catnappys-blog · 7 months
CatNap, what do you think of The amazing digital Circus?
It's still good at least lillath enjoys you guys company*lillath is my TADC oc*
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boxed-chardonay · 1 year
O just had a thought and an interesting one. So alot of us know the story of Adam and eve; some of us know the story where Adam had a previous lover by the name of lillath. This is important.
So in most biblical texts it never actually states that Adam and eve were the only humans. It states that they were the only humans allowed in the garden of eden. I've been watching animal documentaries and in one of them someone refrances the garden of eden. In Context: (animal species) haven't or has chose to stay in the garden of eden.
What if the garden was more of a "mental" state if you will. Wild animals lives consist of finding food, and avoiding predators etc. They don't go to work, make money, things most humans do.
What if God tested Adam and lillath to see if he put all humans in the garden of eden if they would stray out of this animal like State called "garden of eden" when lillath failed she would have been kicked out because she chose to leave the garden. It's not that she was forced to leave she chose to and could not get back because her mind was no longer "in the garden" Adam remained loyal to the garden and was rewarded with eve who strayed too far out of this mental wild animal like state and convinced Adam to do so as well... the garden is not a real place but more of a peace of mind. They didn't have to worry about food worry about poison plants plants that could be harmful to them . Until they left this state of mind.
As a result God did not nessarrly punish humans he made the earth more challenging, less forgiving. Because he made us in his own image but as a result we also had "devine" thought. The ability to be self aware, able to make and think to fix complex problems.
The garden of eden was a test. A test to see if he put humans in an animal like mental state would we find a way out? And the answer was yes.
There's real world examples of this too. Apes and monkeys are starting to do human activities we are influencing other primates to leave the garden too. To come out of this state of mind and be more aware.
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nacregames · 4 years
can we plssss get a story w lillath i love her 😌🥰
"I don't like them," she says, scrunching up her nose like the snob she is.
"You don't like anyone, so what's new?" you reply with a snort, glancing at her sideways. Lilith scowls at you.
"But I dislike them extra much. The way they kept touching you here and there...," she trails of, flipping her luscious black hair, "what a dick," she mumbles silently under her breath, but you hear it anyway.
You stop at your tracks, frowning at her.
"Lilith~," you coo, drawing her attention to you. She halts, a confused look on her face as if she just realized that you had stopped walking.
"Yes..?" comes her irritated voice.
You pause a moment, watching her intently. You are used to her jealousy attacks by now, but sometimes you wonder if she is aware when she's taking it too far. At times you are worried about her, but notbthis time, it's far too ridiculous. It's also kind of a gag between you by now.
"They are my tailor. How else were they supposed to do their job?" It's not like you actually expect an answer besides a scoff, but the succubus offers you one anyway.
"They could have wanted to harm you! Just because you're ignorant of your own saftey doesn't mean the rest of us is too!"
You don't even reply to her ridiculous statement, the frown still plastered on your face. This time you are absolutely sure that she's aware of that.
Lilith purses her lips at your expression, folding her arms. "You should be grateful," she mumbles half-heartedly, looking away.
A soft snort escapes you.
"I am," you say, wrapping your arms around her waist, pulling her close. You bring your lips close to her ear, preparing to whisper your next words in a way only she can hear. Lilith shivers slightly under your touch, holding her breath.
You lick your lips before you further lean in, almost touching the soft flesh of her exposed neck.
"But you're so green-eyed," you say in a low voice, followed by a cackle as the demon shoves you away with full force.
"I hate you!" she yells, her frustration only fueling your mirth.
So worth it.
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runephoenix6769 · 4 years
Welp the new episode of Owl House nearly broke me!!
Poor eda!
Poor Luz.
Fuck, Lillath
But question, why didn't Amity just get someone to use healing magic on her foot??
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ririchan · 4 years
Hello everyone! My name is Lillath, but you can also call me by my nickname, Lily! I just moved into town (in the middle of a pandemic unfortunately), I got a fresh new.. uh, well, no, not FRESH per say, just.. a new house in general! It’s kinda old, but I’ll talk about it in another post. I’m a hobbyist artist and a bilingual (I know Japanese)! I’m hoping to learn how to code. It’s a pleasure to finally have a proper social media account up! I tried before but it didn’t go so well. Anyways, I’ll document some random stuff on here for all of you! I’ll try to upload as frequently as I can. :) You can also ask me stuff as you please!
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z0mbilici0us · 6 years
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Have a Lillath
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rabbit-trolls · 8 years
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Meet the new troll! 
Lillath Yorgrath! A cute lil rock lover with a sassy ass attitude 
loves jewels and gems (and rock hard things)
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