#like yeah falling isn't a prominent fear for him like failing is
hood-ex · 14 hours
ive always had the thought that dick was more afraid of other people falling rather than himself; idk if there’s canon evidence for that tho
Yeah I'd say it doesn't always have to be others physically falling though. It's also just the fear of failing others. Of not being there when he's needed, of not doing enough to save people. I do have an example of the physical sorts for you though.
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Nightwing (Vol. 4) #8
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ultfreakme · 8 months
What do you think are Akashi and Furihata’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
If you want to answer the questions above with Zuko and Sokka's dynamics, I don't mind....
OOh i haven't answered this before (I'm like, 60% sure, but i feel like I did, either ways I'm answering).
Akashi Strengths: He's committed, unrelenting in pursuit of his goals, never gives up, ruthless and dedicated. I like his ambition and wish I had even an ounce of that. He's also very confident and assertive.
Weaknesses: Doesn't know how to cope when his plans do fail, he crumbles like a cookie. He's so controlling and I think he has this set, specific plan, and if it doesn't go the way he expects he just collapses with no way to get back up.
Strengths: Determination, resilience, commitment, dedication. I think he's also the type to like, go all in if he's doing something. He joined the basketball club to impress a girl but he eventually gets more invested in b-ball to the point he just never mentions the girl again and keeps training despite knowing he'll never match up to GoM.
Weaknesses: Quick to get scared, low confidence. I honestly can't think of any prominent or truly debilitating weaknesses for Furihata. Like I always say his most memorable scenes are of him freaking out but who wouldn't in the situations he was put in? And even then, he recovered and kept going. He's got a lot of small shortcomings like any regular human but he recovers from it pretty quick.
I love the AkaFuri dynamic because of the way their strengths and weaknesses compliment each other. While Akashi on the outside looks very strong, immovable even, we see how quickly he kinda collapses when he's faced with even the prospect of failure. Furihata on the other hand is very familiar with falling short, he knows full well that he doesn't know everything or has the ability to overcome people better than him, but he tries anyways. Akashi on the other hand, would freeze if he doesn't have a plan. I think Furihata can teach Akashi that it's fine to fail sometimes, that's how you learn. Losing isn't something to fear and even that allows you to have good takeaways.
Akashi knows his own worth and can figure out his caoabilities, and I think that kinda ability to evaluate onself can help Furihata gain confidence in himself.
They seem like they'd get along if they got to properly speak, and I have a hc(which I'm convinced would be canon) that in the tird-year, Furi would be team captain for Seirin and Akashi is obviously for Rakuzan. There's this character bible that says Furihata' the one who gets the first-years of Seirin, including Kagami and Kuroko, to do what they're supposed to. I think the word used for him was something like 'mediator' or 'leader'. So, Captain x Captain!!!! The boy who once cowered and couldn't even stand against Akashi meeting him on equal footing!!!
Strengths: Creativity, resilience, leadership skills, he's very practical, ability to stay calm in difficult circumstances, surprisingly forgiving.
Weaknesses: Doesn't ask anyone for help, bottles up his insecurities and emotions, pessimistic, cynical as hell.
Strengths: Strength of character, he's like a cockroach he just keeps coming back he cannot be defeated, inner strength, this ability to just love people, compassionate(yeah, wild).
Weaknesses: He's a one trick pony imo like man has 5 moves, doesn't think anything through, not very good at communication.
I like their dynamic because of the Boling Rock episodes tbh. They make a very good team, it's the compliment of Brain & Brawn. They also have the Akafuri thing, where Sokka needs all his plans to go exactly right or he freaks out, while Zuko is familiar with failing and so he can teach Sokka how to embrace that. They're both such nerdy dorks in their own way, and I think their interactions are hilarious.
thanks for the ask anon!!
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch eight
read ch seven here
an; my back has been killing me lately and all i wanna do is sleep you guys it’s no good. but i’ll tell you what is good...yellow starbursts. i’m losing my mind, enjoy the chapter :))
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), future smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 2.3k+
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edie's pov
peter and i sit together on the edge of the bed for what feels like forever. my head rests on his shoulder as he gently rocks me back and forth and his hands rub small circles along my back. neither of us say a word as seconds turn to minutes and the rise and fall of our chests settle in sync with one another.
i want to push away the small seed of doubt that brews in my stomach. it crawls up and wraps itself around my heart, squeezing just enough so i won't forget it’s there. i can't help but wonder why this is happening, and why now? my heart stings at the possibility that this was just under circumstance. the fact that we are the only two people here and he may see me as his only form of...release. but i knew peter wasn't like that. he isn't.
peter's lips move to my ear, "i'm so sorry, edie." he whispers. i raise my head slowly, all the nerves and doubt rise to the surface of my brain.
