#ik I'm making 0 sense
alex-just-vibing · 1 year
ough................ brain hurts................
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poppyplate · 2 months
minor season 5 spoilers for lmk!!!
(some sketches + my thoughts on the new season :0)
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this season was so good!! i'm gonna put my long rant about my thoughts below, just cause i have a lot of things i wanna talk about :3
animation: ik the animation change was jarring for some people and i did almost cry about flying bark leaving the show when the news first dropped, but i honestly think wildbrain did a great job and the animation is still super cute and fun. it's definitely different and you can tell, but they still do all the silly animation things that flying bark did and this season honestly had some of my favourite humor (visual and otherwise).
i'll definitely miss the old animation, fully hand drawn 2D animation is becoming harder to come by in cartoons now so it's sad to see this show lose one of the most exciting aspects of it, but i'm looking forward to seeing how wildbrain does in the following season(s?). i'm honestly just glad we're getting more monkie kid content.
plot: i did enjoy the plot they set up. this season did feel different pacing wise? if that makes sense. not that it's necessarily bad i just noticed it felt a bit different. i'm really excited to see more about this whole chaos thing.
ik li jing wasn't necessarily a villain, but he was an antagonist for a bit so i'm adding my two cents about him and nezha. i didn't love what they did with their story arc, but ik there's only so much that can be done in a 10 episode season where each episode is only 10 minutes long. i think their arc would've just benefited from more time :(
villain(s): i think the nine headed demon is such an interesting character (even though he did confuse me a bit) so i hope we get to see more of him. probably my favourite big bad so far personality-wise.
main characters: i'm glad sun wukong had more screentime this season!! he always either isn't around or gets trapped, so it's nice that he was present again.
i definitely felt this season focused a lot more on the monkie trio, which was bound to happen, but i like them so i was fine with it. idk how much of a redemption arc macaque is trying to have, but i kind of hope it's not a standard redemption arc. not that i didn't enjoy macaque's character this or any other season, i do like him most of the time. i just personally hope they keep him as more of a neutral figure even if he does stick around with the group.
i don't have much to say on mk that hasn't already been said. i love the guy and i hope he gets to be happy again soon T^T
side characters? ig: i thought mei and red son's episode was cute. i love dragonfruit interactions a lot, but i do hope red son gets some more screentime next season cause i miss him </3
i am happy sandy got some more screentime though, his episode with mk was cute. also tang was so real this season, he's just like me fr (i hate manual labor).
other notes and whatnot: this season felt shorter somehow, even though it wasn't and i'm not sure if we'll be getting a special like we always do or if they're just going to move on to the next season. either way, i'm excited to see where it goes from here.
although i wasn't in love with the ending of this season, it just felt a tad rushed and i definitely think we would've benefited from a few special episodes again.
i'd give this season a solid 8/10. i would love to go through all the episodes and share my thoughts on them, but i'm just gonna share my ranking of the episodes.
(i feel pretty even with 1-2 and 3-5)
1. collar the king
2. temple of the goddess
3. the cage
4. sacrifice
5. strings that bind
6. into the pagoda
7. claim to flame
8. harbinger
9. the storm within
10. festival fugitives
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myopicry · 1 month
Hi hi! It's ya girrrlll
So I read your rant (delightful BTW, I'm a nosey hater at heart lol) and am here to ramble too! :3
Firstly though, I'm really sorry for the situation you're in and hope it gets better. I'm lucky enough to have an accepting family (my parents and sister at the very least) and to have recently moved to western Europe where it's pretty progressive(?) in terms of lgbt stuff (ignore the fascists and right wingers behind me trying to access the governments), but I can imagine how isolating your experiences might feel. Hang in there, there are better things in store, I'm sure!
Now for the rest of your rant, I found that you've raised some interesting points, notably about how amabs can easily take on the lesbian label while some afabs have yet to claim it for themselves due to the homophobia they mightve endured and amabs probably haven't thus far (they probably dealt with transphobia as transfems, which I'm not gonna diminish no matter my views on transgenderism, but they probably haven't really dealt with lesbo/homophobia especially if they're pre-transition). Afterall, lesbian transfems were probably straight guys before, and their orientation is sure as hell not condemned by the wider society.
It kind of reminds me of this one lesbian transgirl ik who I met on a server on discord and formed a group of online friends there which included her. I knew her before she came out/identified as trans and I remember at that time she'd sometimes mention how she'd listen to lewd asmr of girls and such. She also talked about how she wished she was lesbian. So I, being the lesbian debator I am, basically said that that's not a great thing to say (I refrained from saying it sounds fetishy), but she replied with basically saying that I don't understand and that lesbian love or whatever is so "pure" unlike hetero love or something. So guess how I felt when she started identifying as a lesbian trans girl and later found out it's something observable in a portion of the online transbian community (not saying every transbian is like this, but still). (Oh yh she also (sort of?) cheated on her gf so there's that but I don't think it's related.)
I think I feel a similar sentiment as you in the sense that while I can sympathise with some of the struggles transfems may face, I find it irritating at times when people seem to go above and beyond to label/treat them as "the most sapphic and lesbian ever" as you put it, most of the time in an effort to validate their identity and place in the sapphic and wider lgbt community, when they probably never had to face the struggles afab sapphics were faced with since forever and more importantly some say some... Questionable things about their orientation and attraction to women. Not all obviously, but still. Am I making any sense lol?
I definetely don't think transbians have 0 place in the sapphic community, I think it's a complicated matter and there can be some gray areas (I also have grown increasingly distant from the (at least online) lgbt/lesbian community the past year so idrc about most discourse ig), but I kind of wish this was all treated more "normally" if that makes sense and that afab lesbians or sapphic could talk about certain things related to their orientation without constantly being scrutinised to make sure they're including trans folk in everything ever. I also kind of wish we could call out problematic behaviour in trans people without being called transphobic, but I think this applies to specific cases mostly.
Anyway I think I was mostly nonsensical here, apologies, but feel free to reply to whatever you managed to latch onto here lol.
