#pika's randomness 😅
pikatrainer99 · 3 months
Anyone here like jigsaw puzzles? Here's some Pokémon ones I've done with my Grandma over the years!
I have loved jigsaw puzzles since I was a little kid. In fact, I was so good at them as a kid that I was able to put them together with the pieces flipped over! I don't do that anymore but I'm still a puzzle wizard! (That's what my grandma calls me and I've adopted the name for myself because it sounds cool 😅)
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This is the most recent one we did, a couple weeks ago actually. It was 300 pieces and it took three hours from start to finish.
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This one we did a while back. It was also 300 pieces and took two and a half hours from start to finish.
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This one was 500 pieces and took four and a half hours from start to finish. We did it about a year ago now. I think it's my favorite of the bunch, it's very colorful and has lots of different Pokémon on it! It was also my very first time doing a 500 piece puzzle, and surprisingly, none of the pieces went missing! Good thing, 'cause they're TINY and would be such a pain to find 😅
Bonus: Here's some I did with my brothers.
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This is a 100 piece one that came in one of those Poké Ball puzzle tins. My brothers aren't nearly as good at puzzles as I am, so we did a simple one. It has all the starters from Gen 1-7 on it. Doing puzzles with my brothers is frustrating because they either lose a bunch of pieces or give up halfway through. I hate that because I get so hyperfocused on the puzzle that I can't stop until it's complete...and when my brothers lose pieces that just makes the whole process take longer! Luckily not many pieces were lost during this one...but the next one was REALLY INFURIATING with how many pieces went missing!
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It's the Fire-type starters from Gen 1 -8! My personal favorite bunch of starters! This was my brothers' first time doing a 300 piece puzzle...luckily they had me, the puzzle wizard, to help them out XD
Those are all the Pokémon puzzles I've done over the years! Which one is your favorite?
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caelwynn · 7 months
I'm still physically wiped out and my head's too fuzzy to do 'real' writing/revisions on my story, but I'm just coherent enough that I want to chitter-chatter about my fic.
So in the course of working on Choices, one of the things I've spent an inordinate amount of time on is figuring out the 'cohorts' for the valleyfolk. What I mean by 'cohorts' are the groups of people who are in a similar age-range to one another and then further subdivided into 'natives' (aka 'people who grew up together in the valley') and 'transplants.' After all, one of the things I'm trying to accomplish is interweaving three large expansion mods with the base game and coming up with a cohesive whole, and that means knowing who from the various mods have known each other basically forever.
Under the cut, I break down who's in what cohort. I may or may not later flesh out my thinking about why I plopped certain people into certain groups, mostly because when I started to do so with this list, the post grew disgustingly (more) bloated. If I do, I'll probably do a separate post for each cohort. After all, this is the site for rambling about this sort of random stuff, right? 😅 (Edit: that's exactly how I spent my afternoon. You can find my thoughts on each cohort here: Gen 1, Gen 2, Gen 3, Gen 4, Gen 5.)
If you squint just right, these could be considered spoilers for SVE/Ridgeside/East Scarp.
I divided the population of the valley into five different cohorts/generations. Ages are based on how old they are/would be during the course of Choices. They are also in order of eldest down to youngest. I have actual ages recorded for most of the characters, but it cluttered up this list waaay too much.
