#please forgive me I was so tired I forgot to reblog this
realisticfanfictions · 9 months
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Being Sanji's Girlfriend & Baratie's Head Waitress - Part 2.
Sanji x Waitress!Reader: Part One.
Working at Baratie wasn't without its challenges, and the fights that sprung up because of them weren't rare either. You and your boyfriend never sweated the small stuff, after all working in a high stress environment made you, well, stressed. But maybe some things can't be resolved that easily.
Tags: Sanji x Reader, Waitress!Reader, constant bickering, mostly fluff with some angst, (heavy) swearing.
A/N: I'm so glad the first one was well received! I'm pretty self-concious about my writing, but seeing everyone's hearts and reblogs has made me so happy! There's also been a ton of new people following this page, and I'm so appreciative you guys are liking my stuff enough to keep up to date with my writing <3.
Word Count is 5,427. Hope you enjoy!
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"What the hell was that?" You knew that this made you look like a crazy girlfriend, dragging your significant other into the cold room and locking the door behind you. You'd gotten a few curious and slightly concerned glances from other staff, but by this point they knew better than to intervene. White fog spewed from your mouth as you spoke, giving you the appearance of a mighty dragon ready to burn down anyone who stood in her way.
Sanji, who hadn't fought you the entire way here, rubbed his face with his hand and shoved the other into his pocket. "I was just trying to be friendly." He shrugged.
A cold breeze caused you to flinch, but you refused to show any weakness. "Bullshit." You hissed and gritted your teeth, unable to fathom this man's arrogance. "I'm not dumb, Sanji-"
"And I never said you were." Both hands were now in his pockets and he finally met your gaze. He looked tired and you could tell he was chewing on the inside of his cheek - a habit you knew stemmed from his nicotine addiction. But his forced eye contact didn't last long and his gaze soon drifted to the corner of the cold room. He let out a small sigh. "I'm sorry. I can't help what I say to women-"
You held up a hand. "I don't care about you miserably failing at flirting. Well, I do care, but that's beside the point." You took a breath, counted to five and stared at your boyfriend's beautiful blue eyes. "I know that you're upset, and though I am very annoyed at you, I will say that I appreciate you telling me you're sorry."
"So it is about the-"
"Sanji." He slowly closed his mouth and subtly nodded. He was listening. "I know that you like women, and that you'll move heaven and earth for one to glance your way. I know that. I knew that when I started going out with you." You licked your suddenly dry lips. "What I get upset about, is that you went over my head and spoke to my customers in a rather vulgar way. I know you think it's beneath you, but I take a lot of pride in what I do. I'm good at it. And when-" God, your lips were so dry. "And when you go over my head, take over my table, insult the place that took me in when I had nowhere else to go-when we had nowhere else to go, and then ignore my discomfort and make a joke of it?" You met his eyes. "I am your girlfriend, Sanji. Something that you're meant to love and cherish- like how- I can't-"
Before you realised it, you found yourself slowly enveloped by the love of your life. "Hey," He shushed you gently as he cradled you against his chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way." He murmured and placed a kiss against your temple. "My love, you're shaking. I didn't realise I made you this upset. Please, forgive me."
You couldn't help but laugh. "I'm just cold, dumbass. And still pissed at you." Despite what you said, you still buried your head in his chest and soaked up his warmth. It was then you realised how long it'd been since the two of you had been alone like this. Just soaking up each other's warmth and committing the other's smell, touch and the feel of their skin to memory. You're embarrassed to admit you forgot just how much you love his cologne. "Guess this is what happens when we don't have sex for a while."
He gave a breathy chuckle and leaned back enough just to press his lips against your forehead and stare into your eyes. "Well, I'd offer to remedy that, but I'm afraid the cold will affect my performance."
"Like you need an excuse for a bad performance."
"Oh, really?"
His usual, charming smile stretched across his face and he licked his lips, before hungrily diving in and punishing you with a particularly brutal kiss. He softly moaned into the kiss, and pulled back enough for you to see the devilish look in his eye as he bent down to press a kiss to your neck.
The door suddenly flung open and Pattie groaned. "I should've known." He exclaimed and threw his towel at the both of you. "Move. I'm trying to get some stuff for dessert."
Sanji grew a wicked grin. "What a coincidence. I'm trying to get me some dessert too." He chuckled and moved in to continue his assault, but was thwarted by an incoming barrage of hits from the disgruntled chef.
Backed by the sound of Pattie yelling in disgust, you laughed and shook your head, worming out of Sanji's hold and skipping out of the cold room with said blond on your heels. You both quickly ducked out of the kitchen and into a small hallway where you turned around to look at him once more. "Thank you for listening to me, Sanji. I may have blown my lid a bit too much back there." You fished around in your pocket and pulled out your lighter. "Go take a smoke break."
You pushed it into his hand. "Take a break, and have a smoke. If not for you, for me. Because I honestly can't handle you when you're being all bitchy."
His shoulders dropped and a tired smile replaced his worried expression. He wrapped his hands around your own and placed a kiss against your knuckles. "Thank you, my love." He exclaimed and you waved him off with a smile.
"Whatever, you wallowing wag. While you're walking, watch the weather and water, and warn the workers if we're wayward. We don't want any wild winds, or another wreck this week."
He smiled. "You still don't realise you do that, do you?"
You blinked. "Do what?"
A hearty chuckle escapes him and he presses a kiss to your forehead. "Don't worry about it." That damn smile of his made your heart flutter and while you were confused, you returned his kiss with a quick peak of his lips and watched as he walked off. You didn't understand why he was so weird, but you guess it's just part of dating someone.
Before you could go back to serving, a faintly familiar face poked his head around the corner. You squinted your eyes and watched as he walked around aimlessly. "Excuse me, are you lost?"
The boy in the straw hat turned his head in your direction and smiled when he noticed you. "Oh! You're (Y/N), our waitress!" He spun himself around and hastily walked up to you, almost tripping on the aging floorboards. "I didn't get to introduce myself," He tipped his hat. "My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I'm going to be King of the Pirates!"
That made you pause. "Oh." You dumbly said, not really sure how to respond. "That's... nice. But this is a staff only area-"
"You're a good fighter." The boy- Luffy you corrected yourself, interrupted and leaned in uncomfortably close. "Well, Sanji's a really good fighter, but you're pretty good too!" He made a pistol with his fingers and pretended to shoot. "You seem good with a gun. And the way you backed up Sanji and knocked that guy out? So good!"
Again, you weren't really sure how to respond. "I was only helping out, but thanks, I guess." You put your hands on your hips. "Is there something I can help you with?"
He tilted his head in confusion. "No, I'm fine."
You blinked. "But you're in a staff only area."
He nodded. "I am."
"...And you know you're not a staff member?"
He shook his head. "I'm not."
You sighed and squeezed the bridge of your nose. "I mean, why are you here?"
A smile returned to his face. "Oh, why didn't you just say so!" He waved his hand around as if announcing something great. His eyes wandered around the room, as if searching for something in the distance. You were intrigued. "I'm trying to find..."
You leaned in. "You're trying to find...?"
"Yes, I am trying to find..." His eyes slowly drifted downward until they met yours. They sparkled with great mysteries waiting to be unveiled, a sense of adventure and bravery and fearlessness that you couldn't help but admire. He smiled. "A toilet!"
Before you could stop yourself, you smacked him upside the head. "Don't pretend like it's some big, life-altering explanation, you dumbass!" With each word, you brought your hand down to slap him on any part of his body you could touch. "Besides, there's three signs for the bathroom on the way here!"
He held up his hands, trying to block your attacks. "Ow! I'm sorry! Stop hitting me!"
You rolled your eyes and stepped back, crossing your arms and glaring at him. "You're such an idiot. Fine, come with me. You can use the staff bathroom, it's right down this hall."
Luffy slowly uncurled himself and nodded. "Thanks a lot! I was sure I was going to crap my pants, you're a life saver!"
"I didn't need to know that." You sighed and beckoned him to follow with a finger. "So, King of the Pirates, huh?"
He nodded, his straw hat bobbing with him as you both walked. "Yep! We have a map to the Grand Line, and we're going to find the One Piece."
You laughed. "Only idiots with a death wish go after that thing."
"Hm, not really. I don't have a death wish." He replied with a shrug.
With a dramatic sigh, you playfully shove him. "Sure you don't, straw boy. What's next? You're gonna tell me you don't plunder and raid villages wherever you go?"
He shook his head. "We don't."
You quirked an eyebrow. "Don't yet?"
He shook his head again. "No."
"Fine then, where are you going to get money?"
"Finding the One Piece will give us all the money we'll ever need."
"And until then?"
"I don't know, but we'll figure something out."
You scoffed. "They always say that."
He tilted his head. "Do you know?"
"I do. You can kidnap a princess and random her, rob an orphanage, maybe even take a business hostage and demand money or you'll start executing patrons."
Luffy stopped and stared at you. "That's really dark."
You shrugged and continued walking. "That's what you have to do if you want to find a crazy man's last fuck-you to the government."
His smile turned into a frown. "You don't think it's real?"
"I think that Gold Rodger wanted to bring about the age of pirates, and he did." You explained. "Doesn't matter if it's real or not. Its impact on the world is more valuable than any treasure he ever got his hands on."
Within a second, he was in front of you with a cheeky grin. "Ah ha! So you do think it's real!"
A sigh escaped you. "I honestly don't care enough to believe if it's real or not. What is real is the pain, and death it's caused. Nations tearing each other and themselves apart just to find a glimpse of a shred of evidence that horrid thing is real. And men setting sail and abandoning everything just because they think finding a gold chest is worth losing their family over. Then those same men kill other men with families just like theirs, spreading their filth and disease to every home, town and village just because they can't stand the thought of a man doing the right thing by taking care of his family."
Luffy tilted his head. "You sound like you care a lot."
A tense silence filled the air and you stared at this strange, but oddly charming character. So innocent, so naive. He had no idea of the world you knew, the one that you grew up in. It's rare to find someone this optimistic, or sheltered. You pointed behind him. "Bathroom's there. Leave when you're done."
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To say that you were affected by his words would've been both an understatement, and a poor choice of phrasing. You weren't affected, per say. They rubbed you the wrong way, and brought up memories you would rather just forget. It didn't help that they ordered one of everything on the menu, and you were constantly bringing out dishes to a smiling, unbothered Luffy who just shoveled food into his mouth. It was actually really impressive, and you were glad that they didn't come last week when the Baratie did that eating competition. You're pretty sure you probably would've gone out of business.
With a perfectly manufactured smile, you set down the plate of ribs on the only available space between piles of plates and stacked glasses. "And this is the final dish - our limited-time French-Style Ribs braised in red wine and cranberry." You straightened up and the plate was instantly pulled towards the centre of the table. The man in the pirate attire groaned, but he shoved a rib in his mouth and moaned. "I hope everything's been to your satisfaction. Can I get anything else for you tonight? A refill perhaps?"
The orange-haired woman smiled. "We're fine for now, thanks." With a nod, you turned to leave. "When does the bar close?"
"It's open all night, but we do a deep clean around three to four in the morning. So you may not be able to get anything on tap, but prepackaged drinks are always available." The words flowed off your tongue like a rehearsed speech, probably because it was. She smiled and nodded her thanks, before turning back to the conversation they were in. As you walked away, you spotted a certain red-haired pig-tail wearing waitress near the till. "Macy."
Said waitress flinched and slowly turned to you. "Yes, Ma'am?"
More than a little annoyed, you walked up to her and lent against the counter. "Why are you at the till?" She opened and closed her mouth like a fish, trying and failing to start a proper sentence until you stopped her with a hand. "Macy, there was one rule; don't touch the till. What are you doing right now?"
She paused. "Touching the till?"
You nodded. "Good job, you got something right." With a small glare, you pushed past her and looked at the total that she was charging, then compared it to the bill laying on the countertop. "Unless they've agreed to add a ฿65 tip on top of your 10%, I guess we've just found out who's been messing with the till."
"You're done for the night." Her shocked expression turned into a bitter snarl and she began to tug at her apron. "Macy, you've got the body of a used fucking tube of toothpaste. No one wants to see you undress here, get the fuck out. You'll make the customers sick." She gasped, but you dismissed her with a wave and she stormed out of the restaurant. You sighed and opened the drawer beneath the counter, pulling out the book of paid receipts and bookings. Both luckily and unluckily, it was getting close to end-of-shift which meant that you had time to fix Macy's mess, but that the mess was probably smeared dog shit on a window at this point.
Grabbing out your pen and a calculator, you mentally prepared yourself for the long night ahead, when you felt something touch your back. "Hello, my darling." Sanji greeted with a kiss to the back of your neck, then rested his chin on your shoulder to watch what you were doing while his hand lazily stroked your side.
With a sigh, you turned your head to kiss him. "Hey, jerkface. Glad to see someone with a shred of intelligence." You greeted, then scribbled down some notes. "Someone's fucked the till again, and screwed the customers' out of at least three-hundred berri from what I can see."
His smile dropped and he reached for the book, tilting it so that he can see it. "Closer to five-hundred than anything. This table didn't even order the Lobster Thermidor, what the hell's going on."
You slammed your pen down in frustration and leaned back against him. "No idea, but I'm going to have to make some calls and refund tables." He wrapped his arm around your stomach and kissed the back of your ear which made you sigh and rub your face. "I need to make a list and figure out how much we fucked people out of money." You happened to look over at Luffy's table. They looked like they were toasting. "Can you bill them? It'd help a lot."
He smiled and took the piece of paper you had offered him. "Of course, my love. And give me a list of the rich pricks you want me to call. We'll divide and conquer."
"What did I do to deserve you?" You asked as he picked up the golden dish used to store cash.
"You, my love, didn't need to do anything." He pressed a kiss to your forehead and then your lips, before turning around and walking over to do as you asked.
Turning back to your mammoth task, now with a smile, you picked up your pen again and started to scribble down the sum total of every receipt that was put in by Macy. It was a good call by Zeff to bar everyone else but yourself from accessing the till. It was pretty easy to differentiate your neat and straightforward ones from Macy's abominations, but it still didn't make it any less painful. The Baratie didn't even serve quiches, so why would she even put that in there?
The telltale sound of Sanji's shoes smacking against the floorboards broke your concentration, and you looked up confused. "That was fast-" You were interrupted by him flashing you what was on the bill. You frowned at his abrupt interruption, but then squinted and jolted back slightly to look at your boyfriend. "What the shit is a 'treasure tab'?"
"We're going to find out." He said with a smile and walked past you to the kitchen. This was going to be interesting.
Just as you thought, the kitchen door slammed open and Zeff's wide, intimating frame appeared in the doorway. "Who the hell is Monkey D. Luffy?"
Luffy, sweet and innocent Luffy, popped his head out of his booth and waved his milkshake. "Here!" Zeff locked onto him and marched toward the young boy.
"You seem to be confused about the rules of the house," You and Sanji, who had just come out of the kitchen, exchanged knowing glances and you placed down your pen. Led by your boyfriend, you grabbed a jug of water while he grabbed a tray of complimentary scones and he slowly walked around the scene that was unfolding. "But Baratie doesn't offer credit. You eat, you pay." You both stopped at a nearby empty table. You started to examine the glasses in detail, admiring the way the light hit the material, while Sanji wiped the table with a piece of lettuce someone forgot to clean up.
Setting down his glass, Luffy looked up at Zeff. "I think you're confused." Sanji and you shared a look. "The meal has already been paid for. I just haven't given you the money yet."
Pretending to look around the room, you caught the stern, no-shits-given look Zeff was offering the kid. "Yeah, and how's that?"
Luffy smiled. "You can add it to my treasure tab."
You and Sanji snickered at the tone in Zeff's voice. "And what, pray tell, is that?"
"A way to get your ass beat." You mumbled and Sanji quietly shushed you with a smile, trying to hear the rest of what was being said.
Still not realising what's happening, Luffy kept talking. "I may not look like a big deal yet, but you're talking with the future King of the Pirates. And as soon as I find the One Piece, I'm gonna come back here, pay this bill in full, and with interest."
Zeff chuckled. "I got a better idea." And yanked Luffy out of his booth, dragging the confused pirate to the kitchen.
A sigh escaped you. "That certainly didn't disappoint." You commented and picked up Sanji's makeshift lettuce-rag, pocketing it to throw out later. "Guess we have a new busboy."
Sanji shook his head, but kept his eyes on the door. "Wouldn't be good at anything besides dishes." He said and paused for a second. You could see the metaphorical gears in his head turning, before he nodded toward the kitchen. "Hold on."
"Sanji, don't-" But it was too late, the love of your life had walked off, probably to rejoin the line. Your fists balled up and you let out a frustrated groan, your heels clicking as you followed after him. "Sanji! Don't piss him off. Sanji-"
The doors swung open as the blond barged in the kitchen with you on his heels. Your words fell on deaf ears and you rolled your eyes at Zeff who looked between you two confused. "Oy, oy. What do you think you're doing?"
You threw up your hands, but helped Sanji shrug off his coat. "I tried to stop him." You said as you wrapped his jacket around your arm and lent against the wall behind you.
The blond scoffed and held up a hand. "Com on, old man. Enough's enough-"
"Put the jacket back on, little Eggplant. You're not done with your shift yet." Zeff's face was tired and stern as always, and all you wanted to do was pull Sanji back and apologise for the extra stress. However, you knew that the two were stubborn and that would only cause more trouble than it's worth.