Also, if you ever feel the need to vent and don't feel comfortable airing those issues on tumblr.com for whatever reason, my dms are always open, I check into this hellsite daily <3
(wow retroactive preface I go on a long ass ramble about semantics in this I apologize in advance for how many times you might have to read the word "definition" lmao)
hey!! so happy to keep seeing you here around these parts (my inbox, that is) and I'm glad you especially do get some enjoyment out of my far less polished vent posts :p I always feel bad when I post something so singularly interesting to me and me alone because it is just a full on personal blog moment, but to be fair to myself this entire blog is an exercise in actually voicing my own opinions and feelings for the sake of learning to express myself better, and it is nice to know even in the least poignant or least thought out posts, it isn't just fully self-beneficial lmao
I also (of course, as always) appreciated your response! honestly, I admire how level-headed and nuanced you can be with these topics, I myself often feel like I swing wildly from being harsher with my words and trying desperately to be as passive as possible to appease everyone, and I do have to say it is an ongoing challenge for me sometimes to strike that perfect balance between understanding but still standing by my convictions and not solely focused on people pleasing. it's a bit of a weird life, in my private time I do feel like I tend to be highly cynical and sort of an asshole lolol, especially towards other people, but in public I would never dare say any of the things I think because at the end of the day, I do still feel as if preserving friendly atmospheres among peers is paramount to being a productive part of a society. I'm like the opposite of the asshole with a heart of gold trope, in a way. gold with the heart of an asshole lmao
all that to say, I think you make some really astute observations that are still compassionate to trans women who identify as lesbian, while still pointing out the objective faults of their common language and behavior! I really think this (like so many issues whose current is pushed most strongly by the english speaking west) is a matter of semantics for the most part. labels, communities based on labels, and their inherent flaws I guess. because I really have no problem with someone identifying as a trans woman and also having a sexuality surrounding liking women, or if they want to talk about it or even if they want to define it separately than heterosexual attraction. it's their attraction, and I'm not the ceo of how people choose to define their own sexuality (and I wouldn't want to be, that sounds like a headache job lmao). for me, I think the issue really comes with when personal definitions of sexuality are enforced upon others, and when suddenly, highly personal definitions become community-defining ones. the term "sapphic" is such a great example of this weird treatment of labels and their definitions. the term "sapphic" can mean a lot of different things to different people, despite the fact that it is, at its core, a term held together by a single definition. in our society people will ideologically define every single word in a definition differently (ex. what does love mean? what does a woman mean (lol)?) and so even a fairly universal term can be personal based on one's own framework of thinking. BUT the thing is, a lot of transbians/people who identify as queer/tra positive/whatever you want to call the current hegemonic popular opinions of the lgbtq+ have taken to a personal definition of words like lesbian and sapphic, and have decided to supplant the originally fairly universal term and replace it with something that does kind of inadvertently alienate a lot of people who identify with the most "neutral" and non-ideological version of the definition (women who love/are attracted to women). instead, the basic definition has essentially shifted in its meta, though the words stay the same, the meaning is pushed to imply these terms can be understood as "someone who identifies as a woman who loves/are attracted to people who they identify as women" and that's just both too broad and too specific at the same time, excluding those who don't agree with the notion of identifying into what was previously understood as a sex class, and including people who wouldn't have even met the original definitional criteria to begin with. this, in turn, creates a vacuum in meaning, allowing for "aesthetic" to take over as the primary meaning of the term. I think that's where that "weirdness" comes in.
it's hard to find community with people who are coming at the definition of what the community is built on from a completely different direction. when I think of being "sapphic" (other than the brainrotting pop culture/online/algorithmically driven stereotypes) I simply think of being attracted to my same sex, that being female, and that being women. but, I would assume for transfems, they obviously don't have the simple way of just relying on same sex attraction as a definition, because they don't see the world in that way definitionally, and must apply more effort to justify why their attraction to women deserves to distinctively be defined from regular opposite sex attraction. that's where we get the strange insistence on sapphic love being more "pure" or making their entire personality curated towards "sapphic culture". in a way, though on the surface I am still pretty jealous that they get the privilege to express these thoughts and be backed up so strongly by people I know who would care less about me, I do feel bad that they must subconsciously feel the need to "prove" they meet the criteria for these labels because for them, there is no easy, biologically material fitting of the definition. I personally will have never have to care that much about fitting lesbian stereotypes or involving my life in sapphic culture. in fact, I basically can't not be sapphic. it's just the only way my future looks. it's the only way my attraction manifests. people will see me as a lesbian (well, that or a nerdy disheveled teenage boy at first glance lmao) just based on how I don't present in a way that centers men. it's the only way I fall in love.
and yeah, it really would be nice if there was space for a community where we could discuss that reality, openly, in mainstream progressive spaces! but for reasons that would be pretty bleak if we unraveled them, people would much rather play these games of labels and proving your place in them than creating avenues for people to congregate in spaces that actually bring them community and cater to their needs.
as always after these really really tangled word threads I slowly begin to run out of steam so I'll just wrap this up and say you made excellent points dear anon! maybe one day we can all just accept that sometimes definitions should be exclusive in that they exclude people who don't fit them, and not exclusive in the way that they exclude people who do fit them, and that afab women, and especially afab sapphics, deserve the right to preserve spaces for themselves without having to worry about appeasing men or anyone they don't want to!
and wow holy shit this is a whole lot of words trying to pick apart the way words can mean other words sometimes I would not blame anyone if they skim most of it lmao.
tl;dr the meta of labels and their definitions are kinda dumb and I'm maybe more dumb for spending so much time thinking about them
and lastly, thank you for the kind offer of your dm space as an area for venting! perhaps...I will take you up on that offer...it is inevitable I will be struck by another petty urge to vent about people in my life because I continue to work with people who are essentially the most fascinating but headache inducing parts of tumblr and twitter personified and I do still primarily have very "gendery" friends irl! we'll see if I end up having anything interesting to say about it though first, or if I can bear to actually talk to someone online once instead of passively yelling into the digital void!
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haleigh-sloth · 4 months
Okay, cool! I wanted to make it was okay before I sent you any questions regarding the new chapter.