"wh-what?" i say doe-eyed. my arms unclasp from behind his neck and i begin to slide off of his warm, inviting lap. before i can, his grip on my waist tighten and he pulls me back to his chest, impossibly close. i ignore the throb in my side.
"look at me, please." he begs. i meet his gaze and swallow thickly, giving him a tiny nod to continue, "i can't tell you how...horrible i feel that this happened to you," he pauses to lift my shirt up ever so slowly and trace my side, "i know it was my turn to go out a-and this wouldn't have happened if i just talked to you." peter's voice cracks as he says the words and his eyes begin to water. the glassy look in them make my stomach twist.
my lips turn downward in a frown, this is not what i was expecting, "you couldn't have known," i reply, confused at his guilt, "i'm glad it was m-me and not you," i say matter-of-factly, my eyes begin to water along with his.
peter moves his hands onto either side of my face, holding me there gently, "what are you talking about? i would've been completely healed by now, without as much as a scratch. edie, i wish every second that passes it was me." i frown more at this.
"but i'm getting through it. just because my body isn't enhanced like yours doesn't mean i can't get back up just as strong. it happened to me, peter. i have to live with this and i don't want you wishing it upon yourself." this time i slide completely off his lap and onto my own feet. his hands reach out for me, but i step back and shake my head.
"no, peter, im serious. and-" i stop talking before i can finish my thought, not wanting the words to hit the space between us. peter pushes back.
"go on, what were you going to say?" he presses, rising to his own feet. i shake my head vigorously, "it doesn't matter."
"yes. it does." he says, his voice growing deeper. i continue to shake my head. i don't want to say it, because if it's true- it would hurt more than getting stabbed in the side.
"just say it!" he snaps at me as his hands come up to grip my upper arms. i yelp and stumble back at the force of it. my body shakes as i throw his hands away from me.
"i can't! i don't want to believe that you're doing this out of pity because of this stupid scar. or that you're only touching me because you're bored of touching yourself! i don't even know why you would want to. i mean, have you fucking seen it?" i yell, my voice cracking, finally spilling out the toxic thoughts that have been eating away at me. i'm so exhausted.
peter takes a step back, away from me, "is that what you think this is?" he whispers. his eyes hold nothing but sorrow.
"i don't know, pete." i reply, absolutely defeated. without thinking, i back up to the wall and slide down until my butt hits the floor. when wet paint meets with my skin, i groan and shove my head into my hands. nothing seems to make sense anymore. does peter really feel something for me? am i the blind one?
soon enough, peter crouches in front of me. he gently pushes my legs apart so that he can rest between them. and i let him. he brings his hands to rest on the wall by either side of my head. he leans in close, i can feel his breath on my cheeks. i lower my own hands and look at him, challenging him to say something, anything. his eyes flicker over my face, resting on each feature until they land on my lips. i absentmindedly part and wet them with my tongue. he meets my eyes again and leans in until our noses touch.
"believe me when i say this, edie wolfe, you will always be so much more to me than this," he moves one hand, now covered in wet paint, to trace my scar covered side, the cold liquid makes me shiver. i nod my head slowly, choosing not to say a word.
instead, i lean in towards him until our lips ghost over each other. i shiver again at the mere of idea of him closing the gap and making this real. all my efforts to push away my feelings are failing me. and that's okay. i want it to be real. i want to push away all the doubt and fear and just feel him.
in a beautiful moment, peter finally leans in the rest of the way and his slightly chapped lips meet mine in a soft kiss. it’s not a long embrace. he pulls back and tries to speak, but i'm too quick too connect our lips again. i need this. i need him.
i eagerly place one hand on his bicep and the other around his neck, pulling him into me. his other paint covered hand comes to rest on my cheek, making me gasp at the chill.
my slightly parted lips give no objection to peter as he takes advantage of the opportunity and slips his tongue in, deepening the kiss. his grip on my side tightens and i arch my back into his body, suddenly finding him too far away. he eagerly grabs both of my hips and hastily flips us around so that his back is to the wall and i'm sitting in his lap once again. my hands steady themselves on the wall and are quickly covered in paint just like his.
i want to say the moment stayed sweet and soft, but neither one of us could hold back as the kiss grew hot and needy. i slip my hands in peter's hair and tug on the roots, causing him to utter a moan that tightens the coil in my stomach. wanting to hear him more, i tug harder and suck his bottom lip between my teeth, biting down lightly. when he lets out a deep groan from the back of his throat, i smile with satisfaction against his lips.