Sanji's tone suddenly sharpened. "Let me back on the line, or I walk." You almost said something, but considering you said something similar this afternoon, you settled for a glare.
"You can walk right back into the ocean for all I care. You cook another meal like that in my kitchen, it's going right where the last one did."
"You can kick me out of the kitchen all you like. I'll never be a waiter."
"Well that's fine by me, because you sure as hell are never gonna be a cook in my restaurant. Have you got that?"
Your heart broke seeing your boyfriend's face when he glanced over at you. He was so angry, and hurt, and upset. His hands were balled into fists, but you just shook your head. It wasn't worth it. His gaze shifted back to the man who had taken the both of you in, and then he turned heel, storming out of the kitchen via the hallway.
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"So it was Macy, then?" When you nodded, Zeff sighed and held his face in his palm. The two of you were alone on the balcony overlooking the ocean. You were all on a thirty minute break before the next service, and you'd stumbled across the old man while trying to get some peace and quiet. The man you both admired and respected more than anyone was sat beside you tiredly rubbing his face. "And where is she now?"
You fought back what you really wanted to say, and simply shrugged, picking up your glass and taking a sip. "I sent her home for the night. Didn't want to see her fucking face, the red-haired bitch."
He shifted in his chair and leaned forward toward you, pointing a finger in your direction. "There is no talk like that in the Baratie."
You rolled your eyes and put your glass down. "It's not a big deal. Everyone here curses-"
"But you never use such vulgar language when talking about a woman." He said, his tone firm and leaving no room for arguing. "I always taught both you and that boyfriend of yours to never speak badly about, or to, a woman. Just because you're twenty-one now, doesn't mean a thing. Get that?" Ever since you were fifteen, he's drilled his way of life into your head. From scrubbing the decks every time you dropped food, to spending late nights learning the difference between the various cutlery the Baratie offered, it was almost like his life's mission to turn you into a mini-him. To this day, you couldn't eat salad with a table fork, even though the minute difference between a salad fork and a table fork were so inconsequential they were practically the same fucking thing.
You bit the inside of your lip. "Well that bitch-"
The condensation floating slowly down your glass seemed to be more interesting than his face. "Macy has ruined all the work I've done to make the Baratie a place where you can just sit down and enjoy a good meal with the best service around. You know, I've had to deal with so much shit. More than anyone in this goddamn place. All the harassment explained away as jokes and if I'm uncomfortable with it, I'm just 'not getting the joke'. And then having to spend hours listening to the most intolerable stories about slick, rich pricks with small dicks bitching about their toxic chicks with plastic tits. And expecting me to not spit or get sick when they talk about me like I'm some quick flick." You took a breath, counted to five, and licked your lips. "But it's not enough that she'll get away with it. You also won't let me complain about her."
He sighed. "She isn't going to get away with it." You scoffed and raised your glass to take another sip, but a hand under your chin guided your gaze to him. "Look at me." Hesitantly, you lifted your eyes to meet his. "She," He spoke slowly, his intense blue eyes piercing into mine in a way that made you feel small. "Is going to be dealt with." His hand released your chin and migrated upwards to rest atop your head, softly patting your head like he used to when you were younger. "You've done well, little Sprout." You sucked in a breath and nodded, but your pseudo-confidence wasn't fooling the old man. "And if any of these 'rich pricks with small dicks' ever bothers you again, tell me. Nothing is worth you being treated like a sack of shit over. Not the Baratie, not anything."
A fake chuckle wormed its way out of you, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "Thanks, Dad."
A smile spread across his face and he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in and pressing his lips to your forehead. Zeff smelled like a thousand scents, oregano, paprika, and a dash of vanilla extract, but his warm touch and the feeling of his scruffy beard against your scalp only felt like one thing: safe. You hadn't realised you closed your eyes until you felt him pull away. "Now then, I've got some calls to make."
With a groan, he got up to his feet. "Are you sure? My waitress, my mistake."
He shook his head. "My Baratie, my mistake." He walked past, patting you on the head as he left the balcony.
It was time to face your boyfriend, and you were dreading it. With his coat jacket wrapped over your arm, you slowly made your way down the hall to the kitchen. The doors were swinging slightly, so you knew that someone had just walked in, and you took a deep breath, walking over to the entrance - ready to go in.
"...banned from the line." You paused when you heard Sanji's voice float through the air.
"But that meal you cooked was incredible!"
A smile graced your face and you lent against the wall just beside the doors. "The True Bluefin Sauté?"
"You tried it?"
"Yeah, of course I did! I couldn't help myself. I didn't think the food here could get any better. You know, you're a really good cook. Why is Zeff making you wait tables?"
"'Cause he's jealous. I should be running this place, but the old man's so stubborn it'll never happen."
"So, that's your dream. To be head chef of the Baratie."
A pause. "I guess-"
"No, it's not." Both men looked up at you when you entered the double doors.
The other voice who you now realised was Luffy looked at you confused. "It's not?"
Sanji laughed breathlessly and looked at the table he was sitting at, flicking open his lighter and closing it again. "It's not." He confirmed. You smiled and walked over to where your boyfriend sat, draping his coat over an empty chair.
"So you love to cook. You just don't want to cook here?"
The blond grabbed out a cigarette and looked to you where you had taken up residence next to him. When you nodded, he ignited the lighter you gave him earlier and lit the end of his cigarette. He took a drag and hummed. "There's... this place," He started and his eyes drifted to yours. You both shared a small smile. "Where you can find ingredients from all four seas. East Blue, West Blue, North and South - they call it the All Blue. Nobody knows where it is, but..." His gaze lifts heavenward. "There's fish there that have never been seen. You know, rare seaweeds, spices that have never been tasted. It's a cook's paradise, and I'm gonna find it one day." He looked back at you and placed his hand over yours. "That's my dream."
Luffy's gaze was soft, but also intense. "If you want to cook, you should cook. Don't let some stubborn old man stand in the way of your dream." He smiled. "Stand up to him! Tell him what you want."
"It's more..." Sanji looked over at you. "Complicated, than that."
The young boy shrugged. "I don't really do complicated either."
You scoffed. "For someone who claims to be a pirate, you don't like a lot of things that pirates are known for."
Luffy looked at you. "For someone who doesn't like pirates, you sure do act like one."
Before you could say anything, frantic banging on the staff exit caught you all off guard. Begging for help, a man tumbled in and fell to the floor, barely having the strength to cling onto the countertop. On instinct, you went to pull out your gun but stopped when your boyfriend raised a hand to you and marched toward the man. Being the good Samaritan you certainly weren't, Sanji and Luffy helped him up onto a chair. "Are you okay?"
The man's voice sounded croaky and scratchy. "I'm so hungry, please."
Sanji nodded and moved to the stove. "Okay, you got it, man. How does some corned-beef fried rice sound?"
Pattie, appearing from his break, quickly stood up and followed after him. "What do you think you're doing?" He demanded.
The blond didn't bother to look at him and you gave the pirate a warning look before moving to the fridge. "At Baratie, everyone eats." The love of your life explained as you rifled through the fridge for the ingredients he would need.
"And who's gonna pay for that? This is a business, we can't be giving handouts to every down-on-his-luck pirate that washes up."
"If a man is hungry, I feed him. Thank you, darling." He said when you handed him the beef.
Pattie looked at you for help, then back at him when you just shrugged. "Zeff kicked you off the line."
"Yeah, well, I don't see the old man here. Do you?"
The other chef looked at you once more, and you shrugged at him again. You both knew it was a losing battle, and so he waved his hand dismissively. "Fine, your funeral."
You couldn't keep your eyes off the strange pirate while he sat and ate, and explained what had happened to him. Sanji was way too nice a person for people like him to deserve. You knew pirates, and a part of you was tempted to hide the silverware.
"He's a good guy." Luffy, who was slowly becoming less and less of a pirate in your eyes, said and you nodded.
"Sanji's brilliant." The words came easily. "He's the kind of guy that only comes once a generation. He's a dumbass, sure, but he's a good dumbass."
He thought for a second, before turning to Sanji. "You know, if Zeff doesn't appreciate you, you should join my crew."
Your chair scraped as you stood and left the room.
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A/N: I am genuinely loving writing this! As said above, I normally tend to leave the reader's backstory and personality ambiguous, but this character has just taken on a personality of her own! This one is a bit longer because I felt like there wasn't enough content in this upload to justify it. I wouldn't want to waste everyone's time with like, two conversations. I'm kinda happier with the longer/more in-depth parts because I get to spend more time building up characters and relationships, and I'm less tempted to accidentally write and spoil things that the OPLA fans haven't seen yet.
Also, I've grappled with the ages for a while now, and I've officially decided that this AU will have Sanji and (Y/N) be 21. Normally I'd leave the reader's age ambiguous, but since age is important to this story, it's needed to be put in there.
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1000roughdrafts · 5 months
another request here! could i please request a fic with pregnant!reader (writer's choice for which winchester brother is the dad!) where the three are en route to a new case and are in the middle of nowhere when reader goes into labor and ends up giving birth in the impala? 😊
Warnings: pregnancy, birth, swearing, canon-level arguing between the Winchesters
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Full disclosure, I've never given birth so please forgive anything that doesn't make sense lmao
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Having spent the last few weeks on the road, case after case with no space from each other, I had to admit that the three of us were starting to go a little crazy. Sam and Dean had been at each other's throats over the pettiest things since my six month mark in this pregnancy.
Sam would yell at Dean to get his feet off our bed, and Dean would yell at Sam to lighten up. Or they'd argue about who takes what role in hunts. Tonight, I try to just ignore them to focus on packing, but it proves difficult when my name keeps getting brought into the mix.
"I said no, Dean! We're not taking the case," Sam growls, slamming his book shut. "It's at least a days drive from here, if not two and with Y/N so deep into this pregnancy," he lets out a breath, glancing over at me with wide eyes, as if the realization of my quickly approaching due date has just hit him. "I just don't think it's a good idea."
Dean tries to shake the frustration out of his body by punching a pile of clothes into his bag. He aggressively grips onto the next pile and looks up at Sam, face tight, "so we make a couple of stops along the way to make sure everything is alright," he chides with a shrug, the bag ripping slightly as he shoves that pile into it. "Damn it," he says under his breath.
Sam scoffs with a glare in his eyes, "do you even know how many hospitals we pass to get there? None! Not a damn one!"
Dean shrugs, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth, "we'll take the scenic route then."
Frustrated, I raise my voice about theirs, "okay! Can you both please stop talking about me like I'm not here!" I shout, my voice shaking with anxiety. They both spin around, shock in their eyes as they meet mine, as if they completely forgot I was still in the room with them. Dean bows his head, "I should be allowed to have a say in this considering… oh, I don't know," I say, pretending to be amused, then raise my voice, "I'm carrying the baby! And I'll be damned if I spend the next 4 weeks of this fucking pregnancy being treated like I need to be bubble wrapped!"
"I'm just trying to protect you," Sam says sheepishly.
"And I'm telling you I don't need protection," I snap. His eyes widen, and head hangs slightly. He takes a few careful steps my way. Softening my voice, I add, "Sam, I'm tired of all the fighting, and I'm tired of being treated like I can't do anything for myself."
He lets out a long, almost unwilling, sigh of agreement. "I get it," he says softly. "I guess I wasn't thinking… we were… he-" he stutters, letting air bounce between his lips when he knows there's really only one thing he should be saying, "I'm sorry. You're right."
"Thank you," I sigh, ignoring Dean's smug smile.
"Oh, don't act like you're any better, Dean!" Sam sneers.
"Stop!" I say as Dean rolls his eyes. He grabs his bag to head for the door, muttering that he’ll be in the car before slamming the door shut behind him.
Sam scoffs, looking around the room with a blank stare. "He's been such a jerk lately," he says, looking back at me.
"He's probably just scared, Sam," I say, brushing the hair out of his face. "I mean, you know how he is. And our lives are about to drastically change. Who knows what hunting will look like when we have a child to take care of. I mean, life is already so dangerous for us, and now we have to protect something so defenseless. That’s terrifying."
The cramping starts a few hours away from our destination when we stopped at a gas station for fuel and food. They were mild at first, going away as soon as they started, giving me a long enough break in between pangs to forget about the last.
"Okay, so apparently the victims all have missing hearts," Sam says in a long sigh, scrolling through news articles on his phone. He looks up with a puzzled expression, "we thinking werewolves?"
I grit my teeth as another pang hits. It's almost like I could feel every groove and line in the road. Clearing my throat, I add, "but it wasn't a full moon, was it?"
"No," Sam says in a soft whisper, "but maybe-" a shout rips through me from a cramp, interrupting Sam and he turns to look at me.
The last thing I see before clenching my eyes shut are Dean's eyes flashing back at me through the rear-view mirror.
"Yeah," I lie, my breathy voice giving me away and I yell out again when Dean drives over a bump. I throw a hand to my belly, rubbing the area that hurts. But it's all hurting now, and then nothing again. I take quick breaths. Anxiety riddles me. Did something happen to my baby? I wonder. My eyes open and my heart just pounds.
Dean pulls the car off to the side of the road with a screech when I yell out again, my hand gripping tight to seat in front of me. The second the car has slowed enough, Sam jumps out to get into the backseat with me.
Dean uses the steering wheel to push from to turn my way, "what's happening? Are you okay?" Dean asks while Sam races to unbuckle my seat belt.
"Of course she's not okay, Dean!" Sam growls, his eyes full of worry. I can hear them bickering with “I told you so” and “yeah well if you’re so smart” in the distance. My ears ring, and I'm too tuned into the frogs croaking in the swaying trees.
A tight ache hits me again and my body jerks forwards as a scream lets itself out of me.
"I think the baby is coming," Sam whispers to Dean with wide eyes.
"No shit," Dean mutters, throwing his door open to come to the backseat. He opens the door, using it to prop up his arm as he looks in.
"No, no, no," I cry, shaking my head. "It's gotta be Braxton-Hicks, it has to be-" I plead, tears streaming down my face. "It's too soon," I say anxious as all hell until another wave of pain takes over, and Sam grabs my hands in his.
"It's gonna be okay, Y/N," Sam says, gently squeezing my hands. His eyes pan up to Dean, getting his attention, "we gotta get her pants off her," Sam says quietly, and I groan.
Dean rushes into action, taking my back in his arms to lay me down on the seat. Sam works fast to get my clothes removed, but slows when the ache hits again.
Sam’s eyes widen when he realizes how close we are to holding our baby, and he rushes to remove his jacket, placing it on the seat between my legs. I prop myself up on my elbows, bringing my feet onto the seat to bend my knees and open my legs. Never in my twenty-nine years of life did I expect to be pregnant, let alone give birth in Dean’s car with the damn Winchester brothers delivering my baby, but here we are.
The cold hair nips at my naked skin, but it’s easy to push past the discomfort of that when it feels like a fucking fire was started on my lower half. Sam holds his hands on my thighs as he encourages me, reminding me to breathe and push. The irritability in me adds to the fire, and I want to tell him to shut up, but I don’t. I can’t see Dean, but I know he’s probably as scared as I feel right now, given how out in the open we are. He keeps a firm, but comforting hand on my shoulder as I push, offering words of encouragement here and there, his focus more on the world around us, scanning for danger. 
Dropping my head against Dean’s arm, I let out a groan as I push, the pain almost unbearable now. I could feel the pressure and burning of each one, and after what feels like hours the pressure increases to the worst pain I’ve felt yet.
I squeeze Dean’s hand probably harder than I should have, but suddenly a weight feels like it’s been lifted from me, and I’m washed with relief of the sweet sound of my baby crying. My arms fail to hold me any longer and I fall back against Dean. 
Sam chuckles as he holds our baby, wrapped up in his jacket, close to his chest. With Dean's help I'm able to sit up, still using him as a back rest.
"It's a girl," Sam says with a big smile, tears welling in his eyes. He hands her to me, and I'm overwhelmed with love, joy and exhaustion.
"Shh, shh," I coo before kissing her on her small forehead. "It's okay, we've got you," I whisper. Tears fill my eyes and I can't help but to sob as I look down at her beautiful face. I rock her in my arms, and her cries quickly calm, turning into whimpers. Tracing the features on her soft face I'm mesmerized at how beautiful she is.
Looking up at Sam, my tears continue to fall, but I wear a smile, "we just had a baby!" I say, almost in disbelief. I continue to rock her for a while, as if it were just me and her. Then I feel Dean's hand tap my arm.
I turn to look at his red eyes, then back at my baby, "do you wanna meet your uncle?" I say in a baby voice before looking up at Sam with a silent request to help me hand Dean our baby.
Dean strolls around the Impala to stand next to Sam, taking my daughter in his arms so carefully. He holds her tightly against his chest, eyes crinkling at the corners as he sways with her. He holds his hand over her head to protect her from the wind, bringing his lips down and plants a kiss on the top of her head. "Well, aren't you just a little cutie," he says, then looks over at Sam, "must not take after your daddy," he jokes. "Ha, ha, very funny," Sam says flatly, but smiles. Dean clears his throat after a pause, "do you know what you're gonna name her yet?" Dean asks, and I glance at Sam hesitantly. "Well, I was thinking Mary Y/M/N?" I suggest, and their jaws drop, but their faces light up. Sam takes a few steps towards me to kiss me hard. "It's perfect," Sam says.
