#rootin for Glad who's with me?
yankstrash · 5 days
meels birthday celebration !!
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liked by gabeperreault44, _willsmith2 and others
amelia.ln: nasty 19 💖💖 thank you to everyone who made my day so special, i 🫶🏻 you
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_willsmith2: glad i could help make it special
↪️ amelia.ln: you're not even here
↪️ _willsmith2: always there in spirit
gabeperreault44: only the best for my girl ❤️
↪️ amelia.ln: 🥰🥰 i love you soooo much
jacob_fowler24: yeah. that was a good time.
↪️ amelia.ln: yeah.
↪️ grumpy.boldy: he's still incoherent
↪️ jacob_fowler24: @ grumpy.boldy true
grumpy.boldy: best friends birthday best friends birthday 🥰🥰
aram_minnetian: a rootin' tootin' good time
ryan.leno_4: kept me out so late
↪️ amelia.ln: ...you were the first person to go home at 11 pm
↪️ ryan.leno_4: like i said, so late.
_willvote: i have a headache
↪️ amelia.ln: of course u do
paulfischer7: imagine if i was there
↪️ amelia.ln: imagine
olivermoore11: hope you had the best day ever meels!
↪️ amelia.ln: 🥹🥹 thank you ollie
drewf2: these celebrations just get better every year
↪️ amelia.ln: so true
eliana.brielle: prettiest birthday girl
coleeiserman: happy birthday amelia!! :)
↪️ amelia.ln: thanks hun!
↪️ gabeperreault44: 🙄
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yuri-cocaine · 3 months
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trucking along on msq
-bakool ja ja i owe you an apology. i wasn't familiar with your game.
-i ran into some fuckass weirdo who held up the whole run of skydeep cenote to complain about how much they hate msq. holy shit ive never seen anyone do this even for arr and sb. i tried vote kicking but it didnt work :/ block v'runja raqu on balmung to save yourself a big headache
-every zone is gorjus but my fav zone so far is urqopacha, fav zone music is kozama'uka, and fav towns are in yak tel. theres something really cozy about hroth town and mamook is a beautiful stonework city in a blue magical forest. mamook reminds me of lost city of amdapor but Blue. ive headcanoned yuma's hometown of camoa village to be something similar so maybe i can gpose in mamook instead of queueing into amdapor
-zoraal ja is my failhusband. all he does is scowl and want everyone to die in a big war. talking to everyone in the landsguard hq is kinda funny bc they're all like uhhhhh when's commander zoraal ja coming back. is he even coming back or...???
-awwww im glad wuk lamat made koana co-dawnservant ;w; now they can build infrastructure
-gulool ja ja's "oh right" when he tried looked at his brother's head and stopped casting his big fireball is rly sad now bc his brother isn't asleep, he's dead :( imagine living with your brother's dead head grafted onto your body for three years. what if it....starts to smell bad......
-as much as i like wuk lamat, i really didnt enjoy the feats so im really excited to travel xak tural with erenville. shaaloani's desert landscape is also gorjus with the graphics update bc before all that sand would just be a badly textured lump (sagolii desert...)
-the fact that ppl in shaaloani have american accents is taking me out LMFAO
-my theory for why erenville has such a strong icelandic accent is bc in addition to taking an eastern viera name, he also copied the eastern viera accent. as for why vieras living in othard have icelandic accents, uh...other than it being a carry over from ff12, maybe viera language is just. icelandic. but in dalmasca.
-ive always thought sharlayan is the scandinavia of etheirys but they're also greek-ish so who even knows at this point.
-in elpis, there's a sidequest where an ancient has a yellowish cactuar called notos 626 and he couldn't think of a suitable name for it. in urqopacha, the same kind of cactuar is all over the place and they're called notocactuar!!! so in the end, i guess he never named it :0
-why are the nopalitenders so fucked up.......estinien likes eating them tho
-i bet my cowboy boots that the sheriff in town is corrupt and it's up to a rootin' tootin' by god be shootin' young upstart to challenge him and restore peace to the wild west
-and by that, i mean the wol. wol will restore peace. i love that erenville just does not fight at all, so when those mad max from shein lookin ass bandits threatened to hang erenville up by the ears i got so protective of him LMFAO eat the full force of my level 100 burst bitch
-im not fucking bakool ja ja
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This madness again...
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Been running into problems with fandom Discords.
I’ve been given warnings because of assumptions about my stances on things. Not what my actual stances on things are. Doesn’t matter if I’m very specific with my wording, somehow that keeps getting missed. (I say “some”, I get accused of implying “all”. I say something is a “false equivalent”, I get accused of “saying they’re the same thing”. THAT level of not reading what I write.)
I think I might need to start my own Avatar Discord server at this rate. I’m tired of walking on eggshells around people that assume random things about me that make no sense to paint me as some kind of bigot.
And also won’t see the irony and hypocrisy in them being in a fandom that’s got a thematic element (among others) of the bias of our own cultures and perspectives blinding us from seeing the harm we do. Encourages us to question what teaches us to other, categorise our in-groups as superior in a hierarchy. To not be a cup that’s already full. Leave a little bit of room. Open your mind to other angles.
Also, you know, the director of the movies in said fandom knew one of the victims for 25 years, and the movies themselves being two of the three highest grossing of all time raking in a combined nearly 5 and 1/4 BILLION dollars...
Also is the section of the fandom mainly focusing on the villains of said movies. Who have all sorts of layers of nuance to them.
My angle just so happens to be that 4 people being duped into their deaths by negligent manslaughter is tragic and their loss of life beholds a basic level of respect. If not for them but for the people that knew them left behind. The people that could have been on the Titan instead of them grappling with the reality that maybe people would be behaving like this if it was them down there. That they were so close to it being them.
But no. Apparently valuing human life earned me the title of “bootlicker” and got me accused of somehow not valuing the lives of other people that died elsewhere. 
I’ve already stated I was waaaaay too close to ending people for real. And I’m not being tempted to go back into that mindset of “maybe some people SHOULD die”. No. No thank you. You go deluding yourselves all you want. I’ve been to that place. I came back. I’ve been fighting for over 15 years to keep myself out. I value all human life now. Even those others would call “bad” or “immoral” people. Because I almost was a bad person. Although some would say I am anyway because I had those thoughts and was very close to those actions and I’m not exactly “cured” of my pain fuelled blood rage even if I am trying my best to be mindful of it and provide outlets and relief through my arts and hobbies.
Glad they’ve never been there to be able to say those horrible things about the victims of a tragedy, but god damn, do they need a reality check. 
By dehumanising people you don’t like you make it easy to forget just how much like them you actually could be if you were in their place. 
Maybe if you’re one of those folks, you should go watch the video logs and news coverage of people that vent on the past Titan trips. Hear their stories, their voices, see their faces that could’ve easily been the ones all over the news right now.
Cure yourself of your delusion that “people didn’t die”.
Victim blaming ain’t cool. No matter how much money they had free to spend.
Anyway, yeah. Keep eyes out if you’re interested in that server. Sometimes the ones I’ve been on can be really fun but there’s this oppressive undercurrent that I really don’t get (maybe it’s that I don’t openly announce my neurodiversities or something I dunno I’m really confused about it). And I think in order to have a kind of space that isn’t like that, I’ll have to be the one to do it.
We’re fans of the big blue rootin tootin shootin aliens in the camo as well as the natives trying to fight off their combined oppressors (even if the first ones don’t fully realise it yet). Come on. Why are we like this with each other? I’m not making this a personal attack against the members of these servers, I still like being on them sometimes and the quality of the work people are sharing is beyond amazing. 
But they really gotta think about the environments they’re curating where I’m looking at posting and I find myself staring at the text box like “What if this is the last thing I write because somebody misreads it to mean the absolute opposite again?”.
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Fr I've discovered an amazing writer, who writes Pedro characters AND Arthur Morgan, naaahh best day ever, excuse me as I fan girl while reading your work.
& as someone who is not a Dave York fan, your 3shots collab has totally totally changed my mind
Have a rootin' tootin' day partner 🤠
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hi, hello, anon, you really made my day with this message and i appreciate that you sent this so much
thank YOU for making my day better and i hope you enjoy my little stories :') i totally get the dave york surprise and im glad we could change your mind XD 3 shots truly means a lot to @perropascal and i. you have the rootin-est, tootin-est day partner!!
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skullkxd · 1 year
Thoughts on Rika?
“… she’s good people.
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I know, uh. I don’ exactly always make a good first impression. I probably blew her off as another grownup who thinks they know best. But … yknow, she didn’ seem to mind that? I think we met around the PWT, maybe a little before … but she always seemed cool with me, even when i was bein’ a pain in the ass. She was rootin’ for me even if I was a kid she barely knew.
I’m glad I know her. I know she’s one of those adults who looks at me an’ thinks of their younger self, but that ain’t always a bad thing.
maybe she could teach me to fly on king bowser.”
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ok so i got tickets but it was very much a panic mode instantly. I'd been in line for four hours, and I was in queue on my computer but randomly decided to tap the link on my phone, it immediately brought me to seating for chicago night one, and from there I hit add fees to the price of tickets and went for it. ngl, terrifying. especially bc I had no idea what was going on since my queue was still up on my computer but I was also in on my phone. glitch I guess??? weirdest.vuying experience ever. my sisters got tickets for out in las vegas which had the delayed start time, and there's was smooth as fuck, they were able to get the tickets they wanted even though they started with 2000+ people but they didn't have to deal with a paused queue and their presale codes not working like a lot of people around here in the midwest did. I had three friends who couldn't get tickets bc their presale codes wouldn't work and they got booted back into line and by the time they were finally back in and their codes worked, the show was sold out so they have to wait for capital one. rootin' for you catie🥰 you deserve to be able to see taylor love and I hope you get that chance
i'm really glad you got tickets <333 so like my experience i wrote about but my sister in law she was in queue for tampa, got through before the pause, couldn't check out, was booted out/placed back in the queue for like 7+ hours and never got tickets either. i don't know anyone who had a good experience with this process it just seemed awful
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hackoftheyear · 1 year
My bestie told me that she got me the AG rootin tootin cowgirl costume and I’m sooo excited to get it. I’m glad she told me early so I could tell Kristan who was also going to get that for me lmao
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artgurusauce · 5 years
Make It Or Break It: Exclusive Deleted Scene
Hey there y'all, still packing and still going through the motions but I've got a nice little surprise for y'all.