"oh shut up." he whispers and moves to suck on my jaw. i let out a sigh as he trails kisses from my neck to my collarbone, stopping every so often to bite down and leave a mark on my now flushed skin.
"i like it when you do that." i whisper softly and breathily, hoping i'm loud enough for him to hear. he bites down harshly on my neck and it makes me suck in a harsh breath of air.
"oh really?" he asks, his lips trailing back up to mine, leaving a light kiss before he moves to my ear, "i quite like the feeling of you right here." he teases and gently bites at my earlobe. then he grinds his hips up into mine and we both let out moans into the hot air shared between us.
"do that again." i plead, with my eyes closed and lips trailing to bite at his shoulder.
"yes ma'am." he replies back, causing me to smile as he raises his hips up to grind against my own. it's then that i finally notice the prominent feeling of him pressed against my core, separated by only a few layers of fabric. i groan at the feeling and the thought of those layers no longer being a hinderance.
peter pulls me in for one more kiss before speaking again, "now do you see what you do to me, wolfie?" i nod my head sheepishly, finding it hard to come up with the right words. my cheeks flush and i lean in for more of his electrifying embrace, but he stops me short.
"we should quit right here before i get carried away." he says, out of breath, his eyes filled with lust- it makes them look almost black.
"what if i want you to get carried away?" i tease, my moral compass tipping over its limits, and this time i move my hips down into his, hoping to relieve the pressure building up inside of me.
he clicks his tongue at me, "tsk, tsk, don't want to get too crazy so soon." his eyes twinkle with mischief.
before i can even react, he swipes two paint covered fingers across my cheeks and lets out a hearty laugh. i look at him in disbelief before i grab for the paint tray, slapping my entire hand into it and running it down the length of his face. peter's shocked face only lasts a second before the mischief returns.
i squeal and jump up from his lap, just missing his stretched out arms as he tries to grab me. i race to the other side of the room and into the bathroom, locking the door behind me.
with a huge smile, i yell, "ha! try and catch me now." with which he just slowly waltzes up to the door and jiggles the locked doorknob.
"don't you remember when i ripped your door off it's hinges last night?" he says pointedly. my smile drops at the truth of his words.
"pfft, well, i need to take a shower. so you'll just have to go solve your little...problem on your own, peter parker!" i yell from the back of the bathroom and turn on the shower. i can't stop the smirk that spreads across my face at the thought of him still rock hard beneath his shorts.
i hear a huff behind the door, "i would never force you to do anything you didn't want to do," peter pouts. i laugh at the silly boy.
"i know you wouldn't, pete, but i am gonna take a shower. somehow the paint got alllll over me." i reply, playing the innocent card. he chuckles from his spot.
"okay, wolfie. i'll see you for dinner, yeah?" he asks softly.
i nod my head with a dumb smile on my face before remembering he can't see me, so i call out, "where else would i be?"
i listen to his footsteps until they're down the hall and out of earshot. i close my eyes and let out a deep breath of relief, leaning against the bathroom sink.
peter's pov
after sheepishly walking back to my own room and cleaning the paint away from my skin, i flop on the bed and take care of my own situation. a part of me is relieved i can let my thoughts drift to edie without feeling guilty for the way i think about her. at least i think i can? i don't know, is it okay now?
shaking the thought away, i, yanno, finish, and make my way to the kitchen to whip something up for the both of us. i dance my way through grabbing all the ingredients i need as i hum an old song.
my groove is interrupted by an angry red alarm blaring throughout the room. i snap out of it and run to the nearest control board on the wall, trying to search for what had tripped the alarm.
a red circle envelopes one of the back doors that leads to the outdoor training grounds. without hesitation, i run to the door and stop short when i see no one there. still, i cautiously survey the area and stand my ground.
as i thought before, there's no one in sight. not one person or animal or anything. i begin to walk away when a piece of paper stands out on the tile floor. it must have been pushed under the door. i pick it up and read through the handwritten words- ten, twenty times before my heart sinks into my feet.
'glad to see your girl has healed up quite nicely. don't you worry though- we're not done yet.'
footsteps come running from around the corner and i turn sharply on my heel to see edie, soaking wet and wrapped up in a towel.
"what was that? is everything okay?" she says, eyes wide and curious. i quickly hide the crude note behind my back and swallow, it feels like i'm trying to digest a rock.
"n-nothing. just the mailman, he came to the wrong door and it set off the alarm. nothing to worry about here." i say, hoping i played that off well, but i know she can see right through me.
i don't even think we have a mailman.
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit @kitykatnumber @franksholland @goddamnit5sos
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