#it's been two days and i'm doing much much better. back to a place where I can actually write#probably at a better place than i have been since the beginning of December since today I nearly blew through 1K without even trying#but it's been 2-3 weeks of barely being able to scratch out what i consider my minimum#and then a week and change of not being able to even READ without it overwhelming me#so i finally had to face the music of: not only can I NOT do this on time but I need fully shift it#so that I can work without stressing myself or my limits#i am a rat gnawing at the bars of my little rat cage over it but it is what it is#tldr; i'm here i'm fine i just have to accept my human limitations and i don't like it
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grandmaestershibe · 12 days
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family picture
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virgoevenus · 9 months
computer how do i get rid of the rotting in bed syndrome . quickest route no freeways
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liazrad · 4 months
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loverdude · 8 months
Head in my FUCKING HANDS oh my god
#💭#my poor boyfriend's dog. has been acting so INSANE.#for the past week or two he's been like.#insanely anxious... pacing... panting... not listening to commands...#jumping on furniture including the bed... my boyfriend's nightstand... the fucking kitchen table... THE FUCKING TRASH CAN...#and he's NOT A SMALL DOG#he's like a medium-large mutt part pittie... 9 years old#he's crawling under the bed he's getting stuck places he's scratching on the door if we shut him in a room#my boyfriend barely got any sleep bc he kept getting woken up the entire night by his dog like#jumping on stuff getting stuck under stuff knocking everything over scratching and whining#he like broke off part of one of his claws when jumping on the kitchen table at one point#knocked everything off of it including the tablecloth#tried leashing him to a shelf with a weighted blanked on it while we were at the laundromat and barricading off the kitchen#with totes and shelves and stuff#and when we got back he'd knocked over half the fucking barricade and twisted around the shelf he was leashed to#and had somehow gotten the leash wrapped around one of the KITCHEN CHAIRS#so he was STUCK#my boyfriend's stepdad is bringing a kennel tomorrow#which is a last resort but if he's not shut in something he's like#going to get hurt and break all my boyfriend's things and damage his apartment#i talked to the vet she said to try getting him some more exercise to wear him out and if that doesn't work#to get some blood work done and if that's all normal then to put him on some anxiety meds#took him on a really long walk today but he knocked over the shit in the kitchen AFTER that#and his water bowl...#he's eating drinking pooping peeing etc just fine he doesn't feel sick or bloated he's just fucking ANXIOUS#about something but we don't know whatttt#my poor boyfriend is so stressed and frustrated and has gotten like no sleep and i'm so stressed too#i'm sure it'll be okay but my GOD#UGH sorry for the long-ass rant holy shit#i'm just so fucking stressed and frustrated and worried
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sharkneto · 1 year
I have a problem someone take this game away from me
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nellasbookplanet · 2 years
I've been watching From (terrible title, I know, but good show) the last couple of days, and wow, I haven’t gotten this strong Lost vibes from anything since actually watching Lost as a kid.
Bunch of random people stranded in an isolated location, kept from leaving by possibly supernatural forces? Monstrous, unexplainable things roaming the surrounding forest, picking off people a little at a time? Lots of inexplicable mystery tied to the very location? Delicious.
It isn’t quite as character driven as Lost (to be expected, seeing as it has a 10 episode season instead of 20 and doesn’t have the same space for filler and backstory) but it still portrays its ensemble cast in a complex way that lends even the most unlikable characters to be sympathetic and interesting, and where you can really feel that everyone in this community is important to the story, not just one single main character. It’s been ages since I was this invested in both characters and plot of a show, very much recommend, super excited for season 2!
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orcelito · 1 year
I am so curious what my stats r gonna be for Spotify wrapped. I only started using it in 2021 and so I only know my things for 2 years. Both years, Stray Kids was my top artist bc they're my fav kpop group
This year, I know without a doubt it's going to be IAMX. I have listened to them just about every day for Four Months Straight, often for hours and hours at a time. I have 102 songs liked from them, so I have not grown bored at all.
It's going to be a frankly ridiculous level of minutes played. I'm rly curious where I'm gonna rank in their listeners hfkdhdksbdk
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austerulous · 2 years
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Maybe I shouldn’t be tweaking my muse list while I’m still rocking a fever but, fuck it, we ball.  I’ve removed Saint Adeline and the Dancer, and I’m adding a new test muse:
› MARCO BODT – ( Attack on Titan )
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trying a new routine and having to keep chanting to yourself that seeing a difference will take time so you don't go insane
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motherforthefamicom · 2 months
thing ive been working on for artfight (sorrry its like incomprehensible lol i promise it makes sense in some sorta way. also its missing the audio cuz my screenrecorder doesnt capture it)
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