#save me psycho Armand
uozlulu · 1 year
15-20 for the fic writing meme
Thanks for the questions, anon <3!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
I have two.
I wrote a Captain America (MCU) fic called If No One Else Will where Steve joins the Monuments Men in order to do something to help on the European front. Bucky tags along and the fic picks up when Hydra kidnaps Bucky and then Steve has to save the day as a tiny guy without any super serum. It's one of my favorites because I got to put the fact I grew up learning about World War II to good use and it was fun to come up with stuff like giving Steve his shield without him being a beefcake. I also learned a lot about the state of stuff like asthma in the 1940's when it was considered psycho-somatic.
I wrote a self-indulgent Black Clover/Boruto crossover when the Black Clover movie was first announced. I called it The Land Across the Sea. I started with the concept of Yami visiting his homeland as a potential movie plot, got the final scene pretty much in full immediately, and then chose to make it a Boruto crossover so Naruto and Yami could be somewhat friends from childhood. It was an easy write and I enjoy it. It's a little weak in places but it was fun to imagine how it might go and do some fun things like promoting Noelle and Asta to vice captain for different squads.
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I want to write a BnHA/MHA AU in which Class A and Aizawa have to go back in time to Yagi's high school days to save him from a villain kind of a la Tenchi in Love. I've written quite a bit of it but when I got to Midoriya and Nana interacting in the past it got a bit difficult so I set it aside and haven't picked it back up yet. Also we now kind of know of Tohru's quirk works and this particular AU hinged on her having a different quirk, but that'll just make it even more AU if I ever write it.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
The most recent one in this vein I wrote was an Interview with the Vampire (AMC) Armand/Louis/Daniel fic The Mortal and the Vampires based loosely on a dark retelling of the fairytale Beauty and the Beast in which potentially canonical events lead to an eventual confrontation between the polycule and one of the penthouse servants who has come to realize they'll never be offered immortality. It was based on a conversation I'd had with another fic author about how Armand having to let Daniel go kind of reminded me of how the Beast has to let Beauty go in the story.
Right now I don't have any highly specific AUs like that rattling through my head. If they're that specific and clear to me, I always end up writing them. Another recent-ish in this vein was my Black Clover AU And There Was Still Hope that explored some manga spoilers about Yuno in a universe in which he didn't receive the Wind grimoire.
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
I'm not sure if I have any fics right now that I've got any sequel ideas for. I haven't had any sequel requests either, so I'm not sure.
19. If you wrote a spin-off of [insert fic], what would it involve?
I'm not sure if I'd call it a "spin off," but I do kind of want to take my IwtV (AMC) fic Dream a Memory of Me and retool it and give it a better ending. I don't think I'll ever get around to it, but the more I learn and remember of Vampire Chronicles, the more that first fic of mine makes me cringe a bit. That said, it's not terrible, just could be better.
20. If you wrote a prequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
I'm not really sure because I don't really have any fics I've got prequel ideas for or requests for.
Send me some numbers to my ask box and I'll answer questions about fics
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eyesaremosaics · 2 years
Favorite books?
Hmmm… that’s tough, I love a lot of books. I’m an old lady, I prefer classic literature, or historical fiction… horror fiction…. I guess if I had to narrow it down I would say:
--“Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. Probably my all time favorite. I really resonated with the “savage” in this novel. Now more than ever…
--“Interview with the Vampire” by Anne Rice, actually pretty much all the vampire chronicles. The vampire Lestat, queen of the damned, blood and gold, the vampire Armand, pandora… tale of the body thief…
—“Frankenstein: the modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley, I just think it’s a powerful piece of literature. Beautifully written.
—“Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë, the darkest love story of all time.
—“A Spy in the house of love” by Anais Nin, I love most of Anais’ work, her diaries… delta Venus…
—“The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald, i know it seems pretentious and cliché—but I love virtually everything he writes. Always wished my birthday was the 24th instead of the 23rd so I could share it with him and Jim Henson😭. “The beautiful and the damned” “flappers and philosophers”… “this side of paradise”… all good.
—“Save me the Waltz” by Zelda Fitzgerald. I always thought her life was very tragic, and since she inspired so much of Scott’s work—naturally I found her a source of fascination as well.
—“the turn of the screw” by Henry James
— “the stranger” by Albert Camus
—“the bell jar” by Sylvia Plath with always hold a special place in my teenage heart.