So whilst cleaning out my laptop again, I found a very old deleted confession scene I wrote for Make It Or Break It that I decided I'd revamp and post here for you guys to read. Honestly, the confession scene was the most re-written thing in the whole fic, since when I first wrote it, I had a very different plan for the entire fic. But funnily enough, it ended up becoming an English assignment for Senior year and things just kinda...changed.
But boy am I glad they did, cause I definitely took a much better direction than some of the other stuff I wrote. Still, this is one of the few deleted scenes that had a couple ideas that weren't that horrible. So I re-wrote all the stuff I hated about it and made it into a semi-independent one-off sort of. I mean, it still mostly applies to the context of Make It Or Break It, but you don't have to read it to enjoy it if you are a first timer reading this post so hey.
Buuut, if you do want to read the original fanfic, you can find it here: Make It Or Break It
I promise I will post on my other fics again as soon as possible, but here's some fluff for ya while you're waiting. Thanks again for your support and I really hope this move smooths over soon. Toodles my little noodles~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As every night, they were closely watching the stars that glittered in the sky, while their Pokémon played care-freely in the motel room. And, like every night, they exchanged pleasantries as they pointed out various constellations and made up their own. They were both smiling, they were both laughing. It was moments like this that made Gladion believe that all his running would end up being worth it in the end. Perhaps he could even stay here, with him. That would be like a dream come true. For some reason, the air felt very different tonight. The wind was calmer and more gentle. Gladion wondered why that was. But it seemed that Hau hadn't really noticed it. Or had he? It was hard to tell these days. Hau was a lot more perceptive than he gave him credit for, after all. Despite how much he tried to hide his fears and his worries, Hau could always see right through him. He could always guess his plights accurately. Almost as if...he knew Gladion's look for some reason. Was that because he himself had looked that way before to others? All his self-doubts seemed to suggest that perhaps Hau knew him so well because he was like him. Maybe not afraid of everything, but, afraid of something. That fact alone irked him. He hated the idea that anything could be troubling Hau. It's why he always considered himself a burden to him. After all, how could anyone be "happy" that someone put a target on your back? And yet, he was almost insistent Gladion wouldn't leave him. Even if the Aether Foundation comes to get me, I don't care! Those words lit a flame inside of him. For the first time, he had felt hope. He felt as though things really could be ok for them. He didn't feel fear, or doubt, or sadness. He felt warm, he felt safe, he felt...happy. Hau was his sanctuary, and despite his fears, he'd be loathe to part with him now. Even if things got dangerous, they should stick together, shouldn't they? Or was that just his attachment talking? Hau's smile looked so pretty as he laughed. What was this fuzzy feeling in his stomach? Gladion couldn't stop himself from laughing himself to tears alongside Hau. He couldn't even really remember why they were laughing anymore. This moment was just too blissful and mesmerizing. Hau snorted, and wiped away his own tears with his thumb as he tried to calm himself down. Still, his huge grin remained like the flushing on his cheeks. He too, had forgotten what was so funny. But he didn't care. He was enjoying himself far too much. Finally, he calmed enough to speak. "Y-Your laugh sounds really weird, Glad~" "D-Does n-not~! You're th-the one snorting~! Hahaha~!" "Sh-shut up~! I'm just...snrk...m-my nose i-is just stuffed." "Yeah, right!" Hau sighed, wiping one last stray tear from his eye before smiling warmly at his travel companion. He was still stifling his scoffs of laughter and failing miserably. "I'm just kidding. It sounds really cute, actually." Gladion's coughing laughter was instantly silenced and he blushed. He peered up at Hau shyly, "Y...You really think so?" Hau nodded, "Yeah! It's nice to see you so happy, you know?" Gladion couldn't help another shy smile as his cheeks glowed even more. "T-thanks...you too." Hau looked up at the stars again, tilting his head to look for a new constellation. "Hmmm, do you see anything else up there, Glad?" he asked. Gladion scanned the sky, squinting at a certain collection of stars. He traced them with his index finger, miraculously making the mental image of an Eevee's face. "I see...an Eevee, over there," he said, drawing Hau's attention. He tilted his head at it and squinted his eyes as well. "Hmm, I don't see an Eevee, but I do see a Floette." Gladion snickered again, "How do you see a Floette?" "How do you see an Eevee?" "It's right there!" Hau suddenly frowned as his eyes lit up. The odd reaction made Gladion's smile fall with worry as he raised a brow at his friend. "What's wrong?" Hau shook his head rapidly to shake himself out of the internal epiphany he appeared to be having. Then, he beamed and grinned widely again, "I-I just remembered something! Stand up, I wanna try it with you!" Gladion was perplexed by this, but didn't hesitate to rise to his feet alongside his companion. Hau approached him, suddenly excited for some reason. "It's a trick I learned from my mom. I think I remember how to do it." Gladion sneered at this, "O-Ok...it won't hurt, will it?" Hau waved his hands back and forth frantically, "Oh, no no no! Totally pain-free, I promise! She once told me that the eyes are like...a window to the soul. So if you read them like you read palms, you can tell a lot about someone!" "Really? C-Can you read mine?" "Sure I can! Give me your hands." Hau held out his palms, and Gladion gently placed his hands on top of them. His fingers curled into Hau's, and a faint blush came to his face again. Luckily, it was hardly noticeable this time. He looked into Hau's eyes, trying his best not to let his blush get any brighter than it already was. Though it was difficult when he was gazing directly into Hau's deep, dark eyes. He felt like he could stand here like this forever, really. Hau peered at him, smiling coyly as he seemed to be examining him. "Hmmm...I seee...a curious wanderer." Gladion was caught off-guard by this answer. Was he really so invested his surroundings all the time? He hadn't noticed. He tilted his head slightly, perplexed by the odd observation, "You...do?" Hau nodded, "Mmhm!" He continued his assessment without prompt, "I see someone...who's really interested in the world around him. He's smart, and he learns real quickly and real easily." Each new reading flattered Gladion more than the last. He wondered if Hau really thought these things about him, or if that was really him reading his eyes. He smiled, "Wh...what else do you see?" Hau squinted his eyes at Gladion for a moment, pouting a bit as if trying to focus. "I seeeee..." he trailed off. For a moment, he seemed to struggle to find anything else, which made Gladion's smile fade as he began to worry again. However, Hau's eyes suddenly became wide open as he peered at the older boy again. It suddenly seemed he was saddened by whatever it was he saw. And hesitantly, he continued as Gladion listened eagerly. "...I see a boy. He's...really lonely. And scared. And sometimes he does some really reckless things with the best intentions because of it." Gladion's spirits drifted down momentarily. All this was horrifyingly true. He had never felt so alone and frightened as he did being out here on these islands. Hau and his Pokémon certainly made it feel a lot less like hell, but something still felt like it was missing. But what was it? He felt like now he had everything he'd need right here. His Pokémon, his new friends, Hau. Wait...what is this feeling? He could almost swear that the whole world had disappeared except for Hau and himself. Suddenly, Hau smiled again. "But, I also see someone who's brave. A boy who's done a lot of good, and doesn't realize it," he suddenly finished. Gladion's eyes glazed over as he tried his hardest not to let himself cry. He had no words for what Hau had just said. He felt touched and yet, he also felt relieved. Did Hau really think he was brave? Had he truly done as much good as Hau said? Arceus, he would give anything for that to be the truth. He had done so much wrong. Screwed up so much. He'd give anything if he could make a change for the better. Hau took his silence and his reaction poorly. He instantly recoiled, loosening his grip on Gladion's hands. "...A-Ah...sorry. That was...too far, wasn't it?" Gladion snapped out of his trance at this. He didn't know how to respond, unfortunately. It was a little far into his head, he will admit. Though, was it really a bad thing? Then, a strange idea came to him and he pulled Hau's hands up to get his attention, "...C...Can I..." The younger boy tilted his head at him curiously, wondering what it was he wanted to say. Finally, he got it out. "...Can I try it?" "You...want to read my eyes?" The blonde nodded, "Mmhm. I-I don't think I'll be as good as you, but⁠—" Hau waved one of his hands back and forth again, "No no! I'm sure you'd be fine! It's not hard! G-Go ahead..." He brought his hand back down to grip the one he had let go of, staring carefully at Gladion. The older boy nodded again, and stared back into his eyes. "O-Ok...I'll try my best..." he muttered. He stared for a long minute, before his head started filling up with numerous thoughts. He wasn't sure if it was because the reading was working, or if his heart was the one speaking when he began assessing Hau. "I see...a boy who's very happy, and optimistic. Always smiling, even in the worst of times. His happiness is...infectious, really." He smiled shyly, his blush getting a bit more noticeable. But Hau was blissfully oblivious to it, grinning and beaming excitedly. The mere idea that his upbeat attitude had a remote affect on his friend made him burst with joy. "Really?" he gasped. Gladion couldn't help but scoff in a slight chortle again, "Yeah~. And I see more, too." Hau couldn't help but bounce up and down with anticipation. "Tell me, tell me!" The older boy chuckled, "Ok, ok~! Stay still." Hau forced himself to stand perfectly still, though he was still trembling a bit from the excitement. He could hardly contain his goofy grin. Gladion smirked coyly, deciding to have some fun with the cute bundle of joy. "Mmm...I see a real airhead. Someone who must jump into things without thinking about it even more than I do. He's very enthusiastic to say the least. And I also see someone who can get a little too ahead of himself sometimes~" he teased, barely able to contain his chuckles between words. "H-Hey!" Hau couldn't help but chuckle despite the mockery. "I'm not done yet~" "You're just making fun of me, you jerk~!" "Shhhh, stay still." Hau tried his best yet again to remain still. It was a bit easier this time, but this time he was mostly trying to contain his laughter. His face was flushing again, most likely from his struggle to keep quiet. Gladion began in a teasing voice again, causing Hau to snort, "I seeee~..." He trailed off suddenly, when Hau squeezed his hands to release some of the adrenaline