After this week's chapter, how are you feeling with the new circumstances? Do you think the new crying character is Tenko?
At the very end, we see Endeavor in front of the glass window with presumably Touya inside. It's good to see that Endeavor is keeping his promise of watching Touya.
I feel like Touya is at a safe point in the story, I can't imagine him dying. I am sure Touya is here to stay.
Regarding pretty much all the other villains, I'm 0% worried about them. Honestly. Even with the shell shock of what's going on with Tenko right now, I'm still just not worried. At all.
Tenko---I 100% HOPE it's him. I am also fairly convinced it's him. The only reason I cannot fully commit is just because of my trust issues right now, that's it.
But honestly, IF Hori was going to bring him back, this would be the best way to do it imo.
I think the fact that Deku was feeling depressed about the outcome with Tenko means that he'll do something to rectify that. Tenko wandering the streets right now? Alone? History repeating itself? It's almost too perfect of a set up for Deku to find him (instead of someone demented like AFO) and help him. That would not only be a solid showing of how Deku intends to stop history from repeating itself, but also fix the fact that he's unhappy with how things turned out before (I will wait to say my complaints about his characterization being dead in the water until the very end, though I am not super convinced Hori can redeem himself on THAT front). It would put the main character on par with the other two kids who saved their villains without killing them.
For reasons related to Tenko--I think this thread gives the best rationale as to why it would be/could be/should be Tenko. I do think the elephant in the room was "what the fuck is he gonna do about his physical body that's fucked all kinds of up from the inside out". We all sat with the potential for rewind to come into play. Right now, it's really looking like Kurogiri had some role in saving parts of Tomura's physical body at the last second and the other half of decay (which was very intentionally revealed right before he was punched to dust) putting him back together. And honestly, ik people are arguing that "the nose and eye shape are different!" and honestly who fucking cares. IF this character is in fact Tenko, it DOES make sense that he'd look different. The four bloody fingers, the covering of his mouth, the tears, the black shaggy hair, (the skinny bony ankles lmao), it just feels a little too on the nose to not be Tenko? I am convinced, but just with caution.
Then there's the whole "turn a minus into a 0" with Mirio, looking back at the chapter title "the story of how we all became heroes part minus 1". It's just...yeah idk. It all feels a little too perfect to just throw away.
Then there's the lack of closure and follow up on Spinner from the war, and we don't know if Deku delivered the eerie message (implying that Tomura still views Tomura as separate from who he is at his core because Tomura wanted to destroy until the very end). There's Kurogiri's last (possibly last? not sold on his death either but less invested in his return) words about how his friends are waiting for him, that also received no follow up. I don't believe Hori put those things in there to just move on and pretend they never happened. Tomura also said the villains need a hero of their own, which yes, but they also needed heroes who weren't gonna destroy things they cared about. And he needs to be around to see that none of them really want or need total destruction. It's just very unfinished.
Over all, I (and many others) have felt so weird about the last few chapters. They have felt so disconnected from the rest of the manga and from everything Horikoshi has written in the past and even in this manga. I'm kind of just settled on the very very likely and real possibility that Hori is doing this on purpose so he can get one last good GASP out of all of us and laugh maniacally about it from his stupid little manga studio. Fuck that guy. Respectfully.
That being said, if things don't go this way, I'm prepared. But I'll continue to hope for the best.
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lady-of-snails · 2 months
bae what are ur thoughts on the new bnha chapters and how the ending is looking so far!!! i've been a fan of your fics since the beginning (since "snail has bkdk brainrot" had three parts LOL) and i know you haven't posted fics in a while but would LOVE to here ur interpretation/perspective on the canon events/the trajectory of bkdk's relationship!! i love how you illustrate and characterize their relationship sm and thank u for all the joy you've brought me through ur work the past few years!!
omg an og snail reader hi!! ty for the love <3 and UGH my thoughts about the ending,,, i will put them under the cut to hide spoilers!
honestly? i'm a fan of bkdk's ending!! ik its not the canonization everyone dreamed of but i actually love that there were 0 canon ships by the end :') so often stories feel like shakespeare comedies where absolutely everyone has to get paired up in some way even if that doesn't make sense, and i'm really glad hori didn't do that!! esp with ochako and izuku - I HAVE SO MANY BIG FEELINS ABOUT OCHAKOS ENDING TOO BTW :')) I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND I LOVE THAT SHES CARRYING TOGA WITH HER AND ACTUALLY MAKING AN ACTIVE EFFORT TO CHANGE THE WORLD (even though i HATE that toga died and think that shouldn't have happened,,,).
ok, as for bkdk specifically - QUIRKLESS DEKU GETTING TO STILL BE A HERO??? KATSUKI CANONICALLY DEDICATING YEARS OF HIS LIFE AND MONEY TO MAKING DEKU'S "IMPOSSIBLE" DREAMS COME TRUE BC HE CANT STAND THE IDEA OF IZUKU NOT BEING A HERO BY HIS SIDE?? KATSUKI CANONICALLY DREAMING OF BEING A HERO WITH IZUKU FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE?? literally what more could i realistically ask for (except for a final hand holding panel,,, hori pls we were so close </3). in my mind that is canon bkdk they love each other so much they're best friends they get to be heroes together, AND we get to see that deku really CAN be a hero without a quirk :') i loved the bait n switch ending where u think it's just gonna be deku saying "at least i can still inspire people" (which is sweet but a lil cliche) and then NOPE,, ur gay ass boyfriend changed his entire belief system just bc of you <3
the development of katsuki throughout the whole thing just means SO much to me,,, he grew up so much and now hes an ADULT and he's so beautiful :')) and the devotion that he and izuku show each other throughout, whether or not it has any specific labels, means SO much to me too (esp as a person who doesn't always feel comfortable with labels of any kind). the fact that hori emphasized that it was KATSUKI who drove the fundraising efforts, but also that all of class 1-A worked together, is just lsdskldklsd izuku is so so loved :'))
and god. i love ochako so much. her moments in the last chapters were so dear to my heart, watching her break down while trying to hold it in behind a smile was so painful and so izuku-like of her and i was so happy when he came over the hill to comfort her because those two are so similar and they are so best friends and their relationships means SO MUCH TO MEEEE. ik im rambling im just,, full of love for these characters.
