#okay that sounds rly violent and awful but like OH MY GOD it's so disrespectful and rude!!!!!!!!!!
chocosvt · 9 months
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#oh em gee he looks so exquisite#they are all going to fashion week or something i thought there was only one fashion week why are there 20#okay i literally didn't think that#i just didn't realize there were so many fashion weeks#YOU ARE NOT GOING TO PARIS!!!!!!!#anyway need to stop by and make my monthly jun or joshua post to confirm i am alive#school is definitely schooling#i'm nervous for my molecular bio lab bc it's one continuous experiment until the end of the semester so#if you fuck up the mistake follows you and i was like Oh.#i rly love my prof for molecular bio but the class pisses me off so bad omfg#he's sooo nice and accommodating and he does his best to explain everything as simple as possible#but whenever someone asks a question during the lecture everyone else takes it as a cue to start talking#THIS IS NOT PERSONAL CONVERSATION TIME!!! WHY ARE YOU NOT EVEN WHISPERING??#these girls behind my friend and i were legit talking at normal volume i wanted to turn around and slam my#shitty wooden flip-out table over their heads#okay that sounds rly violent and awful but like OH MY GOD it's so disrespectful and rude!!!!!!!!!!#and the thing is he's too nice to tell the class to stfu he will just be like 'guys im having trouble hearing the question'#if i were the prof i would literally jump on the podium and scream at everyone to shut the fuck up#it's my only class that's like that#on my period and feeling overly sensitive and emotional abt everything that's prob why i'm so angry abt it#I WILL TAKE A LIGASE ENZYME AND PUT IT IN YOUR THROAT SO YOU CANNOT SPEAK AGAIN!#anyway<3
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