coursing through him. It was a small gesture, and he probably hadn't even noticed he'd done it. Still, it snapped Gladion right back out of his playful attitude. The air felt really different now. He stared deep into Hau's eyes, his smirk fading as his eyes glimmered. Why was his heart racing all of the sudden? This was just some silly game, wasn't it? And yet, it felt like more than that. He tried again to get his words out, but his voice was a bit shakier this time, "I...see..." He couldn't finished again, and Hau noticed. His own smile faded as he no longer struggled to keep in his laughter. He stared at Gladion curiously. Had he seen something that scared him? Just as Hau was about to ask, Gladion's eyes changed again. He seemed to see more clearly now. "...I see a boy who's a lot stronger than he looks. A lot tougher." Hau blushed a little at the sudden compliment. Why did he feel so warm so suddenly? Gladion continued with a sad look, "He's happy on the outside, but on the inside, he's kind of sad. He toughs through a lot to make others happy. He puts them over himself." Hau's expression turned sheepish at this. Even had had to admit he was indeed guilty of this. Still, it was overshadowed by the odd fuzziness he felt. Why did he feel so hot? Wait...the air is different, isn't it? How did he not notice before? "And he's never afraid of anything scary. Or the possibility that anything may go wrong. He's courageous," Gladion finished, his sad look fading away. He had a strange glint in his eyes. A look of adoration. God, those emerald eyes were so bright and beautiful. Hau couldn't possibly look away from them. Hau muttered, unable to find proper words, "G...Gladion..." Damn, what's going on? Stop reading too much into this...! This is just a game, isn't it? So then why...? Why does it feel...like something's happening here? Why is he looking at me like that? Everything's changed...my heart won't stop racing. Why...? The boys were oblivious to each other's thoughts, not even realizing they both felt it. They both felt that something was different. Something about this, whatever it was, was making them both vulnerable. Still, Gladion decided to continue onward to try to push it all back. He began stuttering as he struggled to focus, "...I-I...I see someone...that's a talented Trainer, even if he doesn't realize it. His Pokémon adore him, and he loves them back." He wasn't sure if this was even what he saw in Hau's eyes anymore. His mind was running rampant with Hau. Only Hau. He didn't even realize he was blushing so brightly that Hau could see it anymore. Though even if did realize, he wouldn't even care. Wait, why would he care? He was struggling harder now as he tried to continue coherently, "I see a boy who's kind and compassionate, who's always there for others and never there for himself. I see...a friend." Hau's eyes lit up at this reading. True as it were, Gladion had already called him his friend before. Still, it always felt so exhilarating to know he valued him so. Gladion meant everything to him, after all. It was only natural that he pined for Gladion to see him the same way, wasn't it? Oh, Arceus, what was this? Hau's cheeks glowed as he felt Gladion squeeze back at his hands. But he didn't look down. He kept his eyes trained on the emerald orbs that stared back at him. He could tell the older boy was really struggling now. Something was going through his mind, but what was it? "I-I see...I s-see..." he trailed off again. What was wrong with him? His mind was juggled with too many thoughts. He couldn't pick one. He wondered if Hau was still silent. There was a irritating distant ringing in his ears that made him think he might have been losing his mind again. He hoped he wasn't breaking down in Hau's arms right at this moment. He didn't want to do that to Hau. They were supposed to be having fun. They were laughing and smiling just a moment ago. Why was it so quiet all of the sudden? His heart skipped a beat, as his mouth moved before his brain could even process what he was saying. "...I see a boy...th-that I'm in love wi⁠—" He gasped, stopping himself before he dared finished and bringing up one of his hands to cover his mouth. His face turned bright red, and Hau's mimicked his own in this regard. Despite his efforts, the damage had already been done, and the older boy knew this as he stepped back, releasing Hau's other hand. Hau's eyes were wide, staring at his friend bewildered. Almost...horrified. No...no no no. How could he have let something like that slip out of him? He ruined everything! He couldn't face Hau. No, he didn't want to. He turned away from him, hugging himself and keeling over with shame as he hung his head. The older boy trembled, resisting the urge the cry even harder now. But he couldn't keep it up this time. Tears slid down his face against his deepest wishes. Still, he was able to withhold whimpers and sobs from escaping his lips. He didn't want to bother Hau with his trite tears. He wouldn't blame him if he locked him out of the motel room for this. Hau reached his hand up to the older boy, but stopped himself when he had turned away. He slowly put it down, staring at his friend with worried eyes. He could tell his friend was shaken. Was that just the slip of the tongue? Or did he truly mean what he had said? Perhaps it was both. Hau was sure it couldn't have just been a mistake. The way that Gladion looked at him, the way his eyes changed...it all felt real. Was this why the air was different? Was this why it was so quiet just now? A determined glint shone in his eyes suddenly. He knew he couldn't just let Gladion stand there and suffer if what he said was how he truly felt. Hau wanted to tell him the truth too, like he should have to begin with. He approached Gladion slowly, gently reaching out his hand again to touch one of Gladion's. He whispered gently to his companion, hoping to soothe him by remaining calm with him. "Can I...start over...? I forgot something..." he whispered. The blonde peered at him curiously, his brow raised in confusion. "H...huh...?" "Just trust me..." Hau didn't really noticed that he had been crying until he stood up straight and turned to face him again. It shocked him for a moment, but he didn't let it distract him. Instead of grabbing onto Gladion's hands again, he reached up and caressed his cheek gently. He swiped his thumb along his cheek briefly, causing Gladion to blush as his eyes widened with shock. The touch was odd, but he much enjoyed how the contact felt. Hau smiled gently as he began reading Gladion's eyes again. "...I can see a boy. He's taller than me, and older than me, and smarter than me too. He likes to read, and it's really cute how excited he gets about books. His smile is..." he blushed a bit before continuing, "It's beautiful. And when he's happy, it makes me happy." The older boy's eyes glimmered as his tears began to dry up. His heart was racing again as he listened to Hau's words. His face turned red again however, when Hau brought up his other hand to brush Gladion's bangs out of his face. "...I see a boy, that I..." Is this really happening...? If I'm dreaming, please don't wake me up... "Th-that I've loved since we began travelling together." Gladion's eyes lit up with a brightness the likes of which Hau had never witnessed before. Though his tears began shedding again as he trembled once more. His voice was shaky as he called out his companion's name, "H-Hau..." Hau could only think to try to wipe away the endless stream of tears that slid down Gladion's face. He made no progress, but he refused to give up. It took the older boy a few moments to process what Hau had said, before he finally gave a proper response. "You...you t-truly...m-mean that...?" "Of course I do." It all almost seemed completely perfect. Gladion's heart had ached for so long. He pined for someone, anyone to love him. He had been deprived any attention, any care for years now. And yet, Hau was so willing to give it without condition. Wiling to give it so often, and promise him almost every day now that he'd never abandon him. That was the one barrier that had kept him from trusting in Hau the most. His mother had already damaged him so much it was near impossible to reach his heart. And yet, Hau still wouldn't give up on him. He wouldn't leave, no matter how much danger they were in. No matter how much risk Gladion was to him. No matter if he knew the full story or not. He had always been there to help Gladion when others wouldn't. The older boy never realized before how much he needed Hau. How much he needed to hear those words. How much he adored the peppy, vibrant boy. He wanted to smile and laugh along with him. He wanted to feel at peace again. And Hau allowed him feel that way. Hau noticed Gladion grip at his hoodie tightly. It seemed he was struggling to decide something still. He looked into his eyes again, "What is it...?" Gladion bit his lip, struggling to figure out the answer to that question. His head was so fuzzy. His chest was fuzzy too. "I just...I-I want..." he trailed off. His inability to reach an answer was beginning to frustrate him. What did he want? What more was there for him to...Suddenly, it hit him like a train as he stared at Hau with infatuated eyes. "I think...I want to kiss you." "...Then kiss me." Gladion leaned closer to Hau's face, his eyes fluttering shut. Hau leaned up as well, meeting him halfway as they locked their lips in their first kiss. Hau brought his hands down, wrapping them around Gladion's neck. The older boy wrapped his own arms around Hau, pulling him closer as he deepened the kiss. His tears had completely dried themselves at this point. All he felt was pure bliss. And Hau felt the same, hoping to Arceus that this moment would never end. But alas, air was still an important resource. Eventually, they had to part their kiss to breathe. They pressed their heads together, gazing into each other's eyes endlessly as they tried to catch their breath. Hau was the first to do so as he spoke up. "E aho, Gladion. I'll be here as long as you need me. I promise you," he whispered lovingly. Gladion couldn't help but smile at the sentiment. "Thank you, Hau. I'm glad...that you're still here with me," he whispered back. "Of course...how many times do I gotta tell you, you big dummy?" "I know...we're...friends." "Well...we're more than that, now." "Hm...I like the sound of that~"
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dadbodosamu · 3 years
the ojiros
Aran Ojiro x Cis!Fem Reader x Kita Shinsuke
WARNINGS: Poly relationship, housewife talk, double penetration, daddy kink, sir kink, brat reader, light degradation, like three spanks, dumbification, wombfucking, mention of blood (not graphic), breeding, creampie, cum inflation, cum eating, snowballing, m/m kissing
3.9k words, literally the loosest definition of edited
“Oh, ho, it’s my big city girl,” Aran said as you walked into Shinsuke’s farmhouse.
“Be quiet,” you said, waving him off as you leaned down to peck his lips.
“It’s my sweet girl,” Shinsuke said, walking into the living room from the kitchen. He was drying his hands on a washcloth and had no doubt just come in from the fields.
“Hey, baby,” you greeted as Shinsuke wrapped his arms around your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his lips.
“Oh, so I get a ‘be quiet’ while Shin gets a ‘hey, baby’ and an embrace,” Aran said. “So yer racist?”
“Hush up, Aran,” Shinsuke said, throwing the wash cloth at him.