and they all love each other so much,,, in so many different ways. and that just really strikes a chord with me <33 and pro hero bkdk and support gear deku are CANON!!! lfg
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ponett · 9 months
Merry Christmas Bobby! completely unrelated but do have you by any chance have any interest in octopath 2? Ik you didnt like the original but the second one improves a lot in terms of storytelling and character writing.
it hasn't been on my list, but i have heard it improves some things, so idk. maybe someday. i should probably at least check out the soundtrack. i'm just good on rpgs right now when ff7 rebirth comes out in two months and i still have to finish live a live and play pokemon violet and small saga and xenoblade 3. and maybe 2? or at least watch the cutscenes on youtube so i'm able to make any sense of 3? idk. oh god i just remembered i was also gifted a copy of yakuza 7 that i haven't touched because i never beat yakuza 0. the list just keeps getting longer
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trolagygirl2022 · 1 year
can you guess enhypen ni-ki’s rising sign?💗
Ooooo I'm gonna have fun with this one!
The astrology of Riki Nishimura
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Background: NI-KI (니키) is a Japanese singer under BELIF+. He participated in the survival show "I-LAND" and was chosen as one of the final seven members of the group. He debuted as the maknae of ENHYPEN on November 30, 2020.
I saw a tiktoker (anneta.x) talk about Niki's potential rising sign, and she suggested he a Leo Rising. Personally, I don't see him as a Leo Rising but as a Pisces Rising and here's why!
So this is Niki's chart without any birthtime:
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So he has a Sag Sun and Pluto. His Sun is at 17 degrees which is an indicator of fame in astrology and his Pluto is at 24 degrees (Pisces degree, represents music and beauty) If he were a Pisces rising, he would have those planets in the 10th house. In another video, it was guessing his rising and the first card that came up was the 10th house. So I'm getting that he must care a lot about his job and image and has Capricorn-like qualities (he always gets told he's mature for his age by his mother members). His Pluto makes sense, considering that he moved to Korea from Japan at 13 years old, and that must have been a transformative part of his career.
His Venus and Chiron are in Capricorn, so those in the 11th house make sense. Venus at 27 degrees is a big indicator of success from beauty and music and it being in the house of material gains makes more sense. Also, 11th house represents groups, fanbases and the internet. His Chiron there shows he must have suffered some hurt online or from fans too, it's at 0 degrees so it must have been transformative for him.
He has Uranus and Moon in Pisces. If he were to be a Pisces rising, he would most likely be in his first house of appearance and personality. Appearance wise he gives MAJOR Pisces vibes! He has an extremely unique face I've never seen before that looks so mesmerizing! His moon there also gives him softness to his face too, and from what I've seen he looks like his mom quite a bit. Uranus at 7 degrees (Libra) can also represent music as Uranus rules over art, music, and creativity so does Libra.
Jupiter and Mercury in Scorpio would be in his ninth house of communication, media and travelling. Jupiter in the ninth house shows he will have success abroad. Its at 9 degrees (Sag!), so he will be fortunate abroad. With his mercury ik this is random, but he has such a deep voice bro 😭 it's also calm too with the 26 degrees there.
Saturn in Leo in his sixth house shows being famous in his day-to-day life. His Saturn shows he will have restrictions at work, and he must be a hard worker. 11 degrees is also an internet fame degree!
Now I haven't reviewed every single placement, but all those can give a good indication that he is a Pisces rising. Here is a chart of a rough estimated time I got (sorry I couldn't get his Jupiter in the 9th house lmfao just ignore that segment :))
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In Siderial:
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Thank you sm for reading! Suggest to me idols which risings I should guess next! :)
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sapphiclinos-moved · 11 months
a small list of some specific things and moments in skz songs that i think need attention drawn to them because of how much they FUCK. part 1?
these range from the delivery of a single word or a single adlib to an entire section of instrumental
and I did write it on a 14 hour flight several months ago so it's a bit all over the place.
anyway press more to read me being extremely autistic about skz music and trying to talk about it with 0 music production language knowledge.
in no order whatsoever:
charmer: 1:15 pigeons follow me [PIGEON IMPRESSION]
cheese the synth moment in the second half of prechorus???? eg 0:56 to 1:02
phobia the 'oooohhh' behind the oh Oh OoAH OOah (it happens twice at the very start)
domino changbins dadadadada of dominos falling at like 1:34
domino the instrument during some verses that sounds like 'wahwahwahwah' I love it
domino just holy shit the entire instrumental I could talk about it for actual hours not kidding
booster the higher vocals in the back throughout basically the whole chorus
booster the subtle ah~aah at 2:26
booster the escelation in the aggressiveness of the "one step ahead"
venom prechorus w the wrapped up around ur fingers bit just LISTEN TO THE LIKE. PERCUSSION? idk wtf I'm talking about so idk how to describe it but this song is like the audio version of a fidget cube to me
freeze the beauty of the fake buildup instrumental. like just really tune in to the instrumental 3:30 onwards it'd so pretty
battle ground 3:06 "toZEN👹" WHATT
mirror the ahhhhs in the prechorus ik we have all noticed it u need to REALLY LISTEN AND FEEL IT
levanter whatevers going on in the prechorus instrumental can u tell I love synths. I love levanter so fucking much man
levanter the way it ends half way through the chorus makes it feel so much more resolute? idk I love it
yayaya the CHOIR AT 2:19 FUCKING GOD
rock 2:23 changbins oh!! ,,,no:(((
question the instrumental at 1:18
YOU. the like?? retro japanese game show impact sound effect?? from 0:50 onwards (btw YOU (the i am you intro) is ot8 safe since only changbin, jeongin and hyunjin are in it)
get cool the instrumental at 1:05 owaouwooo uwAuowoo uWAOUuuu :)))
get cool 2:38 the 'ah~h~hh:)))' in the bg
0325 1:55 part from WHO? ( fun fact for the babystays that may not know since its never been ot8'd)
entrance 1:13 the faint ahhhhh in the bg that you can can BARELY hear (entrance is also ot8 safe from what I can tell apart from maybe some samples that are too pitch shifted to tell)
boxer 0:45 the way the instrumental comes back in just. rapid slideshow of robots for a half second
chronosaurus the percussion being fast and slow varying gives the sense of time coming faster than it should and I think thats neat.
