#kindergarten teacher!shotaro and children!riize would be fun to write...
ddodol · 17 days
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all the ways — o.sr
mini series ⭑.ᐟ [ the kids are weird ] [ can i give you what you need? ♨️ ] synopsis⭑.ᐟ you pick up your younger brother, anton, at kindergarten once and now the cute teacher thinks you're anton's mother. word count⭑.ᐟ 2.5k+
a/n; i know unruly child anton seems unrealistic but this is an au !! i think unruly child anton is funnyy
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✩🎧⭑.ᐟ [ all the ways — wet ]
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“oh, you must be anton’s mom,” the kind looking man in front of you smiled while your younger brother snickered from behind him.
you glared at anton, hiding behind his teacher as he played with his toys. you cleared your throat, straightening up as you smiled back at the guy, “um, is that what anton told you?” he looked confused for a bit, glancing between you and anton. “a-are you not? you two look alike, i just assumed,” he scratched his head, shyly smiling at you.
”taro! my mom’s picking me up! bye bye!” some kid shouted loudly, waving his arms at the guy next to you. “take care, sungchan!” he waved back, smiling just as widely. you couldn’t help but think that being a kindergarten teacher suited him so much, just by looking at his adorable smile and kind features.
“you let them call you by your nickname?” you asked curiously and he just laughs, shrugging his shoulders. “some of the kids stumble over my name, so i just let them call me taro,” he smiles at you, inviting you inside the classroom. you take a seat by one of the small chairs, noticing how anton was trudging along.
“oh, i’m shotaro by the way.” you smile at him, nodding. “i’m y/n, anton’s sister.” shotaro stared at you for a bit, as if he was relieved that you weren’t married or secretly anton’s step-mom. you tilt your head slightly and he shakes his head, plastering his usual smile as he looked at you.
shotaro took out some papers, “so about anton,” you peek at the papers he showed you— it was filled with undecipherable letters in shapes that you just assumed were korean. “is this… my brother’s handwriting?” your tone audibly dropped, in complete disbelief that your brother cannot write for shit.
”well, they’re not that bad if you know what to look for,” shotaro mumbled, staring at the doodles anton made on the paper. anton also looks at the papers, exclaiming as he pointed at one of the writings on the top part, “this spells my name!” you look at where he was pointing, it wasn’t even a word. “toni, if i call you that, chairs in this classroom might start floating.” anton frowns at you, still insisting on his spelling, “an! ton!”
”toni, you have a korean name,” you mumbled, pulling him in to calm him down. shotaro couldn’t help but chuckle at the exchange. you look at him apologetically, somewhat embarrassed that anton was acting up like this. he was usually a well-natured kid, well, unless it was with you.
”i’m so sorry about my brother, he’s a bit… annoying, to put it simply,” you let out a huff when anton playfully pulled on your arm. shotaro laughs, shaking his head, “it’s alright, i understand.” his gaze lingers towards you for a bit too long that you begin to blush. you clear your throat, making shotaro fiddle with the papers he was holding, ears visibly red.
shotaro looks back up at you, “so, um, i was thinking,” he glances over at anton, “since anton’s still a bit young, tutoring him about spelling would be beneficial as he grows up. a few of the kids have this problem too, but anton’s case is… a bit peculiar.” you close your eyes in embarrassment, wanting to just disappear in this moment.
you let out a sigh, “is there something we need to sign-up for? extra classes maybe?” shotaro shakes his head, smiling at you, “no, nothing like that! actually, i’m bringing this up to you because anton asked me to personally teach him.”
you tilt your head, “anton did?” he laughs a little, scratching his neck, “well, he did promise he was going to bring his mom too, though you ended up coming instead. if this decision is too much for you to make alone, i can wait. although you’re also free to decline, it’s completely up to you.” you blinked at him, shotaro was a bit too kind.
”did anton bully you into this?” you whispered, frowning in concern. shotaro shakes his hands around, “no, no! i’ve just seen how enthusiastic he was to learn when we had a spelling class for the first time last week.” you ponder for a bit, looking at your unruly younger brother. anton was never that interested in learning new things but if shotaro said that he was, then who were you to take this away from him?
you nodded, smiling at shotaro, “if my brother really wants to, then i don’t think it’d be too bad.” anton jumped up and down, hitting your thighs playfully. you clench your jaw, wanting to keep your composure in front of the cute kindergarten teacher.
shotaro smiled back, seemingly just as excited as anton was, “about the arrangement, would it be more comfortable to have them here until, let’s say, five in the afternoon? if not, i also don’t mind coming over to teach him.”