You climbed into Aran’s lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing his cheek.
“Is that better?” You asked. Aran smiled widely and nodded.
“How was Tokyo?” Shinsuke asked, sitting next to Aran on the couch.
“Busy,” you said. “I’m glad to be home.”
“I’m glad yer home,” Shinsuke said. “Especially since this one has to leave in two weeks.” Shinsuke elbowed Aran lightly.
“For the Olympics,” Aran said. “S’hardly fair to hold it against me.”
“Ya know we’ll be rootin’ fer ya,” Shinsuke said, rubbing Aran’s shoulder.
“Yeah, we’ll be cheering for you the whole time,” you agreed.
“Thanks,” Aran said, nuzzling into your neck and pressing a kiss against your skin.
Shinsuke cleared his throat.
“Thank ya, too,” Aran said, leaning over and pecking Shinsuke’s lips.
“You better beat Argentina,” you said. “Oikawa will never let me live it down if he beats you.”
“I promise we’ll beat Argentina,” Aran said, smiling. “How could we not with all the talent we have on the team?”
“Good,” you said, kissing his cheek again. “Now, our show should be coming on any minute.”
“Don’t ya want dinner first? After being on the train all day?” Shinsuke asked.
“What are we having?” You asked.
“Tonkotsu ramen,” Shinsuke said.
“We can eat first,” you said. You stood up from Aran’s lap and stretched before wandering to the kitchen.
“Help me prepare the vegetables?” Aran asked, following after you. You nodded.
“Let me change out of my work clothes first,” you said, looking down at your pristine, white top.
You walked up the steps towards the bedroom and quickly changed into a shirt of Shinsuke and an old pair of Inarizaki sweats that the boys had long since outgrown.
You bounced back downstairs where Aran was chopping carrots and Shinsuke was pouring pork broth into a pot. You kissed their cheeks before grabbing a knife and chopping an onion carefully.
“Noodles, sweet girl?” Shinsuke asked, glancing at you.
You grabbed the noodles and handed them to Shinsuke, who pulled you into him and held you tightly.
“I really missed ya,” he mumbled into your hair. “I’m tired of ya havin’ to leave me every other week.”
“I know, baby,” you said, looking up at him. “I missed you, too.”
“Quit yer job,” Aran said, coming up behind you. He brushed your hair away from your neck and kissed your exposed shoulder. “Me an’ Shin make more than enough to support ya.”
“I’d get bored,” you said as Shinsuke and Aran kissed either side of your neck.
“Ya can get a job in town,” Shinsuke said. “Or ya can help me with the farm.”
“We can keep ya busy,” Aran said. “Ya can come with me when I travel fer games.”
“Tempting,” you said as they both licked and sucked at your neck. “Especially when I have two strong, good looking men asking.”
“Then do it,” Shinsuke said. “Say ya’ll quit yer job.”
“Ya don’t even like it,” Aran said. Shinsuke chose that moment to bite down on the spot he’d been teasing.
“Shin!” You gasped.
“Quit yer job and be our sweet, lil housewife,” Shinsuke said, licking over the tender bite mark.
“Come on, darlin’,” Aran said. His hands ran down your sides before one came to rest at your hip and the other wandered beneath your sweat pants. “No panties? Naughty girl.”
“The food,” you gasped out as Aran rubbed two fingers around your clit. Shinsuke reluctantly pulled away from you and turned the stove off before attaching himself to you.
“Say ya will quit yer job,” Shinsuke said, tugging your shirt up. You lifted your arms, allowing him to remove your shirt and throw it to an unknown corner of the kitchen. Aran pinched your sensitive clit, making you gasp.
“Fine!” You exclaimed. “I’ll quit my job!”
“That’s my sweet girl,” Shinsuke said. He tilted your chin up and kissed you deeply. You moaned into his mouth as Aran rubbed your clit harder.
“Good girl,” Aran mumbled into your neck.
“Aran,” you moaned, leaning your head back on his shoulder. Your legs shook and your knees threatened to buckle. Shinsuke held you upright as Aran continued his teasing.
“Gonna cum just from his fingers, sweet girl?” Shinsuke asked. You nodded weakly.
“Just, just a little more,” you breathed. Aran moved his fingers faster.
“Cum on his fingers like a good girl,” Shinsuke said. “Come on, I know ya can do it, be a good girl fer us.”
“Fuck, fuck!” You exclaimed. Your eyes rolled back as your stomach tightened and the coil finally snapped. Your juices gushed out, running down your thighs.
“Let’s get her t’ bed,” Aran said, pulling his hand away from your cunt.
“Come on, sweet girl,” Shinsuke said, sweeping you up in his arms. He carefully carried you upstairs to the bedroom. He laid you on the king sized bed. He and Aran looked down at you, eyes tracing your body.
“Gonna take us both, tonight?” Aran asked. You nodded.
“I want you both in me,” you said. “Want you to stretch my cunt out.”
“Fuck,” Shinsuke hissed, palming his cock through his jeans. He pulled his shirt off and stripped out of his jeans, standing just in his boxers as Aran stripped down.
“Who’s on bottom?” Aran asked.
“I should go first,” Shinsuke said. “Let her get used to the stretch first.”
“Yeah, okay,” Aran said, pumping his cock, slowly. Aran was longer than Shinsuke by barely an inch but Shinsuke was thicker by far. You’d always struggled to take him when you’d first got with him.
Shinsuke crawled up on the bed, pulling your sweats off before laying next to you. He was leaned up against the headboard and patted his thigh.
“Come on, sweet girl, sit on Daddy’s cock,” Shinsuke said. You carefully straddled his hips, reaching down to line his cock up with your entrance.
“Take Daddy’s cock like a good girl, okay?” Aran said, crawling up behind you. You nodded and whimpered as the fat head of Shinsuke’s cock stretched out your hole.
“Daddy,” you whimpered. “Fuck, it’s so fat, stretching me out so good.”
“Take more of me, baby,” Shinsuke said, grabbing your hips. He forced you down, pushing more of his cock in your tight hole. Your eyes rolled back.
“Yer takin’ him so well, jus’ swallowin’ him up,” Aran said. You moaned as you sank down, taking Shinsuke’s cock completely.
“That’s my sweet girl,” Shinsuke said, letting his head fall back against the headboard. “Fuck, don’t-dont move yet. So tight around me, fuck.”
“Been too long,” you moaned. “Need your cock everyday.”
“Oh, sweet girl, I’ll give ya my cock whenever ya want it, now that yer gonna be our sweet, lil housewife,” Shinsuke said. “Gonna fill ya up every night until ya get too swollen with our babies.”
You moaned as Shinsuke adjusted, giving Aran a better angle to stretch you out.
“Start stretchin’ her out,” Shinsuke said. Aran ran a finger around your stretched out hole and then wiggled it in next to Shinsuke’s cock.
You hissed at the stretch.
“Maybe loosen her up a bit,” Aran said, pulling away.
You quietly moaned as Shinsuke guided your hips up.
“Bounce on my cock, sweet girl,” Shinsuke said.
“Don’t wanna,” you said. “Want Daddy to fuck me.”
“Don’t be a brat,” Aran said, landing a stinging slap to your ass.
“Daddy!” You yelped.
“Be nice, Aran,” Shinsuke said. “My baby wants Daddy to fuck her.”
Shinsuke easily flipped you over, pushing your knees against your chest. You moaned as he pressed into you slowly.
“Shin,” you moaned, clenching your fists in the blanket beneath you. He rolled his hips with experienced ease, the head of his fat cock pressing against your cervix.
“So tight, baby, how are ya supposed to take both of us in this tiny, little hole?” Shinsuke asked.
“I can do it,” you said, pouting. Shinsuke grabbed your protruding lip, forcing your mouth open and shoving three, thick fingers against your tongue.
“Sweet girls don’t pout,” he said as your tongue swirled around his fingers. “Aren’t ya my sweet girl?”
You nodded, breathing heavily as he pulled his fingers out of your mouth.
“She’s a brat,” Aran said, slowly pumping his cock from where he kneeled beside Shinsuke.
“‘m not a brat,” you argued. “I’m daddy’s sweet girl.”
“That’s right,” Shinsuke said. He reached down, slowly rubbing your clit.
“Daddy,” you keened, arching your back and throwing your head back.
“Nuh-uh, look at Daddy,” Aran said, leaning forward and grabbing your hair. He forced your head up, and you watched as Shinsuke slowly thrusted in you.
“Wish ya could see how well yer cunt swallows my fat cock,” Shinsuke said. You whined.
“Let me grab the camera,” Aran said, reaching over to a bedside table and grabbing his cell phone. Shinsuke tore his fingers from your swollen clit, grabbing the phone and angling it towards your cunt.
You moaned as he forced his cock deeper, stretching your walls until it burned.
“Look at that,” Shinsuke said, turning the phone and showing you the video of his girthy cock splitting your tiny cunt open.
“Want more,” you said, unable to tear your eyes from the video. Already a ring of your creamy juices had formed around the base of his cock and you desperately wanted to see how your poor, little cunt would look stretched around two, big cocks.
“Ya ready t’ take both of us?” Aran asked.
You nodded. “Wanna be so full.”
“Come ‘ere, baby,” Shinsuke said, flipping the two of you back over. You moaned as you sank back down on his cock.
Aran crawled between Shinsuke’s legs. He pressed his large hand on the small of your back, forcing it to arch. He placed a small kiss at the base of your neck before slowly pushing a finger in next to Shinsuke’s cock.
“Sir,” you moaned, arching your back more as Aran curled his finger against your walls.
“So fuckin’ loose,” Aran sneered. “Surprised Shin doesn’t just slip out of this slutty, little hole.”
“G’head and add another finger,” Shinsuke said.
Aran slipped in another finger with little resistance. You moaned softly as he twisted his fingers. You breathed deeply, relaxing against Shinsuke’s chest.
“More,” you breathed as you wrapped your arms around Shinsuke. “Sir, I want more, please.”
“Already? What a whore, one cock just isn’t enough for this hole,” Aran said, adding a third finger slowly.