19 the clock ticking throughout is again neat.
lovestay the strings !!!!!!!!!!! raaah I love me some strings
gods menu 0:37 the subtle 'oooooo's
this is a mere fraction of the things I have to list but I don't want this to get too obnoxiously long. I'm calling this part one for a reason cos I have SO MUCH to say. if u have any suggestions of specific parts or elements that are special to you, absolutely send me an ask pointing it out!
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Lol they really skipped the dating and went right to exes LOL
I'm so glad you like the long asks!!!!! :3 I don't wanna fixate on Igor and Snape for too long bc Ik that can get sort of boring and maybe irritating and totally don't want to do that to you but ummmm
1st of idk if you see it the same way but I wouldn't be like,,,, jaw on the floor if Snape was a flustered little loser LOL so I idkidk I just think Igor would take advantage of that. Idk I think you were spoton with "ooh you wanna kiss me so bad you little man" heehee but Ik you do fanfic requests... So ... Idk you totally 100% don't have to do it if you don't want to but Idk I'd love to see a fic of it!! Ur writing is scrumptious :33
Umm and 2nd 2nd why do you think Igor's so scared of Snape?? :0 I know (or at least think LOL) that is bc he's like all mysterious and mean as a teacher and that's why people are so spooked out but Igor's like,,, seen him naked LOL so idk I'm just curious :3
Sorry for so much spamm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 🍃
Ahhhh I love the spam so much!! It’s been a tonne of fun but also oh damn the fact that anyone wants to listen to my silly little rambles is wild to me still lol
They definitely went from like,, annoyances who share a dorm room to something vaguely friendly to fucking to vaguely friendly (depending on who else they’re getting shipped with or if they ever stop fucking around at all) to betrayal to bickering exes. They are so awful lmaooo
Chatting about them has been very fun but please feel free to ask me about any other characters!! Even ones I haven’t before/haven’t mentioned!!
I think it takes a certain kind of approach to turn Severus Snape into a flustered little loser, firstly because you have to make it clear to the little dingus that you’re actually being serious first. There is a sense of “we’re both aware you’re ugly but at least I can use your body for something” element to these two ngl but!!! That’s just how they are you know??? It sounds shitty but no one claimed these two were healthy. I’ll definitely write one Igor Karkarov trying to seduce Severus Snape in the most horrible way into my little book of things to write at some point!!
I’m not sure if scared is the best word (if I’m the one who originally said it then this is me officially correcting myself lmao) a better word would probably be intimidated. Specifically after the whole ratting him out thing, before that I don’t think he was particularly intimidated of him which probably threw Severus off because he’s used to that being his main defence and all that. I think especially after they start hooking up but before the whole him ratting him out thing there is very few things Severus can do to intimidate Igor because he can do his whole rant around Igor being a vile cockroach meathead who only thinks with the wrong head but Igor is just going to lean far too close into his personal space and say some dumb shit like “I don’t remember you complaining this much about the head of my cock when it was buried deep inside you last night” and then he does his stupid little laugh lmaoooo
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ieatnomnom9823 · 7 months
stupid headcanons no one asked for and make 0 sense
me and my friend enjoy in making the most shit headcanons to exist so i'm gonna share some of them bc why the fuck not?
princess kenny is an amazon box
kyle only knows how to play football because of how much he kicks Ike
cartman vibes to this video: https://youtu.be/PDJLvF1dUek?list=RDgBpdSlgR5qM (thats not mine btw)
butters has a MLP figure he literally sleeps with and treats it like his own child
everyone is sort of worried about butters obsession to that toy
the plural of kenny is in fact not kennies, but kennys
kyle not only kicks babies, but he also throws them
butters genuineley thinks the rickroll is a banger
kenny and cartman have the weirdest fucking pinterest feed *cough* maid catboys, shitty t-shirts, those random-ass pictures with text over them, like memes kinda but not with a very specific color text and font, the most random stickers and flags like bibble idk they really like bibble though also this totallyyyy isn't inspired by my feed *cough*
stan dedicates his LIFE to minecraft parkour. i'm talking watching those low guality parkour things with screenshits from the interent and he is a GOD at hypixel housing parkour (i came up with this because i have hypixel parkour open rn)
kenny is #1 lemon demon fan. i will NEVER change my mind about this.
craig literally sleeps with a fucking metal pipe.
instead of warming glasses of milk by pouring milk into a cup and microwaving the cup, he literally puts the whole fucking CARTON IN THE MICROWAVE AND THEN PUTS IT IN A CUP
instead of repenting your sins, cartman repeats his sins ( i just really needed to say that phrase today)
kyle is so weezer coded
stan's the type of mf to say "chat" instead of "guys"
anytime someone makes a dirty joke butters just akwardly smiles politely bc he doesn't get it but he's too embarrassed to ask what it meant
i found a picture this is exactly cartman and kenny's feed:
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(that was my first screenshot since cleanig my files out other then the random bunny thing i drew in class cuz i was fucking boerd and had no idea what was going on)
stuart, randy, gerald, and steven (or whatever the fuck their name is) are literally besties but HERE ME OUT
randy and gerald are the silly besties like kyle and stan BUT stuart and steven (what the fuck is that man's name) are ALSO besties BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE BECAUSE IN TFBW IN THE STRIP CLUB THEIR WATCHING LADIES DANCE TOGETHER AND THEIR GETTING DRUNK TOGETHER THEIR LITERALLY BEsTIES OMG
craig has flying powers
butters thinks skibidi toilet is peak comedy and that is why everyone hates him (except for literally like 2 people)
why the fuck is his name dougie
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"life goes onyonyonyonyonyonyonyon" is literally cartman's theme song after trying to kill everyone with some shitty plan he got from watching Megamind or something
kyle literally has trauma from burgers he will NOT eat any burger if you paid him fucking 56,000,000 bucks
kyle is so an elephant he's literally an elephant that's his spirit animal
tweek is literally a turtle idk how i can't describe the vibe but he is ik he's SO not a turtle but he just... idk he is
kenny is a fucking rat i literally have art of me bullying him and calling him a rat
butters is either a bunny or a cat of a duck he's just silly like that
cartman isn't a duck he's a goddamn angry goose
stan is a bear or like a giraffe or something idk ik he's the main character but i don't think about him that much for me
butters is literally in choir guys
craig is the most beaustiful majestic dragon to ever exist
craig's literally my favorite character if you couldn't tell
kenny is too scared to eat cheetos so he eats takis instead
literally everyone loves megamind
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nine-of-diamonds · 6 months
Wow, ask game be upon ye!; List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers!
