#on my block chapter 10
threadsoflacee · 4 months
1 night post fall hannibal begins to squirm and cry in his sleep. will whos right next to him Wakes him up to comfort him and hannibal is half unconscious and whispering "no….The food … no… please no…." and falls back to sleep with tears in his eyes. will is torn . this nightmare HAS to be about mischa. or even will himself. it makes him very sad. in the morning hannibal makes breakfast and will asks him what that nightmare he had was about . and that he can talk to him abt it if he wants to bc Will will always listen to him. and hes expecting hannibal to open up about his trauma and mischa and unknowingly eating her until the bowl shined … until hannibal says "i had a dream a swarm of bees stung my food." . and will is like. Oh
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circle-around-again · 4 months
"But because Sidious and Trezza had forbidden him from revealing his Force powers to Orsis faculty and cadets, he was obliged to let his pursuers shoot him occasionally." (Windham, 106).
Headcanon: Maul lets opponents hurt him to keep his cover. Given that he has had to do this for nearly every mission he has been sent on, it's likely muscle memory.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons he did not block Obi-Wan's fatal strike. Habit.
This may be a form of self-harm.
Sidious likely approves. If it is ingrained in his combat skills, he is an artificially weakened opponent. He trained him wrong as a joke.
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lycanr0t · 2 months
the other day V read me a post that was talking about perfectionism and half assing something while being a perfectionist is like whole assing something by most ppls standards and ive been thinking about it non stop
today i said to V that people seem to always think that perfectionists actually can achieve perfection, that theres a payoff to it. that its worth it. Perfectionists in fiction are hard workers and they DO make things perfect but i said the reality is that most perfectionists don't and can't actually get anywhere close to that. they hold themselves to a standard that's quite literally impossible to achieve and the mental weight of that leads to fucking up and over complicating things or simply never trying at all. because if people are going to be disappointed anyways you might as well save yourself from the time/effort/etc being wasted, right?
I guess like what I'm saying is perfectionism can appear like an unwillingness to try at all and it can appear like you're just not putting ""enough effort"" in and its not something that does actually have a payoff because perfect is not only subjective but also impossible. so cut yourself some slack and half ass shit life is way to short to spend fretting over every single detail
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wingsofescape · 7 months
if you were wondering how writing is going
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chexie · 7 months
I don't really have anything witty for this one. Just. Don't acknowledge out loud that it's almost been a year, I'll sob.
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partystoragechest · 5 months
Unwanted's next chapter may be delayed for a bit!
I'm in the throes of writer's block, and worrying about getting a new chapter done isn't helping for some reason. So I'm taking my upcoming holiday days to relax, hopefully break the block, and then get back to it. Maybe even catch up. We'll see!
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
this story doesn't exist for me beyond this point in Retrace 92:
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everyone is back home safe, the world is saved and they have another tea party, The End!
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Good morning! Haters? I'm the comments of my fic? Girl you already know
The back button is free my good bitch
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beating back all these trigun fic ideas with a comically large stick
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Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I would much rather have multiple shorter chapters than one 50 page chapter. It's just too long
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bluejayblueskies · 2 years
HELLO this is an out-of-the-blue reminder that your writing is awesome and I love it bc you seem pretty down on yourself and your talent lately! 💕
thank you!! 💕 this time of year always really gets to me re: my confidence in myself and my writing (which usually leads to this weird spiral where i go 'well i'll just write more to combat it!' but then to nobody's surprise i feel badly about that writing when i post it, so then i write more, and etc. etc. the cycle continues). every year, i think that because i know this, i'll be better equipped to handle it, and every year i'm wrong 😔
thank you so much for this message--i really appreciate it 💕💕💕
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
do you already have a date when u plan on posting the fake dating au chapter 6?? I’m DYING to read it, I love this fic so much 🥰
hiiii anon! firstly, thank you so much for the compliments 🥺 i am so soft whenever someone tells me they enjoy the fake dating au, bless, it just means so much ❤️ it's the most self-indulgent thing i've ever written lmao so hearing that you all are enjoying it too? INSANE. and also absolutely amazing. <333
secondly: gosh, you know, i wish i could give you a specific date 🥲 unfortunately my work has been absolutely murdering me lately, and it's all contributed to a rather nasty spot of exhaustion and writer's block over november. i did try and help myself out a little bit with some 5 sentence fic prompts (which, btw, i am definitely planning on finishing when i get a minute! there are some FAB prompts in my inbox still and i am really excited for them actually.)
anyways all this to say: i know i said i'd try and update fake dating au in november, but that turned out to be a little impossible, i'm afraid. i have been finding a bit more motivation in december, though, and i can exclusively report that chapter 6 is already 5.6k words long! but... far from finished (it's going to be an insane one lmao 🙈 i predict 7k or perhaps even 8k.)
regarding specific dates: you know what, maybe it WOULD be good to give myself a deadline 🤔 because since it's december, that means all the christmas projects and winter fic exchanges and december birthdays and whatnot are coming up, so soon i won't have time for fake dating at all, welp. i'm going to say: 10 December. if i haven't finished writing chapter 6 by the tenth, then unfortunately it'll only go up sometime in january next year. so let's all say a prayer and put our hands together in hopes that my work chooses to be merciful to me for the next few days so i can get it done 🥲🙏🙏🙏
thanks again for asking, anon, ily and i appreciate your support and kind words so much ❤️
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captorcorp · 2 months
i started playing tokyo debunker bc it was recommended on the app store. it's ok. why are the gatcha/battle/diamond systems so ass though
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foxgloveinspace · 7 months
I did not anticipate the SURGE of people reading my Dune fic after part 2 came out😅 I am so sorry guys.
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embras-grace · 7 months
Aaaah 3 more cowardly antisemitic people blocked. They just can't resist the "I am Jewish -- I don't want politics on this blog" statement.
Moths to a flame, bringing blissful silence as their IPs are gone forever from my presence.
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murasakiyuzu · 11 months
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its time to start the countdown rewatch i guess
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