“Not a whore,” you mumbled.
Aran laughed. “Oh? Yer beggin’ fer more and Shin’s already balls deep in yer cunt. What are ya then? Daddy’s sweet girl?”
“I am Daddy’s sweet girl,” you insisted.
“But yer my whore,” Aran said, smacking your ass.
“Think she’s ready?” Shinsuke asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Aran said, spreading his fingers out and stretching you even more. You moaned as Aran pulled his fingers out and Shinsuke slowly pulled his cock out.
You opened your mouth to whine when you felt two blunt heads against your stretched hole. You shuttered as they slowly pushed in. Goosebumps spread along your arms and your mouth fell open with a moan.
“Such a sweet sound,” Shinsuke cooed. You moaned again as his rough hands caressed your sides. “Takin’ us so well, sweet girl.”
“Yer slutty hole is practically suckin’ us in,” Aran said.
“Daddy, Sir, I feel so full,” you said. Your head fell against Shinsuke’s shoulder.
“Aw, baby, we’re not even halfway in,” Shinsuke said. You whimpered as they pushed in a few inches deeper.
“Can’t,” you whined. “Can’t take anymore.”
“I thought ya wanted to take us both,” Aran said, tangling his fingers in your hair. He pulled your head back. “Yer my lil whore, ya can take it.”
“Hurts,” you said, pouting.
“No pouting,” Shinsuke said. Aran slapped your ass and they slipped deeper in you.
“Daddy!” You exclaimed as they bottomed out.
“Fuck, yer so tight,” Shinsuke groaned, leaning his head back on the headboard.
“Fuckin’ chokin’ my cock,” Aran said with a grunt.
“Don’t-Don’t move,” you breathed. “Please.”
Shinsuke pulled you into a sloppy kiss, his tongue sliding against your own and a mix of both of your spit running down your chins.
“Come here,” Aran said, pulling you away from Shinsuke.
You whined until Aran tilted your head and kissed you roughly, biting your bottom lip and tongue fighting for dominance against yours.
“I gotta move,” Shinsuke said, groaning as he wiggled his hips.
“No, Daddy, no,” you whined. “Not yet.”
“‘m sorry, sweet girl,” Shinsuke said, grabbing your hips. He slowly dragged his cock against your fluttering walls.
“Oh!” You moaned. Your head fell back against Aran’s shoulder. “More, more!”
Once Shinsuke was once again deep inside you, Aran pulled out.
“Her fuckin’ cunt almost won’t let me pull out,” Aran groaned. His eyes rolled back as he and Shinsuke rutted into you at the same time. “Shin, fuck, I can’t take it.”
“Let’s just set a pace,” Shinsuke said, breathing heavily as he dug his calloused fingers into your skin. Soon, the boys fell into a steady if not a little fast, pace. Aran moved a beat or two behind Shinsuke, meaning Shinsuke’s head hit against your cervix and a second later Aran’s head was pressing against it. You never had a second of emptiness as the boys barely pulled out before thrusting back into your wet heat.
“So fuckin’ addictin’,” Shinsuke said, burying his cock in you to the hilt. “This pussy is what I imagine cocaine feels like.”
“Nah, this pussy is heaven,” Aran said, bullying his cock against your cervix.
You couldn’t speak as they abused your cunt. All you could think about was the delicious stretch and the fucking addicting way their cocks dragged against your walls.
“What’s the matter, baby? Can’t speak?” Shinsuke asked, grabbing your chin as drool spilled over your bottom lip.
“Look at her, not a thought in her empty head,” Aran said, rapping his knuckle against your skull. You moaned.
“We fucked her stupid,” Shinsuke said, smiling at you. “Our dumb, lil baby.”
“Da—“ your word trailed off into a moan as Aran reached around and pressed two fingers against your neglected clit. Shinsuke laughed at your dazed face and hazy eyes.
“Dumb lil slut,” Aran grunted, forcing his cock deeper.
“She’s our lil dummy,” Shinsuke said. He lightly slapped your cheek. “Come on, baby, wake up.”
“Harder,” you mumbled, only slightly coming to.
“Ya heard her,” Aran said. He thrusted faster, drilling his hips against your ass. Shinsuke wasted no time, holding your hips tightly as he matched Aran’s pace. They moved oppositely, one pulling out as the other pushed in. You lost track of who was who as you collapsed against Shinsuke, moaning and whimpering as their cock heads pounded against your cervix, threatening to break into your womb. While you and Aran had tried wombfucking a handful of times, you’d never experienced it when it was all three of you.
“Gonna break,” you moaned weakly. Aran bit his bottom lip, thrusting harder and deeper.
“Gonna fuck past yer cervix,” he grunted. “Yeah? Ya want me t’ break ya?”
“Please, Sir, please, please, please,” you begged, struggling to stay upright. You pushed your hands against Shinsuke’s chest, digging your perfectly painted fingernails into his tanned skin.
“Oh, fuck,” Shinsuke groaned as your nails dragged down his pecs. A drop or two of blood beaded up from the scratches. “Fuck, yer such a good girl.”
“Daddy, break me,” you moaned. “Want you to break me.”
“What does she mean?” Shinsuke asked.
“She wants you to fuck through her cervix,” Aran said. He grunted as his cock finally broke through.
“Aran!” You screamed. Your eyes rolled back and your vision went black as you creamed around their cocks.
“Oh, fuck,” Shinsuke swore. “That’s my girl, milk our cocks. Fuck, my sweet girl.”
“Hah, haa,” you moaned, still cumming. Your arms and legs shook as Aran pulled out and Shinsuke forced his way past your cervix. “Daddy, fuck, you’re so deep!”
“In yer womb, isn’t that right, sweet girl?” Shinsuke asked, pushing down on where his cock forced your stomach to bulge out.
Aran still thrusted in and out of you as Shinsuke stayed buried in your womb.
“Your cock feels so good against mine,” Shinsuke moaned. Aran nodded and thrusted faster.
“Fuck, wanna cum,” Aran said, moving his fingers on your clit faster. “Wanna cum deep inside ya, knock ya up with our babies.”
“Please, Sir,” you begged. Shinsuke finally moved, just in time for Aran to bury himself balls deep in you, head of his cock past your cervix as he filled your womb with his hot cum.
Shinsuke groaned as he felt Aran’s cock pumping cum out against his own cock. You moaned high pitched as Aran’s cock spurted more and more cum in you.
“Gonna cum,” Shinsuke said, thrusting shallowly. Aran finished with a gasp and slowly pulled out, allowing Shinsuke to force himself deeper.
“Fill me up, Daddy,” you breathed. “Wanna be swollen with your cum.”
“Sweet girl, I’m gonna give it to ya,” Shinsuke said. You whimpered as he forced the fat head of his cock past your cervix before the first rope of cum spurted out, joining Aran’s cum.
“Oh, oh,” you moaned, letting your forehead head fall against Shinsuke’s. He was looking down at where his skin melded with yours, hands still pushing against where your stomach was distended from his fat cock.
“Gonna look pregnant when I’m finished,” Shinsuke muttered, cum still pouring from his cock, filling your womb up. “Fuck.” His cock twitched weakly, forcing one last rope of cum out.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you on his cock as it softened inside your walls.
“Gotta keep it in ya, make sure it’ll take,” Shinsuke whispered as he gazed into your eyes.
You whimpered as he finally pulled you off of his soft cock, laying you in between him and Aran. Aran shoved a pillow under your hips, angling them upwards to stop their cum from leaking out.
“‘m so full,” you said, rubbing your lower stomach. The cum inside you made you look and feel bloated.
“It’s like a lil sneak peak of how ya’ll look when yer carryin’ our babies,” Aran said. Shinsuke stayed silent, but stared at your swollen stomach with wide, glassy eyes.
The three of you laid silently for a while before Shinsuke finally rolled out of bed and walked into the attached bathroom.
“Let me clean ya up,” Shinsuke said, coming back with a warm, wet cloth. He spread your legs, crawling between them. He removed the pillow and pressed down on your lower stomach, forcing all of their cum out of you.
You sighed as you felt their cum pour out of your cunt.
��Fuck, what a sight,” Shinsuke said, watching as their cum dropped out of your abused hole and down your slit. Aran silently handed him the phone and Shinsuke started filming as he carefully scooped the cum up with his fingers and forced it back inside you. You moaned.
“So fuckin’ full of us,” Shinsuke said, scissoring his fingers in and out of you. “No way yer not pregnant after that.”
Aran crawled down the bed, watching Shinsuke repeatedly force their cum out only to push it back in.
“Ya need to clean her up,” Aran said. You whimpered and nodded.
“Show me how,” Shinsuke said, moving to the side and letting Aran in his previous spot.
“A good way to start is like this,” Aran said. He spread your legs wider and leaned down, licking deep in your hole.
“Aran!” You exclaimed, hands shooting down to push his head away. Aran ignored you as Shinsuke grabbed your hands, forcing them away.
“Let Aran clean ya up, baby,” Shinsuke said. You cried out as Aran’s scruff rubbed against your inner thighs and his tongue scooped out the cum inside of you. He made loud, lewd slurping noises as he swallowed the mix of his and Shinsuke’s cum. His nose nudged your clit and your legs were already shaking.
“Want a taste, pretty baby?” Aran asked, looking up at you. You nodded. Aran leaned back down, pressing on your lower stomach, forcing cum into his mouth. He leaned over you, grabbing your cheeks and forcing your mouth open before letting the silvery white cum drip out of his mouth and into yours.
You moaned at the taste of both of them. Swallowing the cum down, you whined.
“More, I want more,” you said. Aran crawled back down, taking more cum in his mouth. As he leaned up, Shinsuke grabbed his chin and pulled him into a messy kiss. Shinsuke groaned into the kiss, and you could see his tongue as he scooped the cum from Aran’s mouth into his own.
“I think it’s nice to share,” Shinsuke said, breathlessly as he pulled away.
Your pupils were blown from watching your boys. Each of them had a mix of cum and spit covering their lips and chin. You leaned up, first pulling Shinsuke into a messy kiss, licking the cum from his lips and sucking on his tongue before pulling Aran into an equally messy kiss.