(OG) - Base Game, (SVE) - Stardew Valley Expanded, (R) - Ridgeside, (ES) - East Scarp
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Natives
Maive (R)
Richard (R)
Gil (OG)
Evelyn (OG)
Linus (OG)
Willy (OG)
Lenny (R)
Gen 1 (Aged 60+) Transplants
George (OG)
Mr. Aguar (R)
Sonny (R)
Mrs. Olsen (Emily and Haley's mother) (OG-ish)
Lola (R)
Freddie (R)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Natives
Lewis (OG)
Vivienne (ES)
Jessie (ES)
Mr. Olsen (Emily and Haley's father) (OG-ish)
Lily-Anne (ES)
Ezekiel (R)
Clement (ES)
Helen (R)
Marlon (OG)
Daisy (Adventurer's Guild Expanded)
Mark (ES) (Sterling's father, unnamed in mod)
Jess (ES) (Henry's father, unnamed in mod)
Pierre (OG)
Alecto (Stand Alone)
Robin (OG)
Marnie (OG)
Gunther (OG)
Susan (SVE)
Kimpoi (R)
Kent (OG)
Bert (R)
Olga (R)
Lorenzo (R)
Caroline (OG)
Gen 2 (Ages 40-60) Transplants
Rasmodius (OG)
Carmen (R)
Pam (OG)
Andy (SVE)
Jodi (OG)
Demetrius (OG)
Olivia (SVE)
Pika (R)
Malaya (R)
Naomi (R)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Natives
Tristan (ES)
Clint (OG)
Shane (OG)
Henry (ES)
Sterling (ES)
Mona (OG/ES?)
Jacob [He turns 31 during the fic] (ES)
Mateo (ES)
Jasper (ES)
Kenneth (R)
Emily (OG)
Sandy (OG)
Anton (R)
Maria (R)
Paula (R)
Gloria (ES)
Zayne (R)
Kiarra (R)
Sophia (SVE)
Gen 3 (Ages 25-39) Transplants
Harvey (OG)
Shanice (R)
Mia (ES)
Elliott (OG)
Leah (OG)
Bryle (R)
Philip (R)
June (R)
Kataryna (ES)
Jeric (R)
Aideen (ES)
Rosa (ES)
Flor (R)
Irene (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Natives
Penny (OG)
Sebastian (OG)
Alissa (R)
Abigail (OG)
Shiro (R)
Corine (R)
Sam (OG)
Ysabelle (R)
Alex (OG)
Haley (OG)
Lexi (ES)
Blair (R)
Gen 4 (Ages 18-24) Transplants
Victor (SVE)
Maddie (R)
Faye (R)
Juliet (ES)
Sean (R)
Gen 5 (Ages 5-17)
Maru (OG)
Oliver (ES)
Ariah (R)
Trinnie (R)
Keahi (R)
Eloise (ES)
Louie (R)
Vincent (OG)
Jas (OG)
Yuuma (R)
Lavril (ES)
Gen 5 (Haven't decided ages yet)
Leo (OG)
Morgan (SVE)
Bliss (R)
Pipo (R)
Undreya (R)
Yeah, I know there are characters missing (especially from East Scarp, as I have difficulty keeping track of all the individual NPC mods, and SVE), but there it is. I wonder if this is actually interesting to anyone other than me. Oh well. 😅
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Oh yeah, the Stardew ask one! Dance of the Moonlight Jellies and Stardew Valley Fair for Skylar? 😊✨
🌙 Dance of the Moon Jellies 🌙
How does your OC feel about staying up to watch the moon jellies? Do they go? Do they stay home? Skylar's not exactly a big fan of the beach or the ocean, but there's something so undeniably beautiful and mystical about the lunaloos that they can't resist the opportunity to go see them.
Do they start to fall asleep and need someone to keep them up? & Do they watch the jellies with others or prefer to find a quiet spot to observe all on their own? If they do watch with others, who do they watch it with? They absolutely do start to doze off while waiting. They've been working hard all day after all! But that's why Skylar likes to be around Philip since he has the same problem. If one of them starts to fall asleep the other will wake them up. Or Torts will bite them if they both doze off 😅
🍔 Stardew Valley Fair 🍔
How do they feel about the Stardew Valley Fair? Is it fun or annoying? How do they feel about the tourist? Skylar is pretty neutral about the fair and usually spends their time just standing in silence with Marlon by the weapons grange, mostly to avoid the tourist and chat with Alesia if she comes by.
What games do they play, if any? Do they play to win star tokens or just for fun? What kind of prizes do they like to get? Slingshot game, 100 Percent. It's less about the star tokens and more about wanting to beat Sam's high score, but they haven't even gotten close to it yet. They usually end up buying some random food item, a plushie, or piling their coins together with the rest of their friends for something they wanted.