~~~ A/N: Y/M/N = either your mom's name or whatever name you want to put here :)
If you liked my story, please remember to heart, comment or reblog. Or if you'd like, you can add yourself to a tag list here if you wish :) Thank you for reading!! :)
Everything Tags <3
@waywardblueshun @81mysteriouslyme @drakelover78 @soab1967 @shutupandfeedmethings @pollywantacracker666 @sonnierae26 @obsessed5sosfreak @tlovescoffee @hobby27 @cluz1babe @emptycanvasposts @suckmyapplejacks @sigrunsavestheday @flamencodiva @roseblue373
Sam <3
@fangirlxwritesx67 @tlovescoffee @immafangirlmess @cluz1babe @fandom-princess-forevermore @stoneyggirl @sizekinkshawty @chaospossum
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sweetaliencheeks · 3 months
I have just realised that I made a mistake concerning the links to the fics on my masterlist, I got the titles messed up and actually forgot to post one of them (please do forgive your friendly neighbourhood tired fanfic writer)
so now “ • THE ONE WHERE THEY MEET” has the right fic when you click on it and also I’ve added “ • THE ONE WHERE HE LOSES”
anyway, all is well and fixed now, so here’s the new • M A S T E R L I S T •
and since I’m here, I’m letting you know that my drafts are full of stuff that I want to post soon!
also, I see every single follow, reblog, like and comment & I especially love the messages you send me
you’re amazing and I wish I could have posted more often but unfortunately my health (both physical and mental) wouldn’t allow me… things are getting better now and I really miss writing
if you have any ideas, suggestions, opinions, or you just need someone to talk to, my dms are always open for you <3 remember to always be kind and to stay safe, to look after yourself and to look after those around you
love love love you my beautiful space bunnies
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I posted 3,789 times in 2022
64 posts created (2%)
3,725 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 523 of my posts in 2022
#blue.txt - 70 posts
#insect tw - 13 posts
#bug tw - 12 posts
#blorbo from my stores - 8 posts
#clover 🍀 - 7 posts
#😍😍😍 - 6 posts
#thanks for the ask! - 6 posts
#hey what the fuck - 5 posts
#me - 5 posts
#yeah - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#not to be awful but i legitimately cant wait for her to die so i can feel less shit about not being able to get myself to hate this series
My Top Posts in 2022:
Getting tested for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in a few hours and I'm fucking ✨scared✨
Please just let the test be positive, I don't know what the hell to do if it isn't- this is basically the only idea we have of what it could be I'm so tired of running around trying to figure out what's going on. I don't just want to be medical mystery I want to figure this fucking thing out and be done with it please
11 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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Edit: my bad forgot to clarify but I'm being pretentious and calling this "The Dance Of Before And After", current me dancing with little pre-transition 5-year-ish me
Self forgiveness and acceptance and all that ❤️
13 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
nothing but thieves pics are really fun because you got four tall, hypermasc, vaguely dickish looking guys in the back and then you have this tiny nervous little fella with shaggy hair who usually seems to be wearing a sweater thats like 3 sizes too large for him
33 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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See the full post
60 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Being friends with therians is fun because you can say shit like "oh yeah I'm friends with a raccoon we were discussing his marital issues the other day" and be completely serious and I absolutely Love that
791 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lives-in-midgard · 1 year
Hi! =)
I completely forgot to send you some numbers for the song game after reblogging your post, so here I am! (Please forgive me for my ever forgetful brain 🥺)
I want to request numbers 1, 7, 10 and 19 🖤
Thank you for sending in!
It's okay, I forgive you don't worry!
Here are my answers and I try to not only answer with Taylor Swift songs!🙈😅
1. makes me happy
Silver Tongues - Louis Tomlinson
I love the song so much especially the part "when I'm with you I'm so much happier"
Because I have to think of my sister 💖
Long Live - Taylor Swift
7.  i’ll never get tired of listening to
You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift
10. i just found and that i love
Somewhere In Between - Leony
19. is from my favorite genre
That's a really difficult question because I listen to a lot of genres especially because of Taylor.
If you want to send some questions here is the link.
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egcdeath · 4 years
first impressions
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pairing: soft!ransom drysdale x reader 
summary: [request] “hmm prompts... Ransom introducing you (a total opposite of him) to his family for the first time, or a Thrombey wedding! if you feel like it” i like where your brain is at anon! but why not a little bit of both? ;)
word count: 3.7k
warnings: pretty fluffy, some angst, toxic family dynamics
author’s note: this has been super lightly edited so pls forgive any mistakes <3 click here if you’d like to be added to my taglist & all reblogs are super appreciated!
You felt slightly out of place driving through the neighborhood of your youth in the passenger seat of Ransom’s beloved Beamer. Thinking of how your parents would react to your boyfriend, let alone his lifestyle of excess, made your heart rate increase, and you shuffled a bit in your seat unconsciously as a result of your nerves. As if he were reading your thoughts, Ransom set a steady hand on your knee and gave it a tiny reassuring squeeze before parking in front of the curb ahead of your home. 
Nervously exiting the vehicle, you watched wordlessly as Ransom grabbed your overnight bags from the trunk, and hauled them over his shoulders. Still saying nothing, you reached out and grabbed Ransom’s hand, constricting his circulation as you strolled up to your door, and rang your own doorbell.
When your mother whipped open the door and offered you an excited grin, you finally were able to let out the breath that you weren’t even aware you were holding.
“Goose!” your mother cheered, squeezing the life out of you while you snuck a glance at Ransom who seemed rather amused by the childhood pet name. “And who’s this?” she asked, pulling away from you and looking him up and down.
“I’m Ransom, your daughter’s boyfriend,” he announced with confidence, offering your mom friendly smile, before glancing back over at you and raising his brows the slightest bit. 
“Finally putting a face to the name, then. I’ve heard all about you from this one. Come on in,” she gestured for the two of you to enter. “Y/N can show you to her room, and dinner will be ready in about a half hour,” with that, your mother was off, and you were once again alone with Ransom.
You showed him up to your room, where he set down the bags and flopped down onto your bright pink duvet.
“Goose, huh?” he questioned, rolling on the hyperfeminine twin mattress. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled, before sitting down next to the headboard of the bed.
“Do you think she liked me?” Ransom asked, seemingly out of nowhere. “Did you tell her good things about me?”
“Since when do you care about what other people think of you?” you giggled a bit, and planted your fingers in Ransom’s hair. 
“I care because…” he thought for a moment, calculating just how honest he wanted to be. “I care because this is the longest relationship I’ve been in, and I want my future parents-in-law to like me.”
“We’ve been together for like, a year, Ran. But I applaud your commitment to me,” you massaged his scalp as you spoke, and ignored the butterflies floating throughout your torso at his mention of marriage. 
“Well? Do you think she likes me?” he asked once again. 
“Mmm, I like when you care about things,” you pressed a little peck to his forehead, and hovered a bit over his face. “She said like, 20 words to you, max. But after dinner I’m sure they’ll like you. At least I hope they will.”
Ransom playfully swatted at you. “How comforting. Wait, stay right there,” he reached up and held the hand that was massaging his scalp in place. 
By the time dinner came around, you seemed to have switched emotions with your partner, as you were feeling much more relaxed, and Ransom on the other hand, was not.
He kept a hand on your knee under the table in what seemed like a grounding technique, squeezing every now and then while your father plated your meals.
“So, how did you two meet?” your father questioned, sitting down beside your mom.
“We met while we were volunteering at the Humane Society together,” you gushed, glancing over at your partner who was nervously sipping his water, then back at your parents. “He always seemed so pissed in the beginning. I mean, the amount of times I saw him growling obscenities while tugging on harnesses, or playing the most unenthusiastic games of fetch I’d ever seen in my life is astounding,” you laughed softly, and looked over at Ransom once again as if you were cueing him to speak.
“Yeah, I really didn’t like it there at first. Not really a dog guy, but my grandad said it was community service or no allowance, and I was not interested in the latter,” he chuckled awkwardly and received confused expressions from your parents, which granted you an SOS squeeze on the knee. 
“Um, anyway, one day we were closing, and I went into the last cat suite, and there grumpy old Ransom was, cuddling with Garfield, you know, the old cat with the three legs, and it was literally the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Especially ‘cause Garfield is so hard to please,'' you paused to take a bite of the food in front of you. “We started talking more after that, then he asked me out, and of course I said yes. I guess the rest is history.”
“Aw, Goose, that’s so cute!” your mom cooed, but the moment didn’t last too long. 
“What do you do for work, Ransom?” Your dad asked, tilting his beer at the man. 
“I’m currently in between jobs. But, uh, I’ve been doing a lot of volunteer work.” 
Your father nodded wordlessly and paused for a second. “Volunteering get you a Beamer?”
“Dad!” You interrupted in a yelp, “please.” You frowned as you looked between the men. 
“Y/N, it’s fine. It’s a good question, but I got it as a gift a few years back. And, you know, my family’s comfortable.”
Before your father could respond, your mom popped in to save the conversation. “No money talk at the table, please. Tell me more about your relationship,” she gave both of you a sympathetic look. 
After that, dinner went on without much of a hitch, and you agreed upon doing the dishes with your mother while your father and boyfriend prepared a little fire outside.
“He seems sweet,” she commented after a long period of silence. 
“I’m glad you think so. He was really worried about you not liking him, and honestly, I was too,” you rinsed the last glass before setting it in your dishwasher.
“I just want you to be careful, okay? When you have that much money, people do strange things, or say things they don’t mean and expect you to just take it. He seems like a good boy, but just don’t let your guard completely down. The last breakup you went through-“
“Stop, I get it,” you sighed softly. 
“This doesn’t mean I don’t like him. I just don’t want to see you that hurt again,” she gave your arm a soft squeeze. “Let’s go stop your dad from catching a murder charge,” she beckoned you to follow her out to the backyard, where your boyfriend and dad were… laughing together? If you weren’t so relieved, it’d almost be off-putting. 
The rest of the night went alarmingly well, Ransom finding a way to bond with both of your parents after an awkward first half of the evening. As the two of you crawled into your tiny bed and spooned while drifting off to sleep, Ransom slurred a tired ‘I think they liked me,’ into your ear. 
From that point on, Ransom’s position within your family only became better. For the first time, he was welcomed into a familial environment that wasn’t more toxic than a Chernobyl cooling tower, and Ransom was loving it. After suggesting to spend that year’s Thanksgiving at your parents’ home, spending the holidays with the L/N family became a frequent occurrence for the two of you. 
Though you occasionally wondered why you were four years into a relationship with the man, and still hadn’t met his family, which to your understanding, was rather large, you had better things to concern yourself with. You understood and respected that Ransom’s relationship with his own family wasn't the best, from the little that he shared with you, but occasionally curiosity often got the best of you.
Yet, things seemed to shift after your engagement. In the midst of dress fittings and cake tastings, Ransom had decided that it was finally time for you to meet the rest of the Thrombey clan, and that there was no better time than Harlan’s book release party, which was being celebrated out in California, at the Thrombey Vineyard.
In your years of relationship, you’d become no stranger to luxury, and the finer things in life, but arriving at the Vineyard put you in awe at just how affluent these people were. Perhaps that’s what happens when you’re one of the great writers of your time, and your offspring go off to become equally “self-made” successes.
You were a bit tired from the three hour difference between Boston and Sonoma Valley, and as soon as you hopped out of the car at the vineyard, you could only think of getting to your room, out of your baggy travel clothes, and to sleep as soon as possible. 
Trailing behind Ransom, you looked around at the vast expanse of crop-filled land around you in astonishment while you walked up the cement path to the mansion, not really noticing the petite woman with curled blonde hair, and an oversized straw hat approaching you. 
“Oh gosh, you must be Y/N!” she said gleefully. “I’m Joni. I’ve seen you all over Ranny’s Insta,” she paused and looked you up and down. “Well, you do look a little different there,” she chuckled.
“That’s great, Joni. Maybe you can Tweet about how exhilarating and life changing this experience has been for you to all your little pyramid scheme friends.”
“You’re always so rude, Hugh,” she sneered.
“I forgot about your chronic victimhood. Goodbye, Joan,” he rolled his eyes, and practically tugged you inside the massive building in front of you, before dragging you up the stairs. You were honestly in a little bit of shock at seeing how nasty Ransom got from just a small interaction.
You set your Louis Vuitton Keepal, and aluminum suitcase down on the granite floor of the bedroom, before flopping down, and spreading your limbs out on the massive memory foam bed that sat in the center of the room, “What was that, Ran?” you questioned as he sprawled out next to you.
“The reason why I didn’t want you to meet them. They’re like sharks, looking for anything that even resembles blood in the water,” he threw an arm around you and yawned. “We can talk about this in the morning, though. Right now, I think that both of us need a shower.”
“Speak for yourself, you stink bug.”
“But what if I get lonely in there?” 
“Fine,” you huffed, moving his arm off of you, and heading off to the en-suite. 
That night, as you stared at the blank wall in a vain attempt to quiet your mind enough to fall asleep, you questioned if coming to meet Ransom’s family was more of a mistake than you initially anticipated.
The next morning felt a bit frantic. You and Ransom woke up a few hours before everyone else, as they’d been in California for a few days now and had adjusted to the time difference, while you two had not. An in-house chef made you two a gourmet buffet of a meal while housekeepers laid out your clothes back in your room, and you were feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of the sudden interferences in your life. Though it was nice to not have to do all of the work, you weren’t sure how you felt about other people doing it for you. 
The majority of your day felt similar to that morning. You quickly realized that Ransom’s fortune was just a small portion of the Thrombey estate, and that his family were essentially a bunch of monsters with money. Throughout the day of horse riding, wine tasting, and wine painting workshops, you couldn’t help but notice how they turned their noses up at you, treating you, and the staff working at the vineyard, like some sort of outsider. 
Your alienation only became more apparent during Harlan’s celebratory dinner, when insults and sneers were tossed at both you and Ransom for being together. 
“Are you trying to get revenge on us, or something?” Richard asked at one point, gesturing to you, and catching you completely off guard, 
“Why would you say something like that?” Ransom asked, trying not to let his offence show as his jaw clenched.
“It’s just not like you to want to settle down, especially with someone like… her,” he spoke about you like you weren’t sitting right there.
“No, I agree,” Walt added. “For once in our lives I agree with you,” he laughed aloud, and a few other folks at the table laughed with him. “Can you believe that after all these years, we’re bonding over Ransom’s little girlfriend?” 
You weren’t even sure how to react, so you laughed awkwardly along with them, and stared blankly at the vast expanse of grape trees behind the row of Thrombey and their friends. What you would give to sprint out into that, and never come back. 
Ransom looked to you in your obvious discomfort, and grabbed your knee, offering it a little reassuring squeeze before he interrupted them. 
“You know what? All of you dickheads can eat shit. Y/N is really the only person who matters to me at this point, and you pricks need to respect that. Hell, you need to respect her.” 
“Look at little Ranny, getting all soft,” Walt chided. 
He ignored the comment and continued on, “And If I don’t start hearing apologies soon, every single one of your wedding invites have a one way ticket to the shredder.”
A silence fell over the table. You were a bit surprised too, since your invites had already gone out, and Harlan was the only Thrombey to receive one.
“...You’re getting married?” Meg asked, breaking the silence. “Why wouldn’t you tell us?” 
“Why do you think?” you muttered, pushing around a few things on your plate before standing up, and pushing your chair away. “Excuse me.”
You knew that by leaving, you were only opening yourself up for more criticism, but you genuinely weren’t sure that you’d be able to take one more second of hostility. You pushed your chair back in, before heading off the patio, into the gigantic home, and up to the room that you’d claimed.
You rolled on top of the bed, and screamed into a feather filled pillow. It wasn’t too long after when tears stung your eyes as you came to the conclusion that these monsters were just a few months away from becoming your in-laws.
You thought you’d heard the most of it after the table, yet a prompt knocking at your door proved otherwise. Letting herself in, you turned to face Ransom’s mother herself, and you just knew that you were in for it.
“Listen, you whore,” Linda began in a sharp, yet quiet tone, “I don’t know what you’re trying to do with my son. Isolate him from us. Try to ‘change him’ like I know you think you’re doing. But just know that at the end of the day, he’ll always pick us. You’ll always be the second choice, especially when Ransom realizes that you barely have a dime to your name, and his bank account starts to runs dry,” she approached you, and pointed an accusatory finger towards you. “You’ll never be anything but a disgusting, sloppy little gold digger. You may be his toy of the week, but at the end of the day, you’re just an afterthought. I suggest that you get out of his life sooner than later. I’m sure Ransom wouldn’t mind, considering we already have your replacement with one foot in the door,” she gestured over to the window facing the back patio, where Ransom was chatting with a brunette woman that appeared to be quite a few years younger than himself.
“You’re cute, Y/N. Really! It’s cute that you’re thinking right now that he would never leave you, cheat on you with some new, younger, hotter piece of ass. Just know that you don’t know Ransom as well as you really think you do. I can promise you, it’ll be much easier to break off an engagement than it’ll be to get a divorce. Especially with that prenup he’s considering dropping on your desk any day.” she tutted as if she cared. “Well, sweetheart, it was great meeting you. I’m glad that these were our first and last words together,” she gave your back a pat before leaving the room, and you looked out the window in shock. 
Shaking as you dig into the pocket of your sundress, you sent Ransom a simple ‘help’ message, before setting your phone aside and trying to pack your belongings in as quick of a manner as possible.