“We better clean ya up for real before we end up makin’ a bigger mess,” Aran said, leaning his forehead against yours. He pecked your lips before taking the now cold washcloth from Shinsuke and wiping your cunt and thighs down.
Aran got up, going into the bathroom before returning with a clean washcloth and wiping his and Shinsuke’s faces clean.
“Come here,” Aran said, holding his arms open as he laid back on the bed. You and Shinsuke both cuddled up to him on either side, resting your hands on Aran’s chest.
“I love you two,” you said, burying your head in Aran’s neck. You pressed a small kiss to his skin.
“I love ya both” Aran said, kissing your forehead. He turned to his other side, pressing a kiss to Shinsuke’s forehead.
“I love ya two,” Shinsuke said, pressing a kiss on the other side of Aran’s neck.
“Three soon,” you said. Shinsuke and Aran both smiled widely.
“Three soon,” Shinsuke echoed, reaching over and rubbing your stomach.
“Maybe more,” Aran said, eyeing your stomach. You smiled.
“That’s alright with me,” you said.
“More hands to work the farm,” Shinsuke said.
“I think ya mean more members for our family volleyball team,” Aran said.
“No reason they can’t do both,” you said. “The Ojiro Farmers sounds like a Division 1 V league team to me.”
“Just gotta make y’all Ojiros first,” Aran said, hugging you two closer to him.
“Aran Ojiro, Shinsuke Ojiro, and Y/n Ojiro. The Ojiros,” Shinsuke said. “Sounds good to me.”
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cadmusfly · 2 years
🍓 belatedly, perhaps
Send me a strawberry and I will compliment you with the weirdest compliments, the weird compliment stuff isn’t actually a part of the ask game it’s just part of who i am as a person but also because I am tired and haven’t gone to bed yet but I will after this also i keep spelling compliment as complement because my brain is full of boats.
I was looking at my AO3 page recently because of that post about “what’s the lowest amount of hits one of your fics has” and then I remembered you wrote a gift for me and was like awwwww friend but also even if our fandom paths have diverged you are still a very cool person who i am glad to talk to occasionally
Like we wrote some really weird messed up stuff in our old shared fandom and sometimes wrote weird messed up stuff at each other and I recall those days fondly like I’m a grandpa sitting on the porch remembering good old days of wild headcanons and blood and guts in a fandom that was frankly kinda a Wild West because of how much the fandom just took the most smallest and most insignificant of details and went hella nuts with it and you were one of the cowboys who was rootin tootin and shootin and I was also a cowboy and there were other cowboys and the town was big enough for all of us, man, a Wild West of dysfunctional characters who crashed into each other with the might of shooting stars that the fandom forged out of the tiniest scraps
at least until the people who made the town burned it down
but the Wild West will always be part of my heart and you were a part of that wilderness
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magics-protector · 4 years
The Mate of the Trickster
Tumblr media
Pairing: Gabriel x HalfDragon!Reader 
Warnings/Notes: none really, kind of a Soulmate AU i guess
Summary: Following the events of 13x17, Gabriel, with the aid of Ketch, breaks free from Asmodeus’ hold. However, there is an even bigger problem he faces: his girlfriend, who thinks he’s dead. 
It was kind of relieving for Gabriel; watching Asmodeus beat the crap out of someone else for a change.
Yet, it was also terrifying, to say the least.
Once Asmodeus had finished beating Ketch to a pulp, he monologued about them being the same, typical villain style, and how Ketch belonged to him before leaving the two men alone.
All Gabriel could do was hope that Asmodeus didn't return for a while and that, if he did, that he wasn't next to face the demon prince’s wrath.
Ketch was hunched against a pillar across from Gabriel's cell, pulling what remained of a bloody, broken tooth from his mouth. He leaned over to his left, moaning in pain and spitting out blood, he glanced up and saw Gabriel staring wide-eyed at him.
"What are you looking at?" He grumbled. "If I had half your power, I'd..." Ketch looked away in thought and then looked around. "In fact..." He said.
Ketch stood up and went straight to Gabriel's cage, causing Gabriel to shrink back away from the bars.
"I believe it's time to go." Ketch grasped the bottom part of the bars and lifted, opening the cell. He leaned down and looked at Gabriel. "Consider this a rescue." He turned around and went to the lockers that Asmodeus kept Gabriel's archangel blade and went back to Gabriel, who huddled further into the corner, whimpering.
"Come on, you. Come on!" Ketch beckoned Gabriel towards him, but got no compliance. Ketch, done with Gabriel’s attitude to the situation, then grabbed the archangel’s ankle and pulled him out of the cell, while Gabriel frantically resisted.
Ketch pulled Gabriel through the hallway and said, "This would all go so much faster if you just flapped your bloody wings."
They turned the corner and ran into a Demon, whom Ketch killed with the blade. He turned back to Gabriel, "Where were we?", grabbed his arm, pulling him along, Gabriel still struggled.
"Would you calm down?" Ketch snapped. "I'm taking you to somewhere safe. To the Winchesters. You remember them, right?"
Gabriel struggled some more.
"They're much different from when you saw them last, I assure you. Now that they've got that dragon-woman back with them."
Gabriel stopped struggling. She was with the Winchesters and, more importantly, still alive. Knowing that made him feel somewhat better.
Thoughts raced around his mind as Ketch pulled him along; was she alright? Did she remember him? Would she forgive him?
He met her back when he was pretending to be that university janitor. He knew she was his from the moment he laid eyes on her; her beautiful face, her hair, god her eyes. He fell in love then and there, but she wouldn’t give in without a fight.  He knew she knew what he was to her but her stubbornness had pulled her away from him, her love for the men she called family and what he had done to them made for a rocky relationship. But, all the tension and false hatred came to a stunning conclusion after a very complicated argument, which led to a night that would put Casa Erotica to shame.  
For years, they hid their relationship from the two hunters she called 'the brothers she never wanted but was glad to have' and Heaven, seeing as an archangel and a human-dragon hybrid being together would upset a lot of people up there. And it did, immensely.
When the boys found out, shit hit the fan, but they had come to accept it with great difficulty, after seeing how happy he made her.
When he 'died', he knew it would kill her inside but everything he did was to protect her. She wasn't there that night, Gabriel and the Winchesters agreed on that.
She would be a great asset to have, but Lucifer could have used or hurt her and the three of them couldn't stand that. She meant too much to all of them.
As Ketch led them to the exit of Asmodeus’ stronghold, Gabriel could only hope and pray that she could forgive him.
"Man, I can't believe you almost became an inter-dimensional booty-call, Dean." Y/N laughed as she and the Winchester brothers walked down the steps of the bunker.
Dean chuckled. "That's something I never thought would happen."
"Well." Sam said as they plopped their bags on the table. "We have the Seal. Right? So, all we need now is an archangel, and we're set."
Y/N frowned, sadly, her thoughts went back to Gabriel. How she missed him.
"Sure, that sounds easy." Dean grumbled.
Y/N looked over to the library and put her arms out in front of her, setting them ablaze.
Sam and Dean drew their guns at Ketch, who stood in the library entrance with his arms up in surrender. "Wait." Ketch said. "I come in peace."
"Yeah, right." Y/N growled.
"And I brought you a gift." He leaned down and from behind the wall, pulled Gabriel out into the open.
Y/N's  eyes widened and her flames extinguished. "Gabriel?" She asked, her voice cracked.
He looked at her with wide eyes.
She took a few long strides over to where Ketch placed Gabriel down onto a chair and placed her hand on his cheek, her full attention on the broken angel. "Gabe..." Her eyes watered. She leaned forward enough for him to place his head on her chest. Her mood shifted quickly as she glared up at Ketch. "What did you do to him?" She growled at him, her eyes glowing white.
Ketch flinched back in fear, he raised his arms up to shield himself. "Not me. Asmodeus. The Prince was holding him prisoner until I liberated the poor man. And I understand you may need an archangel for a spell, perhaps."
Sam and Dean looked at one another before they  lowered their guns slightly.
"Well, what luck." Ketch mused.
"We need his grace." Sam said.
That one word seemed to set Gabriel off. He started to panic and shake, shrieking out which was muffled by the stitches that sealed his mouth. Y/N held his shoulders and shushed him. "Gabe, Gabe. It's ok. Shh, shh."
When Gabriel had settled, Ketch pulled out a vial of grace from his pocket and then an archangel blade.
"Why would you..." Sam thought for a second. "What's the catch? What do you want?" He demanded, his voice dry.
"Protection. From Asmodeus."
"The one you're working for?" Y/N sneered at Ketch while holding Gabriel's head lightly against her chest, his chest still heaving with fear.
"Was working for?" Ketch replied. "But when he finds out that I stole his prize milk cow, well, I imagine that he'll hunt me to the ends of the Earth. So, this is the only safe place I know." He looked around the war room.
"What? Do you think you're just gonna move in?" Sam asked.
The corners of Ketch’s mouth perked up before falling back down. “Dibs on the top bunk?" Ketch jested.
"No." Sam said, while Dean replied with “Deal.”
"What?" Sam looked to Dean.
"Look, I don't know what the hell's going on here. But if this helps up get Mom back, helps us get Jack back, then... sure. Whatever you want." Dean threw his gun on the table.
Y/N sat as still as she could while she tried to remove the stitches over Gabriel's mouth, apologizing everytime he whimpered and flinched. It killed her inside every time he flinched and whined.
When she finished, she set the knife down and ran her hands delicately over his cheeks, placing a kiss on his forehead, ignoring the dried and fresh blood.
"All right, let's do this." Dean walked in with a bag full of stuff and supplies for the spell, Sam following him closely.
"Well, shouldn't we wait?" Sam asked, unsure.
"Wait? Why?" Dean asked. "We got everything we need. Everything else is just burning daylight. Come on. Let's open this door."
Sam looked to Y/N and she looked back at him with a look of unsurity.
“All right." Sam grumbled. "I'll grab my gear."