five things that make me happy:
my friends!! love 'em to death
fics in general jasldkf;lsdf wdym i get to read things for free??
on a related note. comments on my fics :))) just imagine me doing a lil happy dance anytime i see my inbox with unread messages
decks of cards (+ card games even if I Am Not Very Good at a lot of them lmfao ik i'm a disappointment to my name)
fishy earsies. (this one uh makes sense to one (1) person but i've been laughing over this bit for the past two minutes as i type this so i can't not write it jaksd;fklsjfd)
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causenessus · 1 month
omg i hate that guy <- not really anymore,, he's a good teacher my grades shot up SO fast (D->A within three months of him teaching) BUT LIKEEEE HES BEEN TEACHING ME SINCE 8TH GRADE AND SAYS LIKE 1 GOOD THING EVERY 6 MONTHS
he said i did well today 😎 and if i study properly ill do the same in all my next exams !!1! i have to start a bunch of different coachings eww
ANYWAYS i woke up at like 5 today (us moment) !! idk why because i had online classes that started from 9
sleep early tho!!!!!!! i hate waking up and i hate sleeping i hate everything actually
i conked out at 11:30pm last night (omfg i did not know i could do that)
im doing so good (still high off the grades) but like lowkey panicking bc of the next exams !! my goal is to beat my sister's records <//3 basically she's pike crazy good and got 7 A* and 1 B </3 i alr got an A* in the subject she got a B in, and then i have like 7 more subjects to give exams of :[
but like she is ACTUALLY so good at studies n shit she got the highest grades in her batch in biology in this years board exams (wtf!) and when she gave her 10th grade boards she got like the highest marks in economics in 34 years/basically the whole school history i will cry .
the english teacher i have rn is fucking insane she told us callous and careless are the same thing i almost cried
she also spelled ajar as ajure
NOW YOU MIGHT SAY but lina thats hecking stupid !! its not her first language:( SHE HAS A DEGREE?? AND IS THE HEAD OF THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT ??? and she took up four classes (4hrs) just talking about the SYLLABUS not even what we're learning
im aiming for like,, country highest at least in english so having her is a terrifying thought
okay anyways ill go erm sorry for yapping.. IM STARTING MY HEALTHY STUDY GIRL ERA AND STUDY NOW!!! honestly im quite proud of myself because like a year and a bit ago my grades were like,, 1 U, 3 Ds, 5 Cs and 1 B like wtf .. anyways the subject i got a U in back then,, i got 90% in boards this year ! and my lowest grade recently was 80% like chat we r eating ts up
LINA SIDE TAGENT THAT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH i love how energetic your writing is!!! like it's rubbing off on me <33 i was feeling a little sleepy but now that i'm reading your ask i feel more like !!! awake!!!! this is all /pos I JUST WANTED TO SAY I LOVE THE WAY YOU TALK </33 BUT PLEASE 5 AM???? AND YOUR FIRST ONLINE CLASS IS AT 9??? PLEASE BRO WHY IS THAT THE USUAL?? 😭 WHEN MY FIRST CLASSES WERE ONLINE IN HIGH SCHOOL I FR WOKE UP AT LIKE 8 EVERYDAY (bc idk how they were for you but like google meets were once a week and optional bc they'd just record it anyway so i'd watch the recordings at like 2x speed while doomscrolling tumblr or something)
YOU SLEEP EARLY PLEASE!! or like sleep more idk 😭😭 i could never wake up at 5 am willingly you're amazing for that 😭 the "i hate everything actually" is SO real it made me laugh so hard PLEASE 😭
YOUR SISTER SOUNDS CRAZY??? LIKE GOOD LUCK BEATING HER RECORDS IG </3 BUT PLEASE DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT OR MAKE IT A BIG DEAL !! YOU DID AMAZING THIS TIME AROUND WITH YOUR EXAMS AND IK YOU'LL DO GREAT AGAIN BUT DEFINITELY DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH PLEASE!! i cannot believe the thing about your sister having the highest grades in ECONOMICS in like 34 years because economics is NOT fun that class made like 0 sense to me like bro if the global market is crashing and economists don't understand it HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND IT ?????????
amazing job with the better grades!! and i love your healthy study girl era!! please make sure to take care of yourself and keep your mind and body nourished <333 i hope you're doing alright!! i just saw something on your blog recently that made me want to make sure you're doing alright!!! please know that my dms are always open to you!! <33 take it easy and you're an amazing person <3 you're so sweet and talented please let me know if you need anything!!