When Ransom opened the door, a steady stream of tears and mascara was staining your face, while you urgently threw things into your suitcase.
“Goose, what happened?” he gasped, hurrying over to your kneeling form, and setting a hand on your shoulder. 
“Why,” you sniffled. “Why would you let her come up here and say all that shit to me!” you croaked, swatting his hand away from you. 
“What?” he watched as you pressed down on the overfilled suitcase and frantically attempted to zip it, to no avail. “Linda said she was gonna come apologize?”
“Telling me that I’ll never be enough for you is just a perfect apology,” you muttered, “I need to go home.”
“God,” he grumbled to himself, “This is exactly why I waited so long for them to meet you. Okay, we can go home then. I’ll buy us tickets right now.”
“This is on you too, Ransom. You didn’t tell them about us, like, at all. You had so much time! You couldn’t give Linda a call and say ‘hey I’ve been seeing this girl’ or even tell Harlan to deliver the message for you?” you hiccuped, but continued. “All of this could’ve been avoided if they had four years to adjust to our relationship. Maybe then they wouldn’t call me a whore and a gold digger every other sentence.”
“I was just trying to protect you from them,” he frowned.
You finally managed to zip up the suitcase, and stood up along with it, “well, you clearly did a great job of that.” 
You dusted off the skirt of your dress, and grabbed your phone. “I’ll let you know when our car gets here,” you huffed before walking into the en-suite and closing the door behind you, just to have a moment for yourself (and make yourself look a bit more put together before you leave.)
A tense car ride, and awkward flight later, you marched straight into the guest bedroom, and cocooned yourself under a copious amount of blankets. You felt like you stayed there for years, only getting out of bed to shower and use the restroom, and living off of the crustless sandwiches and jarred spaghetti your fiancé brought to your door. 
You slept most of the time, and in the moments you weren’t sleeping, you were dwelling on every vicious word thrown at you at the vineyard. Every day, you listened to Ransom apologize through the door, yet every day, you questioned if going through with the wedding was truly the wisest idea. 
A few days into your stay in the guest bedroom, you finally allowed Ransom to stay in the room for more than just dropping off food. He sat down next to you in bed, and cupped your cheek in his hand, rubbing his thumb softly back and forth against the skin. 
“I don’t know how I can make things right for you,” he said softly. “I really did set you up, and I didn’t even mean to. I should’ve made better decisions, but I can’t change four years ago. But I can keep those heinous people away from you. They’ll never have the chance to do, or say anything like that to you again, okay?” his thumb caught on a tear, which he promptly wiped away. “Just… please don’t leave me. The bed feels too empty without you, and it’s just been a few days. I can’t imagine feeling that emptiness for the rest of my life.”
You whimpered and sat up, abruptly embracing the broad man. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let your idiot family make me question the validity of our relationship,” you muttered into his shirt. 
“I promise you you’ll never have to worry about them again. They had their opportunity to make things right, and they missed it.”
Things were more or less smooth sailing after that fiasco. You found your perfect venue, decided on your ideal Honeymoon spot, and finished your seating arrangements with time to spare, and the next thing you knew your wedding day was around the corner. 
It all seemed to happen so fast, one second you were being walked down the aisle, the next, exchanging vows and rings as aisles of your friends and family members cheered for you, Y/N Drysdale.
Your reception also seemed to slip right through your fingers, your first dance, toasts and cake cutting finding itself over almost as soon as it started. You were grateful that you hired a wedding videographer, as the day was so overwhelming, you weren’t quite sure how much of it you’d remember. 
As you drove off to the airport, Ransom set his hand upon your knee one more time. A warm, fuzzy feeling formed in your chest at the all too familiar gesture. You turned your head from the window to your husband, who was grinning back at you, and couldn’t help but to think of how perfect your wedding ended up, though it felt like it sped by quickly. More than anything, you were grateful that you didn’t give up on Ransom despite his interesting family. 
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islesnucks · 4 years
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here is the hughesy angst i promised, i cannot believe i wrote it that quickly
likes and reblogs are always appreciated, hope you like it!
Word count: 2.5 k
Warnings: just a bunch of angst and then fluff
Summary: a month after a huge fight that ended your relationship you find out from Brock that Quinn hasn’t been able to move on too
Add yourself to the taglist!
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Today marked a full month since the fight that ended it all. You’d like to say you couldn't remember how it happened, how things got so out of proportion you ended up breaking up, but you did. You still remembered every painful detail.
It had been a long day, those that just drain you physically and emotionally to the point you want to get home and sleep so it's finally over. But you didn’t do that because the canucks were playing that night and you thought maybe watching the game at your boyfriend’s apartment and waiting for him to get back after it ended would make you feel better. You were wrong.
The canucks lost that night, it wasn’t a huge loss, just by one goal, a power play goal made by the other team after Quinn had taken a penalty. He obviously put the blame on himself and when he got home things got worse.
With both of you in bad moods things were meant to get nasty, but you never thought it would have reached the point it did. It started as a small fight but quickly things escalated. You knew you didn’t mean the things you were saying, but you weren’t thinking clearly. Suddenly all the little stuff that bothered you about each other started to accumulate and when he said you didn’t support him enough that was the last straw.
How could he say that when you were standing right in front of him in his apartment after having watched his game and waited for him? Even when all you wanted was to go to sleep and forget that day had even happened.
“I can’t believe you just said that. Seriously Quinn I do so much for you and this is how you pay me?”
“Then maybe if I’m such a bad boyfriend we should break up.” He knew that’s not what he wanted, but anger took over and he wanted to hurt you as much as you had hurt him seconds ago.
“Maybe we should.” you quickly replied and the room went silent. You looked at him, internally begging him to say he didn’t mean it, but nothing happened. The silence was deafening.
“Ok then. It’s over.” you finally said, already gathering your purse and leaving his apartment. Not having enough strength to give him a final look as you shut the door behind you and rushed out of the building.
You didn’t cry as you walked to your car or in the drive home, it was like you were on automatic mode, you just drove to your place in silence without a thought in your head.
But once you were inside your apartment it all dawned on you. Your vision got blurry and you let out a suffocated breath. Your legs stumbled and you fell down on the floor with your back against the wall, unable to take in everything that had happened. It was over.
That happened a month ago. You hadn’t talked to Quinn ever since that night. It had been the hardest month of your life. You didn’t realize he was such a huge part of your life till he wasn’t there at night to hold you as you sleep, making you a cup of tea while you studied, pointing at you in the crowd after a goal, rushing out of the lockers straight to your arms after a game, stroking your hair as you lied on his chest to help you relax after a stressful day. He wasn’t there anymore and you missed him with every bone in your body; but he never reached and you were too afraid to see him only to discover he was doing completely fine without you.
Focusing on your studies and work made it easier, you discovered if you had your head occupied the whole day you didn’t think of him. But nights were the hardest, lying alone in your bed with only your thoughts would make your mind go back to that dreadful night and you’d end up crying yourself to sleep. That empty feeling would turn from sadness to anger and vice versa, but no matter how hard you tried to get over him you couldn’t.
That’s why after weeks of pure silence it surprised you when you received a call from Brock. You debated on whether to answer or not, but figured if he called after all this time it was important.
“Hey Y/N” he answered. “How are you?” You could tell he was hesitant.
“I’m … good I guess.” you replied followed by a long silence. “Why are you calling Brock?” you finally asked, wanting the exchange to be over.
Brock didn’t know how to phrase it, he knew why he was calling and what needed to be said, but he simply didn’t know how to say it without you immediately ending the call after hearing his name.
“It’s about Quinn- please don’t hang up!” he was quick to add.
“What about Quinn?” you asked. It felt weird to talk about him out loud, something you hadn’t even done with your friends.
“He 's bad Y/N. Really bad. He won’t come out of his apartment, only for practices and games, and then he rushes back home and we don’t see him again. We’re really worried about him, all the team and his friends, even his family. He hasn’t been calling them like he used to and Jack had to basically convince their mom not to take the first plane here to check up on him. Even Brady hasn’t been able to get to him. Plus he’s been shit on the ice lately, taking stupid penalties and getting into fights, he’s one bad game away from getting benched.”
“I get it Brock but I don’t know what you want me to do. It’s not my job to fix him.” you told him. The thought of Quinn suffering alone in his apartment broke your heart but after all he was the one who decided to end things and never reached you after it. You knew it was your pride talking, but he had put himself in this position.
“I know, I know. I’m not asking you to forgive him for whatever it is he did. Honestly we’re kind of out of the loop here because he won’t tell us what happened between you two. But please I’m begging you, talk to him. You don’t have to get back together, but I think he needs some type of closure or something. He can’t keep doing like this Y/N.”
You could tell by his voice he was genuinely worried, and you were sure this is something he had talked about with the rest of the team and friends. You hated to admit it but Quinn still had a place in your heart and right now it ached at the thought of him drifting away from his family and friends and even failing at the job of his dreams when maybe a simple talk could help him. So you decided to push your grudge aside, but not completely.
“I have a box with his things, tell him I’ll go by his place to return them and then we can talk.” you said, thinking that the box of his belongings you had packed some days ago and sited by the door waiting for the moment you were strong enough to give them back to him would be a good enough excuse. That was not the answer Brock expected but he knew it was the best he would get.
“Thank you Y/N. I know this isn’t easy for you, but thank you so much.” You hanged up.
You stood on the hallway in front of his door after knocking, waiting for him to answer. You kept repeating to yourself everything would be fine, that seeing him again after a month wouldn't be as hard as you thought, but the moment the door opened and your eyes connected with his, your heart stopped.
He looked like shit. Tired eyes, heavy dark circles around them, messy hair and you’d bet he had been wearing that old shirt and sweatpants for at least three days. You were also surprised to see that he was shocked you were standing on his doorway.
“I told Brock I’d stop by today.” you explained.
“You spoke with Brock?” he asked and then you understood his friend hadn’t informed him of everything.
“Yeah he called me yesterday to talk about … well about you.” you said, unsure if telling him you talked about him was the right thing to do. He nodded, still a bit confused but didn’t say anything. “Can I …” you said, gesturing to the inside of the apartment.
“Oh yeah sure.” He moved to the side to let you in. “Sorry about the mess.”
You walked into the all too familiar apartment where you had spent many days and nights, but now it didn’t feel like home anymore. The curtains were almost shut completely allowing little to no natural light at all inside, there were some clothes on the sofa and dirty dishes piling up in the sink. 
“So I’m guessing Brock forgot to tell you I’d stop by to drop this.” you said putting down the box on his coffee table.
“He probably did it on purpose. If I knew he was going to call you I’d have stopped him.” he simply said, like it wouldn’t be a dagger to your heart to hear he didn’t want to see you. Maybe after all he wasn’t doing so bad, or maybe it wasn’t because of you.
“If you didn’t want to see me I can go-” You started to turn around, ready to once again leave his apartment brokenhearted like many days ago, but his hand on your wrist stopped you.
“No! It’s not that I don’t want to, it's just that … it’s hard.”
“Yeah Y/N, hard. I haven’t seen you for like a month. After that fight you just left and I never saw you again.”
“Well you never reached out Quinn.”
“You didn’t either.”
“Yeah but you were the one that decided to break up. You want me to process my boyfriend breaking up with me and then also call to check up on him?”
His hand was still on your arm, making you stand close to each other, so close that you could tell how his posture changed after hearing what you had said.
“I’m sorry about that, about the break up and about every other stupid thing I said that night. You were the best girlfriend I could have asked for.” he said looking into your eyes. You could tell he was being sincere and that softened something inside of you.
“I also said some stupid stuff I didn’t mean. We were too caught up fighting to actually think what we were saying.”
“I’m sorry.” he almost whispered before letting go of your arm and quickly wrapping his arms around your body.
You were surprised at first but didn’t hesitate to hug him back. By the way you were hugging, with his head low into your neck and your arms around his frame, it looked more like you were consoling him, and in a way that’s what was happening. At one point you noticed he was crying, you couldn’t see him but you felt the warm tears against your skin and the way his chest shook between your arms as he tried to hold it in but failed.
“If I could take it all back I would, I really would.” he mumbled against your neck in between sobs. You started crying too, unable to keep on pretending you were fine anymore, unable to keep on pretending you didn’t care.
“I miss you so much Y/N.”
“You do?” you asked, genuinely surprised to hear him say it.
“Are you kidding me?” He pulled away from you to look you in the face, but your arms stayed on each other. “Look at me, look at my apartment. I’m a mess without you. I miss you every second of the day, there isn’t a moment when I’m not thinking about you Y/N. I mean I’m doing so horribly I’ve got everyone worrying about me: my friends, my family, my team.”
“You never called so I thought you had moved on.”
“I didn’t. I can’t move on from you and even if I could I don’t think I want to”
You looked at the mess of a man standing in front of you, crying in your arms, telling you he regretted everything, he missed you. It was clear to see he had suffered as much as you had for the past month. There was no doubt in your mind you still loved him, you tried to push it away but there it was, strong as ever, beating deep in your heart. So you decided to go for it, let yourself be weak one more time and if it didn’t work out then that’s something you’d have to deal with later; but if it did you knew it would be extraordinary.
“Then don’t.” you said and he looked down at you with furrowed brows. “Don’t move on.”
“Is that what I think it is?” he asked, eyes getting bright with hope at the thought maybe it wasn’t all lost.
“I’m willing to try again if you are. I still love-” you started to say but he cut you off mid sentence moving his hands to your face and your words died in his lips.
It felt familiar, like coming back home after a long trip. Both your eyes were closed, enjoying the kiss, savoring every second of it. Tears started rolling down your faces and you could taste them on each other's lips. Tears of joy because neither of you could believe this was actually happening.
“I love you.” he said once you pulled away to breathe, foreheads touching and lips millimeters away. “I love you, I love you, I love you!” he kept on repeating with the brightest smile on his face. You giggled before connecting your lips once again for another kiss, something you could never get tired of.
This time his hands moved to your sides, lifting you up in his arms as you wrapped your legs around him and let out a surprised squeal between the kisses. He walked over to the couch, threw away the clothes that were there with one hand holding you close to him with the other, to then swiftly lay on it with you on top of him.
“I’m never letting you go again.” he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head as you nestled yourself between his arms with your head on his chest.
“That’s fine by me.” you replied, earning a sweet laugh from him.
tagging those who asked or seemed interested:
@lovingbrock @mellany1997​ @timothyjimothy74 @itoldmycatsaboutyou @stlbluesbrat @dermybaby​ 
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vickyvicarious · 4 years
A short late-night ficlet based off an ask sent to @captainkirkk that I saw reblogged by @muffinlance .
Now on AO3: the place you need to reach
What if Azula had been the one to burn Zuko?
Zuko thought - he'd thought it would be General Bujing. It made sense, that was who he'd disrespected, that was what he had done that was wrong, speaking out of turn when he should've known better -
When he said he wasn't afraid to fight, he had thought it would be against someone who had done wrong. Someone who would hurt the very people that he was supposed to protect. Someone who the Fire Lord felt it his duty to support, but - but not a person who mattered. No one who would propose such a plan could really matter.
He took a deep breath and stood, turning to face his opponent. Ready to strike them down.
And Azula smiled at him, from what suddenly seemed very far away.
"Father," Zuko said. He wanted to yank his head away, to stare at the seat of honor where Ozai sat watching, but his sister's smile was so very sharp. "Father, I thought - I don't -"
"You will fight for your honor," his father said. Azula began walking forward, each step measured and slow. "Show that you are not weaker than a mere child. Learn respect from the princess who has always shown it."
Zuko watched Azula approach, steady and smiling. Her hair pulled up and back, her hands relaxed at her sides. She was too young to fight an Agni Kai. Truthfully, Zuko was on the verge of being too young, himself - but it wasn't right for her, barely past her tenth year. It had never been done, not that he knew of.
He hadn't disrespected her. He hadn't spoken a word to her.
"Fight me, Prince Zuko," Azula said, close enough now to touch. Her smile was a poison thing. She looked happy to be here. Proud of herself.
Of course she felt proud, she was about to defeat him in front of all the world. To dishonor him, to demonstrate that the prince was not only a fool but a weakling at that, unable to match his own younger sibling. Zuko felt such a rage flare up in him suddenly, such a hatred that fire was sparking off his hands before they were even fully raised.
"I spoke with the Fire Nation's best interest at heart," he said, shifting his stance into a ready position. "I meant no disrespect!"
His voice rose to a shout against his will. His fingers were trembling. He wanted to turn, to face his father and ask openly for forgiveness. Azula shouldn't be here. She was too young, she hadn't been in the room. She would not be here unless Ozai was very angry.
Zuko had not fought his sister in years, since she had moved on to more advanced sets and a new firebending tutor more skilled than his own. Even so long ago, she had always won. Everyone in the Inner Palace knew the young princess was a prodigy, far outstripping her talentless brother.
Azula's regal smile slid wider, showed her teeth. She finally lifted her hands.
"It's alright, brother," she said. Kept her eyes locked on his: "I will teach you respect."
Zuko moved first, feeling something like a sob building in his chest. He already knew he would lose. He knew he would never win against her.
She didn't tire. Didn't err. Moved deadly, quick and precise and her fire bled blue through the center of his own, again and again.
Zuko did his best. He didn't hesitate, didn't falter even when his techniques were shown to be lacking, again and again and brutally still more. She knocked him to the floor each time, and then stepped back.