"Uhhh...." Dean stopped Sam. "Hold on. I'm heading in alone."
Sam and Y/N looked to Dean with shocked faces.
"What?" Y/N asked.
"Look, we got a busted up archangel here. And who the hell knows what else? Okay? Somebody's gotta stay here just in case."
"And I'm coming with you." Ketch said, walking over to the group. "As I said, Asmodeus will be hunting me to the ends of the Earth, so it's better if I'm not on Earth."
"It's not much better over there." Y/N said. "You know it's a war zone, right?"
"Won't be my first, shan't be my last. Hmm?"
"Fine." Dean said.
"Fine?" Sam asked, offendedly. "So you want Ketch to go and not me?"
"I don't care if he dies. Hell, I'm kind of rootin' for it."
"Still, you can't--"
"No, I have to. It's something that's been over there before to open up the right door, so that's either you, me, or Y/N and I sure as hell know she's not going anywhere."
"Damn right, I'm not." Y/N said, as she held Gabriel close, his head nuzzled into her neck.
"So I'm gonna go." Dean said. "And if something happens to me, if -- if time runs out, then I need you two to come and save me and save Mom and save whoever else, okay?"
Sam argued, "It's safer if we go together."
"Oh, there's no such thing as safe over there. You know that. I know you don't like this, okay? I don't expect you to. This is the way it's gonna be."
Sam, reluctantly, agreed after a few minutes and started to conduct the spell. Dean put a piece of his hair in the concoction, Sam used the Seal they recieved and the portal opened. Dean and Ketch suited up and prepared to enter the vortex.
"Dean." Y/N called.
He turned to her.
"Good luck." She smiled warmly.
Dean smiled and nodded back and the two men entered the portal.
After Dean and Ketch left, Sam and Y/N moved Gabriel to Y/N's  room, where he could find comfort, and Sam left to grab some food.
Gabriel sat on their, well her, bed but now that he was back she assumed he’d stay there with her, his hands clasped with his knees pulled tight against his chest. Y/N sat across from him, staring at his worn-down face.
She wanted answers; why he left her, what happened to him, but her questions would not help the situation any further so she stayed silent.
With a low breathe, and the hope of getting some reaction out of him, she stood up and went towards the door, to find Sam, when Gabriel's hand sprung out and grabbed her wrist and he pulled her in, putting his arm around her midsection and holding her tight against his chest, his face pressed into her hair, pushing through to reach her neck.
She didn't move, it had been so long since she had even seen him, let alone touched him, so she savoured this moment before he let go and jolted to the corner of the room.
Y/N looked to him in confusion when she heard Sam and Cas' voices in the hall.
The door opened and the two men walked in.
"Cas." Y/N acknowledge the other man.
"Y/N." He greeted. He looked down to Gabriel, who was curled in the corner. "You didn't tell me it was this bad."
"Yeah, well, years of isolation and torture and Asmodeus draining his grace. Come here. Help me out." Sam walked slowly over to the dresser by the wall and placed the food tray on top of it, Cas walking slowly behind him.
"Hey, Gabriel." Sam said, softly and quietly. He placed a gentle hand on Gabriel's shoulder and within a second, Gabriel jolted.
The two men calmly and gently moved Gabriel back to the bed where he went back into his fetal position. Y/N shifted back, moving to sit beside where Cas stood, just far enough to not spook Gabriel but to also be of comfort.
Sam tried to remind Gabriel of the video he sent them but it didn't work, he remained silent.
The boys then tried to get Gabriel to take some of his old grace back but he fought against it, he pushed the two men away and bolted for the other corner of the room.
Y/N was heartbroken at the sight.
Since Gabriel was in her room, Sam let Y/N use his room for some rest.
When she woke up, she went back to her room and found Gabriel sitting criss-cross on her bed with an empty vial while Sam and Cas stood in front of him. She once again felt a stronger pull than she felt when he arrived. She walked further into the room and he looked up to her, offering her a vague smile and his arms raised a bit. She smiled and sat down in front of him, he pulled her into his arms and held her close.
But something was off when he let out a brief little growl that only she had heard, but then she remembered that angels can get particularly territorial when it comes to soulmates, and she had been sleeping in Sam’s room. She let out a small giggle and kissed the crown of her angel’s head.
Then, Sam's phone buzzed and, within seconds, he answered, putting it on speaker.
"Samuel." Asmodeus' voice said through the phone and Gabriel jumped back slightly, keeping a hand on Y/N, looking at Sam. "I hope you're having a pleasant day. It's come to my attention you boys have something that belongs to me and I'd like it back."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Sam said.
"Oh, I believe you do. And I'm-a give you one chance to return him to me. No harm, no foul."
"I'm hanging up." Sam said.
"Do not hang up on me. Gabriel is of no use to you in his current condition. Should you choose to resist me, I will have no choice but to take him by force."
Gabriel started to breathe heavy with fear.
"I will reduce you and that sad little bunker of yours to ashes. You got 10 minutes to decide. Now you can hang up."
The call ended with everyone on edge. Y/N looked back to Gabriel and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"He's not coming anywhere near here. I'll kill him first." She growled lowly, it was as though she was telling herself that. The only one to hear her was Gabriel, who shrunk closer to her.
Gabriel sat on the bed, rubbing his temples, while Y/N rubbed his back.
Sam came running back to the room after he left to touch up all the wards in the entire bunker. "All right, I did what I could to help the bunker's warding but who knows if it's enough. How's he?"
"I don't know." Cas mumbled and Y/N just shrugged her shoulders, doing her best to comfort the anxious angel.
Gabriel stopped rubbing his temples when the lights went out and the emergency lights and sirens went on.
Everyone looked around frantically and Sam and Cas ran off.
Y/N stood up and went to run when Gabriel caught her wrist with both of his hands, repeating 'no' over and over again. She looked back to see him shaking his head frantically. She leaned down, placed a gentle kiss on his lips, and said, "I'll be back." She pulled her hand out of his grasp and ran out the door.
She caught up with the boys, her hands ignited with a white flame while Sam had his gun and Cas with his angel blade.
They made their way, cautiously, to the war room when three Demons snuck up behind them.
Each one of them was preoccupied with a demon.
Y/N placed her hand on the Demon's stomach and a white flame engulfed it's body as it screamed in pain. She stood back and let the demon fall when she was forced back with Sam and Cas. She looked up and saw Asmodeus.
"You're warding wasn't designed for the likes of me, Samuel. I've come to claim what's mine."
That's when two demons entered carrying Gabriel.
Asmodeus walked up to Gabriel with a wicked smirk.
"Oh, I've missed you, boy." He said. "I'm-a have to punish you rather severely, I'm afraid."
Gabriel looked up in fear and struggled as the demons led him away.
"You stay away from him, you sick son of a bitch!”  Y/N growled, as she fought whatever power Asmodeus used to hold them to the wall.
"Y/N , stop!" Cas and Sam begged as she rose to her feet.
Asmodeus turned to her. “Ah, so this must be the Archangel's soulmate. The all powerful Dragon."
Her hands lit up with white fire. "I'm not letting you take him away from me." She snarled.
"Oh, I'm-a afraid I am, my dear. Maybe I'll take you with me. Give the angel a reason to comply while I keep a blade against your gut." He then grabbed her throat and lifted her in the air, her efforts with her magic unsuccessful.
Drowning out Sam and Cas' cries of protest, Asmodeus squeezed her neck tighter. "But, then-a-gain, it is best just to kill you now. You won't be a problem later on."
Y/N scratched at Asmodeus' arm, drawing blood from underneath the white cloth,  when she gasped out, "Gabriel."
That's when both Demons were flung off the balcony and Gabriel stood, clutching the railing.
Asmodeus looked to him in shock. "Gabriel! What are you doin', son? You know too well what I can do to you. I broke you!"
Gabriel looked up at Asmodeus with the look of a feral animal. A beaten, broken and angry feral animal.
He looked upon the man who tortured him for years now and what he sees is the horrible image of that man with his hands on his soulmate. Harming the one thing in their tiny little universe that belonged to him and him alone. That would be enough to drive a man insane.
Asmodeus was touching what was Gabriel's and now, he was going to kill him for it.
"You're too weak!" Gabriel stood tall, his injuries gone and the blood cleaned,  his wings spread out wide as sort of a way to assert his dominance.
Asmodeus dropped Y/N onto the ground and threw a ball of grace at Gabriel, which he deflected it with ease.
"Not anymore. Oh, by the way,"
Y/N looked up to Gabriel with a smile, years of unshed tears filling her eyes.
"I always hated that dumbass suit." Gabriel's eyes glowed and he pushed his hand out.
Asmodeus slowly became engulfed in flames and, while screaming in agony, quickly disappeared into a pile of nothing.
The three on the ground looked up to Gabriel and Y/N smiled. She placed her arms under her and started to lift when suddenly, she was lifted of the ground and into the arms on Gabriel. The familiar warmth of his body filling that large void in her heart.
"You're back." She whispered, tears streaming down her face. “You’re back.” She repeated, almost to try and convince herself that it was real.
"I'm back, baby, I'm ok." He whispered, holding her as close as he could.
"Whoa." Gabriel said, waving his hands quickly in front of his face. “Too much information. Okay, slow down. I'm not... processing." He sat on the edge of one of the pillars with Y/N at his feet.
"And there's more." Cas said. "Michael wants to come to this Earth and destroy it, and we may need your help to fight him."
"What?" Gabriel asked.
"Yeah." Sam said. "Welcome to the team."
"Uh... yeah. Not so much." Gabriel moved past Y/N to stand up. "I mean, thank you for the rescue and for the redemption arc. But, uh, I'm not really a team guy, so... I'm gonna bounce, okay? Um, but, you know, it's been, um... What's the opposite of fun? That."
"No, Gabriel, don't-- you-- you can't just walk away." Sam argued. "if Michael comes here, he will end this world."
"And the last time the world was ending, I put my money on you. I think you can pull it off again." Gabriel turned to leave.
"No." Castiel clenched his teeth. "You cannot turn your back on your father's creation."
