#me when my sweet precious girl SPILLED SOUP ON MY BED THE OTHER DAY!!!!!!
svnflowervol666 · 4 years
Fried Rice and... Kiwi? (Harry Styles x fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 2.5k
Author’s Note: Happy third birthday to HS1! Here’s something short and sweet in it’s honor. I came across this gif earlier today and all I could think about was lying on Harry’s tummy and listening to him talk about the album. Hence, this fic was born. Obviously, I had to turn it into dad!Harry, because that’s all I can manage to do ever. Like, literally ever. But, regardless! Enjoy, take care, and TPWK. gif by @stylesinthewild​!!!
Three sequential knocks on the weighted, wooden door broke up the playful banter occurring in the studio. It wasn’t a request to enter, more so a signal of arrival and a warning - she was coming in whether they liked it or not. 
Smells of grease and soy sauce filled the nostrils of everyone inside as she cautiously maneuvered her way around discarded instruments and cords and towards the coffee table with a both arms full of enough take out to feed a small army.
“God, thank you! You’re the best! Been starvin’ all day,” Jeff piped up from the armchair he’d been sitting in.
“Genuinely! You didn’t have to come all the way across town to bring us dinner,” Sarah added, hair aloof and sticking up around her head as if she’d been running her fingers through it incessantly over the past few hours.
“Well, someone,” Y/N sneered, cutting her eyes back to Jeff, “keeps stealing my man away from me and I’m tired of waiting for him at home, so I figured I’d just pay him a visit here instead.”
“A simple, ‘You’re welcome, Jeff,’ would’ve done ya just fine!” he sarcastically fired back as the rest of the room doubled over in laughter.
Harry was up and out of the cushion he’d been slumped back in to grab the paper bags that were balanced on top of his girlfriend’s arms so he could take her hands in his and guide her towards him.
“Tip your driver?” she cocked her head to the side and pursed her lips down at him when he sat back down.
“Hmmm,” Harry toyed with her comment, pretending to pat down his pockets in search for change, “‘Ve only got my undying love and affection and an endless amount of kisses. Will that do?”
“I suppose,” Y/N huffed, leaning in to press her lips chastely against his.
“Okay, let’s see if I got this right,” she directed her attention back to the group as she fished around the bags of food.
“Beef and broccoli for Mitch?” The long-haired, almost-resembling-jesus brunette smirked and nodded as he leaned over to take the white carton from her hands.
“Kung Po chicken with extra sauce for Sarah,” Y/N stated confidently. She knew that one for certain.
Sarah bowed graciously as she swiped a handful of duck sauce from the bag after taking her order from Y/N.
“Hot and Sour soup for Adam and Jeff.” 
She handed Adam the plastic tub of hot liquid as if she was presenting him a sacred piece of treasure and cast Jeff’s soup away dramatically as if to say she was still fake-mad at him for keeping Harry holed up in the studio for long hours and couldn’t care less if he spilled the damn thing in his lap or not.
“You’re too kind,” Jeff scoffed, earning a pointed middle finger in his direction from Y/N.
“And last but certainly not least,” she grabbed the two remaining cartons by the thin metal handles and presented one to Harry, “Veggies for the boy.”
“Thank you, lovie,” Harry responded earnestly as he grabbed utensils for the both of them, chopsticks for him and a fork for her (he’d tried to teach her more times than he could count to use chopsticks properly but she could never quite get the technique down successfully) and dug into the steaming heap of vegetables packed to the brim of the container.
It was peacefully quiet as everyone chowed down on the takeout Y/N had brought in, everyone coming to the realization of how hungry they’d gotten after spending the entire day writing, composing, and recording an album. Harry and Y/N sat on opposite ends of the couch, her feet resting comfortably in his lap.
“Wha’ did you get?” Harry asked through a mouthful of food.
Harry frowned.
“Just rice?”
“Wasn’t that hungry,” Y/N shrugged, “Plus, I might have eaten the leftover pizza from the other day right before I came.”
“Still. ‘S not good f’ you. Need t’ be eating better than tha’,” the newly short-haired brunette (Y/N may have shed a tear when he told her he was cutting it) gathered an assortment of sauteed vegetables with his chopsticks before leaning over the couch and dangling it above her lips, waiting for her to open her mouth and accept the bite.