Waited for him to get back up, every time.
Zuko did. He was sweating hard, his muscles aching, his heart racing. Small burns dotted his torso, souvenirs of a hundred successful hits. His hair was falling into his eyes.
For her part, Azula still looked perfect. The picture of an honorable warrior. Her breathing remained steady, her eyes shining bright. She grinned at Zuko as though they were playing a game, as though Mom would be along soon and scold them for playing too rough.
Zuko's breath came harder and harder. It was so loud in the quiet of the hall. He knew he was scowling, knew he looked a mess. He knew they could all see how this would end. He knew, knew without ever looking once, that Ozai would be frowning, ashamed of his heir's shameful display.
It wasn't fair. Azula shouldn't be here. She was too young, he hadn't wronged her, she was too strong for him and Father knew that, everyone knew he couldn't defeat her -
She wouldn't have fought to enter the meeting. She wouldn't have spoken out of turn. She wouldn't ever show such a disgraceful performance as this, skidding down to her knees yet again, sobbing on a harsh breath out, shaking all over. Getting back up.
Azula knew respect. Zuko knew only that he couldn't give up.
He hated her for letting him rise every time. For never dealing the final blow. It was nothing but cruelty, but she kept smiling, she looked so so very proud -
This was no Agni Kai anymore.
Zuko could barely produce a single flame. He couldn't think, couldn't remember even the most basic forms. He even tried to tackle her, graceless and inelegant and no honor to anyone involved. Of course he failed.
The deathly silence of the crowd had vanished, a low murmur filling the hall instead. It wasn't proper, an Agni Kai deserved a respectful hush, but Zuko wasn't fighting an Agni Kai anymore. He didn't know what he was fighting. He only knew that he couldn't stop, couldn't give in, couldn't let himself fall and stay fallen because if he did -
If he did, Father -
He had been crying for a while now. Azula wasn't smiling anymore.
Her form was still perfect, but her face had grown pale. She didn't wait as long for him to rise from each new blow; dove back in the instant he staggered upright, hit harder each time. Her fire was so hot against his bare skin, new burns on his chest pulling with each gasping breath. He could tell she was growing frustrated. Knew she wanted him to just give up.
He didn't know if she understood why he couldn't. If his opponent had been anyone else, any other person, he would. He'd let himself slide to the floor and accept his defeat with grace. He'd still lose his honor, still fall far in the eyes of his people, but he would be seen as a prince who'd made a mistake and could learn from it. The consequences wouldn't last forever.
If he allowed his sister to defeat him like this, in front of everyone like this, with his honor on the line - if Zuko surrendered here, Ozai would never look his way again. He couldn't explain how he knew this; he'd simply understood, from the moment he saw Azula. His father had chosen this test for him, had ordered him to learn respect, and if he lost here he would lose everything.
Azula hit harder and harder and hotter, her eyes panicked now. She was so smart, had been a genius from the cradle. She'd always been better than Zuko, had always been the clever one who thought things through to their conclusions. How was it she hadn't seen the ramifications of this from the start?
Everyone knew an Agni Kai could only end in surrender or death.
Azula sent him tumbling again, rolling to a painful halt on the edge of the raised platform. Zuko gasped, choked down bile. When he lifted his head he saw the Fire Lord, seated directly across from him. His face was shadowed, beyond the reach of the torches, but he sat tall and strong.
Zuko stared into those shadows as he dragged himself to his knees once again, thought a tiny formless prayer, just please. He didn't know who he was asking, or for what.
"Azula," the Fire Lord said, voice firm and clear. "Teach him."
Zuko didn't have any time to move. She stepped in front of him, blocking his view of his father. He had no time, no strength to rise anymore regardless, could only look up at her and -
And she looked so scared -
But her fist was drawn back and burning the brightest blue. It shot forward and Zuko was too tired to dodge. He'd known all along it would end like this.
He forgot not to scream.
The Fire Lord pronounced that Prince Zuko had shown great dishonor during his Agni Kai. He had refused to stop fighting; his inability to acknowledge the superior strength of his opponent was a shameful display that only highlighted his own weakness. As punishment, he was banished. Only when he captured the Avatar would he regain his honor and be allowed to return home.
All agreed that Princess Azula had shown great skill and wisdom. Though only a child, she had completely outmatched her older opponent, and her future clearly held great promise. Her only error was small, hardly worth mentioning, a perfectly understandable fatigue after such a drawn-out battle: the final blow losing its distinctive blue heat, fading to a cooler orange just before it hit.
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the-record · 3 years
The Soulmate Who Wasn’t Meant to Be pt. 2
Based off of 'A Soulmate Who Wasn't Meant to Be' by Jess Benko.
Part 1
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x GN!Reader
A/N: I am finally back with part 2! I decided to just write a short part 2 and let you all decide in your minds what you want to happen. I’m just a people pleaser with writers block tbh. I finally got my butt in gear and wrote this because I’m dumb and forgot my iphone password and it’s been disabled for 4 hours now (help) so here it is :)
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When you had woken up, you immediately kicked Wanda out, needing time and space to think about what she did. 
Needing “time and space” away from her ended up being 2 weeks. And for 2 whole weeks, Wanda longed to see you again. Of course, she still loved you. She always had and probably always would. She had thought that her love had faded for you when you spent months apart, but it hadn’t. After seeing you crying on the bathroom, her heart shattered. She had done that to you and it only made her love you more. Wanting to protect you and love for all eternity.
The first week you had spent almost entirely in your bedroom. Only going out to grab food from the kitchen because Nat refused to bring you any. After that, you came out more often. Going to train or get food from a local bakery. You and Nat even went to the movies together one day. It was fun. It helped take my mind off things for awhile, but you had to talk to her eventually.
Your form of communication had been a letter. 
Wanda had gone back to her room one day, wanting to take a hot shower and nap after a tiring training, to a small white envelope on her bed. Her name written in cursive across it. She set it on the nightstand and took a quick shower to wash off the grime before coming back to her bed, not even putting on clothes. 
If she thought her shattered 2 weeks ago, it was pulverized tonight via your letter. Tears streamed down her face as she read. Sobs wracking her body as she read your handwriting over and over and over again. It hurt more than anything to see what you wrote.
Dear Wanda,
     I hope you know why this letter has arrived in your room. If you haven’t, please use context clues my love. 
     I’ve taken my time to think over your actions and my decision was difficult and tearful. I never wanted it to come to this, because I love you so much. My dear, you mean the world to me and I love you more than anything. However I need to think about myself as well.
     As we both know, we work long tiring hours and are often put in situations where we may struggle to find time in our very busy schedules to even talk to each other. It has put such a large strain on our relationship but I’ve held on.
     I’ll be honest. Seeing you and Vision destroyed me. My heart was wrecked and I wanted nothing more than to forget about what you did. To go back to the way we were and cuddle up together and watch a movie on the couch. But seeing what you did hurt, and I couldn’t forgive you.
     I love you more than life itself and knowing that you couldn’t feel the same for me hurts. Vision is a great guy person thing robot? companion. I trust that he will treat you well and fairly. You deserve it. I’ve also decided to stay at the compound and hope that we can be friends again.
I love you always and forever. 
Yours always,             Y/N
if i tag you, you commented or rebloged part 1 ! 
@jayjaydrifting @intearnetuser  @xxxtwilightaxelxxx  @xixxiixx @madisonsmorty @sideblogtorepost​ @ raventraveller   @ constellation0rion 
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golden-barnes · 3 years
𝓛𝓲𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓭 𝓢𝓶𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓱 𝓘𝓘: 𝓑𝓾𝓽 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓪𝓶 𝓘 𝓽𝓸 𝓭𝓸…..
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x F! Reader
Summary: Spencer felt like nothing made sense but it didn’t scare him. Just intrigued him.
Word count: 1.2k
Warning: Mentions of the case they are working on, lil bit of angst and cursing. Mentions of suicide and eating. 
Author’s note: I forgot to mention that this is based on the Mitski song by the same name. Comments and reblogs are always welcomed. Sorry for the late update, I will be updating more consistently. I promiseeeee!
 Chapter I
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All the hairs on Spencer’s arms stood up. Tara and Luke had left him in the interrogation room with her. She sat in her chair with her hands on her lap. Her back hunched, trying to close herself off from the world. She was humming to herself, as a technique to calm herself. Spencer didn’t recognize the song.
To say Spencer wasn’t worried for her would be a lie. Her face, when she heard that there was another suicide, would haunt him for a while. She didn’t even know what was going on; however, she was still affected by it. Spencer wanted to why. Like everything in life, he tried to get the how and why as fast and as efficient as possible.
Spencer looked at the file Luke had left on the table. Y/N L/N, grad student, linguistics. All of her achievements in 3 pages. She was smart. Her grades were impressive, and she even had a few papers published. Spencer would love to talk about them; her ideas were incredible, definitely academia-worthy. But it wasn’t the time.
Spencer quickly noticed the lack of personal information. No parents listed, no place of birth, not even a birthday. Blank, as if her life was only school. Even a letter from her preschool teacher was there. Y/N is very smart and helpful but does not interact with her classmates that much.- Miss Evelyn
“H-how long do I have to stay here?” Y/N whispered, still looking at her lap. Her body language was screaming one thing: stressed.
“I don’t know. I guess until we find out what you know.” Spencer answered truthfully. Trying to see if that will ease her worries. She took a deep breath.
“Listen, I don’t know anything. I’ve never seen these men in my life, and I most certainly have nothing to do with their uhm deaths. I’ve been living in the library for 3 months, trying to finish my thesis draft to send to my advisors. I don’t have time to plan some fucking suicides.” Y/N explained. She rubbed her temples.
“I believe you. It’s just that-” Spencer started.
“What? You think a grad student is a serial killer.” She interrupted. Spencer knew this was gonna be difficult, but this isn’t helping.
“This man, Nicholas Mclain, was saying your name before he died. His fiance said that he heard him on the phone several times the week before.” Her eyes widen at the information. Spencer continued.
“When SSA Alvez showed you the picture, you didn’t react, but when he mentioned the name, you looked uncomfortable. You recognized the name but not the face.” Spencer continued. Her focus went back to her lap, avoiding the picture Spencer had put in front of her.
“I-I don’t know.” She said honestly. Spencer could sense that it was making her more uncomfortable, and if that was the case, she was going to close herself off. He needed to build a repertoire if he was going to get some answers to this hellish puzzle.
“I know that you’ve been in the library for these past few months; I-I’ve seen you these past few months. I don’t think you’ve done anything, but I think someone wants us to think of you. ” Spencer explained; she looked at him with tearful eyes.
“Who would do that?” She mumbled.
“I don’t know, but we will find out.” Spencer promised. He wishes he could ensure that.
“The name of the newest victim is Elliot Lancaster. Another yuppie, but this time, it was more rushed. It was definitely staged to be a suicide.” Penelope told the Team. Emily nodded and turned to Spencer.
“Anything on L/N?” She inquired. Spencer shook his head.
“I don’t think she knows anything that is happening here. Oh, and Garcia, can you get me the rest of the file on her?” Garcia frowned.
“Sweetheart, I gave everything. She is like a ghost. I double-checked everything and only found that she is a brilliant cookie.” She said, slapping Luke’s hand that was trying to take one of the cookies she bought for herself. Luke rolled his eyes.
“Maybe there’s a locked file?” Luke added.
“But I would’ve been able to see if even if it was locked, newbie. I couldn’t find even an effing birth certificate, and she needs one for university.” Spencer was called to help find the missing puzzle pieces yet, he was even more confused. Mysterious family suicides, mysterious suicides, and a mysterious woman with no record other than academic records. How the hell was he supposed to figure this out?
“Where are you from?” Spencer asked the woman who was eating a sandwich giving to her by Garcia. After the third hour mark, everyone needed some fuel, especially Y/N. She grabbed the sandwich without even thinking. Spencer found another time to build rapport with her.
“Originally, from New York, but I grew up in Pennsylvania.” She said before taking a sip from her drink. She announced that with no hesitation, therefore she had nothing to hide. Then, where is that information?
“Did you like growing up there?” Spencer took a bite out of his sandwich. Garcia almost threw a shoe at him because he didn’t want to eat. Knowing that Reid doesn’t have any good eating habits, Garcia always makes sure he eats.
“I was surrounded by rich kids. Old money town, you know. Couldn’t wait to graduate. And even then, I attended a local university for my bachelor’s.” She commented, shrugging.
“What about your parents?”There has to be something there. Spencer thought.
“My parents had decent money; my mother was an event planner, and my dad worked cars. In the small town where almost everyone came from old money, they were “the help,” so they were on call every day. But that was okay; they went to every spelling bee and science fair and were home on the holidays.” Nothing in her words would sound any alarms. She was just average, not bad average. Just nothing that would scream evil mastermind. This just puzzled Spencer even further.
Emily entered the room, looking tired. Her undereye bags were more prominent, and she looked like she was running on pure coffee.
“Doctor Reid, Mrs. Y/L/N, if you would please come with me.” Y/N stop up quickly.
“Am I free to go?” She asked, almost desperately pleading for a yes. Emily gave her a sad smile. Y/N looked nearly defeated.
“Sadly no, we still don’t know who is behind all of this or if you are the next target. But you won’t stay here, we have a safe place where you can go, and one of our agents will be with you.” Emily explained. Y/N sat down, frustrated, rubbing her face. Trying to contain her tears.
Emily signaled to Spencer to get closer. Seeing as the young woman was distracted.
“Spencer, I am sorry, but you can’t go back to your sabbatical. I-”
“It’s okay, Em. I understand. I- uhm. I think I should be the one to go with her. She isn’t really trust, and I think I can get through to her. “ Spencer interrupted. Emily nodded at her friend and coworker.
“I think it would be a good idea. But Spencer.” Emily paused. She took a deep breath and looked at Y/N.
“Be careful. I think Y/N  knows more than she is letting on, and I wouldn’t forgive myself if something happens to you.” Emily whispered to the brunet.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay.” But why did Spencer feel like he was lying.
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intynidad · 4 years
Are the potions still a thing? If they are, may I request a Fire potion where Azul makes a spicy contract for him and a female s/o (or gn which ever you prefer). Thanks
A break 
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NSFW under the cut please don’t read it if you are uncomfortable
oh for the great seven….
-(y/n)-chan! can you come over here a sec?-
your feet hurt from walking around the campus 
-OH Mademoiselle Trickster~, I need your assistance here!-
you only wanted to go to bed but here you are, still going up and down the campus 
the sun was already setting on the horizon and yet you had so much to do, stupid Crowley making you do his work.
your mind was trying to remember what other things you had to do…
finish Crowley paperwork, buy some tuna for Grimm, also find where Grimm went, clean your dorm, did you finished mister Trein homework?
you didn’t wanna yell but you were so frustrated 
-Oya?- the person you just yelled at said with a toothy smile...oh boy here we go
-whaaaaaaaaa I never saw koebi-chan yell like that hahaha!-
the leech twins were standing in front of you with their mischievous smile still on their uniforms of the monster longe 
-guys I don’t feel like playing or something like that can you please leave me alone, please?-
-But that’s why we are here koebi-chan!, you were supposed to eat lunch with Azul but you never appeared in the VIP room and Azul asked us to hunt you down!-
shit… you forgot about the lunch date you had with your boyfriend that day. Perfect not only do you feel tired but now guilty as well.
-god I forgot about it,agg I’m the worst girlfriend in the world-
-well then you should come with us and explain yourself or you would prefer to go home and let your dear Azul worried?-
~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to the mounstro longe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-Azul is in his office we have other things to do so we gonna left the two of you alone-
 -thanks jade-
the mounstro longe was a beautiful place at night, the light of the moon reflected in the water of the aquarium and the comfortable silence of having no customers.
(knock knock)
-come in- 
there it was, the head of octaville and of course your lovely boyfriend
-oh! hello angelfish I missed you- Azul said 
-hello Zuzu-his face turned a light pink but you knew that he loved that nickname-I’m so sorry for today I had so much work and I know is no excuse but I totally forgot please forgive me, babe-
-it’s ok I know you won’t ignore me on purpose so I assumed that something happened, would you like some tea?- 
he always had that charm, no matter how tired you were he always made you feel at home, he made you feel safe and loved.
-I really would do whatever for a break-
-...whatever?...- the eyes of Azul obscured for a second but you didn’t notice.
-yes, whatever I just wanna rest of all the errands I have to do, that way I could make it up to you for our date-
-Well then- Azul snapped his fingers and one of his golden contracts appeared in front of you as well as his fishbone pen- please sign here and I will take care of you, my love~-
-Take care of me? what do you mean Zuzu?-
-please trust me in this angelfish also you own me for today, so please can you sign here?- he said while pointing to the little line at the end of the contract.
if you where in your five senses you would probably take the contract and read it or maybe discuss it with your boyfriend but honestly you were so tired that you took the pen and it was like your hand moved on their own
-*chuckle* well then angelfish-
you yelp in surprise while your boyfriend’s lips were attacking your neck and one of his gloved hands were massaging your inner thigh 
so this is what “take care of” mean, you weren’t complaining.
-a-Azul!- you moaned in surprise when his hand started to play with the fabric of your panty
you took off his glasses and started to kiss him, slowly both of your tongues were performing a sinful dance, your hands started to take his jacket off and your shirt was long gone.