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blutpop · 2 months
Umm ah uhh I dunno really how to ask but I want to know anyways-
Austria- 2,4,7
Prussia- 2,3,9
Creator- 1 and 3
Again I dunno how to do these kinds of asks so correct if I did anything wrong, also no pressure!
first off dont even worry about it i feel that 👍
long post ahead!!!!!!
austria -
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic/alterous etc) Do they have opinions about it?
bi or pan tbh, but i lean more towards bi. not for any actual reason, just vibes-wise. generally, they just don't really care
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
seeing how austria as a real life country is surrounded by countries that have capitals/large cities that are more queer than not, i'd say that austria could be pretty gay-friendly. so, in the context of austria as a character, i'd say her environment is decent at least. if we were talking characters-wise though, they've definitely faced homo/transphobia,, especially by prussia (we'll get into him next)
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
what role she has to play in what scenario, i think... i'd imagine austria as being more fluid with gender, but leans much less on masculinity. they can probably take on that role if she really needs to though
prussia -
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic/alterous etc) Do they have opinions about it?
bi tragedy bro. he used to be insecure about it, thinking that he can only date cis girls so no one thinks hes 'straight'
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
he's kind of a misogynist (much less in modern-day... not intentionally at least) so i'd say he just started calling himself a dude because he didn't like the idea of being seen as a damsel in distress, or having to do what women traditionally do (such as bear children, cook, clean, stuff like that). then he realised he actually liked that and just stuck with it ever since
9. Are there cultural lore or specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
have you seen berlin .
anyway, we know prussia was the teutonic order and stuff, so of course he's going to have a very violent and traditionally masculine upbringing. that's all i can really think of to say about that but i hope that makes sense
für mich?? :0
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
prussia, actually - he's acespec somewhere
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
(ik in the second ask u didnt list this but i wrote it out for 3 anyways)
austria,, when i first got into hetalia i hc'd them as transmasc, and it still hits as a headcanon, but it's not something i personally see her as anymore.
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
i like it more casual, nothing incredibly tragic unless it's a full-on hatecrime. i just think that making every trans/homophobic remark/action tragic just... makes it less tasteful and less realistic
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery?
i'm gonna get comfy here and say that seeing prussia as a freak in the sheets made me more comfortable with doing the same. like, leather and stuff like that
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
i NEED to see more of your art !!!!!
*bats eyelashes* this is a threat.
For future standalone posts like Possession AU/actual Fanfics/Non-Asks I'll probably add some of my art as a fun visual, since it sucks the closest I can get is gifs to feeling more immersed! :/
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These I drew over the past 2-3 weeks! They're my lovely OCS, left to right, Lucille, Mara and Sabrina! They're story is a big fat beautiful shit on JK Rowl*ng! Lucille is a black lesbian successful trans woman/future magic council-woman, Mara is a japanese-american hard-headed/bold sapphic woman/future professional magical athlete, and Sabrina is a plus-size queer woman/future professional magical plants necromancer! They're in my twist on Harry Potter universe, where they all go to magical university, and the point is that Mara and Lucille are infamous school rivals, but then fall in love/fall in love with Sabrina too! A magical gay polycule if u will, I've written 2 short stories about them for my fiction class so far!
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this was my last project for my illustration 2 class! I have a physical comic book/zine I'm making, but this is the summary TLDR digital piece lol, its actually a sort of isekai of myself into Percy Jackson and changing his fate for the better! (Yes ik his anatomy is ROUGH, dont look at him too hard- SOBS)
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Here's an earlier project this year from Illustration 2, I got an article I had to make illustrations for, to help you understand it/add aesthetic to it! My subject was Cosmic Topology, pretty sick topic if u ever wanna look it up, it's about the shape of the universe! :0
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And these-
are the gifs from that art exhibition I talked so much about the past couple weeks! It was my senior art exhibition (a requirement to display art in the uni gallery to graduate!)
irl photos under this text block!
These are actually being projected across pages in a fake photo album/prom guestbook thingy, fully interactive so u can turn the pages and it shows a new animation, like a magical storybook! Also, since it's prom themed, I made it a kinda guestbook/sign book so gallery viewers can get some glitter pens I left out to sign the end of it! I also have a playlist I made playing in the gallery along with it so it's like what they'd play at this prom! :) hope that made sense!
The content is that the girl you see walking around in white is getting social anxiety/stressed out, to the point of dissociating, as a way of doing my theme I've kept up for university of things appearing darker than they initially look (hence the colors + I love colors), and to bring awareness to mental health!
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welp, didnt mean to include all that black space, but that's my artist statement too! (u cant see the prints in the pictures, that's just my interactive piece I was talking about!)
hope if u click on the statement it's readable lol
Just click on the Alt text, I pasted it there 😭 also the piece is called
"You're the Star of the Night (you're dissociating)!"
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Tumblr hates me so I just made the gif of me actually turning the pages into a link/QR code thingy! feel free to check out if u want :)
Uh anyway, if you made it this far, thank you so much!
Can't wait to make more fanart tbh lol
AND THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR ASKING ORAH!! (sorry it wasnt more genshin stuff whoops...) RLLY HOPE I DIDNT SPAM U TOO HARD-
Safe travels,
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indecisive-dizzy · 3 months
Hi pookie!
Since you mentioned liking Trolls, I wanted to ask if you had any headcanons or ideas for the characters? And which one if your favorite movie? (Mine is Trolls 3 ^o^)
I love Trolls, but I definitely don’t interact with it enough nowadays :,)
I hope you have a good day today bestie ♥︎ (i figured out how to use these and I’m going to use them a lot now :0)
I! Am! Excited!! Band Together is also my favorite movie <3 followed very closely by World Tour (sorry trolls 1, I still love you) It's pretty late by now but I hope you have a good timezone too pookie!
Hmm in regards to character specific hcs I don't think I have too many that are original lol. like the hc that Floyd is disabled after the events of the movie, it's one of my favs
Buuut something I don't think I've seen that I hc is Floyd being closest with Bruce in terms of his older brothers! Like he and Branch are closest overall ofc but Bruce is his closest (and favorite cough-) older brother.
John Dory's energy was too much for Floyd when he was little and same kinda with Clay. Yeah Clay's actually more serious and calm in reality but I think he still Likes having fun and was a pretty rambunctious kid. Bruce on the other hand was waaay more chill. There was no band yet so he wasn't (as) worried about his Chiseled Abs and had plenty of time to spend with Floyd. Floyd was a crybaby to put it bluntly and was pretty easily spooked by things so Bruce's calmer demeanor helped a lot. Floyd also loved hiding out/napping in Bruce's hair, according to him Bruce's hair was always the softest.