She managed to catch it all, sans a thin strip of onion that she quickly slurped up before it fell and wiped the remaining sauce from the corner of her mouth with her knuckle.
“You two disgust me,” Jeff called out from across the room, a scowl adorning his features.
Harry smiled that obnoxiously cheesy shit-eating grin that he had become infamous for having in his manager’s direction, being sure to push the chewed up broccoli to the front of his teeth to only add to Jeff’s so-called repulsion.
“I think you’re just jealous that the attention’s not on you,” Y/N stated matter-of-factly, “I’m carrying precious cargo. It’s part of the job description now.”
She gave a snide and over-dramatised rub over her swollen belly where hers and Harry’s unborn child was nestled conveniently on top of her organs, making it harder and harder to move around and have any kind of energy as of late.
“If I recall correctly, I’m carrying his career. ‘S pretty precious if you ask me.”
With a roll of her eyes, Y/N plopped her half-eaten side of fried rice onto the table in front of her and shifted her body so that she was lying in Harry’s lap, her head resting perfectly where his thighs met his toned, yet somehow still soft tummy. Harry acclimated to her new position with ease, freeing one his hands so he could pet her hair gently.
“What did you guys work on today?” she asked, her fingers slipping under the hem of Harry’s shirt to absent-mindedly rub the sparse strip of hair that trailed down from his navel and disappeared into the waistband of his boxers that were just barely peaking through the top of his jeans - similar to how he stroked her bump when they cuddle in bed at night.
“Finished up the master for Two Ghosts and added the keys to Woman, but tha’s about it. Started playin’ with another one, but I’m not sure that it’s gonna go anywhere.”
“Yeah? Was it the one you were playing for me the other night?”
Harry shook his head through another bite of his food and swallowed.
“Think we’re gonna do tha’ one next week. We were just messin’ ‘round w’ this one. Doubt I’ll ever go back to it after today.”
“Well, can I at least hear it before you scrap it?”
Harry bit the inside of his cheek and peered around the room, trying to locate the hard drive that held all of their practice runs and demos.
“Did they take the laptop when they left?” he asked.
“Nah, it’s still here. Let me go get it,” Jeff promptly shimmied out of his seat, stuffed to the brim with tofu and bamboo shoots that were mixed into his soup, making him move a bit slower than he had earlier.
Whilst Jeff was digging around in the back room in search of the song Harry was almost certain would get lost deep down in the numerous files of unfinished songs and melodies, Y/N tapped Harry’s stomach with her pointer finger to get his attention and opened her mouth, signaling she wanted another bite of his food. He dropped the veggies into her mouth gingerly, making sure to avoid staining his shirt or accidentally dropping a carrot on Y/N’s nose.
“Thank you for comin’. Missed ye’ all day,” Harry spoke in a whisper so that only Y/N could hear him.
“Missed you too,” she mumbled through her chewing, “She doesn’t move much when you’re gone. Think she misses you more.”
In that moment, he was thankful she wasn’t lying on his chest, because she most certainly would have heard his heart combust and scatter like confetti into his gut at the mention of his sweet baby girl that was set to arrive in a few months time.
“’S she kickin’ right now?”
A wide grin appeared on Y/N’s face and she nodded, taking the chopsticks out of Harry’s hand so she could move it down her waist and press it against the underside of her belly where their daughter was seemingly doing summersaults in the presence of her father. 
It always amazed him, each and every time. How there was a human being growing inside of her and he had a hand in creating her. Although he hadn’t met her just yet, he was postive she was the most precious and sweetest creature he’s ever known.
Bursting the sugary sweet bubble they’d trapped themselves in, Jeff arrived promptly with the laptop tucked under his arm. He brought it to life, skimming the dozens of folders within the drive until he found the one he was looking for. 
“Found it!” he announced to the room.
“Alright, let’s hear it.”
As if it would allow her to hear the song more clearly, Y/N lifted her head from Harry’s lap and sat up beside him instead. She leaned against his shoulder, letting her fingers intertwine with the ones attached to his arm that was pressed against hers.
