#otherwise I'll just yeet it out with the one character I wrote this for
dustofthedailylife 1 year
I just wrote a spur-of-the-moment thing from an idea I got under the shower and, I believe, I've never written angst before that has been so hard to write. Archons, above...
I'm legit crying right now. Fuck.
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emwhyarentyouwriting 2 years
How do you deal with writer's block?
Hello, your ask is much appreciated!
Typically and personally, when my other options are exhausted and my eyes wander over an empty page or Google Doc, my voice to crack in lamentation and sheer disappointment in oneself, and, oh dear, the aggressive pen clicks鈥攁nd here I am being well ahead of the question. When one finally recovers from the self-criticisms and the ideals of what your hands could've made for your priceless children in your stories and yet you wasted it...
Be made aware, my dear Sir/Madame/etc., there is still hope! Attempt to recollect yourself (only needed if you have a crisis as I do, but this can also be for fun), brew coffee or tea, consume your favorite beverage without a single care. Go online, read or listen to songs that remind you of your WIP, stories, characters, concepts and everything else; this also can be applied to other works such as poetry, books, social media posts, even art, memes and advertisements and more. Pick up on their language, see what they tell you, and you might be inspired to write about it. Copy some key words you'd like to use in your writing, or sentences or phrases that resonate with you or characters or a general story and save it for when you finish your trek. You now have your drink and you have a new word bank to begin with.
If the above is ineffective, try limiting all distractions and stare into the void as you would on the bus from school. Then, literally just mentally start scripting what you want, or let it all come to you. This may or may not help depending on your level of imagination, level of attention span or otherwise, still worth a shot however! During this, ask yourself what words can be used to describe those actions your characters are doing, what the scene smells, looks, feels and sounds like, think of all the cool words, write them as soon as they come to you. It can be as simple, deep or poetic as you'd like, don't hold back what you'd say about it. Write everything as it comes to you, do not worry about quality nor plot relevance鈥攍ike how you'd record your dreams on paper when you wake, they never require themselves to make much sense. Making sense is for later in the process when you take what you wrote in order to make it fit a plot. Brain go brr now, edit later.
You can also have plenty of fun with friends asking questions about your characters or your WIPs, this can occur during questionnaires or while you rant about things, and sometimes this is found in strange formats. For example, me and a friend played DnD to describe a character's day with dice.(@imbadatnicknames if you're curious, they make neat as heck characters). One could be mad libs, just becasue. One I do more than I'd like to admit is "secret cosplay", where I "play" as a character for a while to really get a sense or who they are and how they'd genuinely behave, and you can also see them and yourself develop from this over time. I'll be in my room (my poor, poor parents), exclaiming, pretending to be a tiny arsonist who's husband can barely manage her, or a heavily clumsy lawyer-knight in a secret relationship with a beautiful unisex-dressing prince with their own issues. Really get into it, I mean REALLY into it, like a theatre kid gone crack feral. Kinda reinforces the previous point a bit: let the brain go brr without judgement or hinderance.
If all that still cannot suffice, it seems counterproductive, everyone tells you, but, just write. ANYTHING. Like "haha yeet" on a google doc, just write something, literally anything. Something is better than nothing. And slowly you could possibly fool your brain into working around a scrunkly disaster of random crap into forming something like dialogue, maybe a funky 'lil monologue to use in that feral theatre kid method.
馃 And, out of ideas... For now. I'm aware this is unorganized, I haven't had an ask in so long and I got way to up to it. I tried, and again, your ask is seriously, unconditionally taken into account and loved. Thank you. I love the writeblr community as well, you're all deserving of being published. 馃
TL/DR: There are many different ways to deal with writer's block, including but not limited to: reading other works, staring into the void and letting your imagination yeet into oblivion and writing what you see in your head, literally pretending to be a character, DnD, typing gibberish to reboot your brain.
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artobotsrollout 4 years
Harbingers AU Q&A 1
Awww thank you so much @warrioroffandoms!!! This is super motivating and I'm so glad you liked it!
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Lemme answer/reply to your points properly!
1. Can we get some obscure bots too? Like Perceptor!
Absolutely! I already have a few in mind and even ideas of what they'd look like in TfP. I didn't consider Perceptor but I think I will think of a good place for him now that you mention it since he's a really fun character. Even if one character doesn't end up in the early part of the AU I'm open to including them in later parts when the squad is on Cybertron! Just a heads up tho, they will be my own take on them so they will be varying levels of different from their other continuity counterparts.
Other characters I might add:
I'm still figuring out his role but I like the idea of him being sorta a neutral player who runs his own little store for shit one side or the other needs.
The conflict potential with an Autobot noble oohoohoo!
With Knockout ditching the Decepticons, Megatron need a new medic. I like that he's a snob, so I'm gonna run with that and make him a high caste medic who joined the Decepticon side.
He would largely be based off his design in Travis Knight's Bumblebee cause that design seriously SLAPS IMO. I'll get into why it slaps when I design him. Personality wise. I don't think I'm going to go with the TFA characterization, but I think I will keep some of that chaotic energy. I think I'll also have his emotions change on a dime.
I kinda have to. I mean... In RiD they did the whole crossing out Decepticon logo thing started by him so... I gotta. Also just.. Having a beast former on the team would be dope. (Also gives me an excuse to expand with my own BEASTFORMER LORE)
I started reading this dude's wiki and he has so much potential! An ex predacon! ? Yes please. Except his name is just... Dinobot???
I'm salty.. It says Rattrap called him Chopper face in the show so... Maybe I'll just have his name be Chopper or something but Miko calls him Dinobot cause his predacon form looks very reminiscent of dinosaurs and the nickname catches on or something like that.
Feel free to yeet other characters at me to consider. I may or may not use them but it'll give me inspiration nonetheless.
2. I really want to draw/write some fan-works of this! It's beautiful
First of all thank you so much!! 鉂わ笍 鉂わ笍 I would absolutely adore and cherish any fan-work made of my AU whether written, art, or otherwise. I'd absolutely inhale that so please tag me or send it to me or SOMETHING so I can scream my love.
3. Finally someone else realizes the chaotic goodness of Wheeljack and Knockout!
OH YEAH they have so much potential to create so many problems. I actually have an 'episode I wish we had' post I wrote which I'm now making a part of this AU. They get along like a house on fire
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