Character stuff really ends there. Most of my hcs are about traits of diff tribes and locations lol So don't mind me cuz I wanna talk about Rock Trolls <3
Again there's a Lot of widely accepted hcs out there and I can't remember them all so as I'm listing these keep in mind they're probably not original ideas <3
Rock Trolls live next to/around a Freaking Volcano. That's not hc but it's important
Rock Trolls can tolerate a Lot of Heat. kinda proven in canon with the rock troll in a lava pool scene but still. However, Volcano Rock doesn't really get that cold. Like Ever. So rock trolls are very intolerable to cold. Drop a rock troll in Pop Village in the middle of winter and you get a very upset and hypothermic troll. Call a doctor. Rock trolls need some serious bundling up if they're gonna be out in the cold.
They are generally Very sturdy and can tolerate pretty much anything as long as it's above 70 degrees F. Also Volcano's give off a lot stuff you probably shouldn't breathe but the rock trolls are fine! To them the air is Always Fresh (with sulfur)
digs through notes,, let's see what else I got,, Ah!
Rock trolls have much tougher hides than pretty much any other tribe! Very hard to chew. Like a well done steak. Except that steak tastes like someone squeezed lime juice over the ashes of a burnt bunch of chili peppers.
Uh their hair is also drier and harder to manipulate (<- this one ik isn't original but I can't remember where I saw it) Speaking of, a rock troll's hair naturally grows further down the neck and ends just before their shoulders/back like a sorta scruff. This scruff is mostly used to snatch up and carry around trollings hehe. Many choose to shave the scruff hair as an adult but there's plenty who keep it too.
,,,,man this really did just turn into some Rock Troll Lore. eh it makes sense tbh haha my brain is currently very occupied by a rock troll oc. hmmm speaking of!
I only have like 3 ocs for trolls lol. No idea if I'll talk about them bc two aren't that fleshed out while number three (the rock troll) has way more going on. But I guess I could drop their names n genres for funsies :]
In order of Creation we got Quarry (Indie, he/him), Tizzy (Hyperpop, Yes), and Cinder (Rock, he/him)!
Cinder is my current pride and joy, he's got so much more lore and things about him,, he's my baby sobs
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funkyyusername · 23 hours
okay i've decided to make a more organized review on the flipside with my own personal reviews on each ending cuz ik tumblr loves the opinions of some random girl. spoilers for flipside ofc, if u care idc
the fucking slave ending: this was the one ending that i like passionately hate. because like, what?? first the story felt NOTHING like a class of 09 game, it felt like this weird episodic story with a twist end that was only there for the shock and emo factor. like i actually prefer if they had killed jecka instead of SELLING HER TO GODDAMN SLAVERY. literally this entire route is just, girls want paycheck, girls go to porn store, old school counselor gives them fuck up riddle completely occ for class of 09, girls find porn warehouse, counselor kills one girl, fbi sells the other. literally what?? that is some weird fucked up excuse of a story that was lowkey boring until the porn warehouse shit. felt like a goddamn scoobydoo episode with a poorly written edgy twist. also kelly was just boring as shit sorry kelly fans i snored. 0/10
drunk driving ending: this also felt not like a class of 09 ending but it was like slightly better bc black hair jecka was cool. i didn't know what to expect with this ending but i didn't think goddamn ARI would die. i kept forgetting about ari during this run. like yeah they make fun of her once and then bring her up again when jecka tries to get a job but like, that's it. maybe i'm remembering wrong but when another character is involved with an ending they usually include that character more. in the reup the suicide pact ending was like emily heaven. both ari endings had ari show up a bunch and have her gay awaken be like important to the story and constantly brought up. this one just, eh. it's not bad but like, eh. seeing ari's dead body was more of a jumpscare. like "ah! i forgot about her. wait why is she here again? oh right dominos." just felt off. 3/10
feet ending: okay first why feet? and why so many goddamn cut scenes with jecka stepping on people. like i get it move on. anyway so nicole's betrayal was..something. it's weird cuz it does feel like something nicole would do...to like someone she hates. the megan ending in the reup happened bc nicole was tired of megan being like a bitchy stuck up bossy bitch. but also like nicole never even liked megan. and like i get that nicole got pissed cuz jecka wouldn't let her join her feet empire but like, that's so minor. i feel like what would make more sense is nicole being like "fuck u i don't need u" and building her own feet empire, one up-ing jecka and making her lose her place, kinda like the OD ending. but nicole only doing it do jecka's dad? i mean i dunno. i get nicoles evil and whatever but also nicole likes jecka. or at least liked her enough to get the counselor off her back in the reup, liked her enough to buy tickets for the two of them to go to a concert, liked her enough to like, not tell her to fuck off and die. nicoles evil but she still LIKED jecka. for something like that i feel like nicole and jecka would have needed a much more dramatic falling out, not just, being mad for getting feet fomo. 4/10
OD ending: okay so admittedly what nicole did to jefferfy felt in character for both nicole and the game. how nicole treated jecka when she threaten her if she called the police felt in character to nicole. it was overall not that bad of an ending, but i found myself being more interested in nicoles pov than jeckas, which is upsetting bc this is literally jecka's game. nicole was the highlight of jeckas own game. ironic. 6/10
nicole suicide ending: the one ending i actually liked. this felt like an actually class of 09 ending, it gave insight to wtf jecka was going through before during and after nicoles nice girl turned suicide ending. jecka suffering just as much as nicole, almost mirroring nicole was really interesting. the scene where jecka is begging to hang out with nicole. where she tells nicole she "doesn't have to do anything," in which nicole responds back with "you don't have to date your teacher." jecka finding nicole fucking dead body. and even after nicoles death jeckas still suffering, bc she really was the only one who cared for nicole. it actually felt real and actually made sense. all the suffering jecka goes through here made sense for the plot and didn't just feel like it was making jecka suffer for the sake of suffering. it was just a very interesting take on nicoles suicide ending. not really funny, but still was an appealing story. 8/10
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