The beginnings of an electric guitar and Harry’s voice filled her ears, Y/N immediately clocking the sound as something unlike anything he had previewed for her thus far. It was heavier, more akin to the style of an actual rockstar that graced stages across the country in tight pants and ooze sex appeal from every pore in their body (not that Harry didn’t already do that). 
Next, she heard the heavy pounding of drums, to which she gave Sarah a raise of her brow and look of approval for her skill. She had absolutely no explanation for the way this song Harry had been so pertinent about tossing in the trash was making her press her thighs together to mediate the heat rising within, but it was there. The dull, persistent throb that made her wish her and Harry were the only ones in the room so that she could straddle him right there on the couch and have her way with him.
Pregnancy hormones. Yeah, that’s what it was. Well, at least that’s what she was telling herself.
And then she heard the chorus.
I’m having your baby. It’s none of your business.
She cut her eyes to Harry, who was undeniably blushing and had his face buried in his free hand as if he was scared to see her reaction. He was smirking underhead his palm, knowing good and well that she was staring at him as the lyrics repeated themselves over and over and over again. When he finally decided to peak through his fingers, he was met with her wide-eyed and stunned expression, to which he burst into a fit of giggles that shook his belly and made his sides ache. Y/N couldn’t help but join in on the laughter, shaking her head at his bluntness, for lack of a better word. 
The song wasn’t long at all as it was clearly choppy and unfinished and a product of Harry, as he’d said in his own words, messing around with his friends. Sure, it needed some cleaning up and could use a bit more substinance, but it was by no means bad or anything worth chucking in her opinion. It was very much a song written about her, so she felt like she could stand confidently by that opinion.
“Well, shit,” Y/N huffed as the instruments came to an abrupt hault and all that was left of the recording were dwindling laughter and shuffles in the background while whoever was in charge of the sound board moved to cut the microphones, “That gets right to the point. Doesn’t it?”
“That’s what we said,” Sarah managed to get out in between wiping the mascara from under her eyes that ran when she was laughing at her dear friend’s reaction.
“I mean, I don’t think it’s bad at all. Needs some cleaning up, but I think you should keep working on it,” Y/N said honestly, prying Harry’s hand from his face so she could kiss him on the cheek.
“Oh, gee. Thanks. Didn’t know you were on payroll as a producer too,” Jeff called out contemptuously.
“Umm, without me, you wouldn’t have half of this album. Think I can say whatever I want about the matter. Thank you very much.”
Harry pressed his lips together and pointed at her with his fingers shaped like a handgun as if to corroborate what Y/N had just said.
“Yeh actually liked it though?” there was a hint of surprise in his voice.
He hadn’t expected that. He’d expected a smack on the chest or a scold, not praise.
Y/N smiled at the bashful boy beside her, picking a piece of fuzz from the collar of his shirt and flicking it off to the wayside.
“’S gonna have everyone’s panties in a bunch, that’s for sure.”
She picked up Harry’s arm and draped it around her shoulder so she could properly snuggle into his side.
“That damn kiwi,” she said with a playful sigh.
“Pardon?” Harry looked down, bewildered, to see Y/N busying herself by gently poking the taut skin of her tummy in attempt to get their baby to poke her back with her tiny hand or foot, there was really no way of telling which was which.
“That’s when I said that to you,” Y/N yawned, “I was craving kiwi and fuming mad because you ate the last one and when you asked why I was so worked up about it, I told you it’s because I was having your baby, but it wasn’t any of your business.”
The recollection immediately dawned on Harry, making him smack his forehead with a closed fist.
“That’s where that came from! I couldn’t remember what happened, but I’ve always thought that was the funniest thing you’ve ever said t’ me.”
“Ehhh, it’s top ten for sure. Wouldn’t say the funniest, but it’s up there.”
Harry rolled his eyes at her indifference, but he won’t lie and say that it wasn’t one of the things he loved about her the most. How even though she can be the biggest pain in his ass, she always finds a way to bring light into his life and make him smile even it seems next to impossible.
“So yeh think it should stay in the running?”
“Definitely. If I wasn’t already pregnant, I’d beg you to put one in me right here in this studio after hearing it,” she said nonchalantly.
Jeff mocked a gagging noise, “I think I’m genuinely going to hurl.” 
“Oh, be an adult for once in your life, Azoff!” Y/N quipped.