Gabriel turned around and looked to Cas. "Castiel, my father turned his back on his creation. Guess it just runs in the family."
"Gabe?" Y/N's voice was soft and he looked at her, guilt swelling up at one look of her sad eyes. "Are you seriously leaving me again?"
He huffed and walked towards her. "No, never again. I'm not leaving."
Y/N  smiled.
He placed his hand on her shoulder, the other pushing a large piece of hair from her face. "Not without you."
And, before Sam and Cas could process what was happening, Gabriel took off, taking Y/N  with him.
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jojameswinter · 3 years
Finding Home update!
Chapter 12 posted here on AO3!
“So were you two just gonna have sex right there on the pool table or…?”
“What?” JJ says, half conscious of John B’s remark, his gaze fixated on Kie bending over the pool table, placing balls inside the rack. 
John B snorts, “yeah, I think I’ve become somewhat of an expert on recognizing JJ-Kie foreplay.“
“What are you goin’ on about John B?” 
“Well if you would tear your eyes away from Kie for two seconds, then I could tell ya.” 
JJ turns and glares at John B, sighing in exasperation. “Okay, just say whatever the fuck you’re trying to say.” 
“Really, I got nothin’ man. Honest. ‘Cause nothin’ I say is gonna stop you,” John B says, nodding to the bartender to get his attention. 
“Yeah? Stop me from what?”
“You know what. Having sex. Falling in love with her. Kie spiraling when she leaves.” 
“Okay, you know what man? Your girlfriend’s already assaulted me about this, so I really don’t need to hear it again,” JJ says waving his hand dismissively. 
“No, I’m serious JJ. I’m not trying to stop you.” John B holds up his shot glass, handing the other one to JJ.
JJ shrugs, downs his shot. “Fine. And??”
“And…nothing. I don’t think I have to remind you she has a boyfriend and lives in frickin’ Miami. But I’ve been watching this shit play out for like, a decade if you count the years you two pretended you weren’t in love with each other. And I’ve learned that nothing is going to stop whatever’s gonna go down between you and Kie. The two of you are…well, you’re JJ and Kie. It’s an impossible situation bro…but, I'm rootin’ for ya.”
And JJ thinks even though there’s only one person in the world who thinks he may have a shot (because he’s not sure he can even count himself), he’s glad it’s John B. 
Read the whole thing here! 
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xjoonchildx · 3 years
Omfg, Ana. This comeback has me so conflicted. Permission to Dance is so CATCHY! I love this song, the dance is funky, the best is cute, MY TWO BIASES DANCING TOGETHER, Hobi said sun’s out, guns out and I am HERE FOR IT. THEY ARE ALL SO AMAZING AND I LOVE THE VIDEO CLIP.
Based on the above, I can almost overlook the *abysmal* costume choice. I hate country with the passion of a thousand burning suns 😭 (sorry to all the Army who love country, you are valid and I love you, I just hate country music and the rootin’ tootin’ aesthetic that goes with it). I’m just so happy but angry but excited but I WANT TO CUT THOSE FUCKING FRINGES OFF THEIR SHIRTS.
Also, re: the matter of The Joots™️, do you think Hobi and the other members ever look at their stylists’ choices and ask themselves whether it’s all really worth it? Fame exacts a heavy price, and a small part of me died when I saw Hobi in those joots. I love them because he’s wearing them, but I hate them because they’re FUCKING JOOTS AND WTF WERE THEY THINKING.
Ok, I have to go watch Permission to Dance again and try and reconcile the fact within myself that I’m thirsting over cowboys, RIP dignity.
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oh my god you said schrodingers song that is so brilliant lololol
honestly, on the subject of the JOOTS i think hobi is the number one fashion risk taker and the one most likely to think nothing of it.
IF ANYTHING he took one look at that go**&(*(**(ed strawberry suit they slapped him in, took one big deep breath, envisioned his paycheck and played along 🤣🤣🤣
i actually kind of loved the western look of their outfits and i was personally very relieved there wasn't a single mullet in sight lol.
but i'm so glad that you're loving PTD and the good vibes!
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hazyaltcare · 3 years
I feel like this is dumb but my friend says i should request it still. Could i get some positivity for myself? i'm a demon (the same one requested the pokemon team and aesthetic. I like the pokemon team. Thank you Greyson!) and have been trying to heal lately but have been struggling with kinda everything. A big thing that's been getting to me as that the other headmates have made fun of my triggers. (and still do sometimes) I'm triggered by natural disasters (1/2 asks) -🔪🔥
(most likely since when the body was a kid we were terrified of them) I also understand they hate me. I did something terrible in the innerworld to one of them and i get that and i regret doing it now. I was just mad that he was joking about my triggers with someone. (not trying to justify what i did) But i feel like i (somehow) deserve something other then just hate. I just want to heal too and i guess i feel like i should be allowed to too (2/2 asks) -🔪🔥
Well, first off: hey! Glad you enjoyed the Pokémon team. I'm sure Greyson will be happy to know that it's appreciated. Your aesthetic is being worked on by another mod, and im sure youll like it just as much ❤ /p
Normally it takes us a little while to answer asks because of responsibilities, but I just happened to be in front when you sent this in and didn't wanna leave a fellow persecutor hanging.
Listen; the world isn't always gonna understand you, but that doesn't mean it's up to you to make yourself palatable and comprehensible for someone else's sake. You are allowed to exist as who you are without any guilt for that in itself.
Your systemmates shouldn't make fun of your triggers. No matter what you've done, it doesn't suddenly make that okay. The ignorant often ignore this fact, but you are allowed to change. You are allowed to grow. You're allowed to learn from your mistakes and remake your identity. Actually, it's pretty admirable.
I suppose as a self-defined persecutor, I took that label back for myself to empower others who feel unwanted and misunderstood; people who just were never given the chance they deserve.
Well... nows your chance. Turn the other cheek and show them the person you can be.
Rootin' for ya,
Mod Haze (❤Alice❤)
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allexiaah · 3 years
For the cottagecore ask: 🥧 🍄🥐 and 🍀 !
🥧 - What's one thing you genuinely, truly love?
Man, there's so many. Idek. I could say my hyperfixations, and a whole bunch of things that you'd typically expect, because they're all true. But I'm going to say my friends anyways, because honestly without em? I don't think I'd have made it through last year. I love them with my whole little heart.
I know it said one lol. But for a less cheesy thing, probably sitting inside with calm music and a warm blanket watching the rain with the lights off, only the light from the window illuminating the room. It's like a different world. That or reading while it rains, the same cloudy light coming through the window with the sound of the raindrops hitting the roof. I have good memories of the stuff I've read during times like that.
🍄 - What's the kindest thing anyone's ever said to you? Has it influenced you in any way?
There's so many. And they all influence me, I think about them every day and how much it means to me. I get one compliment and I pin it to the little fridge in my heart. Some good contenders are:
- Stay rootin' and tootin', lil gaymer
- Very good vibes and always ready to spill blood (about me not to me but still. I'm touched)
- I was once told that my interpretation of Claudette is canon in their heart in the tags of a reblog (your Claudette = canon) and I just melted.
- Any nice comment I've had about my art. A friend told me once that my art's like a warm hug, and recently another said it was like hot chocolate, and once a third in the tags said they were proud of how far I'd come with my art, and that I did a fantastic job and honestly it all made me want to cry.
My memory is too horrible to remember all of the nice things people have said to me, and I've never been able to pick a "nicest," but these are all strong contenders. The art comments in particular are a huge motivation and inspiration to keep drawing, and I look back on em often when I'm feeling down ab my art. I don't remember specifics, but one friend of mine has told me a few times just how proud of me he is and every time it makes me want to keep trying to be the best person I can, and to be someone he can love and respect and approve of. And I'll always strive for that. For him, and for the others who've said the same things to me. If the people I care about so dearly can believe I'm someone to be proud of, I want to keep that. Not only keep it close to me and remember it, but to keep that by being the best person I can. By being me. It's a huge help for me, because I've always had huge self esteem issues and for the longest time didn't have a clue how people could tolerate me. I'm just glad I can be me, and do my best, and have people who love me that I love too. I dunno. It goes a long way, and even if I never remember the words exactly, every little compliment or encouragement is so sweet to me and means the world. I hold the nice things like that so close to my heart.
🥐 - What color do you think most represents you?
Man.. if I had to pick ONE color? I'd have to say maybe a pink, or a purple. Something bold and energetic but not angry, not anymore, and something that still feels kind, in a way. I don't know. Maybe a yellow-orange then?? One of the two. Favorite color doesn't quite mean it represents me the best, otherwise I'd say green, turquoise or blue.
🍀 - What's one thing you wish people knew about you?
Man. There's a lot I could put here... Most of what I'm coming up with are things that I'd say to a specific handful of people if they could see it rather than just.. something I wish people as a whole knew about me.
Probably that I'm trying my best to grow and be as good of a person as I can be, and I think about what I say, and do, but I know I'm not perfect, and even when I do think about what I'm trying to say, I still make mistakes, or say/do things wrong. But I'm trying. And I learn. I just need a little patience where it can be lent, or something to go by. I say things I don't mean because words are hard, so forgive me if I mess something up. Don't be afraid to tell me if I'm making a fool or an asshole of myself ^^'' That's really all that's coming to me.
Sorry for the real wordy answers lol, I couldn't simplify them as much as I wanted to, because I feel like it's all kind of important. Idk. But ty for the ask Nekrosmos!! Means a lot that you felt like sending these in <3 it was good to do a little bit of introspection.
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transthatfag · 3 years
After your trans pinknatural Cas and Dean I had a dream that I woke up with top surgery completed and healed and as someone who may never be able to transition socially, it made me really happy :') So thank you for your inspirational art.
oh my god. um, you’re so welcome????? Glad I could could bring u some good dreams so <3 also I really hope that one day you get to transition socially the way you want and that things start goin your way. I know it can’t be easy, seeing as though I’m kinda in the same boat here, but just know I’m rootin for you :) and if I can bring u some kind of peace even if only in dreams, then that makes me feel like my work has meant something. Hope the day/night treats you well and thanks!!
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