-we-well my y/n I think you need to make up for the fact that you stood me up-Azul said while sitting on his chair and slowly starting to unbuckle his belt
you got on your knees and took his cock out already hard and your hands started to stroke it up and down slowly soon your tongue started to lick the tip while one of your hands started to touch your clit
-ah~ baby you know how to make me feel good- Azul said while gently pushing your head down
you started to move faster and while you heard Azul’s sweet moans with one last stroke he came into your mouth
-AH uff so-sorry for that baby, shit you are so hot…-he picked you up and sat you in his lap-but I’m the one that should be taking care of you- he took one of his gloves with his mouth and started to masturbate you and with his free hand started to massage your chest, you bite your lip so you could stop your moans but Azul started to kiss you roughly and you couldn’t help but melt under his touch
-you are so wet baby I’m flattered, shall I continue to take care of you in my bedroom?-
Azul said licking the fingers he used to pleasure you
you are pretty sure that you won’t really “rest” that night
Should I do a part 2?
qwq i did my best hope you like it anon!
reblogs are really appreciated!
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redhairedfeistynerd · 3 years
Slush and a Side of Toys
Part 2
A/N:  Winter/Holiday Festival Challenge. I chose #38 donating toys to children.
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Warnings: 18+  Angst, frustrated reader, swearing, alcohol
Part 1 here
Please like, comment and reblog. I appreciate it and thanks for reading.
All mistakes are my own
A reminder - my work is not to be re-posted anywhere.
Of all the days to make the largest and final delivery, the sky had to open and drop copious amount of fluffy, white snow throughout the morning, which dramatically turned to rain in the afternoon. The streets were bound to be a disaster and you didn’t have time for this mess.
Trying to slide another box into your SUV was like playing a game of Tetris and one that you were about to lose. With a push, the last piece fit in, but as one went in, another slid out. From the top of the pile, a large box (in painful slow motion) popped out of its comfy home and dropped to the ground, a large splash soaking your left side with cold, slushy water. All the carefully wrapped toys, were now submerged in the grey slush water at your feet.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” you cried out to the sky and pulled your toque over your eyes. Lifting the wool from your eyes, you stared at the colossal mess at your feet, and tried to swallow down the lump that was quickly forming in your throat. Blinking fast, attempting to avoid that tears that were threatening to pour out of your eyes. What a mess.
“Y/N?” A male voice came from behind you, the sound of slushy footsteps quickly approaching.
Oh no. OH NO.
Not that voice.  
Squatting down once more to try and quickly pick up some of the packages, you stop when two large feet stand in the water beside you, splashing dirty droplets of water in your face.
“Thanks, asshole,” you muttered.
“Is that any way to greet an old friend?” Chris chuckled from above you and offered his hand.
“Get the fuck away from me, Evans,” you shouted, slipping while trying to stand up. You made another attempt to stand and turned to face him, a look of disgust clearly showing across your face.  
“Damn. What exactly did I do to you again?”
“The fact that you are asking, pisses me off even more,” you shot back as you turned around and bent down, wrapping your arms around several sopping packages.
“Gifts for your boyfriend?” He asked, his tone emitting a slice of jealousy.
“These gifts are for the kids, you oaf,” you snapped back.
Chris didn’t have a response but leaned down to pick up a box floating near his feet “Here, don’t forget this one.  I’m...I’m sorry for the snarky comment,” he said biting at his lip, embarrassment running through him. “I didn’t mean to talk to you like that,” he added holding out the small, mushy box to you. “Are these going to the women’s centre? I can help you get them there if you like.”
You stared back at him, trying not to bit your lip so hard in frustration. “I don’t need your help. Please, stay away from me, Chris,” you said grabbing the wet box from his hand. “They’re going to the Neighbourhood House.”
“At least let me get the car door for you, the trunk looks a bit full,” Chris said as he opened the back door.  
Tossing the wet gifts into the back, not caring about the upholstery, you muttered a “thanks” Chris’s way before slamming the door and walking around to the driver's side, stopping to close the trunk on your way. Hopping in, you made the mistake of looking in your rearview mirror as you started up the car, Chris’s smirking face looking right at you. “Stupid good-looking asshole,” you snarled as you drove away from him, trying to ignore the small wave he gave as you drove down the street. Heading back to your office, hoping that your coworker was still there with the other pile of gifts that were ready to go out today to a few local schools.  
The office was quiet, no papers shuffling, no phones ringing. You knew you had missed your chance to switch out some of the gifts before heading over to the Neighbourhood House that evening. This day was not going the way you had planned and if you couldn’t deliver the gifts promised, this day was going to go from bad to worse, very quicky.  
You wanted to blame all of this on Chris, mainly because even looking at his handsome face infuriated you more than anything. But your reasonable side knew that the problems with the gifts had nothing to do with him and you were still holding a grudge from years before. You needed to get this out of your system, once and for all.  
You poked around the storage room in your office for any extra toys; a few boxes remained and you remembered that several gift cards remained – a few of the older kids may want to buy something instead.  
Okay, this will work. This isn’t so bad, right?
Packing up the new gifts in bags and leaving the soggy toys by your desk, you headed back to your car and off to the Neighbourhood House.  
“What? Where did these come from?” You gaped at the bags stuffed with tissue paper of every colour, full of gifts. Boxes upon boxes filled the front of the entryway, piled neatly underneath a large tree that almost touched the high ceiling.
“A gentleman came by, maybe 20 minutes ago with all of these, he said that they were part of the delivery you were bringing by this evening.”
“But...I...” Completely confused but relieved that you didn’t need to explain the mess that had happened earlier in the day, you smiled at the shelter employee and made your way back out to your car to bring in the remainder of the gifts.
“Thank you for your kind donation this year, including our staff this year was not expected,” Marjorie the director of the Neighbourhood House gushed.
Was this some alternate universe where gifts started popping up where ever you went. What the hell was going on? Had your team approved an extra donation at the last moment?  
It didn’t take more than a few minutes for you to figure out what was going on. There he stood, inside the main entrance of the building, hands in his pockets, bouncing on his heels, whistling a Christmas song and completely avoiding eye contact.
“What do you think you’re doing?” you asked, walking up to the smirking man.
“Trying to follow in your footsteps and help out the community more? Is that okay with you?” Chris snapped back at you.
Storming out of the building, you rushed to your car, in hopes of escaping Chris. His long strides caught up to you in no time, meeting you at the SUV but before you could put your hand on the door handle, he took hold of your arm and turned your body to face him.
“Why are you so angry at me? All I did after I saw you three years ago, was to send you flowers! Do you hate flowers or something?! I’m trying to figure out what the hell I did to you to make you act this way around me?”
“I have no idea what you’re going on about; you’re absolutely delusional,” you spat at him and went to pull at the handle too fast, ripping back one of your nails. You shouted out in pain, holding your finger tightly with the other hand, face flushing red out of anger and pain.
He reached out, placing his hand on your shoulder, trying to stop you from turning away. “Y/N-
“Don’t touch me!” You shouted, pulling away your arm in disgust, “the last time you did that, you broke my fucking heart!” And with those final words, you pulled on the door handle again, hopping into the car and screaming once more before starting the engine. Your head fell to the steering wheel, hitting your forehead into the it several times while angry words spouted out of your mouth.  
Having no idea what was going on, Chris drove away from the shelter, utterly confused by what you had screamed at him. How the hell had he broken your heart? After spending the night at your place all those years ago, a lazy morning and a wonderful breakfast, he had made his way back home with the promise to see you again two days later. Unfortunately, his schedule had a last-minute change and he had to head out several days earlier than expected. He’d spoken with Scott and begged him to pop by your office and drop off a bouquet as an apology and that he would reschedule when he returned to town the following week. What if...
Chris turned the wheel fast, tires screeching as he maneuvered a U-Turn and headed back towards his house. Once parked, he slammed his car door and pushed his way into his house, the aggression taken out on the door as he slammed it. He immediately headed up to the guest room to find his brother. He found him quickly, the younger Evans sitting back and looking engaged in a book that once sat on Chris’s nightstand. Scott jumped when Chris burst into the room, letting out a scream and throwing the book towards his older brother.
“Chris! What the hell, man,” shouted Scott and got up for the bed to stand in front of his brother.  
“I’ve got something to ask you and you better have an answer that makes sense,” Chris shouted. “What happened when I asked you to send Y/N flowers all those years ago?”
Scott nodded, his eyes looking to the ground, afraid to meet his brother's cold stare. “I... I forgot to do what you asked. I ended up with a call from my agent and was excited about the conversation I had and it slipped my mind. Plus, there were a thousand other things that came up that week. I’m sorry?” Scott apologized, looking up and meeting his brothers' eye, a little smile on his face, looking for forgiveness.
“Scott! What do you mean you forgot?” Chris stepped closer to Scott, almost nose to nose.
“Exactly what I said, I forgot to go by. I had a lot of other things going on that week if I’m remembering clearly. Was it too hard for you to call or message her?”
“I thought the flowers would be a romantic gesture. I can’t believe you never went by, now I know why she doesn’t want me near her. The thing is, when I got back, I did call her and she never picked up.”
“Do you not know how to leave a voicemail? A text? Are you really that idiotic?”
“She just...I just...” Chris couldn’t stop fumbling with his words.
“You’re something else, dear older brother. But I know you can talk and I know you have a romantic side. So, where to start?”
Chris shuffled his feet, embarrassed that he hadn’t given you the time and respect you deserved all those years ago. “I guess I should try to talk to her,” he mumbled.
Scott pushed his right shoulder, “Come on Rico Suave, you can fix this, right?”
“I’m pretty sure after her stewing on this for 3 years, that my chances are nil.”
“Bat those pretty blues and sing to her, I swear, use your Evans charm, or continue being a dumbass, your choice,” Scott shrugged.
Chris shook his head in annoyance and walked away from his brother. Could he fix this?
“So, lover boy, what’s going on in that big head of yours?”
“I’m going to go by her office and I’m going to beg her to come by the house.”
“And what
“I have an idea. What do you think about this...”
The chimes jingled as the door to your office opened “I’ll be right with you, I just have to send off this email,” you said. A few more words added and you hit the send button. “Okay, done. What can I help...” You tried to finish your sentence but that cat definitely had your tongue. The second your eyes met the blue eyes of the man you despised more than anything, you couldn’t finish asking your question.  
“Y/N, please, please let talk to you about what happened, or what I think happened. Please,” Chris pleaded, seconds away from falling to his knees and begging.  
You were tongue tied, the snark you could so easily dish out was stuck in the back of your throat, silenced.  
“I’m sorry that I came by work, I didn’t know how else to get a hold of you. You did a pretty good job of blocking me on every form of media and communication I have. When I saw Rosie, I couldn’t help but ask about you.”  
“Why are you here?” you whispered, trying to hold back tears that were fueled by sadness and anger.
“I want to, I need to talk to you about what happened. A few things came to light today, that I didn’t know and I would appreciate if you would take the time to listen and hear me out.”
Before you could try to respond, your phone sang out a tune, the one that you have reserved for Rosie. Pulling your phone from your back pocket, you now had an excuse to pull your eyes away from Chris.
Y/N. Please give him a chance. Hear him out, I swear it's worth it.  
“Rosie is in on this too? Why are you involving my friends Chris? I swear, you better make this worth it.”  
“Please. Y/N. After you finish up here, will you come by my place and I promise all I want to do is speak and I’d appreciate it if you’d be willing to listen.”
You needed to sit down. The anxiety building quickly, you couldn’t breathe. “Fine. I’ll come by in an hour. I’ll sit. I’ll listen. That’s all. Deal?”
Chris’s face lit up, a half-smile forming, “Deal, I’ll see you shortly.” He gave a little wave and headed back out into the night.
You sat in your car outside of Chris’s beautiful house, nervous as to what the night was going to bring. After all of these years, what did he need to tell you? Would a simple text not suffice? You took a deep breath and unbuckled your seatbelt, ready to pull off the Band-Aid quickly and get this all over with. Feet finally out of your car, you walked across the gravel drive to his front door, knocking and hearing Dodger bark at the sound. Footsteps followed soon after, the door unlocked, and there, there was the most handsome man you had ever seen (and couldn’t stand).
“I was wondering when you were going to get out of your car. I heard you drive up about twenty minutes ago and I figured you were having second thoughts about coming. I’m glad you’re here though, so thank you.” Chris moved aside and you walked into the entryway, pulling off your shoes and placing the beside the door. “Follow me, we can sit in the front room. Would you like a drink?”
“I’m pretty sure a drink is necessary.”  
“Let me go grab something, take a look around, okay?”  
Walking to the couch, you checked out the little plants and decorative items he had placed around the room. There were some great art pieces on his walls and when you got closer to the couch, the painting hung above it stopped you. “What the...” It couldn’t be, there was no way that he could have known all this time and not have said anything. This man lived to rub shit in your face – the ultimate gloater. In front of you, on the wall above his couch, was the painting you had donated all those years ago to the gallery. Dodger’s nails tapped on the wooden floor, pulling your mind (and jaw) back into place. You heard footsteps following and a tune being whistled as he walked through the doorway, a bottle of wine and two glasses in his hands.
“I thought you might like a glass of this, I...” he stopped halfway to you and realized that you were still standing in the middle of the room, your mouth half open and staring at him. His eyes flicked to the painting on the wall and then back to your face, you could see the look of panic slowly starting to take over. “I...I can explain,” he stuttered taking several steps closer to you.
“There was something that was pushing me to find out and that night, I called the owner of the gallery and asked if I could find out which piece you had donated. She was hesitant to offer any details but as privileged as this sounds, I offered to donate a large sum to the charity and buy another painting from her gallery to get the information. I needed to see what you created and once I had it, I couldn’t stay away from you...which is why we kept running into each other the way we did. Please don’t be creeped out.”
“Are you completely forgetting about the whole fuck ‘n chuck moment? You hunt me down and flash your pearly whites at me, make me feel something for you, we get into bed, and poof, you disappear. Care to explain before I get the hell out of here? You replied angrily, your face flushing out of frustration.
“Y/N, what? Oh, it wasn’t the right time. I didn’t think it meant anything...”  
“That’s not it, that’s not it at all.”
"Then what is it, Christopher. You never shut up and when I need you to say something, you clam up. What IS IT?” You couldn’t help but shout, you were angry, sad, and had no idea where this was going.
“If you stopped jumping over what I keep trying to say, then maybe I could get everything out. So, for a few minutes, can you keep your mouth shut. Shit, and I thought I was annoying,” he explained loudly.
You nodded; eyes wide that he had raised his voice to get his story across. You were wound up so tightly, incredibly hurt by his action's years ago, that you didn’t exactly know how to contain and cope with your emotions. You took a seat on the couch and looked up at him, still standing where he first entered the room and had stopped when he noticed you looking at your own art in his house. He took a few steps closer and looked to you, “Is it okay if I sit on the couch next to you?”
“I guess...”
Chris sat a comfortable distance from you, placed the wine glasses and bottle on the table and waited until you settled and looked to him to continue on.  
“I messed everything up, I’m taking all responsibility for this giant mess.” Chris sat silent for a few moments, his fingers intertwined and his left thumb rubbing across the right. He was clearly nervous. Clearing his throat and lifting his head up, blue eyes meeting yours, he blinked once and began to speak. “It was never my intention to hurt you. I messed up and badly. When I left you that morning, my plan was to see you again, once I returned home from my work trip. Everything happened so fast that day and to be honest with you, my head was in the clouds; all of my thoughts revolved around you and the wonderful evening I had with you. I was so busy in dreamland, that I ended up almost missing my flight. I asked Scott to help me out and send a bouquet of flowers to you, with a note explaining that I had to leave earlier and that I would call you soon. The thing is, I thought he had followed through and didn’t even know until the other day that he had never sent the flowers or note to you. I’m so sorry, Y/N. I did try to call though, when I was home and you never answered and I figured the night meant nothing to you.”
You sat there, silent for a few moments trying to take in everything he had said “Well, aren’t we a bunch of idiots,” you said, looking at him, a smile on your face.
The corner of Chris’s mouth lifted, a smile in there. “Does this mean you forgive me?"
“I mean, I’m still upset but I get that miscommunication can happen and I mean, how many people go as far as calling a gallery to hunt down a painting and then buying it. You’re pretty unbelievable, Evans.”
“But do you forgive me?” Chris asked as he scooted closer to you and let his fingers crawl closer to yours.
You took a hold of his hand and brought it to your lips, and kissed his knuckles softly. “I do forgive you Chris and I hope you forgive me for how hostile I’ve been. I really appreciate what you did for the Neighbourhood House too, I’ve never seen anything like that and you saved the day, so, thank you.” You kissed his hand again and looked up at him, a smile still on his face.  
Chris sighed and watched as you pulled his hand into your lap. “Y/N, is it too soon to ask if I can kiss you?”
“That would make me incredibly happy,” you replied and moved in closer, meeting his soft lips again after all these years. “I’m still mad at you though, I hope you know that. And let’s not forget about Rosie. I can’t believe the two of you did this. I’m still mad at her too.
Chris pulled you in for another kiss, running his hands through your hair. “I know. I plan on making it up to you. I’ll help with every event; I’ll clean up your messy office. I’ll even carrying you and your toys through the slush.”
You couldn’t help but laugh and pull him down with you to lay on the couch. “I can’t wait for you to get started.”