”house! house!” anton chanted annoyingly, jumping up in between you and shotaro as he shook your wrists. you glare at him, still maintaining your smile, “well, if anton wants it at home. also, i think it’d be safer that way since anton walks home alone.” shotaro nods at this, chuckling as anton settled down, “then, would it be alright if we start next week?”
”sure!” you smiled at shotaro.
one thing you forgot to mention was that you shared the same room as anton, so you couldn’t even describe the surprise you had when shotaro walked in your room while you were in the middle of changing your clothes.
it was the first day of shotaro tutoring poor anton, so you wanted to look presentable. your parents were conveniently out of town so it was up to you to entertain your guest, and anton if he really wanted to be included.
you and shotaro stared at each other for a second, his quick reflexes kicking in and shutting the door immediately. ”where’s y/n?” you could hear anton’s annoying voice from the hallway as you scrambled around to get dressed. “stupid toni, stupid younger brother!” you cried quietly, running back to the bathroom to lock yourself in.
”um, i think your sister’s inside,” shotaro explained kindly, his ears bright red as he patted anton’s head. anton boldly opened the door before shotaro could even stop him. he looked around, “she’s not here?” he muttered to himself. shotaro noticed that the bathroom door was closed, naturally assuming that you were inside.
anton pulled shotaro inside, “i-isn’t this your sister’s room?” anton frowned, shaking his head. “we share the same room.” shotaro froze at the new information, simply letting anton sit him down a chair as he dragged another chair by the desk. the room smelled too much like you for it to be a shared room.
shotaro’s eyes wandered around, seeing a few of your stuff laying around, immediately looking away in case he sees something else. “should we start?” shotaro smiled tiredly, letting out a small sigh at how exhausted he felt already.
you managed to sneak out, catching a glimpse of shotaro teaching anton. like shotaro said, anton was extremely focused in what he was saying and even if you couldn’t see how anton was doing, you could just tell by the way shotaro’s voice went up as he spoke. “good job, anton!” was the phrase you heard the most that day, you could almost imagine the cute smile anton had on his face.
a few hours passed and anton’s tutoring session was over soon. you tried your best to cook up some dinner, somewhat proud of the scent emanating throughout the kitchen after you were done. you heard footsteps by the hallway, turning around to see shotaro holding his bag. “that smells nice,” he mutters, slowly approaching you.
you flash him a small smile, “would you like to have dinner here?” shotaro points at himself, awkwardly looking around before smiling back at you, “i-if you insist, then i’d be glad to.” you turned away, hiding the huge smile on your face as you begin to set up the table.
you spent dinner with shotaro alone, since anton fell asleep immediately after everything he learned. your conversation with shotaro was pleasant, and he never brought up the earlier incident. the more you knew about shotaro, the more amazed you become.
“so you studied our language all by yourself?” you couldn’t even hide your shock, making him giggle at your reaction. he nods, “it wasn’t as hard since i already lived here for quite some time. i just thought of it as a necessity for survival, next thing i know i'm teaching a bunch of kids,” shotaro shrugs as if it was nothing. you were in complete awe, finding him even more fascinating by the minute.
shotaro smiles at you, “i saw the notes in your desk, you’re also studying to be a teacher?” you blushed, your notes were always messy and the fact that shotaro saw them was embarrassing. “i’m sorry for disgracing your eyes with my notes!” you bow your head, closing your eyes shut as the sound of his laughter echoed in your ears. he had such a cute laugh.
”no, no! i like the way you took notes, it had all the information needed while also keeping it concise,” you look back up at him, blushing at the smile he had on his face as he stared at you. “t-thanks, that means a lot,” you mumbled shyly as shotaro chuckled at you.
“i’m guessing you’re taking the exam this year?” you nod at his question. “i also want to be a kindergarten teacher, but i feel like it’d be too tiring and teaching positions in higher levels have higher pay, even if it’s just a small difference,” you had a small pout on your lips.
shotaro lets out a hum as he listened to you, “why not?” you look at him with wide eyes, “what?” he laughs, “i mean, it’s a nice way to build up your portfolio while also warming yourself up to the world of teaching. if you make a mistake while teaching high schoolers or college students, it’d be harder on you.” you bite your lip, shotaro was right. you knew the world can be a cruel place.
