#remus convo
Remus: apparently Sirius is my boyfriend now
Lily: what do you mean apparently?
Remus: well he’s been telling people i’m his boyfriend
Lily, holding back laughter: and he didn’t inform you until now?
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yousaucygirl · 2 months
Janus: There's something very wrong with you
Remus: That's why my dad says I came from his left testicle! I'm just not right
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addsalwayssick · 7 months
In a grocery store:
James: Why are they building so much?
Remus: Greed. Money.
James: Isn’t that why anyone does anything anymore?
Remus: It is indeed.
Sirius: they’re out of my favorite apple sauce :(
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*Potion Explodes*
James: Are we dead?
Sirius: I’m not. But if you are, can I have the six thousand, two hundred and eighteen galleons you have in your rainy day fund?
James: How do you know exactly how much money I have in there?
Sirius: Wild Guess
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70swizards · 2 years
sirius: so… i’m seeing someone
rem: dating or hallucinations?
rem: it better be hallucinations
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julia-lokidottier · 3 months
Sirius: Guess who learned they have trust issues today? I did😁
Peter: Are you okay??
Sirius: My therapist and me were talking about my past friends and he said I have trust issues from them
Remus and James at the same time: YOU SEE A THERAPIST??????
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hellojuiceboxbaby · 4 months
Based on a conversation I overheard at work
Sirius: did your dads ever tell you to stop singing and say “you better stop goin’ soft, you need to be a proper lad”?
James: no! Are you ok?
Peter: my dad signed me up for the boys choir at our local parish
James: …
Sirius: must’ve been nice. He sounds like a good man
Peter: yeah he used to walk me to all my practices and he bought my uniform for my first performance
James: alright then give us a hymn. One of the ones about Mary
Peter: *starts singing ‘somebody to love’ by queen*
*James and Sirius sing along*
*Remus walks in*
Remus: why are you all singing?
Remus: and why is Sirius crying??
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adharastarlight · 2 years
Reg: I love you so much, you're literally my favourite person ever
Remus: no because same, I love you more than is deemed normal.
Reg: who gives a fuck about normal?
Sirius: they see us right?
James: at this point I- I don't even know
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Applying random stuff me or people around me said as marauders quotes
*all of them trying to get to the movie theater while being high as a kite*
James: okay guys, enough fucking around, we are late as shit
Remus: yea, lets walk faster!
*sirius passes by, sprinting like his life depends on it*
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fiveht · 1 year
December 23
First things first: I made a playlist when I wrote Disarm, and it contains all the songs that play in Remus' car, plus a lot more. Just a nice little sampler of 90s alternative. I listened to it a lot while I was writing it, and it's not like, essential to the story, but just in case anyone's interested, here it is! It even includes that one Nine Inch Nails song that Remus so hastily skipped.
I've been writing less than I'd like for the past couple of weeks, due in large part to the dumpster fire that I call my personal life. But I spent this weekend hanging with my soulmate @sadbookboys and managed to get some words on paper, so to speak.
So let's call this proof of life for the sequel to Disarm You With a Smile; I'm working on it, I swear. Here's a little snippet from their first morning together, on December 23.
Sirius is a warm weight on Remus' chest when he wakes, streaky yellow sunrise slipping into the room in the gaps between the dark curtains and the wall. There's no reason to move yet, no reason to do anything, so Remus just shuts his eyes again, giving himself a few minutes to appreciate. Sirius' chest rises and falls in the deep, even rhythm of sleep, and Remus can feel it, can feel the soft puffs of air on his skin. A warm hand rests on his ribcage beneath the covers, and one heavy leg is thrown over both of his. Remus thinks about Sirius rolling over in his sleep, seeking contact, throwing himself bodily over Remus and settling there. He wonders how long they've been lying like this. His back is probably going to give some protests once he tries to move, but he finds it difficult to care about that. He finds it difficult to care about much of anything aside from the weight of Sirius on top of him.
Opening his eyes again, he looks down. Sirius' dark lashes are smudges on his pale cheekbones, and Remus gently brushes a lock of hair away from his face. This is a version of Sirius he's never seen, couldn't have seen before now, and he plans to memorise it. 
He plans to document it.
Slowly, carefully, he reaches toward his nightstand, groping around until his fingers find his phone. The light in the room is low, but Sirius is so pale, the camera has no trouble resolving the details of his face. Remus takes a picture.
He's just dropped his phone onto the bed beside him when he feels Sirius' fingers twitch, his lashes fluttering against his cheeks.
"Morning," he says, his eyes still closed, his voice rough with sleep and with-- well. Last night wasn't exactly easy on his throat. Remus feels a frisson of arousal skate up his spine. 
Sirius' fingers are stroking up the side of his ribcage, and Remus catches his hand, pulling it out of the covers to press a kiss to his knuckles.
"Morning, baby," he says softly, "Did you sleep well?"
"Mmm," Sirius hums, tilting his face up and opening his eyes to smile up at Remus. "Your bed is amazing."
"Good," Remus says. Gently, he eases Sirius off him, rolling him onto his back, following so he can press a kiss to Sirius' shoulder, then his jutting collarbone, then the hollow of his throat. "I have a small confession."
"Oh?" Sirius says, boneless and pliant, sinking into the pillows, still half asleep.
"Mmm-hmm," Remus says, nosing under Sirius' jaw and letting himself breathe in the scent of his skin. "I took a picture of you while you were sleeping."
He feels Sirius' chest twitch with a huff of laughter. "I gave you permission."
"You did," Remus agrees, mouthing at the pulse point in Sirius' throat, his hand trailing across his chest, fingers catching on a nipple. "I just feel like I should tell you when I do it without your knowledge."