—“the catcher in the Rye” by J.D Salinger. I love most of his stuff as well, I really feel Holden Caulfield. He knows what’s up.
—“Madame Bovary” by Gustave Flaubert
—“the Venus in Furs” by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
—“I Capture The Castle” by Dodie Smith (1948)
—“Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte (1847)
—“Dracula” by Bram Stoker (1897) classic! Read it so many times.
Harry Potter and lord of the rings I’ve read countless times.
-Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (1860), I gotta admit… I love me some Charles Dickens. This one is particularly special.
—Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (1961)
I always loved treasure island, and the Swiss family Robinson when I was a kid.
Lord of the flies has always stuck with me.
—“Slaughterhouse 5” by Kurt Vonnegut
I liked the lovely bones… flowers in the attic… I enjoyed chuck palahniuk back in the day.
Oh! I love “The Giver” by Lois Lowry.
A clockwork orange…
I love Stephen King. Pet Semetary is my favorite though.
I love “tuck everlasting” and “bridge to teribithia”.
Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier (1938) is an all time fav. Love the Alfred Hitchcock movie as well.
Silence of the lambs…American psycho…. Hell House by Richard Matheson (1971),
Coraline by Neil Gaiman (2002), can I just say—Neil Gaiman must be the most prolific writer of modern times. I love so much of his stuff. I met him once in person, he’s a sweet man.
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde—one of the best pieces of fiction ever written. I also love how cheeky Oscar Wilde was in general. Also a libra (my team!).
“The Yellow Wallpaper”, Short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Brilliant feminist piece of literature/social commentary on feminine “hysteria”.
“Go Ask Alice” by Beatrice Sparks.
“I Never Promised You a Rose Garden” by Joanne Greenberg
“Girl interrupted” Susanna Kaysen
“Fear and loathing in Las Vegas”, Hunter S. Thompson. I love reading his stuff, he cracks me up.
Too many to name, but there ya go!
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likethecatiam · 4 years
I Just Watched The Crow and Here Are the Thoughts I Had
Is this supposed to be like New York?
Devil’s Night huh
I can’t seeeee
I paid $4.28 for HD do I need glasses
Oh okay it’s better
Alright alright I see her where is He
No he’s not lying, she lives doesn’t she?
Oh nice style
Are they the guys?
Oh, these sound effects…
Damn just. Alright
Awww he took care of her
Rise! Arise!!
Is that Nickelback???
Chaotic flashback scene
Sir, no, excuse me you cannot put on makeup/face paint and THEN a shirt that tight no what sorcery is this
Alright gettin into that real shit, I see you crow
Oh we huntiiing
Oh just fucking SWAN DIVE YES
Beat his azzzz
Baby slap
No get tf up and kill this man
Knife dodge
Knife Slap
Warehouse party
Who is this vampire lookin fuck?
Her makeup is…Bold
Girl get out of this bar
Oh that’s your mom? Damn
Ooo stole that coat, lookin spiffyyyy
God you’re so hot
Watch me heal
Shit on you is correct sir
God you’re so HOT
That’s a lot of knives
Punch him in HIS mouth fuck you “detective”
Are we burning?
Oooo one hand shotgun
Are We Burning?
Kill him, dafuq
Oh okay, leave one alive yes a messenger
Yes it isssss
Kinda awkward cut to that but whatever
Nah, I like you both don’t be enemies
Oh I didn’t even notice the guitar
I like your riddles, handsome man
A hot mime from hell you mean
Fuckin Armand lookin fucker
Oh burning eyeball, fun
How do you know what order they went in??
How’d I know that was going to happen?
Oh you’re so young
I don’t even know I feel about that but it’s melancholy
I think? It’s a bittersweet emotion for sure
Piecing it together, my man?
Crow friend! I love this. I really fucking do
She’s gonna die from overdose isn’t she?
God you’re so fucking HOT
Oh you’re gonna diiieeee
Mr. Window Maaaaan
Fuck, do that thing with the light bulb again
Owie a booboo hahahaHAHAHAHAHA
Keep shooting, the same thing is gonna keep happening
Listen to his riddles!
You died from That? Bitch
Girl what’re you gonna do?