”then, if i pass the exam, can i apply to your workplace?” you asked playfully, not expecting such a genuine answer from shotaro. “i’d love that, actually,” he stares at you with a smile, making you feel more flustered than you expected. you immediately look away, “it’d be easier for you since you have someone you know.”
you didn’t know why you felt disappointed when he added that, perhaps you were expecting him to like you just as you had this little admiration for him. you shifted around awkwardly, still not looking at shotaro.
”though, if i were being honest, it’s just a nice excuse to see you all the time.”
”what?” you snapped your head at him, noticing the blush on his cheeks and ears as he smiled at you. “anton’s doing a bit too well, i already told him i’ll only be teaching him for a week.” you felt sad at this new information, not having another reason to keep seeing shotaro.
you played with your hands, “t-then,” you cleared your throat, reaching your hand out at shotaro. he stared at you with a confused expression, placing his hand on yours. you laughed, shaking your head, “your phone.” shotaro quickly takes his hand back, digging through his pocket to give you his phone after he unlocks it.
with a playful smile on your lips, you input your number in his contacts, handing it back to shotaro. he stares at the name you saved yourself as, giggling adorably, “mine?” you smiled shyly, glad that he was taking your small attempt at flirting so well.
shotaro grinned widely, “is that permission to call you mine?” you were taken aback by his sudden boldness, blushing profusely as you look at him. “i-if you really want to!” you squeaked out a reply, too heated to think of anything proper to say. he laughs at your reply, eyes adorably disappearing as he smiled at you.
”what do you think about saturday afternoon?”
”yes?” you blink repeatedly, unsure if you even heard him correctly. saturday was literally three days away. “o-oh, is this about anton’s lessons?” you try not to sound disappointed as you keep your expectations at bay.
shotaro leans in, smiling teasingly, “it’s a date, y/n.” you turn completely red at the nickname, “j-just us?” you ask quietly, still trying not to get ahead of yourself. there was no way shotaro was interested in you like that, you two would probably go around libraries just so he could help you with your exam or go outside with anton.
”just you and me,” shotaro grins at you, “no one else— a proper date.” you nod shyly, trying your hardest not to squeal out loud.
“i-it’s getting late,” you mutter quietly after seeing how dark it was outside. “oh, that’s true,” shotaro stands up and takes his bag, you immediately follow him. it was getting late and you had no idea where shotaro lived, he might miss a few trains or buses if he stays any longer— even though you desperately wanted him to.
the two of you stood by the front door and shotaro looks at you one last time, chewing on his lip as he bites back a smile. “is it okay if i kiss you?” he asks meekly, even though he’s left you completely speechless.
”k-kiss?” you squeaked out, wanting to say yes so badly. shotaro chuckles, “just the cheek, only if you don’t mind,” he cocks his head, waiting for your reply as you squirm around adorably.
you nodded, closing your eyes in anticipation. shotaro tries not to laugh at how cute you looked, placing a soft kiss on your cheek. you open your eyes to see him inches away from you, huge eyes staring into yours. he was so cute and he smelled so nice.
shotaro pulled away, still smiling widely, “i feel like i shouldn’t pull any punches with you, or else you’d misunderstand.” you didn’t quite know how to take his words but you assumed he was serious with his intentions, nodding wordlessly as he chuckles. “i’ll see you on saturday.”
watching shotaro leave was genuinely one of the saddest things you’ve gone through this week. you find yourself wishing you had a backbone so you could flirt back, but then again seeing him smile so widely at your reactions was a good thing by itself.
”are you two dating?”
you whip your head to see anton standing behind you, sleepily rubbing his eyes. “wh-what?” you stare at him, walking around the kitchen for food. “i already knew taro liked you, but i didn’t expect you to like him back so fast.”
the words that came out of your little brother’s mouth made you freeze in place. did anton just set you up with his teacher?
anton glances at you, “i saw him staring at you when i showed him a picture of me from our vacation last summer.” you frowned, “so were you setting me up? with your kindergarten teacher?”
anton laughs, shaking his head, “no! if anything, i don’t want taro to end up with you!” you stare at your brother in shock as he stuck his tongue out at you, feeling betrayed even if he was the one that connected you with shotaro.
”you better put in a good word on my behalf or else—”
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