"S'okay," Sirius says, sounding a little more awake now, a little more present. "I like it."
"You just looked so pretty," Remus says, tracing Sirius' nipple with a gentle fingertip, feeling it harden into a little peak. "Soft and sweet in my bed."
He mouths a kiss into his sternum and feels Sirius' hand in his hair, just carding through it softly.
"I can't stop touching you," he says into Sirius' skin, though he didn't really plan on saying it at all. It's just the dominant thought in his mind, and has been since yesterday. It might be a problem, but he's having trouble seeing it that way at present.
"I don't remember asking you to," Sirius says, his breath hitching as Remus' fingers trail lightly down his ribs. He's so ticklish.
"But what if I can never stop?" Remus says, smiling, moving lower to mouth at the flat plane of Sirius' stomach. "What if I just have to take you everywhere from now on? Make you come to all my classes… have you sit in my lap during office hours… because I'll just go crazy if I can't have my hands on you every second of the day?"
"I'm sure the university will understand," Sirius says, and Remus glances up to see him biting his lip, smiling, watching him.
"I'll be a living example of an attachment disorder," he nuzzles Sirius's navel, pressing another kiss there. "God, you're so fucking pretty."
Remus trails his hand over Sirius' sharp hip bone, smoothing down to grip his thigh lightly.
"Daddy," Sirius breathes, and Remus closes his eyes as arousal washes over him in a wave. That fucking word. How many times did Remus hear that word from a partner, how many times did he have to hold himself back from rolling his eyes at it? What a revelation to discover that it hadn't been the wrong word at all; he just hadn't found the right person to say it yet.
"Tell daddy what you want, baby."
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 1 year
James: *about Remus* bros got that ear dyslexia
Peter: you mean he’s deaf?
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oncetwiceoswin · 8 months
Remus: I’m just going to die when I’m 35 anyway.
Sirius: You can’t leave me here with 2 kids!
Remus: 2 kids?!
Sirius: Yes, by the time you’re 35 we’re going to have 2 kids!
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starsh-ine · 6 months
Remus was walking towards the restaurant where all his friends were celebrating Dorcas’s birthday, and stopped in his tracks.
Through the open door of the building next door, someone was sweeping. Someone he thought- no, he definitely - recognized. The bartender he met once, spoken to for maybe five minutes, and never stopped thinking about.
“We just ran out of the beer you wanted, but what else do you like?” and a smile to knock you over if you weren’t careful, making up for the disappointment instantly.
“Something lighter, maybe?” Remus caught his breath enough to answer.
“We can do that! Have you tried the pils?” How does he smile like that? Like galaxies and constellations distilled just for you? He had not tried the pils.
“No? Ok, let’s do that one. Now I’m just about to clock out, but if you hate it, talk to the bartender over there. Tell her Sirius sent you, and that he promised you a beer you’ll actually like.” What about something else Remus would actually like?
The man- Sirius- kept smiling, poured the beer, and was gone. Remus was torn, between wishing he had stayed for longer and wanting him to get off his shift on time. Even though he got to leave work, it would have been nice to chat for a bit. Remus kept himself from wondering too much about what (and who) he would be going home to. The pils, of course, was great.
And there he was, Sirius, the man Remus could not stop thinking about. Halfway across town and eight months later. Sweeping, door propped open with a stool, humming to himself, looking as gorgeous as Remus had pictured.
He paused to consider. Remus was very nearly late to his good friend’s birthday dinner, but he was sure she would understand. Dorcas would do anything for a movie moment, she could hardly blame him foe this. Remus steeled himself, walking through the open door.
“Hey, thanks for coming in, but we actually closed a little bit ago-“ Sirius’ words stopped as he grinned. “Oh, hey, you look familiar. Do I know you?”
Not yet, Remus thought, and grinned back. But soon.
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addsalwayssick · 6 months
“you’re just projecting”
yes! correct! i am indeed! most of my posts on james potter! they’re based on me! the one about air hockey?! yeah! based on me! most of the headcannons i post about! based! on! me!
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wxrmtxil · 8 months
Post-Moon Treatment || {Peter & Remus}
When: Present Day {Game Time} Where: Marauder's Frat House With: Remus @wolfinsheepsclothes
There were few things more stabilising than routine; Peter was sure the reason he'd managed so well in Hogwarts was because the day was structured. Full Moons, for all their chaos in the moment, had a goods structure before and after. Now, in the after, Peter had the afternoon off work and had been busy in the kitchen, knowing Remus likely wouldn't be leaving his room for a while.
He took the chocolate chip cookies out of the oven and while they rested filled three hot water bottles and set some pumpkin juice and pepper-up potions on a tray. He spent maybe a little too long arranging it all before heaping several cookies onto the tray too and balanced it all up the stairs.
He knocked lightly on the door before letting himself inside, "Good afternoon," he said softly, "I thought you might be sore so I got you some bits." he popped the tray on top of a dresser and brought the hot water bottles over to the bed, "And I stopped by the video shop and rented some Fawlty Towers episodes if you feel like watching them?" he asked with a small smile.
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spikybanana · 2 years
"You aren't a superman, Remus. One person can't possibly carry all that." Lily's voice was soothing as her hand slowly carded through his hair.
She pulled Remus into her chest, pressed her cheek to the side of Remus' head because she knew he couldn't meet his eyes. He was embarrassed. And he felt he was wronging his friend by laying this on her, but Sirius' coldness, the suspicion driving a rift between them was— too much to bear. On top of the war.
"If it's hurting you this much, Remus..."
Remus could hear the frown in her murmur. He knew what she was going to say, and he hated it.
"Sometimes the courage is in letting go."
@wolfstarmicrofic - prompt: courage - 117 words
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