He’s telling you to be a better mother, pay attention
Oh, hey, Fucker
That’s your favourite saying, huh
Oh you’re not dead, okay
Hurry up Eric, he’s on his way and he got that gun
Oh damn, that’s a lot of needles
You can “Shh” out of my window any night
You’re very calm for-Oh. Oh so you know
Bruh this could’ve been something great, secret partnership
My preferred Batman and Commissioner Gordon
Heart to heart time~
Smoking is bad, I’m already dead so it’s fine if I do it but you don’t do it
Will they believe you?
Who are you? Like, actor wise. You look so fucking familiar
Yeah I don’t know who you are
Oh gross, !nc3st wtf
They are twisted, yes
Spin kill? Spin stab?
Yeah, spin stab. Oh and then shooty bang
Oh you’re playing the guitar I thought that was the soundtrack
I see that open window
I see that crow!
Eric buddy where you at?!
Was that green screen/edited in???
Psycho fuckers
You are very unhinged, sir
Oh hell yes
Your death
Oh passenger, okay that works too
“You hit my car”? Lmaoo
How’d I know that coffee was gonna get spilled
These streets are too tight for a car chase
Okay that line made me laugh
High speed collision!
That’s a lot of explosives
Yeah you do. Yeah you do. Yeah you did. Yeah you did! It is. It is!! He came back yes he did!
Later Fucko!
Nah, he doesn’t deserve this music
Okay but this fire crow does, crank it up!
Nobody noticed this giant un-dug grave until him??
Oh, so that’s why it’s Devil’s Night
Well, at least she’s trying, I can give her that
I was having a good day and you ruined it, Detective
Punch him in the mouth!
Where you goin, girly
If you keep this up sir I’m gonna have to start calling you Louis, you handsome handsome pyro
Kitty!! Wish my cat were that nice
Have you always had an undercut?
Is he gonna show? Is he?
I gasped. I did. I’m serious. Yes, hugs are good
Oh geez just kill him already
You look like James Franco? Maybe? Is that why I find you familiar?
Officer friend
Oh no don’t break your guitar, sweetheart noo
Oh wait who was that chick I saw for half a second on stage she was kinda hot
She looks so uncomfortable in that top and those pants
Is this your entire gang, then?
I don’t care about what you’re saying but I’m sure it’s stupid and psychotic
Hiii Eriiiccc~
Crow friend!!!
Ain’t not gentlemen here but continue
Oh shit, nice jump and sit
His face is way hotter than yours Armand-James-Franco
Kill em all
Nice slice!
Good thing he left that blade vault open
In case you have forgotten, this is Brandon Lee son of Bruce fuckin Lee he knows how to fucking fight
Have a nice fall~
Holy shit is right
Ooo that fall looked bad, you good, sweet boy?
Officer friend!!!!!
Don’t just run!
Yo, who the fuck is she????? What’s her deal? Seriously
No, sweet boy, don’t look so small, nooo I wanna give you a hug
Awww innocent children. I feel it is very unsafe for them to be out like this in Devil’s Night
Sarah don’t sleep next to graves
They’ll always be right in your heart Sarah, it’s okay
Sir, stop being this fucking cute okay
Oh shit no. No, not Sarah
Eric get the fuck up. Go save Sarah. Eric!
Oh damn that’s hot—Sorry serious time Gotta save Sarah
Not the crow!
Yeah, Aw Fuck is fucking right!
Not the fucking crow!
Nice dive Eric
Bitch put the bird down
Yo, ACAB for sure, but this man. I don’t want this man to die
It’s okay, Eric sweetheart, we gon get your invincibility back, don’t worry
No do NOT fucking die I stfg
Lady, I don’t think that’s how that works
Yeah just watch as it gouges out her eyes, I’m genuinely okay with that
God, where is your waist
Sarah hold on sweetheart
Behind you!
Fuck you!
Hell yeah! That’s gruesome as fuck but I’m for it!
If both of you die and I’m gonna be so upset
If you live, fuck you, you Will live
Yeah he does that, it’s normal
Noooo I don’t want it to be overrrrr
Shelly! Oh you’re very pretty!
Damn, I kinda wanna cry now
My final review: Started off kinda rough, but by the time I was thirty minutes in I was all for it. I’m actually so upset I didn’t watch this movie sooner. Also, definitely feeling the loss of Brandon Lee. Great actor, awesome dude, truly upsetting. We could’ve had something great and it was all cut too short. I’m thinking about reading the comic, will definitely look into that. I fucking loved this movie, it was such a great time.
Once again, I will not be watching the sequels because No :D
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