Harry stiffled his laughter into her neck, tickling the tiny hairs that rose to goosebumps with each breath he exhaled onto her skin. 
“I don’t think you understand, Y/N. I hear about you two every damn day in this studio. ‘S just like you said, the whole bloody album is about you two not being able to keep your hands off of each other for five seconds. ‘M surprised it’s taken you this long t’ get knocked up.”
Harry remained tight-lipped, having reduced his giggle fit to a minimum as he watched two of the most important people in his life bicker back and forth like children fighting over a toy. He supposes, in this case, he is the toy in question, but it was entertaining nonetheless.
“Gonna make a damn good album, though. Isn’t it?” Y/N’s haughty smirk answered that question all on its own.
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lilchibi-chan · 4 years
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Bakugou x Student Reader
Nobody asked, but I wanted to do a part 2, so if you haven’t read part 1 go ahead and do that.
You and Bakugou have been dating for 2 months now, but he hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend...yet. Little do you know is that every time he has tried to ask he chickens out. In his heart, he knows you’ll say yes, but his head has him thinking the worst.
The weather has gotten colder outside and you’ve come down with a really bad cold. To avoid getting other people sick you decide to stay in your dorm. You’ve already told Aizawa to avoid any unexcused absences. You decided not to tell Bakugou because you didn’t want him to worry and you would probably be better in a couple days.
When Bakugou got to class and saw you weren’t there, his smile faded and turned into an angry pout. You never missed class.
“Mornin Bakubro! What’s with the pouty face?” Kirishima asks, cheerful as always
He heads straight for Mina and Uraraka being that you’re best friends.
“WHERE’S Y/N?” He asks in a loud voice
“Oh uh, she has a cold. She didn’t want you to worry, so she didn’t tell you because-”
Bakugou ran out of the classroom without letting Uraraka finish. He ran to his and grabbed his little electric stove and pot.
He also had an electric kettle and some tea in his room. He snuck down to the kitchen and took some ingredients so that he could make you soup when he got to you.
He raced to your room and started knocking on your door. You were confused since school was already in session but you got up and unlocked your door. You had your hair in a messy bun and wore and oversized hoodie with sweats and warm, fuzzy socks.
“K-Katsuki, w-what’re you doing here?” You ask concerned
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick dumbass?!” He was blushing because of how cute you looked but still upset you didn’t tell him
“I didn’t want you to worry about me. I knew you would come here if I told you,” you say
“Yeah and so what. You’re mine and I’m gonna be there for you whenever you need me. Now go back in bed, I’m staying here with you and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He said with his signature smirk
“What about class?” You ask, happy he’s staying but still concerned about his work
“Screw it. You’re more important right now and I can always get notes from Iida or something.” He says tucking you in and going into your bathroom to wet a hand towel with cold water and put it on your forehead.
“Now you stay put and don’t get up until I wake you.” He said demanding
You nod your head and let sleep take over your body since you had tossed and turned all night, barely getting any sleep.
He got to work on the tea and added some honey in it to soothe your throat. Also to add a little sweetness.
He gently shook your shoulder and you slowly fluttered your eyes open.
“Here,” he said handing you the cup of tea,“this should help with your sore throat and any chill you might be feeling.” He helped you sit up and he put extra pillows behind your back to help you sit up straight.
“When you finish that, I’ll get started on some food. I know you haven’t eaten and you’re probably lightheaded so just take your time okay.” He says in a low, comforting tone
You nod and can’t help but smile at how caring he is. You always knew he had a soft side, but you never saw the full extent of how much he wanted to help.
You finish the tea and hand him the cup that he gave you. You tell him you’re going to take a nap and that he can make you something to eat when you wake up.
He let you sleep for an hour before he got started on the soup, he figured you would wake up soon. He plugged in electric stove and put the pot on the stove with some broth and turned it on.
When he finally finished, it was couple hours later and you woke up to the smell of somethin delicious filling your nose.
“Katsuki,” you squeak out since you just woke up
He rushes over to help you sit up, as he did before.
“It smells good,” you say causing him to smile
He gave you a tray table that rests on your lap so that you didn’t have to get out of bed and sit on the floor. You take some of the soup and are amazed by how good it tastes.