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samiwok · 4 years
social media au ; ndiy
17 || don’t leave
~li’s notes~ sooo, this part is going to open a new path. I’m waiting for your answers in my inbox or in the comments/reblogs. I will wait a little more parts to ask you to choose one of them djwkdkd yeah I know it’s hard but dw you still got time and you can also tell me if you want me to do two endings. If a lot of you ask for it I might write two paths for the two boys.
drunk || 16 <-
-> 18 || a lovely day
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“That’s..awkward isn’t it ?” He asked, hiding his face with his right hand
“No it’s not..? I don’t know, but you should try to sleep Hajime” you said to him, looking at him while you were stopping for a few seconds and seeing you taking care of him that way made him smile.
You were focused on the road. What am I doing ? was the only thing you had in mind. You were already asking yourself tons of questions but it got even worse after your conversation with your ex’s best friend.
— Iwa-Chan...he really loves you Yn. I won’t tell you to choose him instead of the other.
— What ? Who ?
— Miya Osamu.
— You.. know him ?
— They talked to each other actually..about you. And Hajime..uhm, he doesn’t want to push the things for you but I know he’s suffering. He needs an answer so you should take your decision.
Now the boy was sitting next to you; asleep and you were thinking to a lot of things. Osamu’s message, your relationship with him and the fact he never made a single mistake. Then you thought of other things. California. Hajime. Having almost all your first times with him. His comeback only to get you back. Your hands gripped the steering wheel even harder.
“Hey.. are you okay ?” He asked suddenly. The surprise made you look at him. The car was parked since a while now but you were so lost in your thoughts you almost forgot you were here, in Akaashi’s car with him. He took your hand tenderly retiring it from the steering wheel, bringing it closer to his lips and he placed a kiss on it.
“I don’t want to bother you Yn, I’ll walk to my place okay ? Sleep well please”
He caressed your cheek and let your hand down before getting out the car and you followed him. Both in the streets he was walking away and you screamed his name, making him turn.
“Don’t do this Hajime ! You’re running away again just like that night at the fair.” You said, not quite sure about what you were saying, but the words were coming out from your mouth by themselves. “You don’t have the right to leave again ! I came to take you home so don’t leave...” Your voice was shaking to your last words. He came back to you, slowly taking you into his arms, his thick hands caressing your hair softly.
“I’m here Yn, I’m not going anywhere I promise” he said to reassure you.
You smiled to him. Feeling confused. Confused about your feelings, about your reactions. Guilt. But it all went away when Hajime touched your chin with his two fingers, facing you. His deep green eyes founding in yours. His lips forming a barely noticeable smile. His smell, a mix of alcohol and perfume. Supposed to smell bad, but making him look even sexier than he already was.
“Feel bad. Do not feel that way, please focus on yourself.” He said, which made you feel more better. He always had this ability to comfort you so quickly. He probably knew you better than anyone else maybe even better than yourself.
* * *
You both entered the appartment. It was quiet, as if no one was there yet Kenma was in the living-room, silently judging the boy in your company. His eyes fixed on his Nintendo switch, were detaching themselves from the screen time to time to stare at the two of you, still standing in the entry.
Hajime went to sit on the couch, he was visibly tired. You looked at him, still wearing his jacket and shoes. He was sitting on the border of the couch, and Kenma got up to go into his room. Glancing at you before leaving the room.
We’ll talk about all this tomorrow, his eyes seemed to say. But you didn’t react, focused on your guest, waiting here.
“Tired ?” You asked
“Exhausted.” He only said. It was hard for him to keep his eyes open right now. You went in the kitchen. “I’ll prepare you something to help you get through that hangover” you laughed. It took you a few 7 minutes to make him a coffee with some biscuits. When you arrived in the living-room, Hajime was laying on his right side, in an evident uncomfortable position. Hands in his pockets, still wearing everything he had. How angelic he looked. Quiet, closed eyes, open mouth. His face buried in the pillow.
You turned the lights off, preparing yourself to go to your room.
“I’m scared, don’t leave”
You stopped. It was as if you heart stopped beating. His tired voice. These words. The same exact words he told you several weeks ago when you left him. You gulped before answering.
“You said something ?” You turned, as if you were going to see anything in the room only filled with darkness.
“Shittykawa tell me why?” You asked yourself questions, frowning in incomprehension until you realize the boy was probably in a deep sleep and dreaming of different kind of things. You sniffed.
“Kusokawa.. learn onigiri ? I’m idiot”
You turned the lights on again, staring at him who was still talking in his deep sleep. You went to take his shoes off, took a blanket to cover his body when you noticed he was shaking. From his head to his toes. All his body seemed to be terrorized by something. You didn’t know if alcohol was the main reason to this but you worried for him. You sat on the floor next to him. Caressing his face softly, tour fingers running in his hair. You were kind of afraid to wake him up, but he seemed to feel peaceful now that you were close to his body.
“I’m sorry Hajime.” You whispered, almost talking to yourself.
“I still need time, forgive me.”
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sheadre · 3 years
Aurora Borealis (Jiang Cheng x Reader) Part Two
Summary: Zhu Ran'En (Reader) the imperial princess, was sent into exile for a crime she did not commit. Meeting Jiang Wanyin, the Yunmeng Jiang sect's leader was not just a chance meeting. Their fates were written in the stars however, her relations to the royal family will never let her live in peace. How will she manage to save the kingdom while trying to keep Jiang Wanyin away from the snakes of the royal family?
Word count: 3281
Warnings: this story contains violence, blood, mindgames, scheming, angst, romance, fluff with Jiang Cheng, awkward flirting.
A/N: If you liked this story, please like and comment or reblog! You may find this story on quotev.com/Vaeri or on ao3. Please check out my other works in the Mo Dao Zu Shi fandom! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy!<(^-^)>
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You sat in silence as you sipped on your tea with your face ordered into nonchalance. You got used to having to wear a neutral mask around people in the palace and it was a habit that couldn’t be easily left behind. Your (e/c) eyes looked the sect leader over who was eying you with suspicion. He was handsome as was told by many in the kingdom, his features chiseled and strong, his body lean and tall. You already had time to check him out when you first encountered him but a second glance couldn’t hurt, now could it?
If you would still be a part of the court, your father would definitely try and engage you to Jiang Wanyin. Your father always wished for a strong son-in-law who could protect his daughter. And this time, you wouldn’t protest.
“Imperial guards are asking about your highness all around the other towns in this region” Jiang Wanyin spoke up with a scowl. “You are already spending your time in exile.”
“My dear cousin wishes to secure her place in the court and fears that I will take action” you shrugged. “Not that she is wrong.”
“Your highness, are you planning something?” Jiang Wanyin grumbled, his eyes sparkling with lightning. “I warn you, there will be innocent people caught in the middle of your war against whoever offended you in the court. I’m here for them.”
“And I tell you that those innocent people might all be wiped out if you try and restrain me from taking action. Do you even know why I’m here?” you narrowed your eyes at him, your fingernails rattling against the wooden surface of the small table. It seemed Jiang Wanyin failed to dig deeper than the rumors going on around about the case, his light blush of embarrassment was indicating that. You sighed heavily and picked up the kettle to refill your cups while taking a breath to continue: “I caught my cousin and uncle, the second prince talking about money embezzlement and money laundering. They realized their mistake and now I’m here. To simply put it…”
“There is something more to that if your highness seems to be in such a distressed state” the sect leader noted calmly his eyebrows still furrowed. You wondered if anything would make him smile in his life. You imagined him smiling and hid the picture in the back of your mind. He would give a magnificent sight for sure.
“I advise you to not interfere with my plans… if a commoner like you get caught in the war of the royal family, what do you think might become your future?” you asked. Sitting back down, you pulled your hands in your lap but held his stare.
“Those kind of wars always end up being the public’s demise. Are you planning on sacrificing innocent people?” Jiang Wanyin asked back lifting his chin and you could tell that he was already determined in getting involved.
“I plan to earn the emperor’s favor again” you replied not wanting to argue anymore with him. There was no point, you could just leave him out of everything. You didn’t need his help nor wanted it. He had no idea of the monsters ruling the kingdom and how many people would be devoured by them. You got reminded of the hard times in the palace you spent with cornering people, avoiding corrupt ministers’ hands grabbing onto your sleeves so they could get you involved in their shady businesses. Your cousin always tried to get you in trouble so you would get executed but to her misfortune you were too smart.
“By starting a war?!” Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth angrily.
“Starting one?!” you jumped to your feet from anger. Of course, the sect leader wouldn’t know about anything of your plans but his nosiness annoyed you. “I’m going to end the rebellion the war generals of Wu, Yan and Jin are planning!”
“Rebellion?” his jaw went slack. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms in front of your chest with a huff.
���If you were sharp enough to notice the imperial guards roaming the area, you should’ve rather noticed the brewing war under our feet” you noted as you sat back down. You didn’t really care about the fact that he left out your title by now. You were convinced that you didn’t need his help but… maybe you were wrong and should consider accepting his hand if he would offer. You had no army, Jiang Wanyin had, you had no connection to the other sects, he had. Then you started massaging the bridge of your nose continuing: “Forgive me for my words… I did not mean to be so harsh, it is only frustrating me so much that I know what awaits us if my cousin and uncle wins. The emperor is old and sickly, everyone is already preparing for the coronation of Crown Prince… however, without me looking out for his highness, I have no idea if he will live long enough to become emperor.”
Silence stretched between you two, him staring you down while you sipped on your tea with the perfect mask of calm. It was quite easy to pull it on by now. You were already planning your next move as you sat there. Perhaps, Jiang Wanyin could be a key character in your heroic story, you just needed to pull the strings in the right way… but that was quite hard.
“Your highness, I am only here to warn you” Jiang Cheng spoke up suddenly and stood up then. “Do not sacrifice innocent people.” His eyes were spitting lightning at you from where he stood before Jiang Cheng turned around and stormed out of the mansion. You smiled at his lack of manners, his temper reminded you of a friend you left in the palace. You wondered how Xiao Pei was doing now that he was by himself. He got a high rank in the military but everyone knew of your good relations. He was like a little brother to you.
You knew that Jiang Wanyin will come back to you in the near future. The news about a rebellion of the three small counties was spreading. Wu, Yan and Jin generals had authority over the three counties closest to where Yunmeng was located. Yunmeng would be the first to meet their united armies once the generals would advance towards the capital. However, you had much to do in the meantime. With a smirk you went back to your study and rolled out a blank parchment.
Jiang Cheng’s PoV.
Jiang sect leader was furious by the way the princess was acting. There was a war brewing under their feet and she was only adamant on getting her place back at the palace. Her position was more important to her than anything else! She was just like the other royals, sacrificing innocent people for wealth and power. He felt foolish for hoping that maybe Zhu Ran’En was different and was rebelling to stop injustice. He was wrong.
For a second he hoped that she was different, that she was using the dark ways of cultivation because she needed to. However, the evil glint in her eyes told him otherwise. Arriving back to Yunmeng gave him a feeling of calm and tranquility. As the days passed, he easily forgot about the princess, work piling up. He spent nights figuring out the financials and counting how much money they needed for the replacements of training dummies and other supplies. Wei Wuxian showed up with his… husband, Hanguang-Jun and was annoying Jiang Cheng to the point he was sporting a massive headache.
“Ah, Jiang Cheng! I heard you went after the Dark Princess!” Wei Ying burst into the study with a large excited grin on his face. Wanyin was already starting to massage his temples but had yet to yell at his brother. “Is she as pretty as the rumors say?! How was she?!”
“Why are you so excited suddenly, ay?” Wanyin asked back as he put down the brush knowing that he won’t be doing any more progress today. “Have you got tired of Hanguang-Jun?”
“Wha-?! Why are you saying such things, Jiang Cheng?!” Wei Wuxian leaned forward right into Jiang Cheng’s face with a scrutinizing gaze before his face lit up like he found the problem for world peace. “Are you being defensive because you like her?!”
“Wha-?! Why would I like her?!” Wanyin jumped up to his feet with his fists trembling by his sides. “She’s evil and vicious! She’s not pretty at all! Just one of the pampered princesses only caring about wealth!”
“Did you get rejected by her?” Wei Ying narrowed his eyes in thought as he tried to guess. “That is why you’re so sour, Jiang Cheng?”
“Who is sour?! Huh?!” Wanyin felt like jumping out of his skin. He couldn’t decide if he wanted to strangle his brother or run away and never look back until he found peace. Lately that term seemed to not exist. People were always finding him for something. A broken practice dummy here, a young disciple in need of a practice sword because the one he had was lost to the river or broken. Was it really such a luxurious request to just be left alone for a while?
What irked the sect leader even more was the fact that Wei Wuxian was not the first person to ask him about the matters of marriage. The elders expressed their concern of a sect heir because other men in his age was already married with at least two children. It wasn’t about him not having any interest in the matter but he was just too busy to think about it. He had no time to court anyone and he refused to just marry a woman he never met before.
“Wei Ying” came suddenly Hanguang-Jun’s quiet voice and just like an obedient pet, Wei Wuxian turned to his husband with a wide smile on his face and hurried over to the entering cultivator. At least, Hanguang-Jun still had manners and bowed to Jiang Cheng upon entering the study. “It is time we leave Jiang sect leader to his duties and do not bother him longer. We have to take care of those ghosts in Chongyang.”
“Alright…” the Yiling Patriarch sighed deflating at the lost chance to annoy his brother further. Jiang Wanyin walked his guests out to the pier with prayers to the heavens for helping him out. His thoughts then turned back to Zhu Ran’En. What was she planning? She was so sure about her success it was giving him chills. She was definitely an enemy he didn’t want to make.
At Chongyang:
The city was quiet. The people were all acting scared and worried, lines were forming on their forehead the second they spotted someone unfamiliar. Fog was encasing the whole city, vendors closed their shops and went to somewhere safe. The small inn which welcomed Hanguang-Jun and Wei Wuxian with reluctance was close to the middle of the city. Wei Wuxian tried to ask around about the sightings of the ghosts but got short replies of the same kind. All of the people were talking about the grey clothed ghosts or corpses who roamed the city at night and killed those who stepped foot on the streets. A few men mentioned that it all started after the appearance of a man in the clothes of the royal officials. No one knew what the man was doing in the city or if he was still around.
It all sounded suspicious to him. So Hanguang-Jun and Wei Ying decided to stay at the inn and see what happens at night. Wei Wuxian sat with his back to his husband’s chest when his ears suddenly perked up at the sound of an erhu. He jumped up and went to the window not caring about his state of clothing. He scanned the area with his eyes narrowed and soon spotted a dark figure standing on the rooftop of the building forty chi distance far from his position. The delicate figure of a woman was sitting on the rooftop with an erhu in her lap. A cold calmness was surrounding her as the wind blew her long dark hair.
“Lan Zhan, look” he mumbled while his husband walked up behind him.
“Resentful energy” Hanguang-Jun said with a low voice.
“Mnn” Wei Wuxian nodded and pulled his robes tighter around himself fixing it before grabbing Chenqing. “Let’s check it out!”
Your PoV.
The city was quiet as the sun disappeared behind the horizon. You always loved to watch life go by under your feet when you observed the world from the rooftop of a building. It was calming, like you weren’t a part of the world and could disappear from sight to watch everything happen without actually taking part in anything. You sat there in silence as the sky turned dark and the stars appeared. The fog around the city only obscured the vision of the starry night sky from those who stood below. However, you could easily admire the beauty of the night. Then you heard it. Otherworldly grunts and moans coming from below.
Liu Minister, who visited the city a few days ago and whom you should’ve met here disappeared when the animated corpses started roaming the city at night. The minister – who was your good ally – sent letter to you about someone following him since he left the Imperial palace in the capital. Pulling out your erhu from your back, you smiled mischievously while you hummed a tune. A tune you learnt from your mother. 恶梦È mèng (Wicked Dream) was the song your mother taught you when her family was accused of treason and got executed. After that, your mother lost the favor of the emperor and was the laughing stock of the people in court. The night you found her dead body, you heard those notes coming from her quarters. You promised yourself to find her killer because even if she was ashamed, even if she lost the favor of the emperor, she would’ve never committed suicide.
The notes were flying in the air as you played. Resentful energy surrounding you before black mist circled the animated corpses and closed around them. You were curious if the culprit would show themselves if you annoyed them with binding the corpses together. Your ears then perked up and before the two newcomers could land on the rooftop you were sitting on, you jumped over to another one.
“Ah, I remember you!” Wei Wuxian exclaimed with a large grin on his face. “You’re the lady who gave up the table for us!”
“Ahaha, nice seeing you again, Young master” you smiled at him.
“You’re using resentful energy” Hanguang-Jun stated but his tone was not scolding. There was no warning in his words, just a simple statement, an observation. You expected a different reception when you thought about meeting this pair again.
“What can this humble one do?” you asked, shrugging your shoulders with a pout. “This is the only way for me to cultivate.”
“Don’t you have a golden core, Imperial Princess?” the Yiling Patriarch asked then. Your smile widened before you let out a mirthful laugh. He was smarter than you thought he was. If he would be your opponent at court, you would have fun for sure.
“A princess is taught to learn embroidery and etiquette, Wei gōngzǐ” you replied squinting your eyes before turning to the corpses. “Don’t you find it interesting that these appear once a minister disappears? Hmn?”
