#mutant horses
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Leo skeletal anatomy! Click for better quality :)
The way most turtles actually fit into their shells is because their arms and legs are shaped to fit into the loose skin around the openings for their limbs, but on account of their human proportions, I just suspend my disbelief as to how mutant turtles could fit in their shells without the odd configuration to their organs that real turtles have. Real turtles have flat lungs that sit widely along their carapace, which is weird but cool. Turtles shed their scutes (the large flat scales on their shells and plastron) about once a year or if the scutes are damaged. The scutes have barely any skin between them and the bone, which is why turtle skeletons usually have the scutes on still, though they can pop off. The rest of the skin sheds regularly though, instead of in large patches.
For the brothers’, their respiration is much more human than turtle. Therefore, their lungs need to expand and contract with their diaphragm rather than just with their movement, so therefore they must have some flexibility to their chest. Some turtles, like box turtles, already have hinged plastrons, and softshell shells are mostly cartilage, so it’s not too far off to assume that there’s a bit of cartilage just to the upper plastral bones of the hard shelled brothers to give their humanoid lungs room to breathe.
Poor Leo. After the movie, one could assume he’s got a couple broken bones. It kind of made me morbidly curious as to how to describe injuries on a character whose skeletal structure is quite different from a human’s for my own writing!
Feel free to use as reference or disregard, these are just my own little speculations :)
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shardkn1ght · 9 months
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The boi
Yeehaw and all that
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andreamoonlight143 · 4 months
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Recently gotta draw these guys (A man in a pajamas and a failed clone experiment- 🗿) Plus some other doodles I made that I didn’t even got a chance to post them here
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kittpunk144 · 11 months
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First proper painting and yes, it was of "cowboy" Leonardo. Riding a Kraang like bull
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arsnof · 4 months
ArsCo Presents the Inaugural Arsnof's Great American Yard Sard Comics and Sundry Sale 2024!
Hello there! I'm Arsnof. You may remember me from content such as "Canadian Illustrator", "Dungeon Mentat", or even "Transformers Meme". I'm here today to host a celebration of buying things, thinking they're so super cool, and then putting them away and never looking at them again. Comics, books, toys, anime, manga, CCGs, rare webcomic goodies, tiny figurines of yokai, a Little Golden Book adaptation of Gremlins that ends before midnight, Chuck Norris's Karate Kommandos, can you read Japanese because I can't, official Soul Coughing stickers, a hoard of well read Wizards and Toyfares, Funko Pops, feet pics (you can get off, but only if you can correctly diagnose what's wrong first), Transformers...
I could go on forever, but I got it, you want it, we can make a deal (no tongue).
Why is this happening? I'm shit broke and getting shitter. Going down like a Trump Casino. Guy paying his bills on time? I haven't heard that name in forever.
I've been taking care of my ailing father (tried to die on us three times so far this year) and the rest of my family (I don't owe you an explanation, cop) and then someone just up and decided to make my automobile a notomobile.
They didn't have insurance, but that's okay because we have full cov-*hand to ear*-what? We don't? Only comprehensive? Since when? FUCKING shit... Okay, but we still have uninsured motorist, so-four thousand? Four thousand. Dollars. $4,000. To replace an entire ass truck.
We are in desperate need of a car. I've got a lifetime of memories. You, on average, have some change sitting around. Can I have some? I'll trade you stuff.
I'm starting with my comics because they're easiest to catalogue. See something you like? HMU, as the kids say (please God don't let that be a sex thing) and I'll see what I can do. I'm giving the comic shop at which I used to work a vague preference, but I can be swayed.
Next up will be the trades and manga, DVDs of varied origin, toys, and so on.
If life can stop kicking us in the gender neutral pain zone for five fucking minutes, @paulyollyoxxenfree and I will get back to handicrafts. They're getting back into the amiguroove and I'm going to hit the pad - finish and print Kitty, start Dr. Doctor. Stickers and stuff. I'm not shaving for a while to put me in mall Santa shape by Thanksgiving.
But what if you've got too much money and you're sick of it, but you hate being given things? I take donations. If you put a special request in the memo, I won't even give you the thanks. I'll just spit. I take requests.
Fuck, I don't know, antelope? My email - [email protected]
I might make one of those kofi things.
Oh and, heheh, one more thing...
Launching in the fourth quarter 2024, ArsCo is proud to announce Alone With Arsnof, the happening new app that gives you the power to have some one-on-one time *gunshot* wit- *sudden fade to red-tinted black, gunshot echo. Sirens fade in. HE'S DOWN! OVER THERE! THE ROOF? A high-pitched whine. Bright light. The late afternoon sky comes into focus. Fireballs? The sun is so bright. Automatic gunfire. No, jets. Falling. Screams. Recognizable screams. Unrecognizable screams? Inhuman? The sun blinks*
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d00msd4y · 11 months
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Idk, warm up doodles?
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tangledinink · 1 year
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don't ASK me why. just know that this is what the gemini would look like as ponies.
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cyclopssun · 2 months
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noodle8 · 1 year
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the fev Beastie
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princesskkfish · 10 months
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Apparently I forgot to post this
this is all old btw and his design has changed but this is where the idea was started :P
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Da Vinky
Knowledge comes from many places! Some of them… more respectable than others.
I too am cursed with a wide array of random facts because of one to many a research hole for very silly reasons. Wikipedia is the IKEA of the internet, I can’t help but get completely lost! Alas, history is not included in those facts, so grain of salt here lol
Because my handwriting is chicken scratch, dialogue under the cut:
Donnie: (unintelligible) -Leonardo- (unintelligible)
Mikey: (unintelligible)
Leo: ?
Mikey: What about his anatomical drawings?
Donnie: His technical genius was far from the only thing he was famous for! Da Vinci’s contributions to both art and science through observation are his most lasting achievements.
Donnie: You still have trouble drawing horses right? Well, Leonardo did many studies of their anatomical structure to create a statue to rival even the great equine monuments of Donatello at the time.
Leo: Yeah, he never actually made the statue. The bronze all got melted into cannons in 1494. Michelangelo made fun of him for it.
Donnie: Wh- When have you ever cared about our namesakes?
Leo: …
Leo: ‘Cause- uh… “Da Vinky?”
Donnie: You defile all knowledge!
Mikey: Donnie wait! Don’t kill him yet!
Leo: gak.
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aversiteespabilas · 10 months
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We were brainstorming a silly Horse AU for the boys.
These are Big Horse, Eyebrow Horse, Wild Horse and Pretty Horse. At the end of Season 2, Pretty Horse gets a magical forehead sword of course.
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marinusart · 11 months
Suddenly, I understood I`m fascinated by tarks... And even came up with some headcanons
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Normal horse: peripheral vision, good friend
Tark: stares into your soul
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They can swim well
Also considering the fact that tarks can behave too aggressively even towards their own kind, foals can be forced to leave the group. In result - high risk of being eaten by other mutants. But if a young tark manages to survive an attack of, for example, the pack of blind dogs, after growing up it starts hunting mostly blind dogs. I think it could be interesting
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bettertwin1 · 11 months
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quartergremlin · 4 months
d1 or a3 for jeretello :3
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i love them they're so cute
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evilhorse · 2 months
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It’s all in the wrist.
(Usagi Yojimbo Vol 2 #3)
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