“This is amazing!” You say and this kinda just boosts his ego
“Well, you should expect nothing less of the great Bakugou Katsuki,” he says, causing you to giggle
“You’re a dork,” you say giggling
“You trynna pick a fight with me, dumbass?” His temper getting the best of him
“No hot head, you’re just very cute and... I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me today, thanks Katsuki.”
He was sitting on the bed, but not next to you. You moved your tray to the floor, as to not spill anything, and moved to where he was on your bed.
You hug him from behind which surprises him. He turns to hug you back and you bury your head in his chest. He smelled sweet, like caramel. He lifted your head, so that you both would be face to face and he kissed you on your cheek, very close to your lips.
“You’re so beautiful, even when you’re sick teddybear,” he says which causes warmth to rise on your cheeks which wasn’t because of your cold.
“Yeah, got a problem with that?”
“Not at all,” you say giggling
You lay back down after finishing your soup and he cleaned up your bowl, spoon, the pot he cooked in and the cup you had tea in.
He met you on the bed and decided to hold you in his arms, cuddling you. You could hear his heart beat and it made you sleepy with how steady it was. He held you close the whole time you were asleep, even rubbing small circles on your shoulder and even on your cheek. He ended up falling asleep as well due to the warmth of both of your bodies.
When you wake up, Katsuki is still fast asleep. You can’t help but smile at how cute and relaxed he looked. It was way different from the angry, yelling boom boom man you would see everyday. That didn’t change how you felt about him though. You loved everything about him, even his angry pomeranian personality.
You were about to get out of bed, but he pulled you closer and held you tighter in both of his arms.
“Cuddles,” he said in a sleepy voice. You adjusted yourself, so that you were comfortable and stayed in bed with him.
He woke up a little over an hour later.
“Good morning, sleepy head,” you say while looking into his still sleepy eyes. He smiles at you and kisses you on the lips.
“Hey teddybear, can I ask you something,”
“Of course, Katsu,” you say reassuring him
“Will you be my girlfriend? I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while, but every time I tried, I looked into those beautiful eyes of yours and I chickened out. Listen up cause I’m only gonna day this once, got it! I-I love you and that’s saying something. I don’t just throw those words around and not mean them. You’re the most precious, beautiful little teddybear in the whole world and I want you to officially be mine.”
“Katsu, I love you too. Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend.” You say, he smiled and cupped your face in both of his hands.
“I’m gonna kiss you now and I’m gonna make sure you feel all my love for you.”
He started by kissing your right cheek, then moved to your forehead, then your left cheek, nose and the he moved to your lips. He didn’t care if he got sick, he would just go to recovery girl and have her make him better. Then again, he wouldn’t mind getting special treatment from you.
There was a knock at your door and you were about to get up.
“Don’t worry teddybear, I’ll get it. You just rest.”
You nod and lay down.
Aizawa and Recovery Girl were outside of your door. Katsuki let them in and Recovery Girl walked over to you to see how you were doing.
“From the looks of things, I would say your almost better. I’m going to use my quirk, so that you’re 100% and ready to get back to school tomorrow,” she says to you
“Okay,” you say and you let her work her magic
“Alright, you should be okay in an hour or two,” she says leaving your room
“Thank you recovery girl and you too Aizawa-sensei,” you say respectfully. You get up and bow to both of them.
After the two exit, Katsuki gets ready to leave your room, but you grab his hand.
“Don’t go,” you say
“I’ll be back teddybear, I just wanna take this stuff back to my room and then I can give you all the cuddles and love that you want. Don’t tell anybody I said that or I’ll kick your ass!”
“Really Katsu, you would kick your own girlfriend’s ass?” You ask inquisitively
“No, I would never hit a girl but there would definitely be a punishment,” he said causing you to blush because you were taken aback by his words
He went back to his room and returned to you in about five minutes. He continued to get you whatever you needed and stayed with you that whole night.
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This was SUPER long, but I hope you enjoyed because I enjoyed writing it. If you guys want a follow up post let me know.
Also I really love this gif of our lil Bakubaby 🥰
Siren Song part 2 will be up in a couple days. I’m really trying to get it finished, it’s SUUUUUUPER LONG and very detailed 😏
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crispyimagines17 · 7 years
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“Musas: Becoming one of them” (Chapter 1) -  [A Bill Skarsgård and Alexander Skarsgård story].