You were well aware of him noticing how you changed the subject but it seemed he decided not to object to it. It was clear you weren’t his enemy which in your opinion was based on where he was standing when your plans were executed. Opinions and interests can change in a matter of time after all. Then you heard clapping from down below. Tap. Tap. Tap-tap. Tap. Tap-tap-tap. It was repeated once more before the corpses broke out of your energy shield. Their angry moans and grunts could be heard as they approached the buildings you were standing on. Soon, screaming was heard from the house and you saw that it was the house of a merchant.
You stamped your foot on the tiles which broke under the force and a hole opened up under you. You landed inside the bedroom of the frightened merchant and his wife who were hiding behind the over turned table. The corpses stumbled inside toppling over each other but you were quick enough the cut them off before they could get to the pair. Hanguang-Jun and Wei Wuxian was soon following you through the hole and before you had to say anything, Lan Wangji grabbed the husband and wife and took them to safety. Unleashing your full power felt like you opened the gate of a dam. Yet it felt even more liberating when the Yiling Patriarch followed you in tow.
You saw the grin spreading on his lips and knew that he felt the same thing. This burst of power was enough to decapitate all the corpses in close proximity. You hurried downstairs and went out to the street to be faced with more animated corpses. Your sword was a simple sword but was your trusted ally in battles by now. It shimmered in the light of the few lampions placed above the street. Otherwise, the fog made it hard to see further than one chǐ. (That’s like half a meter)
You heard someone whistle with the wind from the distance. You cursed under your breath knowing that the culprit was already too far for you to catch up.
“Lan Zhan went after him” Wei Wuxian spoke up from behind you suddenly. Then you heard the dull thud of corpses falling to the ground. The puppet master was too far to control the corpses.
“He’s too far by now…” you sighed with your eyebrows furrowed.
“Your Highness seems to be upset” he noted stepping closer to you.
“The Minister who visited the city before the corpses appeared…” you started staring at the ground as the fog dissolved around you. “He is a good man but I think he is dead by now or at least the culprit took him with themselves.”
“You are familiar with the minister, aren’t you, Your Highness?” he asked.
“Stop calling me that, Wei gongzi” you shook your head with a sad smile. “I no longer possess the title, not officially.”
“The man got away” Hanguang-Jun spoke up once he landed in front of the two of you. “But he tried to obscure my vision with this.” He lifted his hand with a handkerchief in it. Your eyes widened and quickly approached him taking it from his outstretched hand. The fabric was one of the most expensive materials, only the imperial palace had access to something of the kind. It was a pearly white with the symbol of the Huang house.
“That dirty pip-squeak! Cui!*” you spat angrily as your hand curled into a fist with the handkerchief between your fingers.
“I assume your highness is troubled over the matter” Wei Wuxian quipped curiosity shining in his eyes. You turned around and started walking towards the other direction as you said.
“This is an Imperial matter, please stay out of trouble” your voice rang through the street even when the fog already swallowed you. “This is way too dangerous for those who do not belong to the court.”
To be continued…
*Cuì=啐 is a sound for spitting.
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ladywaynebr · 4 years
Love at Chance - CH 02
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Chapter 02: Jump and Pumps!
Word Count: 1.6 k
Warnings: None yet, just someone coming out from under the stone.
Summary: Dog, a gift and a super attentive mother.
Author’s Note: This is my first story in English, you will certainly notice. I hope you like it and forgive any mistakes.
Chapter 01 Link
Thank you for reading! Whoever wants to be marked in the chapters leave a request in the comments. If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. THANK YOU!  
My day at the office was terrible, my share of arrogant clients is reaching its limit. I just don't throw it all away because the bills don't pay themselves and I like the little luxuries that my salary provides. One of them is the wine I'm drinking. Delicious, full-bodied, with a slight oak aroma. If this wine were a man, I would literally be on my knees for him. After all, the ideal would be a good wine and a hot night with some hot guy. But the resolution I made on my last birthday, prevents me from going to a bar and meeting someone. My new self doesn't spend time with imbeciles. I was tired of booty calls and all those fuck boys. I want someone to stay, someone I can trust.
I was dozing on the couch when I heard the barking from the apartment next door. I ended up discovering that the condominium allows animals, I went to make a complaint with the administration, I left there, embarrassed. The new neighbor and the dog, have been here for almost a month. They spent a few weeks away, and returned a few days ago. He still hasn't fixed my door.
I slept too much, it was certainly the wine. Late for work I left without having breakfast and finishing my makeup in the elevator mirror. They are renovating the parking lot of the building, we residents have to leave our cars near the leisure yard. Last night it rained, which makes the floor slippery and the enemy of high heels. I was walking slowly despite the rush. My cell phone started ringing like crazy in my purse, my boss must be furious with my delay. I answered without looking at who it was.
- Sorry, I'm on my way!
- What?
- Mom, I thought I was someone else. I'm late for work, I can't talk now.
- I just want to confirm our dinner today, I will cook for you. - She increased her tone of voice, my mother thinks that speaking out loud is more agile.
- Yes, but I don't have much in the fridge. - I'm basically living on frozen food.
- Don't worry, I'll stop by the grocery store. - Said the loud voice.
- Okay, see you later!
Hanging up, I stopped for a few moments to put my phone in my  purse.
- Dodger, no! - The male voice roared.
The pile of hair leapt over me again, with its paws against my belly.
- Jesus! - I screamed.
The dog's paws are wet and dirty with sand from the yard. That combination created an abstract art on my silk blouse. I felt my face tremble with rage, the animal stopped in front of me with his tongue hanging out and the tail swaying.
- Please, forgive me! - His owner approached, wearing a blue sweater and Patriots cap. - I don't know what happened to him, Dodger is not to go around jumping on people.
- I find it hard to believe. This is the second time he attacks me, use a collar or something. - The damage to my shirt was great.
-He's wearing it, but when he saw you, he let go of my hands and ran towards you. - The man is also confused. - I don't understand, he's not like that.
- Your dog must hate me. - I turned around, I need to change.
I heard his footsteps behind me. In an attempt to hurry and stay away from them, I stepped up.  
- Be careful, the floor is slippery and your heels are not the most suitable shoes. - He warned me gently.
It just made me more nervous.
- If you were able to control your dog, I wouldn't need to be running. I'm late for work. - I said annoyed.
- It was an accident, I already apologized. - He's still after me. - What is your size, I'll buy you another shirt.
We arrived at the entrance to the building, stopping and I looked at him.
- The same way you fix my door? - His cheeks were flushed. I confess I didn't expect that reaction, I found it a little charming.
- I forgot, I've been traveling for work and with so many things happening. I'm sorry again, I'll take care of everything. - His tone embarrassed.
He disarmed me, I don't like to embarrass people.
- Don't worry, just make sure Dodger stops jumping on me. - Hearing his name, the dog wagged its tail.
- I think he likes you. - He said with a smile.
I just nodded, shooting for the elevator. Impossible for that dog to like me, I barely know him.
When I got home I came across a new door installed and my mom in the kitchen.
- Good night mom.
- Hi darling. - She smiled while chopping carrots.
- Who installed the door?
- Some men, I was entering when they arrived. - She said. - What caused that hole?
- I'm not sure. - I lied, putting my bag on the counter. - The smell is great.
- It is your favorite, go take your bath soon it will be served.
- Right!
- I was forgetting, the mysterious gift is in your bed. - She smiled excitedly.
- What a gift?
- A delivery boy brought a beautiful Prada box. With a card!
Jesus, he kept his promise. I shot into the room.
After the shower, I picked up the box and the card, which I opened first. The message was handwritten.
“I hope I got the size right. This is an apology from Dodger and me.
C.E "
A kind and polite gesture on his part. I opened the box and got a surprise. He didn't buy me another blouse, which wasn't even a designer, but a beautiful flowered dress with a blue background. He got the size right, I'm not tall and I have my curves and volumes. What drove that man to do that, to buy me such an expensive apology gift.
- What did you win? - My mother curious as soon as I sat at the table.
- Something I will return. - I answered. - I can't accept it's inappropriate.
- Don't tell me it's your boss, that asshole is trying to get into your pants again. - She was annoyed.
- No mother. Daniel never approached me again after I threatened to tell his wife. - I regret telling her. My mother can't forget - The gift is from someone else, but because we don't know each other very well, I can't accept it.
- It does well, you are a Christian girl and should not be accepting gifts around. - She took my hand to pray.
She will spend the night here I don't like that she travels by car at night. While Mom chose a movie, I washed the dishes and made popcorn. I hope she doesn't choose anything biblical.
- Did you put butter?
I settled on the couch next to her.
- No, your cholesterol needs to be under control. - She made a face. - What is the movie?
- One with Captain American, he will rescue some people in danger. - She said picking up some popcorn.
A few minutes of the film passed and I was shocked.
- Jesus! It's him! - I screamed.
- He who?
- My neighbor. - I went back to the scene, pausing on his face. - He has long hair, but it's him.
- Chris Evans is your neighbor, how did you let that pass “y / n”?
So that's why he signed the card with the initials.
- I do not follow the world of Hollywood and celebrities. - He certainly realized that I didn't recognize him. - I thought I recognized him from somewhere, but I didn't associate with any of that. After all, what does a star living in this condo?
- I don't know about that, but it's proof that you need to stop working so hard. You are becoming isolated from the world, even the church ladies are able to recognize this man.
- What a small world. - I mumbled looking at the screen.
- Is he handsome like on TV? - She asked curiously. - For a white boy, of course.
If I say I didn't realize it is a lie.
- Yes, actually even more beautiful. - She laughed.
We went back to watching the movie, which took on another meaning for me.
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itwillbeall-dwight · 4 years
christmas (calm) spirit
Meg Thomas & Dwight Fairfield & Claudette Morel & Jake Park; implied/referenced dwake + megdette; christmas; post canon; 1455 words
a/n: A SUPER LATE SECRET SANTA GIFT FOR THE WONDERFUL AND AMAZING @dwhatsup​ !!!!!! please forgive me for dragging my heels on this one jackie, but hey, happy new year, right? hope this will do you well!
let it be known they’re all wearing their christmas cosmetics but i was not willing to write about jake’s bare feet, i’m not strong enough for that.
likes < reblogs, any comments in the tags are appreciated
ao3 mirror/kofi in the reblogs!
Preview: It had been months since the fog had dissipated, and life had tried to return to normal, and even now some wounds had still not fully closed - both literally and metaphorically. The littlest noises could startle, sounds of snapping twigs and crunching leaves that had once given Jake comfort digging a pit in his stomach with a 0-to-60 response, making the cold winter in the cabin that he had once looked forward to and welcomed feel all too off for him to enjoy, the snow reminding him too much of the way crawling in the snow of the Ormond resort made him feel - bleeding from his back, cold and alone as he dug his nails into the dirt. In short, not good. ...So when a letter showed up at his doorstep that invited him back tot he city, the paper written on in a familiar, nervous chicken scratch, he did what was once unthinkable - he packed a bag, and waited at the bus stop to return to the city.
The snow sat light and fluffy on the windowsill outside, untouched and undisturbed, unlike the snow that had turned to ice and sludge on the street outside, or the very same snow that stuck under boots and melted on the doormats of cozy, lively apartments. More snow fell in front of the window, too, dancing down from a dark sky and mingling among the lights of the city, festive or not. The night was alive with something magical, and it was absolutely electric - much different to the holidays he’d been used to, up until now. Nowhere near as alone, nor as cold.
A hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts, sitting up straight with a tenseness of surprise in his back as he pressed it against the chair he’d brought to the window. Tired eyes looked up to the kind face that smiled down at him.
“I thought you like some cocoa,” Claudette gave him one of the mugs she held, one adorned with festive racoons (had she done that on purpose?), before pulling up a chair from the nearby table to sit with him. “You doing OK, Jake?”
He nursed the mug in his lap, feeling the warmth from it and the way the heat floated up and hit his face, swallowing before nodding. “Yeah… yeah, I’m good.”
The botanist crossed one leg over the other, watching as he looked back to the window, following his gaze to the falling snow, and the sparse streets below them on the cold December evening. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
Jake hummed, taking a slow drink from the mug, using it to gesture to the window as he pulled it away from his mouth. “S’peaceful. Fluffy.”
“If it wasn’t cold as hell, I’d probably just lay there.”
She laughed, smoothing down one side of her skirt, meeting his eyes as she looked up to him, a somewhat knowing smile on her face. “You say this like you happen to have some experience, lying in the snow.”
He paused, shrugging his shoulders, speaking over his mug before he took another slow drink. “You could say that, yeah.”
It had been months since the fog had dissipated, and life had tried to return to normal, and even now some wounds had still not fully closed - both literally and metaphorically. The littlest noises could startle, sounds of snapping twigs and crunching leaves that had once given Jake comfort digging a pit in his stomach with a 0-to-60 response, making the cold winter in the cabin that he had once looked forward to and welcomed feel all too off for him to enjoy, the snow reminding him too much of the way crawling in the snow of the Ormond resort made him feel - bleeding from his back, cold and alone as he dug his nails into the dirt. In short, not good. ...So when a letter showed up at his doorstep that invited him back tot he city, the paper written on in a familiar, nervous chicken scratch, he did what was once unthinkable - he packed a bag, and waited at the bus stop to return to the city.
He and Claudette carried on talking by the window, their quiet pleasantries contrasted with the commotion one room over, cries of despair and celebration mixing and growing in volume, though not to the point where it could be ignored. That was until the two of them had to pause, as a loud “Yeah, suck it!” rang from the room with the door wide open (followed by a quiet clatter and panicked whispers). The two of them looked at one another, exchanging a small smile, and a silent agreement to check inside.
Claudette poked her head around the doorway, now empty mug still in hand. “What on earth are you two doing?”
Sitting on the floor behind the coffee table, both Meg and Dwight looked up - the former looking stunning still in her party attire from her short college gathering (“Of course I’d bail those losers to come hang with you guys!” she’d said as she came through the door and made herself more than at home.), and the latter looking… very unique, still wearing the ef costume given to him as compulsory work uniform for the holiday season, too tired to take it off before his friends arrived at his apartment. Meg looked up sheepishly, shrugging her shoulders up to her ears, damp end of the blanket draped over her shoulders still in hand as it hovered over the suspicious stain on the carpet. “Uh… happy accident?”
“...Do you need towels?
“I.. yeah. Yes, please.” She used the couch she was leaning on to push herself to her feet, picking up the knocked over mug and taking a small jump over the cocoa stain before she jogged out of the door, sidestepping Jake as he moved to let the girls pass, daring to shoot him a knowing look he didn’t see as he came in.
The survivalist took a seat on the sofa in front of where Meg once was, watching as Dwight sighed and took off the elves hat, placing it on his lap. “Losing?”
“Badly. How do you get this good at racers?” Dwight gestured an exasperated open palm to the TV, the results screen on full display - guest account in first, home console in sixth.
“It’s Meg. That should be enough of an answer.”
“...Right. She runs on competitiveness and spite. Almost forgot.”
Jake hummed a chuckle, which the former leader (it was still so weird to call him former, even now - after all, he’d brought them all together again, didn’t he?) joined in with. There was a moment of silence in which Jake looked at his hands, before looking up to see the eyes staring back at him. “...What?”
“S-sorry, just… it’s nice to see you so… relaxed. You’re smiling. That’s nice.” Dwight paused, seeming to slowly take in what he had said, before tensing and tripping over himself in a correction. “Not that- you don’t look nice normally, I just think that-”
“You’re fine.”
The blatant reassurance was something he was used to from jake, and welcomed, almost, as it was enough to get him to relax his shoulders and swallow a nervous loud, though the redness in his face remained as he looked down, playing with the joysticks of the controller in his lap. “Thanks for, uh, coming, by the way.”
Jake blinked. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“I-I, well… maybe? You haven’t gotten alone time in… a while. A long while, actually.”
He tilted his head, analysing the focus on Dwight’s face for a moment, the way his brows seemed to furrow at the task he’d seemed to make up to keep himself occupied. “Yeah, I suppose. I think I realised I… didn’t like it as much as I thought it did.”
“Yeah. Sometimes you miss the things you don’t know you had.”
Dwight stopped, slowly looking up again to watch the way Jake smiled again, slight and self-aware, enough to make him smile back and let out a breathy laugh of relief before he ran his hands over the controller again. He paused once more, a wave of realisation washing over his face, eyes tracing over to the second controller Meg had left on the coffee table. “Hey, wanna play?”
“What?” He followed the gaze to the table. “No, I can’t-”
“I-I’m sure Meg won’t mind. Come on, you can’t kick my ass any worse than she didn’t, right?”
Jake swallowed, hesitating for a moment as he glanced back to the soft and hopeful look the other man, his friend, gave him, before looking back to the controller. After a few more moments of silence, he reached forward, trying not to pay attention to the subtle (or not so subtle) celebration in his peripherals.
They played the game together, even getting somewhat competitive, though to levels nowhere close to their athlete friend, who, at some point, returned with damp towels and a lipstick mark on her cheek that she ‘forgot’ to wipe away. As she got down on her knees to clean the mess on the carpet, Claudette gently took a seat on the armrest beside Jake, commentating as the two concentrated, and soon all four of them exchanged jokes and laughs between one another, as, finally, Dwight found his victory to great personal triumph, and a cheer rang throughout the room. All the while, the snow continued to fall outside, sitting undisturbed by the windowsill.
Fog and mist slowly rolled in with the evening chill, though it was a different fog than before. It was a fog that couldn’t hurt them, anymore. Not now they were together.
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