How do they feel about Gus's burgers? Skylar's not exactly vegetarian, but they don't eat a lot of meat. They think the burgers are okay, but you'll usually find them over at Pika's instead if they're getting something to eat. They are incredibly concerned and amused by the rate at which Lance seems to scarf them down though
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pikatrainer99 · 10 months
Kitty 😺
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month
This shirt is me for real...good thing I have it then! 😅
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It's one of my favorites, when I wear it I'm telling my family not JUST "No Hugs", but "No Touching" as a whole (I HATE being touched). It's a LIFESAVER on bad sensory days, lemme tell ya! When my grandma bought it for me she was like "No Hugs...hmmm...who does that remind me of?" while looking straight at me. And I said, "Me! But for me it's no touching in general." And then my grandma was like, "That's a perfect shirt for you if I ever saw one!" and bought it for me XD
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pikatrainer99 · 2 months
I've picked up an Ash thing from years of watching Pokémon...whenever I'm wearing a hat I turn it backwards when I get serious. Prime example? When I'm at an arcade and am playing my favorite game I will turn my hat backwards when I'm on a losing streak and then instantly get the jackpot like six times in one visit 😅.
No I'm not joking btw. I am dead serious. Quik Drop (my favorite game) is just too easy sometimes, and then the Pearl Fishery game is also a good way to win big tickets...my brothers got me into that one and now each time we go there's at least one point of the visit where we're all taking up every Pearl Fishery machine they have...we're kinda addicted to it XD
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pikatrainer99 · 2 months
Everytime I see or hear the TrollsTopia character Val Thundershock's name my mind immediately thinks about the Electric-type Pokémon attack also called Thunder Shock 😅
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pikatrainer99 · 3 months
I can't stop drawing my Trollsona and Branch being best friends please help 😅
(If you'd be interested in seeing my drawings please feel free to let me know)
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pikatrainer99 · 6 months
Just finished making a song parody of Look What You Made Me Do where I turned it into Look What You Did To Me, a diss track about someone from my past who treated me so horrendously it traumatized me...it was so satisfying to make and a great way to give myself feelings of empowerment over my trauma 😌
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pikatrainer99 · 5 months
Made a bunch of random Orange sketches 'cause I was bored 😅
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(I just realized I forgot to give him ears on the 3/4 view ones...oops 😅)
The bottom three sketches where his hair is all spiky like Red's are his design when he's older (a teenager). It is so hard to draw though so it looks weird on the front view and especially the side view where it also flares out a lot in the back (but I'm not very good at drawing side view to begin with so...yeah 😅). Child Orange though is much easier for me to draw, so most of these are child Orange (including a side view attempt of child Orange as well which looks less weird than teen Orange in my opinion).
If you can't read the text because of my terrible handwriting, the grin has a "Hehe!" laughing sound above it, the rage face where he's speaking says, "If y'all hate this world so much why don'cha go back t'space where ya belong?!" (He's roasting Team Galactic here and Dia and Pearl are shocked hearing that come from the kid who, while he has a fiery temper, he normally doesn't talk to people he doesn't know or trust...but Team Galactic made him reach breaking point and he burned them good...and the best part is...that's not even the full quote! XD) The little confused/suspicious face has a question mark next to it for obvious reasons, and the one where he's holding up a Poké Ball says "Grrr...Battle! NOW!" (someone insulted his ability to be a Trainer and he's ready to prove them wrong).
I hope you enjoy these silly little sketches of Orange! Obviously I had a ton of time on my hands today to randomly start drawing all of these, and it was tons of fun! I hope to draw more Orange art soon!
Oh yeah, before I forget, the Ask Orange of Viridian Forest sideblog is officially up and running so please feel free to head over there and ask Orange questions or chat with him in the messages. He's looking forward to interacting with everyone!
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