Summary: Bill moves out with his brother and future sister in law while he looks for a place to live in; without being aware that his remain could trigger a catastrophe between Alexander and him.
Warnings: Strong language.
A/N: An apology because it’s too short. We hurried to post this chapter because we wanted you to have a taste of this project. Enjoy!
Muse (Verb) /mju:z/
In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences; walking throughout the centuries, the name was destroyed into hundreds of meanings. But settle one universal for all beings, a muse is the source of an artist’s inspiration.
But she keeps denied in it.
Neither she could answer why most of the sheets were all about his features. Maybe two hypotheses crossed her mind, but none of them satisfice her brain; One of them was because his characteristics were so simple, they made him look just as a masterpiece: soft cheeks that combine his milky skin; big green eyes, always watching impassive and emotionless; golden strands of hair falling throughout his forehead. Oh yes, for an artist this was a “take your breath away”.
She was tracing skillfully with pencils the curve of his lips, these ones had a beautiful shape; lower lip was thin, the other not, showing a perfect structure and symmetry.
“Shit”, she whispered slowly, gliding her fingertip to the sheet to acquire more shades.
Bill heard her voice, but didn’t take interest in asking. There was no friendship between them, just familiar faces when the holidays or birthdays arrived. He considered a lot of projects to match, since she will become part of the Skarsgards in the future. But for the moment, there was no idea that captured him.
“Going for some juice, want anything?”
“No, thank you.” She stopped paying attention to her task, to give him a warm smile.
Bill’s stomach clenched at her words, wonder how lucky his brother got a girl of that league; the little he had heard, he pictured her just the way his parents wanted his partner. And he felt a little bit of jealous for Alexander.
The dinning room was quiet, more than usual. Everybody was in their own thoughts and eating was just a bonus. Bill’s eyes were focused in the pinkish tomato soup, picking it up with the spoon and letting it fall.
“How was your day, kid?” Alexander speaks, making Bill lift his eyes to his brother.
“Usual. I can’t find a good place.” He shrugged his shoulders. “This is not like home, Alex. I don’t know how do you manage living in ‘Phonywood’.”
“But if we stayed in home, we’d have never gone beyond. It’s a huge sacrifice, kiddo. But at the end, the rewards are worth it. Promise. Who knows, you could find a girl who fits your puzzle pieces together.”
“Sounds so fuckin’ cliché.” Both brothers released out a chuckle.
Alexander peeped at his lover sweetly and slipped his hand with hers, unleashing again the envy of Bill.
“Perhaps Alex, I could find someone like Elizabeth.” Her eyes filled with curiosity.
“Who is Elizabeth?”
Alexander watched his brother furiously, not even the high levels of alcohol in his bloodstream could keep him calm of what Bill just said.
“Alex didn’t tell you about her?”
“Enough, Bill.” Alexander warned him.
“Why? She has the right to know.”
“But it’s none of your business!”
“If it’s something personal you don’t want to share, for me it’s fine.”
“Alex, isn’t the time to say something to your lover?”
Full of annoyance, Bill’s brother looked at him with eyes burning inside. 
“What the fuck is your problem, Bill?”
“Fuckin’ chill, Alex. It was just a funny comment to light the atmosphere.”
“Not so funny to me.”
“Fine, I apologize. Never going to happen again.”
“Alexander, don’t be too harsh on him. He’s just trying to swing the mood.”
“Someone fuckin’ understands.” Bill point his finger on her. “Jesus.”
“Can you leave? I will talk to you later.”
She knew that Alexander was pushed to his limits, and hope that his brother won’t screw with his mouth, and for brief moments she spotted that Bill’s eyes change, more soft and worried.
“Fuck. I’m sorry, Alexander.”
“Just leave, Bill.” He nodded, getting up from his seat leaving the couple alone.
“Are you okay?”, she asked gently placing her hand in Alexander’s shoulder.
“Of course not, that stupid kid… he shouldn’t mention that.”
“He apologizes, I saw that he was truly sorry.”
“He can’t keep his damn mouth shut.”
He realizes that she was talking and stopped his actions, still spilling ager between his eyes.
“We should go to the bedroom and talk about it, this is not the place and time.”
“I think you’re right. Come on.”
The only sound provided by the house in that moment was a blast of the door supply by the couple’s room. Alexander set a foot in it and the quiet atmosphere among with the whiteness relaxed him, removing slowly his suit and deposit in the couch. He brought his fingertips to both of his temples, squishing flimsy and producing a brief relief.
“Fuck, I need your touch.” He whispers to her, crawling his eyes and extend his arms. But she never came, leaving a burst of cold air hit him in the chest.
When he reopened his eyes, she was sitting in the corner of the bed, glancing to him for an answer. But what could he said, the topic may bring misfortunes for  both and this man is not ready to let her walk away.
“I didn’t understand your attitude towards, Bill. It was obvious that he touch a frail string.”
“With who the fuck was Elizabeth.” He could still taste the bittersweet by pronouncing her name.
“Yes, and I will understand if you don’t want to talk about her.”
He left her words die for a couple of seconds until he mentally prepared himself for the news.
“Elizabeth was my ex fiancé. In those years I was crazy about her, wanted a family by her side. She was my only friend when I came here, and she left me for someone else, just before days of our wedding.  Sorry for not bringing that subject.”
“Don’t blame yourself, Alexander.”
Her feelings for him they seemed to grow by seen it in all the stages. And to carry on for that disappointment, her heart began to clutch.
“My little ball of sunshine, my muse, precious, beautiful.” She launches towards him and began to stroke his hair, continued murmur sweet little nothings in his ear.
“You are flattering me, stop.” A chuckle escapes from his mouth.
“I hope that with my kisses and love you could find your healing from all those rough relationships.”
“I will, if you stay. Giving the next step together.”
“But…”, her voice was interrupted by Alexander’s index finger.
“Let me show how much I want this.”
With Edith Piaf singing at the background; the love started to consume.
Hands slipping throughout her hair to deeper the kisses; noses touching, smelling their essence, breaths mixing, eyes closed, sense his hands rubbing ever scar of hers, lips brushing.
She cupped his face with her hands treasuring the nibble on the chin, looking at those fierce blue eyes.
Maybe this was the proof she needed to spend the rest of her mortal life with him. A situation which he displays his past, and that kind of pain connect more.
“Yes…” , she murmurs, provoking Alexander to smile in the kiss.
A loud bang could be heard echoing throughout the house. Bill closed the door heavily and fell round on his bed. He needed to get the hell out that place.
Living there was like breathing the suffocating perfection of his brother and his darling, all day long. Quite unbearable.
He needed fresh air, outside from their aura.
Alexander’s brother opened the window of his bedroom that took to the street. A good jump and he’d be free.
He looked back in the room to take his black jacket, when noticed it wasn’t where he believed: at the foot of the bed. Bill looked around every corner of the room with no trace of his jacket; he checked in the closet, and nothing; maybe it’d be under the bed, but only found an ashtray, socks and garbage.
As he kept wondering where else does the jacket could be, the picture of it left in the sofa at the living room went to his mind.
“Fuck”, the boy murmured, closing his eyes for being so stupid and taking a deep breath, maybe to catch enough strength to walk back there. Another deep breath was necessary until Bill rolled his eyes and opened the door.
Contrary to what he expected, the house was relatively quiet. The sun was about to set and the light of the happy couple’s room was on. However, even if they were in the room doing God knows what, Bill couldn’t risk being heard out. Carefully, he took the knob on his door and turned it to close it. Then went downstairs, taking care that each foot stepped on the right place without making any noise. Following the same process as he did upstairs, Bill glanced around the living room, but strangely didn’t see his jacket. He looked over each chair and sofas, when, at last, found it fallen at the floor by the side of a little table and the soft brown sofa in the corner of the room on which a lamp lay decorated by his brother’s wife. Surely Bill himself had let his jacket fall when got up from there.
Disposed to raise it, the youngest brother grabbed his black jacket but an unexpected discover provoked a soft change in his lips’ corner, almost a smile: a secret drawer in the little table. With a slight pull, the mysterious drawer was opened, revealing a journal and several pencils for drawing of different types. It was nothing else but the very soul in paper of his sister-in-law.
“Which secrets does the perfect sister may hide?’”
Bill wondered, imagining a bunch of words written by hand revealing her deepest thoughts. But words were not found in its pages. Instead, the first page presented a full blank space and at the bottom her maiden name written delicately to pen. The next pages left him muted: Perfect traces of the moon, the sun, a street, small landscapes, profiles of people surely friends or family. Bill continued to leaf through the notebook, seeing each of the drawings so detailed, until he reached the section of his brother; just when he was getting tired to see so many strokes of Alexander poses, he found something that caught his attention completely: soft curved lips, wide eyes, and his own face. It was him, Bill, in different poses and accented in parts by his lips, his hair, his eyes.
Bill’s eyes were scanning every page and detail of the journal; his misbelief was disturbing his head into a point of no return. Does Alexander know about this? How could he handle this situation?
Alexander’s brother let a piece of breath escape him as he recharged his back on the brown sofa. He spent a few minutes observing the same pages of himself, over and over again, until the darkness forced him to turn on the light. Bill moved away the journal from his sight holding it on his lap; his eyes were blank, evidently lost himself for a few seconds in the shadows of the living room, and then, as if a strange force ran down his back, he returned to himself and closed the journal delicately. The youngest man tried to place it back to the drawer the same way he found it; Bill closed that secret hiding place and went to the fridge for a beer that took to his room where he spent the night deep in thought.
People say things get better in the morning, but the house remained strangely silent. Bill had just woken up, almost at noon after a restless night. Walking downstairs, he noticed that the dishes were still unwashed but had already been used, probably for breakfast. The boy wondered where could the only woman in home may be.
Meanwhile, his future sister-in-law was in her own oasis of relaxation: a room at the end of the first floor, where she had all her art pictures; 'that trash' as her father used to call all the art stuff. Today, her inspiration sourced from classic music: Chopin’s Spring Waltz as background and a coup of coffee with a taste of cinnamon as beverage. Wrapped in herself, she didn’t listen at all the slow steps of the other soul who lived under that roof. Her young brother-in-law remained standed, leaning against the door frame and observing curious the total abstraction of his sister-in-law in that painting on which she worked. They could’ve stayed there forever, but Bill doesn’t believe in what 'forever' means.
“Hey there.” He knocked the open door and entered the room.
“Hey.” She answered, distracted.
“Just wanted to apologize for what I said. I thought you knew about Eli…” , but he was interrupted by she, who silenced him abruptly.
“It’s okay, Bill. Don’t worry, alright?” , she glanced at him, serious but calmed.
“Guess Alex and you had a reconciliation. It should’ve been fun…” , Bill let out a laugh with a spice of sarcasm on it.
“Okay. What’s your point?” , her eyes that used to be sweet were now iced.
“Nothing. I’m just saying…” , Bill kept his sarcastic mode on to see her reaction.
“Well if you are just saying, maybe you can keep doing that in other place of the house.” She stood up to face him.
“Hey, didn’t your mom told you it’s impolite to interrupt people?” 
“And didn’t your mom told you you should go and take care of your own business?”
“Alright, Miss. You’re good playing this game, but what about the other you play yourself?”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m talking, my dear, about your secret journal.” As a man who knows his fortune, Bill started to use the only power he could use against her: knowledge.
“I don’t know what do you mean with secret journal.”
“Oh, of course you know what I mean. I found your little drawer and it had a journal hidden in it.”
“You’re drun…”
“No, I’m not and I’ll show you.” Bill took out from his pocket the same journal she carefully hid. But maybe not enough for him not to find it.
“Now you can’t deny what I saw. I understand why you draw my brother a lot, he’s your lover, but me?” , he leafed through the journal as he spoke, pausing in the pages his drawings were.
“It’s not what you think…” 
“Yeah, I know it’s not what I think. Alex and you are just the perfect couple, who could ever be tired of it. The thing is, I liked it.” 
“You did?” 
“Listen, I don’t really have anything to do this days nor you. Also, guess I inspire you.” She remained silent but expectant, trying to deduct his next words “I want to see your real skills and not only sketches.”
“I’ll be your muse. Paint me.”
The entire building was wrapped in a brief silence, which adorned the feelings of surprise that surfaced from Alexander’s wife. Until it was broken by her.
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